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Basic Human Needs Rest and Sleep for Children

Antonia AgiaAyuHapsani

Level / Program = I / Superior Class of D-III NursingLecturer = Eviana S Tambunan,SKp,. MKM Subject = Basic Human Needs I

POLTEKKES KEMENKES JAKARTA III Forewords Gratitude we pray the Almighty God's presence, because of the blessings of His mercy and grace is, this paper can be resolved properly, just in time. The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the Basic Human Needs Lecture, in the I Semester, in the academic year of 2008, with the title of Rest and Sleep for Children. By making this task we will be able to learn more about Rest and Sleep for children and how to make it easy to learn. In the completion of this paper, we are fraught with difficulties, mainly due to the lack of supporting science. However, thanks to the guidance and assistance of various parties, this paper finally resolved quite well. Therefore, it is appropriate if we would like to thank to:1. Mrs.UltyDesmarnita as Chief of Superior Program for all the support.2. Mrs. Eviana S Tambunan as Lecturer of our group for the support and materials.3. Parents and our family to provide motivation and encouragement and support, both morally and spiritually.4. All those who helped in the search for data and information, directly or indirectly, print and electronic, which we cannot mention one by one. Thank you for everything.We are aware, as a student who is still in the process of learning, writing scientific papers are still many shortcomings. Therefore, we are looking forward to any criticism and suggestions that are positive, to writing paper even better in the future.We hope that this simple paper, can provide its own awareness to the younger generation that we also need to know about rest and sleep for children, because we are part of a large nursing family of Indonesia beloved.

Drafting Team

Table of ContentsForewords Table of Contents Chapter I Preliminary Chapter II Discussion Definition of Sleep Factors affecting Quality Sleep RationaleRest and Sleep for Children Chapter III ClosingBibliography

Chapter I Preliminary

A. Background of the Problem Indonesia has many of a different educational background. For a people who doesnt know the important of rest and sleep will waste it for doing another job that they are think more important than sleep. But for a people who understand well for about rest and sleep, they never waste the time for rest and sleep. However, it is unfortunate if the next generation does not know about how important rest and sleep it was. Most of them only know and understand enough about the need for rest and sleep, but many of those doesnt use that time well.

B. Purpose The goal in writing this paper is to increase knowledge and expected to be useful for all of us.

C. Writing Methods The authors use the method of observation and literature.

Chapter II DiscussionA. Definition of Sleep a period of rest for the body and mind, during which volition and consciousness are in abeyance and bodily functions are partially suspended; also described as a behavioral state, with characteristic immobile posture and diminished but readily reversible sensitivity to external stimuli. NREM sleep non-rapid eye movement sleep; the deep, dreamless period of sleep during which the brain waves are slow and of high voltage, and autonomic activities, such as heart rate and blood pressure, are low and regular. REM sleep the period of sleep during which the brain waves are fast and of low voltage, and autonomic activities, such as heart rate and respiration, are irregular. This type of sleep is associated with dreaming, mild involuntary muscle jerks, and rapid eye movements (REM). It usually occurs three to four times each night at intervals of 80 to 120 minutes, each occurrence lasting from 5 minutes to more than an hour.

B. Factors Affecting Quality of Sleep quality of mattress, pillows, and bed linens room temperature comfortable sleepwear pets babies socks on feet body temperature quality of air diet Did you get any exercise during the day? too much caffeine or alcohol in system un-resolved conflicts (angry with spouse at bed time?) Having balance during your day Having purpose, a focus Feeling worried or anxious about something night fears Watching violent television show or movie at night Reading a violent or exciting suspenseful book Excited about something (exam or wedding the next day?) Feeling loved or not How quiet your bedroom is Quality of light or darkness in the room Placement of furniture Colors in your bedroom

C. Rationale

Sleep is an important factor in all our lives.It's quite natural that we spend a lot of time talking about how we've slept and whether our children have slept and how much.When we sleep and rest, our body is re-new energy for body system. Sleep is also important because of dreams.When we dream, we process all the events of daily life.Getting a good night's sleep, therefore, influences our psychological wellbeing.There's increasing evidence that sleep is related to laying down long-term memories, and good sleep is important for school success.Sleeping well is often a result of having good sleeping habits, which parents are responsible for teaching to their children.

1. Newborn A newborn usually sleeps between 16 and 19 hours per day, often waking every two to three hours to eat.Since hunger will usually wake them up, babies will not normally sleep for more than four or five hours at a time.Some babies sleep more than this, maybe for eight or 10 hours at a time.This is fine, provided your child is normal, healthy and growing.On the other hand, if your baby has lost weight or is not gaining enough weight, you may have to wake her every two or three hours for afeed.Your doctor or health visitor will tell you what to do, if this is the case.2. Three-month old babyA three-month-old baby usually sleeps between 13 and 15 hours per day.Around five hours of this will be during the day and the rest at night. Your baby may still wake up once or twice every night.3. Infant needs from 6 until 12 monthsAt this age, your baby usually sleeps between 12 and 14 hours per day.If your baby wakes up at night, it's now all right to let five minutes pass before you go to her.By now you will probably recognize your baby's different cries for when it's hungry, tired or in pain.At this age babies are starting to make 'sleep associations'.So, if you go in and interact with them, they will soon expect that to happen and on subsequent nights, cry until you do go in.So, if you're happy that your child is not hungry or dirty, try not to stimulate them at all and leave them to settle on their own.4. One until Three years old A toddler usually sleeps between 10 and 12 hours per day. Its a good idea to have a pre-bedtime routine that, as far as possible, is always the same to prepare your child for bedtime and sleep. This way, your child will know when it's time for bed.5. Pre-School A three to five year old usually sleeps between 10 and 12 hours every night. Sleeping routines and bedtime have become familiar, but at this age children can suffer from nightmares (which they may remember), or night terrors (where they will not remember). With night terrors, your child may scream hysterically or get up and wander.But they are not awake and are hard to communicate with.They will go back to sleep in a few minutes and have no memory of it in the morning.6. Schoolchild A schoolchild usually needs to sleep about 10 hours every night.When deciding on a bedtime, bear in mind what time your child has to get up and how long it takes them to get ready for school. You want your child to get a good night's sleep and feel rested in the morning.If not, your child won't get the best out of school and every morning will be a hassle, trying to get a tired child out of bed.

D. Rest and Sleep for Children I. Sleep disorders for children Activity sleep is a very important for the people and especially the age of the child. When observed apparently sleep disorders in children is fairly concomitant complaint by a parent complained to the doctor. But often the complaint is not handled properly. Many opinions of both the general public and some clinicians or doctors still say that sleep disturbances are common in children of a certain age will eventually get better by itself. Opinions like that arise because until now sleep disturbances in children are not yet clearly open. This disorder can disturb the growth and development of children.

Previously many believed that during sleep many important body organs also breaks. Another thing that believed that restoration occurs when a person's body and sleep homeostasis functions. According to various studies, even while sleeping various functions of the body organs increased rapidly, such as brain function, metabolism hormones and other body functions. It has been reported that various important hormones was increased rapidly which has also resulted in increased brain function during sleep. Still is still believed that the energy loss due to daily activity recovered, muscle relaxation and tension release. The state of sleep is also believed to be a regulatory body heat and energy conservation.

Old bed depends on your age, the age of a person increases the need for sleep decreases. In infants and young children most of the time is used for sleeping, being in elderly otherwise. Brain waves (EEG) a person awake at volage shaped with low alpha waves in various frequencies, were asleep when the alpha waves disappear.

II. Normal sleep for Children need

1-4 months: 14 - 15 hours per day 4-12 months: 14-15 hours per day 1-3 years: 12-14 hours per day 3-6 years : 10 - 12 hours per day 7-12years : 10-11 hours per day 12-18 years: 8 - 9 hours per day

Hours of sleep in infants is often interpreted in different variety. It is said that parents lack sleep 2 hours per day until the baby is 5 months old. Meanwhile, from the age of 5 months to 2 years, parents lose 1 hour of sleep each night. So that parents also need to deal with sleep time according to the baby's sleep patterns. Some groups of infants from the age of 3 months babies start to sleep more nights than during. At the age of 3-6 months the number of naps even more reduced, about 3 times and continue to be reduced to 2 times in infants aged 6-12 months. By the age of 1 year he usually just needs a nap once the total amount of sleep time ranged from 12-14 hours.

III. Sleep DisordersSleep Disorders in Children

Sleep disorders in children is quite often the parents but unfortunately these conditions are rarely taken seriously and considered normal. Allegedly, about 20-40 children under the age of 3 months experience of sleep disorders. In the age of 6 months to 2 years about 30% of children suspected of having trouble sleeping, and about 20% of children aged 2-5 years of experience. If the disorder is not serious it can be handled with a variety of behavioral disorders and learning disorders in school

Distinguish whether the child sleep patterns are normal or bed disorders can be determined by many things. To find sleep in children is not a normal state if:

Children wake up for 3 times or more in a single night or several nights. Or at least four times a week, the disorder exists.In this activity usually sleep outside, where children move into the sleeping parents' bedSon refused to sleep at least 30 minutes at bedtime, to start sleep begins with angry or agitated. .In starting sleeping parents have needed help but could previously own bed.Common sleep disorder is insomnia is a sleep disorder to start and maintain a good sleep. The cause of suffering in the sleep disorders and disturbances in social functions, growth and development of children, as well as interference with other functions. There are different types of insomnia depends on several conditions and diseases underlying these sleep disorders.

Sleep disorders in children such as restless night, sleeping back and forth from end to end, often waking, fussing and delirium is more common in the age of 6 months to 2 years. At the age of 3 to 5 years reduced. In some cases, this sleep disorder persist into adulthood. Parasomnia is called night terrors, sleep terror, pavornocturnus or night terrors. Sufferers aged between 2-5 years, and usually go away at the age of 7 years. Insomnia is a sleep disorder to initiate and maintain sleep quality due to various factors.

IV. Causes of Sleep Disorders Science and research on sleep knowledge developed rapidly. Yet research on sleep problems in children, still not much is revealed. So that is still not clearly revealed the causes of sleep disorders in children. Various conjectures and assumptions developed in addressing sleep disorders in children. Various causes are often called emotion state-psychological disorders, high fever, stress or disrupted sleep position.

Chapter III Closing1. Conclusion So everyone in the world includes infant, baby, children, teenager, adults and elderly need rest and sleep. Even just for 6 hours to rest and sleep is long enough for increase the energy for the next schedule. As nurse we have to know what the patient needs. When the time for sleep, we have to help the patient to sleep enough, to make their condition more stabilized.. To do so, nurses must become familiar with rest and sleep theories, understand the factor that affecting quality sleep, engage in evidence-based practice and else. Collaborative health care practices are integral to achieving these outcomes and to applying research findings to practices designed to foster improved patient outcomes.
