associate editor paul b. fisher, ph.d

Associate Editor Paul B. Fisher, Ph.D. Dr. Fisher received his Ph.D. from Rut- gers University in 1974. He is a full member of the Her- bert Irving Compre- hensive Cancer Center (1984±pre- sent); in addition, he is the Michael and Stella Chernow Urological Cancer Research Scientist in the Department of Urology (1986±present) and Director of Neuro- Oncology Research in the Department of Neurosurgery, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center (1988±present). He is also Professor of Clinical Pathology in the Departments of Pathology & Urology (1991±present), College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, NY. He is also an adjunct professor of biology (1991±present) and Visiting Research Professor & Eminent Research Scholar (1995±present) at New York University, NY. Dr. Fisher studies the molecular biology of cancer, concentrating on carcinogenesis, differentiation, cell transformation, and signal transduction pathways. His research also focuses on improving technologies for gene discovery and cloning and enhancing immunother- apy and gene-based therapies for cancers and neurode- generation. Dr. Fisher has been awarded over 30 patents and published over 280 papers. He is the editor-in-chief of Molecular and Cellular Differentiation, editor of the CRC Series: Mechanisms of Differentiation, and associate editor of Archives of AIDS Research, In Vivo, and the International Journal of Oncology. He is a member of the board of directors of the International Society of Differentiation, the council of the International Society of Cancer Gene Therapy, and the scientific advisory board of the International Institute of Cancer Research. He founded the functional genomics company GenQuest Inc., which merged with the publicly traded immu- notherapy and vaccine company Corixa Corporation located in Seattle, WA. Dr. Fisher is a consultant for many private and governmental agencies, including the Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, Interna- tional Institute of Anticancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Science Foundation, New Jersey State Commission on Cancer Research, Ontario Ministry of Health, Veterans Administration, and California Breast Cancer Research Program. He has been an invited speaker/lecturer, chaired sessions, and organized workshops and meetings at numerous scientific functions. These include the Second Terry Fox Cancer Conference (1984), International Conferences of Anticancer Research (1985, 1988, 1993), the XIVth International Pigment Cell Conference (1990), Cambridge Symposia (1996, 1998), Cancer Gene Therapy (1998), the 3rd World Congress on Advances in Oncology (1998), and the AACR Special Conference (2000). Dr. Fisher has been a University of Kentucky Distinguished Molecular Virologist Lecturer (1994), a Massey Cancer Center Distinguished Lecturer (2000), and The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Blaffer Distinguished Professor Lecturer (2001). 250 Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology Vol. 2 2002 D 2002 Blackwell Publishing Inc.

Post on 19-Sep-2016




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Page 1: Associate Editor Paul B. Fisher, Ph.D

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