ay watan

International Protracted Cultural Revolution The Movies Thursday, March 5th of 2015 1 AY WATAN(DEAR COUNTRY) Let me study the revolutionary culture! I vow to give you the bacterial growth of revolutionary spirit! This is a revolutionary nationalist song is dedicated to the liberation of India from the British Imperialists. The main topic of this song is martyr ship and the feeling of youthfulness that is present when a revolutionary may be conducting a revolution.. Unfortunately, it has been used to promote blind nationalism or sometimes even bourgeoise nationalism. We aim to translate this song into various languages.

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A journal from Azadidome about the song Ay Watan.


Page 1: Ay watan

International Protracted Cultural Revolution The Movies Thursday, March 5th of 2015


AY WATAN(DEAR COUNTRY) Let me study the revolutionary culture! I vow to give

you the bacterial growth of revolutionary spirit!

This is a revolutionary nationalist song is dedicated to the liberation of India from the British Imperialists. The main topic of this song is martyr ship and the feeling of youthfulness that is present when a revolutionary may be conducting a revolution.. Unfortunately, it has been used to promote blind nationalism or sometimes even bourgeoise nationalism. We aim to translate this song into various languages.

Page 2: Ay watan

International Protracted Cultural Revolution The Movies Thursday, March 5th of 2015

Ay Watan by ……. in 23rd March 1931-Shaheed Suggested Time Spent: 10 minutes Maximum

Background: This song is called Ay Watan or in English Dear Country. The main topic or focus of this song is nationalism and martyr ship.


Roman Urdu

Sas he jab talak

na rok heing ga kadam

Chal pareh to manzil ko pa jaengae

Jan pyaree nahee hai watan sae hameh

Martae martae sabhe ko

bata jaingeh

Ay watan, ay watan, ay watan

Wohh jawani jo hamko jalah ti nahee

Wo watan kay lyae rang la te hai nahi

Daag lai kar ghulami kya kyo hum jeyeh

Kyo hum jeyeh

Soch kar rato ko

neend ati hai nahi.


As long as I am breathing

I am not going to stop walking!

Since, I approached my goal, I am going to achieve it!

My life is not important compared to my country.

As I die, I am going to tell everyone

Dear Country! Dear country!

That youthfulness that does not burn me,

cannot bring the country any color!

In ignorance, why should we live in slavery.

Why should we live?

Thinking about this

I cannot go to sleep


Aussi longtemps que je respirerais

Je ne m'arrêterai jamais de marcher!

Puisque j'approche de mon objectif, je l'atteindrais!

Ma vie n'est pas importante comparé à celle de mon pays.

En mourant, je dirais à tout le monde

Cher Pays! Cher Pays!

Que la jeunesse qui ne brûle pas ardemment

Ne peut ammener de couleurs aux pays!

Dans l'ignorance, pourquoi devrions nous vivre sous esclavage?

Pourquoi devrions nous vivre ainsi?

Suivant cette pensée

Je ne peux dormir en paix

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International Protracted Cultural Revolution The Movies Thursday, March 5th of 2015


“In ignorance, why should we live in slavery.

Why should we live?”

This particular song is something that should be used in order to start manifestations and protests. It may be used in order to encourage revolutionary nationalism such as the struggle in various African countries such as Mozambique against colonials not only limited to the Portuguese but also African corporations exploiting the people using the image and the foil of a corporation in order to hide the crude exploitation which it conducts on the people. A revolutionary music video, lecture or exhibition about this particular song may include visuals

such as Demonstration Moscow by Diego Rivera

Demonstration, Moscow, November 7, 1927, No. 2 Masses Marching-Diego Rivera


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International Protracted Cultural Revolution The Movies Thursday, March 5th of 2015

“Thinking about this

I cannot go to sleep"

May be used to productively celebrate the martyr-ship of leaders including but not limited to Samora Machel, Nelson Mandela or Azad. The great thing about this song is that it leaves the listener with an important mark. It may even relate personally with some revolutionary listeners. Unlike other funeral music this one adds petrol rather than tears to the space or gap left open by the past members. This text may encourage people to read, understand or research about a particular martyr in a productive manner. It may be able to unite people of different ages for a similar cause as shown in Open Air School by Diego Rivera.

Open Air School-Diego Rivera


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International Protracted Cultural Revolution The Movies Thursday, March 5th of 2015

“In ignorance, why should we live in slavery.

Why should we live?”

Comradeship: This song is very interesting as it addresses both the mass and the individual. Living in the capitalistic system means submission to the capitalist system. In order to eliminate the capitalist system. To develop the peoples of the world in a productive manner. To encourage productive unity. It is important to unite. Unity and unite are the most important words in Marx’s Manifesto. A Bolshevik or Popular revolution depends on this unity. In order to so, collective consciousness is required. Such a song may be played during silent times. A commune meal. Times of mourning. Manifestation. Wake-up alarm. It brings out the idea that it is the collective bolsheviks or peoples fighting against an aggressor. This is good to increase comradeship or unity such as that shown in Two Figures by Diego Rivera.

Two Figures-Diego Rivera


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“As long as I am breathing

I am not going to stop walking!”

Feeling like a human being. An individual. A productive member in society. A key figure. A key contributor in a society is of vital importance. This particular provides a sense of individualism which is not destructive.This is different compared to b.s. individualism such as that promoted by the modern consumeristic and revisionist societies such as the superficial type presented in the sketch Mexican Highway by Diego Rivera.


Mexican Highway-Diego Rivera

Instead, it produces more of a hardworking or struggling spirit. This struggling spirit may be necessary for motivation in various movements which people tend to loose especially during protracted struggles.

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International Protracted Cultural Revolution The Movies Thursday, March 5th of 2015

“That youthfulness that does not burn me,

cannot bring the country any color!”

This song is very special in one particular way. It touches or mentions the youth. May be used to help the youth connect with the revolutionary elders. This may help build unity and help to prevent mistakes which older revolutionaries may have gained through years of self-criticisms. However, motivation self-esteem or ego is kind of like medicine. A certain amount may be very productive or have be considered as effective or productive dose. Too much however may make a revolutionary a little bit too cocky. Personally, I think that the margin of safety for such a device is very low. Motivation is important. I agree. However, this motivation, self-esteem and ego must be accompanied with an equivalent dose of self-criticism and direction in order to prevent oneself from going out of hand. Creative and constructive self-criticism in conjunction with

Muralist at Work(Diego Rivera)-Diego Rivera


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International Protracted Cultural Revolution The Movies Thursday, March 5th of 2015

For further Discussion: If you are trying to learn about a topic or idea that is present in this analysis or are interested in increasing political consciousness within your own community you should raise these questions for debate with your comrades.

-Does anarchy increase productivity?

-Could Trotskyist styled anarchy and individualism be somehow integrated to help integrate personal ideals into a more collective Stalin or Mao inspired movement?

-Could some songs from Nationalistic movies be used for Socialistic or Communistic motivation?

-Could there be a new Revolutionary Nationalist front which productively focuses on improving the country and striving for a revolution while still maintaining the contact with international revolutionary cultures?

-What is the role of Protracted International Cultural Revolution on revolutionary consciousness?

-Could revolutionary literature be used to achieve ideals within a party such as 100% motivation within party members?

-What is that in revolutionary literature that makes it much more protracted compared to bourgeois literature?

-Can literature be the uniting factor for old school and new school revolutionaries?

-What is revolutionary literature?

-What is the difference between revolutionary/revolutionary/revolutionary nationalist literature?

-Can revolutionary nationalist personalities be converted into reactionary bourgeoise icons?

-How do we reconvert worshipped reactionary bourgeoise icons back into humane figures?

-Could religious figures such as Jesus and Mohammed and Moses and so on be revolutionary figures converted into reactionary bourgeoise icons?

-Was Jesus a rebel against his society?

-Are the stories present in the Quran, Bible and Torah be motivational stories turned into narratives for religious oppression?

-Was Jesus an anarchist for rebelling against his society?


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International Protracted Cultural Revolution The Movies Thursday, March 5th of 2015

Possible Tasks: In this section we have listed some possible tasks people of various professions might do in order to promote the general ideas present in this particular pamphlet.

Artist(Musician): Sometimes moviemakers, I don’t know either by mistake or by purpose don’t add a whole piece of a song or a piece of literature. Record the entire pieces of such a song in any form which you are a professional in rock, rap or pop and make it available to the public. For extra effects and to make it available to more people, if you are mutilinguist record the song on the same track in different languages so that the ideas present in the song may transcend to people from different cultures.

Student(High School):Use revolutionary literature in presentations .Try to throw in a little bit not too much. Sometimes it may actually improve a presentation even to a bourgeoise audience. May bring some extra-pukeing in their wine table discussions the following night.

Computer programmer: Make an application or a programme which focuses on enriching detailed knowledge about revolutionary figures. This cold be either by a game that you might invent similar to GTA.


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International Protracted Cultural Revolution The Movies Thursday, March 5th of 2015

Pranchada Traps: Reading an article or a commentary and an analysis provokes critical thinking. However, too much thinking without the implementation of concrete action leads to Pranchada-like revisionism.

(Pranchada trap-Done by person who didn’t choose the article after reading analysis. This is like a mini commentary based on the article and analysis. warn the reader against possible ways to become revisionist by the rhetoric present in the 10 bullet points)Suggested Reading Time:

1. Although you may spend some times discussing questions with your fellow comrades, make sure that you do not do this all the time. Action is a much better way to carry change than discussion, although discussion does help plan ideas. Therefore, spend time talking about 3 chosen questions raised, and then attempt to apply the ideas you raise in them. Rhetoricalism without action is what a revolutionary must fear most, besides snitches.

2. Nationalism must not blind the people’s aim of revolution. Nationalism is random. It might help raise anger and help people join our cause, but nationalism, or ‘belonging to a nation’ was determined randomly by your birthplace. Therefore it is a stupid concept, based on randomness rather than actual willingness to bring revolution or actual ideals or convictions you have. Beware of the tool of nationalism, for it can be used very negatively as well as positively. As a negative example we have Hitler and his nationalism. As a positive one we have our comrade Mao who used nationalism wisely to raise rage and anger over the foreign colonialists.

3. Beware of revolutionary music without any action to back up the ideas inside. We see too much people listening to very revolutionary music, yet, instead of acting on it, staying calm and not doing anything. Action has priority! Otherwise we end up like rhetorical speakers, bickering over small details that have no importance and losing time uselessly. How to do so, you might think? We must take concepts and attempt to practice them. For example, looking at “As long as I am breathing; I am not going to stop walking!” : this quote must stay in your mind in times of struggle. If you are ever in prison, this quote must remain in your mind. If fascist cops beat you up, then this must remain always in your mind.

4. The analysis about dosing motivation and self-criticism is important and interesting. Keep in mind that sometimes, times are hard, and that you WILL be let down, or discouraged so badly that revolutionary activities are not appropriate in that moment. In such cases, to avoid becoming a revisionist, you must revive revolutionary ideas in your head progressively. A good thing I like to do in these cases is to listen to revolutionary hip-hop. Especially looking at music that speaks about it. In case you just want to let out your anger at the system, Fed Up, by Rass Kass, is a good choice. As The World Turns, by 2Pac, is a great song for motivation, and for mental reconstruction. When I Get Free II, by 2Pac also, is good for strong motivation. This help you reconstruct and prepare to return to the revolutionary spirit.

5. Open air schools, as seen in the painting of Diego Rivera, are very effective to educate the people about the crimes of the bourgeois and their oppression. Nevertheless, teachers must make sure not to engage in Pranchda-like revisionism that would be teaching the students about very small details of the theory that are off topic. Teaching about revolution directly is useless to start with. The teacher must firstly expose some examples of oppression and ask the students their gut feeling / instincts about it, which will generally make the outrage come naturally. The teacher can then expand and say that this outrage the students are feeling has been felt by


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many who have regrouped in revolutionary organizations. Saying the word ‘revolution’ to a child without any notion of it is the most stupid thing to do. You must first show him what it is, then teach him the word and concept. Not doing this results in the destruction of potential-revolutionaries and endless imprisonment in Pranchda-revisionism.

6. The picture ‘Two Figures’, by Diego Rivera, shows the natural unity of the common peoples of the world. This unity must not be forced, or it will never work. People will unite intrinsically, instinctively, together, if sharing the same goal. Lovers unite together because they have the same goal which is living a life together. Blacks, an oppressed population worldwide, unite together to protest against the excessive fascist police brutality and discrimination. People supporting the noble cause of Palestine and the destruction of Israel naturally go to protests together. In this same example, revolutionary comrades unite together to proceed to revolutionary actions, in the same goal of revolution. Beware of the Prancha-revionists who force people to unite, such as forced marriages.

7. Concerning high school students and their presentations, I believe this should be done, but it needs to be subtle if there are risks for the students. FBI are known to create files on troublesome students, and if some learn that you have supported a revolutionary cause by doing a presentation they are likely to do write file on you. This will make it close to impossible for you to then act and protest against the system, since they will have your file, and will send you to prison if they see you participating in revolutionary causes. Staying discreet is essential. Only the Pranchda-revisionist reveals his position too quickly, boasting to the world and getting cocky, especially in a high school presentation.

8. Isolation is a huge problem, and is worthy of the revisionist. Although isolation is sometimes beneficial, such as when one revolutionary is trapped amongst a sea of conformists, it is mostly worthy of revisionism. “Revolution is not a dinner party”, Chairman Mao said. Nor it is worthy of one man. Each person can have its own importance in the revolution, but the real uprising occurs only when WOmen and men unite together, and revolt as a collective. Isolation usually results in the capture and torture of one, especially if it is engendered by a terrorist organization such as the CIA. Look at Moazzam Begg. Do you think this man deserved to be in Guantanamo Terror camp? Beware of this default!

9. Analyses of these Pranchda traps are not welcome. I have already analyzed the analysis of the Comrade Azadnikov, it is pointless to analyze the analysis of a comrade who analyzed the analysis of Comrade Azadnikov. The Pranchda-revisionist will be recognizable if he analyses this analysis. Time must not be wasted on such analyses.

10. Protests such as the ‘Moscow Demonstration’ by Diego Rivera, would be welcome if you read this article. The revisionist can be recognized as the man who reads without action. If you have read and appreciated this analysis, do not spend time analyzing it, but instead act on it ! Protests are welcome. Unite your neighborhood, the revolution starts off locally, comrades !


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Creative Activity: This activity is meant to encourage the viewer to question the way such revolutionary nationalist songs and figures are converted into idols for bourgeois oppression.

Note: For some of you it may be a painful task to colour in Modis face hence recognising this we did you a favour by doing it for you.

In Translation: Bhagat Singh was a Hindu. Let me sing, Dear Country Right Now.


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In Translation: Which dog is singing in such a bad voice? This bastard not only spoilt the country but my name too. I wrote an essay(Why I am an Atheist) but he hasn’t got the time to look.


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International Protracted Cultural Revolution The Movies Thursday, March 5th of 2015

Creative Activity 2: On a brighter note, for those who may want to hand color in a poster and then hang it on their own walls.


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International Protracted Cultural Revolution The Movies Thursday, March 5th of 2015

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