bala ati ati bala plant

39. Atibala for safe and quick Pregnancy Abutilon indicum/ Kabi/ Kakahi/ Chambi/ Tara-kanchi/ Atibala/ Balika/ Thuthi/ Vatyapushpy/ Bhuribala/ Jhumka/ Karandi/ Madni(Beng.)/ Paniyaratutti (Tamil)/ Vatyapushpy/ Bhuribala/ Indian Abutilon/ Indian mallow/ Country-mallow (Eng.) This is a weed widely used as a medicinal plant in Ayurveda to treat many diseases. The common names of Abutilon Indicum are Indian mallow, Atibala (Sanskrit), Dong kui zi, Mi lan cao (China), Guimauve (Guadaloupe). The plant grows throughout India and in Sri Lanka, at about an elevation of 1000-1500 metres. The

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Ayurvedic plant Atibala for quick progeny


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39. Atibala for safe and quick Pregnancy

Abutilon indicum/ Kabi/ Kakahi/ Chambi/ Tara-kanchi/ Atibala/ Balika/ Thuthi/ Vatyapushpy/ Bhuribala/ Jhumka/ Karandi/ Madni(Beng.)/ Paniyaratutti (Tamil)/ Vatyapushpy/ Bhuribala/ Indian Abutilon/ Indian mallow/ Country-mallow (Eng.)    This is a weed widely used as a medicinal plant in Ayurveda to treat many diseases. The common names of Abutilon Indicum are Indian mallow, Atibala (Sanskrit), Dong kui zi, Mi lan cao (China), Guimauve (Guadaloupe). The plant grows throughout India and in Sri Lanka, at about an elevation of 1000-1500 metres. The perennial shrub grows 1.25-2 metres in height.The plant flowers in June and bears fruits in November.Atibala is very much used in Siddha medicines. In fact, the root, bark, flowers, leaves and seeds are all used for medicinal purposes by Tamils. The leaves are used as adjunct to medicines used for pile complaints. The flowers are used to increase semen in men.

Page 2: BAlA ATI Ati bala Plant

Athibala is a common plant in India. It can be recognized by its characteristic shape of the seed pod. It is one of the plants in the "Bala Chatushtaya". Bala means strength in Sanskrit and Chatusta means 4. The 4 plants are Bala, Athibala, Mahabala and NagaBala. All the plants are used as tonics to improve vigour in the body.In ancient scriptures of Ayurveda, Balas are used as Balya, or tonic for strengthening the body. Bala, Brela, Atibala, Mahabala and Nagbala belong to the genus Sida of family Malvaceae is in use for medicinal purposes for a long time, in traditional system of medicine, i.e, the ayurveda. Sida cordata (Burm.f.) Borssum is Rajbala or Bhumibala; Kharenti Bala is Sida cordifolia Linn. and Sida rhombifolia Linn. is Mahabala. The other Bala isAtibala, which is botanically known as Abutilon indicum. Literally the Ati means very and Bala means powerful, referring to the properties of this plant as very powerful.All the four balas, balacatustaya, have sweet taste, sweet post digestive effect and cold potency. They possess oily and slimy attributes and alleviate all the three dosas. Their chief properties are tonic and oja vardhaka – augment ojas, the subtle essence of all vital fluids, responsible for health, harmony and spiritual growth. They are beneficial in treating gout, tuberculosis and raktapitta bleeding disorders. (Kaiyadeva Nighantu). Atibala is considered balya in Ayurveda, which means that it increases strength, vigor and vitality. It is used in facial paralysis and joint disordersAtibala, is used externally, to alleviate the pain and swelling. Internally, the roots and seeds are used for medicinal purpose. In tuberculosis, with cavitation, atibala is valuable as it nourishes the mamsa dhatu (muscle tissue) and augments the

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strength. It also augments the seminal fluids and normalizes the sukra ksaya, which many a times is a cause of tuberculosis according to Ayurvedic concept. Atibala is salutary in raktapitta to arrest the bleeding tendencies. It is useful as an adjunct in vata diseases like paralysis, facial palsy, cervical spondylosis etc. The diuretic like property of the plantis useful in urinary disorders like dysuria. It works well as a uterine tonic as well as an aphrodisiac.

Medicinal Uses:

The plant is used as a laxative, astringent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and expectorant.

It is also used to reduce fever; sugar levels, bleeding etc. It is useful in gout, tuberculosis, ulcers, bleeding disorders, and

worms. A decoction is used in toothache and tender gums. Roots of this plant are useful in fever, chest affection and

urethritis.The root is used to derive an oil, which is used to cure various ailments in Ayurveda.   All parts of the plant is used to prepare powders, decoctions etc.In ancient days, maidens were made to consume a spoonful of this powder with a spoonful of honey, once in a day, for 6 months until the day of marriage, for safe and quick pregnancy. The leaves can also be used to treat ulcers, headaches, gonorrhea & bladder infection.This particular tip is how to treat knee pain:The entire plant is pulled out and washed well and the juice is extracted. Equal quantity of sesame seed oil is mixed with it and heated on a low flame till the mixture stops bubbling. Cool and

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filter and store in a glass bottle.This Atibala thailam is rubbed gently on painful knees for the pain to subside.

Ayurvedic Properties:

 Rasa -Tikta, MadhuraGuna- Snigda, GrahiVirya - SeetaEffect on Dosha: Plant pacifies tridoshas, especially Vata and PittaEdible Parts: Leaves, Root, Flowers, FruitsClassical Ayurvedic Proparations:

Atibala svarasa (juice) Atibala taila (oil)