benefits and limitations of industry self-regulation for online behavioral advertising

 PAGE 1 Benefits and Limitations of Industry Self-Regulation for Online Behavioral Advertising BY DANIEL CASTRO |  DECEMBER 2011 Self-regulation, in all its myriad permutations, is a vital part of today’s global economy. Diverse industries, such as health care, higher education, fashion, advertising, mining, marine fishing, professional sports, and nuclear power, have used self-regulatory processes to govern industry practices. 1 The private sector relies on self-regulation to address a range of issues, from establishing industry standards, to developing and applying codes of professional ethics, to ensuring consumer confidence. Despite its  widespread use, some policymakers are skeptical of the efficacy of self- regulation when it comes to protecting consume r privacy online. This report seeks to address that skepticism by explaining how self-regulatio n  works and why it is essential to protecting consumer privacy in online behavioral advertising. TYPES OF REGULATION Regulatory styles vary considerably from country to country and industry to industry. Regulations may set market conditions, such as price controls, market-entry conditions, product requirements and contract terms, or social obligations, such as environmental controls, safety regulations or advertising and labeling requirements. 2 The impact of regulations on the economy depends on the nature of the regulation and how efficiently and effectively it is implemented. While regulations impose costs on firms, causing them to shift resources away from other activities to achieve compliance, these costs are often  justified as a means of improving social welfare. For example, the benefits of regulations to Policymakers may opt for overnment regulation of rivacy when they feel that “something needs to be done;” however, the risk of overregulation is otentially greater than the risk of under- regulation.

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Benefits and Limitations of Industry Self-Regulation forOnline Behavioral AdvertisingBY DANIEL CASTRO |  DECEMBER 2011

Self-regulation, in all its myriad permutations, is a vital part of today’s

global economy. Diverse industries, such as health care, higher education,

fashion, advertising, mining, marine fishing, professional sports, and

nuclear power, have used self-regulatory processes to govern industry 

practices.1 The private sector relies on self-regulation to address a range of 

issues, from establishing industry standards, to developing and applying

codes of professional ethics, to ensuring consumer confidence. Despite its

 widespread use, some policymakers are skeptical of the efficacy of self-

regulation when it comes to protecting consumer privacy online. This

report seeks to address that skepticism by explaining how self-regulation

 works and why it is essential to protecting consumer privacy in online

behavioral advertising.


Regulatory styles vary considerably from country to country and industry to industry.Regulations may set market conditions, such as price controls, market-entry conditions,

product requirements and contract terms, or social obligations, such as environmentalcontrols, safety regulations or advertising and labeling requirements.2 The impact of regulations on the economy depends on the nature of the regulation and how efficiently and effectively it is implemented. While regulations impose costs on firms, causing them toshift resources away from other activities to achieve compliance, these costs are often justified as a means of improving social welfare. For example, the benefits of regulations to

Policymakers may opt for overnment regulation of 

rivacy when they feel 

that “something needs to

be done;” however, the 

risk of overregulation is 

otentially greater than

the risk of under-


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address concerns about public safety or the environment are intended to outweigh the

efficiency cost of imposing the regulations. Regulations, especially if they are performance-based, may also induce innovations that benefit consumers, producers and society. In someinstances, regulations may even increase competitiveness by improving the quality of products and services and giving firms that produce these products and services a first-

mover advantage.3


 While the nature of regulations and the institutions used to create them may vary, as

shown in Figure 1, the regulatory process generally consists of three stages: creatingregulations, monitoring for compliance, and enforcing regulations. At each of these stages,

the level of industry participation in the regulatory process may vary, from industry beingcompletely shut out of the process by government to industry being the leading actor in

setting policy.

Figure 1: Three stages of the regulatory process

There are a variety of options for government and industry involvement in the regulatory process, ranging from laissez-faire economies with limited state regulation to tightly 

managed economies with significant government involvement. As shown in Figure 2, thespectrum of options ranges from non-state regulation to co-regulation to state-basedregulation. Non-state regulation involves private, market-based institutions governing theiractions through voluntary agreements, peer pressure and other methods to coordinate theiractions. Examples of non-state regulation include industry standards and best practices,professional codes of ethics, and corporate social responsibility. Industry organizations may

also engage in self-policing activities to enforce standards internally and among peers.

Co-regulation occurs when industry and government jointly administer the regulatory 

process. Examples include government watchdog organizations that provide oversight of industry standards or self-regulatory organizations, government agencies that enforce

penalties for violations of self-regulation, and various forms of “soft law” such asgovernment-issued recommendations, principles or codes of conduct that create a non-

binding regulatory framework.4 

Finally, state regulation involves government entities regulating the actions of firms in theprivate sector. Legislation, executive orders and administrative rules issued by governmententities are all examples of state regulation. All of these options are alternatives to anabsence of any (state or non-state) regulation where firms’ behavior is influenced only by the market.5 The absence of rules does not mean firms are engaging in bad behavior. Manyother controls, including social norms, civil litigation, and market forces such as fear of reputational harm, help moderate firm behavior. As FTC Commissioner Julie Brill noted,“I can imagine a scenario where someone says 'We respect your privacy and we don't havea program in place,' but they [actually] are respecting your privacy and they're doing agood job.”6 Likewise, the presence of rules does not mean that all firms are engaging in


Monitor Compliance


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good behavior, as demonstrated by the behavior of mortgage originators, banks and

investment firms during the financial crisis.

Figure 2: State versus non-state regulatory options

The distinction between the different types of regulation may blur in practice. Much of  what many consider to be self-regulation is in practice co-regulation because of stateinvolvement either in developing rules and standards or in providing a legal backstop forenforcement of self-regulation.


Self-regulation can be defined as “a regulatory process whereby an industry-levelorganization (such as a trade association or a professional society), as opposed to agovernmental- or firm-level, organization sets and enforces rules and standards relating tothe conduct of firms in the industry.”7 Businesses use self-regulation to decrease risks toconsumers, increase public trust, and combat negative public perceptions. It complementsexisting laws by imposing supplemental rules to govern the behavior of firms.8 Industrieshave chosen self-regulation in response to both the absence of government regulation andthe threat of excessive government regulation. For example, the Forest StewardshipCouncil was formed in response to industry concerns about the lack of governmentregulation to address the sustainability of natural resources.9 Alternatively, self-regulationmay be implemented in response to catastrophic events, such as the formation in the U.S.of the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations after the Three Mile Island accident to setpower-plant safety guidelines.10 Self-regulation may even occur in a tightly-regulatedindustry. Even under such conditions businesses may still come together to formcooperative agreements to establish industry standards or best practices.

Most of these activities occur through self-regulatory organizations (SROs). SROs are the

non-governmental organizations formed by the private sector to set standards, monitor forcompliance, and enforce their rules. Some SROs operate with endorsement by government

such as the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), which is responsiblefor establishing and enforcing standards for the electric power grid. NERC is certified by 

the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the Financial Industry Regulatory 



•Professionalcodes of ethics





•Soft law



•Executive orders


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 Authority (FINRA), which regulates the securities industry in the United States with

oversight from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).11 Other examples of SROsinclude industry bodies to regulate the use of natural resources, such as the MarineStewardship Council formed to responsibly manage the global fish stocks. Others includeethics bodies to set guidelines for specific sectors, such as the Distilled Spirits Council of 

the United States,, which sets advertising standards for alcoholic beverages, andprofessional associations, such as state bar associations that admit members to the legalprofession, and standards organizations.

Government regulation is often industry specific. For example, the Health Insurance

Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act governpractices in the health care and financial industries, respectively. Similarly, self-regulation

also tends to govern a specific industry rather than apply across all industries. For example,the National Advertising Review Council (NARC) has created four specialized self-

regulatory systems: the National Advertising Division (NAD), the Children’s AdvertisingReview Unit (CARU), the National Advertising Review Board (NARB), and the Electronic

Retailing Self-Regulation Program (ERSP). Each of these SROs develops rules tailored tomeet a specific need such as designing child-appropriate advertising and ensuring truth-in-

advertising for direct-response marketing (e.g., infomercials).

SROs collaborate with many stakeholders, including those representing consumers and thepublic interest. These stakeholders participate in many self-regulatory processes, such ashelping to craft rules and monitoring for compliance. As a result, SROs may address

concerns beyond the narrow self-interest of the industry, such as to protect workers,consumers or other stakeholders. For example, the U.S. apparel industry established

industry codes to eliminate the use of sweatshops and improve labor conditions throughSROs such as the Fair Labor Association (FLA) and the Workers Rights Consortium. To

cite another example, the Forest Stewardship Council not only manages global forestresources, but also sets principles to protect the interests of indigenous people and


Monitoring and enforcing regulations are important parts of the regulatory process. Self-

regulation uses self-policing as the primary mechanism to ensure compliance and provideremediation. One example of a self-policing mechanism is the Aviation Safety Reporting

System (ASRS), which allows individuals to confidentially report incidents to regulators sothat they can improve policies and procedures to increase aviation safety. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) encourages participation in this voluntary system by notusing information reported to ASRS for enforcement actions and waiving penalties forunintentional violations. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Audit Policy usesincentives to encourage regulated entities to voluntarily detect and disclose violations of environmental laws and regulations. To qualify for the incentives, organizations must meetseveral criteria such as having a systematic discovery process in place to detect violations,promptly disclosing and correcting violations, and acting prior to any investigation by agovernment regulator. These incentives include a reduction or elimination of fines basedon the severity of the violation and criminal penalties. EPA still assesses penalties onentities for any economic benefits they may have obtained due to noncompliance. In

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addition, certain types of serious violations are ineligible for amnesty under the EPA Audit


SROs often will enforce self-regulation for the entire industry, not just for their members.SROs receive complaints from consumers, regulators or other businesses, and theninvestigate whether a particular firm is noncompliant with industry rules. If it is found to

be noncompliant, then the enforcement process begins. The purpose of the enforcementprocess is to resolve an issue by turning bad actors into good actors; it is not meant to be

punitive in nature. Part of the process is kept confidential in order to prevent businessesfrom using the process to lodge complaints against competitors. However, if a business is

unwilling to resolve a violation, then the issue is made public by alerting consumers andthe media. For example, an SRO may publish a semi-annual statement of filings or case

reports on violations. In addition, an SRO would refer Section 5 violations (deceptive orunfair trade practices) to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for law-enforcement

action. SRO enforcement can be highly effective, as shown in the compliance numbers. Forexample, NAD, a voluntary SRO that monitors the truthfulness of national advertising

campaigns and provides a dispute-resolution process for complaints, had a 100 percentcompliance rate with its rulings between 1971 and 1985, and a 96 percent compliance rate

between 1985 and 2000.14 


Benefits of Self-Regulation

Self-regulation is an important mechanism for governing industry practices and has many benefits over government regulation for consumers, producers, the government, and the

economy as a whole. Consumers benefit from self-regulation in multiple ways. While somepolicymakers promote regulation as a way to reduce risk to consumers, the potential foroverregulation also poses a risk to consumers. Unnecessary or inefficient regulation raises

production costs for businesses without any corresponding benefits and these costs areultimately borne by consumers. Government regulation by its nature addresses identifiedharms, and as such can inadvertently create barriers to innovation or competitive entry  when it establishes norms that only address current market participants and practices. Self-regulation can be more efficient for business, and these saving are passed on to consumers.Rulemaking, monitoring, enforcement and remediation processes can also be faster usingself-regulation rather than government regulation, which means that consumers areprotected sooner.

Self-regulation can help reduce information asymmetry in the market. For example,

consumers can more easily hire a good lawyer in the United States because of the

certification provided by the state bar associations. Self-regulation can also help reduceinformation asymmetry when independent third-party organizations are responsible forevaluating compliance with standards. Organizations such as the Council of BetterBusiness Bureaus (BBB) increase transparency of the monitoring and enforcement activitiesof the regulatory process, which in turn boosts consumer confidence. With the BBB, forexample, consumers can learn about the history of consumer complaints against aparticular company and how the company has responded. Other organizations, such as the

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Underwriters Laboratories or TRUSTe, provide a seal of approval for products and services

that consumers can trust.

Regulations may be rigid or flexible, gradual or disruptive. Government regulators may focus on creating rules to protect established interests, rather than creating rules that allow market participants and new entrants to innovate. In contrast, self-regulation benefits the

economy by creating a more flexible regulatory environment than is typically found withstate regulation. Industry experts review current activities, identify best practices, and

develop these into industry guidelines. The guidelines continue to evolve over time inresponse to feedback from industry leaders. This more flexible regulatory environment may

allow firms to operate more efficiently and minimizes compliance costs. Flexibleregulations tend to maximize economic efficiency by providing firms multiple pathways for

innovation. SROs may be more likely to use less stringent “moving target” regulations thatchange over time in response to the market and social norms. This allows for both

incremental and radical innovation. The flexibility of self-regulation also means that SROsmay be more experimental than regulatory agencies and more willing to test rules since

they can more easily retract them.



Self-regulation may also help businesses internalize ethical behavior and principles since therules are based on social norms and conduct of peers rather than top-down prescriptiverules. This may help instill deeper respect and acceptance of the rules and result in betterfirm behavior, and avoid adversarial situations in which firms try to find exceptions toexternally imposed rules. For example, the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States(DISCUS), a trade association for producers of alcoholic beverages, has maintained avoluntary code of responsible advertising and marketing practices since the end of Prohibition.16 The association has repeatedly updated the code in response to changes inthe marketplace and technologies. For example, DISCUS has extended its code to addressnew forms of online advertising and social media.17 DISCUS has also revised the code inresponse to recommendations by the government regulators to more effectively limitadvertising to individuals under the legal drinking age. Similar self-regulatory programshave been created by other alcoholic beverage trade associations, including the BeerInstitute and the Wine Institute.18 The FTC reported in 2008 that the industry hasstrengthened the independence and transparency of the monitoring and enforcement

efforts of the self-regulatory program in response to its suggestions.19 

Opponents of self-regulation may incorrectly assume that self-regulation is necessarily 

“weaker” than state regulation either because it has less stringent rules or because itineffectively enforces its rules. First, SROs can be effective self-policing organizations,particularly when the institutions are designed to eliminate conflicts of interest.20 Many SROs begin enforcement actions in response to complaints. Businesses provide a highdegree of oversight since they regularly monitor the activities of their competitors and havean incentive to report violations. Second, SROs can be more effective than governmentagencies at rulemaking. When businesses come together to develop rules, those involved arelikely to have a higher degree of technical and industry expertise than an outsidegovernment regulator. Using a participatory process to design regulations from the bottom-up helps prevent lawyers from writing rules that will not work for a particular industry.

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The structure of a self-regulatory organization can also help avoid conflicts of interest by 

including stakeholders with different interests or business models. For example, the ForestStewardship Council structured its decision-making body into three chambers,environmental, social and economic, each with equal representation.21 This has preventedthe Council from being dominated by business interests, as has occurred during some

government rulemaking. This example illustrates that the concern among critics thatprivate-sector interests may trump legitimate public interests is not unique to self-regulation. Special interests can achieve “regulatory capture” and disproportionately influence a particular government agency. In both cases, this is a problem resulting frompoor institutional design, either of the government agency or the SRO. Thus, this shouldnot be seen as a weakness of either type of system, but rather as a challenge that must beaddressed when creating effective regulatory organizations.

Third, the criticism that self-regulation is weaker implies that strong regulation is better

than moderate regulation and stronger regulation is even better. But there is never a case where regulation does not involve a tradeoff between costs and protection of other public

goals, including innovation. For example, exposure to most types of air pollutants are notset at zero because the benefits relative to the costs of doing so would be miniscule.

Moreover, the costs of regulation are not negligible. According to a report commissionedby the Small Business Administration, in 2008, the estimated total cost of federalregulations in the United States totaled more than $1.75 trillion. Small businesses bear adisproportionate share of this burden. The regulatory cost for small businesses with fewerthan twenty employees was $10,585 per employee, approximately 36 percent higher thanthe per-employee cost for large businesses.22 

Finally, self-regulation benefits government and taxpayers. Regulatory processes, includingrulemaking, monitoring and enforcement, can be expensive and resource intensive. SROsmay have more resources to deal with regulatory process than agencies like the FTC. Thismeans, for example, that complaints can be investigated sooner and violations can beresolved quicker. This benefits government agencies by reducing regulatory overload andallowing them to focus their efforts on more productive activities, such as taking action

against bad actors that refuse to follow the rules. The FTC even acknowledges as much. Writing in a 2008 report on self-regulation of alcohol marketing, the FTC concluded “A 

 well-constructed self-regulatory regime has advantages over government regulation. Itconserves limited government resources and is more prompt and flexible than government

regulation, given the substantial time required to complete an investigation or to adopt andenforce a regulation.”23 

Self-regulation can also avoid jurisdictional conflicts and legal limitations. Whereasregulation imposed by the government on multi-national corporations (MNCs) may raisequestions of sovereignty, self-regulation avoids this problem while still propagating rulesbeyond national borders.24 Flexible rules allow MNCs to better serve a global market. Inaddition, self-regulation can sometimes provide rules to govern behavior when governmentregulators cannot act. For example, First Amendment protections may limit the types of rules government regulators can impose on advertisers, but these same limitations wouldnot apply to voluntary action taken by advertisers.

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Policymakers can achieve important reforms working cooperatively with the private sector.

For example, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) partnered with CTIA, atrade association for the wireless industry, and Consumers Union, a public interest group,to develop changes to the wireless industry’s code of conduct to address concerns aboutunexpected increases in the monthly wireless bills for consumers.25 By utilizing a multi-

stakeholder approach, the FCC was able to more efficiently and effectively influenceindustry practices than it likely could have through a more expensive and lengthy rulemaking proceeding. By creating a cooperative regulatory model, rather than anadversarial one, self-regulation can yield sustainable benefits for government, industry andconsumers.

Limitations of Self-Regulation

There are both legal and economic limitations to self-regulation. Some actions of SROshave raised anti-trust concerns in the past when their activities become anticompetitive. Foexample, the U.S. Department of Justice brought an anti-trust suit against the National Association of Realtors (NAR), which sets the rules for how brokers can access Multiple

Listing Service (MLS), after finding that the NAR restricted Internet brokers fromdisplaying MLS data on their websites.26 

One economic limitation of SROs is the free-rider problem.27 To be effective, an SRO may

set rules for an industry, including firms that do not participate in the SRO. These“outsider” firms obtain all of the benefits of the regulatory regime without paying any of 

the costs. Bad actors, who want to avoid the rules of the SRO, will also stay outside thesystem. Such a system is unfair to dues-paying businesses. Some of these limitations make

self-regulation an inadequate choice for certain industries without additional governmentoversight. Many of the limitations of self-regulation, however, can be offset by a well-designed self-regulatory program.

Critics may reject self-regulation for other reasons. As noted previously, all regulationinherently involves tradeoffs among competing values and among costs and benefits. Self-regulation may make more sense in countries like the United States where privacy is oftenrightly seen as one value among many, with competing trade-offs. However, self-regulationis unlikely to satisfy proponents of government regulation intended to protect somethingseen as a fundamental right. Countries like France and Germany, where privacy isconsidered a basic human right, have been early adopters of state regulation to govern theuse of data.28 But consumers in these countries are not necessarily better off. Europe isgenerally seen as lagging behind the United States in e-commerce, in part because of itsprivacy regulations.29 Europe’s strict privacy rules threaten to reduce the potential revenue

from online advertising, which will reduce the quantity and quality of content producedfor European consumers.30 Compliance costs for these regulations can be high as well.Viviane Reding, vice president of the European Commission, has stated that the complexand fragmented nature of the data-protection policies in the twenty-seven member statescost businesses 2.3 billion euros annually.31 Not only do businesses face higher costs, whichare then passed on to consumers, but consumers may also miss out on certain onlineservices. For example, strict privacy regulations have led Google to cease developments of its Street View map feature in Germany.32 

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Some critics see self-regulation as putting the fox in charge of the hen house. This

perception may be difficult to overcome in public opinion. Rather than operating in thepublic interest, critics may assume that SROs operate purely to protect the interests of individual firms or the industry as a whole. This is particularly true when the interests of aparticular industry and society do not align. In this case, SROs may be inclined to protect

their own interests rather than the interests of society absent any external pressure. Many ofthese concerns are allayed by government certifications, audits, or other forms of oversightof SROs. Independent third-party oversight, for example provided by a non-profit watchdog organization, can help monitor and enforce rules. Public-interest organizationsand government stakeholders can also exert pressure on SROs to address concernsoverlooked by industry. Plus, the threat of more restrictive and costly regulation is alwaysin the background to keep SROs focused on ensuring compliance. Critics that wantregulations to be punitive for transgressions may also be dissatisfied with self-regulation.Self-regulation is more likely to have rules that promote remediation rather than sanctionsfor violations.

Self-regulation may also lead to imperfect outcomes. Self-regulation may not be the bestchoice when solutions are known and unlikely to change or for certain high-risk situations.For example, government-imposed regulations on cigarette labeling are likely more severethan what the industry would have created on its own, but may have a net positive impacton reducing smoking among young adults. And in these cases, the costs of regulation arelikely to be small (reduced consumption of cigarettes is actually a social good). Finally, without either explicit or implicit endorsement by government, self-regulation may havethe negative impact of regulatory uncertainty. Regulatory uncertainty may cause businessesto delay investment decisions and stifle innovation.


Self-regulation clearly can be an effective tool for governing the private sector. Yetproponents of government regulation continue to call for strict rules on the collection anduse of online consumer data. They believe self-regulation has failed, and will continue tofail, to protect consumer privacy online. As evidence, they note the growing use of online

behavioral advertising (OBA), the practice of delivering ads to Internet users based on theiractivity online. Using OBA and other forms of personalization, advertisers can deliver more

effective and relevant ads to consumers and website owners can better monetize the adsshown on their sites.33 Some privacy activists oppose this type of advertising and the lack of

strict rules governing businesses engaged in this practice. In addition, they point to theabsence of a comprehensive self-regulatory regime for online privacy. For many of these

privacy advocates, even a well-functioning self-regulatory privacy system is not enough,

because, as for the French and German regulators referenced above, privacy for them is aninherent human right, and there is no step too far or costly when it comes to protectingprivacy.

Such claims ignore the significant self-regulatory efforts to protect consumers and makeindustry behavior more transparent for OBA that have occurred as the industry hasmatured. In December 2007, the FTC released a set of proposed principles for industry self-regulation for OBA.34 In response, the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), an industry

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organization for the advertisers, advertising networks and publishers, developed and

released its own set of principles in July 2009 based on the FTC staff report.35 In 2010 theDAA codified these principles in a self-regulatory program. In addition, it developed the“Ad Choices” icon (Figure 3) to signal to users when data is collected and used for OBA.The Ad Choices icon is part of an educational effort to better inform consumers about

advertising practices. In May 2011, the DAA partnered with the Better Business Bureauand the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) to develop an enforcement program forcompliance to the self-regulatory program.36 The FTC issued an advisory opinion in August 2011 on the enforcement program stating that it “has the potential to benefitconsumers by increasing transparency of, and consumer control over, certain aspects of online behavioral advertising, and there appears to be little or no potential for competitiveharm associated with the proposed program.”37 This type of dynamic interaction betweenindustry and government in response to changing circumstances is exactly the type of response observers should expect to see in a healthy self-regulatory environment.

Figure 3: Advertising Option icon (also known as "Ad Choices" icon)

Some critics complain that the self-regulatory rules for OBA are weaker than someproposed legislation. This is often because the costs of the proposed legislation far outweighthe benefits.38 Unfortunately, policymakers may opt for government regulation when they feel that “something needs to be done;” however, the risk of over-regulation with respect toprivacy is potentially greater than the risk of under-regulation. Regulators may focus on

creating rules for existing businesses and business models rather than try to craft rules thatallow for future innovation, new market entrants, and greater competition. The online

 world is one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy, where business practicescontinue to evolve. As such, practices such as OBA will likely benefit from self-regulation

that can keep pace with rapid innovation.

Ideally self-regulation will include all stakeholders, produce clear and transparent rules, andbe overseen by an independent organization to assess its effectiveness. 39 Certification by third parties can also assure consumers that their data is safe and increase trust online. SROcan incentivize monitoring and compliance through policies such as creating safe-harborprovisions for privacy breaches promptly disclosed by a firm.

The current regulatory environment for online privacy is best described as a co-regulatory system involving shared governance rather than a pure self-regulatory system. While there

is no comprehensive self-regulatory regime for data privacy, there is robust self-regulation

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for OBA. In addition, legal backstops to self-regulation include administrative enforcement

by government agencies that can impose civil and criminal penalties, as well as tortlitigation. These legal measures can help ensure that bad actors out of reach of the SRO,i.e. current market participants that both (1) do not partake of the self-regulatory programand (2) violate the self-regulatory principles, are still held accountable.

Going forward, regulators, both in government and in SROs, should avoid imposing one-size-fits-all rules on all businesses and individuals involved in online behavioral advertising.

 As privacy researcher Alan Westin has shown, the majority of consumers are “privacy pragmatists.” When faced with a business practice, these individuals consider the trade-offs

between privacy risks and consumer benefits and accept the business practice when thetrade-offs are reasonable.40 In contrast, a minority of individuals fall into the two extremes

of being “privacy fundamentalists” (those who always reject privacy trade-offs) or “privacy unconcerned” (those who always accept privacy trade-offs). Therefore, rather than

regulating to either extreme, policymakers should consider rules that respect individualchoice and protect the majority. Regulations should reflect the diversity among both

consumers and business models.


Reducing unnecessary regulations is a high priority on the national political agenda. In

2011, President Obama issued an Executive Order calling for a comprehensive review toimprove the regulatory system. As noted in the Executive Order, policymakers should

“identify and use the best, most innovative, and least burdensome tools for achievingregulatory ends.”41 Clearly not every public-policy problem should be solved with

legislation or government action. Policymakers should remember that self-regulation is animportant tool for governing rapidly changing businesses in the information economy. Forexample, multi-stakeholder agreements between the content industry, Internet service

providers and user-generated content sites have been used to help reduce online piracy.42

 The lessons learned from applying self-regulation to OBA may serve as a useful guidepostfor developing broader self-regulatory policies to govern online privacy in other areasincluding biometrics, geo-location and mobile apps. Voluntary, collaborative rulemaking

by multi-stakeholder organizations, such as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Namesand Numbers (ICANN) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), has been the

guiding principle in the development of the Internet since its earliest days. Rather than try to impose top-down rules on online behavioral advertising, government regulators should

embrace a collaborative, multi-stakeholder approach to developing Internet policy.

Indeed, some policymakers have made similar proposals. The National

Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has proposed thatlegislation define baseline privacy principles and then a multi-stakeholder process be usedto create the rules to implement these principles. However, the NTIA expresses somereservations and notes that “in certain situations, we recognize more than self-regulation isneeded.”43 Legislation at this point would likely be premature. Rather than try to imposelegislation on current self-regulatory efforts, the NTIA and other government stakeholders would likely better serve consumers by working cooperatively with existing SROs to createrobust self-regulatory programs that foster innovation while protecting individual privacy.

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1. See, for example, Neil Gunningham and Joseph Rees, “Industry Self-Regulation: An InstitutionalPerspective,” Law & Policy Vol. 19, No. 4 (October 1997).

2. Luke A. Stewart, “The Impact of Regulation on Innovation in the United States: A Cross-Industry Literature Review,” Institute of Medicine (forthcoming).

3. Michael E. Porter and Claas van der Linde, “Toward a New Conception of the Environment-

Competitiveness Relationship,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 9 (1995): 97-118. See also Robert D. Atkinson and Les Garner, “Regulation as Industrial Policy: A Case Study of the U.S. Auto Industry,”Economic Development Quarterly , Vol. 1, No. 4 (1987): 358-373.

4. For example, see Christopher Marsden, Internet Co-Regulation: European Law, Regulatory Governance andLegitimacy in Cyberspace (Cambridge University Press, 2011, forthcoming).

5. J. J. Boddewyn, “Advertising Self-Regulation: Private Government and Agent of Public Policy,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 4 (1985): 129.

6. Tony Romm, “Obama jobs council heads to the Valley,” Politico, August 1, 2011,

7. Anil K. Gupta and Lawrence J. Lad, “Industry Self-Regulation: An Economic, Organizational, andPolitical Analysis,” The Academy of Management Review 8, no. 3 (1983): 417.

8. Boddewyn, “Advertising Self-Regulation,” 131.

9. Lisa L. Sharma, Stephen P. Teret and Kelly D. Brownell, “The Food Industry and Self-Regulation:Standards to Promote Success and to Avoid Public Health Failures,” American Journal of Public Health  100, no. 2 (2010): 242.

10. Lisa L. Sharma, Stephen P. Teret and Kelly D. Brownell, “The Food Industry and Self-Regulation:Standards to Promote Success and to Avoid Public Health Failures,” American Journal of Public Health  100, no. 2 (2010): 242.

11. North American Electric Reliability Corporation, “About NERC,” n.d.|7, (accessed July 22, 2011).

12. Sharma, Teret and Brownell, “The Food Industry and Self-Regulation,” 243.

13. EPA’s Audit Policy, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (January 31, 2011), (accessed July 18, 2011).

14. Hugh Latimer and Christopher Hale, “NAD Procedures for Resolving Advertising Disputes: Simple,

Swift and Effective,” Vol. 9, No. 7 (July 2001), Boddewyn, “Advertising Self-Regulation,” 131.16. “Code of Responsible Practices,” Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, May 26, 2011,

17. See, for example, “Distilled Spirits Council’s Guidance Note on Responsible Digital MarketingCommunication,” Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, September 30, 2011,

18. “Advertising and Marketing Code,” Beer Institute, n.d., “Wine Institute’s Code of Advertising Standards,” Wine Institute, n.d.

19. Federal Trade Commission, “Self-Regulation in the Alcohol Industry,” June 2008,

20. For example, the FTC noted in one report that “It is not clear…that the presence of company 

representatives on the review boards inherently biases the complaint process in industry’s favor.DISCUS’s review board, composed solely of industry members, rejected alcohol advertisements moreoften than did the Beer Institute’s review board.” Federal Trade Commission, “Self-Regulation in the

 Alcohol Industry,” June 2008, Forest Stewardship Council, “Governance,” n.d., (accessed August

26, 2011).22. Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain, “The Impact of Regulatory Costs on Small Firms,” Small Business

 Administration, September 2010, Federal Trade Commission, “Self-Regulation in the Alcohol Industry,” June 2008,

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24. Steven Bernstein and Benjamin Cashore, “Can non-state global governance be legitimate? An analyticalframework,” Regulation & Governance 1 (2007): 352.

25. “Consumer Code for Wireless Service,” CTIA, 2011, U.S. Department of Justice, “United States v. National Association of Realtors,” n.d., (accessed July 22, 2011).27. Thomas A. Hemphill, “Self-regulating industry behavior: Antitrust limitations and trade associationcodes of conduct,” Journal of Business Ethics 11, no. 12 (1992).

28. Francesca Bignami, “The Non-Americanization of European Regulatory Styles: Data Privacy Regulationin France, Germany, Italy, and Britain,” Center for European Studies Working Paper Series #174(2010), 11.

29. See for example, Robert D. Atkinson et al., “The Internet Economy 25 Years After .com,” InformationTechnology and Innovation Foundation (March 2010),

30. Avi Goldfarb and Catherine E. Tucker, “Privacy Regulation and Online Advertising,” (2010) Viviane Reding, “Building trust in the Digital Single Market: Reforming the EU’s data protection rules,”

Conference organized by the Industry Coailtion for Data Protection, Brussels, November 28, 2011, Erica Ho, “Alas, there Will Be No More Google Street View in Germany,”, April 11, 2011, Daniel Castro, “Stricter Privacy Regulations for Online Advertising Will Harm the Free Internet,”

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (September 2010),

34. Federal Trade Commission, “FTC Staff Report: Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Adverting,” February 2009,

35. Stuart P. Ingis, Emilio W. Cividanes and Michael A. Signorelli, “Self-Regulatory Principles for Online

Behavioral Advertising,” July 2009, 

36., “Digital Advertising Alliance Begins Enforcing Next Phase of Self-Regulatory Program

for Online Behavioral Advertising,” May 23, 2011,

37. Michael Bloom, Letter from Michael Bloom, Assistant Director for Policy and Coordination, Federal

Trade Commission to Alan Cohen, Vice President and General Counsel of the Council of BetterBusiness Bureaus, Inc., August 15, 2011,

38. See for example, Daniel Castro, “’Do Not Track’ Legislation: Is Now The Right Time?” Testimony 

before the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection, December 2, 2010,

39. Sharma, Teret and Brownell, “The Food Industry and Self-Regulation,” 245.

40. Alan F. Westin, “How Online Users Feel About Behavioral Marketing and How Adoption of Privacy and Security Policies Could Affect Their Feelings,” Harris Interactive / Westin Survey, (March 27,2008),

41. “Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review – Executive Order,” The White House, January 18,


42. Daniel Castro, “PIPA/SOPA: Responding to Critics and Finding a Path Forward,” Information

Technology and Innovation Foundation, December 2011, The Department of Commerce, Internet Policy Task Force, “Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation

in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework,” Department of Commerce (December 2010)

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The author wishes to thank the following individuals for providing input to this

report: Rob Atkinson and Fernando Laguarda. Any errors or omissions are the

author’s alone.


Daniel Castro is a Senior Analyst with the Information Technology and Innovation

Foundation. His research interests include health IT, data privacy, e-commerce,

e-government, electronic voting, information security and accessibility. Before

joining ITIF, Mr. Castro worked as an IT analyst at the Government Accountability

Office (GAO) where he audited IT security and management controls at variousgovernment agencies. He has a B.S. in Foreign Service from Georgetown

University and an M.S. in Information Security Technology and Management

from Carnegie Mellon University.


The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) is a Washington,D.C.-based think tank at the cutting edge of designing innovation strategies andtechnology policies to create economic opportunities and improve quality of life

in the United States and around the world. Founded in 2006, ITIF is a 501(c) 3

nonprofit, non-partisan organization that documents the beneficial roletechnology plays in our lives and provides pragmatic ideas for improving

technology-driven productivity, boosting competitiveness, and meeting today’s

global challenges through innovation.


[email protected], OR ONLINE AT WWW.ITIF.ORG.