ashtakavarga par 7


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Ashtakavarga System of Prediction Part -7


In the last two editions we discussed the Ashtakavarga system from the point of

view of the luminaries, Sun as well as the Moon. Now,we move on to the

predictive aspects of the remaining planets. Now we will devote our attention to

the third planet in this sequence, namely Mars.

The first question we need to raise and understand the answer is _what are the

significations of Mars?

Mars stands for:_

1) Mental strength as well as physical strength.

2) All products given rise to by the earth.

3) Brothers

4) Chivalry


6) Fire

7) Gold

8) Relatives


10) Thieves and enemies

11) Enthusiasm

12) Adultery


14) Wounds or injuries

Mars and the Yoga bhavas

Ruchaka yoga

When Mars occupies a quadrant and is also strong(either by occupying its own

house or by being in exaltation),then this yoga is given rise to.

Effect :The effect of Ruchaka yoga being given rise to in an individual chart is as


a) The person will have a strong physique.

b) Will be well -versed in ancient lore.

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c) The person will either be a King or one equivalent to a King.

d)The person will have an attractive physique.

e)The person will be wealthy and also charitable.

It is important to note that Ruchaka yoga happens to be one out of the five major

yogas which are terned as “Pancha Maha Purusha yogas”. The word “Maha

Purusha” means “Great Man”.So Ruchaka yoga can elevate a person to the

pinnacle of glory. What needs to be stated additionally is that if Mars in such a

good position has more number of bindus , then the beneficial properties of the

said planet are greatly enhanced.


This yoga is caused by the conjunction of Moon with Mars . Ancient writers say

that the effect of this yoga is acquisition of wealth through unscrupulous means.

But on the positive side one can say that the yoga is good for prosperity.It is said

that Goddess Lakshmi will never leave that person in whose chart Sasi Mangala

yoga is present. If Moon and Mars gain more number of bindus or if they conjoin

in a house which has more number of bindus in the Sarvashtakavarga chart , the

promise shown in the chart will be fully realized.

During childhood days , lots of time is spent on day dreaming. We dream of

spending our entire summer vacation in some foreign country with no

botheration about studies for the whole period. Writers like Enid Blyton and

Franklin Dixon used to add food to the fire by igniting the childhood passion for

adventure. But the passage to adulthood quickly robs the child of its ignorant

dreams. Whether one’s dreams would become reality or not – is the million dollar

question? If the promise shown by the strong planets situated in quadrants or

trines are well supported by

a) Aspect or Conjunction of benefics or

b) By gaining large number of bindus in the Bhinnashtakavarga chart or by the

house occupied by the said planet gaining large number of bindus in the

Sarvashtakavarga chart , then one’s dream will surely attain fruition.

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Effects of Martian transit

As discussed , Mars is auspicious while in houses 3, 6 or 11 in Gochara. We also

read about Gochara vedha in our previous articles. For the sake of emphasis, let

us once again recapitulate the concept of Gochara veda, by studying the following


House of transit 3 6 11

Vedha house 12 9 5

Let us take a person born with Moon in Cancer. Transit of mars in 3 is good. So

Mars gives good results in Virgo, provided there is no obstruction from 12th


in the form of vedha. This means while Mars is in Virgo, no planet should be in

Gemini. If there is a planet in the 12th

house in Gochara, then the transit of mars

is 3 will not yield any benefit. Astrologers while issuing predictions about the

effects of planets in transit should study the adverse effects of Gochara

vedha. Unfortunately this is one area in Astrology receiving least attention and

consequently many forecasts based on transits are likely to miss the mark.

Results of Martian transit based on the number of bindus is indicated in the

following table:

Table 1:

No. of kinds Effect

8 Gain of wealth

7 Wealth to/from


6 Favourite of the

king or master

5 Pleasing behavioural


4 Equality of pleasure

as well as pain

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3 Separation from


2 Quarrel

1 Bodily afflictions

0 Stomach pain, disease

and death

Today the most important Hindu festival for the purpose of shopping happens to

be Akshaya Tritiya. According to Scriptures, one should do lots of charity on this

day because only then Dharma will last forever. Upholding Dharma is the

foremost tenet of Hindu scriptures .One who upholds Dharma is protected by

Dharma – so goes the adage . (Dharmo rakshathi rakshitaha)Now-a-days this

auspicious day is being utilized by people to buy precious metals in the hope that

prosperity would last long in their homes. A word of sagacious advice in this

matter is given by the Rishis of yore based on Ashtakavarga method. One should

purchase land, gold etc, when Mars passes through a bhava containing the

highest number of bindus in Ashtakavarga.

1. The effects of Mars passing through a house with a bindu are as follows:-

a) The person gains wealth

b) Health improves

c) Bodily lustre (Kaya kanthi) improves

2. The following diseases are caused by Mars while passing through a house

devoid of bindus.

a) Indigestion

b) Headche

c) Diseases arising out of impurities of blood and bile.

We hear people saying , “Yesterday night I had food in this particular hotel. So I

am having Indigestion problem today” ; “Yesterday I watched a late night movie . I

am having a dull headache due to lack of sleep.” All these happen to be direct

causes. But what about the Indirect cause? The indirect cause is Astrology.

Astrology is a science that always works behind the scenes like a movie director.

So , how is one benefitted by knowing this science? First, take an almanac and

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note all the transits. EST makes our job simple by indicating all transits in the

calendar year in the annual number which comes out in January every year. Next ,

take the horoscope of a person and see which are the vulnerable houses having

few bindus. Thirdly correlate Martian transits with individual charts. One should

exercise caution with regard to health especially which Mars is transitting the

vulnerable houses in the Natal chart. This is how Astrology can be made into an

useful science in the day to day lives of people. By using Astrology merely for

Horoscope matching while deciding on matrimonial alliances , we are merely

touching the tip of the Iceberg. There are far more matters in our mundane lives

that should benefit from a profound science like Astrology.

We have now understood in this article, some of the fundamental aspects about

Mars and its transits , its role in Ashtakavarga and the two significant yogas it

forms ,namely , Ruchaka yoga and Sasi Mangala Yoga . We will deal further on the

role of Mars in Ashtakavarga in our Astro - lessons next month.

(To be continued in next issue)