au privave infokit4 - synchromesh design -graphic design(antonio carlos jobim) desafinado (antonio...

About Us Info Kit for the Jazz Quartet Musical Selection Preparing an Event Booking an Event References and Commendations a u p r i v a v e l et t h ere b e coo ln es s au privave

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Page 1: Au Privave InfoKit4 - Synchromesh Design -graphic design(Antonio Carlos Jobim) Desafinado (Antonio Carlos Jobim) Triste uptempo ballads traditional jazz-styled pop Ceora Cherokee Four

About Us

Info Kit f o r the Jazz Q uartet

Musical Selection

Preparing an Event

Booking an Event

References andCommendations



l e t t h e r e b e c o o l n e s s

au privave

Page 2: Au Privave InfoKit4 - Synchromesh Design -graphic design(Antonio Carlos Jobim) Desafinado (Antonio Carlos Jobim) Triste uptempo ballads traditional jazz-styled pop Ceora Cherokee Four

ab ou t Au Pr ivaveFormed over a decade ago, Au Privave (prono unced Oh, Prih, vahv) played several years for smal l audiences and then brought their wide assortment of j azz moods to a numb er of restaurants , having one re g ular eng agement over two years at one part ic ular pl ace .

Since 2002, they have shap ed and p ol ished their mu-s ic to br ing the best of j azz to pr ivate part ies , bus i -ness events and wedding affa irs . And they have been q uite successf ul there . Celebrants at b o th mo dest and very grand places , f rom family s tyle taverns to Cent ral Park’s fabulous Tavern on the Green, have fo und a calm and l ively energ y in their mu sic . In both re pertoire and profess ional ism they produce a mu sical atmosphere that pos i t ively upl i f ts . Romantics feel more romant ic , nervo us g uests fee l more comp o sed , distrac ted g uests get more fo c ussed , even moody types f ind their way to a better mood . If yo u co uld bott le a sound that said “e leg ant , but not s tuffy ” this i s i t . Yo u might not know the words to the song s , but the s tory between the l ines i s “this i s conviv ia l i ty at i t ’s most meaningful , spec ia l -event b est .”

Au Privave i s :

acoust ic bass ( j ust nothing l ike a rea l bass)

wo o dw i n d s ( tenor sax , soprano sax , c lar inet , yes , a l l them)

keyb o ards or g uitar

drums (a spec ia l l ight-weight , int imate -sounding , set )

Page 3: Au Privave InfoKit4 - Synchromesh Design -graphic design(Antonio Carlos Jobim) Desafinado (Antonio Carlos Jobim) Triste uptempo ballads traditional jazz-styled pop Ceora Cherokee Four

Mu si ca l S e l e c t i onAu Privave develops i t ’s mu sica l sets f rom what ’s ca l led “stra ight- ahead ” j azz music . This means i t takes me -lodic tunes , keeps them reco gniz able , but adds j azzy invent iveness to them. Mo st of the makeup of i t s “sets ,” the indiv idu al performance per iods with their thought-ful sequence of song s , comes from what are ca l led “standards” song s , music that l ives on and on because i t can be performed in many di fferent ways and st i l l s tay b eaut i f u l , sm art , ch arming , memorable . No one compares these song s to “the or ig inal record ” b ecause they have no s ingle “or ig inal and best ” vers ion. The song s have an indiv idu al s treng th that makes them both fami l iar and spec ia l ly unique at the same t ime.

With j azz profess ionals l ike Au Privave , that music can be adjusted on the spot to f i t what ’s going on in the ro o m . Thi s i s ver y d i fferent f ro m a p o p g ro up p er fo r-mance in which yo u ’re l i s tening to a song that ’s been prac t iced one way over and over and over ; yo u ’d better l ike the way they ’re doing i t because they can’t change or adjust i t to work with anything that ’s going on l ive in the ro om. Au Privave i s truly sens i t ive to yo ur party and can make sure , seamless and c lever adjustment s in the song s and their pl aying to keep the atmo sphere at i ts b est .

The next page shows a smal l sampl ing of the s tyles and song s Au Privave can be ca l led on to pl ay.

Page 4: Au Privave InfoKit4 - Synchromesh Design -graphic design(Antonio Carlos Jobim) Desafinado (Antonio Carlos Jobim) Triste uptempo ballads traditional jazz-styled pop Ceora Cherokee Four

j azz s tandards calypso brazi l ian

All BluesA l l O f Yo uAlone To getherAu PrivaveAutumn L eavesB eaut i f u l L oveBlue MonkBlues MarchBluesetteC aravan( D uke El l ing ton)Dox yE asy To L oveGreen Dolphin StreetIn Yo ur O wn Sweet Way( Dave Brub eck)It ’s A Rag g y Waltz( Dave Brub eck)PerdidoPolka Do ts And Mo onbeam s

( The) PreacherSat in Dol l( D uke El l ing ton)S even S t e p s t o Heaven( Miles Davis)S of t ly, As In A Morning SunriseStel la By Starl ightStraight No C haserTake Five( Dave Brub eck)Take the A Train( D uke El l ing ton)That ’s Al lThere Wil l NeverB e Ano ther Yo uThriv ing From A RiffUp Jump ed SpringValse Ho tWitho ut A S ongYesterdays

C a - L ee - S oMy Litt le Suede Sho esSt . Thomas

Blue B o ssaC heg a de Saudade(Antonio C arlo s Jobim)Desaf inado(Antonio C arlo s Jobim)Triste

up temp o b al lads tradit ional j azz-styled pop

CeoraC herokeeFo urHave Yo u MetMiss Jones?(as heard in “ D iary of Bridget Jones”)How High the Mo onJorduJoy SpringLul laby of BirdlandMoveOleoO p us De FunkSweet Georgia Brown( Harlem Glob e tro tter ’sTheme S ong )

Al l The Things Yo u AreBut B eaut i fu l(A) C hi ld Is B ornDays of WineAnd Ro sesI ’ l l Rememb er Apri lMy Funny Valent ineShadow of Yo ur Smile

A l l O f MeAvalonBye Bye BlackbirdI ’ve Fo und A New BabyLimehouse BluesSheik Of ArabyThere Is NoGreater L ove

Fields of Gold(St ing )Grow Old With Me( John L ennon)Oh Me Oh MyI ’m A Fo ol For Yo u(Are tha Frankl in)Ti me Af ter Time(Cyndi L aup er)We Kiss In A Shadow(f rom The King and I )What ’ l l I Do?( Irv ing B erl i n)

Mu si ca l S e l e c t i on

We are working on new mater ia l a l l the t ime. We invi te yo ur spec ia l requests . Some of them wi l l require extra t ime for us to arrange, and wi l l involve an addit ional fee , some won’t . Just inquire as early as poss ible .

Page 5: Au Privave InfoKit4 - Synchromesh Design -graphic design(Antonio Carlos Jobim) Desafinado (Antonio Carlos Jobim) Triste uptempo ballads traditional jazz-styled pop Ceora Cherokee Four

Preparing an EventIt ’s not cash and go for Au Privave . Au Privave wi l l do their best to help yo u get the opt imal ex per ience from their playing .

Some preparatory things yo u might want to check for in p lanning yo ur music are :

• How much tota l mu s ic t ime w i l l be best for you .

• When should the band arr ive ( they a lways ar r ive early, but would you l ike a spec i f i c t ime)?

• S e ts o f mu s ic can run anywhere f rom 15 to 25 minute s long . Audiences (and mu s ic ians) l ike l i t t l e breaks . Do you need sp ec i f i c mu s ic l eng th s or shou ld the g roup jus t “ f i l l an hour ? ” Are you th ink ing of an open- ended amount of t ime to have the mu s ic ians p lay —say, “an hour, but more i f more p lay ing f i t s a t the moment? ”

• Where should mu s ic ians enter the ha l l or ro om?

• What k ind of dress would you f ind most appropr iate for them?

• Wi l l they have access to one work ing e l ec t r i ca l out le t ?

• Do you fore see them need ing to br ing a PA and mikes for announcements and the l ike ?

• What k ind of park ing i s ava i l able for the band memb ers?

• Are there any spec ia l song s that you would l ike to hear and check w i th the band to see i f they can accomodate those par t i c u lar song s?

• If you would l ike us to use an acoust i c p iano a l ready in your e vent ro om, p lea se have management f ax us e v idence th at the p iano i s in tu ne ( recent tun ing b i l l , te s t imony of a rece nt mu s ic ian) . The bes t g uarantee would be to have us check i t a fe w d ays b e fore the e ve nt . Th i s c a n b e accompl i she d for a smal l fee .

• If your e vent encompa sses a mea l t ime, how should the band ta ke care of i t ’s ow n mea l s ? Would they be able to f in d fo o d nearby, or would they be accomodated by the ser v ice a t your ow n e vent?

• Do you have good d i rec t ions to your e vent?

• Wou l d the re b e a cont ac t p e rs o n at the e ve nt to te l l the mu s ic ians where to se t up and the l ike ?

• Are there any spec ia l i s sues or sens i t iv i t i e s the mu s ic ians should be aware of ?

Page 6: Au Privave InfoKit4 - Synchromesh Design -graphic design(Antonio Carlos Jobim) Desafinado (Antonio Carlos Jobim) Triste uptempo ballads traditional jazz-styled pop Ceora Cherokee Four

Booking an EventWe hope we can ser ve up the bounc y, co ol , happy atmo -sphere we do best , jus t for you . If you ’ve dec ided f rom our demo and mater ia l s and ta lk ing w i th us that we’d be r ight for your e vent , then plea se l e t us know at your earl i e s t conven ience that you want a par t i c u lar date . You ’re e vent i s booked and the date i s ded icated to you , and you a lone, upon our rece ipt o f ha l f the cos t o f the per formance you want . You w i l l rece ive an i temized b i l l and contrac t for what you want .

S e vera l s imple f ac tors form the pr i c ing of your par t i c u lar per formance, a l l common sense , these a re jus t re minders :

* Length of time playing. For any event, we are dedicating a half day of our t ime in total . In the same way that you have spent more t ime in setting up your event than the actual event wil l last , we too have set aside a good amount of t ime to be ful ly prepared for a total ly professional , smooth-flowing performance. An hour of music st i l l entai ls a l l preparation and travel t ime and expense that two or three hours of music would take. So, think of i t this way. The f irst hour is the expensive one, al l subsequent hours come at a lesser and lesser rate.

* Special requests (many average ones wil l not result in an extra charge, so ask)

* Travel and parking To be fair, we won’t average out costs of travel and parking so that one engagement with low costs pays for one with high costs . Our group is centered in metro Long Island and just about al l travel is done by car. With today ’s gas prices, a modest charge of $10 per band member is charged within a 25 mile radius from Garden City, Long Island . Any roadway tol ls encountered must also be accomodated at cost . Pricing for great-er distances is l isted on the next page. Likewise, with parking, please verify and let us know of the least expensive suitable park-ing avai lable. In some situations, where a only garage parking is avai lable, we need to be fair and receive the cost of that parking. Parking must be in a reasonable distance from your event because it ’s not easy to hike with the equipment and instruments we’re bringing.

Page 7: Au Privave InfoKit4 - Synchromesh Design -graphic design(Antonio Carlos Jobim) Desafinado (Antonio Carlos Jobim) Triste uptempo ballads traditional jazz-styled pop Ceora Cherokee Four

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Page 8: Au Privave InfoKit4 - Synchromesh Design -graphic design(Antonio Carlos Jobim) Desafinado (Antonio Carlos Jobim) Triste uptempo ballads traditional jazz-styled pop Ceora Cherokee Four

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Page 9: Au Privave InfoKit4 - Synchromesh Design -graphic design(Antonio Carlos Jobim) Desafinado (Antonio Carlos Jobim) Triste uptempo ballads traditional jazz-styled pop Ceora Cherokee Four

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Page 10: Au Privave InfoKit4 - Synchromesh Design -graphic design(Antonio Carlos Jobim) Desafinado (Antonio Carlos Jobim) Triste uptempo ballads traditional jazz-styled pop Ceora Cherokee Four

ThanksThank yo u for reading our Info Kit .

We wo uld def ini te ly l ike to make yo ur eventtruly wonderful . To that effort , we wo uld begratef ul ly happy to hear yo ur quest ions andideas .

brochure des ign and co py – John Sc uderi / Synchromesh Designwww. synchromeshdesign. com