beer brewing pfmea

Type/Model/Fabrication/Load: Item Code: Beer making (based on Indian Pale Ale) 5% IPA FMEA/Process Step: Item Code: Complete beer brewing process Effects S C Failure Mode Causes Process Element: Sterilisation 8 Equipment is [Instructions] 9 gy goers unwell 7 to it 9 [Instructions] 9 vinegary) U.S. imperial) Revision Revision Function: Sterilise all of the equipment and then rins [5% Indian Pale Ale Beer] 40 pints of beer is scapped not sterilised Ambiguous methodolo- [5% Indian Pale Ale Beer] Beer makes the party [5% Indian Pale Ale Beer] Beer taste has a bitterness [5% Indian Pale Ale Beer] Beer is too gaseous (bad) Metric / imperial [5% Indian Pale Ale Beer] weights and volumes Beer aroma is poor (e.g. not specified (including

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Post on 29-Dec-2015




2 download


Page 1: Beer Brewing Pfmea

F M E AProcess

Type/Model/Fabrication/Load: Item Code:Beer making (based on Indian Pale Ale) 5% IPA

Revision State:

FMEA/Process Step: Item Code:Complete beer brewing process

Revision State:

Effects S C Failure Mode Causes

Process Element: Sterilisation

8 Equipment is [Instructions]

not sterilised

9 gy

goers unwell


to it

9 [Instructions]


vinegary) U.S. imperial)

Function: Sterilise all of the equipment and then rinse with clean water and allow to dry

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer] 40 pints of beer is

scappedAmbiguous methodolo-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer makes the party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer taste has a bitterness

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous (bad)

Metric / imperial

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

weights and volumes

Beer aroma is poor (e.g.

not specified (including

Page 2: Beer Brewing Pfmea







(does & don'ts)


tion / ratios


[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

Fails to sterilise container

used to carry water

Does not wash hands

Insufficient detail about

alternative ingredients

insufficent concentra-

Page 3: Beer Brewing Pfmea



id too early


8 [Brewer]

8 equipment ment properly

8 [Brewer]

ment properly

Poor air quality (micro

organisms present)

Washes out sterilising flu-

Domestic supply quality

is contaminated (micro

organisms present)

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Steriliser not ful-

Beer tastes of detergent

ly rinsed from

Does not rinse equip-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

Forgets to rinse equip-

Page 4: Beer Brewing Pfmea


Process Element: Preparing the Wort

6 Malt & Hops [Instructions]

not warmed

sufficiently gy


Beer is watery




6 [Instructions]

ing water

Characteristics: Place Malt & Hops container into warm water for a time of >= 5 mins +5

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Brewing process takes

Ambiguous methodolo-

longer than required

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Alcohol content is not as

per product description

Thermostat failure

Impatientience / care-

lessness or inexperience

Characteristics: Add boiling water to the fermentation bucket = 5 litres +1

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Excessive boil-

Brewing process takes

Metric / imperial

Page 5: Beer Brewing Pfmea



U.S. imperial)


are illegible

6 [Instructions]

ing water


U.S. imperial)


are illegible


longer than required

weights and volumes

not specified (including

[Fermentation Bucket &

Volume measurements

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Insufficient boil-

Brewing process takes

Metric / imperial

longer than required

weights and volumes

not specified (including

[Fermentation Bucket &

Volume measurements

Impatientience / care-

lessness or inexperience

Page 6: Beer Brewing Pfmea


7 Water added [Brewer]

is not at boil-

to it ing point






goers unwell


[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer taste has a bitterness

Impatientience / care-

lessness or inexperience

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer aroma is poor (e.g.

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer makes the party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous (bad)

Page 7: Beer Brewing Pfmea

8 [Brewer]

Omits a stage

1.8kg Malt & Hops

5 Excessive [Scales]

7 ar

7 [Instructions]

6 gy


6 [Brewer]



[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

Characteristics: Add the ingredients to the fermentation bucket = 1 kg beer enhancer (sugar)

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous

quantity of sug-

Batteries are flat

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer tastes yeasty

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

Ambiguous methodolo-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Alcohol content is not as

per product description

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too sweet

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Party goers are inebriat-

Adds more sugar than

ed to early in the night

Page 8: Beer Brewing Pfmea


(does & don'ts)





U.S. imperial)


Insufficient detail about

alternative ingredients

Incorrect type of sugar

used (e.g. brown sugar /

Out of calibration

Metric / imperial

weights and volumes

not specified (including

Page 9: Beer Brewing Pfmea


6 [Brewer]

dients added


7 Muscovado)



4 [Instructions]


Impatientience / care-

lessness or inexperience

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Incorrect ingre-

Beer tastes caramelly/

Incorrect type of sugar

used (e.g. brown sugar /

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Alcohol content is not as

per product description

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too sweet

Insufficient detail about

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

alternative ingredients

Page 10: Beer Brewing Pfmea


(does & don'ts)


8 [Brewer]


'good' idea!)

Brewing process takes

longer than required

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Impatientience / care-

Gavin's 40th birthday party

lessness or inexperience

Experimentation with

process (Brewer has a

Page 11: Beer Brewing Pfmea


6 Insufficient [Instructions]

quantity of

Malt & Hops gy


Beer is watery


Hops container


6 Insufficient [Instructions]

Beer is flat

7 ar gy

Beer is watery

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Alcohol content is not as

Ambiguous methodolo-

per product description

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Fails to rinse out Malt &

Impatientience / care-

lessness or inexperience

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

quantity of sug-

Ambiguous methodolo-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Page 12: Beer Brewing Pfmea








U.S. imperial)

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Insufficient alcoholic bev-

erages for the party goers

Batteries are flat

Incorrect type of sugar

used (e.g. brown sugar /

Out of calibration

Metric / imperial

weights and volumes

not specified (including

Page 13: Beer Brewing Pfmea



8 [Brewer]

Omits a stage

7 [Brewer]


to it



7 [Instructions]

8 gy

Impatientience / care-

lessness or inexperience

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Sugar omitted

Beer is not ready for

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Wort is contami-

Beer taste has a bitterness

Fails to cover the wort

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer aroma is poor (e.g.

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

Ambiguous methodolo-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Page 14: Beer Brewing Pfmea



goers unwell



8 present

[Malt & Hops]








Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer makes the party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

[Fermentation Bucket &

Beer is too gaseous (bad)

Bacterial contamination

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

Bacterial contamination

Bacterial contamination

Does not wash hands

Poor air quality (micro

organisms present)

Page 15: Beer Brewing Pfmea




id too early




[Malt & Hops]


Bacterial contamination

Washes out sterilising flu-

Impatientience / care-

lessness or inexperience

Bacterial contamination

Poor quality product /

Page 16: Beer Brewing Pfmea


6 Ingredients [Brewer]

Beer is flat mixing not


ble state


Beer is watery



Omits a stage

7 [Brewer]


to it beforehand


Function: Mix contents until ingredients are dissolved

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Impatientience / care-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

mixed to a solu-

lessness or inexperience

Brewing process takes

longer than required

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Insufficient length

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Wort is contami-

Beer taste has a bitterness

Does not wash hands

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer aroma is poor (e.g.

Page 17: Beer Brewing Pfmea



7 [Instructions]

8 gy


goers unwell

9 [Home]




6 Insufficient [Brewer]

water added

5 'good' idea!)


[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

Ambiguous methodolo-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer makes the party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous (bad)

Poor air quality (micro

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

organisms present)

40 pints of beer is scapped

Bacterial contamination

Characteristics: Fill the fermentation bucket to the correct volume = 40 pints

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Insufficient alcoholic bev-

Experimentation with

erages for the party goers

process (Brewer has a

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Page 18: Beer Brewing Pfmea






are illegible


U.S. imperial)


Party goers are inebriat-

ed to early in the night

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too sweet

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer tastes caramelly/

[Fermentation Bucket &

Volume measurements

Metric / imperial

weights and volumes

not specified (including

Impatientience / care-

lessness or inexperience

Page 19: Beer Brewing Pfmea



7 [Instructions]


to it gy




8 [Brewer]


[Fermentation Bucket &

Insufficient capacity

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Wort is contami-

Beer taste has a bitterness

Ambiguous methodolo-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer aroma is poor (e.g.

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Fails to sterilise container

Gavin's 40th birthday party

used to carry water

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Page 20: Beer Brewing Pfmea


goers unwell

9 [Brewer]

8 beforehand




Beer makes the party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous (bad)

Does not wash hands

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

Poor air quality (micro

organisms present)

Domestic supply quality

is contaminated (micro

organisms present)

Impatientience / care-

lessness or inexperience

Page 21: Beer Brewing Pfmea



nation lid]

to it

9 present


7 [Airlock]

8 contaminated

9 [Brewer]

goers unwell



Function: Cover fermentation bucket and insert airlock whilst temperature settles

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Wort is contami-

[Fermentation Bucket &

Beer taste has a bitterness

Bacterial contamination

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer aroma is poor (e.g.

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

Airlock or fluid content is

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer makes the party

Impatientience / care-

lessness or inexperience

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous (bad)

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

Page 22: Beer Brewing Pfmea



orange peel)


Omits a stage



Process Element: Add yeast

8 [Brewer]


[Fermentation Bucket &

Plastic fatigue (cracks /

Bacterial contamination

Characteristics: Mix the yeast into the wort at a specified temperature = 22 Centigrade ± 5C

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Yeast omitted

Beer is not ready for

Impatientience / care-

Gavin's 40th birthday party

lessness or inexperience

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Brewing process takes

longer than required

Page 23: Beer Brewing Pfmea



Omits a stage

7 Yeast added [Instructions]

Beer is watery when wort is

6 too hot gy

Beer is flat


6 [Instructions]


U.S. imperial)


Yeast omitted

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Ambiguous methodolo-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Brewing process takes

longer than required

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Alcohol content is not as

Metric / imperial

per product description

weights and volumes

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

not specified (including

40 pints of beer is scapped

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Airlock does not bubble

during the fermentation

Page 24: Beer Brewing Pfmea


yeast is killed



6 Yeat not [Instructions]

ble state gy


Omits a stage


[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Impatientience / care-

lessness or inexperience

Out of calibration

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Brewing process takes

mixed to a solu-

Ambiguous methodolo-

longer than required

Impatientience / care-

Page 25: Beer Brewing Pfmea


6 Yeast added [Brewer]

when wort is

too cold

7 [Spoon]


to it present



7 [Home]

lessness or inexperience

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Brewing process takes

Impatientience / care-

longer than required

lessness or inexperience

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Wort is contami-

Beer taste has a bitterness

Bacterial contamination

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer aroma is poor (e.g.

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

Poor air quality (micro

Page 26: Beer Brewing Pfmea


9 [Thermometer]

goers unwell present


8 [Brewer]


7 Airlock is not [Brewer]

to it





[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

organisms present)

Beer is not ready for

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer makes the party

Bacterial contamination

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous (bad)

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

Does not wash hands

Function: Cover fermentation bucket and insert airlock

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer taste has a bitterness

inserted into lid

Impatientience / care-

lessness or inexperience

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer aroma is poor (e.g.

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Page 27: Beer Brewing Pfmea



goers unwell


8 [Brewer]

Omits a stage


7 [Airlock]


to it contaminated





8 present

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer makes the party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous (bad)

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Airlock does not bubble

during the fermentation

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is contami-

Beer taste has a bitterness

Airlock or fluid content is

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer aroma is poor (e.g.

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

[Fermentation Bucket &

Beer is cloudy/hazy

Bacterial contamination

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Page 28: Beer Brewing Pfmea


9 [Brewer]

goers unwell beforehand



8 [Brewer]

sealed /

pushed home

Process Element: Primary Fermentation


nated lid]

to it

9 orange peel)

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer makes the party

Does not wash hands

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous (bad)

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Lid is not fully

Airlock does not bubble

Impatientience / care-

during the fermentation

lessness or inexperience

Characteristics: Beer is allowed to ferment for = 6 days ±2

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is contami-

[Fermentation Bucket &

Beer taste has a bitterness

Plastic fatigue (cracks /

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Page 29: Beer Brewing Pfmea



7 [Airlock]

8 contaminated


goers unwell



6 Beer leakage


8 orange peel)


Beer aroma is poor (e.g.

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

Airlock or fluid content is

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer makes the party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous (bad)

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

[Fermentation Bucket &

Insufficient alcoholic bev-

erages for the party goers

Plastic fatigue (cracks /

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

Shelf strength in airing

cupboard is inadequate

Page 30: Beer Brewing Pfmea

8 Fermentation [Brewer]

does not

8 bles exit air-




rine content)


[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Uses only boiling water

Gavin's 40th birthday party

occur (no bub-

when preparing the wort

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

Domestic supply quality

is contaminated (micro

organisms present)

Domestic supply quality

is contaminated (chlo-

Ambient temperature is

Page 31: Beer Brewing Pfmea




6 Fermentation [Instructions]

too low / incorrect prox-

imity to heat source

Ambient temperature is

too high / incorrect prox-

imity to heat source

Past best before date

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Page 32: Beer Brewing Pfmea



stopped too gy

7 early



7 [Brewer]



6 Temperature [Home]

Beer is flat fluctuations


Alcohol content is not as

Ambiguous methodolo-

per product description

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer tastes caramelly/

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer tastes yeasty

Impatientience / care-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

lessness or inexperience

Beer is too sweet

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous

Characteristics: Beer is allowed to ferment in constistent temperature of = 20-25C

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Location is close to

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

draughts / UV light source

Beer is too sweet

Page 33: Beer Brewing Pfmea


to it


8 [Instructions]

8 gy


yeast is killed

8 [Home]

too high



yeast is killed

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer taste has a bitterness

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Alcohol content is not as

per product description

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

Ambiguous methodolo-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Temperature is

Beer is not ready for

Ambient temperature is

Gavin's 40th birthday party

too high / incorrect prox-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

imity to heat source

40 pints of beer is scapped

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Page 34: Beer Brewing Pfmea




6 [Home]

too low





Process Element: Keg Fermentation

Ambiguous methodolo-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Temperature is

Brewing process takes

Ambient temperature is

longer than required

too low / incorrect prox-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

imity to heat source

Beer is not ready for

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Airlock does not bubble

during the fermentation

Ambiguous methodolo-

Function: Syphon the fermenting beer into a keg avoiding the sediment

Page 35: Beer Brewing Pfmea

7 [Syphon]


to it present



7 [Home]


9 [Brewer]

goers unwell beforehand


8 [Keg]

orange peel)



6 Beer spillage [Brewer]

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is contami-

Beer taste has a bitterness

Bacterial contamination

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer aroma is poor (e.g.

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

Poor air quality (micro

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

organisms present)

Beer is not ready for

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer makes the party

Does not wash hands

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous (bad)

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

Plastic fatigue (cracks /

Bacterial contamination

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Page 36: Beer Brewing Pfmea

6 Beer spillage





7 Excess sedi- [Brewer]


Insufficient alcoholic bev-

Impatientience / care-

erages for the party goers

lessness or inexperience

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

Insufficient length

Multi-section product

Insufficient capacity

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

ment decanted

Impatientience / care-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

lessness or inexperience

Party goers have 'wind'

Page 37: Beer Brewing Pfmea

the next day




7 [Keg]


to it present



7 [Scales]

8 present

9 [Sugar]

Ambiguous methodolo-

Characteristics: Add additional ingredients = 150 g ±30g

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is contami-

Beer taste has a bitterness

Bacterial contamination

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer aroma is poor (e.g.

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

Bacterial contamination

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer makes the party

Bacterial contamination

Page 38: Beer Brewing Pfmea

goers unwell









5 Excessive [Instructions]

6 ar

U.S. imperial)



[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous (bad)

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

Bacterial contamination

Does not wash hands

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous

quantity of sug-

Metric / imperial

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

weights and volumes

Alcohol content is not as

not specified (including

per product description

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too sweet

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Party goers are inebriat-

ed to early in the night

Page 39: Beer Brewing Pfmea

7 [Brewer]








[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

Impatientience / care-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

lessness or inexperience

Brewing process takes

longer than required

Adds more sugar than

Ambiguous methodolo-

Out of calibration

Page 40: Beer Brewing Pfmea


5 [Brewer]

dients added







6 Insufficient [Brewer]

Beer is flat

6 ar

'good' idea!)


Beer is watery

Batteries are flat

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Incorrect ingre-

Beer is too gaseous

Incorrect type of sugar

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

used (e.g. brown sugar /

Alcohol content is not as

per product description

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too sweet

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer tastes caramelly/

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Party goers are inebriat-

ed to early in the night

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

quantity of sug-

Experimentation with

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

process (Brewer has a

Alcohol content is not as

per product description

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Page 41: Beer Brewing Pfmea



Omits a stage


U.S. imperial)


Metric / imperial

weights and volumes

not specified (including

Impatientience / care-

lessness or inexperience

Page 42: Beer Brewing Pfmea



(does & don'ts)



6 [Brewer]

Beer is flat


Beer is watery


7 [Keg]

Insufficient detail about

alternative ingredients

Ambiguous methodolo-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Sugar omitted

Impatientience / care-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

lessness or inexperience

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Alcohol content is not as

per product description

Characteristics: Beer is allowed to ferment for = 7 days +6

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is contami-

Page 43: Beer Brewing Pfmea



to it present






goers unwell



6 Beer leakage [Keg]

orange peel)


Beer taste has a bitterness

Bacterial contamination

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer aroma is poor (e.g.

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer makes the party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too gaseous (bad)

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Insufficient alcoholic bev-

Plastic fatigue (cracks /

erages for the party goers

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

Page 44: Beer Brewing Pfmea


Beer leakage


7 Fermentation [Brewer]


6 stopped too





the next day




Insufficient capacity

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

Impatientience / care-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

lessness or inexperience

Alcohol content is not as

per product description

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too sweet

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer tastes yeasty

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Party goers have 'wind'

Ambiguous methodolo-

Experimentation with

Page 45: Beer Brewing Pfmea


'good' idea!)


7 [Home]

too low



process (Brewer has a

Insufficient resistance to

high alcohol content

Characteristics: Beer is allowed to ferment in constistent temperature of = 20-25C

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Temperature is

Beer is cloudy/hazy

Ambient temperature is

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

too low / incorrect prox-

Alcohol content is not as

imity to heat source

per product description

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is too sweet

Page 46: Beer Brewing Pfmea



the next day

4 [Instructions]

too high


U.S. imperial)



8 [Home]

yeast is killed

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer tastes yeasty

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Party goers have 'wind'

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Temperature is

Beer is too sweet

Metric / imperial

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

weights and volumes

Alcohol content is not as

not specified (including

per product description

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is cloudy/hazy

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Ambient temperature is

too high / incorrect prox-

imity to heat source

Page 47: Beer Brewing Pfmea




6 Temperature [Brewer]

Beer is flat fluctuations



to it




8 [Home]

Ambiguous methodolo-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Impatientience / care-

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

lessness or inexperience

Beer is too sweet

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer taste has a bitterness

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Alcohol content is not as

per product description

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

40 pints of beer is scapped

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Beer is not ready for

Gavin's 40th birthday party

[5% Indian Pale Ale Beer]

Page 48: Beer Brewing Pfmea

yeast is killed




Excessive variations in

the ambient temperature

Ambiguous methodolo-

Page 49: Beer Brewing Pfmea

F M E AProcess





Preventive Action O Detection Action D RPN

Process Element: Sterilisation

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 54

ingredients read thoroughly

before commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewing


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Directions are read 2 36

ingredients and re-read at

each stage of the

Number: 1.1Page:  

Created: 13/03/2013

Created: 13/03/2013

Modified: 13/03/2013

Sterilise all of the equipment and then rinse with clean water and allow to dry

Page 50: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Shop owner / supplier


brewing process

2 36


Measuring devices at

Gavin's home display both

imperial & metric units

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions clearly express 3 none 10 270

that all equipment needs tobe sterilised

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Common sense / hygiene 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 5 90

ingredients read thoroughly

before commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewingadvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Quantity is specified in the 3 Sterilising solution 4 108

instructions has a strong smell

Instructions specify imperialand metric weights and vol-umes

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Page 51: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Controlled environment 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions clearly express 3 Sterilising solution 2 54that all equipment needs to has a strong smellbe sterilised

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Water quality is assured by 2 none 10 180

water board

Revision State: 20/03/2013

2 Beer clarity and 8smell are checkedduring the sec-onadary fermenta-tion stage

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions clearly express 3 Sterilising solution 2 48

that all equipment needs to has a strong smell

be sterilised

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions clearly express 2 Sterilising solution 2 32

that all equipment needs to has a strong smellbe sterilised

Past experiences with simi-


Page 52: Beer Brewing Pfmea

lar brew kits that are being

2 2 32

drank with gusto!

Process Element: Preparing the Wort

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 42

ingredients read thoroughlybefore commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewing


Initial State: 13/03/2013

TPM on all devices 2 Visual inspection 1 14

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 210

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Place Malt & Hops container into warm water for a time of >= 5 mins +5


Add boiling water to the fermentation bucket = 5 litres +1

Page 53: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Directions are read 2 24

ingredients and re-read at

Shop owner / supplier each stage of theadvice brewing process

Measuring devices atGavin's home display bothimperial & metric units

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Products recently pur- 1 Visual inspection 2 12chased (JIT)

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Directions are read 2 24

ingredients and re-read at

Shop owner / supplier each stage of theadvice brewing process

Measuring devices atGavin's home display bothimperial & metric units

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Products recently pur- 1 Visual inspection 2 12chased (JIT)

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 180

lar brew kits that are being

Page 54: Beer Brewing Pfmea

drank with gusto!

3 none 10 180

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5 {90}

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 270

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied with

each brewing kit & can be

downbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions


Page 55: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 subsequent stages 7 189

lar brew kits that are being will be affecteddrank with gusto! (detection post


1.8kg Malt & Hops

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Alternative scales available 4 Scales clearly dis- 1 28

play a battery lev-

el symbol

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 42

ingredients read thoroughly

before commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewing


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Ingredients and quantities 5 Electronic scales 1 35

are specified in the instruc- within accurate totions 0.25g

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Add the ingredients to the fermentation bucket = 1 kg beer enhancer (sugar)

Page 56: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 5 70

ingredients read thoroughly

before commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewingadvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Ingredients and quantities 2 Sugar packaging 1 14

are specified in the instruc- is clearly labelled


Past experiences with simi-lar brew kits that are beingdrank with gusto!

Shop owner / supplieradvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

TPM on all devices 3 1 standard bag of 3 63

white cane sugarshould weighapprox. 1kg (Gold

Digital scales used sample)

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Directions are read 2 28

ingredients and re-read at

Shop owner / supplier each stage of theadvice brewing process

Measuring devices atGavin's home display bothimperial & metric units

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Page 57: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 210

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Ingredients and quantities 2 Sugar packaging 1 16

are specified in the instruc- is clearly labelled


Past experiences with simi-

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Shop owner / supplier


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 5 80


Page 58: Beer Brewing Pfmea



read thoroughly

5 80

before commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewing


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 240

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 5 none 10 400

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

5 Smell & clarity 6checks - smallglass pouredbefore 6 days intofinal fermentation



Page 59: Beer Brewing Pfmea




Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 42

ingredients read thoroughlybefore commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewingadvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 Visual inspection 2 28

care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 210

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 42

ingredients read thoroughly



Page 60: Beer Brewing Pfmea


before commenc-

3 42

Shop owner / supplier ing brewing


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Alternative scales available 4 Scales clearly dis- 1 28

play a battery lev-el symbol

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Ingredients and quantities 2 Sugar packaging 1 14

are specified in the instruc- is clearly labelled


Past experiences with simi-lar brew kits that are beingdrank with gusto!

Shop owner / supplieradvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

TPM on all devices 3 1 standard bag of 3 63

white cane sugarshould weighapprox. 1kg (Gold

Digital scales used sample)

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Directions are read 2 28

ingredients and re-read at

Shop owner / supplier each stage of theadvice brewing process

Measuring devices atGavin's home display bothimperial & metric units

Page 61: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 210

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 subsequent stages 7 168

lar brew kits that are being will be affecteddrank with gusto! (detection post


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Common sense / hygiene 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 54

ingredients read thoroughly


Page 62: Beer Brewing Pfmea


before commenc-

3 54

Shop owner / supplier ing brewing


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180

care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Shop owner / supplier 2 none 10 180


Use of good quality brew kitingredients

Basic hygiene practice

Mixed with boiling water toensure sterility

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Common sense / hygiene 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Controlled environment 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Page 63: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Shop owner / supplier 2 none 10 180


Use of good quality brew kitingredients

Mixed with boiling water toensure sterility

Basic hygiene practice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions clearly express 3 Sterilising solution 2 54that all equipment needs to has a strong smellbe sterilised

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 270

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Shop owner / supplier 2 none 10 180


Use of good quality brew kitingredients

Past experiences with simi-


Page 64: Beer Brewing Pfmea

lar brew kits that are being

2 none 10 180

drank with gusto!

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 210

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied with

each brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Shop owner / supplier 1 Cannot complete 1 7

advice and move on tonext operation

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 subsequent stages 7 147lar brew kits that are being will be affecteddrank with gusto! (detection post


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Common sense / hygiene 3 none 10 270

Mix contents until ingredients are dissolved


Page 65: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Common sense / hygiene 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 54

ingredients read thoroughly

before commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewing


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Controlled environment 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 5 none 10 300

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied with

Fill the fermentation bucket to the correct volume = 40 pints

Page 66: Beer Brewing Pfmea

each brewing kit & can be

5 none 10 300

downbloaded from the


Revision State: 20/03/2013

5 Smell & clarity 6

checks - small

glass pouredbefore 6 days intofinal fermentationprocess

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Products recently pur- 1 Visual inspection 2 12chased (JIT)

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Directions are read 2 24

ingredients and re-read at

Shop owner / supplier each stage of theadvice brewing process

Measuring devices atGavin's home display bothimperial & metric units

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 180

lar brew kits that are being


Page 67: Beer Brewing Pfmea

drank with gusto!

3 none 10 180

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5 {90}

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 2 Visual inspection 1 12lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Shop owner / supplieradvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 54

ingredients read thoroughly

before commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewing


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions clearly express 3 none 10 270

Page 68: Beer Brewing Pfmea

that all equipment needs to

3 none 10 270

be sterilised

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Common sense / hygiene 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Controlled environment 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Water quality is assured by 2 none 10 180

water board

Revision State: 20/03/2013

2 Beer clarity and 8smell are checkedduring the sec-onadary fermenta-tion stage

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 270

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013


Page 69: Beer Brewing Pfmea

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180

care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 Visual inspection 5 90

care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 270

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied with

each brewing kit & can be

downbloaded from the


Cover fermentation bucket and insert airlock whilst temperature settles

Page 70: Beer Brewing Pfmea


3 none 10 270

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Products recently pur- 1 Visual inspection 5 45chased (JIT)

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 subsequent stages 7 189lar brew kits that are being will be affecteddrank with gusto! (detection post


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180care points

Process Element: Add yeast

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 240

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet


Mix the yeast into the wort at a specified temperature = 22 Centigrade ± 5C

Page 71: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 subsequent stages 7 168lar brew kits that are being will be affecteddrank with gusto! (detection post


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 48

ingredients read thoroughlybefore commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewing


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Directions are read 2 32

ingredients and re-read at

Shop owner / supplier each stage of the

advice brewing process


Page 72: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Measuring devices at

2 2 32

Gavin's home display bothimperial & metric units

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 240

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Mechanical thermometer 2 Visual inspection 3 48


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 36

ingredients read thoroughly

before commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewingadvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 subsequent stages 7 126lar brew kits that are being will be affecteddrank with gusto! (detection post


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 180


Page 73: Beer Brewing Pfmea

lar brew kits that are being

3 none 10 180

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5 {90}

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 180

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5 {90}

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180

care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Page 74: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Controlled environment 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180

care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Common sense / hygiene 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 270

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied with

each brewing kit & can be

downbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

Cover fermentation bucket and insert airlock

Page 75: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 subsequent stages 7 189

lar brew kits that are being will be affected

drank with gusto! (detection post


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 Visual inspection 5 90

care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180

care points


Page 76: Beer Brewing Pfmea

2 none 10 180

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Common sense / hygiene 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 240

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Process Element: Primary Fermentation

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Products recently pur- 1 Visual inspection 5 45


Beer is allowed to ferment for = 6 days ±2

Page 77: Beer Brewing Pfmea

chased (JIT)

1 Visual inspection 5 45

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 Visual inspection 5 90

care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Products recently pur- 1 Visual inspection 5 40

chased (JIT)

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Office floor used instead 1 none 1 8

Page 78: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Cost and time limitations 1 Primary fermenta- 7 56

tion will be imped-

ed / airlock doesnot bubble

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Water quality is assured by 2 none 10 160

water board

Revision State: 20/03/2013

2 Beer clarity and 8smell are checkedduring the sec-onadary fermenta-tion stage

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Water quality is assured by 2 Water Chlorination 2 32water board can be smelt from

the tap (UStap=faucet)

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Home is in a temperate cli- 2 Climate supervisor 3 48


Page 79: Beer Brewing Pfmea

mate and centrally heated



3 48

Past experiences with simi- Lack of hot domes-

lar brew kits that are being tic water supply (dis-drank with gusto! covered when

teenage son want

Home is in the UK, which is to shower)unlikely to lead to excessive-ly high temperatures

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Home is in a temperate cli- 2 Climate supervisor 3 48

mate and centrally heated (wife)

Past experiences with simi- Lack of hot domes-

lar brew kits that are being tic water supply (dis-drank with gusto! covered when

teenage son want

Warm floor space in office to shower)has been assigned (loca-tion where the cat usuallysleeps!)

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 none 10 160


Past experiences with simi-lar brew kits that are beingdrank with gusto!

Revision State: 20/03/2013

2 Visual inspection 2 32

Audible sounds ofbubbles exiting theairlock expectedwithin 24 hours

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Page 80: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 42

ingredients read thoroughly

before commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewing


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 210

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied with

each brewing kit & can be

downbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Home is double glazed 1 Climate supervisor 3 24



Beer is allowed to ferment in constistent temperature of = 20-25C

Page 81: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Controlled environment

1 3 24

fermentation bucket is cov-


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 48

ingredients read thoroughly

before commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewing


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Home is in a temperate cli- 2 Climate supervisor 3 48

mate and centrally heated (wife)

Past experiences with simi- Lack of hot domes-

lar brew kits that are being tic water supply (dis-drank with gusto! covered when

teenage son want

Warm floor space in office to shower)has been assigned (loca-

Page 82: Beer Brewing Pfmea

tion where the cat usually

2 3 48


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 48

ingredients read thoroughlybefore commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewingadvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Home is in a temperate cli- 2 Climate supervisor 3 48

mate and centrally heated (wife)

Past experiences with simi- Lack of hot domes-

lar brew kits that are being tic water supply (dis-

drank with gusto! covered when

teenage son want

Home is in the UK, which is to shower)unlikely to lead to excessive-ly high temperatures

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 48

ingredients read thoroughlybefore commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewingadvice

Process Element: Keg Fermentation

Syphon the fermenting beer into a keg avoiding the sediment

Page 83: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180

care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Controlled environment 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Common sense / hygiene 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Products recently pur- 1 Visual inspection 5 45chased (JIT)

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Page 84: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 240

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Shop owner / supplier 1 Cannot complete 1 8

advice and move on tonext operation

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Compression fit at joint 3 Visual inspection 2 48

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 2 Visual inspection 1 16

lar brew kits that are beingdrank with gusto!

Shop owner / supplieradvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 210

lar brew kits that are being


Page 85: Beer Brewing Pfmea

drank with gusto!

3 none 10 210

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 42

ingredients read thoroughlybefore commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewingadvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180

care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180

care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013


Add additional ingredients = 150 g ±30g

Page 86: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Shop owner / supplier 2 none 10 180


Use of good quality brew kit


Mixed with boiling water toensure sterility

Basic hygiene practice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Common sense / hygiene 3 none 10 270

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Directions are read 2 28

ingredients and re-read at

each stage of the

Shop owner / supplier brewing process


Measuring devices at

Gavin's home display both

imperial & metric units

Page 87: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 210

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Ingredients and quantities 5 Electronic scales 1 35are specified in the instruc- within accurate totions 0.25g

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 42

ingredients read thoroughlybefore commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewingadvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

TPM on all devices 3 1 standard bag of 3 63

white cane sugarshould weighapprox. 1kg (Gold

Digital scales used sample)

Initial State: 13/03/2013


Page 88: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Alternative scales available 4 Scales clearly dis- 1 28

play a battery lev-el symbol

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Ingredients and quantities 2 Sugar packaging 1 12

are specified in the instruc- is clearly labelled


Past experiences with simi-

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Shop owner / supplier


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 5 none 10 350

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied with

each brewing kit & can be

Page 89: Beer Brewing Pfmea

downbloaded from the

5 none 10 350


Revision State: 20/03/2013

5 Smell & clarity 6checks - smallglass pouredbefore 6 days intofinal fermentationprocess

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 subsequent stages 7 147lar brew kits that are being will be affecteddrank with gusto! (detection post


Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Directions are read 2 28

ingredients and re-read at

Shop owner / supplier each stage of theadvice brewing process

Measuring devices atGavin's home display bothimperial & metric units

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 210

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions



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3 5

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 5 70

ingredients read thoroughly

before commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewingadvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 42

ingredients read thoroughlybefore commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewingadvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 210

lar brew kits that are beingdrank with gusto!

Instructions supplied with

each brewing kit & can be

downbloaded from the


Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013



Beer is allowed to ferment for = 7 days +6

Page 91: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Instructions include special 2 none 10 180

care points

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Products recently pur- 1 Visual inspection 5 40

chased (JIT)

Page 92: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 2 Visual inspection 1 16

lar brew kits that are beingdrank with gusto!

Shop owner / supplieradvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 210

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied with

each brewing kit & can be

downbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 42

ingredients read thoroughlybefore commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewingadvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 5 none 10 350


Page 93: Beer Brewing Pfmea

lar brew kits that are being

5 none 10 350

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied witheach brewing kit & can bedownbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

5 Smell & clarity 6checks - smallglass pouredbefore 6 days intofinal fermentationprocess

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Shop owner / supplier 3 none 10 210


Use of good quality brew kitingredients

Past experiences with simi-lar brew kits that are beingdrank with gusto!

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Home is in a temperate cli- 2 Climate supervisor 3 42

mate and centrally heated (wife)

Past experiences with simi- Lack of hot domes-

lar brew kits that are being tic water supply (dis-

drank with gusto! covered when


Beer is allowed to ferment in constistent temperature of = 20-25C

Page 94: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Home is in the UK, which is


teenage son want

3 42

unlikely to lead to excessive- to shower)

ly high temperatures

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Directions are read 2 32

ingredients and re-read at

each stage of the

Shop owner / supplier brewing process


Measuring devices at

Gavin's home display both

imperial & metric units

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Home is in a temperate cli- 2 Climate supervisor 3 48

mate and centrally heated (wife)

Past experiences with simi- Lack of hot domes-

lar brew kits that are being tic water supply (dis-drank with gusto! covered when

teenage son want

Warm floor space in office to shower)has been assigned (loca-tion where the cat usually

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2 3 48

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 48

ingredients read thoroughlybefore commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewingadvice

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Past experiences with simi- 3 none 10 240

lar brew kits that are being

drank with gusto!

Instructions supplied with

each brewing kit & can be

downbloaded from theinternet

Revision State: 20/03/2013

3 Regular referal to 5

the instructions

Initial State: 13/03/2013


Page 96: Beer Brewing Pfmea

Home is in a temperate cli- 2 Climate supervisor 3 48

mate and centrally heated (wife)

Lack of hot domes-tic water supply (dis-covered whenteenage son wantto shower)

Initial State: 13/03/2013

Use of good quality brew kit 2 Instructions are 3 48

ingredients read thoroughlybefore commenc-

Shop owner / supplier ing brewingadvice

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Process Element: Sterilisation

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Process Element: Preparing the Wort

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1.8kg Malt & Hops

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Process Element: Add yeast

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Process Element: Primary Fermentation

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Process Element: Keg Fermentation

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