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***************************************************************** NEW AGE WOMAN REPORT Astrological Guide for Personal Growth Beyonce September 4, 1981 4:37 AM Houston, Texas ******************************************************************

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Astrological Guide for Personal Growth

BeyonceSeptember 4, 1981

4:37 AM

Houston, Texas


Beyond Psychic






     This astrological report is designed as a guide for the New Age woman and in it I have considered

how the astral influences affect a woman in particular. A great difference exists between the interpretation

of a horoscope of a man and a woman, and that is what I am trying to make clear here.

     This report is divided into two sections:  the first one analyzes your personality with its multiple facets

(Sun and Moon positions); and the second one analyzes the twelve astrological houses.

     This report is not merely descriptive. In the majority of cases, ideas are suggested that can help your

personal evolution. The subjects are approached from different points of view such as metaphysical,spiritual, nutritional and general.

     In a few places there may be certain contradictions because an astrological influence may favor one

aspect of life and harm another. Because of that, it is necessary that you read the report with a bit of logic

and, especially, that you let your intuition guide you.

     Woman has greatly changed her social position over time and the realization of the New Age depends

in great measure on her. Because of that it is necessary that you know yourself, that you know your

potential and your limitations, because by working on your personal evolution you help everyone else as

well, contributing to the evolution of all life.



Birth Astrological Data



      The natal chart is a map of the sky that shows the

astrological positions at the moment and place of birth. Forthe benefit of students of Astrology, these positions as well

as other technical information are listed below:

 Sun     11 Vir 46               Neptune  22 Sag 05Moon    18 Sco 14               Pluto    22 Lib 39Mercury  2 Lib 13               Asc.     10 Leo 21Venus   19 Lib 58               MC        4 Tau 35Mars     1 Leo 29               2nd cusp  4 Vir 16Jupiter 12 Lib 21               3rd cusp  2 Lib 19Saturn   9 Lib 02               5th cusp  8 Sag 26Uranus  26 Sco 28               6th cusp 10 Cap 44

Tropical  Placidus   Daylight Saving Time observed

GMT: 09:37:00   Time Zone: 6 hours West

Lat. and Long. of birthday: 29 N 45 47 95 W 21 47


Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 MinOpposition : 6 Deg 00 MinSquare     : 6 Deg 00 MinTrine      : 6 Deg 00 MinSextile    : 5 Deg 00 Min




Chapter 1:

Your essence. Your self. The Sun.



                            Character is destiny. By improving

                            your personality you create good

                            conditions for your future.

Sun in Virgo:

     Beyonce, you were born under the sign of Virgo and your ruling planet is Mercury, which endows

you with extraordinary mental abilities.

     You are a gentle, shy, clever, and analytical woman who likes to organize everything around you. You

have a great practical sense of life and will solve problems and tasks easily. You are very responsible and

a hard worker but you do not value your own effort. The wait for acknowledgment from others may

cause you to be easily hurt. You give yourself totally to your family and your companion, putting aside

many of your personal ambitions.

     Your natural shyness will lead you to have a very rich internal life full of deep feelings. You will be

very loyal to your friends, which, though they may be few in number will be lasting. You have a great

ability to analyze and to see the details of each situation and you will be careful about doing everything

perfectly. You are very demanding of yourself and your nervousness may start to affect your health.

     To fall in love you will look for a strong and protective man who will offer you stability and security in

every way. The educated, intellectual, and well-prepared person with whom you can exchange opinions

attracts you. You need someone who can treat you with delicacy and gentleness because you cannot

stand aggressiveness or rudeness. You will be very compliant and efficient both as a lover and as a wife.

     Beyonce, you were born to study, to develop your intelligence, to organize, to resolve, to order and,

mainly, to serve. One of your missions is to make sure that each of the people around you discovers and

develops his or her potential. Your capacity to analyze and see details will teach others to dig deeper and

become more perfect. You were born to heal, to alleviate and to resolve problems.

     To evolve, you need to learn to develop more self-confidence. You should conquer your fears,

insecurities and the shyness that immobilizes you at times, and also the tendency to be a hypochondriac.

You should avoid limiting your own freedom by generating health problems. You must stop being

skeptical or melancholic or harboring over-critical or negative attitudes. The expression of your

personality can be limited by hysteria, diseases or by the tendency to think too much about things and not

to act enough.

Sun in 2nd house:

     You will have the ability to attract money to your life. It is probable that you will be financially

successful through your own efforts and also through your marriage. You have a pronounced materialistic

sense of life and you will find yourself attracted by possessions that represent status and/or luxury.

     Though money will never be lacking from your life, it is important that you learn how to manage it

because it will slip through your fingers. Often you will buy unnecessary things or incur expenses for

which you will later be sorry. You must learn to share your goods and not let yourself be ensnared by

luxurious possessions.

     This position emphasizes that your scale of values is concentrated in material things; do not neglectyour spiritual values nor those of others.



Chapter  2:

The Moon. Your emotional world.



Moon in Scorpio:

     You identify yourself as a strong, aggressive, combative and loyal woman. You like being direct with

your opinions and you do not beat around the bush.  Though your image is that of a strong woman, you

are very sensitive and can react in anger or aggressiveness easily, perhaps abruptly or impulsively, and

you are not very willing to tolerate anyone or anything that gets in your way. You can hold grudges for a

long time and harbor desire for revenge for unjust situations that you have endured in the past. You must

learn to forgive and forget in order to live with more freedom and harmony in the future.  You tend toimpose yourself on others and dominate those around you. Your tremendous will power allows you to

overcome crises successfully and you have the strength necessary to recreate yourself over and over. In

addition, you have an investigative soul and you are fascinated by mysteries.

     Your emotions are deep and very lasting. You like to share intensely your feelings with your

companion and you give yourself to love entirely, both in the physical and in the spiritual plane. You are

jealous and possessive. You want to share everything with the one you love all the time. You can

become manipulative and attempt domination through your emotions. Try to act with moderation,

patience and understanding because if not, your romantic life will be very stormy.

     The relationship with your mother could have been unsatisfactory and you are not willing to follow inher footsteps. Your mother could have been all-consuming, overprotective or unsure of allowing her

children freedom. It is possible that there were misunderstandings or simply a lack of identification

between the two of you.

     As a mother you will be very demanding of your children. You will be aware of their needs and you

will accompany them in every step of their development. You are very intuitive and that will allow you to

easily interpret their thoughts. You can be very dominant, inflexible or impatient with them. Try to teach

them to trust their own decisions, and avoid demonstrations of excessive or suffocating control; let them

be free.

     During previous lives you suffered from a lack of confidence in those around you, and also from

emotional hurts and crises that have led you to develop a great survival instinct. Many extreme changes

and the loss of stability in the past makes you cling passionately to your loved ones. In this incarnation

you must learn to relax, to live without so much anxiety and to use your aggressiveness in a constructive

way. You must express your emotions freely, without demanding or expecting the same response in


Moon in 4th house:

     Your feminine identity manifests itself completely in your home. Beyonce, you feel a great love and

closeness towards your family so that you will develop ties that are difficult to cut. This love also extends

to your city, your country, your traditions and everything that forms a part of your history. You like to

collect both valuable objects and those that only have a personal significance.

     Throughout your life you will change your address constantly because you will be in a permanent

search for a better place. Some of those changes will be well thought out, but others will only be

whimsical. You must act rationally every time you think of moving to avoid complications or regrets.

     This same influence will lead to your having as an adult, a fully realized emotional life. You will

demonstrate all your feminine power in this stage and you will be healthy.


 Your destiny according to the 12 astrological houses.



FIRST HOUSE:  Your personality. Your body. Your childhood.


Leo Rising Sign (1st house cusp)

     People see you as a strong, decisive and proud woman. You feel very secure and you become the

center of attention any place you go. You express yourself dramatically and with some exaggeration,though you also show a great sense of humor and enthusiasm. You will greatly develop your artistic and

creative talents, and also, talents for seduction and romantic conquests. You are flirty and will have many


     You show yourself to be pleasant, happy and spontaneous, which allows you to communicate and

socialize easily. Even though this is true, you are selective and you give yourself totally to only a few

people. You have the authority and the capacity to lead others. If your solar sign is weak, then you will

find yourself very favored by this ascendent; if it is not, any tendencies towards rigidity, inflexibility and

impatience may be compounded.

     Your body will be able to rely on an inexhaustible level of energy but you must not abuse it. Thoughyou like movement, sports and dance, you also like luxury and the good life, which can result in nutrition

disorders and insufficient sleep.

     During your childhood you felt great pride in your family, especially your father. It is probable that you

grew up surrounded by luxury, and from that you learned to care about social status. You enjoyed being

cared for and because of your pride you very rarely did your chores. If you received all the love that you

needed as a child, you will be triumphant in life. Otherwise, if your pride and sensitivity were hurt, you

should work to heal your inner child eliminating the emotional barriers, false pride, arrogance and other

negative factors that block your path to success. One way or the other, you have the possibility ofattaining prestige.



SECOND HOUSE:  Money. Assets. Resources.



Virgo on 2nd house cusp.

     Throughout your life you will work with great dedication to earn your money. You will be successfulin places where you can excel because of your intelligence and ability for detailed work, or where you

can offer certain types of services. The more specialized and particular your job is, the more you will

earn. You must care about perfecting yourself in whatever you choose, studying and taking courses that

will help you be the best in your area.

     Possibly you have many ambitions and you may encounter difficulties in advancing your career. It isalso possible that you experience some economic limitations or doubts, especially if you are not

organized and practical. You have the necessary energy to overcome your obstacles, you only have to

act intelligently.

Mercury in 2nd house:

     You value anything that produces practical results and is oriented towards earning money. Your ideas

are centered on the business world but you could also earn money writing, teaching, traveling or working

in the communications media such as radio, newspapers or television. It is probable, also, that you will

have several occupations instead of just one. You must concern yourself with achieving a good academic

level because your income depends greatly upon the utilization of your intelligence.

Mercury in Libra:

     Your mind is balanced and harmonious, and you seek to express your ideas adequately and

delicately. You are not quick to make decisions because your sense of justice demands you analyze both

sides of the situation, trying to avoid errors or any injustice. Your indecision even in trivial things will

sometimes torment you and the people around you. You are moderate in everything you do and rarely go

to extremes. Your manner of communication is gentle, refined and friendly. You have a warm tone of

voice and you avoid using rude and offensive words. Beyonce, you become disgusted by arguments,violence and aggressiveness. If you find yourself in a hostile environment, you run from it or retreat inside

yourself. You have a strong aesthetic sense which you will manifest through one or more artistic abilities.

Thanks to your high level of sociability, you can excel in public relations, diplomacy, law or as a referee.

You have a very pleasing attitude towards others and it is probable that you postpone many of your

plans if you think they could cause any disturbance. You can be lazy or inconsistent in your studies and

you need the encouragement of others to successfully complete them.

Mercury Conjunction Saturn:

     Your mind is very sober, logical, methodical, careful and responsible. You are very good at listening

to others; you do not make vain comments and prefer to work alone. Your decisions will be firm and

asserted with great authority. It is probable that you tend to be a bit pessimistic, that you are not always

pleased with your achievements or aspirations, and that you become depressed easily. You are very

serious and appear to be older than you really are; you are interested in adult subjects and act in a slow

and premeditated manner. Your tastes are mainly traditional and familiar. You need to communicate

more with your father and also learn how to relax and loosen up more, overcoming your fear of making


Mercury Sextile Mars:

     Your mind is very restless and you will never cease to learn. You are quick, practical, perceptive,

brave and will easily detect the weaknesses of others. You are very creative and you can excel both in

writing and in manual arts. You are very secure and firm in your decisions without being aggressive. Your

mind never rests and it is important that you keep yourself active.



THIRD HOUSE:  Your mind. Your education. Short trips.

Your brothers and sisters.



                             The mind is a magnet: it attracts

                             to you exactly what you                             think about.

Libra on 3rd house cusp.

     Beyonce, you have a strong sense of justice and you always analyze both sides of the situation,

seeking a healthy balance in your conclusions. You express yourself in a warm, gentle and delicatemanner, which allows you to conquer others easily. You are very seductive and enchanting in your

treatment of others and you can excel in business, public relations or politics.

     Also, you will be interested in studying and developing your artistic talents, good taste and creativity.

It is important that you use your abilities even if you do not pursue them professionally, because a great

amount of your inner balance depends on them. You will be changeable in your study habits; at times,

you will assume great responsibility and show dedication to your studies, but then you will go to the other

extreme if you lose enthusiasm. It is necessary that you become more constant in your intellectual

purposes if you desire success in the future.

     This astrological influence helps communication among siblings (if you have any), relatives andneighbors. It is possible that you find a great companion in one of them. Also, communication will be a

key element in your marriage to maintain the balance and overcome crises. You will engage in many

pleasant short trips with your husband.

Venus in 3rd house:

     You will enjoy the relationships with your siblings and relatives in general. Your manner of expression

is refined and pleasant; if you demonstrate artistic inclinations, you could combine your intellect with your

great creativity and be a writer. You do not like arguments or rough language; you prefer to cope withpersuasion and not pressure.

Venus in Libra:

     Harmony, social relations and marriage are very important to you. You enjoy the company of others

and you are a well loved person because of your personal charm and gentleness. You are very obliging

and care deeply about assisting your loved ones. You feel attracted by beauty, luxuries and art in general;

you possess many talents and surprise others with your artistic abilities. The opposite sex finds you very

seductive. You are very idealistic about love and your feelings can be hurt easily because you will not

stand for aggressiveness or disquiet. With this astrological position, it is sure that you will be a happily

married woman.

Venus Conjunction Jupiter:

     You are affectionate, generous and very sociable. You possess a strong magnetism and receive much

help and collaboration in what you need. You will generally have good luck and reach an economic level

that will allow you to live comfortably and happily. You like to share and will always be very well

disposed towards others. You received a lot of love in your childhood and that always influences you to

see the positive side of life. You can be a bit lazy or overprotected; you must not neglect your dietbecause there could be a tendency towards excess, especially with sweets.

Venus Conjunction Pluto:

     Since childhood you have been passionate and a lover. You feel happy receiving many hugs and

kisses. You do not resign yourself to just anything; you always ask for more. You will tend to haveintense and deep romances; fleeting alliances are not for you. You are very jealous and demanding and

you tend to try to possess and dominate your companion; it is recommended that you learn to control

your selfishness. You will not always express your intense feelings; sometimes your anger can last a long

time and generate deep resentment. Love will be the element that transforms your life whenever it


Venus Sextile Neptune:

     You have a great imagination and sensitivity and your manner of expression is very refined. You are

very romantic and spiritual. Probably you have some telepathic communication with the people you love,

feeling what happens to them at a distance; this can be especially true with your mother. You have greatartistic inspiration, and if you dedicate yourself to music it is probable that you will prefer string


Jupiter in 3rd house:

     Success will come to you through education, studies and communication. You are very alert and your

positive disposition will lead you to have good luck in your projects. You have a good relationship with

your relatives, especially with your siblings. Your mind is restless and you prefer not to have too much

routine in your life. At times you could be garrulous and waste your energies that way. It is important thatyou learn to be reserved about your projects. You could also be a bit imprudent and prone to


Jupiter in Libra:

      Since childhood you have learned to recognize beauty everywhere. You are elegant and precise in

your movements; you attract others and could be very popular and loved. You will develop a strong

sense of justice and will always defend the rights of others, even when they do not request it. In your

search for balance you could be excessive and when the time to choose comes, indecisive. This astral

influence helps insure future marital happiness.

Jupiter Conjunction Saturn:

      You have a very disciplined and somewhat rigid attitude. Though life can seem a bit hard for you with

many problems, you have a clear and definite purpose of what you want to achieve. You will combine in

your personality self-assurance and a predisposition to work a lot. You will have abilities in business and

politics. It is probable that you received an orthodox religious education.

Saturn in 3rd house:

     It is to be hoped that you have received a good education and support in your studies because your

mind is penetrating and you concentrate well. It is probable that the relationship with your siblings is not

ideal; perhaps your parents placed an emphasis on the differences between you during childhood. You

can tend to suffer problems with communication, feeling inhibited when expressing your ideas and

emotions. You can also be prone to melancholy and depression. You are conservative in your way ofthinking and prefer concrete and realistic ideas over abstract ones. Hopefully you have been brought up

with positive ideas, because you will not change throughout your life ideas learned in childhood.

Saturn in Libra:

      You need a lot of time to make a decision and, though you seem indecisive, you will finally make the

right choice. You are reserved and have a certain difficulty with your social life; though you have few

friends, it is probable that they will be lasting. You have a great sense of justice and could be a very good

judge or lawyer. You will always be very diplomatic and will act with tact and gentleness when giving

your opinions. This astrological position could delay marriage and attract a very serious companion. You

can also be demanding, intolerant and occasionally spiteful.

Pluto in 3rd house:

      You possess an intense and powerful mind. Your great intuition allows you to know and penetrate

deeply the secrets of any subject. You could sometimes be inconsistent with your studies, or you could

change schools or abandon your studies completely. Your manner of communication is not fluid and it is

probable that at times you announce your opinions somewhat aggressively. The relationship with your

siblings will be important and you will experience deep and total changes in your environment that will

affect your emotional world. If these changes are negative, then you could become more aggressive andimpatient.

Pluto in Libra:

      Your generation cares about the development of human relations and communication. They are not

selfish but instead are willing to listen to others, seeking agreement and balance between different points

of view. They are interested in psychology and sociology and will propose new styles of unions, both

commercial and matrimonial, with the idea of achieving more understanding and happiness. Politicians will

strive to achieve peace treaties and harmony between different countries, eliminating the armament race

or the preponderance of one in power. Beyonce, as a part of this movement, you show a love for beauty

and harmony; you possess a great sense of justice and a very developed social instinct.



FOURTH HOUSE:  Your home. Middle Age and Later Years.



Scorpio on 4th house cusp.

     You grew up in a tense and complex home. You probably fought a lot with one of your parents, whowas very aggressive and authoritative. You have received criticism or opposition to your plans at home

(or you receive them still) and that caused your rebelliousness and desire for independence.

     During your maturity you will keep yourself active, energetic and vital. Your personal authority will

increase notably and you will be impatient. If you are nervous or aggressive at present, you must learn to

control yourself because these characteristics will tend to be accentuated in the future.

     This astrological influence lengthens your life and offers you the possibility of experiencing a

regeneration and of having a great change during that period. Also, you will inherit goods that will help

your financial stability. Your intuitive ability will be heightened and you will have innumerable psychic


Uranus in 4th house:

      You will experience many changes of residence and a few ups and downs in your family life. Your

mother has a very particular personality and is very original and independent in her thinking. In general,

you have unusual family ancestors; you experienced irregularities during your childhood, either beingseparated from one of your parents or living under an unusual circumstance. You did not choose a calm

and steady life in one place, and because of this, your changes of residence, work, companion, friends,

etc., will be frequent. As an adult, you will always display a strong interest in Astrology and occult


Uranus in Scorpio:

      You belong to a generation that will break many taboos on life, death, sex, and other personal topics.

You will defend your ideas with a certain fanaticism and be aggressive towards challengers. You are verydynamic, energetic and secure in expressing yourself though you must learn to be more flexible and less

reactionary. Your intuition will be powerful and many inventions and discoveries characterize your era,

especially in the fields of medicine and metaphysics.



FIFTH HOUSE:  Love. Romance. Children.



                               "Love is blind when it is born,

                                nearsighted when it grows, and

                                it sees all when it dies."

Sagittarius on 5th house cusp.

     You may have two to four children, if no other planetary influences intervene. You will be very happy

with your children and will maintain a relationship of companionship. They will be restless, curious,

adventuresome and will seem tireless. It is possible that in the future one of them (or more) will move outof the country and you will have to travel to visit them.

     You associate love with conquest and you like relationships that present some type of challenge. It is

possible that you will experience difficult or impossible love affairs but you will not feel frustrated. Among

the difficulties can be found geographical distance (for example, a foreigner or someone who lives far

away), or some legal problem (for example, a married man). You are friendly, happy and spontaneous.

You express your feelings freely and are very skillful at seduction.

     Deep inside, you desire to find a vital, happy and strong man with whom to share your life, without

falling into a routine.

     This astrological influence can offer you many admirers and it is possible that you may become

entangled in more than one parallel relationship.

     The following list will help you understand how you can

relate yourself to the rest of the signs. If you happen to

know the other person's rising sign, you have to combine it

with his/her sign in order to get a more complete description

of that person.


     You will feel a great personal identification with people of this sign and together you can develop

projects common to both. A good sign for marriage.


     A relationship tied in with business, finances or financial aid is favored over a romantic one. The union

offers stability and protection but could also be out of an interest in money.


     You could maintain very good communication and an interchange of ideas. A mental or light

relationship is indicated.


     A personal and intimate relationship in which deep emotions will be shared. A very good sign formarriage because it indicates the possibility of making a home together.


     A relationship of mutual love and attraction. You can enjoy and share many happy moments but

difficulties exist in maintaining the relationship over time. Ideal sign for courtship or romance, not formarriage.


     An unequal relationship in which one offers more than the other. A difficulty exists in openly

expressing feelings. A work relationship is favored over a romantic one.


     Ideal sign for marriage or associations. It is also possible that one of your best friends is of this sign.

This is a sign of complements; each can have opposing personal characteristics and that generatesattraction.


     Magnetic and intense attraction is indicated. Sign of passionate and uncontrolled romance based on a

strong sexual attraction. A relationship that implies a dare or a strong emotional experience.


     A sign that represents a second marriage; a happier and more spontaneous relationship based upon

the exchange of ideas common to both. One could assume a protective or teaching role with the other.

Probability of an encounter in a foreign land or of long voyages together.


     A sign that stands out in your destiny. The people of this sign, both friends and lovers, will exert an

important influence in your life. It is an ideal sign for marriage because it points out objectives and

ambitions common to both, but it can also indicate too much worry over social status.


     Sign of friendship that represents common desires and fantasies. Open, friendly, happy and warm

relationship, though probably it will not be lasting. If other common elements exist, it may lead to a

marriage based on friendship and respect for each other's individuality.


     Karmic relationship initiated in previous lives. It is possible that you have to confront strong difficultiesto be together and that it is a clandestine or secret relationship. Also, it can indicate an impossible or

intriguing love affair. This sign is the least favorable for obtaining a happy and open relationship; if you are

involved in one, it will be difficult for you to cut yourself off or escape because of doubts about your

destiny and the lessons you have to learn.

Remember the following:  everything that he does to you is what you did to him in previous lives. It isgood for you to practice the exercise of forgiveness and forget any negative emotions.

Note: if two signs are repeated, it means that the relationship

is more complex. If one of the signs is missing, its

interpretation is the same as the previous one. To make things

easier, this is the list of the signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini,

Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,

Aquarius and Pisces.


     All relationships are PERFECT. Each situation you experience with another person is the perfect and

necessary one for your evolution; because of this, it is important that you do not cling to negative

emotions such as anguish, depression, fury, frustration, etc., and that you try to see at every moment

what life wants to teach you. Each person you know has a message for you and until you listen to it, it is

highly probable that it will be repeated. Some relationships have karmic ties:  they have been initiated in

other lives and there may be dues to pay. It is possible that what someone makes you suffer is what you

have done to him/her in another time. That is why you must forgive and forget. In every situation repeat

to yourself :  "everything is perfect"; though at the beginning you may not understand it, later it will becrystal clear.

Neptune in 5th house:

      You are very romantic and you have creative potential. You also tend to dramatize situations and to

idealize the people you love too much. Your romances will be complex and you will probably experience

an impossible love affair. Your approach to life is a bit naive and you will seek diversions often. It is

important that you learn to be more realistic and objective.

Neptune in Sagittarius:

     Your generation will need new religious and philosophical values. They are very profound and

inquisitive about the meaning of life. It is also probable that during this period many educational laws and

programs will be reformed. Beyonce, as a part of this generation, you will be very interested in being in

those reform groups; you are inclined towards disseminating new ideas, seeking a universal religion, and

getting to know different cultures. At some time it is possible that you will meet false prophets but your

own intuition will allow you to distinguish them.

Neptune Sextile Pluto:

      You possess a great creative and artistic ability. You will also fight against injustices and will seek

reforms in the legislative system. Your intuition is powerful and will lead you to study and reveal the

secrets of nature. It is probable that you are not totally understood in your ideas about freedom or in the

use of your mystical knowledge; nevertheless, your interest in the subject will not wane.



SIXTH HOUSE:  Health. Nutrition. Work. Service.



Attention: in this section you will find recommendations to

improve your health, but in cases with specific problems you

must consult your doctor.

Sun in Virgo:

     Virgo rules the intestinal system, colon, duodenum and gall bladder. You are very sensitive and

suggestible when in comes to illness. It is recommended that you neither frequent places where there are

sick people nor participate in conversations about the subject. More than once your hypochondriacaldisposition will make you suffer some malady you have generated and you will believe you are sick when

you are not. The good side of this is that you are interested in your health and nutrition; you respect diets

and regimens you must follow faithfully. Your most common maladies are intestinal disorders such as

colic, diarrhea, constipation, poor nutrition or parasites.

     To preserve good health, you must consider the following: eliminate from your diet irritating intestinal

agents, principally peppers, alcohol, legumes (sprouts, lentils, garbanzo beans, etc.) and very fermented

cheeses; avoid eating fried foods or those with a high fat content; practice some non-violent sport such as

golf, croquet, etc.; eat in peace quietly; chew slowly and dissolve food in your mouth first before

swallowing it; try to have a pleasant job at a comfortable place; encourage your intestinal flora by eating

plain unsweetened yogurt; wash all vegetables before consumption; avoid red meats and especially pork;walk outdoors frequently and participate in any group activity that allows you to surround yourself with

positive and creative people.

Saturn in Libra:

     This astrological position can cause poor filtration or removal of urea from the blood, renal or urinary

retention, renal blockages due to the presence of calcium stones, suppression of urine and blood diseases

caused by renal dysfunction.

Capricorn on 6th house cusp:

     Your short term health problems may be caused by the lack of vitamins C and K, proteins, folic acid

and calcium. Your most common ailments are related to your bone structure and joints (especially the

knees), the skin and the hair. To prevent these problems it is recommended that you add to your diet the

following foods:  soy and all its derivatives, alfalfa sprouts, celery, carrots, potatoes, watercress, spinach,

cauliflower, all unrefined seeds and grains, wheat germ, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, strawberries,

bananas, grapes, nonfat milk, soy or goat milk, fresh cheese, plain yogurt, egg yolks and white meats.

     Your long term health problems may be caused by the fluids in your body and by the lack of vitamin

B-2, fluorine and potassium. Typically, your ailments are related to the digestive function. It is important

that you learn to avoid foods that irritate the digestive tract, and also to calm down and eat in harmony,

chewing your food well before swallowing. You must also avoid drinking liquids while you eat.

     It is recommended that you include in your diet, in addition to what has already been stated:  lettuce,

cabbage, peaches, blackberries, mangoes, peanuts, and mandarin oranges. Drink plenty of pure mineral

water during the day. You must avoid coffee, hot spices and any other irritating product.

Mars in 12th house:

     You may have problems related to infections, inflammations, hemorrhages, burns, fractures, bruises,

pains and muscular contractions. You should avoid violent or precipitous reactions because they are the

cause of your physical ailments. Also, you must search for positive channels to express your

aggressiveness and utilize your great wealth of energy in a constructive manner.

     To have in mind:  many of your emotional unbalances are not produced by external situations or

experiences but by blood disorders. The lack of some nutrients or intoxication or other excesses, can

often cause changes in your system and lead to depression, anguish, fatigue or aggressiveness. Because

of that, if you want to be happy, do not neglect your body--give it the best nutrition possible.



SEVENTH HOUSE:  Associations. Marriage.



                            Your companion is your reflection.

                            Everything you find in him, in

                            some way is in you.

Aquarius on 7th house cusp.

     If there are no contrary indications, you will marry young, and the decision will be made in a quick

and surprising manner. You will choose as a husband a person who is out of the ordinary, intelligent,

vivacious, curious and very talkative. He will have a great creative capacity that will allow him to excelabove all others. Your marriage will not be traditional, classic or routine, and to achieve more happiness

it is necessary that you stay flexible and open to change.

     Your demands and expectations will make living together a bit tense and unstable, especially if you

feel that he wants to rule your life or limit your space. Your most common complaints about him are:  his

selfishness, unemotional or indifferent demeanor, and whimsical or unpredictable decisions. To find

balance in your marital life, you need to feel that you have by your side a companion and not, in the

classical or literal sense, a husband. You will function best as friends, collaborating and helping each

other, without interfering with each other's personal freedom.

     If there are no other planets to help the stability of the relationship, you could experience strongtensions, arguments, or rapid and violent ruptures. You both have to control your bad temper and learn

mutual respect. It is possible that you have several marriages throughout your life, and that some of them

will be very special and unusual.

     Do not evaluate the success of a relationship by the result because it does not depend solely upon

you. Always analyze what you have done:  if you have offered yourself correctly, if you have loved

sincerely, if you have set aside your selfishness, etc. What the other person does is his own responsibility

and you cannot manipulate it. In a couple, the responsibilities are always divided in half; take care of yourshare. At times, one gives everything and does not receive anything; it does not matter. Destiny will take

care of it, returning all the love you may have given. Do not make the mistake of secluding or hardening

yourself or becoming emotionally detached because of suffering caused by others. Try always to be

truthful with what you feel and give yourself fearlessly because in the Universe nothing gets lost and

everything you give, you will get back.



EIGHTH HOUSE:  Dangers. Inheritances. Legacies.



Pisces on 8th house cusp.

     The main danger in your life is related to water. You must be careful when you go to a river, lake orocean. Also, you must avoid taking medications because your body is very sensitive and you could be

poisoned. When you are ill you must use more natural or homeopathic remedies.

     It is probable that in the future you will have some sort of problem because of inheritances. The

possibility of fraud, deceit or confusion could arise.

     In addition, your husband will be very generous and will not know how to manage his money very

well, which could bring certain economic ups and downs.

Things that benefit Virgo:



COLORS: jungle green, Nile green, greenish yellow, pearl gray and silver. Completely avoid dark


STONES: green or white jade, topaz, and green agate.

METAL: mercury. In jewelry, silver favors you more than gold. If you use the latter it is recommended

you do so with one of your favorable stones.

     Equal energies attract; because of this, people with the same tastes gather together. If you want to

attract positive people to your life and experience happy situations, you must take care to improve your

own energy. The only way to find a good companion, good friend, good job, etc., is by being goodyourself, radiating positive energy. Keep in mind that you will never conquer someone using pity or

threats, instead you will provoke the opposite response. If you desire someone or something, you have

to be splendid inside and out. If you feel good about yourself, you will attract the best.



NINTH HOUSE:  Religion. Long trips.



Aries on 9th house cusp.

     You have great religious faith though it is probable that you practice it irregularly. Your ideas canseparate you from tradition and you find yourself in disagreement with certain aspects of the church;

nevertheless, your feeling and spiritual connection with God are very intense. You must act as an


     It is probable that you will experience many long travels throughout your life. You are attracted by

different places that awaken in you an adventurous spirit. You must be careful because the risk of falls,bruises or accidents during your travels exists.



TENTH HOUSE:  Vocation. Professional success.



Note: in order to come to a more accurate conclusion, you must

combine the information below with the characteristics of your

Sun (Chapter 1) and your Moon (Chapter 2).

First 15 degrees of Taurus on MC

     Your destiny is stability and a good financial position. You will be successful in your dealings with

people thanks to your kindness, sympathy and also your authority. Beyonce, you can become interested

in an artistic career or a profession where you can channel your creative abilities. You will never be atotal bohemian; your fantasies will be based upon reality and this makes them likely to be realized. You

have many well organized ambitions and it is probable that you will reach everything you set out to do by

not dreaming too much and not exposing yourself to great risks. You will seek professional stability and

security. Another possible facet could be finances. You are a good administrator and your goals, though

they may wander through artistic pursuits, will always have economic purpose. Your progress will be

slow and gradual but once you have reached a social position, it will be difficult for you to lose it.

     Your vocational choice points toward one of the following professions:  actress, singer, decorator,

administrator, artisan, chef, artistic producer, investor, botanist, agricultural engineer, gardener, ceramist,

sculptor, painter, etc.

     You grew up in a home characterized by hard-working parents who have gained a certain economic

position by their efforts. Every member of the family seemed to have had very fixed and unmovable

ideas, which led them to persist in their own ambitions. People from Taurus will be strongly influential in

your destiny.



ELEVENTH HOUSE:  Friendship. Group activities.



                             "A shared grief is divided, a joy

                              is multiplied."

Gemini on 11th house cusp.

     It is easy for you to communicate with people and make friends. You are attracted to intelligent,

original and possibly restless people who stimulate you to think and exchange knowledge. It is probable

that you have many acquaintances and very few intimate friends. During trips you will make some

friendships but those relationships will probably not be very lasting or deep. It is also possible that youare very close to a sibling (if you have any) with whom you will develop common projects.

     It is probable that you will change clubs or groups if you become bored or do not receive the stimulus

necessary to stay. You are restless and you enjoy meeting new people.



TWELFTH HOUSE:  Karma. Secret enemies. Bankruptcy.



                             "Impossible things only require a

                              little more time."

Cancer on 12th house cusp.

     You must concern yourself with expressing your emotions freely. Though you are generally

extroverted, it is probable that you also have some inhibitions that you cover with your kindness or

sociability. It is recommended that you be conscious of your childhood experiences because they could

lead to impulsive behavior. It may be hard for you to completely accept your femininity and that couldcause you to avoid motherhood or to have a complicated romantic life. You feel more secure

demonstrating authority and aggressiveness than sensitivity and passivity. You must learn to combine

these traits in a harmonious manner to avoid hurting or offending others unconsciously.

     Also, in addition to investing in real estate, this influence could lead to serious family problems, enmity

with some family members, difficulties in establishing yourself firmly in a place, or possibly a lack of

popularity if you do not moderate your bad temper.

Mars in 12th house:

     You can feel limitations in your energy and have difficulty expressing your aggressiveness freely whichcould lead to health problems. It is important that you learn to express your aggressiveness in a

constructive and open manner, without fearing the consequences. It is probable that you will work

somewhere that cares for helpless or ill people, and you could be a very good manager of the place. You

are also very reserved and secretive, which inclines you to be very investigative or a detective.

Mars in Leo:

     You have much personal pride and enjoy doing things on your own initiative. If you know that

someone is expecting something from you, you work very hard to please them. You are also very fussyand because of your sense of dignity you will not stand for mockery or criticism of your personality. You

could be very dominant and selfish though you will express yourself with joy, kindness and dynamism.

You are very generous and demonstrative with your affections which could lead to great success in your

romantic life. This astrological influence indicates a great physical attraction. You are stubborn and will

demand that others let you live your life the way you want to. The more they want to change your goals,

the more you will cling to them. You will not feel comfortable showing your soft or weak side and the

expression of your affections could be a bit eccentric.

Mars Trine Uranus:

     You are a hard worker and continuously express your enthusiasm, vitality, physical strength and

creativity. You have much self-control and a very positive attitude. You could solve your problems very

quickly, acting with precision and efficiency. To excel, you need to feel that you can move and express

yourself freely. You feel a great attraction for new and revolutionary ideas, though you will reject

aggressiveness and fanaticism.



BIBLIOGRAPHY:  To keep growing.




YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE, Louise L. Hay, Ed. Urano. YOUR ERRONEOUS ZONES, Dr.Wayne Dyer, Ed. Grijalbo. HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SELF-ESTEEM, Nathaniel Branden, Ed.

Paidos. I'M OK-YOU'RE OK, Dr. Thomas A. Harris, Grijalbo. THE DANCE OF ANGER, Harriet

Goldhor Lerner, Urano.


4 IN 1, Conny Mendez. GOD SPOKE TO ME, Eileen Caddy, Errepar. THE SILVA MIND


Iniciados, Kier. MAN AND HIS SYMBOLS, Carl G. Jung, Caralt. THE HEALING OF

EMOTIONS, Chris Griscom, Light Institute.




Heindel, Kier. STAR SIGNS, Linda Goodman, Urano.
