bibliography on undocumented migrants or migrants in an irregular situation: bibliographie sur les...

Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrkguli?re Bibliografia sobre 10s migrantes indocumentados o en situacih irregular 61

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Page 1: Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation: Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrégulière: Bibliografía sobre los migrantes

Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants

in an Irregular Situation

Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en

situation irrkguli?re

Bibliografia sobre 10s migrantes indocumentados o en

situacih irregular


Page 2: Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation: Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrégulière: Bibliografía sobre los migrantes


the continuation of MIGRATION (ICM) and the REMP-BULLETIN (REMP), is a quarterly review on the role of migratory movements in the contemporary world. ICM (Intergovernmental Committee for Migration) was created in Brussels in 1951 to assist the movements of national migrants from Europe to countries overseas and to be concerned with the migration of refugees. The REMP (Research Group for European Migration Problems) includes a number of European economists, sociologists and demo- graphers who, since 1952, have combined their efforts to study on an international level the problems arising from the imbalance between population and means of sub- sistence, as well as the consequences of their solutions. Articles are published either in English, French or Spanish with summaries given in the two other languages. Advisory

Editor: Prof. Dr. W.A. Dumon, Ph. D., Sociological Research Institute, E. van Evenstraat 2 c, 3000 Leuven, Belgium,

to whom books for review and authors’ articles can be sent. Publisher: ICM, P.O. Box 100, CH 1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland.


revue trimestrielle consacrde h l’dtude du r61e des mouvements migratoires dam le monde contemporain, constitue la suite des pdriodiques MIGRATIONS (CW) et REMP-BULLETIN (REMP). Le CIM (Comitd intergouvernmental pour les migrations) a dtd crde h Bruxelles en 1951 pour faciliter les mouvements des dmigrants nationaux d’Europe vers les pays d’outre-mer, ainsi que l’dmigration des rdfugids. Le REMP est un groupe de recherche SUI les problemes migratoires europdens form6 d’un certain nombre d’dconomistes, de sociologues et de ddmographes europdens qui, depuis 195 2, unissent leurs efforts pour dtudier SUI le plan international les problemes que pose le ddsdquilibre existant entre l’effectif de la population et les moyens de subsistance, ainsi que les con- sequences possibles des solutions envisagdes. Les articles sont publids en anglais, espagnol ou franpis et sont rdsumds dans les deux autres langues. Les articles que leurs auteurs ddsireraient soumettre a la redaction en vue de leur publication ou les livres

analyser peuvent &re adressds h M. W.A. Dumon, Conseiller de rddaction, Professeur, Institut de recherche sociologiques, E. van Evenstraat 2 c, 3000 Louvain, Belgique.

Editeur: CIM. Boite postale 100, CH 1211 Geneve 19, Suisse.


publicaci6n trimestral consagrada al estudio de la funci6n de 10s movimientos migra- torios en el mundo contempor6neo, es la continuadora de las revistas MIGRACION (del CIM) y REMP-BULLETIN (del REMP), El CIM (Comitd Intergubernamental para las Migraciones) fue creado en Bruselas, en 1951, para facilitar el traslado de 10s migrantes nacionales de Europa a 10s pakes de ultramar, asi como la emigraci6n de 10s refugiados. El REMP es un grupo de investigacibn sobre 10s problemas migratorios de Europa, compuesto por un cierto nhmero de economistas, sociblogos y dem6grafos europeos que, desde 1952, han aunado sus esfuerzos para estudiar, desde el punto de vista internacional, 10s problemas que plantea el desequikibrio entre la poblaci6n y 10s medios de subsistencia, asi como las eventuales consecuencias de las distintas soluciones posibles. Los articulos se publican en 10s idiomas espaiiol, franc& o inglds, con re- simenes en 10s otros dos idiomas. Los autores que deseen someter a la redacci6n articu- 10s con miras a su publicaci6n o libros para recensi6n, pueden dirigirse al asesor de

redaccibn, Prof.Dr. W.A. Dumon, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociol6gicas, E. van Evenstraat 2 c, 3000 Lovaina, Bdlgica.

Editor: CIM, Apartado postal 100, CH 1211 Ginebra 19, Suiza.

Page 3: Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation: Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrégulière: Bibliografía sobre los migrantes


This bibliograpy has been compiled in 1982 on the basis of the books, articles and other documents available in the library of ICM, as well as in those of some centres of research, of international organizations and of voluntary agencies. Bibliographical references from various other reliable sources have also been included. Documents have been classified according to a geographical criterion and according to subject. The disparity in the number of documents collected for some regions of the world as compared to others is due to the fact that most of the research has been carried out in Western Europe and in the Americas. This work, which does not attempt to be exhaustive, has been carried out with two different aims. The first is to provide information to all persons interested in the subject. The second is to stimulate the realization of new bibliographical research so that the work can be further advanced and can contribute to the understanding of the problems of undocumented migrants or migrants in an irregular situation.


La prBsente bibliographie a BtB BlaborBe en 1982, sur la base des ouvrages, articles et autres documents qu'on peut trouver B la bibliothbque du CIM et dans celles de certains centres de recherche, d'organisations internationales et d'institutions bBn6voles. Elle mentionne aussi d'autres textes Bmanant de sources autoris6e.s. Les documents sont classes par region gbographique et par matibre. L'Bcart entre le nombre des documents provenant de certaines regions du monde et celui d'autres regions vient de ce que la plupart des travaux de recherche ont BtB faits en Europe occidentale et dans le continent ambricain. La prBsente compilation, qui ne se veut nullement exhaustive, a BtB Btablie dans un double but. Tout d'abord, fournir des renseignements B quiconque s'intbresse au sujet. Ensuite, encourager de nouvelles recherches bibliographiques de fapon a faire progresser le travail et contribuer ainsi B faire comprendre les problbmes des migrants sans documents ou en situation irr6gulibre.


Esta bibliografia ha sido elaborada en 1982 sobre la base de libros, articulos y otros documentos disponibles en la biblioteca del CIM, asl como en las bibliotecas de algunos centros de investigaci6n, organizaciones internacionales y agencias ben6volas. TambiBn se han incluido referencias bibliogrhficas de varias otras fuentes fidedignas. Los documentos han sido clasificados seglin un criterio geogrhfico y por temas. La disparidad en el ndmero de documentos compilados respecto de algunas regiones del mundo en cornparacidn con otras se debe al hecho de que la mayor pane de la tarea de investigaci6n ha sido efectuada en Europa occidental y en las AmBricas. Este trabajo, que no pretende ser exhaustivo, ha sido realizado teniendo en cuenta dos objetivos diferentes. En primer lugar, facilitar informacidn a todas las personas interesadas en la materia. En segundo lugar, estimular la realizacibn de nuevas investigaciones bibliogrhficas de forma que el trabajo pueda ser proseguido y contribuir a la mejor comprensi6n de 10s problemas de 10s migrantes indocumentados o en situaci6n irregular.


Page 4: Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation: Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrégulière: Bibliografía sobre los migrantes





2. Africa

3. Americas

a Canada

b United States of America

Migrants in an irregular situation in general and around the world.

(i) General

(ii) Undocumented Mexican Migrants to and in the U.S.A.

(iii) Undocumented Migrants in the U S A : an historical view

c Caribbean

d Central America

e South America

4. Asia

5. Europe

6. Oceania

7. Comparative studies: Europe - North America



1. General

2. Africa

3. Americas

a Canada

b United States of America

c Latin America

4. Asia

5. Europe

6. Oceania








81 2

81 7

81 8

81 8

81 9














83 1



Page 5: Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation: Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrégulière: Bibliografía sobre los migrantes


1. Africa

2. Americas

a United States of America

b Caribbean

c Latin America

3. Asia

4. Europe



1. General

2. Human Rights and the Rights of Undocumented Migrants

3. International and Comparative Law

4. Africa

5. Americas

a Canada

b United States of America

c Latin America

6. Asia

7. Europe

8. Oceania

















84 1










Page 6: Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation: Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrégulière: Bibliografía sobre los migrantes

A. G E N E R A L O V E R V I E W S


ANSAY, T. sur I'immigration clandestine du Conseil de I'Europe, Strasbourg, juillet 1975.

L 'immigration clandestine. Rapport d'expert consultant pour le groupe de travail

BRYCE-LAPORTE, R. (ed.) the International Community. Research Institute on Immigration and Ethnic Studies. Smithsonian Institution. Transaction Books, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1980, 5 1 1 p.

Sourcebook on the New Immigration: Implications for the US and

CENTER FOR MIGRATION STUDIES, (N.Y .) in: Migration Today, vol.lV, No.3, June 1976.

CHURCHES COMMITTEE ON MIGRANT WORKERS. 'Clandestine Migration'. Guidelines approved at the 2nd Assembly, Geneva, April 30 - May 3, 1974,in: Migration Today, No. 18,

CICRED relation to International Migration held in Buenos Aires, 5 - 11 March 1974, 303 p.

CIM cinquibme sbminaire sur I'adaptation et I'intbgration des immigrants permanents, Genbve, 6 - 10 avril 1981, in: International Migration, vol. XIX, No. 1/2, 1981, pp. 47 - 48.

COMMISSION PONTIFICALE POUR LA PASTORALE DES MIGRANTS ET DES TOURISTES clandestins parmi nous. Sixibme sbminaire sur I'adaptation et I'intbgration des immigrants: les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrbgulibre. CIM, Genbve, 1983, 13 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/INF/13.

'Clandestine Migration Around the World',

1974, pp. 134 - 137.

International Migration. Proceedings of a Seminar on Demographic Research in

'La femme migrante en situation irregulibre'. Conclusions et recommandations du


DARIEL, J. Paris, 1975, 21 1 p.

DUMON, W. Adaptation and Integration of Immigrants: Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation. ICM, Geneva, 1983.21 p. Doc. MC/SAI/V1/7. (Available also in French and Spanish). International Migration, vol. XXI-2-1983, pp. 218 -229.

La Traite des pauvres. Racolage et exploitation des travailleurs &rangers. Fayard,

Effects of Undocumented Migration for Individuals Concerned. Sixth Seminar on

GEORGE, P. Les Migrations internationales. Presses universitaires de France. Paris, 1976, 230 p.

HENDRICKS, G. 'The Illegal Migrant: Some Research Strategies', in: Bryce-Laporte, R. (ed.) : Sourcebook on the New Immigration : Implications for the US and the International Community. Research Institute on Immigration and Ethnic Studies, Smithsonian Institution. Transaction Books, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1980, pp. 373 - 378.

HOUDAILLE, J. et SAUVY, A. 'L'immigration clandestine dans le monde', in: juillet - octobre, 1974, No. 4 - 5 pp. d'btudes dbmographiques.

Population, 725 - 742. Paris, Ministbre du Travail, lnstitut national

ICM Adaptation and Integration of Immigrants : Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation. ICM, Geneva, 1983, 19 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/INF/30. (Available also in French and Spanish).

Irregular Migration: A challenge to the International Community. Sixth Seminar on


Page 7: Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation: Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrégulière: Bibliografía sobre los migrantes

ICM 'Problems concerning Clandestine Migrant Children'. Conclusions and Recommendations of the Fourth Seminar on Adaptation and Integration of Permanent Immigrants. in: lnternational Migration,vol. XVII, No. 1/2, 1979, pp. 28 - 29.

ILO 7 P.

JACQUES, A. humaine de /'existence des travailleurs migrants sans documents et le r5le des Eglises. SixiBme sBminaire sur I'adaptation et I'intbgration des immigrants: Les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrBguliBre. CIM, GenBve, 1983, 4 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/INF/l6. (Available also in English and Spanish).

KRITZ, M., KEELY, C., and TOMASI, S. (eds.) Research on lnternational Population Movements. The Center for Migration Studies, N.Y., 1981,

LOY, F. (German Marshall Fund of the United States). Undocumented Migration. Sixth Seminar on Adaptation and Integration of Immigrants : Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation. ICM, Geneva, 1983, 11 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/INF/25.

SECRETARIA DEL TRABAJO Y PREVISION SOCIAL, MEXICO in: Revista mexicana del trabajo,5 (2-3), Apr-Sep., 1975, pp. 7 - 288.

UNITED NATIONS World Population Trends and Policies. 1979 Monitoring Report. Vol. I and II. Population Trends.

UN ECOSOC, COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Clandestine Trafficking. Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. Exploitation of Labour through Illicit and Clandestine Trafficking, Geneva, 1975, 58 p. (Document UN - E/CN.4/SUB.2/L.629).

WESTHOFF, J. Migration: A Threat and an Incentive. Sixth Seminar on Adaptation and Integration of Immigrants: Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation. ICM, Geneva, 1983, 22 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/INF/27.

Adaptation and Integration of Migrant and Refugee Children, Geneva, May 1979,

15 - 24 October, 1975, Report o f the Meeting o f Experts on Migrant Workers,Geneva,

(Conseil oecumbnique des Bglises). La signification gconomique, sociale et

Global Trends in Migration: Theory and

433 p.

'Trabajadores migratorios',

Exploitation o f Labour through Illicit and

Note by the Secretary General, and Study by Mrs. H. Embarek Warzazi on the


ADEPOJU, A. Adaptation and Integration of Immigrants : Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation. ICM. Geneva, 1983, 22 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/G. (available also in French and Spanish). International Migration, vol. XXI-2-1983, pp. 204 -217.

BIRKS, J. and SINCLAIR, C. Geneva, 1980, 175 p.

DIRECTOR GENERAL OF PASSPORTS, IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY, SUDAN. Undocumented Migrants. Sixth Seminar on Adaptation and Integration of Immigrants: Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation. ICM, Geneva, 1983, 6 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/INF/24.

OHADIKE, P. vol. VIII, No. 3, fall 1974, pp. 395 - 41 1.

OKOYE-CHIKE, S. Africa,vol. 1.

Undocumented Migration in Africa: Trends and Policies. Sixth Seminar on

lnternational Migration and Development in the Arab Region. ILO,

'Immigrants and Development in Zambia',in : lnternational Migration Review,

'Migration in Sierra Leone',in : World Bank Staff working paper No. 414.

Demographic Aspects of Migration in West September 1980, pp. 1 - 40.


Page 8: Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation: Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrégulière: Bibliografía sobre los migrantes

PEIL, M. 'Ghana's Aliens',in: lnternational Migration Review, vol. VIII, No. 3, fall 1974,pp.

PEIL, M. Journal o f Modern African Studies,vol.

367 - 381.

'The Expulsion of West African Aliens',in: 9, NO. 2, pp. 205 - 209.

PROTHERO, R. M. Review,vol. VIII, No. 3, fall 1974, pp. 383 - 394.

SERAGELDIN, I., SOCKNAT, J. et al. Middle East and North Africa. Technical Assistance and Special Studies Division, The World Bank, Washington D.C., 1981, 263 p.

THOMAS, J. (Food for the Hungry International, INC.). Undocumented Migrants: Some Aspects in the African Scene. Sixth Seminar on Adaptation and Integration of Immigrants : Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation. ICM, Geneva, 1983, 26 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/INF/21.

ZACHARIAH, K. and CONDE, J. Migration in West Africa: Demographic Aspects,a joint World Bank - OECD study. London, Oxford University Press, 1981, 130 p.

ZACHARIAH, K. and NAIR, N. 'Demographic Aspects of recent International and Internal Migration in Ghana',in: Staff working paper No. 414. September 1980, pp.

'Foreign Migrant Labour for South Africa',in : lnternational Migration

Manpower and lnternational Labour Migration in the


Demographic Aspects o f Migration in West Africa,vol. 1 - World Bank 1 - 95.

3. A M E R I C A S


DOUYON, E. 'Les immigrants Haitiens B Montreal',in: Lamur, H. and Speckmann N.J. (eds.) : Adaptation o f Migrants from the Caribbean in the European and American Metropolis. University of Amsterdam, Department of Anthropology and Non-Western Sociology; Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology at Leiden, 1978, pp. 144-1 60.

DUFF MITCHELL, A. Consultants',in : Refuge, Canada's National Newsletter on Refugees, vol. 1, No.7, March/April 1982.

'The Exploitation of potential Immigrants by unscrupulous

HAWKINS, F. 'Canada's Unintended Amnesty',in: Migration Today,No. 5, June 1977, pp. 7 - 1 1 .


JOHNSON, K. and WILLIAMS, M. lllegal Aliens in the Western Hemisphere: Economic Factors. Praeger Special Studies, Praeger, New York, 198 1, 207 p.

NORTH, D. S. learn. ILO, World Employment Programme, Geneva, 1979, 36 p. Document ILO - WEP2 - 26/WP. 43.

NORTH, D. and WAGNER, J. Population Conference,Solicited Papers, Manila, 7981, vol. 2, pp. 473 - 489, pub. by the lnternational Union for the Scientific Study of Population, LiBge, Belgium.

'Brief on the Canadian Green Paper',in: Migration News, No. 6, 1975, p.26.

Political and

The Canadian Experience with Amnesty for Aliens: What the US can

'Illegal Migrants in Northern America',in : lnternational


Page 9: Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation: Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrégulière: Bibliografía sobre los migrantes


3.b (i) GENERAL

AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMITTEE, PHILADELPHIA, USA. Undocumented Workers in the United States: A Lesson from Florida. Sixth Seminar on Adaptation and Integration of Immigrants : Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation. ICM, Geneva, 1983, 15 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/INF/43.

AMERICAN IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP CONFERENCE Citizenship Conference', in: News, vol. XXIII, No. 2, June 17, 1977.

BELLAMY, C. 'Illegal Immigration to New York City and the Select Commission's Final Report', in: In Defense of the Alien, vol. IV. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual National Legal Conference on US Immigration Today, Center for Migration Studies, Washington, March 26 - 27. 1981.

BOHNING, W.R. 'Legal and Illegal Migration to the United States', in: lnternational Labour Review, Geneva. 1980, 119, 2, pp. 255 - 260.

BRYCE-LAPORTE, R. (ed.) Sourcebook on the New Immigration: lmplications for the US and the lnternational Community. Research Institute on Immigration and Ethnic Studies, Smithsonian Institution. Transaction Books, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1980, 51 1 p.


CASTILLO, L. 'Dealing with the Undocumented Alien. An Interim Approach', in: lnternational Migration Review, vol. 12, No. 4, winter 1978, pp. 570 - 577

CENTER FOR MIGRATION STUDIES (N.Y.) Special number on undocumented migrants. Contains :


- GRACIDA, R. Bishop, 'The Undocumented Migrants in our Midst: a National Moral Responsibility', pp. 9 - 10.

- HOLTZMAN, E. 'The Undocumented Migrants and Public Policies', pp.

- BONILLA, F. 'Public Research on Undocumented Migrants: of the Domestic Council of Illegal Aliens', pp. 23 - 24.

- FRAGOMEN, A. Jr., 'After Amnesty, What?' pp. 25 - 26.

- COWAN, M. 'Counselling the Undocumented Migrants', pp. 27 - 30.

- KARVELIS, B. 'Undocumented Immigrant Families', pp. 31- 33.

CHAPMAN, L. Jr., 'Illegal Aliens. A Growing Population', in lmmigration and Naturalization Reporter, 24: pp. 15 - 18, fall 1975

COMMUNITY RESEARCH ASSOCIATES. INC., Undocumented lmmigrants: Their lmpact on the County of San Diego. San Diego, 1980, 376 p.

CORNELIUS, W. Knowledge and Priorities for Future Research. Monographs in US-Mexican Studies, No. 1, La Jolla, California, Center for US-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego, 1982.

'American Immigration and

Silent lnvasion Issue. Colegio de MBxico, 1976, (Conference Paper).

Migration Today, vol. 5, No. 2, April 1977.

'New York City and the Newest Immigrants', pp. 11 - 12

13 - 15.

remarks on the preliminary Report

Mexican and Caribbean Migration to the US: The State of Current


Page 10: Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation: Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrégulière: Bibliografía sobre los migrantes

CORNELIUS, W., CRUZ BETANCOURT, C., CASTANO, J., CHANEY, E. The Dynamics of Migration: lnternational Migration. Smithsonian Institution. Interdisciplinary Communication Program, Washington DC. Occasional monograph series 5, vol. 2, 1976, 141 p. Contains:

- CORNELIUS, W. 'Outmigration from Rural Mexican Communities', pp. 1 - 40.

- CASTANO, J. and CRUZ BETANCOURT, C. 'Colombian Migration to the US, part 1 ' : pp. 41 - 85.

Cut, R. and BACH, R. Exile: Recent Mexican and Cuban Immigrants in the US', in: Bryce-Laporte, R. (ed.): Sourcebook on the New Immigration: lmplications for the US and the lnternational Community. Research Institute on Immigration and Ethnic Studies, Smithsonian Institution. Transaction Books, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1980, pp. 257 - 269.

DAVIDSON, C. presented a t the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Washington DC, March 26 - 28, 1981.

DOMINGUEZ, V. Antilles Research Programme, Yale University, New Haven, 1975, 177 p.

DUNBAR, T. AND KRAVITZ, L. America. Ballinger Pub., Co., Cambridge, Mass., 1976, 159 p.

'The Return of the Clandestine Worker and the End of the Golden

Characteristics of deportable Aliens located in the Interior of the US. Paper

From Neighbour to Stranger: the Dilemma of Caribbean Peoples in the US.

Hard Travelling: Migrant Farm Workers in

ELWELL, P., KEELY, C.B., FRAGOMEN, A., TOMASI, S. Undocumented Aliens in New York City, a Preliminary Report in: Migration Today, 5 : December 1977.

'Haitian and Dominican 5 - 9

FOGEL, W. October 1977.

'Illegal Alien Workers in the US', in: lndustrial Relations, 1 6 3 , pp. 243 - 263,

FRISBIE, W.P. in: lnternational Migration Review, 9: pp. 3 - 13, Spring 1975.

'Illegal Migration From Mexico to the US: a Longitudinal Analysis',

GALLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., for the US. Immigration and Naturalization Serivce, 1976, p. 18.

The Gallup Study of Attitudes towards Illegal Aliens. Survey

GARCIA CASTRO, M. 'Women in Migration', in: Migration Today, vol. X, No. 3 4 , 1982,

GORDON, W. 'The Problem of Illegal Aliens', in: Texas Business Review, 5 1 : pp. 167 - 170, August 1977.

pp. 2 2 - 3 2 .

GRAHAM, 0. 1980,32 p.

lllegal lmmigration and the New Reform Movement. Washington DC, FAIR,

HEILMAN, M. and SURENA, A. Responses to Controlled and Uncontrolled Migration. Sixth Seminar on Adaptation and Integration of lmmiarants: Undocumented Miarants or Miarants in an lrreaular Situation. ICM. Geneva.

Migration into the United States: Perceptions of and

1983, f5 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/l 1.-(Available Gso in French a 2 Spanish). lnternational Migration, VOI. XXI-2-1983, pp. 288 - 304.

HEWLETT, S.A. 60: pp. 358 - 378, winter 1981/82.

IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE Fraudulent Entrants Study: a Study of Malafide Applicants for Admission at Selected Airports and Southwest Land Border Ports. Washington, 1976, 34 p.

'Coping with Illegal Migrants', in: Foreign Affairs, New York,


Page 11: Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation: Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrégulière: Bibliografía sobre los migrantes

JAECH, R. 'Latin American Undocumented Women in the United States'. Fifth Seminar on Adaptation and Integration of Permanent Migrants, Intergovernmental Committee for Migration, Geneva, 6 - 10 April 198 1, in : lnternational Migration, Geneva, vol.XIX, No. 1 /2, 198 1. 40 p.

JOHNSON, K. and WILLIAMS, M. lllegal Aliens in the Western Hemisphere: Economic factors. Praeger Special Studies, Praeger, New York, 198 1, 207 p.

Political and

KEELY, C. 'Illegal Migration', in: Scientific American, March 1982, vol. 246, No. 3, pp. 31 -37 .


KEELY, C. and TOMASI, S. Clandestine Migration. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, session on Clandestine Migration, Montreal, April 30 1976, Center for Migration Studies, ( N.Y.) 1976, 34 p.

LAMUR, H. and SPECKMAN, J. (ads.) European and American Metropolis. American Association of Applied Anthropology Conference, 34th. Amsterdam, 1975. Published by the University of Amsterdam, 1978, 201 p.

LAURENCE, L. the Impact of his Presence on the Foreign Service. Washington, Department of State, Foreign Service Institute, 1974.

LEWIS, S.G. Slave Trade Today: American Exploitation of Illegal Aliens. Boston : Beacon Press, 1979.

LINTON and CO., INC., Washington, 1975.

MARAM, S. Market. Department of History, California State University, Fullerton, 1982.

MARAM, S., LONG, S. and BERG, D. Industries in Los Angeles County. La Jolla, California, Center for US-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego, Working papers in US-Mexican Studies, No. 12, October 1980.

MARSHALL, R. American lmmigration and Citizenship Conference. Text of Remarks, May 13, 1977.

NORTH, D. 1977.

NORTH, D. and HOUSTON, M. Report, 25 April 1977,pp. 33 - 39.

NORTH, D. and WAGNER, J. Naturalization Service. New Transcentury Foundation, 1979, 45 p.

NORTH, D. and WAGNER, J. Population Conference,Solicited Papers, Manila, 1981, vol. 2, pp. 473 - 489. Pub. by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, LiBge, Belgium.


POPULATION REFERENCE BUREAU in: Population Bulletin, Population Reference Bureau, Inc., vol. 37, No. 2, June 1982.

Profiles of Undocumented Aliens in New Haitians and Dominicans. Center for Migration Studies, ( N.Y.), 1978, 16 p.

Disposable Worker: Historical and Comparative Perspectives on

Adaptation of Migrants from the Caribbean in the

Illegal Immigrants to the US: a Profile of Characteristics and Techniques and

Illegal Alien Study Design. U.S.lmmigration and Naturalization Service,

The lmpact of Undocumented Hispanic lmmigration on the Los Angeles Labour

Hispanic Workers in the Garment and Restaurant

'Illegal Aliens: Fictions and Facts', in : Worklife, 2 : pp. 17 - 2 1 December

'Illegal Aliens out of Control?', in: US News and World

Analyzing the Apprehension Statistics of the Immigration and

'Illegal Migrants in Northern America', in: International

'A Plan to slow the Flood of Illegal Aliens', in: Business Week, No. 2393, pp. 67 - 68 (August 11, 1975).

'US Population : Where We Are; Where We're Going',

E l 1

Page 12: Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation: Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrégulière: Bibliografía sobre los migrantes

PORTES, A. University, Durham, NC, 1977, 56 p.

RIENOW, R. and RIENOW, L. The Great Unwanteds Want Us. Illegal Aliens: Too Late to Close the Gate7 Monterey: Viewpoint Books, 1980.

SAN JUAN CAFFERTY, P. States. School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago, in: Fifth Seminar on Adaptation and Integration of Permanent Immigrants, ICM, Geneva, 198 1.


TOMASI, L. Migrations, 16 (54): pp. 305 - 319, June 1979.

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LUI, T. Undocumented Migration in Hong Kong. (Specific Measures taken to reduce the Flow o f Undocumented Migrants). Sixth Seminar on Adaptation and Integration of Immigrants: Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation. ICM, Geneva, 1983, 30 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/9. (Available also in French and Spanish). lnternational Migration, vol. XXI-2-1983,

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GROUPE DE RECHERCHE ET D'ANALYSE DES MIGRATIONS INTERNATIONALES (GRAMI). Les obstacles majeurs B un contr6le des migrants en situation irr6gufihre. Sixibme seminaire sur I'adaptation et I'intbgration des immigrants: Les migrants sans documents ou en situation irr6guliBre. CIM, GenBve, 1983, 22 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/INF/31.

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KOSINSKI, L. Illegal Migration: Research and Policy Problems. Seminario de investigadores canadienses y latinoamericanos, Edmonton, 1979. University of Alberta, Department of Sociology, 1979, 15 p.

McNEILL, W. and ADAMS, R. Human Migration: Patterns and Policies. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1978, 442 p.

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BIRKS, J. and SINCLAIR, C. lnternational Migration and Development in the Arab Region ILO, Geneva, 1980, 175 p.

GOULD, W.T.S. and PROTHERO. R.M. in: UDO, R. (ed.) : Population Education Sourcebook for Sub-Saharan Africa. Commissioned by the African Social Studies Programme, Nairobi, Kenya, 1979.

SERAGELDIN, I., SOCKNAT, J. et al. Manpower and lnternational Labor in the Middle East and North Africa. Technical Assistance and Special Studies Division, The World Bank, Washington, DC., 1981, 263 p.

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AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICY RESEARCH. Aliens: Problems and Policies. Washington, 1978, 33 p.

EOHNING, W.R. Regularizing lndocumenrados. Working paper 36, ILO. World Employment Program, Geneva, 1979, 41 p.

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COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY, U.S. SENATE. Policy and Law. Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, Ninety-Sixth Congress, Second Session, October 1980.

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'Undocumented Immigration : a Critique of the Carter Administration's

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HEILMAN, M. and SURENA, A. Responses ro Conrrolled and Uncontrolled Migration. Integration of Immigrants: Geneva, 1983, 25 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/l 1. (Available also in French and Spanish).

'Domirican Fami\y Networks and US lmmigration Policy: a lnternational Migration Review, vol. 13, no. 2, summer 1979, pp. 264 -283.

Migration into the United States: Perceptions of and

Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation. Sixth Seminar on Adaptation and



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KEELY, C. 'Current Status of US Immigration and Refugee Policy', in: Kritz, M. (ed.): US lmmigration and Refugee Policy: Global and Domestic Issues. Lexington Books, Lexington,

KEELY, C. 'Development of US Immigration Policy since 1965'. in: Affairs, 33 (2). New York, 1979, pp. 249 - 263.

KEELY, C. 'Immigration Policy and the New Immigrants, 1965 - 1976'. in: R. (ed.): Community. Research Institute on Immigration and Ethnic Studies, Smithsonian Institution, Transaction Books, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1980, pp.

KEELY, C. U.S. Immigration: a Policy Analysis. Population Council, New York, 1979, 87 p.

MARTIN, P. 'Select Commission suggests Changes in Immigration Policy: a Review Essay', in: Monthly Labor Review, 105 (2), Washington, February 1982, pp. 31 - 37.

McCREA, J.M. 'Illegal Labour Migration from Mexico to the United States', in: Labour and Society. lnternational Institute for Labour Studies,Geneva, October - December 1981, pp. 355 - 373.

MUfilZ RENDON, J. Southern University Law Review, 1978, pp. 7 - 44; Immigration and Nationality law Review, 1980 - 1981, vol. 4, part II.

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NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR MANPOWER POLICY. the U.S. Special Report no. 20. February 1978.

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'An Immigration Policy of helping bring People to Resources', in: Denver 1979, pp: 607 - 626.

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'National Forum on Immigration and Refugee Policy', in : Forum, Washington Report, February 4,

REUBENS, E. 'Aliens, Jobs and Immigration Policy', in: Public Interest, New York, (51). spring

1982, pp. 1 - 18.

1978. pp. 113 - 134.

REUBENS, E. Philosophy and Public Policy. University of Maryland, College Park, 1980, 49 p.

SMITH, C. and MENDEZ, J. 'Employer Sanctions and other Labor Market Restrictions on Alien Employment: the 'Scorched Earth' Approach to Immigration Control', in: North Carolina Journal of lnternational Law and Commercial Regulation (Chapel Hill), 6 (l), winter 1980, pp. 19 - 61.


U S . DEPARTEMENT OF JUSTICE, US. DEPARTEMENT OF LABOR, U S . DEPARTEMENT OF STATE. lnreragency Task Force on lmmigration Policy: Staff Report.. Washington, 1979, 540 P.

WEINTRAUB, S. U S . Foreign Economic Policy and //legal Immigration. Paper presented at the 1982 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Denver, September 2 - 5, 1982,23 p.

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'Right versus Right: Immigration and Refugee Policy in the US', Foreign Affairs, 59 (1). New York, fall 1980, pp. 21 - 59.


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BUSTAMANTE, J. repercusiones en MBxico, in: For0 lnternacional. El Colegio de MBxico, enero-marzo de 1978, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 522 - 530.

MARMORA, L. ‘Labor Migration Policy in Colombia’, in: lnternational Migration Review, vol. 13, no. 3, fall 1979, pp. 440 - 454.

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MUMME, S. ‘Mexican Politics and the Prospects for Emigration Policy: A Policy Perspective’, in: Inter-American Economic Affairs, Washington, 32(1), summer 1978, pp: 67 - 94.

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Primer seminario latinoamericano sobre pollticas de 1979, vol. 3, 256 p.


LIM LIN LEAN and CHAN TUCK HOONG, P. and lmplications for Government Policies. Sixth Seminar on Adaptation and Integration of Immigrants: Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation. ICM, Geneva, 1983, 23 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/lO. (Available also in French and Spanish). lnternafional Migration, vol.

LUI, T. (Specific Measures taken to reduce the Flow o f Undocumented Migrants). Immigrants : Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation. ICM, Geneva, 1983, 30 p. Doc. MC/SAI/VI/9. (Available also in French and Spanish). lnternafional Migration, vol. XXI-2-1983, pp. 260 - 276.

REUBENS, E. ‘Low-Level Work in Japan without Foreign Workers’, in : lnternational Migration Review, vol. 15, no. 4, winter 1981, pp: 749 - 757.

SERAGELDIN, I . , SOCKNAT, J. et al. Manpower and lnternational Labor Migration in the Middle East and North Africa. Technical Assistance and Special Studies Division, The World Bank, Washington D.C., 1981, 263 p..

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KENNEDY-BRENNER, C. France. Centre de dbveloppement de I'OCDE. Paris, 1979, 1 17 p.

MARTIN, P.L. Guestworker Programs: Lessons from Europe. Washington, Department of Labor, Bureau of lnternational Affairs, Monograph no. 5, 1980.

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TAGGART, W. Immigration: The Need for Reform. Paper presented to the Seminar on Immigration Policies and Law, sponsored by the New South Wales Institute of Technology and Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Macquarie Legal Centre, Sidney, November 1982, 1 1 p.

WILLIAMS, D. in: Immigration and Nationality Law Review. Western New England College School of Law, Springfield, MA, U.S.A., vol. 4, 1980 - 1981, pp:

'New Zealand Immigration Policies and the Law - a Perspective',

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BIRKS, J. and SINCLAIR, C. London, 1980,391 p.

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BUSTAMANTE, J. 'Emigracibn indocumentada a 10s Estados Unidos', in: For0 Internacional, El Colegio de MBxico, enero-marzo de 1978, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 430 - 463.

BUSTAMANTE, J. 'Espaldas mojadas: materia prima para la expansibn del capital norteamericano', in: Cuadernos del CES (MBxico: El Colegio de MBxico, 1975).

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BUSTAMANTE, J. US-Mexican Economies : Preliminary Findings and Suggestions for bilateral Cooperation. Southern Economic Association Conference. 46th Atlanta, Ga., 1976, 33 p.

CORNELIUS, W., CHAVEZ, L. and JONES, 0. special Reference to Health Care and Labor Market Effecrs. Field research project. Center for US-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego, 1982.

CUTHBERT, R. The economic lncentives facing illegal Mexican Aliens in the U S . : a Case Study at Hood River, Oregon. Oregon State University, Corvallis, August 1979.

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JENKINS, J. 'Push/Pull in recent Mexican Migration to the,U.S.', in: International Migration Review, vol. 1 1 , no. 2, summer 1977, pp. 178 - 189.

JENKINS, J. 'The Demand for Immigrant Workers: Labor Scarcity or Social Control?', in: InternationalMigration Review, vol. 12, no. 4, winter 1978, pp. 514 - 535.

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LEWIS (D.A.) ASSOCIATES, Research on the Policy Implications of Illegal Immigration for Youth Employment in the U S . National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA. 1979, 89 p.

MARSHALL, F.R. Illegal Immigration: The Problem, the Solutions. FAIR, Washington D.C., Immigration Paper II, 1982, 24 p.

MINES, R. and ANZALDOA MONTOYA, R. Labor Market Structures in the California Citrus Industry. Center for US-Mexican Studies, Monographs on US-Mexican Studies, no. 9, 1982. La Jolla, California, University of California, San Diego.

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NALVEN, J. and FREDERICKSON, C. Program? Community Research Associates, Inc., San Diego, 1982, VIII, 89 p.

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BIRKS, J. and SINCLAIR, C. Geneva, 1980, 175 p.

BIRKS. J. and SINCLAIR, C.A. States o f Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Working paper 30. ILO, World Employment Program, Geneva, 1978.

KIRWAN, F. Migration Review, vol. XV, no. 4, winter 1981, pp:

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SERAGELDIN, I., SOCKNAT, J. et al. East and North Africa. Technical Assistance and Special Studies Division, The World Bank, Washington D.C., 1981, 263 p..

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AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR NATIONALITIES SERVICE. 'Undocumented Aliens : Right to Tuition - Free Education', in :

ARNOLD, F. 'Providing Medical Services to Undocumented Migrants: Costs and Public Policy', in: lnternational Migration Review, vol. 3, no. 4. winter 1979, pp: 706 - 715.

BERNAL, D. 'Constitutional Law: a State Statute which denies an Education to Undocumented Aliens is unconstitutional', in : 1981), ed. by D. Dunn and K. Flynn, Western New England College School of Law, Springfield, Mass, published by William Hein and Co., Inc., Buffalo, N.Y., vol. 4, part V.

BIKALES, G. The Case for a secure Social Security Card. National Parks and Conservation Association, Washington D.C., 1981, 18 p.

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CATZ, R. and LENARD, H. Children to a Public Education: Review. (1980 - 1981), ed. by Dunn, D. and Flynn, K., Western New England College School of Law, Springfield, Mass., published by William Hein and Co., Inc., Buffalo, N.Y., vol. 4, part V.

CONNER, R. lmmigration and Welfare. FAIR, Washington D.C., Immigration Paper IV, 1982, 41 p.

CORNELIUS, W., CHAVEZ, L. and JONES, 0. with special Reference to Health Care and Labor Market Effects. Field Research Project, Center for US-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego, 1982.

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PELETIER, M. de acogida. Proteccidn de los derechos fundamentales de 10s migrantes indocumentados. Sexto Seminario sobre Adaptacidn e Integracidn de 10s lnmigrantes : Los Migrantes lndocumentados o en Situacidn Irregular. CIM, Ginebra, 1983, 20 p. Doc. MC/SAI/V1/4. Available also in English and French). International Migration, vol.

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MINISTRY OF LABOUR OF SWEDEN. Aliens Act (1980: 376) (with amendments) and Aliens Ordinance (7980: 377) (with amendments). Stockholm, Sweden, May 1981, 89 p.

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173 - 188.


FOX, J. and FOX, M. lllegal Immigration: a Bibliography, 1968 - 1978. Vance Bibliographies, Monticello, Ill., 1978, 32 p.

HOUSTOUN, M. lllegal Aliens: an Annotated Bibliography of recent and related Literature on the Subject of lllegal Aliens, 1968 - 1975. Linton and Company, Washington D.C., 1975, 54 p.

INTER-AMERICAN CENTRE FOR LABOUR ADMINISTRATION. Migracidn laboral. Bibliography of materials available for consultation at the Inter-American centre for Labour Administration, Lima, 198 1, 95 p.

NORTH, J. and GRODSKY, S. and Policy Studies. U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1979, 89 p.

SAVAGE, B. Undocumented Workers: Selected References. U.S. Department of Labour, Library, Washington, 1977, 31 p.

U.S. CONGRESS HOUSE, COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY. Bibliography and Compilation of Background Materials (1970 - June 1977). Government Printing Office, Washington, 1977, 58 p.

COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY. U.S. IMMIGRATION POLICY AND LAW. Selected Readings on US. Immigration Policy and Law. Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, Ninety-Sixth Congress, Second Session, October 1980.

US. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE. Selected References on Undocumented Aliens. Office of Planning and Evaluation, Washington D.C., 1977, 55 p.

Immigration Literature; Abstracts on Demographic, Economic

Illegal Aliens and Alien Labor: a


Page 47: Bibliography on Undocumented Migrants or Migrants in an Irregular Situation: Bibliographie sur les migrants sans documents ou en situation irrégulière: Bibliografía sobre los migrantes


BIT Bureau international du Travail


CEE CommunautB bconomique europbenne

CEESTEM Centro de Estudios Econ6micos y Sociales del Tercer Mundo

Commission of the European Communities




















Committee for International Coordination of National Research in Demography

ComitB intergouvernemental pour les migrations

Comitb lntergubernamental para las Migraciones

Economic and Social Council

Economic Commission for Western Asia

Estados Unidos de America

The Federation for American Immigration Reform

Intergovernmental Committee for Migration

International Catholic Migration Commission

International Council of Voluntary Agencies

International Labour Office

Organisation de coopbration et de dbveloppement Bconomiques

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Oficina lnternacional del Trabajo

Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo

Systhme d'observation permanente des migrations

United Nations

United Nations Development Programme

United Nations Children's Fund

US-USA United States of America