best ayurvedic remedies to prevent hair loss

Best Ayurvedic Remedies To Prevent Hair Loss

Upload: nix-polking

Post on 08-Mar-2016




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Ginseng is an ayurvedic remedy that can be used as a stimulant and helps prevent hair loss. It can be used to remove toxins that blockage the hair follicles and increase the chance of strong hair growth.


Best Ayurvedic Remedies To Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss is a general problem of the hair growth


An individual loses 45 to 65 hairs every day.

Increase in the speed of losing hair becomes the

most important cause of hair loss.

Still there are various causes for hair loss but in 90%

of the cases, hair loss is due to Androgenetic Alopecia,

also called as Male or Female Pattern Hair Loss.

This problem of hair loss take place normally in males

as compared to females, and this is the most important

condition in United States.

Every person in this world can have the problem of

hair loss that can be caused by childbirth, thyroid

disease, birth control pills, deficient diet, stress, cancer

treatment, fungus infection, hair pulling and hair styling


There are various types of ayurvedic remedies to

prevent hair loss.

Some of them are used to stimulate hair development

and others are used to maintain the hair and the scalp

healthy in order to prevent hair loss.

The best ayurvedic remedy to prevent hair loss is

aloe vera.

It is the best ayurvedic remedy that can be used

effectively to prevent hair loss.

Mixed with coconut milk and wheat germ oil, aloe

vera can be made into a shampoo that wash and cure

the scalp.

Henna can be used to form and keep your hair

healthy by decreasing the probability of hair loss.

Henna is an ayurvedic remedy that has been used for

a number of years to keep healthy hair.

Jojoba oil is another ayurvedic remedy for hair loss

that has been used by the people who experience from

skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and also

used successfully in the treatment of dandruff.

Using of Aroma therapists and cove essential oils to

rub down the scalp and stimulate hair growth.

Rosemary is one more ayurvedic remedy for hair loss

that can be used in oil for rubbing the scalp and helps in

hair growth.

Horsetail can be used to help overcome pattern hair

loss by strengthening weak hair and help in hair growth.

Ginseng is another ayurvedic remedy that can be

used as a tonic and helps to improve movement.

It can be used to eliminate poisons blockage the hair

follicles and raise the chance of strong hair growth.

Including these ayurvedic remedies, there are several

other ayurvedic remedies that can be used to prevent

hair loss or stimulate hair growth include ginkgo biloba,

green tea, nettles, licorice and sage.

Hylix lotion is one of the finest ayurvedic remedies

that can be used to prevent hair loss.

The ayurvedic ingredients of Hylix lotion provide

vital nutrients to scalp and follicles that promote natural

hair growth.

The ingredients contained in Hylix lotion are Henna /

Mehndi (Lawsonia Inermis), Bhringraj (Wedelia

Calendulacea), Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica), Azadirachta

Indica (Neem), Shikakai (Acacia Concinna) and Kalonji

(Nigella sativa).

Shake the Hylix bottle before use.

Massage lotion gently on the hair with fingers for 5 to


For best result use Hylix lotion if possible at night.