bem it! introduction to bem methodology

by Varya Stepanova @varya_en BEM it! Introduction to BEM Methodology

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This presentation was given internally for the frontend developers of


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by Varya Stepanova@varya_en

BEM it!Introduction to BEM Methodology

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Why bother?

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There is no unified semantic modelacross different FE technologies

● HTML stands for hypertextI've heard we mostly do web apps...

● CSS offers no structure out of the boxUsually a pile of rules put together. Sorry.

● JavaScript uses its own approaches. ...a new one comes with every framework.

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● ≈ 8,500 packages in Bower registry● JavaScript:

the most popular language on GitHub

Repositories created: ≈ 264,000 in 2013 ≈ 296,000 in 2012

Frameworks are not enough

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BEM to the rescue

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What is BEM?

BEM claims that simple semantic model

(Blocks, Elements, and Modifiers)

is enough to define the way you author

HTML / CSS / JavaScript, structure code

and components, set up interaction

and scale your project to build

an industry-leading service.

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What is BEM?● BEM is a methodology, not a framework

Semantic model + best practicesfor all things frontend

● BEM is a fix for web app semantics...the same as jQuery is a fix for DOM APIs

● Originally introduced by Yandex— 19 million daily audience— 200+ web services— tools, code, tutorials, conferences— open source

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Some theory

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What is BEM?

BLOCK– Standalone part of an interface:

● button● text field● flyout● heading● menu

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What is BEM?

BLOCK– Standalone part of an interface:

● button● text field● flyout● heading● menu

– Re-usable in different contexts– Self-sufficient

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What is BEM?

ELEMENT– An integral part of a block:

● button● text field● flyout● heading● menu

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What is BEM?

ELEMENT– An integral part of a block:

● button — contains no elements ● text field label● flyout title● heading logo● menu item

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What is BEM?

ELEMENT– An integral part of a block:

● button — contains no elements ● text field label● flyout title● heading logo● menu item

– No standalone meaning outside of a block– Some blocks have no elements

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What is BEM?

MODIFIER– Defines property or state on a block or

element:● button● text field● flyout● heading● menu item

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What is BEM?

MODIFIER– Defines property or state on a block or

element:● button theme● text field editable state● flyout alignment● heading level● menu item bullet type

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What is BEM?

MODIFIER– Defines property or state on a block or

element:● button theme● text field editable state● flyout alignment● heading level● menu item bullet type

– Multiple modifiers may co-existon a single block/element

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BEM forms a semantic overlay over the existing DOM structure.

This overlay is called a BEM tree.

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DOM tree → BEM tree

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How does BEM map to DOM?

● Blocks/elems/mods are denotedwith CSS classes using a naming convention.

● DOM nodes can be shared:— block1 + block2 may occupy the same container;— element1 + block2 may co-exist onthe same node.

● DOM is encapsulated:— complex DOM structure may constitutea single element

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BEM HOWTOfor your beloved projectwith benefits explained

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CSS naming conventions

“BEM uses CSS class names to denote blocks, elements and modifiers.”

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CSS naming conventions







or with prefix






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CSS naming conventions

<ul class=”menu”>

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CSS naming conventions







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CSS naming conventions

<ul class=”menu”>

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CSS naming conventions







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CSS naming conventions







as you wish

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CSS naming conventions

<ul class=”menu”>

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CSS naming conventions

<ul class=”menu”>

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so structure

much semantics


much semantics

very codesuch frontend

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BEM CSS: best practices

1. Map the whole document to BEM blocks

2. No CSS outside of blocks

3. Independent blocks → no global CSS resets

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Drop tag names and IDs● Faster selectors● Re-use same semantics on any tag:

— <DIV class=”block”>

— <SPAN class=”block”>

— <TABLE class=”block”>

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CSS specificity magic solvedPriority of CSS rules:by specificity first, then by rule order { background-color: gray }

td.summary { background-color: white }

.total-summary { background-color: yellow }

<TD class="summary total-summary">

<!-- Still gray, baby :-( -->


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CSS specificity magic solvedPriority of CSS rules:by specificity first, then by rule order { background-color: gray }

td.summary { background-color: white } { background-color: yellow }

<TD class="summary total-summary">

<!-- This works, I'm yellow now -->


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Bye-bye CSS cascade?!

Only one CSS class needed to:● style a block container● style any element within a block● add extras/overrides with a modifier

Doesn't it cover 90% of your styling needs?

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Bye-bye CSS cascade?!

...well, not exactly.

Example of an element affected by a block modifier:

/* theme menu items for a dark theme */.menu_theme_dark .menu__item{ color: white; background-color: darkgray;}

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HOWTO:Block dependencies

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text inputtext input text inputtext input buttonbutton


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_size_small _size_small _primary

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.header .input { font-size: 0.85em }

.header .button { background: navy }

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Download Help Contact

.header .input { font-size: 0.85em }

.header .button { background: navy } !

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HOWTO: JavaScript

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Components → BlocksWork with BEM tree, not DOM tree

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JavaScript deals with BEM



// <div class=”block block_active”>blockObj.delMod('active);

// <div class=”block”>

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JavaScript deals with BEM{

'active': function() {

// do smth when active


'disabled': function() {

// do something when disabled



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i-bem.js framework by Yandex + tutorial

● First English docs (expect more!)● 100% BEM-based declarative API● Part of a larger bem-core library

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HTML is no longer semantic.

JavaScript is.

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HOWTO: Design / UX

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BEM is the universal languagefor developers and designers,the bridge across technology gaps.

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Build your block library.

The code itself is the styleguide.

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UX + Frontend

● Live style guide● Always up-to-date● Prototyping mapped to code from

day one● Designers and devs speak the

same language● Good for making early estimates

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HOWTO: File structure

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File and folder structure

Flat block structure with a folder for each block.

Simple structure for BEM beginners:

/block block.css block.js block.tpl ...whatever you need

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File and folder structure

Advanced structure to expose semantics

/block /__elem1 block__elem1.css block__elem1.tpl /_mod block_mod.cssblock.cssblock.jsblock.tpl

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Bundles for browsers

page.css: @import url(“header/header.css”);

@import url(“button/button.css”);

@import url(“button/button_promo.css”);

page.js: /* include: button.js */

/* include: login.js */

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Build process and deployment

Use a build tool!

Borschik:an open-source build tool by Yandex


English docs:

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Thank you Booking!@varya_en