banner finance workflow discussion david beach unc general administration

Banner Finance WORKFLOW Discussion David Beach UNC General Administration

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Banner Finance WORKFLOW Discussion

David BeachUNC General Administration

Session Etiquette

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• Please keep side conversations to a minimum.

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Response to my E-Mail

How are schools using WORKFLOW?


Start Here?

Response to my E-Mail

Some WORKFLOW Concepts first…


WORKFLOW Building Blocks…


Business Events

Business Processes

Workflow Model

Event Triggers

… And Where They are Set Up


BANNER Business Events Event Triggers

WORKFLOW Business Events Workflow Model Business Processes

What is a Business Event?


“… an external stimuli that changes the database, which in turn, inserts a record on the Event Queue table. Adding an email address, changing a grade, hiring an employee, and changing a password are all examples of business events.”

From Ellucian Workflow Functional Integration Guide

Business Event

Defined in both BANNER and in WORKFLOW

Accepts parameter data from Banner and passes it to the Workflow model.

The Business Event is used to indicate WHAT event will start a Workflow model.


Business Events in WORKFLOW


Click here to define the component parameter

Click here to associate the event to related WORKFLOW

Business Events in BANNER


The following Banner forms support business events:

• Target System Code Validation Form (GTVEQTS)• Event Queue Code Validation Form (GTVEQNM)• Parameter Code Validation Form (GTVEQPM)• Parameter Group Code Validation Form (GTVEQPG)

• Parameter Group Rule Form (GOREQPG)• Event Queue Name Definition Form (GOREQNM)

• Event Queue Record Maintenance Form (GOAEQRM)

These forms appear on the Event Queue Maintenance Menu (*GENEQS) under the System Functions/Administration Menu (*GENSYS) in General.

Business Events in BANNER



Assign defined parameters to groups

Sequence 1-3 records are “standard”

Start adding your extras at sequence 4

Business Events in BANNER



Define specific business events for WORKFLOW.

This definition includes associating a parameter group with each business event.

Business Events in BANNER



Once data is captured on the Event Queue table, system administrators can use this form to review event records and change their status.

What are some Business Events in Finance?

Vendor record is created or modified

FOAPAL element is added or changed

Approval queue is added or changed



Are there any Baseline FINANCE Business Events?


I found only one


DOCAPPROVE Business Event



Assign defined parameters to groups

Sequence 1-3 records are “standard”

Start adding your extras at sequence 4

DOCAPPROVE Business Event



Define specific business events for WORKFLOW.

This definition includes associating a parameter group with each business event.

DOCAPPROVE Business Event



Once data is captured on the Event Queue table, system administrators can use this form to review event records and change their status.

Who can set up Business Events?


Ellucian says:

Only authorized users can set up business events. You should limit these authorized users to system administrators and persons who have complete access to your Banner System and Oracle user maintenance functions. All functionality is delivered with the standard BAN_DEFAULT_M access in the General class security. Review this security setup to ensure that only authorized users have access.

It will take some collaboration to get one to work.

Business Events vs. Business Processes


Business Event:Accepts parameter data from BannerDetermines what event will start a Business

ProcessPasses data into workflow models

Business Process:Defines what work is to be done and whenAssociated with workflow modelAssociated with business events

Business Process

Defined in WORKFLOW

Determines WHEN a Workflow model will start.

For example, does a Workflow model start every single time a business event fires? Or, are there conditions (criteria; called “guard conditions” in Workflow) under which the model starts?


Workflow Model


All of the following are done in the model:Enter a definitionCreate a diagramDefine activity propertiesValidate the model and change statusTest the model by manually starting the

Workflow and completing activities

Workflow Modeler


Ellucian Example: Approval of Requisitions


The workflow starts via business event, DOCAPPROVE, which is triggered when both ofthe following conditions occur:

• A record is inserted into the FOBAINP table.• The record has a document number 1 (requisition).

What Business Processes have you defined?


Event Triggers


PL/SQL code

Purpose is to detect a Banner event

Initiates the workflow

Example: FTMVEND record was entered

Has anyone written PL/SQL Triggers for WF?


Steps involved in making WORKFLOWs work


1. Create an Event in BANNER

2. Write the TRIGGER

3. Define a WORKFLOW in the Modeler

4. Create a WORKFLOW Business Event

5. Create a WORKFLOW Business Process

Some of my Questions?


What baseline Business Processes have you found for FINANCE?

What WORKFLOWs are currently in use on your campus?

Who on your campus:Sets up INB for Workflow?Uses the Workflow Modeler?Defines the Workflow Business Events?Writes the Business Event Trigger?Defines Workflow Business Process?

Did you know?


Workflow can launch processes via job submission

Workflow can be integrated with Luminis Portal

Workflow can be configured to update related Banner data when specific values are entered

Workflows are automatically triggered during EPAF processing

Special Considerations


Navigating from a form launched by Workflow activity

Performing Rollback

Exiting a form launched as a Workflow activity

Exiting or logging out of Workflow

Exiting a session that was launched by Workflow

Ellucian Reference Material


Banner Workflow Analyst/Administrator Handbook

Banner Workflow Functional Integration Guide

What WORKFLOW Ideas do you have for Finance?


Notify individuals when their purchase request has been approved

Notify individuals when their approval queue has been established or changed

Notify individuals when their fund has been established

What WORKFLOW Ideas do you have for Finance?





Thank You!

David [email protected]