axial skeleton bones and markings - holly h. nash … list and...

1 Axial skeleton bones and markings Skull Cranial bones Frontal x 1 Sinus Supraorbital foramen Anterior cranial fossa Occipital x 1 Foramen magnum Occipital condyles Superior nuchal line Inferior nuchal line External occipital protuberance Posterior cranial fossa Hypoglossal canal Parietal x 2 Sutures: sagittal, lambdoid, coronal, squamous x 2 Temporal x 2 Squamous region Mandibular fossa Tympanic region Petrous region Middle cranial fossa Foramen lacerum Styloid process Mastoid process Stylomastoid foramen Alveolar sockets Carotid canal Zygomatic process Jugular foramen External acoustic meatus Internal acoustic meatus Sphenoid x 1 Sinus Optic canal Greater wings Lesser wings Sella turcica Body Pterygoid process Superior orbital fissure Foramen rotundum Foramen ovale Foramen spinosum Sinus Ethmoid x 1 Sinus Crista galli Cribriform plate Perpendicular plate Labyrinth Superior nasal concha Middle nasal concha *Orbit x 2

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Page 1: Axial skeleton bones and markings - Holly H. Nash … List and Markings.pdf · 5 Appendicular skeleton bones and markings, continued Pelvic girdle Identify


Axial skeleton bones and markings


Cranial bones

Frontal x 1 Sinus Supraorbital foramen

Anterior cranial fossa

Occipital x 1 Foramen magnum Occipital condyles Superior nuchal line Inferior nuchal line

External occipital protuberance Posterior cranial fossa Hypoglossal canal

Parietal x 2 Sutures: sagittal, lambdoid, coronal, squamous x 2

Temporal x 2 Squamous region Mandibular fossa Tympanic region Petrous region Middle cranial fossa Foramen lacerum Styloid process Mastoid process

Stylomastoid foramen Alveolar sockets Carotid canal Zygomatic process Jugular foramen External acoustic meatus Internal acoustic meatus

Sphenoid x 1 Sinus Optic canal Greater wings Lesser wings Sella turcica Body

Pterygoid process Superior orbital fissure Foramen rotundum Foramen ovale Foramen spinosum Sinus

Ethmoid x 1 Sinus Crista galli Cribriform plate Perpendicular plate

Labyrinth Superior nasal concha Middle nasal concha

*Orbit x 2

Page 2: Axial skeleton bones and markings - Holly H. Nash … List and Markings.pdf · 5 Appendicular skeleton bones and markings, continued Pelvic girdle Identify


Facial bones

Nasal x 2

*Nasal cavity x 2 Superior, middle & inferior meatus Paranasal sinuses

Lacrimal x 2 Lacrimal fossa

Palatine x 2 Perpendicular plate Horizontal plate Vomer x 1 Inferior nasal concha x 2

Hyoid x 1 Greater horn Lesser horn Body

Mandible x 1 Alveolar processes Mental foramen Mental protuberance Mandibular angle Mandibular foramen Mandibular notch Mandibular condyle Coronoid process Condylar process Body Ramus

Maxilla x 1 Sinus Hard palate Zygomatic process Inferior orbital fissure Alveolar processes Infraorbital foramen Palatine process . . .

Zygomatic x 2 Zygomatic arch *Fontanelles

Page 3: Axial skeleton bones and markings - Holly H. Nash … List and Markings.pdf · 5 Appendicular skeleton bones and markings, continued Pelvic girdle Identify


Axial skeleton bones and markings, continued


Costal cartilage

Ribs x 24 True (1 –7) x 2 False (8,9,10) x 2 Floating (11, 12) x 2

Body/shaft Costal grove Head

Neck Tubercle Angle

Sternum x 1 Manubrium Body Xiphoid process

Clavicular notch Jugular notch Sternal angle

Xiphisternal joint


Anatomy of a single vertebra Body Arch Pedicle Lamina Spinous process Transverse process

Vertebral foramen Superior articular process Inferior articular process Intervertebral foramen Intervertebral discs

Vertebral column Cervical x 7

Bifid Transverse foramena

Atlas Anterior arch Posterior arch Lateral masses

Axis Dens

Thoracic x 12 Superior, transverse, inferior costal facet Lumbar x 5 Sacrum x 5 (fused) Median sacral crest Sacral promontory Transverse ridges Sacral canal Sacral foramina Ala Lateral sacral crest Sacral hiatus Coccyx x 4 (fused)

*Spinal curvatures Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral

Page 4: Axial skeleton bones and markings - Holly H. Nash … List and Markings.pdf · 5 Appendicular skeleton bones and markings, continued Pelvic girdle Identify


Appendicular skeleton bones and markings Pectoral girdle

Scapula x 2 Spine Acromion Coracoid process Glenoid fossa Superior angle Inferior angle Lateral angle

Superior border Lateral border Medial border Infraspinous fossae Supraspinous process Subscapular process Suprascapular notch

Clavicle x 2 Acromial end Acromioclavicular joint

Sternal end Sternoclavicular joint

Upper limbs

Humerus x 2 Head Deltoid tuberosity Olecranon fossa Intertubercular sulcus Anatomical neck Surgical neck Radial groove Trochlea

Capitulum Coronoid fossa Radial fossa Medial epicondyle Lateral epicondyle Lesser tubercle Greater tubercle

Radius x 2 Head Styloid process

Radial tuberosity Ulnar notch

Ulna x 2 Olecranon Styloid process Trochlear notch Coronoid process

Head Proximal radioulnar joint Distal radioulnar joint Radial notch

Carpals (know all 8 individual)

Metacarpals x 5 Numbered 1-5 lateral (hallux) to medial (pinky)

Phalanges x 14 Pollex x 2

Proximal Distal

Fingers x 8 Proximal Medial Distal

Page 5: Axial skeleton bones and markings - Holly H. Nash … List and Markings.pdf · 5 Appendicular skeleton bones and markings, continued Pelvic girdle Identify


Appendicular skeleton bones and markings, continued Pelvic girdle

Identify the differences between ♂ and ♀ pelvic bones ♀ inlet is larger and more circular ♀ ilia flare more laterally ♀ sacrum is shorter and less curved ♀ ischial spines are shorter and farther apart; thus the outlet is larger ♀ pubic arch is more rounded because the angle of the pubic arch is greater

Coxal bone or hip bone Ilium x 2

Acetabulum Pelvic brim Iliac crest Sacroiliac joint

Body Ala Iliac fossa Auricular surface

Greater sciatic notch Arcuate line

Ischium x 2 Acetabulum Obturator foramen Ischial ramus

Body Ischial spine Ischial tuberosity

Lesser sciatic notch

Pubis x 2

Acetabulum Obturator foramen Pubic tubercle Pubic arch Subpubic angle

Superior ramus Inferior ramus Pubic crest Pubic symphysis Body

*Pelvic spaces False pelvis True pelvis

Pelvic inlet Pelvic outlet

Pelvic brim

Lower limbs

Femur x 2 Head Neck Patellar groove Fovea capitis Greater trochanter

Lesser trochanter Intertrochanteric line Intertrochanteric crest Gluteal tuberosity Linea aspera

Lateral condyle Medial condyle Lateral epicondyle Medial epicondyle Intercondylar fossa

Tibia x 2 Lateral condyle Medial condyle Anterior border Tibial tuberosity

Medial malleolus Fibular notch Intercondylar eminence

Page 6: Axial skeleton bones and markings - Holly H. Nash … List and Markings.pdf · 5 Appendicular skeleton bones and markings, continued Pelvic girdle Identify


Fibula x 2 Head Lateral malleolus

Patella x 2

Tarsals (know all 7 individual)

Metatarsals x 5 Numbered 1-5 medial (pollex) to lateral (pinky) Phalanges x 14

Hallux x 2 Proximal Distal

Toes x 8 Proximal Medial Distal

* These are structures associated with the corresponding skeletal regions, but are not bones themselves.