bhp billiton iron ore pty ltd...bhp billiton iron ore pty ltd (bhp) currently operates the port...

BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd Port Hedland Port Operations - 330Mtpa Licence Application Air Quality Assessment May 2020

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Page 1: BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd...BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHP) currently operates the Port Hedland Port Operations (Port Operations) at Nelson Point and Finucane Island to support

BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd Port Hedland Port Operations - 330Mtpa Licence Application

Air Quality Assessment

May 2020

Page 2: BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd...BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHP) currently operates the Port Hedland Port Operations (Port Operations) at Nelson Point and Finucane Island to support

GHD | Report for BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd-Port Hedland Port Operations - 330Mtpa Licence Application, 12526305 | i

Executive summary Project description

This report has been produced to support a proposed amendment to the existing operating

licence (L4513/1969/18) of BHP Billiton Iron Ore (BHP) Port Hedland Port Operations. The

existing licence is issued under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. This licence

amendment application seeks to increase nominated throughput capacity up to 330 million

tonnes per annum (Mtpa).

This study adopts consistent methodology in line with the previous 290Mtpa licence

amendment, that is AERMOD modelling using meteorological and background data from 2013

(PEL, 2016). Modelling of cumulative emissions is also undertaken as part of this assessment.

Emissions from the Pilbara Ports Authority Eastern and Utah Point operations, operations at

Anderson Point by Fortescue Metals Group, Roy Hill operations and North West Iron Ore

Alliance operations are also included.

Overview of the assessment

The criteria used for this study have been derived from The WA Government endorsed Port Hedland Dust Management Taskforce recommendation, that the current interim guideline of 24-

hour PM10 of 70 μg/m3 continues to apply to residential areas of Port Hedland and that

measures should be introduced to cap (and if possible, reduce) the number of permanent

residents in dust affected areas of Port Hedland.

Furthermore in 2018, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) and the

Department of Health (DoH) released the Industry Regulation Fact Sheet: Managing Dust in Port Hedland (DWER and DoH, 2018) in response to the WA Government endorsement of the

Taskforce recommendations. This included the following guidance from DWER on its interim

regulatory approach for Port Hedland:

Applicants will be encouraged to demonstrate no net increase to dust emissions in Port Hedland from port related activities. Where this isn’t demonstrated, DWER will consider further controls that may in part serve to offset any increase in dust emissions.

For the purposes of this assessment the modelling results have been compared against the

interim guideline of 24-hour PM10 of 70 μg/m3 and the annual average PM10 concentrations at

the regulatory monitoring location at Taplin Street in Port Hedland.

Air quality impacts from the currently approved throughput capacity and the expansion

scenarios have been modelled using the US EPA AERMOD dispersion model. All modelling

was conducted using the setup detailed in the Air Quality Assessment – 290Mtpa (PEL, 2016).

Key outcomes

Modelling of the proposed throughput capacity of 330Mtpa (BHP without background) indicates


This scenario does not result in any exceedances of the interim criteria (24-hour PM10 of

70 μg/m3) at Taplin Street.

BHP’s Port Operations annual average predicted PM10 concentrations at the regulatory

monitoring location (Taplin Street) are predicted to decrease by 0.9 µg/m3 from the base

case (290Mtpa) for the 330Mtpa expansion scenario.

The extensive dust control package included with BHP’s 330Mtpa expansion scenario, is

predicted to deliver a reduction in BHP’s contribution to dust concentrations, whilst allowing

Page 3: BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd...BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHP) currently operates the Port Hedland Port Operations (Port Operations) at Nelson Point and Finucane Island to support

GHD | Report for BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd-Port Hedland Port Operations - 330Mtpa Licence Application, 12526305 | ii

for an increase in Port throughput capacity of 40Mtpa. Such reduction is not only observed

at the Taplin Street receptor, the model also predicts a reduction in dust concentrations

across all other Port Hedland receptors, as shown in the Figure A.

Figure A Reduction in modelled annual average PM10 contribution (BHP only) at receptors in Port Hedland (290Mtpa vs 330Mtpa)

This report is subject to, and must be read in conjunction with, the limitations set out in

Section 1.4 and the assumptions and qualifications contained throughout the report.

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GHD | Report for BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd-Port Hedland Port Operations - 330Mtpa Licence Application, 12526305 | iii

Table of contents 1.  Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1 

1.1  Background .......................................................................................................................... 1 

1.2  Purpose of this report........................................................................................................... 1 

1.3  Scope ................................................................................................................................... 1 

1.4  Limitations ............................................................................................................................ 1 

1.5  Assumptions ........................................................................................................................ 2 

2.  Project description .......................................................................................................................... 3 

3.  Air quality assessment criteria ....................................................................................................... 6 

3.1  Dust ...................................................................................................................................... 6 

3.2  Port Hedland Dust Management Taskforce ........................................................................ 6 

4.  Existing environment ...................................................................................................................... 7 

4.1  Climate ................................................................................................................................. 7 

4.2  Existing air quality ................................................................................................................ 9 

4.3  Land use ............................................................................................................................ 10 

4.4  Local receptors .................................................................................................................. 11 

5.  Emission estimation ..................................................................................................................... 13 

5.1  Emission estimation process ............................................................................................. 13 

5.2  290Mtpa base case dust abatement .................................................................................. 13 

5.3  330Mtpa expansion dust abatement .................................................................................. 14 

5.4  Emission estimates for BHP Port Operations .................................................................... 21 

6.  Modelling methodology ................................................................................................................ 25 

6.1  AERMOD modelling ........................................................................................................... 25 

6.2  Meteorological file .............................................................................................................. 25 

6.3  Grid system ........................................................................................................................ 25 

6.4  Sources .............................................................................................................................. 25 

7.  Model results ................................................................................................................................ 28 

7.1  Base case – 290Mtpa BHP in isolation and cumulative .................................................... 28 

7.2  Expansion - 330Mtpa BHP in isolation and cumulative ..................................................... 33 

8.  Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 40 

8.1  Air quality assessment criteria ........................................................................................... 40 

8.2  Dust abatement .................................................................................................................. 40 

8.3  Model results ...................................................................................................................... 42 

References ............................................................................................................................................. 43 

Page 5: BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd...BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHP) currently operates the Port Hedland Port Operations (Port Operations) at Nelson Point and Finucane Island to support

GHD | Report for BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd-Port Hedland Port Operations - 330Mtpa Licence Application, 12526305 | iv

Table index Table 4-1  Local receptors .................................................................................................................. 11 

Table 5-1  Schedule for sealing of open areas ................................................................................... 18 

Table 7-1  Predicted 24-hour PM10 ground level concentrations at Taplin Street for

modelled 290Mtpa base case (µg/m3) ............................................................................... 29 

Table 7-2  Statistics for predicted 24-hour PM10 ground level concentrations at Taplin

Street for modelled 330Mtpa expansion (µg/m3) ............................................................... 34 

Table 7-3  Summary of predicted model statistics for PM10 ground level concentrations at

Taplin Street (µg/m3) – 290Mtpa base case vs 330Mtpa scenario .................................... 39 

Figure index

Figure 2-1  Finucane Island – 330Mtpa route upgrade .......................................................................... 4 

Figure 2-2  Nelson Point – 330Mtpa route upgrade and major works ................................................... 5 

Figure 4-1  Port Hedland climate data ................................................................................................... 7 

Figure 4-2  Annual PHIC BoM monitoring site wind rose ....................................................................... 8 

Figure 4-3  Season PHIC BoM monitoring site wind rose ...................................................................... 9 

Figure 4-4  24-hour PM10 background concentration for 2013 (μg/m3) ................................................ 10 

Figure 4-5  Model receptor locations .................................................................................................... 12 

Figure 5-1  Finucane Island dust controls ............................................................................................ 16 

Figure 5-2  Nelson Point dust controls ................................................................................................. 17 

Figure 5-3  Open area sealing – Phases 1 and 2 ................................................................................ 20 

Figure 5-4  Estimated average PM10 emission rates for top 20 sources for 290Mtpa base

case ................................................................................................................................... 22 

Figure 5-5  Estimated average PM10 emissio rates for top 20 sources for 330Mtpa

expansion ........................................................................................................................... 23 

Figure 5-6  Estimated average PM10 emission rates with dust abatement for stockyards,

stackers and reclaimers for 290Mtpa and 330Mtpa, showing percentage change

in average emission rate .................................................................................................... 24 

Figure 6-1  BHP Port Operations model sources ................................................................................. 26 

Figure 6-2  PHIC CAM cumulative sources at Port Hedland ............................................................... 27 

Figure 7-1  Maximum predicted 24-hour PM10 concentrations for 290Mtpa scenario (BHP

without background)........................................................................................................... 30 

Figure 7-2  Maximum predicted 24-hour PM10 concentrations for 290Mtpa scenario (BHP

and PHIC CAM cumulative with background) ................................................................... 31 

Figure 7-3  Annual average predicted PM10 concentrations for the 290Mtpa scenario (BHP

and PHIC CAM cumulative with background) ................................................................... 32 

Page 6: BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd...BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHP) currently operates the Port Hedland Port Operations (Port Operations) at Nelson Point and Finucane Island to support

GHD | Report for BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd-Port Hedland Port Operations - 330Mtpa Licence Application, 12526305 | v

Figure 7-4  Maximum predicted 24-hour PM10 concentrations for 330Mtpa scenario (BHP

without background)........................................................................................................... 35 

Figure 7-5  Maximum predicted 24-hour PM10 concentrations for 330Mtpa scenario (BHP

with PHIC CAM cumulative and background) ................................................................... 36 

Figure 7-6  Annual average predicted PM10 concentrations for 330Mtpa scenario (BHP with

PHIC CAM cumulative and background) ........................................................................... 37 

Figure 7-7  Reduction in modelled annual average PM10 contribution (BHP only) at

receptors in Port Hedland (290Mtpa vs 330Mtpa) ............................................................. 38 

Appendices Appendix A – Dust abatement (330Mtpa)

Appendix B – Wind fence wind speed reduction

Appendix C – Variable emissions file (330Mtpa)

Appendix D – AERMOD source parameters (330Mtpa)

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GHD | Report for BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd-Port Hedland Port Operations - 330Mtpa Licence Application, 12526305 | vi

Abbreviated terms Abbreviation Description BHP BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd BoM Bureau of Meteorology BWS Belt wash station CD Car dumper DEM Dust Extinction Moisture DoH Department of Health

DJTSI Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation

DSO Direct shipped ore

DWER Department of Water and Environmental Regulation

EET Emission estimation technique EP Act Environmental Protection Act 1986 FMG Fortescue Metals Group GHD GHD Pty Ltd GLC Ground level concentration HRA Health risk assessment LRP Lump rescreening plant Mtpa Million tonnes per annum NPI National Pollutant Inventory NWIOA North West Iron Ore Alliance PHIC Port Hedland Industries Council

PHIC CAM Port Hedland Industries Council Cumulative Air Model

PM Particulate matter

PM10 Particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10 microns or less

PM2.5 Particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 microns or less

PPA Pilbara Ports Authority RHIO Roy Hill Iron Ore RRU Reclaimer Route Upgrade SKM Sinclair Knight Merz SYE South Yard Extension TSG The Simulation Group US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency WAPC Western Australian Planning Commission

Page 8: BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd...BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHP) currently operates the Port Hedland Port Operations (Port Operations) at Nelson Point and Finucane Island to support

GHD | Report for BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd-Port Hedland Port Operations - 330Mtpa Licence Application, 12526305 | 1

1. Introduction 1.1 Background

BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHP) currently operates the Port Hedland Port Operations (Port

Operations) at Nelson Point and Finucane Island to support the export of iron ore products from

mines located within the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

The current approved export capacity of BHP’s Port Operations is 290 million tonnes per annum


BHP is applying for a licence amendment to increase the nominated shipping capacity

(Category 58) on the current Licence (L4513/1969/18) from 290Mtpa to 330Mtpa. A number of

route upgrades and major works are proposed to support the proposed increase in throughput


1.2 Purpose of this report

This report outlines the methodology for the emission estimation and the atmospheric modelling

of the predicted dust impacts associated with the proposed increase in throughput capacity up

to 330Mtpa. The report also presents the predicted ground level concentrations of dust with the

proposed changes, and makes comparisons to the relevant dust performance criteria.

Modelling of cumulative emissions was also undertaken as part of this assessment. Emissions

from the Pilbara Ports Authority (PPA) Eastern and Utah Point operations, operations at

Anderson Point by Fortescue Metals Group (FMG), Roy Hill Iron Ore (RHIO) operations at

South West Creek and North West Iron Ore Alliance (NWIOA) operations also at South West

Creek were assessed along with BHP’s existing Port Operations and the proposed 330Mtpa


1.3 Scope

The scope of works are as follows:

Update the AERMOD dispersion model with emission abatement and model refinements

proposed for the 330Mtpa licence amendment.

Conduct air dispersion modelling to predict impacts for:

– BHP Port Hedland Port Operations with a throughput capacity of 290Mtpa (current

licence) and 330Mtpa (licence amendment application)

– Cumulative scenarios with BHP 290Mtpa and 330Mtpa throughput capacity and third

party operations, which include:

o FMG operations at Anderson Point at 175Mtpa

o PPA operations at Eastern and Utah Point at 21Mtpa

o RHIO operations in South West Creek at 60Mtpa

o NWIOA operations in South West Creek at 50Mtpa

1.4 Limitations

This report has been prepared by GHD for BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd and may only be used

and relied on by BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd for the purpose agreed between GHD and BHP

Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd as set out in Section 1.3 of this report.

Page 9: BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd...BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHP) currently operates the Port Hedland Port Operations (Port Operations) at Nelson Point and Finucane Island to support

GHD | Report for BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd-Port Hedland Port Operations - 330Mtpa Licence Application, 12526305 | 2

GHD otherwise disclaims responsibility to any person other than BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd

arising in connection with this report. GHD also excludes implied warranties and conditions, to

the extent legally permissible.

The services undertaken by GHD in connection with preparing this report were limited to those

specifically detailed in the report and are subject to the scope limitations set out in the report.

The opinions, conclusions and any recommendations in this report are based on conditions

encountered and information reviewed at the date of preparation of the report. GHD has no

responsibility or obligation to update this report to account for events or changes occurring

subsequent to the date that the report was prepared.

The opinions, conclusions and any recommendations in this report are based on assumptions

made by GHD described in this report (refer Section 1.5 of this report). GHD disclaims liability

arising from any of the assumptions being incorrect.

GHD has prepared this report on the basis of information provided by BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty

Ltd and others who provided information to GHD (including Government authorities), which

GHD has not independently verified or checked beyond the agreed scope of work. GHD does

not accept liability in connection with such unverified information, including errors and omissions

in the report which were caused by errors or omissions in that information.

1.5 Assumptions

For the purposes of this report, it is assumed that:

Any information provided to GHD by BHP is correct, and that this information is current at

the time of submission of the report.

Any data or information collected by parties other than GHD and used in this report is


Page 10: BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd...BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHP) currently operates the Port Hedland Port Operations (Port Operations) at Nelson Point and Finucane Island to support

GHD | Report for BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd-Port Hedland Port Operations - 330Mtpa Licence Application, 12526305 | 3

2. Project description BHP is proposing to increase the approved throughput capacity of its Port Operations from

290Mtpa under the current operating licence to 330Mtpa. BHP proposes to undertake upgrades

to existing equipment at Finucane Island and Nelson Point to increase the production rates of

existing infrastructure (productivity upgrades) and install new infrastructure (major works) at

Nelson Point.

The proposed upgrades for Finucane Island include the Reclaimer Route Upgrade (RRU) /

Productivity projects, as shown in Figure 2-1.

The proposed upgrades for Nelson Point include:

RRU / Productivity projects

South Yard Expansion Stage 1 (SYE1)

South Yard Expansion Stage 2 (SYE2)

Car Dumper 6 (CD6) project

The proposed upgrades for Nelson Point are shown in Figure 2-2.

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Figure 2-1 Finucane Island – 330Mtpa route upgrade

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Figure 2-2 Nelson Point – 330Mtpa route upgrade and major works

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GHD | Report for BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd-Port Hedland Port Operations - 330Mtpa Licence Application, 12526305 | 6

3. Air quality assessment criteria 3.1 Dust

Suspended solids or liquids in air are referred to as particulate matter (PM). Dust is a term often

used as a substitute for PM, although it is more accurately applied to particles derived from the

mechanical breakdown of rock, soil and biota. Concentrations of particles suspended in air are

classified by an aerodynamic diameter, which describes the behaviour of the particle in the air

based on its size and shape. This assessment considers only PM10. PM10 refers to the total of

suspended particulate matter less than 10 μm in aerodynamic diameter.

3.2 Port Hedland Dust Management Taskforce

The WA Department of Health (DoH) released a health risk assessment (HRA) report on the air

quality in Port Hedland in January 2016 (DoH, 2016).

In response to the HRA report, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DJTSI)

released the Port Hedland Dust Management Taskforce Report to Government (DJTSI, 2016)

(Taskforce Report) for public comment on 9 August 2017.

The criteria used for this study have been derived from The WA Government endorsed Port

Hedland Dust Management Taskforce recommendation, that the current interim guideline of 24-

hour PM10 of 70 μg/m3 continues to apply to residential areas of Port Hedland and that

measures should be introduced to cap (and if possible, reduce) the number of permanent

residents in dust affected areas of Port Hedland.

Furthermore in 2018, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) and the

Department of Health (DoH) released the Industry Regulation Fact Sheet: Managing Dust in Port Hedland (DWER and DoH, 2018) in response to the WA Government endorsement of the

Taskforce Recommendations. This included the following guidance from DWER on its interim

regulatory approach for Port Hedland:

Applicants will be encouraged to demonstrate no net increase to dust emissions in Port Hedland from port related activities. Where this isn’t demonstrated, DWER will consider further controls that may in part serve to offset any increase in dust emissions.

For the purposes of this assessment the modelling results have been compared against the

interim guideline of 24-hour PM10 of 70 μg/m3 and the annual average PM10 concentrations at

the regulatory monitoring location Taplin Street in Port Hedland.

Page 14: BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd...BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHP) currently operates the Port Hedland Port Operations (Port Operations) at Nelson Point and Finucane Island to support

GHD | Report for BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd-Port Hedland Port Operations - 330Mtpa Licence Application, 12526305 | 7

4. Existing environment This section provides a contextual summary of the existing environmental aspects relevant to

the air quality assessment. It includes consideration of topography, land use (including

receptors), meteorology, and existing (background) ambient air quality in the vicinity of the study

area. The climate and meteorological characteristics of the region control the dispersion,

transformation and removal (or deposition) of pollutants from the atmosphere (i.e. ambient air


4.1 Climate

Port Hedland is located along the north coast of Western Australia in the Pilbara region and

experiences a semi-arid climate. Port Hedland is warm to hot all year round, experiences large

variations in rainfall and seasonal cyclonic activity. Although the cyclone season and most

storms are generally restricted to the summer months, the regional coast experiences the

greatest cyclonic activity in Australia (BoM, 2020).

Data collected from the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) station at Port Hedland Airport (station

number 4032) is available dating back to 1942, including temperature, rainfall and relative

humidity (Figure 4-1, BoM, 2020). Mean monthly temperatures range from a maximum of 36 °C

for the majority of the year (January to April and October to December) to a minimum of 27 °C

in July. Rainfall is variable throughout the year, peaking in February with 89 mm, and dropping

to less than five mm per month in August to November. The majority of rainfall occurs during

cyclone and thunderstorm events. Mean monthly relative humidity is variable and follows a

similar pattern to rainfall. Both mean 9:00 am and 3:00 pm relative humidity peak in February at

60 percent and 53 percent respectively. Minimum 9:00 am and 3:00 pm humidity occur in

September at 31 percent and 32 percent, respectively.

Figure 4-1 Port Hedland climate data

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A graphical summary (in the form of wind roses) of the 10-minute average meteorological data

collected at the Port Hedland Industry Council (PHIC) BoM monitoring site is presented for July

2018 to June 2019 (i.e. financial year 2018-2019) in Figure 4-2 (annual (PHIC, 2020)) and

Figure 4-3 (seasonal (PHIC, 2020)). Wind speeds (metres per second) are grouped based on

the data range (for each site) and wind directions are grouped into sixteen 22.5-degree sectors

that represent all possible wind directions (PHIC, 2020).

The wind roses indicate the following:

The distribution of winds shown in Figure 4-2 and Figure 4-3 are typical of the Port Hedland

region and its location on the WA coastline.

The predominant wind direction at BoM is the north-west quadrant (west to north-west).

The site also shows frequent winds from the south-east quadrant. Winds from the south-

west and north-east quadrants are less common but do occur on occasion.

Wind speeds measured at BoM are relatively strong with annual average wind speed of

5.3 m/s. Wind speeds are most often between 4 m/s and 8 m/s, but can reach speeds of up

to 20 m/s in the predominant directions. Calm wind speeds are not generally observed at

the BoM site.

The seasonal distribution of winds is characterised by the climate drivers in Port Hedland.

During spring and summer (wet season) the winds are generally from the north-west

quadrant. During autumn and winter (dry season), the winds are predominately from the

south-east quadrant.

Figure 4-2 Annual PHIC BoM monitoring site wind rose

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Figure 4-3 Season PHIC BoM monitoring site wind rose

In addition to the climate trends discussed above, Port Hedland also experiences particular

meteorological phenomenon, which have the ability to affect local weather conditions, as well as

the dispersion of dust. These include the following:

Tropical cyclones accompanied by damaging winds, storm surge and flooding.

Strong easterly winds in winter caused by development and intensification of anti-cyclones

over southern Western Australia or South Australia.

Major cloud bands that develop in winter and extend from the north-west coast across the

continent, bringing rain to the north-west and the interior of the continent.

4.2 Existing air quality

Port Hedland is an inherently dusty environment. The semi-arid climate lends itself to large

amounts of wind-blown dust during the drier months, significantly contributing to ambient

concentrations of dust. This is demonstrated in a study conducted in 2000 by Sinclair Knight

Merz (SKM), which focused on aggregate emissions in the Pilbara region (SKM, 2003). The

study found that the Pilbara region emitted approximately 170,000 tonnes of windblown

particulate matter in the 1998/1999 financial year. Higher dust levels were found to coincide with

the summer months.

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Background concentrations are used in this assessment in order to demonstrate cumulative

concentrations of PM10 (PM10 concentrations associated with operations at Port Hedland plus

background levels of ambient PM10). The background concentrations were taken from the Port

Hedland Industries Council Cumulative Air Model (PHIC CAM) (PEL, 2015). PHIC CAM was

developed as a single, regional air dispersion model for Port Hedland. It includes emissions

from all key sources in the region, which were estimated using either site-specific information or

emission estimation techniques (EET) as described in the National Pollutant Inventory (NPI).

A complete description of the methodology used to estimate background concentrations is

provided in PEL, 2015. Figure 4-4 presents the 24-hour PM10 background concentration used in

this assessment.

Particular considerations for the use of PHIC CAM when assessing background results are that:

There is a high probability that not all fugitive (non-industrial) sources have been accounted

for in the background file.

The 2013 model year has one of the lowest background concentrations in the previous 10-

years of monitoring.

The ambient monitoring data indicates large annual variations in the background air

concentrations in the regions (PEL, 2015). Of particular note is the potential contribution of

emissions from the spoil bank at the Taplin Street monitor not being accounted for in the

background file. This may lead to an under-estimate of background impacts at Taplin


Figure 4-4 24-hour PM10 background concentration for 2013 (μg/m3)

4.3 Land use

4.3.1 Overview

The land use at Port Hedland is predominantly urban encompassing two townships (Port

Hedland and South Hedland). Other land uses range from industry (including BHP Port Hedland

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Port operations, PPA Eastern and Utah Point operations, operations at Anderson Point by FMG,

RHIO operations, NWIOA operations and Dampier Salt operations and other strategic industrial

areas, e.g. Wedgefield) to rural land for cattle grazing. A significant area of Port Hedland is

characterised by tidal channels connecting to the Indian Ocean and surrounding intertidal flats,

transitioning to supratidal flats.

4.4 Local receptors

Model predicted ground level concentrations (GLCs) were assessed at a number of local

receptors. These receptors were chosen based on the existing PHIC monitoring network.

However, the main receptor of interest is the Taplin Street monitoring location, as this is the

regulatory monitor according to conditions in the Port’s Licence (L4513/1969/18) and is

considered representative of the wider Port Hedland Township.

The receptors included in this assessment are shown in Table 4-1 and Figure 4-5.

Table 4-1 Local receptors

Receptor X coordinate (m UTM) Y coordinate (m UTM)

Richardson Street 664,763 7,753,402

Kingsmill Street 665,508 7,753,450

Hospital 665,870 7,753,420

Taplin Street 667,030 7,753,435

Neptune Place 669,441 7,754,077

South Hedland 666,600 7,743,439

Wedgefield 665,526 7,747,107

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Map Projection: Transverse MercatorHorizontal Datum: GDA 1994

Grid GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50K FIGURE 4-5

Richardson St

Kingsmill St


Taplin St

Neptune Pl

South Hedland


658000 660000 662000 664000 666000 668000 670000

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5. Emission estimation This assessment includes emission estimation for the modelled 290Mtpa base case scenario

along with the expansion scenario at 330Mtpa, both using 2013 meteorology. The methodology

for emission estimations used for the 290Mtpa base case scenario model has been detailed in

the BHP 290Mtpa Baseline Model - Basis of Emission Estimation report (GHD, 2020). As such,

this report refers to GHD, 2020, in order to provide further detail.

5.1 Emission estimation process

Emissions from BHP’s Port Operations have been estimated using a three stage process, using

operational information supplied by BHP. The process to estimate emissions is as follows:

1. Separate tonnages per product type and material handling activity from a process flow file,

supplied by BHP.

2. Generate moisture distribution and dustiness index from data supplied by BHP.

3. Calculate emissions inventory using pre-determined empirical relationships from previous

dust assessments.

Stockpile emission estimates (Ramboll, 2020) and open area source emission estimates

(Katestone, 2018), are also incorporated into the model, along with onsite vehicle wheel

generated dust emission estimates.

After the process above, the site emission estimates are collated in an emission inventory and

converted into a variable emission input file for AERMOD, and used to conduct dust dispersion

modelling for BHP’s Port Operations.

5.2 290Mtpa base case dust abatement

BHP is committed to reducing the potential for emissions of particulate matter from its

operations to meet the ambient targets. To assist in accomplishing this objective, BHP has

implemented numerous dust mitigation practices as standard into its operations.

System level controls

A high proportion of ore is shipped directly after unloading i.e. it is not sent to the stockyard.

This is a significant dust control as it prevents double handling of ore. BHP is world leading

in this control.

Moisture content of ore is managed through supply chain (pit to port).

Car dumpers

Car dumpers are fully enclosed and fitted with dust extraction systems. Negative pressure

is maintained during unloading of ore to maximise dust extraction.

Moisture analysers operate in real time, determining the moisture content in ore relative to

the DEM. Where required, water sprays are activated.

Conveyor and transfer points

Over 80 belt wash stations are installed on site on conveyors systems.

Conveyors are fitted with belt scrapers and/or plough to prevent the carry back of dust.

Bulk ore conditioning (BOC) sprays installed along the conveyor system use spray nozzles

to add moisture to the ore.

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Transfer chutes are enclosed and selected transfer stations are fitted with a dust extraction

system or fogging system.

An integrated control system prevents overloading of conveyors and minimises spillage.

Rubber skirts are installed at ore transfer points to minimise dust emissions.


Lump rescreening plants (LRPs) are fitted with dust extraction systems and are either fully

or partially enclosed.


Live stockyards are fitted with stockyard water cannons.

Chemical suppressants are applied to static stockpiles.

Stackers, reclaimers and shiploaders

Stackers, reclaimers and shiploaders are fitted with boom water sprays.

Boom luff height is actively managed to minimise drop height.


Appropriate speed limits are enforced at site.

All major roads are sealed and regularly cleaned.

Chemical dust suppressant is applied on open areas and low traffic roads as required.

Availability of dust controls

Minimum of 90% availability of wet scrubbers at car dumpers, LRPs and transfer stations.

Minimum of 90% availability of water sprays on stackers, reclaimers and shiploaders.

Minimum of 90% availability of belt wash stations and internal fogging systems.

A list of all the current dust controls currently in use by the BHP for the 290Mtpa base case,

together with their location, model group and basis of reduction is presented in Appendix B of

GHD, 2020).

5.3 330Mtpa expansion dust abatement

BHP is committed to continuing to reduce the potential for emissions of particulate matter from

its operations to meet the relevant dust performance criteria, with the proposed increase in Port

throughput capacity by 40Mtpa (to 330Mtpa). BHP has developed an extensive dust control

package, as follows.

Belt wash stations on all existing and new conveyors in South Yard and on the new car

dumper 6.

Fogging units on the exit tunnel conveyors leaving car dumpers 1, 2, 3 and 6.

Finucane Island wind fence

South Yard (Nelson Point) wind fence

Sealing of open areas - Phases 1 and 2

Vehicle emission reductions due to reduction in site traffic

Further details on each of the above abatements is provided below. The location of current and

new dust controls proposed as part of 330Mtpa licence are shown in Figure 5-1 for Finucane

Island and Figure 5-2 for Nelson Point.

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A list of all the current dust controls proposed for the 330Mtpa expansion, together with their

location, model group and basis of reduction is presented in Appendix A.

5.3.1 Belt wash stations

Belt wash stations are to be installed at all existing and new South Yard conveyors as follows:

Car dumper 6 (P236) Stacker 6 (P503) Stacker 7 (P505)

Reclaimer 11 (P773) Stacker 14 (P770) TS501 (P503)

TS503 (P505)

5.3.2 Fogging units

In addition to belt wash stations on car dumpers 1, 2, 3 and 6 conveyors, fogging units are to be

installed on exit tunnel conveyor belts for the following car dumpers:

Car dumper 1 (P2) Car dumper 2 (P201) Car dumper 3 (P350)

Car dumper 6 (P236)

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Figure 5-1 Finucane Island dust controls

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Figure 5-2 Nelson Point dust controls

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GHD | Report for BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd-Port Hedland Port Operations - 330Mtpa Licence Application, 12526305 | 18

5.3.3 Finucane Island wind fence

The Finucane Island wind fence reduces the potential for dust emissions from stockpiles located

downwind and other wind dependent sources, by reducing the wind speed downwind of the

wind fence. BHP provided, based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling, predicted

wind speed reductions for a series of wind arcs. The resultant wind speed reduction for each

wind arc as applied in the model are provided in Appendix B.

The Finucane Island wind fences reduce the potential for emissions from downwind stockpile

sources, located at West Yard and East Yard and several wind-dependent sources located as


West Yard area – Stacker 9, stacker 10, reclaimer 7, reclaimer 10, transfer station 801,

transfer station 807, transfer station 981 and stockpile groups M, L and K

East Yard area – Stacker 11, stacker 12, reclaimer 8 and stockpile groups S and R

Wharf area – Shiploader 3, shiploader 4, transfer station 810 and transfer station 811

5.3.4 South Yard (Nelson Point) wind fence

The South Yard (Nelson Point) wind fence reduces the potential for dust emissions from

stockpiles located downwind and other wind dependent sources, by reducing the wind speed

downwind of the wind fence. The resultant wind speed reduction for each wind arc as applied in

the model are provided in Appendix B.

The South Yard wind fence, at Nelson Point, reduces the potential for emissions from downwind

stockpile sources, located at South Yard and Extension and several wind-dependent sources

located as follows:

Existing South Yard area – Stacker 7, reclaimer 6 and stockpile groups G and H

Proposed Extension area – Stacker 6, stacker 14, reclaimer 11 and stockpile groups F and


5.3.5 Sealing of open areas (Phases 1 and 2)

Sealing open areas will reduce the potential for dust emissions due to both wind erosion and

also from vehicle traffic. Sealing reduces the potential for dust from wind erosion completely

(100 percent reduction), whilst trafficable areas would need maintenance such as sweeping

and/or washing (to prevent resuspension of deposited dust) to achieve complete mitigation. As

such, an 85 percent reduction has been applied to estimated vehicle emissions for open areas

which have been sealed.

Phases for open area sealing as provided by BHP are described in Table 5-1, with locations

shown on Figure 5-3. Phase 1 and 2 sealing have been incorporated into the 330Mtpa

expansion scenario.

Table 5-1 Schedule for sealing of open areas

Source ID Description Project code

Finucane Island - Phase 1

FI06 Reclaimer 8 Maintenance Pad ROA1

FI07 Car Dumper 5 ROA2

FI08 North End of West Yard ROA3

Finucane Island – Phase 2


FI12 P702 ROA9

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Source ID Description Project code

FI04 Goldsworthy, Stk12 Maintenance Area ROA10 and ROA11

Nelson Point – Phase 1

NP08 North Yard - East Side of LOHS ROA4

NP11 North Yard - Across from Rail Laydown ROA5

NP17 South Yard - Sample Station 501/510 ROA6

Nelson Point – Phase 2

NP04 North Yard - NP Gate 9 ROA12

NP06 North Yard - South Side of P620 ROA13

NP07 North Yard - Tank Across from Fuel Bowser ROA14

NP09 North Yard - Site Services Laydown Area ROA15

NP12 North Yard – VMWS ROA16

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Figure 5-3 Open area sealing – Phases 1 and 2

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5.3.6 Vehicle reductions

Due to the decommissioning of workshops and relevant infrastructure at the north yard, the

volume of vehicle movement to these areas has been significantly reduced. Therefore, during

2017, the vehicles emissions inventory was updated and revised dispersion modelling

conducted. The updated vehicles emissions inventory was based on vehicle count data

provided by BHP. The field campaign was undertaken for 35 days from 2 August to

5 September 2017. The vehicle count covered both weekdays (Monday to Friday) and

weekends (Saturday and Sunday). Vehicle counts were conducted at seven locations. Two-way

traffic was monitored and the combined vehicle count was used as the input to the updated

emissions inventory and associated dispersion modelling (GHD, 2018). The updated vehicle

modelling has been incorporated into the 330Mtpa expansion scenario assessment.

5.4 Emission estimates for BHP Port Operations

5.4.1 290Mtpa base case

The emission estimation process used is identical to that outlined in Section 5 and detailed in

GHD, 2020.

The top 20 sources (by average estimated emission rate) for the 290Mtpa base case are

presented in Figure 5-4. The results indicate that estimated emissions from stockpile wind

erosion contribute the most to the estimated hourly PM10 emission rate.

Note that the emission estimates for the base case 290Mtpa scenario vary from that previously

modelled (PEL, 2016) and this variation results from updating the moisture distribution and dust

extinction moisture (DEM), stockpile and open area source emissions estimation and dust

abatement, as detailed in GHD, 2020.

5.4.2 330Mtpa expansion

The emission estimation process used is identical to that outlined in Section 5 and detailed in

GHD, 2020. The estimated emission statistics of each source relevant to the 330Mtpa

expansion scenario are presented in Appendix C.

The top 20 sources (by average estimated emission rate) for the 330Mtpa expansion are

presented in Figure 5-5. The results indicate that estimated emissions from stockpile wind

erosion are a large contribution to the estimated hourly PM10 emission rate.

Figure 5-6 shows the estimated average PM10 emission rates for stockyards, stackers and

reclaimers for 290Mtpa and 330Mtpa, showing percentage change in average emission rate.

Significant reduction in average estimated emissions is demonstrated for stockpiles, stackers

and reclaimers.

The wind fences are designed to target the reduction in PM10 emissions that could potentially be

directed towards the West End of Port Hedland. Figure 5-4, Figure 5-5 and Figure 5-6 (below)

indicate total predicted emissions (all wind directions), not only emissions that could potentially

be directed towards the West End of Port Hedland.

Potential stockpile lift-off that could be directed towards the town, is predicted to be reduced

with the installation of wind fences. Potential emissions from specific equipment (previously

identified in Sections 5.3.3 and 5.3.4), are also predicted to reduce with the introduction of wind


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Figure 5-4 Estimated average PM10 emission rates for top 20 sources for 290Mtpa base case

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Figure 5-5 Estimated average PM10 emissio rates for top 20 sources for 330Mtpa expansion

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Figure 5-6 Estimated average PM10 emission rates with dust abatement for stockyards, stackers and reclaimers for 290Mtpa and 330Mtpa, showing percentage change in average emission rate

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6. Modelling methodology This section describes the model used to predict ground level concentrations from the 290Mtpa

base case and 330Mtpa expansion scenarios based on derived emission rates and

meteorological data.

6.1 AERMOD modelling

AERMOD is the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (US EPA) approved model

for estimating the impacts of emissions to air by industry. AERMOD is an advanced Gaussian

plume model and extends on the Pasquill-Gifford atmospheric stability categorisation by

modelling the turbulence using micro-meteorological parameters to calculate the Monin-Obukov

length. This provides a continuously varying measure of atmospheric turbulence from one hour

to the next.

AERMOD (v 9.5.0) was used for the air dispersion modelling for this assessment, along with site

representative meteorological data for the year 2013, to predict the dispersion of PM10 at

representative receptors within the region.

The model options and assumptions used are consistent with the AERMOD model configuration

used for Port Hedland in PHIC CAM (PEL, 2015).

As noted in the PHIC CAM report (PEL, 2015) there are some constraints that need to be

considered when using the PHIC CAM (AERMOD) including:

The model may over-predict concentrations at Richardson Street.

At the Kingsmill Street and Taplin Street receptors the model results are considered to be

reasonable reflections of actual monitored air quality.

The number of excursions of the interim target at Taplin Street are considered to be

reasonable reflections.

The emission source parameters for all modelled BHP sources are presented in Appendix D.

6.2 Meteorological file

The AERMOD modelling used in this assessment incorporated the meteorological file

developed as part of the PHIC CAM project which is accepted for use by DWER.

A summary of the stability and mixing heights of the PHIC CAM meteorological file is provided in

Appendix G, PEL, 2016.

6.3 Grid system

AERMOD can calculate concentrations both on a set grid (Cartesian) or at specified locations

(discrete receptors). The model was configured to predict the ground level concentrations on a

rectangular grid spaced at 500 m intervals. This grid approach was chosen to restrict the

duration of model runs while using the particle deposition algorithms (PEL, 2016).

6.4 Sources

The location of the sources for BHP Port Operations at Finucane Island and Nelson Point are

presented in Figure 6-1. The coordinates for each BHP source is presented in Appendix C


The location of the cumulative sources are presented in Figure 6-2 (PEL, 2016), including PPA

Utah Point and Nelson Point (orange), NWIOA (red), RHIO (blue), and FMG (green).

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Figure 6-1 BHP Port Operations model sources

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Figure 6-2 PHIC CAM cumulative sources at Port Hedland

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7. Model results This assessment has used the PHIC CAM (AERMOD) to estimate the air quality impacts

associated with the BHP’s Port Operations. Particles, as PM10 were modelled (24-hour average)

with tabulated results presented for the listed receptor location, and contours across the model


For this assessment, the following scenarios were modelled:

Base case – 290Mtpa (BHP) in isolation and cumulative

Expansion scenario – 330Mtpa (BHP) in isolation and cumulative

For each of these scenarios the results were presented:

Standalone without background air quality (2013 PHIC CAM background file)

With the PHIC CAM cumulative (FMG, RHIO, NWIOA and PPA) with background

It is noted that the 290Mtpa scenario represents the base case (existing) and is presented to

provide comparison against proposed changes (330Mtpa expansion scenario). It should be

noted that this assessment is using the approved PHIC CAM and contains updated variable

emissions files as outlined in GHD, 2020. This will result in variations to model outcomes and

the results cannot be compared to previously modelled assessments (i.e. BHP’s previous

290Mtpa scenario presented in the 290Mtpa licence amendment application).

The predicted ground level concentrations of particles as PM10 at key receptor locations are

presented for each case and scenario. The modelled concentration statistics (i.e. maximum, 99th

percentile, 95th percentile, 90th percentile and 70th percentile) are tabulated for each case and

scenario. Contour maps showing the modelled ground level concentration of PM10 are also


7.1 Base case – 290Mtpa BHP in isolation and cumulative

Predicted 24-hour PM10 statistics for the modelled 290Mtpa scenario at Taplin Street, both in

isolation and cumulatively with PHIC CAM and background concentrations, are displayed in

Table 7-1. Table 7-1 also contains the statistics of the background concentration file used in the


Predicted results for the modelled 290Mtpa scenario (BHP without background) demonstrates

this scenario does not result in any exceedances of the interim guideline at Taplin Street.

Predicted results for the modelled 290Mtpa cumulative scenario (BHP and PHIC CAM with

background) demonstrates this scenario results in nine excursions of the interim guideline at

Taplin Street.

Contour plots of the maximum 24-hour PM10 concentrations that are predicted to occur as a

result of the 290Mtpa scenario as a standalone operation (BHP without background) and with

PHIC cumulative and background air quality, are presented in Figure 7-1 and Figure 7-2,

respectively. The annual average PM10 concentrations that are predicted to occur as a result of

the 290Mtpa scenario with PHIC cumulative and background air quality are presented in

Figure 7-3.

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Table 7-1 Predicted 24-hour PM10 ground level concentrations at Taplin Street for modelled 290Mtpa base case (µg/m3)

Receptor Maximum 99th percentile 95th percentile 90th percentile 70th percentile Annual average

Days > 70 µg/m3

Taplin Street

BHP without background

68 18 12 11 8 5.8 0

Cumulative (BHP and PHIC CAM with background)

202 80 63 53 45 36.5 9


183 53 36 32 25 21.9 1

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Map Projection: Transverse MercatorHorizontal Datum: GDA 1994

Grid GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50K FIGURE 7-1


658000 660000 662000 664000 666000 668000 670000

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Map Projection: Transverse MercatorHorizontal Datum: GDA 1994

Grid GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50K FIGURE 7-2



658000 660000 662000 664000 666000 668000 670000

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Map Projection: Transverse MercatorHorizontal Datum: GDA 1994

Grid GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50K FIGURE 7-3





658000 660000 662000 664000 666000 668000 670000

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7.2 Expansion - 330Mtpa BHP in isolation and cumulative

Predicted 24-hour PM10 statistics for the modelled 330Mtpa scenario at Taplin Street, both in

isolation and cumulatively with PHIC CAM and background concentrations, are displayed in

Table 7-2. Table 7-2 also contains the statistics of the background concentration file used in the


Predicted results for the modelled 330Mtpa scenario (BHP without background) demonstrate

this scenario does not result in any exceedances of the interim guideline at Taplin Street.

Predicted results for the modelled 330Mtpa scenario (BHP and PHIC CAM with background)

demonstrates this scenario results in seven excursions of the interim guideline at Taplin Street.

Contour plots of the maximum 24-hour PM10 concentrations that are predicted to occur as a

result of the 330Mtpa scenario as a standalone operation (BHP without background) and with

PHIC CAM cumulative and background concentration file are presented in Figure 7-4 and

Figure 7-5, respectively.

The annual average PM10 concentrations that are predicted to occur as a result of the 330Mtpa

scenario with PHIC CAM cumulative and background air quality are presented in Figure 7-6.

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Table 7-2 Statistics for predicted 24-hour PM10 ground level concentrations at Taplin Street for modelled 330Mtpa expansion (µg/m3)

Receptor Maximum 99th percentile 95th percentile 90th percentile 70th percentile Annual average

Days > 70 µg/m3

Taplin Street

BHP no background

52 14 11 9 6 4.9 0

Cumulative (BHP and PHIC CAM with background)

202 77 62 52 43 35.5 7


183 53 36 32 25 21.9 1

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Map Projection: Transverse MercatorHorizontal Datum: GDA 1994

Grid GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50K FIGURE 7-4



658000 660000 662000 664000 666000 668000 670000

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Map Projection: Transverse MercatorHorizontal Datum: GDA 1994

Grid GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50K FIGURE 7-5

658000 660000 662000 664000 666000 668000 670000

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Map Projection: Transverse MercatorHorizontal Datum: GDA 1994

Grid GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50K FIGURE 7-6




658000 660000 662000 664000 666000 668000 670000

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Comparison of the 330Mtpa scenario (expansion) model results with the model results predicted

for the 290Mtpa scenario (base case) are presented in Table 7-3 for Taplin Street. From

Table 7-3, it is evident that there is a reduction in predicted dust concentrations for the BHP

330Mtpa expansion scenario when compared against the 290Mtpa base case.

BHP’s Port Operations annual average predicted PM10 concentrations at the regulatory

monitoring location (Taplin Street) are predicted to decrease by 0.9 µg/m3 from the base case

(290Mtpa) for the 330Mtpa expansion scenario.

The extensive dust control package included as part of BHP’s 330Mtpa expansion scenario is

predicted to deliver a reduction in BHP’s potential contribution to dust concentrations across all

receptors in Port Hedland, as shown in Figure 7-7.

Figure 7-7 Reduction in modelled annual average PM10 contribution (BHP only) at receptors in Port Hedland (290Mtpa vs 330Mtpa)

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Table 7-3 Summary of predicted model statistics for PM10 ground level concentrations at Taplin Street (µg/m3) – 290Mtpa base case vs 330Mtpa scenario

Receptor 290Mtpa base case 330Mtpa expansion

Maximum 70th percentile

Annual average

Exceedances of 70 µg/m3

Maximum 70th percentile

Annual average

Days > 70 µg/m3

Taplin Street Without background

68 8 5.8 0 52 6 4.9 0

Cumulative (BHP and PHIC CAM with background)

202 45 36.5 9 202 43 35.5 7

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8. Conclusion This report has been produced to support a proposed amendment to the existing operating

licence (L4513/1969/18) of BHP’s Port Operations. The existing licence is issued under Part V

of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. This licence amendment application seeks to

increase nominated throughput capacity up to 330 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa).

This study adopts consistent methodology in line with the previous 290Mtpa licence

amendment, that is AERMOD modelling using meteorological and background data from 2013

(PEL, 2016). Modelling of cumulative emissions is also undertaken as part of this assessment.

Emissions from the Pilbara Ports Authority Eastern and Utah Point operations, operations at

Anderson Point by Fortescue Metals Group, Roy Hill operations and North West Iron Ore

Alliance operations are also included.

8.1 Air quality assessment criteria

The criteria used for this study have been derived from The WA Government endorsed Port Hedland Dust Management Taskforce recommendation that the current interim guideline of 24-

hour PM10 of 70 μg/m3 continues to apply to residential areas of Port Hedland and that

measures should be introduced to cap (and if possible, reduce) the number of permanent

residents in dust affected areas of Port Hedland.

Furthermore in 2018, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) and the

Department of Health (DoH) released the Industry Regulation Fact Sheet: Managing Dust in Port Hedland (DWER and DoH, 2018) in response to the WA Government endorsement of the

Taskforce Recommendations. This included the following guidance from DWER on its interim

regulatory approach for Port Hedland:

Applicants will be encouraged to demonstrate no net increase to dust emissions in Port Hedland from port related activities. Where this isn’t demonstrated, DWER will consider further controls that may in part serve to offset any increase in dust emissions.

For the purposes of this assessment the modelling results have been compared against the

interim guideline of 24-hour PM10 of 70 μg/m3 and the annual average PM10 concentrations at

the regulatory monitoring location at Taplin Street in Port Hedland.

Air quality impacts from the currently approved throughput capacity and the expansion

scenarios have been modelled using the US EPA AERMOD dispersion model. All modelling

was conducted using the setup detailed in the Air Quality Assessment – 290Mtpa (PEL, 2016).

8.2 Dust abatement

BHP is committed to reducing emissions of particulate matter from its operations to meet the

ambient targets. To assist in accomplishing this objective, BHP has implemented numerous

dust mitigation practices as standard into its operations.

System level controls

A high proportion of ore is shipped directly after unloading i.e. it is not sent to the stockyard.

This is a significant dust control as it prevents double handling of ore. BHP is world leading

in this control.

Moisture content of ore is managed through supply chain (pit to port).

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Car dumpers

Car dumpers are fully enclosed and fitted with dust extraction systems. Negative pressure

is maintained during unloading of ore to maximise dust extraction.

Moisture analysers operate in real time, determining the moisture content in ore relative to

the DEM. Where required, water sprays are activated.

Conveyor and transfer points

Over 80 belt wash stations are installed on site on conveyors systems.

Conveyors are fitted with belt scrapers and/or plough to prevent the carry back of dust.

Bulk ore conditioning (BOC) sprays installed along the conveyor system use spray nozzles

to add moisture to the ore.

Transfer chutes are enclosed and selected transfer stations are fitted with a dust extraction

system or fogging system.

An integrated control system prevents overloading of conveyors and minimises spillage.

Rubber skirts are installed at ore transfer points to minimise dust emissions.


Lump rescreening plants (LRPs) are fitted with dust extraction systems and are either fully

or partially enclosed.


Live stockyards are fitted with stockyard water cannons.

Chemical suppressants are applied to static stockpiles.

Stackers, reclaimers and shiploaders

Stackers, reclaimers and shiploaders are fitted with boom water sprays.

Boom luff height is actively managed to minimise drop height.


Appropriate speed limits are enforced at site.

All major roads are sealed and regularly cleaned.

Chemical dust suppressant is applied on open areas and low traffic roads as required.

Availability of dust controls

Minimum of 90% availability of wet scrubbers at car dumpers, LRPs and transfer stations.

Minimum of 90% availability of water sprays on stackers, reclaimers and shiploaders.

Minimum of 90% availability of belt wash stations and internal fogging systems.

These controls are already utilised at the existing facilities in Port Hedland (Finucane Island and

Nelson Point) and have been incorporated in the 290Mtpa base case scenario.

Additional dust abatement for the 330Mtpa expansion scenario includes:

Belt wash stations on all existing and new conveyors in South Yard and on the new car

dumper 6.

Fogging units on the exit tunnel conveyors leaving car dumpers 1, 2, 3 and 6.

Finucane Island wind fence

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South Yard (Nelson Point) wind fence

Sealing of open areas - Phases 1 and 2

Vehicle emission reductions due to reduction in site traffic

8.3 Model results

Modelling of the proposed throughput capacity of 330Mtpa (BHP without background) indicates


This scenario does not result in any exceedances of the interim criteria (24-hour PM10 of

70 μg/m3) at Taplin Street.

BHP’s Port Operations annual average PM10 concentrations at the regulatory monitoring

location (Taplin Street) are predicted to decrease by 0.9 µg/m3 from the base case

(290Mtpa) for the 330Mtpa expansion scenario.

The extensive dust control package included with BHP’s 330Mtpa expansion scenario, is

predicted to deliver a reduction in BHP’s contribution to dust concentrations, whilst allowing

for an increase in Port throughput capacity of 40Mtpa. Such reduction is not only observed

at the Taplin Street receptor, the model also predicts a reduction in dust concentrations

across all other Port Hedland receptors.

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References Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), 2020. Climate Statistics for Australian Locations: Summary

Statistics for Port Hedland Airport. Accessed 24 March 2020 at

Department of Health (DoH), 2016. Port Hedland Air Quality Health Risk Assessment for Particulate Matter. Environmental Health Directorate, January 2016.

Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DJTSI), 2016. Port Hedland Dust Management Taskforce Report to Government. August 2016.

Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) and DoH, 2018. Industry Regulation Fact Sheet -2018. Managing Dust in Port Hedland.

GHD, 2020. BHP 290Mtpa Baseline Model - Basis of Emission Estimation. 28 April 2020.

GHD, 2018. BHP Vehicle Movements Analysis. 17 January 2018.

Katestone, 2018. Port Hedland Exposed Areas Modelling. 12 October 2018.

Port Hedland Industries Council (PHIC), 2020. Annual Report – FY 2018/19 Port Hedland Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program. April 2020.

Pacific Environment Limited 2015, Port Hedland Cumulative Air Model – Model Comparison. May 2015.

Pacific Environment Limited, 2016. Final Report Air Quality Assessment – 290 Mtpa, BHP Billiton Iron Ore Port Operations. September 2016.

Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM), 2003. Aggregated Emissions Inventory for the Pilbara Airshed. 1999/2000. Emissions Inventory Report. Revision 2 - June 2003. Available at

Ramboll, 2020. BHP Port Hedland Windblown Dust Calculations. 14 February 2020.

United States Environmental Protection Agency 2004, User’s Guide for the AERMOD Meteorological Preprocessor (AERMET), Office of Air Quality Palling and Standards, Emissions, Monitoring and Analysis Divisions, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, November 2004.