august 2013 edition of whispering soul newsletter

“IF YOU'RE READING T HIS... CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'RE ALIVE. IF THAT'S NOT SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT, THEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS.” FEATURED IN THIS ISSUE Finding Happiness 2 More Than Words Nimak Nawwab 3 Spiritual Books Think & Grow Rich 4-5 Spontaneity Just Do It! 6 Women of Wonder Aeysha Mohammadazai 7 NLP Coach Training Oct 2013 8 The Magic of EFT 9 Finding Happiness? If the real purpose of life is to become happy, why then, is this ideal so difficult to grasp? No matter where we live, or what we do, most of us will know what it means to be happy, or indeed unhappy. But what is happiness really? Is it a fine educa- tion, a good job, financial security, a supportive & loving partner, a circle of true friends, acts of service to others? It can be any, or indeed all of these things but the trouble is that while on the surface they may seem like the building blocks of happiness, none of these things will give us the lasting happiness that we so desire. This kind of ‘true happiness’ will only be revealed to us when we find the strength to confront and conquer our own weaknesses. It doesn’t exist in the past, or in the future, but in the here and now, as we face our daily lives with all of the challenges that entails. Happiness therefore, is a set of choices and it is our soul responsibility to make the right decisions; ones that will set us on the path to true happiness. Contd. on pg. 2 August 2013

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Page 1: August 2013 edition of whispering soul newsletter

“ I F Y O U ' R E R E A D I N G T H I S . . .

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S , Y O U ' R E A L I V E .

I F T H A T ' S N O T S O M E T H I N G T O S M I L E A B O U T ,

T H E N I D O N ' T K N O W W H A T I S . ”



Finding Happiness 2

More Than Words

Nimak Nawwab


Spiritual Books

Think & Grow Rich

4 - 5


Just Do It!


Women of Wonder

Aeysha Mohammadazai


NLP Coach Training

Oct 2013


The Magic of EFT 9

Finding Happiness?

If the real purpose of life is to become happy, why then, is this ideal so difficult

to grasp?

No matter where we live, or what we do, most of us will know what it means to

be happy, or indeed unhappy. But what is happiness really? Is it a fine educa-

tion, a good job, financial security, a supportive & loving partner, a circle of true

friends, acts of service to others? It can be any, or indeed all of these things but

the trouble is that while on the surface they may seem like the building blocks

of happiness, none of these things will give us the lasting happiness that we so


This kind of ‘true happiness’ will only be revealed to us when we find the

strength to confront and conquer our own weaknesses. It doesn’t exist in the

past, or in the future, but in the here and now, as we face our daily lives with all

of the challenges that entails. Happiness therefore, is a set of choices and it is

our soul responsibility to make the right decisions; ones that will set us on the

path to true happiness. Contd. on pg. 2

August 2013

Page 2: August 2013 edition of whispering soul newsletter


Finding Happiness~ contd. from pg.1

Page 2

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to allow others to play a controlling part in our lives? We may

even allow them to determine our happiness. Do we too often find ourselves acceding to the unrealis-

tic demands placed upon us by, spouses, parents, or our children? Do we become distracted in our

efforts to keep everyone around us happy, rather than spending time looking at our own lives; letting

go of unhealthy habits/patterns and replacing them with healthy and productive ones?

Money, possessions and other people are antidotes for short term happiness yet we continue to self

medicate ourselves with these things. We commit to duties and people and soon begin to regret it in-

stead of being honest saying, “I really cannot do that”. We allow others to depend on us and take up

all of our time making it impossible to have time for ourselves. The telephone controls us too, as soon

as it rings we break our necks trying to receive a call from someone who is impeding on our “me time”.

We need to control things instead of allowing things to con-

trol us. Only then will we as a people begin to find a level of

true happiness. We would be better served if we stopped

worrying about what others may think of us, if we do not and

cannot come through for them. That can become the factor

that determines our happiness. If we worry about making

someone else unhappy therefore we are sacrificing our own

happiness for theirs. Really, how wrong is that?

We should never sacrifice our true happiness for others, not

even in marriages, with our children, and families and the

hardest one of all …our parents, once we become adults.

It does not mean we love them any less it simply means that

we have a right to say no and not be inconvenienced unless

it is a life or death situation.


August 2013

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Page 3 T H E W H I S P E R I N G S O U L

Excerpt from Banishment

I let you out,

As the agony of generations




Stamp our collective memory,

Moaning mothers,

Massacred young innocents,

Shamed helpless males,

Weaved in and out of the centuries.

I turn you out,


Out of my heart of hearts

Out of my soulful soul.

I let you out,

As women's tears join

Across lands, deserts, oceans

Rivers of suffering,

Gushing and flooding,

The tributaries of time and place.

I let you go, Grief,

So you can no longer hold me in thrall,

Keep me from restful sleep,

Smothering my dreams,

With a bleak, murky future for my loved ones.

(For complete verses go here http://





Nimah Ismail Nawwab, known as the voice of

Arab women and youth, is an internationally

published poet and photographer, a Young

Global Leader and keynote speaker, who de-

scends from a long line of scholars from

Mecca, Saudi Arabia. She was the first fe-

male Saudi Arabian poet to be published in

the US and is heavily engaged in critical and

emerging issues involving women and youth

empowerment, seeking to build bridges of un-

derstanding to establish global peace and


“Canvas of the Soul,” which comes eight

years after Nawwab’s pioneering work “The

Unfurling,” features Islamic art and calligraphy

and is a spiritual volume similar to the works

of Rumi and other mystic poets.

August 2013

Nimah Ismail Nawwab

Page 4: August 2013 edition of whispering soul newsletter


Page 4 T H E W H I S P E R I N G S O U L

6. Specialized Knowledge The intelligent direction

of specialized knowledge is the most frequent way of amassing wealth. 7. The Brain Capable of both broadcasting and re-ceiving thoughts directly to, or from, other people. 8. Imagination The imagination is the workshop in which all plans can be fashioned and prepared for action.

9. Decision Successful people have the habit of reaching decisions quickly and changing them slowly if ever. Successful people have conquered procrastina-tion.

10. Organized Planning Everything created be-gins in the form of desires which are taken into the workshop of the imagination for proper organization and planning.

11. Power of the Master Mind You automatically take on the habits and power of the people you asso-ciate with. Control this by forming a Master Mind group who can assist you in achieving your dreams.

12. Persistence Will-power, desire and persis-tence are essential for the transmuting of desires into monetary equivalents.

13. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation Sex trans-mutation involves the transfer of sex desire into a moti-vating force for financial Achievement.

14. The Subconscious Mind A vast reservoir storing every impulse or thought received through the five senses

15. The Six Ghosts of Fear The master key that unlocks the door to life’s bountiful riches, is the privi-lege of creating in your own mind a burning desire to achieve. The satisfaction that comes to all who con-quer self and force life to pay whatever they demand, is overwhelming.

Main Theme All achievement, including

every fortune ever built, has

had its beginning in an idea. Wealth comes

from turning the idea from something we can

see in our minds eye alone, into something

that serves other people, and for which they

are willing to pay. This is done through auto-

suggestion, organized planning, master-mind

association and an inner harmony between

the thoughts of your mind and the actions and

achievements of your life. You literally be-

come and achieve what you think about all

day long. .

1. Thoughts Are Things Whatever the mind can conceive and believe man is capa-ble of bringing into reality. 2. Desire There are no limitations except those we set ourselves. Both poverty and riches are the direct results of our thoughts. 3. Faith Ideas are being transformed into huge fortunes all around us. Using the medium of faith, you can join that group of people with great achievements. 4. The Sixth Sense Creative part of the mind creates hunches and inspiration. This can be enhanced and refined. 5. Auto-suggestion Man is the master of his own destiny because he has the power to influence what he thinks about using the tech-niques of auto-suggestion.

August 2013

“To Control Your Life …. Control Your Thoughts”



Page 5: August 2013 edition of whispering soul newsletter


Page 5 T H E W H I S P E R I N G S O U L

If you're interested in self improvement or entrepreneurship, you've probably heard of Napoleon Hill's leg-

endary book Think and Grow Rich, arguably the most widely circulated book of the 20th century on the

topic of personal success. And one which has sold over 15 million copies worldwide.

This book was the end result of twenty years of his life, spent interviewing and researching 500 of Amer-

ica’s richest people, in an effort to discover the exact methods they used in order to achieve their respec-

tive goals. Included among these 500 men and women were Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Theodore Roo-

sevelt, Charles Schwab, Woodrow Wilson, Alexander Graham Bell, John D. Rockefeller, along with many

others. His mission was to deliver a book that could teach any individual how to become successful.

It’s not a novel, or a get rich quick scheme and in order to get the most out of these principles you have to

know and apply them. Taking action is required and mentioned in one of the success principles. Many

successful people have praised the work of Napoleon Hill and actually given him credit for their success.

This is a must read book, which contains stories of little people who went on to become great people but

who also became rich along the way. Hill doesn’t reveal the secret formula for success but he offers

enough clues to help you work it out for yourself. You could summarise it though, in this way ~

We are what we think

We get out of life, whatever we put into it

Failures lead to success if we are persistent

If you would like a free copy of Think and Grow Rich for

yourself, simply click on the red button

August 2013

“To Control Your Life …. Control Your Thoughts”

Page 6: August 2013 edition of whispering soul newsletter


T H E W A Y E Y E S E E I T …… . .

Page 6

“ A L L G R O W T H I S A L E A P I N T H E D A R K , A S P O N T A N E O U S , U N P R E -M E D I T A T E D A C T W I T H O U T B E N E F I T O F E X P E R I E N C E . ” H E N R Y M I L L E R


August 2013

Being spontaneous means acting in the present, being responsible for your actions no matter what they

may bring. But how would it feel if you were to take this kind of risk?

Probably a little scary, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing because it helps you get in touch with the real

you. You might begin to ‘feel’ things out and learn how to make decisions uncorrupted by thoughts and


Learning to let different aspects of your being function independently of each other has the potential to

release great energy and awareness within you and allows you to operate outside of your ‘conditioning’.

You’ll gradually find that you are no longer a slave to what were once ‘limiting ideas’. There’s great free-

dom in facing your fears, whatever they may be, rather than running from them.

Most people would be happy if they could find a system which explained how they could become sponta-

neous, but that’s never going to happen because spontaneity implies a lack of structure in the first place

and so you just have to ‘be’ spontaneous. Put your fears to one side, suspend you ‘beliefs’ and pretty

soon you’ll find that things will begin to change. There’ll be a new freshness to your life; the way you think,

talk and act.

When you’re attached to a particular way of doing things, it’s easy to slip into a fear-base and allow those

fears to dominate your decisions, but that is no way to live life. So, why not take that leap into the un-

known..........who knows what magic is waiting for you.

Here’s a little fun exercise you can try some weekend to see what Spontaneity feels like.

Cancel all your plans for one weekend – doesn’t matter what you had planned, just free yourself up. If

you’ve got kids, just get a sitter. You need to be totally free for spontaneous activities to occur

Break out of your comfort zone – don’t just go to the gym because your calendar is clear; do something

totally different. Something that will shake things up.

Treat yourself – anything you want is yours (within realistic fi-

nancial limitations of course).

Do something that scares you – get a tattoo, learn to sky-

dive, ride a horse, anything that’s new for you and just a little

bit scary.

Follow your every whim – be prepared to act impulsively

(within reason) and be open to doing whatever you ‘feel’ like

doing as the thought occurs.

Don’t feel guilty about it! – this may be the hardest part at first

but there’s not much point to the whole exercise, if you keep

thinking about what you should have been doing instead. This is

You know those

things you’ve

always wanted to


You could go

do them!!

Page 7: August 2013 edition of whispering soul newsletter


Aesha Mohammadzai

When Aesha was forced to return to the abusive family she had run away

from, her husband took her into the mountains of Afghanistan and cut off

her nose and ears as punishment. This was three years ago and her muti-

lated face became a powerful image that shocked the world and put a

tragic face to the plight of Afghan women.

Aesha's ordeal started when she was just eight years old. Her father had promised her hand in marriage

to another family in order to settle a dispute between the rival families - a practice called "Baad". At the

age of sixteen she was handed over to her husband's father and 10 brothers, who she claims were mem-

bers of the Taliban. She would not meet her husband for another two years, as he was fighting in Paki-

stan. Aesha said, that every day she was abused both mentally and physically by her husband’s family,

until it became so unbearable, that she ran away.

Although running away in Afghanistan is not a crime, in many areas of the country it is treated as such, if

the runaway is a woman.

The punishment she received from the authorities was cruel and harsh, but it would not compare to the

punishment she received from her husband’s family and the Taliban court.

Initially, the police committed her to prison for five months and upon release, the judge ordered that she

be returned to her husband, a man who she still hadn’t met. His family took her to a Taliban court, where it

was ordered that she be mutilated, as a punishment. That night they took her to the mountains, bound her

hand and foot and cut off her nose and ears. That night was the first time she met her husband. He was

the one who inflicted the torture on her and left her to die in the Oruzgan mountains.

According to a 2012 report by Human Rights Watch, 87% of Afghan

women face physical, sexual or psychological violence or forced mar-

riage in their lifetime.

Luckily, Aesha was rescued by a charity and now lives happily in

America with a new family.

Despite her harrowing past, the reconstructive surgery which she has

been receiving has helped her start a new life.

Her bravery and courage is an inspiration to us all and helps put our

‘troubles’ into perspective


Page 7

August 2013

Page 8: August 2013 edition of whispering soul newsletter


There are many benefits for those skilled in the use of

NLP, not least of which is the capacity for excellence in

communication. People start to value your opinions and

advice a lot more, because they get the feeling that you

‘understand them’, you ‘hear what they’re saying’, or you

‘see things’ the same way they do. This is possible, once you understand the magic of Represen-

tational Systems.

It’s a major confidence booster too, because once you start to understand exactly what makes

you tick, it delivers a wonderful feeling confidence and belief in your

Parents can gain invaluable insights into the fundamental dif-

ferences between how an adult mind responds differently to

that of a child's. Communication lines open when children are

understood from their map of the world. It’s a win-win situa-


Many people take this training purely for personal reasons, as

it contains many powerful techniques, which can lead to radi-

cal individual change.

A copy of the current prospectus is included with this mailing,

so you can get the full picture.




Page 8

NLP Practitioner Coach 2013 NLP Practitioner Coach 2013

Special points of interest:

● Change your life with the power

of a positive perspective.

● Change unwanted behaviour in

yourself & others.

● Remove obstacles to learning

in all areas of your life.

● Become more powerful in your

communications and approach

to life.

● Master your emotions and run

your own brain.

Be The Change You Want To See

This course is suited equally to those who wish to increase

personal confidence and effectiveness, or

who would like to embark on an exciting and rewarding new career.

COMMENCES September 14th 2013

August 2013

COMMENCES Oct 12th 2013

Page 9: August 2013 edition of whispering soul newsletter


The Power of ‘I’m Sorry’

There are two ways to keep out of trouble in our relationships. The first is

to ignore our own conditioning—our desires and ideas about how things

should be. The second is to ignore or accommodate our partner's condi-

tioning. Trouble starts when we are attached to having our own condi-

tioning met, when we try to change our partner's conditioning, or when

we let it trigger ours. So much of the conditioning that causes difficulties

in relationships is very minor and wouldn't be a problem if we would let our partner do things the way he or

she does them, without trying to change it just because it's different from how we do things. Does it really

matter if your partner doesn't wring out the dishcloth after using it? Or leaves hair or toothpaste in the

sink? Or has bad table manners? Or drives too cautiously? Or insists on reading the newspaper in the

morning before doing anything else? These and so many other little things that annoy us in relationship

are just not important. They are certainly not more important than love. Can you just let them go? Can you

just let your partner be the way he or she is? If you can, the rewards are great.

When we find ourselves in conflict because we are insisting that our partner do something our way or be-

cause we are reacting to the way our partner happens to be doing something, there's a simple way out:

apologize. Notice the negative effect on the relationship of what you are saying or doing, stop doing it, and

apologize. It's never too late to say "I'm sorry." These are tremendously healing words.


"I'm sorry" concedes that you were wrong in pushing for what you were pushing for. It stops the ego,

which is trying to be right, in its tracks and immediately allows the partner to relax and feel sympathy and

love for you.

When we are able to acknowledge that the ego is running us, it loses its power over us. It's only when we

act it out unconsciously that it has power, but as soon we become conscious of what's happening, the

ego's game can't continue. The jig is up, the ego's been seen, and it can no longer run us. This turning

point requires a willingness to admit you were wrong, and that's the hardest part. But once you see that

what's been driving you to hurt or manipulate your partner is the ego trying to be right, then it becomes

much easier to let go, be humbled, and say "I'm sorry."

You don't have to defend the ego's position because you see that the ego isn't who you are anyway. It's

just that part in all of us that causes suffering to ourselves and others. It's surprising how just saying "I'm

sorry" softens you and your partner. Suddenly, there's nothing more to argue over because you have con-

ceded the fight. There's no more reason to withhold your love, which we often do to try to manipulate our

partner, and the result is that love begins to flow again. Suddenly, you both remember what you love

about each other. It's funny how the ego clouds this, but it does so only momentarily if we are willing to

concede our position and apologize for any hurt we may have caused. Your partner will love you for that,

and more important perhaps, apologizing makes it possible for you to love your partner again.

Page 9

T H E W H I S P E R I N G S O U L August 2013

P A G E 9

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2 Leopardstown Grove

Stillorgan, Co Dublin

Phone: 01 2960374

Mob: 086 8124054

Email: [email protected]

Skype: bettycosgrave1


I am available for one-to-one consulta-

tions. If you would like to come and see

me, please call me to arrange a visit.

Alternatively, I do a lot of consulting via

Skype, which is particularly useful for

those living abroad, or outside of Dub-



While many people prefer to see me on a one-to-one basis, there’s

been a noticeable shift towards online consultations in the last few

months. There are numerous reasons for this. Some people are un-

der such time constraints in the office that they find travelling away

from work, to see me in person, uses up valuable time that could be

productively spent tackling other issues. Others may find it suits better

than having to get a sitter for the kids and there are many that don’t

live in Dublin, or indeed even in Ireland. This is when online consult-

ing really comes into its own.

Using Skype, it’s so easy to cover a lot of ground and it’s almost as if

we’re sitting in the same room, so clients can enjoy the benefits of

face-to-face life or career coaching from anywhere in the world. Bet-

ter still, Skype calls are free!

Because using Skype means that you won’t be spending money on

motor fuel, getting to and from sessions, it means you will have a bet-

ter carbon footprint. So, you’ll be looking after the planet and yourself

at the same time and that can’t be bad. To assist in raising our green

consciousness, I’ve decided that I’ll offer a 15% discount on all

online consultations from now on. Paying is easy too ~ once we’ve

arranged a suitable time, I just send a you a Paypal request and you

can pay it with your credit card.


P A G E 9

August 2013