benign paroxysmal positional vertigo - · two days ago, you attend a wedding, you...

B enign P aroxysmal P ositional V ertigo Swiss Family Docs-Great Update 14.9.2017 Dr Pascal Bang Dr Johanna Sommer

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Page 1: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Swiss Family Docs-Great Update


Dr Pascal BangDr Johanna Sommer

Page 2: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Objectives and Plan

• Recognize typical BPPV (and differential diagnosis)

• Practice of diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers

Page 3: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

BPPVBenign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Benign full recovery within days, weeks (months)

Paroxysmal sudden onset, brief, seconds < 1 min

Positional supine, rolling over one sidesitting up from bedlooking up, head extensionbending over

Vertigo sensation of movement, spinning, nausea, distressing

Page 4: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the
Page 5: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Vestibular system3 semicircular canalsposterior-anterior-horizontal

Utricle – Saccule

otoconiaCa++ carbonate « crystals »

Page 6: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Vestibular function« Gyroscope »« Accelerometer »« Motion sensor »

Vestibulo-ocular reflexVision stabilizer

Page 7: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Vestibular function loss

Unilateral functional deficit

« Breakdown of one motion sensor »

Mismatch of signals from left/right motion sensors

Wrongful perception of motion and position

Impairment of visual fixation


Page 8: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

« Tout tourne autour de moi »

Sensations de chute imminente

« Je marche comme sur du coton »

« Le sol se dérobe sous mes jambes »

« J’ai l’impression qu’on me pousse en avant »

« Je me sens comme ivre »« Ca tangue »

« Je sens que je vais mourir, perdre connaissance »

« Je ne vois plus bien »



Page 9: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Vestibular function loss


Vestibular neuritisLabyrinthitis

Menière’s disease


Vestibular Schwannoma / Neuroma

Page 10: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

BPPVBenign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Benign full recovery within days, weeks (months)

Paroxysamal suddenly, brief, seconds < 1 min

Positional supine, rolling over one sidesitting up from bedlooking up, head extensionbending over

Vertigo sensation of movement, spinning, nausea, distressing

Page 11: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

BPPV posteriorHallpike maneuver

Clinical signs :

• latency

• dizziness

• torsional nystagmus

• exhaustable : nystagmus and dizziness

• one side, sometimes bilateral-asymetrical

Page 12: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

BPPV posterior

Repositioning procedures

• Epley

• Semont

• Brandt and Daroff exercises

Page 13: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

BPPV posterior

Epley maneuver

Page 14: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

BPPV posterior

Semont maneuver

Manœuvre de Semont

Page 15: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

BPPV posterior

Brandt and Daroff exercises

Page 16: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

You are 48 yo.

Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the spotlights.

Yesterday, you woke up with with dreadful dizziness. You stood in bed whole morning, feeling nauseous. Mid-afternoon, you felt much better.

During the night, you woke up to go to the toilet. Again dizziness, spinning sensation, it lasted few seconds.

This morning, you got up from bed. Dizzy again, milder than yesterday morning

Page 17: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Sie sind 48 Jahre alt.

Vor zwei Tagen waren sie auf einer Hochzeit Sie haben getrunken, getanzt und Spass gehabt. Der Hochzeitskuchen war lang imZentrum des Lichtes.

Gestern sind Sie mit schlimmen Schwindel aufgewacht. Sie sind den ganzen morgen mit Brechreiz im Bett geblieben. Am Nachmittage ging es Ihnen viel besser.

In der Nacht sind Sie aufgewacht um zur Toilette zu gehen. Wieder wurde es Ihnen schwindelig es dreht sich um Sie herum, es hat einige Sekunden gedauert.

Heute morgen beim Aufstehen war es wieder etwas schwindelig aber weniger als gestern.

Page 18: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Doctor / Patient:

Is this an inner ear condition ?

Get and give the relevant informations

Observer :

Observe and take not of the interaction.

Report what the doctor learned from the patients, and whatelse he could have asked for

Page 19: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the


Vertigo Getäuschtes Bewegungs-Gefühl, Neurovegetative SymptomeAngst-Gefühl

Positional Decubitus, Kopf zu einer Seite gedreht

Bein Positions-Wechsel (vom Liegen zum Sitzen)Beim Strecken des Kopfes (nach oben-hinten)

Beim Beugen (nach vorne)

Paroxysmal Akuter Schwindel paroxysmal, kurz, einige Sekunden, stark

Bening Spontaner progressiver Abklang in Tagen, Wochen, selten Monaten

Page 20: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the


Ecole enfantine: Ecole des Crêts, Petit-Saconnex, Genève

Etudes Médecine: Faculté de Médecine - Genève

ORL: HUG Chef de Clinique-adjoint 2000-2004Médecin-associé 2004-2008Médecin consultant aux HUG 2008 -Consultation Vertiges HOGER 2002 -

Indépendant en cabinet 2004 -

Recherche: génétique de l’audition FNRS 1998-2000Massachussetts Eye&Eear Infirmary MEEI, BostonHarvard Medical School

Page 21: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Les Vertiges

Que ressent, que vit le patient ?

Les pathologies vestibulaires périphériques

Bilan audio-vestibulaire, pour qui / pourquoi ?

Page 22: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Nystagmus spontané, avec / sans fixation visuelle

Oculo-motricité saccadespendulaires

Cinétique rotatoire pendulaire

VHIT – head impulse test – test Halmagyi

Vibreur mastoidien

Epreuves caloriques 30oC - 44oC

Posture RombergUnterberger

VNG – vidéonystagmographieLunettes de Frenzel

Page 23: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Evaluation de la fonction vestibulaire périphériquechez la personne âgée

anamnèse souvent peu contributive

examen vestibulaire cliniquevidéo-nystagmographie - VNG

- nystagmus spontané

- manœuvre de Hallpike

- stimulation vibratoire mastoïdienne

- épreuves caloriques

Page 24: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Basses fréquences • Epreuve calorique 0,003 Hz• Epreuves cinétiques

Hautes fréquences • Head shaking test ~ 1-2Hz• Head impulse test (Halmagyi) ~ 3-5Hz• Test vibratoire 100Hz

Ulmer 2004

Spectre fréquentiel des réponses vestibulaires: « vestibulogramme »

Page 25: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Test vibratoire osseux

Lücke K. 1973Hamann 1993Michel 1995Dumas G 2000/2003Ulmer 2004Karlberg&Halmagyi M. 2003De Waele C. 2005

Nystagmus induit par vibrateur (100Hz) appliqué sur les mastoïdes- instantané- persistent- non fatigable- pas influencé par la compensation centrale

Détection de déficit vestibulaire unilatéral sensible +spécifique +++

Page 26: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Conditions: températures: 30oC et 44oCdurée d ’irrigation: 20 secintervalle entre stimulations: 5 min

Paramètres: Vélocité des phases lentesDéficit relatif (%) ou hypovalencePrépondérance

Epreuve calorique

Page 27: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Test vibratoire osseux

Lücke K. 1973Hamann 1993Michel 1995Dumas G 1997-1999-2000-2003Ulmer 2004Karlberg M & Halmagyi M. 2003De Waele C. 2005

Nystagmus induit par vibrateur (100Hz) appliqué sur les mastoïdes- instantané- persistent- non fatigable- pas influencé par compensation centrale

Détection de déficit vestibulaire unilatéral

Page 28: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Déficit vestibulaire périphérique unilatéralEvolution et devenir

Compensation centralevisionproprioceptionréflexe vestibulo-oculaire

Amélioration des symptômeslente - rapide (jours/sem./mois)complète - incomplètefluctuation+ asthéniejusqu’à quand ?

Page 29: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

Maladie de Menière

vertiges épisodiquesintensesheures

symptômes auditifsacouphèneshypoacousiesensation plénitude

facteur déclenchantstress ?

Page 30: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - · Two days ago, you attend a wedding, you dance, drink, enjoy the party. The chantilly on the cake stayed long under the

•Atteinte rétro-cochléaireneurinome de l’acoustique

= Schwannome vestibulaireRare: env. 15 cas/an à GEClinique: hypoacousie unilat.

surdité brusqueacouphènesvertiges, tr équilibre

Diagnostic: potentiels évoqués auditifs - PEAIRM cérébrale