benefits for corporations - institute for cultural … for corporations do ngage in corporate...

Benefits for Corporaons To Engage in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy Acvies ICD Publicaons - Cultural Diplomacy Outlook 2014 Socially Responsible Investments Corporate Social Responsibility Cultural Diversity Globalizaon & Inclusive Business Naon Branding Youth Educaon & Development Creave Economies & Entrepreneurship Green Industries & Environmental Preservaon

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Page 1: Benefits for Corporations - Institute for Cultural … for Corporations do ngage in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy ctivites In the last decades, private sector corporations have developed

Benefits for Corporations To Engage in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy Activities

ICD Publications - Cultural Diplomacy Outlook 2014

Socially Responsible Investments Corporate Social Responsibility

Cultural Diversity

Globalization & Inclusive BusinessNation Branding

Youth Education & Development

Creative Economies & Entrepreneurship

Green Industries & Environmental Preservation

Page 2: Benefits for Corporations - Institute for Cultural … for Corporations do ngage in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy ctivites In the last decades, private sector corporations have developed

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Corporate Cultural Diplomacy (CCD)

Corporate Cultural Diplomacy (CCD)To Engage in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy Activities

What is “Cultural Diplomacy?”

“Corporate Cultural Diplomacy”Definitions“Cultural Diplomacy may best be described as a course of actions, which are based on and utilize the exchange of ideas, values, traditions and other aspects of culture or identity, whether to strengthen relationships, enhance socio-cultural cooperation or promote national and global interests. Cultural diplomacy can be practiced by either the public sector, private sector or civil society.”

Cultural diplomacy derives its importance from the worldwide need for exchange and dialogue between cultures, which is vital to ensuring and fostering peace and stability across the globe. In an increasingly globalized and interdependent world, in which the proliferation of mass communication technology ensures we all have greater access to each other than ever before, the significance for cultural diplomacy has never been greater.

Cultural diplomacy, when taught and applied at all levels, possesses the unique abil-ity to influence “Global Public Opinion” and the ideology of individuals, communities, cultures or nations, which can accelerate the realization of the 5 principles below. By accomplishing the first principle, one enables the second, which in turn enables the third until the fifth ultimate principle of global peace and stability is achieved.

The five principles are:

1. Respect & Recognition of Cultural Diversity & Heritage 2. Global Intercultural Dialogue 3. Justice, Equality & Interdependence 4. The Protection of International Human Rights 5. Global Peace & Stability

Corporate Cultural Diplomacy activities are corporately funded programs that can ac-celerate the realization of the 5 principles outlined above.

The activities cover a wide spectrum of different fields and stakeholders with the pur-pose of encouraging the exchange of cultural practices and values, promoting inter-cultural dialogue and respect as well as global values of justice, equality, human rights, global peace and stability.

These activities include a wide range of forms, such as the engagement in higher edu-cation programs and educational exchange, intercultural exchange programs, youth and young leaders programs, international conferences & cultural events, engagement in particular thematic programs or initiatives in the fields such as Human Rights, arts, sports, music and film programs, as well as research programs.

The importance for corporations to engage in cultural diplomacy is increasing as they continue to weave themselves into the fabric of today’s global society and without their understanding and support of civil society and other cultures around the world, it will not be possible to overcome cultural barriers and conflicts.

Therefore engagement in corporate cultural diplomacy can significantly compliment successful performance of corporations and become a “must include” in the corporate development process for the presence and future.

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Corporate Cultural Diplomacy (CCD)

Corporate Cultural Diplomacy (CCD)To Engage in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy Activities

Benefits for CorporationsTo Engage in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy Activites

In the last decades, private sector corporations have developed successful corporate social respon-sibility departments (CSR) and adapted socially responsible investment (SRI) policies, ethics and rules. Engagement in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy will create a more favorable impression of the Corporation and can complement and promote the work of these CSR departments of corporations and therefore improve their image in sustainable ways. Research has proven that consumers will view the firm more favorably if it supports social programs and are more likely to engage with and purchase from a firm that supports such causes.

Corporations can benefit in significant ways from being involved in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy activities. Below is a selection of examples.

A. Contribution to Corporate Brand ImageCorporate Cultural Diplomacy can contribute to the strengthening of a corporation’s brand image in a number of ways, such as by creating a more positive public image, demonstrating and publicizing the corporate brand values, and positioning the corporate image as that of an innovator. Below is a selection of examples.

Positive Public Image The growing global protest movements and the increase of dissatisfaction of the public at both the national and global levels will definitely continue to increase the pressure on the private sector worldwide. Engagement with cultural diplomacy activities can present the corporation as being connected to people and citizens from all walks of life, and by doing so will help to overcome the gap between the private sector and civil society, thus reduc-ing the likelihood of negative criticism. The corporation can therefore avoid the challenges and difficulties associated with a damaged corporate image. By decreasing the chances for such issues to affect the corporate image, the corporation will thereby safeguard reputa-tion and revenue while avoiding significant costs.

Corporate Brand Values Engagement in corporate activities which support the principles of Cultural Diplomacy at both national and international levels will demonstrate the openness, interest, and dedi-cation of the corporation towards the global community and its diversity. This will attract positive reactions from cultures which the corporation is engaging with.

Position Corporate Image as an Innovator In the increasingly interdependent world, relations between cultures will be of paramount importance and the new field of cultural diplomacy is therefore steadily growing in sig-nificance. As the activity of cultural diplomacy is inherently positive and constructive in nature, corporations who engage in corporate cultural diplomacy will demonstrate innova-tive and modern attitudes by aligning themselves with the field.

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Corporate Cultural Diplomacy (CCD)

Corporate Cultural Diplomacy (CCD)To Engage in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy Activities

B. Contribution to Corporate Advertising & Brand Awareness

Benefits for CorporationsTo Engage in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy Activites

Corporate Cultural Diplomacy can serve as an excellent support to both classical and existing ad-vertising campaigns in a very cost-effective manner and a high return on investment. This can be accomplished by both direct and indirect public relations support, by increasing the efficiency of the advertising budget of the corporation and increasing the media exposure of the company. One of the main advantages is that with a modest investment in a relatively small program targeted at one group within a culture, the corporation can gain the awareness and support of the cultural group as a whole. In addition, as corporate cultural diplomacy projects usually engage large net-works, the potential for enhanced public relations is both significant and sustainable. Below is a selection of examples.

Direct & Indirect Public Relations Support The engagement of the corporation will be recognized at the local, national, and inter-national levels through the direct involvement of the many participants and partners as well as through the indirect advertising that will follow the programs (through the media and word-of-mouth communications that will result). All of the participants and partners directly involved in the project have the potential to become free “ambassadors” for the corporation and thus promote a positive corporate image to others.

Increased Efficiency of Advertising Budget Corporate Cultural Diplomacy is far more cost effective than traditional commercial adver-tising or other advertising alternatives in terms of creditability and return on investment. The exposure to the corporation through engagement in corporate cultural diplomacy pro-grams is not only cost efficient, having a far greater return on investment and impact than paid advertising (as it is often comparatively inexpensive), but it also benefits society at the same time (in contrast to an advertising company) through investing in projects which actually create positive change in society, both locally and globally.

Corporate exposure in a respectable and sustainable manner through cultural diplomacy activities can complement a classical advertising campaign in order to increase the overall impact of the campaign.

Media ExposureIn addition, as soon as high-level governmental officials and institutions are involved in the project the degree of free increased media coverage is likely to be enhanced.

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Corporate Cultural Diplomacy (CCD)

Corporate Cultural Diplomacy (CCD)To Engage in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy Activities

Benefits for CorporationsTo Engage in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy Activites

C. Developing Partnerships and Acquiring New Strategic PartnersCorporate Cultural Diplomacy projects are conducted in partnership with an interdisciplinary mix-ture of partners and organizations operating in different fields. By aligning with these partners the corporation can create connections for additional business opportunities in the future. Below is a selection of examples.

Governments & Parliamentarians Governments & ParliamentariansCorporate Cultural Diplomacy projects by nature are typically cooperating with local, na-tional and global governmental institutions. The corporations engaged in these projects will therefore strengthen their relationship with participating governments and gain ad-ditional levels of governmental support as a result, as an additional benefit of the project.

Interdisciplinary Partners from Different Fields Corporate Cultural Diplomacy projects usually include an inter-disciplinary mixture of part-ners from different fields, including: NGOs, universities, media organizations, cultural insti-tutions, orchestras, museums and more. This diverse mixture of partners can prove useful to the corporations for other purposes in the future as well.

Youth & Young Professionals Corporate Cultural Diplomacy projects that focus on youth can include developments dedi-cated to the initiation, promotion and execution of education and development programs for the youth. There can be a high return on investment for the corporation when corpo-rate cultural diplomacy projects provide the younger generation with greater access to personal achievement, while increasing their chances for professional opportunities. The investment in young leaders can provide valuable multipliers for the corporation as well as bring immediately and in the future new business opportunities.

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Corporate Cultural Diplomacy (CCD)

Corporate Cultural Diplomacy (CCD)To Engage in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy Activities

Benefits for CorporationsTo Engage in Corporate Cultural Diplomacy Activites

D. Contribution to Corporate Business Performance Corporations can improve their business performance at both the local and the global level through engagement in corporate cultural diplomacy activities. Below is a selection of examples.

Acquire New Business Opportunities A Corporate Cultural Diplomacy project can serve as an excellent vehicle to support the communities in which firms operate as well as to strengthen the relationships between the firm and these communities and clients. Improved communication channels and strength-ened relationships can then lead to innovative business opportunities and ideas that emerge as a result of both these relationships and the interaction with the wider commu-nity. Additionally, by partnering with governmental organizations, the basis can be created for additional business partnerships and opportunities between these actors in the future.

Improve Business Efficiency in the Local Community By initiating programs that actively involve communities, the corporation will bring togeth-er a wide variety of interdisciplinary partners from the local, national and global levels and will encourage increased communication between the diverse group of participants and partners. The increased communication between the partners has beneficial repercussions for the corporation itself as it will benefit from increased credibility and legitimacy in these communities making it easier and more efficient to conduct business there.

Access to News and Information A corporation that is engaged in corporate cultural diplomacy in a certain local area or region has the opportunity to be the first to know about relevant developments and new business opportunities through regular engagement and interaction with local stakehold-ers from different fields. Access to such valuable information and news can lead to new business opportunities and information which in turn can assist in improving or adapting products, services and marketing strategies to therefore increase business profit and de-crease costs by, for example, making sure on a regular basis that the products, services, and marketing strategies are still relevant to the local markets the corporation is working in.

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12ICD Publications - Cultural Diplomacy Outlook 2014 ICD Publications - Cultural Diplomacy Outlook 2014

Corporate Cultural Diplomacy (CCD)

icdinstitute for cultural diplomacy

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