betrayal of bn principles

Upload: jimmyfung40

Post on 30-May-2018




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  • 8/14/2019 Betrayal of BN Principles


    The BN federal government in Malaysia often trumpets to the publicabout its so-called principle of consensus when dealing with thevarious issues facing the country.

    The BN also loudly and endlessly trumpets that the government willnot harm the economic prospects of the people even as it sought toenlarge Malay economic power through both transparent and opaque( non-transparent ) measures.

    The BN paramount leader(s) also declared that minority interestswill not be bullied or sidelined even as the majority interestsare given free reign.

    The recent and continuing clamour about the integrated pig farmproject in Kg Tumbuk near Sepang, Selangor give the big lie to allthe above "principles" of the BN government in Malaysia.

    The BN government has tried to whip up deep emotion among the publicby using politicians, who incidentally have an axe to grind afterthe shameful loss of Selangor to the opposition, and the pro-BN massmedia.

    After these guys seem to have become exhausted or bored with thesubject, the BN government is now turning to the national TVchannels to continue ramming forth the highly emotional tiradeagainst the proposed project, perhaps hoping that some villagetoughs, suitably aroused, will take the law into their own handsand thereby inject the necessary fear into the common people.

    The winner will of course be BN.

    The present course of events has to be seen from the BN's view.Selangor, the jewel in the crown, is now under the control of theopposition, and a large part of the blame must be squarely put on

    the shoulders of the pig-consuming voters, a.k.a. the Chinesecommunity. Therefore it is proper for the BN to mount a politicaloffensive that can only be described as one that directly targetsthat community and that community alone.

    Pig farming is an economic activity that does not involve theMuslim Malay community and therefore the Malay economic clout isnot disadvantaged in any manner at all. Why should the BN leaderstry to even rob the others of something that the community has nointerests in ?

    The proposed project is an integrated farm that is intended to beoperated using the latest technology from Germany. Therefore the

    BN government should ensure that it exactly does that, and notdo what current discrete individually-owned pig farms do, pollutingthe environment. The environmental pollution has been a longstandingproblem that successive BN state governments have failed to solve.

    A well-run ultra-modern farm that is also well-supervised and neverneglected by the environmental watchdogs will not pollute the areassurrounding the farm as alleged by the propaganda Goebbels in theBN government. Such a farm will also serve as a model for all othersin the rest of the country and therefore eliminating obsolete farmswill become highly desirable.

  • 8/14/2019 Betrayal of BN Principles


    As such, the BN is clearly cruel and irresponsible AND unprincipledto mount a propaganda tirade against the project, the more so, whenit has been made clear that the money involved will come solely fromthe Chinese community, and no funds from the government will be needed.The BN has given out huge gargantuan funds to others and yet peopleprefer to not talk about it. Where is the fairness or "consent" thatthe BN always talks about ?

    The practices carried out by the BN in governing the country can onlybe described as deceitful if not outright discriminatory in nature.Political power is supreme, yes, but What a shame, exchanging truthand principles for political power. Dig your own grave, fine, but donot dig one for others.