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  • aSc TimeTables - Online Help

    aSc TimeTables - Online Help

  • aSc TimeTables - Online Help

    Table of Contents

    aSc TimeTables............................................................................................................................................................. 11 General................................................................................................................................................................ 1

    1.1 Selamat Datang........................................................................................................................................ 1

    1.2 Download & Installation............................................................................................................................ 1

    1.3 System requirements................................................................................................................................ 2

    1.4 Apakah saya menggunakan software versi yang terbaru?....................................................................... 2

    1.5 Bagaimana cara register timetables?....................................................................................................... 2

    1.6 PDF documentation.................................................................................................................................. 2

    2 Langkah Pertama................................................................................................................................................. 3

    2.1 Memulai software...................................................................................................................................... 3

    2.2 Checking the tutorial................................................................................................................................. 3

    2.3 Membuat file baru asc timetables............................................................................................................. 3

    2.4 Basic data................................................................................................................................................. 3

    2.5 Subjects.................................................................................................................................................... 4

    2.6 Kelas......................................................................................................................................................... 4

    2.7 Classrooms............................................................................................................................................... 5

    2.8 Guru.......................................................................................................................................................... 5

    2.9 Pelajaran................................................................................................................................................... 5

    2.10 Cek data dan Generet............................................................................................................................ 5

  • aSc TimeTables - Online Help

    aSc TimeTables

    1 General

    1.1 Selamat Datang


    Terima kasih atas interesnya pada aSc TimeTables dan aScSubstitutions.Kami berharap software ini akan membantuanda dan membuat mudah pekerjaan anda untuk membuatjadwal pelajaran

    Silakan kunjungi untuk download trial version atau jika anda telah menggunakan aScTimeTables , silahkan download versi terakhirnya.diterjemahkan bebas dari aslinya oleh : Kamil distributor Tunggal Indonesia. email : [email protected]

    Anda dapat mendownload dokumen ini dalam format PDFdisini: 1.6 PDF documentation

    1.2 Download & Installation

    Anda selalu dapat mendownload versi terakhir aSc TimeTables dari situs kami :

    1. Buka dan pilih bahasayang anda inginkan:

    2. Click download pada halaman download :

    3. Click Run:

    4. Tunggu sampai download selesai dan kemudian klik Opendan selanjutnya Run:

    5. Pilih bahasa yang anda inginkan:

    Catatan : setiap saat anda bisa merubah bahasa padasoftwarenya.

    6. Klik Next untuk mengakhiri penginstalan:

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    7. Tunggu sampai seluruh file ter-Copy. Kemudian Klik fisinshuntuk memulai aSc TimeTables.

    Lihat juga: 2.1 Memulai software

    1.3 System requirements

    aSc TimeTables dapat berjalan dengan baik pada PC apasaja asal dapat menjalankan Windows 98 orhigher(2000/2003/ME/NT/XP/Vista).

    Biasanya semakin bagus komputer dalam kecepatannya akanmempercepat proses generate jadwalnya.

    Kecepatan prosesor sangat berpengaruh pada kecepatankerja software. Besarnya memory atau hasrdisk tidak terlalumembantu.

    Catatn: Software sangan menunjang DualCore processors. DualCorecomputers akan menggenerate jadwal anda dengan lebihcepat

    Jika anda mempunyai banyak komputer, anda dapatmenggunakan network generator:

    1.4 Apakah saya menggunakan software versi yangterbaru?

    Untuk mengecek apakah software anda versi yang terbaru klikmenu Help/Cek versi terbaru di Internet

    Anda akan mendapatkan informasi jika ada versi terbaru diinternet.

    Note: Versi yang anda gunakan aan tertera pada menuHelp/Info yaitu pada dialog box:

    1.5 Bagaimana cara register timetables?

    Untuk versi Demo anda dapat download di dengan fungsi yang lengkap andadapat menggunakannya untuk membuat jadwal pelajarananda.

    Jika anda merasa cocok, anda dapat meregisternya di Khusus untuk Indonesia anda dapat menghubungi Kami : 1. Kamil 0817613139 2. email ke :[email protected] atau sms ke 0817613139.harga setiap saat dapat berubah3. Setelah SMS/ call anda akan diberi no Rekening dankelanjutan register.Anda dapat memanfaatkan akses penuh untuk print, ekspordan memanfaatkan software subtitusi

    Anda dapat memasukan nama dan nomor register,setelahmemulai software klik tombol Registration.

    This dialog will appear:

    Silakan masukan nama sekolah dan nomor registrasinya dengan benar seperti yang kami berikan melalui email.SEbaiknya anda menggunakan copy / paste (CTRL-C andCTRL-V).

    Jika anda menginginkan nama register yang berbeda, silakanhubungi kami. Bagaimanapun register harus include dengannama dan alamat sekolah. Hindari menggunakan illegalregister dari oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab, sebelumanda terkena masalah hukum. Setiap sekolah akan terdata.

    1.6 PDF documentation

    Anda dapat download online help ini dengan format PDF:

    Several versions are available, the content is the same. Justselect the layout that fits you more:

    Portrait 1 columnBaik digunakan untuk membaca secara online

    Portrait 2 columns Harus didukung oleh printer yang dapat mencetak buklet ataulebih besar dari A4. Anda juga dapat menggunakan FinePrintsoftware untuk print buklet.

    Landscape 4 columnsBaik untuk diprint dengan halaman yang lebih sedikit danmengabaikan bukletand.

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    Dokumen PDF untuk aSc Substitutions dapat di temukan di:

    2 Langkah Pertama

    2.1 Memulai software

    After the installation you can find aSc TimeTables and aScSubstitutions icons on your desktop and in the Start/Programsmenu.

    If you run aSc TimeTables in demo version mode you will seethis screen:

    We suggest you check the Tutorial first as it shows you thebasics of the software and you can quickly get info on whatthe software can do and where to find it.

    Once you've checked the tutorial you can create a timetablebased on your data. Just choose the option Work with theprogram. See: 2.3 Membuat file baru asc timetables

    2.2 Checking the tutorial

    Tutoeial bisa di lihat dan dipelajari pada menu Help/Tutorial:

    Tutorial menjelaskan untuk beberapa bagian menu dasarsilakan klik tombol menu

    Kemudian baca teks nya dan tekan enter untuk melihat

    demonya. jika satu bagian sudah selesai anda akan kembalike menu awal, anda bisa memilih kembali menu yangdiinginkan.

    2.3 Membuat file baru asc timetables

    Setelah memulai program anda akan melihat tampilan sbb:

    File Timetable baru Dapat dibuat dengan dua cara :

    1. Main New: Pilihan ini memberikan anda jadwal kosong.Anda dapat memasukan data pelajaran, kelas guru klasrumdan kontrak.

    2. Use Wizard: Wizard akan menyediakan timetable kosongdan akan menuntun anda tahap demi tahap menggunakandialog box untuk mengisi data.

    Membuka File timetable Anda dapat membuka file yang laludengan langsung klik tau ng browser terlebih dahulu.

    Note: - you can run the wizard anytime later via menuSpecification/Wizard- a good idea is to check also some demo files. First check theBasic demo files. Then you may want to check the countryspecific ones. All the demo files are timetables from realschools.

    2.4 Basic data

    Using menu Options/Settings or in Wizard step 2, you canenter the following data:

    1. Name of your school

    2. Academic year

    3. Days for which you are going to create the timetable (if your

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    school also teaches on Saturday, it is necessary to includeSaturday in the list).

    4. Number of lessons per day. This is the maximum number oflessons you have at your school.

    5. Specify if you want to use zero lessons. Many schools havea special lesson before the main teaching starts. If this is notyour case uncheck this option.

    6. If you have a timetable for more than 7 days, you can inputthe number of days into the last combo box. If you have lessthan 7, just leave this combo box empty. If you have a 2 weektimetable please read this article:

    Move from Step 2 to Step 3 by clicking on Next.

    Note 1 - All data entered in the Wizard can be changedanytime later. You can recall the wizard via menuSpecification/Wizard.

    Note 2 - Your registration number is connected with yourschool's name, therefore if it changes, the program will beautomatically closed. On the next run it is then necessary toenter the original name of the school and the registrationnumber, or enter a new name of the school and register theprogram again.

    Note 3 - Bells tabs specify when your lesson starts and ends.Please check this article:

    2.5 Subjects

    In this step you enter subjects which will be taught this schoolyear:

    You can create a completely new subject or edit an existingone:

    Here are the options you can input for each subject:

    Please note that this is not a 'Tax declaration', you do notneed to fill all the fields, just fill those you understand andreally want to use. You can change any value anytime later sodo not be afraid.

    2.6 Kelas

    Similar to the previous step, here you can create, edit, ordelete a class. You can enter other data for a class:Lessons..., Divisions... and Time off.

    You can find more details about Classes here:

    Note:- The order in which the classes are shown in this list is thesame as in which the classes are shown on the main screenand in which they are printed. See:

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    2.7 Classrooms

    As in the previous step, here you can create, edit or deleteclassrooms. You can also enter when a classroom is free touse.

    Theoretically the classrooms can be omitted and you cancreate a timetable without entering any classrooms.

    However most schools have serious classroom shortages andthe schedule generated without classrooms would be useless.So entering classrooms is not only good to tell the studentswhere to go, but also to tell the generator algorithm not to put3 Physical education lessons at the same time, when yourschool has only two Gym rooms.

    2.8 Guru

    Here you can use buttons New..., Edit..., and Remove to add,edit and remove teachers. You can use the button Time enter slots in which the selected teacher cannot teach.

    You can also set:

    �Contract � enter teacher's contract (lessons he isteaching)�Color � select color for the teacher�Details � set other properties for the teacher. This includesthe maximum number of windows (gaps), the number of dayshe/she can teach and the maximum number of lessons theteacher can teach consecutively. �Color all � will assign standard colors to all teachers.

    For details please check these articles:

    2.9 Pelajaran

    By clicking on Lessons... you can display the lessons for aspecific class or a teacher. Here you can add new lessons, edit existing ones, removesome lessons, add more lessons at once and also copy somelessons to another class.

    See this articles:

    2.10 Cek data dan Generet

    After you enter basic data, you can generate the timetable.Just press button "Generate" to generate the timetable andfinish the wizard:

    The generation dialog will suggest you to test the timetablebefore the generation. A good idea can be to check helptopics explaining the generation:


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    If you still haven't done so, we advise you also to check theTutorial:2.2 Checking the tutorial

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