augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and business intelligence

Page 1 Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Business Intelligence

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This is a group of 10 presentations for an MBA Marketing Class.


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Augmented Reality, Artificial

Intelligence, and

Business Intelligence

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What is Augmented Reality?

• Augmented Reality is part of a continuum of technologies that falls somewhere between reality and virtual reality

• AR technology is used to overlay real images with data or digital images to increase impact, to increase usability, or to enhance understanding

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Virtual RealityAll digital

Augmented Reality Has a real component


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AR as Novelty

• GE uses augmented reality as a novelty item to display alternative energy systems. This shows the product in a setting, but does it add value?

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AR for Online Sales

• One of the drawbacks to online sales is the inability of the consumer to hold and inspect the product

• BestBuy uses AR to give pseudo-touchability in the online sales process

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AR in Print Media

• Anything that can be printed can have an augmented reality component

• This will add a new dimension to books, magazines, and product packaging


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Escape from Novelty

• Will AR escape from the perception of being a novelty in advertising?

• To do this, AR must add value to products, to processes, and to experiences

Thank you

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Augmented Reality: Applications and Trends

by Marcela Cuello

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“Augmented Reality, will blur the line between what's real and what's computer-generated.

This will be possible by enhancing what we see, hear, feel and smell”.

Augmented Reality

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Applications and TrendsEducation• AR will change the “traditional” way of

education and learning

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Applications and Trends Gaming• Virtual gaming• AR under the water

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Augmented Reality By Hitlab

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Other AR Applications

Health Industry• As a tool for diagnosis improvements• TrainingMaintenance and Construction Automobile

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Other AR Applications

Customer Design• Purchasing decision• Additional value to the online sale• Personal environment enrichment

Thank you

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B to C Advertising of AR+

Four P’s

Kristina Repcinova

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• How does it work?• Where do I begin?• What should I do?

• Benefits of AR

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Place for Consumers

• At home– Books & magazines– Games

• In mobile devices

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• Online– Youtube– Online campaigns

• Offline– Self promotion by other

companies– Shows– Magazines

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Events/ Exhibitions

• Road shows• Exhibitions• Press conference• Live stage presentation• Booth presentation

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Marketing Possibilities

– Interactive brochures – Interactive packaging – Interactive kiosks– Magic Mirror– Events

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Digital Marketing

• Enhance product visibility• Help connect customers to brands

• Interactive kiosks

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• Software is FREE• Expense is hiring people • Depends on customer creativity

• Cell phone requirements• Software requirements• Computer requirements

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World Leaders in Distributing AR

• Independent Augmented Reality solutions– 3D measurement software– 3D modeling software– Augmented reality visualization software

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Example of a Simple AR Ad


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Katie Brandenburg

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Webster’s Dictionary

Information“the communication or reception of

knowledge or intelligence”

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Webster’s Dictionary

Ethics“the principles of conduct governing an individual or group (professional)"

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Puffery“exaggerated commendation esp. for promotional purposes”

Buzz“a: RUMOR, GOSSIP b: to be filled

with a confused murmur (the room ~ed with excitement”

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Really?Blogs and YouTube

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Current Debates

. The Ethics of advertising to young children.

. The balance between the rights of an industry to promote its

products & ideas and the role of Government in protecting the

health of its citizens (particularly vulnerable groups).

Targeting Kids

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. The Ethics of advertising to young


Targeting Kids

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Power Rangers

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Video Games

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AR Gaming

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. The balance between the rights of an industry to promote its products & ideas and the role of Government in protecting the health of its citizens (particularly vulnerable groups).

Targeting Kids

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Tobacco Timeline on Ask Jeeves


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Children’s Television Act

Thank you

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Future of ARJohn Estabrook

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Speed Dating with AR

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Hype Cycle for Emerging Tech

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Google Trends: AR

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Nokia’s Point & Find

•Point camera at real world objects and plant virtual information tags.

•Users can view each other’s tags on the phone screen – crowdsourcing an augmented reality.

•“This year we’re feeling a real urgency to work on augmented reality because the hardware is finally catching up to our needs.” Rebecca Allen, director of Nokia’s research center in Hollywood.

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LED Contact Lens

•Scientists at the University of Washington have been developing a contact lens containing one built-in LED.

•Eventually, more advanced versions of the lens could be used to provide a wealth of information, such as virtual captions scrolling beneath every person or object you see.

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5 Barriers to a Web That’s Everywhere

1. Spam and Security

2. Social and Real-Time vs. Solitary and Cached

3. The User Experience

4. Interoperability

5. OpennessThank you

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Artificial Intelligence and Business Intelligence

Val StellaMatt Atkins

Gloria SanchezRob Timmins

Bob Mannherz

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What is



Val Stella

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What Artificial Intelligence Is Not

Artificial intelligence tends to be associated with artifacts like

the Hal 9000 which are the product of Hollywood rather than the kind of

thing that actually happens in the

research labs of the world today

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The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

The scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in machines.

Definition of Artificial Intelligence

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Ray Kurzweil

The ability to perform a task that is normally performed by natural intelligence, particularly human natural intelligence

Definition of Artificial Intelligence

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The study of man-made computational devices and systems which can be made to act in a manner which we would be inclined to call intelligent.

Definition of Artificial Intelligence

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Alan Turing 1912 - 1954

Worked on breaking the German Enigma codes during WWII

Turing’s theory of computation suggested 0’s and 1’s

He foresaw AI, and proposed the Turing Test. Expected to be passed by computers by 2029

So far, no computer has fooled the judges by passing as a human

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What does AI do?

Narrow AI, Strong AIUsed for logistics, data

mining, medical diagnosis, communications, computer-assisted design systems, cruise control, servers, personalized ads

AI flies and lands airplanes, guides intelligent weapons systems, trades on the stock market

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Major Players & Costs

Washington DC’s revolving doors

Intelligent Systems Technology Inc. (ISTI), Russian physicist

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)

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DARPA Project

Lightweight robotic bugs could be carried by soldiers and used to investigate the terrain ahead, detecting enemy troops, minefields and other hazards."

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DARPA Contracts

Lockheed Martin has DARPA contract for $22 million for automating air traffic control

Now testing Cormorant, a stealthy autonomous spy jet that starts and ends its mission 150 feet under water.

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DARPA Contracts

$23.7 million to IBM for Watson (picture)$50 million to BBN for machine reading program$22 million to Stanford Research Institute (SRI)

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DARPA’s Revolutionary

Prosthetics program

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Ethical Concerns

Need for cautionUS Army harrowing

situation earlier this year

Ethical & legal guidelines

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Artificial Intelligence

And now to my colleague Gloria

and the SingularityGloria Sanchez

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Where is AI Heading?

• It is the technological creation of smarter-than-human intelligence– We will get to a point where technical

progress will be so fast that unenhanced human intelligence will be unable to follow it.


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Narrow AI

• Medical Industry


• Toys and Games (

Second Life)

• Military

• Financial Institutions

• Car Industry

• Phone Industry

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Strong AI


-Learns as he tries new tricks, travels the world, etc.-It has recognition technology-It can run (up to 6 km/hr)-It has network integrationAdvanced Step in

Innovative MObility

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Business Intelligence (BI)

Overview of the Discipline & Current Marketplace

Presented by Matt Atkins

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Define BI Today?

“refers to a variety of software applications that analyze an organizations raw data and help extract relevant and useful insights”

2009 ProQuest LLC, “The Brain Behind The Big Bad Burger And Other Tales Of Business Intelligence”

“skills, technologies, applications and practices used to help a business acquire a better understanding of its commercial context. BI technologies provide historical, current, and predictive views of business operations”


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The BI Discipline

• Consists of many related activities that include statistics, text and data mining, analytical processing, querying, predictive analysis and forecast reporting

• Statistics, • Analysis & • Querying

• Reporting & • Informed Decision

• Making

• Text & Data• Mining

• Data Integration • & Dashboards

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BI Desktop Widget

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BI Marketplace

• Marketplace has grown significantly in recent years!

• Two clear segments – “Big Hitters”

• Companies that sell proprietary enterprise wide software solutions

– “Up & Comers”• Defined by companies using open

source solutions

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Big Hitters• Comprised of large database and software

companies using proprietary platforms– IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, SAP, HP……– Clients are large corporate customers

which can shell out large dollars for enterprise wide solutions

– Their current marketing efforts work to sell “comprehensive easy to use BI software solutions that integrate the power of analytics and data integration to share insights that power better business decisions”

– Investment costs are driven “per-user”

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Up & Comers

• Companies building their enterprise solutions upon open source applications

• According to Acutate survey taken to assess corporate acceptance of open source BI software, 31% expected to be using it soon

• Their approach to market – avoid “lock in”

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Up & Comers• By their very nature, open source projects

are fundamentally community-oriented • They depend on the support of a

community of developers through culture and necessity, have no interest in establishing little empires of dependency

• They are based on open rather than proprietary standards. – If you want to mix and match parts of your BI

setup with some of your existing software packages or with some in-house development, you are likely to find it much easier to do by committing to open source rather than proprietary BI software.

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Up & Comers to Watch

• Pentaho • Jaspersoft• How do they make money???

– Charge for specialized add-on modules to the core product which is distributed for free

– Sell support for the product and “higher end editions”

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Where are we heading?

• Open Source cloud-computing based applications

• Seems we’re at a similar point as the transition from Web 2.0 to 3.0

• Growing recognition of Software as a Service

• Pay-as-you-go

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Open Source Cloud BI

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Rob Mannherz

AI-BI Sales Intelligence

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Customer Relationship Management (CRM): using available information sources to effectively manage customer relations throughout the sales process.

Data Mining: “deriving high-quality information from text” (Wikipedia under text-mining)

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Sales Intelligence

SI solutions provide unique insight into customer buying patterns for high volume, low profit sales.

By automatically analyzing and evaluating these patterns, SI pro-actively identifies and delivers up-sell, cross-sell and switch-sell opportunities.

Most good SI products will inform you of potential customer drift issues.

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Decision-Making Search Engine

Bing is a search engine that finds and organizes the answers you need, so you can make faster, more informed decisions.

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How will we use “Business Intelligence?”

Branding and Marketing Strategies

Delivery and Distribution

Customer Service and a Unified Voice

Voice Of Customer

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Mashable Salesforce for Twitter

Salesforce for GoogleApps

Cloud computing for CRM

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2006 CRM InstallationsVendor Percent of implementations

Siebel (Oracle) 41%SAP 8%Epiphany (Infor) 3%Oracle 3%PeopleSoft (Oracle) 2%Amdocs 1%Chordiant 1%Microsoft 1%Metus Technology 1%SAS 1%Others 15%None 22%

The above table lists the top software vendors for CRM projects completed in 2006 using external consultants and system integrators, according to a 2007 Gartner study. (from Wikipedia, Customer Relationship Management.)

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Social Media in MarketingBeginning in 2007, the rapid growth in social media and social networking forced CRM product companies to integrate "social" features into their traditional CRM systems.

Some of the first features added are social network monitoring feeds (i.e. Twitter timeline), typically built into the system dashboard. Other emerging capabilities include messaging, sentiment analysis, and other analytics.

Many industry experts contend that Social CRM is the way of the future, but there are still many skeptics. Top CRM minds agree that online social communities and conversations carry heavy consequences for companies. They must be monitored for real-time marketplace feedback and trends.

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Brand as a Conversation

According to Lloyd Salmons, first chairman of the Internet Advertising Bureau social media council "Social media isn't just about big networks like Facebook and MySpace, it's about brands having conversations."[1]. (Wikipedia “social media marketing”)

Your brand is a conversation. Make it a good one. A brand is a conversation between a company and its customer tribes. That’s a simple idea, yes, but it’s also one that’s very difficult to deliver on. (Advertising for Peanuts)

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Brand as a Conversation

And just what do we mean by a “conversation”?

First a trip in the way-back machine: For a very long time, businesses focused on products and sales. And they thrived. Their marketing flowed in one direction, from company to consumer: selling, advertising, and generally imposing their brands on a hungry audience of consumers. A one-way conversation.

Then: Change. Markets became crowded with competitive choices, and interruptive advertising became pervasive. Businesses no longer thrived. The marketing techniques that grew out of their sales-and-product focus stopped working. Today, the volume of product choice is enormous, and the media is saturated.

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A brand story stays out of the way unless people seek it out.

All brands, big and small, tell a story.

A brand story that is present in places where people are looking for it is well received.

A brand story gets customer tribes talking, both about the company and to the company.

A brand conversation has integrity.

A brand conversation takes place anywhere the company touches its customer tribe, so is therefore about much more than the marketing media, but also the product offering, customer service, consistency and integrity.

Brand as a Conversation

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Zappos - a conversationWhat do the numbers say about Tony's Twitter activity over the past 30 days?

Despite having 43,000 followers, Tony has relatively little activity on Twitter.He sent only 4 tweets a day on average despite receiving 50 tweets a dayOnly 30% of his tweets were @replies (relatively low conversation quotient)41% of his onbound tweets contain links, aimed at driving people to his blog where he promotes the people, products and culture of ZapposUPDATE: Tony responded to me after reading this blog post and revealed an added dimension that is a very important piece of the puzzle: Private conversation vs. Public conversation.

Here's his response: "Thanks for the great writeup. One thing I wanted to point out is that most of activity through Twitter is actually through DM's (direct messages), so they won't show up on my Twitter timeline. For the month of January, I sent out about 2000 DM's I send DM's instead of @ replies so that it doesn't clutter up the timeline when you go to

It would be great if the conversation quotient took DM's into account (if someone sends me an @ message, I reply via DM which I would still count as a conversation), but Twitter doesn't make that information public."rmation

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Project Management Online

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Alternative Marketing Venues


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Customer Relations Management

Rob Timmins

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BI CRM Objectives

• Measure and Manage customer lifetime value

• Key to sustain competitive marketplace value

• Need robust/integrated technology• Employees to manage customer

relations• Integrate these values to create a

quantifiable equation and understand components that drive CRM

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BI CRM Implications

• Old way: Manual searches and data entry• Finding documents only by words occurring in

the documents• New way: Search web based on meanings and

context rather than specific words• Semantic web• Large data sets facilitate social network

analysis or counter intel• Stepping stone to communication machine to

machine, symbiosis, then singularity

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Key to Customer Spending

• Measure lifecycle of long life customers• Improve relationship marketing decision

making• Focus on new customer’s increasing

/decreasing future spending from initial purchase info

• Probability and statistic pattern learning algorithms

• AI/BI interface to maximize data collected

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Customer Lifecycle

• AI allows for much more accurate BI in identifying the lifecycle of long life customers

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AI/BI vs. Customer Lifetime Value

• Company looks to balance sheets• Often ignore soft assets (customers)• Most valuable asset• Company’s culture vs. customer

relations• Most customers are poorly managed• Key to acquiring and cultivating long

term highly profitable customer relationships is:

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Understanding This Relationship

• Quantifies and predicts profitability for customer segments, business units, products and services

• Develop actionable programs to maximize profitability

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Value of Customer Asset

• Value of individual transactions• Frequency/recency of purchases• Cost of service• Need to generate rich database of

customer needs and behavior• Invest in BI SaaS, OSS, TWDI, cloud

computing, text/data mining etc..

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Cost of a Customer

• Hardest most expensive sale is first one

• Initial cost of customer and profit generated vs. long term potential

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Transaction Value

• Historical customer behavior: most important information

• Understanding how the customer interacts with channels and consumes goods and services TODAY is key to FUTURE activity

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3 Key Variables

• Frequency and recency• Transaction size• Customer churn rate (loss/attrition

is greatest cost to companies)– Lost revenue – Difficult to reacquire

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Evolving Habits

• Customers mature and buying habits change

• Increase in value if measured and managed appropriately

• Tremendous cross-selling and up-selling potential

• Can reduce churn rate by increasing customer satisfaction

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Aligning Operations

• Build customer centric operations• Maximize customer lifetime value• Erode profits with poor distributions

or product development w/o customer in mind

• Data mining would provide info to do this right

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3 Elements of Success

• Integrate channel systems• Marketing and incentive programs• Product design strategies

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Integrating Channels

• Balance customer preferences with costs of service

• Coordinate multiple channels in the customer interaction process

• Roll of each channel to be clearly defined and measured and managed

• Value of each subsequent customer interaction will increase to both parties

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Multi-channel Strategy Works!

• JC Penney proved it. • 1999 internet shoppers spent $121/yr• Retail only $194/yr• Catalog only $242/yr• Integrated with all three, over $1000/yr

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JC Penny results

• By integrating channel operations to share customer information with all departments, store and catalog profits soared 83% in the third quarter 2003 year over year

• Integration has been key to JC Penney’s continued success

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Customer incentive programs

• DRIVES REVENUE• Invest heavily in marketing efforts (incentives,

branding, discounts)• Can be a significant profit drain• When armed with in depth, reliable BI on

revenue per customer, judicious, targeted use can increase profit per customer

• Create tiered customer investment programs to match current and potential return generated by the customer

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Product Design Strategies

• Meet needs of customers• Distribution channel system• Dell computer customization• UPS/Dell repair facility at SDF• Levi Strauss individual design • Engenders customer loyalty

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Role of Technology

• Key factor to measure/manage lifetime value

• Captures and stores customer interactions across all company touch-points

• Establishes more insightful customer segmentation schemes

• Facilitates a more effective dialogue and experience for each relationship

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CRM Technology

• Facilitates gathering and analysis for profiling and planning (AI/BI interface)

• 1) Resources that interact with customers gather important customer transaction, preference and profile data through data capture fields and processes

• 2) Analytical engines use pattern learning algorithms, probability, and statistics formulas (AI) to segment, identify, and analyze trends, customer behavior, and preferences

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CRM Solution

• Each channel has a defined roll • All channels are seamlessly

integrated• Can measure and manage all

channel resources based on fact-based real time reporting

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Customer Management

• Extract true value from customer• Must build process and culture to

continuously monitor and manage this critical success factor

• FedEx’s focus

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Conclusion: CRM BI

• Measure and Manage customer lifetime value• Key to sustain competitive marketplace value• Need robust/integrated technology• Employees to manage customer relations• Senior management buy in essential• Process solutions to enable in depth, rapid

customer data gathering and analysis• Exploit operational competencies to manage

and grow customer value (historical, anticipated and network value)

• Integrate these values to create a quantifiable equation and understand components that drive CRM

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