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Beginning Nazarene Israelite Siddur v0.9


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    Beginning Nazarene Israelite Siddur

    Blessed is he who comes in the Name of YHWH


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    Tehillim (Psalms) 147:1 1 Praise YHWH!

    For it is good to sing praises to our Elohim; For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful.

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    Introduction This siddur is designed to help you learn to sing the most common Hebrew liturgical songs quickly, so you can go into any synagogue in the world, and join in. We made the translations more literal than poetic, to help you learn Hebrew faster. If you just sing along, sooner or later you will start to understand the words. (This is how children learn.) You can also download audio files from the Nazarene Israel website, and sing along. (They are on the Audio tab.) You can sing these songs either with instruments, or a-cappella (all vocal). You can also sing the ones you like, and leave others out. We left Shalom Aleichem out, as the idea of praying to angels is questionable. We also left the candle lighting out, as the candle lighting ritual was reportedly created by the rabbis as a slap to the Karaites (for details, please see The Torah Calendar). There is also no right order to sing these songs. The order, content and tempo change from one assembly to the next. I realize the transliterations are difficult. The idea is not to learn to read transliterations, but to learn to read Hebrew. If you have ideas about how to make this beginning Hebrew songbook better, please email us, [email protected]. Make a joyful noise unto YHWH! Norman B. Willis In the Dispersion 6012 (2012 CE)


    Table of Contents v0.9 Add Torah Portions

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    (Erev Shabbat) Aishet Chayil Aishet Chayil, mi yimtzah Vrahok mipninim mikrah. Ba-takh bah lev baal-ah vshalal lo yekh-sar. A valiant woman, who can find? She is worth far more than pearls. Her husbands heart trusts her. And (she provides) gain (so that he shall) have no lack. Mishle (Proverbs) 31:10-11 The word chayil () means soldier; therefore an aishet chayil ( ) means a valiant woman, i.e., someone who does not shrink from lifes challenges, but meets them head-on. Some translations read a woman of accomplishment, while others read a woman of valor, but either way it takes a strong and capable woman to achieve great things in society. According to tradition, an aishet chayil is strong and professional in public, and yet feminine and submissive towards her husband. (She is only required to be submissive towards her husband, and even then only in Yahweh.) The husband traditionally sings Aishet Chayil to his wife at the start of Shabbat, in order to honor her before the family.


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    (Erev Shabbat) VShamroo Bnei Yisrael V'sham-eh-ru b'nei Yisrael, et haShabbat, La-asot et haShabbat, l'dorotam b'rit olam. Beinee uvayn b'nei Yisrael, oht he le-'olam, ki sheishet yamim asah YHWH et hashamyim v'et ha-aretz, U-vayom hashvi-ee shabbat vayi-nah-fash. And shall guard the children of Israel (Et) the Sabbath, To do (et) the Sabbath throughout their generations for a covenant forever. For in six days made YHWH (Et) the heavens and (et) the earth, and on day the seventh day He rested and was refreshed. Shemote (Exodus) 31:16-17 Sometimes one might wonder, if YHWH does not get tired, then how can YHWH be refreshed? The answer is similar to the refresh button on a computer screen. If things get out of order, one presses the refresh button, and the proper order and alignment is restored. This is similar to the Shabbat, when the proper order between YHWH and man is restored, when man takes time to worship and rest in Him.






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    (Erev Shabbat) Erev Shabbat Kiddush Erev Shabbat Sanctification Prayer

    [Yayi-hi erev, yahi-hi boker] Yom ha-shi-shi, va-yi-kulu ha-shamayim vha-aretz vkol tze-va-am, va-yi-kal Elohim byom hash-vi-yee mlakh-to asher ah-sah va-yish-bote byom hash-vi-yee mi-kal mlakh-to asher ah-sah, va-yi-varekh Elohim et yom hash-vi-yee va-yi-kadesh oh-to, ki bo Shabbat mi-kal mlakh-to asher bara Elohim laasote. [And was evening, and was morning] The sixth day, and were completed the heavens and the earth and all their host. And completed Elohim in day the seventh all His work which He made. And He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He made. And Elohim blessed (et) the seventh day and set it apart, for in it He rested from all His work which Elohim created to make. Our Jewish brothers traditionally begin the Shabbat by sanctifying it, or setting it apart from the other days of the week. The Erev Shabbat Kiddush then continues with the Kaddish (the blessing of the fruit of the vine), continued on the next page.


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    Erev Shabbat Kiddush (continued) If desired, the Erev Shabbat Kiddush may continue with blessings over a cup of wine known as the Kaddish (or the Kiddush Cup). Normally this blessing is recited by the man of the house, who holds the Kiddush cup while reciting the blessing. Baruch atah YHWH Eloheinu melech ha-olam, bo-ray pe-rie ha-gafen. [Amein.] Blessed are You, YHWH our Elohim, King of the Universe, who brings forth the fruit of the vine. [Amein.] The Kiddush Cup can be any cup, but traditionally it is ornate, either silver, or silver plate, symbolizing the preciousness of the Shabbat. After the Kiddush Cup is blessed and set apart, it is customary for all to partake of the cup. This is likely this weekly ritual of the bread and the wine is the ritual Yeshua was referring to when He said, as often as you do this, do this in remembrance of Me (Luke 22:17-20). Traditionally our Jewish brethren also say the prayer on the following pages. Beginners may wish to skip this, and go straight to the blessing over the bread (HaMotzee). If one omits the next page, the reader may wish to say Amein (faith/I believe!) at the end of this prayer.






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    (Erev Shabbat) Erev Shabbat Kiddush (continued) The Erev Shabbat Kiddush continues.

    Baruch atah YHWH, Eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher keed-shanu bmitzvoteicha, vratzah banu, ushabbat kadsho bahava uvratzon hin-khi-lanu, zikarone lma-asei v'reisheet. Ki hu yom thilah lmikrei kodesh, ze-kher lyeetz-iat mitzrayim. Ki banu bakharta vohtanu kdashta mi-kal ha-amim. Vshabbat kad-she-kha bahavah uvratzon hin-khal-tanu. Baruch atah YHWH, mei-kadesh ha-Shabbat. [Amein.] Blessed are You YHWH our Elohim, King of the Universe, who sets us apart by His commandments, and was pleased with us. His set-apart Sabbath in love and favor [He gave us] as a heritage, a remembrance of the works of creation. For it is the day beginning of our set-apart gatherings, a memorial of the Exodus from Egypt. For You chose us and set us apart from all the peoples, and [gave us] Your set-apart Shabbat in love and favor as a heritage. Blessed are You YHWH, who sets the Shabbat apart. Amein. Kiddush continues with HaMotzee on the next page.



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    (Erev Shabbat) HaMotzee

    Baruch atah YHWH, Eloheinu Melekh Ha-Olam, Hamotzee lechem meen ha-aretz. Amein. Blessed are You YHWH our Elohim, King of the Universe, who brings forth bread from the earth. Amein. Luqa (Luke) 22:17-20 HaMotzee (He who brings forth) is a traditional blessing before breaking bread, which is done each week in fellowship, and also at festival times. It is likely this is the ritual Yeshua was referring to in the first century when He said, As often as you do this, do this in remembrance of Me (e.g. Luke 22:17-20). Traditionally, on erev Shabbat the man of the house says HaMotzee, and then either breaks or cuts the bread into pieces. Some traditionally sprinkle it with salt, in remembrance of the commandment that all YHWHs offerings are to be seasoned with salt (Leviticus 2:13). If so, sea salt is preferable, as it is the actual salt YHWH commands in Scripture (and it is much healthier for us). The man of the house takes a piece of bread, and then passes the loaf to the rest of those present. Those present take a piece of bread, and pass it on.


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    (Erev Shabbat) BLev (From the Heart) Our Jewish brothers typically praise and worship Yahweh before they feel comfortable making requests of Him. Once they have praised Him, then they feel they can make their requests. Prayers for health, safety and welfare, as well as prayers to be of service to Him (and other specific requests) may be brought before Him in reverence, and in awe. Some families sing other traditional songs at this time, including Mah Tovu, Lchoo Naranana, Lecha Dodi, and others. Shabbat Shalom!



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    (Yom HaShabbat) Kadosh (Set-Apart/Holy) (Leader and Congregation recite standing) Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh (2) YHWH Elohim Tzavaot (2) Asher hayah vhoveh vyavoh (2) Holy, holy, holy* (2) Is Yahweh Elohim Tzavaot (2) Who was, and is, and is to come (2) Hitgalut (Revelation) 4:8 *This is a beginners siddur. Nazarene Israel prefers to use the set-apart names and terms, but we use the word holy here (instead of set-apart) because it fits better. If you find the term holy offensive, please substitute the term set apart into this song (or skip this song altogether). However, English is a pagan tongue, and no the words set apart are still English (and therefore pagan). (More advanced singers may want to omit this song.)


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    (Yom HaShabbat) Mah Tovu Ma tovu ohaleikha Yaakov. Mish-ken-oteicha Yeesrael (2). Vah-ani brove chasdecha ah-voe veitecha, Eshtachaveh el hei-chal kadshecha byir-atecha YHWH ahavti mown bei-techa, Umkome mishkan kvodecha Vani eshtachaveh vekhra-ah, evrcha leefnay YHWH Osee. Vani tfee-lati lcha YHWH, eht ratzon, Elohim brav chasdecha anayni bemet Yeeshecha How good are thy tents, O Jacob. Thy tabernacles, O Yisrael (2). As for me, in Your great compassion I will enter Your house. I will bow towards Your set-apart temple in awe of You. YHWH, I love the house where You dwell, And the set-apart place where Your glory rests. I will bow, and I will prostrate, And I will kneel before YHWH, my Maker. May my prayer to You Come at the right time. YHWH, in Your great kindness, Answer me with the truth of Your Salvation. Bemidbar (Numbers) 24:5


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    (Yom HaShabbat) UShaavtem Mayim

    Ushaavtem mayim bsa-sone me-ma-ai-nay ha-yshuah (repeat) Mayim, mayim, mayim, mayim, hey mayim bsa-sone (repeat) Hey, hey, hey, hey, mayim, mayim, mayim, mayim, mayim, mayim, bsa-sone (repeat) (Translation: And with joy you shall draw forth water from the wells of salvation) (More advanced singers may want to skip this song.)

    BarChoo (Blessing) (Leader) Barchoo et YHWH hahmvo-rach: (Leader & Congregation) Baruch YHWH hahmvo-rach lolam va-ed BShem Yshua HaMashiach, Amein: (Leader) Bless YHWH, Who is to be Blessed. (Leader & Congregation) Blessed be YHWH, Who is to be blessed, forever and ever, In the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach, amein. (Traditionally, the reader bows at bless, and straightens up at YHWH. The assembly bows at blessed, and straightens up at YHWH.)


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    VShamroo Bnei Yisrael (Leader & Congregation) V'sham-eh-ru b'nei Yisrael, et haShabbat, La-asot et haShabbat, l'dorotam b'rit olam. Beinee uvayn b'nei Yisrael, oht he le-'olam, ki sheishet yamim asah YHWH et hashamyim v'et ha-aretz, U-vayom hashvi-ee shabbat vayi-nah-fash. And shall guard the children of Israel (Et) the Sabbath, To do (et) the Sabbath throughout their generations for a covenant forever. For in six days made YHWH (Et) the heavens and (et) the earth, and on day the seventh day He rested and was refreshed. Shemote (Exodus) 31:16-17 Sometimes one might wonder, if YHWH does not get tired, then how can YHWH be refreshed? The answer is similar to the refresh button on a computer screen. If things get out of order, one presses the refresh button, and the proper order and alignment is restored. This is similar to the Shabbat, when the proper order between YHWH and man is restored, when man takes time to worship and rest in Him.


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    Shema Yisrael Shma Yisrael, YHWH Eloheinu, YHWH echad Baruch shem k'vod malkhuto l'olam va-ed Vahavta et YHWH Elohecha Bchol l'vavcha u-vchol nafsh'cha u-vchol m'odecha. Vhai-yu ha-devarim ha-eleh asher anochi mitzavcha ha-yom, al le-vavecha. Vshinantam lvaneicha udibar-ta bahm Bshivtecha bveitecha, uvlechtecha ba-derek Uvshachcbecha uvkumecha Ukshartam leh-oht al yahdecha Vhaiu leh-tot-eh-fote bein einecha Uktavtam al mezuzot beitecha Uvishareicha. Hear Israel, YHWH our Elohim, YHWH is one! Blessed be His glorious and sovereign Name forever and ever And you shall love YHWH your Elohim with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words which I command you today shall be on your heart: You shall teach them to your children, and speak of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on your door posts of your house and on your gates. And you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Leviticus 19:18


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    Magen Ahvot (Our Fathers Shield) Ma-gane ah-vot beed-va-roh, meh-hai-yeh meh-teem, be-ma-ah-ma-ah-roh. Ha-El ha-kadosh, sheh-ain cmo-hu, Ha-meh-nee-ach le-ah-mo, byowm Shabbat kahd-sho. Ki bahm raht-sah leh-haniach la-hem, Ki bahm raht-sah leh-haniach la-hem. Leh-fahnav na-avod byirah u-fa-khad, Vnodeh lishem-oh bkol yom tah-mid, Me-ain ha-brah-chhot. El ha-hodah-ot, Adon ha-Shalom, meh-kadesh ha-Shabbat, umeh-barech ha-shevi-i, Umeniach bkdushah lam mdu-shnei oh-neg. Zeh-kehr la-maaseh vreisheet. A shield to our fathers in His word, Raising the dead in his utterance. The Set-apart El (G-d), there is none like Him, Who gives rest to His people in the day of the Set-apart Sabbath, For He was please to give rest to them, For He was please to give rest to them. Before Him we shall serve in fear and reverence, And give thanks to His name in all days continually, From the well of blessings. El (G-d) of thanksgiving, Master of Peace, Who sets the Sabbath apart, and who blesses the seventh (day), And who gives rest in set-apartness to His people filled with delight, In remembrance of the work of creation.


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    Mizmor LDavid (Psalm 23) Mizmor l'David, YHWH roh'ee lo echsar. Bin'ot desheh yarbitseyni al mei m'nuchot y'nahaleyni. Nafshee y'shovev, yan'cheynee b'maglei tsedek l'ma-an Shemo. Gam ki eih-lech, b'gei tsalmavet, lo ee-ra-rah ki Atah imadi, Shivtecha umishantecha heima y'nachamuni. Ta-aroch l'fanai shulchan neged tsor'rai; dishanta bshemen roshee, kosi r'vaia. Ach tov vchesed yirdehfuni kol yamei chaiai v'shavti b'veit YHWH l'orech yamim. YHWH is my shepherd; I shall not lack. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in paths of righteousness for His Names sake. When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the face of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; my cup runs over. Only goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life; And I shall dwell in the House of YHWH forever!


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    Mi Chamocha

    Mi chamocha, ba'elim, YHWH? Mi chamocha, nedar bakodesh, Norah tehilot, oseh feleh, oseh feleh. Who is like Thee, YHWH among the elohim? Who is like Thee, glorified in Set-apartness You are awesome in praise, doing wonders YHWH Doing wonders, YHWH

    Hodu LYHWH Hodu lYHWH ki tov, ki leolam chasdo Hodu lYHWH ki tov, ki leolam chasdo Hodu, hodu, hodu, hodu, hodu lYHWH ki tov Hodu, hodu, hodu, hodu, hodu lYHWH ki tov Give thanks to YHWH, He is good; His mercy forever endures. Give thanks to YHWH, He is good; His mercy forever endures. Give thanks, give thanks, give thanks, give thanks, Give thanks to YHWH, He is good. Give thanks, give thanks, give thanks, give thanks, Give thanks to YHWH, He is good.


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    The Amidah (Standing Prayer) (YHWH sfatai tiftach, u-fee yah-gid te-hi-la-techa) (YHWH, open my lips, and my mouth will tell of your glory.) Baruch atah YHWH Eloheinu, velohei avoteinu Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzhak VElohei Ya'akov Ha-El ha-gadol v-ha-norah El Elyon Gomel Chasadim tovim Ykoneh ha-kol Vzocher chasdei ahvot Umeh-vi go-el livnei vneihem Lmaan sheh-mo ba-hava Blessed are you, YHWH Elohim of our fathers, Elohim of Avraham, Elohim of Isaac, And Elohim of Jacob, The El great, mighty, and awesome/fearsome, El Most High, Giver of good mercies, And possessor of all, Who remembers the kindnesses of our fathers, And who brings a Redeemer to their childrens children in love, Because of His name.



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    Amidah (continued) Melek Ozer u-moshiah u-magehn (2) Baruch atah YHWH, magen Avraham (2) Atah gibor le-olam Adoonai (2) Me-hayeh metim, (2) Atah rav le-hoshiah! (2) King, Redeemer, Savior and Shield Blessed art Thou, Blessed art Thou, Shield of Abraham! You are mighty forever, Adonai Raising the dead, You are great to save!


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    Ain Kmocha Ayn kmocha va-elohim Adonai vayn kma-a-seicha: mal-choo-tcha mal-choot kal o-lam-eem Umemshaltcha bchol dor va-dor: YHWH melech YHWH malach YHWH eemlohkh lolam va-ed; YHWH oz lamo yee-tein YHWH eeva-raich et amo va-shalom: There is none like you among the elohim, Adonai and there are no works like Yours. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Your dominion endures throughout all generations. YHWH is King; YHWH was King; YHWH shall be King for ever and ever. YHWH will give strength to His people; YHWH will bless His people with peace.

    (Psalm 86:8, Psalm 145:13, and Psalm 29:11)

    (The ark is opened) (Our Jewish brethren traditionally stand as the Torah is removed from the ark, standing in the presence of Yahwehs word. This much seems fine. Others parade the Torah scroll, and either kiss it, or reach out to touch and adore it. Some find these practices bordering on idolatry, and we do not advocate them.)


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    Yayihee Been-soa HaAron Vayihee been-soa ha-aron va-yomer Moshe, Kumah YHWH vya-foo-tzoo oyveicha vya-noo-soo misaneicha mee-pa-nei-cha: Ki mee-tzee-yone tay-tzay Torah, Ki mee-tzee-yone tay-tzay Torah, u-dvar YHWH meh-Yeru-sha-la-yeem. Baruch sheh-natan Torah Baruch sheh-natan Torah lamo Yisrael bee-kdoo-sha-toh: And it came to pass, when the ark set forward, that Moshe said, Rise up, O YHWH, and let Your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate You flee from before you. For out of Zion shall go forth the Torah, and the Word of YHWH from Jerusalem. Blessed be He who in His holiness gave the Torah to His people Yisrael. (Numbers 10:35 & Isaiah 2:3) (Based on Leviticus 19:2)





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    Shema Shema Yisrael, YHWH Eloheinu, YHWH echad Echad Eloheinu, Gadol Adoneinu, Kadosh shemo Hear O Yisrael, YHWH our Elohim, YHWH is One! One is our Elohim, Great is our Master, Set-apart is His Name. (This is a different Shema than earlier in the service.) Gadloo (Magnify) (Leader) Gadloo la-YHWH eetee oonro-mmah shmo yachdav:

    Magnify YHWH with me, and let us exalt His Name together. (Psalm 34:3) (Leader & congregation together) Yours, YHWH, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the majesty: for all that is in heaven and on earth is Yours. Yours, YHWH, is the kingdom, and You are supreme over all. Exalt YHWH our Elohim, and worship at His footstool: qodesh is He. Exalt YHWH our Elohim, and worship at His qodesh mountain; for YHWH our Elohim is qodesh. (If standing, the congregation is traditionally seated)


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    Brachot (Blessings) (Leader) Ba-rchoo et YHWH hahmvo-rach: (Leader & Congregation) Baruch YHWH hahmvo-rach lolam va-ed: BShem Yshua HaMashiach, amein. (Leader) Bless YHWH, Who is to be Blessed. (Leader & Congregation) Blessed be YHWH, Who is to be blessed, forever and ever. In the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach. Amein! Blessings before the Torah (Leader) Baruch YHWH ha-mvo-rach lolam va-ed: (Congregation) Baruch atah YHWH, Elohaynu melech ha-olam, asher ba-char banoo mee-kol ha-ameem, vnatan lanu et Torato: (Leader & Congregation Recites) Baruch atah YHWH, no-tein ha-Torah. BShem Yshua HaMashiach, amein. Blessed are You, YHWH our Elohim, King of the Universe, Who has chosen us from all peoples, and has given us Your Torah. Blessed are You, YHWH, giver of the Torah. In the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach. Amein!




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    Blessing after the Torah (Leader) Baruch atah YHWH, Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, asher natahn lah-noo Torat ehmet vchai-yei olam nah-tah bto-chei-noo, (Leader & Congregation) Baruch atah YHWH, notein ha-Torah. BShem Yshua HaMashiach. Amein. (Leader) Blessed are You, YHWH our Elohim, King of the Universe, Who has given us the Law of Truth, And planted everlasting life in our midst. Blessed are You, YHWH, giver of the Torah. In the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach. Amein! (Our Jewish brothers traditionally stand for Vzote HaTorah. The Torah scroll is traditionally lifted up.)

    VZote HaTorah (Leader & Congregation Recite) Vzote ha-Torah asher sahm Moshe leefnei bnei Yisra-el al-piy YHWH byahd Moshe. And this is the Torah which Moshe set before the children of Yisrael, according to the commandment of YHWH by the hand of Moshe. (Some congregations traditionally also bless the Haftarah [prophetic] portion, and some Messianic congregations also bless the Brit Chadasha (New Testament) portions. This can make sense when there is a cantor, and he needs time to let his throat rest in between readings.)


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    Blessings before the Haftarah Baruch Atah YHWH Eloheinu Melech ha'olam asher bahar bin'vi-im tovim, v'ratzah vdiv'reihem ha-ne-emarim be-ehmet. Baruch Atah YHWH, ha-bocher ba-Torah uv'Moshe av'do, uv'Yisrael amo, u-vin'vi-ei ha-emet va-tsedek. BShem Yeshua HaMashiach. Amein Blessed are You, YHWH our Elohim, King of the universe, Who selected good prophets, delighting in their words which were spoken truthfully. Blessed are You, YHWH, Who chose the Torah, Your servant Moshe, Your people Yisrael, And the prophets of truth and righteousness. In the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach. Amein!

    Blessing After the Haftarah Baruch Atah YHWH Eloheinu Melech ha'olam tsur kol ha-olamim, tsadik b'kal ha-dorot, Ha-El ha-ne-eman ha-omair v'oseh, Hamdabair u-m'kayeim, sheh-kol dvarav emet va-tsedek. Ne-eh-man Atah Hu YHWH Eloheinu , v'ne-eh-manim d'vareicha v'davar echad meed'vareicha akhor lo yashuve reikam, ki El Melekh ne-emahn v'rachaman Atah. Baruch Atah YHWH, ha-El ha-ne-eman b'kol d'varav. BShem Yeshua HaMashiach. Amein!


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    Blessed are You, YHWH our Elohim, King of the Universe, Rock of all ages, Righteous throughout all generations. You are the faithful Elohim, promising and then performing, First speaking and then fulfilling, For all Your Words are true and righteous. Faithful are you, YHWH our Elohim, And faithful are Your Words, For no Word of Yours shall remain unfulfilled. You are a faithful and merciful Elohim and King. Blessed are You, YHWH our Elohim, Who are faithful in fulfilling Your Words. In the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach. Amein! Blessing before Ketuvim Netzarim Baruch Atah YHWH Eloheinu Melech haOlam, asher natahn lahnu Mashiach Yeshua, vhadebrote shel HaBrit HaChadasha, Baruch Atah YHWH notein HaBrit HaChadasha. BShem Yeshua HaMashiach. Amein Blessed are You, YHWH our Elohim, King of the Universe, Who gave us Messiah Yeshua and the Words of the New Covenant. Blessed are You, YHWH, Giver of the New Covenant. In the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach. Amein!


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    Blessing after Ketuvim Netzarim Baruch Atah YHWH Eloheinu Melech haOlam, asher natan lanu had'var ha-emet, vchaiey olam natah b'to-cheynu. Baruch Atah YHWH notein HaBrit HaChadasha. BShem Yeshua HaMashiach. Amein. Blessed are You, YHWH our Elohim, King of the Universe, Who gave us the Word of Truth and planted among us eternal life. Blessed are You, YHWH, giver of the New Covenant. In The Name of Yshua HaMashiach. Amein! Etz Chayim He

    Etz chayim he la-ma-chazikim ba vtome'chei-ah meu-shar. Drachei-ah darchey no-am vkol ntivotei-ah shalom. Ha-shi-veinu YHWH elei-kha vnashuvah. Chadesh yamei-nu ki-kedem. It is a tree of life to them that grasp it, and of them that uphold it everyone is rendered happy. Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace. Bring us back to You YHWH, and we will return, Renew our days as of old. (Traditionally, the Torah scroll is returned to the ark, and the curtain is left open during Etz Chayim He.)


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  • 55

    Kaddish (The Mourners Kaddish is an ancient Aramaic prayer.) Yitgadal v'yitkadash sh'mei raba. B'alma di-vra kir'uteh, V'yamlich malchutey, b'chaieichon uv'yomeichon uv'chayey d'khol beit Yisrael, Ba-a-galah u-vizman kariv. V'imru: Amein. Yhei sh'mei raba m'varach l'alam ul'almey almaya. Yitbarach v'yishtabach v'yitpa-ar v'yitromam v'yitnasey, v'yithadar v'yit'aleh v'yithalal sh'mey d'kudsha. B'rich hu. Leyla min kol birchata v'shirata, tushb'chata v'nechemata, da-ah-mi-rahn balma, v'imru: Amein. Yhei shlama raba min shmaya vchaim, Aleinu val kol Yisrael, vimru: Amein. Oseh shalom bim'romav, hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu v'al kol Yisrael, v'imru : Amein. Magnified and sanctified be His great Name. Amein. In the world which He has created according to His will. May He establish His Kingdom during your life and during your days, and during your life of all the house of Yisrael, even swiftly and soon, and say : Amein. Let His great Name be blessed forever and to all eternity. Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honored, magnified and lauded be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He. Though He is high above all the blessings and songs, praises and consolations, which are uttered in the world, and say: Amein. May there be abundant peace from heaven and life for us and for all Yisrael, and say: Amein May He who makes peace in His high places make peace for us and for all Yisrael, and say: Amein.


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  • 57

    Ein KEloheinu Ein kelo-hei-nu, ein ka-ado-nei-nu, ein k'malkei-nu, ein k'mo-shi-ei-nu. Mi kelo-hei-nu, mi ka-ado-nei-nu, mi kh'malkei-nu, mi kh'mo-shi-ei-nu? No-deh lelo-hei-nu, no-deh la-do-nei-nu, no-deh l'malkei-nu, no-deh l'mo-shi-ei-nu. Ba-rukh elo-hei-nu, ba-rukh a-do-nei-nu, ba-rukh malkei-nu, ba-rukh mo-shi-ei-nu. A-tah hu elo-hei-nu, a-tah hu a-do-nei-nu, a-tah hu malkei-nu, a-tah hu mo-shi-ei-nu. A-tah hu she-hiqti-ru a-vo-tei-nu l'fa-neh-kha et keto-ret ha-sa-mim. There is none like our El, there is none like our Master, there is none like our King, there is none like our Deliverer. Who is like our El? Who is like our Master? Who is like our King? Who is like our Deliverer? Let us give thanks to our El, let us give thanks to our Adon (Master), let us give thanks to our King, let us give thanks to our Deliverer. Blessed be our El, blessed be our Adon, blessed be our King, blessed be our Deliverer. You are our El, You are our Master, You are our King, You are our Deliverer. You are He, to whom our fathers offered before You the fragrant incense


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  • 59

    Aleinu Aleinu l'shabeiach la-Adon hakol, latet gdulah l'yotser breisheet, shelo asanu kgoyei ha-aretzot, v'lo samanu k'mishpachot ha-adamah, shelo sam helkeinu kahem, v'goraleinu kchol ha-monam. Va-anachnu korim u-mishtachavim umodim, lifney Melech malchay hamlachim, haKadosh Baruch Hu. She-Hu notei shamayim v'yosed aretz, u-moshav y'karo ba-shamayim Mima-al, u-shkinat u-zo, b'gavhei m'romim. Hu Eloheinu ein ode. Emet Malkeinu efes zulato, ka-katuv btorato: V'yadata hayom vahashevota el lvavecha. Ki YHWH Hu haElohim ba-shamayim mima-al, v'al ha-aretz mitachat ain ode. V'ne-ehmar, v'haia YHWH, l'Melech al kol ha-aretz, ba-yom hahu, yih-yeh YHWH echad, U-shmo echad. It is our duty to praise the Master of all, To acclaim the greatness of the One who forms all creation. For Elohim did not make us like the nations of other lands, And did not make us the same as other families of the Earth. Elohim did not place us in the same situations as others, And our destiny is not the same as anyone else's.


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  • 61

    And we bend our knees, and bow down, and give thanks before the King, the King of kings, the Holy One, Blessed is He. The One who spread out the heavens, and made the foundations of the Earth, And whose precious dwelling is in the heavens above, And whose powerful Presence is in the highest heights. He is our Elohim, there is none else. Our Elohim is truth, and nothing else compares. As it is written in Your Torah: "And you shall know today, And take to heart, that YHWH is the only Elohim, In the heavens above and on Earth below. There is no other." As it is written in Your Torah: "YHWH will reign forever and ever." And it is said: "YHWH will be Ruler over the whole Earth, And on that day, Elohim will be One, and Elohims Name will be One."


  • 63

    Adon Olam (Master of the Universe) Adon olam, asher malach B'terem kol y'tsir niv'rah Leh-ate na-sah v'khef-tso kol Azai Melech shmo ni'krah. V'aha-rei ki-klote ha-kol Le-va-do eem-loch no-rah V'hu ha-ya, v'hu hoveh V'hu yi-hi'yeh btifarah. V'hu echad, v'ein sheini, L-ham'shil lo, l'ha-kh'birah B'li reisheet, b'li tach'lit, V-lo ha-oz, v'ha-mis'rah. V'hu El-i, v'chai go'alee V'tsur khev'lee, b'ate tzarah V'hu nee-see, u-ma-nos-lee M'nat kosi, b'yom ek'rah. B'yado afkid ru-chee b'ate ee-shan v'ah-ee-rah V'eem ru-chee g'vee-yatee. YHWH li, v'lo yirah. Master of the universe who reigned before any form was created, since the creation of all things by His will, then as King His name was proclaimed to be. After all has ceased to be, alone You will reign in awesomeness, and He was, and He is, and shall be eternally in splendor.


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  • 65

    And He is One, and there is no other to compare to Him, to be His equal. Without beginning and without end, His is the power and dominion. He is my Elohim, my living Redeemer, and the Rock of my pain in time of distress. He is my banner, and a refuge for me, the portion in my cup on the day I call. Into His hand I will entrust my spirit, in the time I sleep and am awake. And with my spirit, my body, YHWH is with me, I shall not fear.


  • 67

    HaMotzee (Blessing the Bread) (Leader & Congregation)

    Baruch atah YHWH Eloheynu melech ha-olam, Ha-motzee lechem meen ha-aretz, Amein. Blessed are You YHWH, Our Elohim, King of the universe, Who brings forth the bread from the earth. Amein. Kiddush (Blessing the Wine)

    Baruch atah YHWH Eloheynu melech ha-olam, Boray pree ha-gafen. Amein. Blessed are You YHWH, Our Elohim, King of the universe, Who creates the fruit of the vine. Amein.


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  • 69

    The Priestly Blessing Yva-reh-chcha YHWH vyeeshmreh-cha Ya-air YHWH pa-nahv ey-lei-cha vee-choo-nei-ka Yee-sa YHWH pa-nahv ey-lei-cha viya-same lcha Shalom. BShem Yeshua HaMashiach, amein May YHWH bless you and keep you May YHWH make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you May YHWH lift up His countenance upon you And give you peace. In the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach, amein


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