asas keselamatan kesihatan pekerja


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Page 1: Asas Keselamatan Kesihatan Pekerja





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Page 3: Asas Keselamatan Kesihatan Pekerja

OBKJEKTIF• Pengenalan• Akta Keselamatan & kesihatan pekerja (1994)• Keselamatan di pejabat• Kemalangan di tempat kerja• Safety Rules and Regulations in the shop and

factory• Safety Rules and Regulations on the Job• Personnel Safety Rules• Safety in the Factory• Care When Using Hand Tools• Power Leads • Personnel Safety

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• “Keselamatan & kesihatan pekerjaan merupakan aktiviti pengurusan sumber manusia yang penting berperanan untuk memberi perlindungan kepada pekerja daripada kecederaan dan kemalangan semasa menjalankan kerja.”

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• KESELAMATAN = kebebasan dari kemalangan dan kecederaan serta kawalan kehilangan atau kerugian yang berpunca daripada kemalangan.

• KESIHATAN = menitikberatkan interaksi dengan kecederaan yang diakibatkan oleh kemalangan yang berlaku di tempat kerja.

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Akta keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan 1994 (Akta 514) telah dikuatkuasakan pada 25.2.1994

untuk mewujudkan satu persekitaran tempat kerja yang selamat dan sihat

dengan :• Memastikan keselamatan,

kesihatan dan kebajikan pekerjanya.

• Melindungi orang lain selain dari pekerjanya di tempat kerja.

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Samb.• Menggalak persekitaran pekerjaan

yang bersesuaian dengan keperluan fisiologi dan psikologi mereka; dan

• Mewujudkan sistem pengurusan keselamatan dan kesihatan di tempat kerja.

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Siapa yang perlu mematuhi

Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab• Majikan• Ketua pejabat / pengurus• Pekerja – pekerjaUntuk memastikan keselamatan dan

kesihatan di tempat kerja adalah terjamin dan terhindar dari

berlakunya kemalangan dan penyakit pekerjaan.

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Pematuhan sebagai majikan

Sebagai majikan hendaklah:-• Menyediakan Polisi keselamatan

dan kesihatan di tempat kerja secara bertulis (Safety and Health Policy) sekiranya mempunyai 5 atau lebih orang ditempat kerja

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• Menubuhkan Jawatankuasa keselamatan dan kesihatan sekiranya mempunyai 40 atau lebih orang di tempat kerja.

• Mengadakan maklumat, arahan, latihan dan penyeliaan terhadap pekerjanya:

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• Mengadakan dan menyelenggara tempat kerja dalam keadaan selamat dan tanpa risiko kepada kesihatan:

• Memastikan bahawa pekerjanya dan orang lain selamat dan sihat semasa berada di tempat kerja: dan

• Melaporkan kemalangan kejadian berbahaya, keracunan, pekerjaan dan penyakit pekerjaan semasa bekerja.

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Pematuhan Sebagai Pekerja

• Bertanggungjawab dan memberikan perhatian semasa bekerja bagi mengelakkan kecederaan bagi dirinya dan orang lain semasa bekerja;

• Bekerjasama dengan majikan atau orang lain dalam memberi kerjasama kehendak perundangan.

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• Menggunakan apa-apa yang disediakan (seperti kelengkapan pelindung diri atau peralatan keselamatan) demi melindungi keselamatan dan kesihatan mereka ; dan

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• Mematuhi arahan atau kawalan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan yang diperkenalkan oleh majikan atau orang lain di tempat kerja.

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AKTA DAN PERATURAN1. Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan

Pekerjaan 1994;2. Peraturan KKP (Pernyataan Dasar

AM KKP Majikan (Pengecualian) 1995;

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3. Peraturan KKP (Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kesihatan) 1996.

4. Peraturan KKP (Pemberitahuan kemalangan, kejadian berbahaya, keracunan Pekerjaan dan penyakit pekerjaan) ;

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5. Peraturan KKP (Penggunaan, dan Standard Pendedahan Bahan Kimia Berbahaya Kepada Kesihatan) 2000.


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Tips Untuk Anda

1. Sebelum melakukan pekerjaan pastikan :

Maklumat, latihan mengenai pekerjaan yang akan dibuat disediakan.

Gunakan peralatan yang berkeadaan baik

Lakukan kerja mengikut prosedur selamat yang ditetapkan.

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2. Kemalangan, keadaan merbahaya yang wujud di tempat kerja hendaklah dilaporkan kepada majikan.

3. Jika terdapat sebarang kemusykilan sila berhubung dengan pejabat JKKP negeri yang berdekatan.

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Safety Education and Training

• Just as safety engineering is the most effective way of preventing environmental causes, safety education is the most effective tool in the prevention of human causes of accidents. Through adequate safety instructions, personnel gain useful knowledge and develop safe attitudes.

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Safety Education• Most injuries occur to workers who

are new on the job and are poorly trained. Therefore, the soundest safety program begins with individual job training.

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• The new worker must be taught the correct way to do his job before it becomes necessary to correct bad work habits or procedures. Experienced workers assigned to operate new equipment or work with new processes must likewise undergo further briefing and training.

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Safety Seminars and Promotion

• One of the most effective ways of imparting safety consciousness among employees are safety seminars. Such seminars may be done on a year-round basis by qualified personnel within the firm or the Ministry of Labor.

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Safety Training• The increased use of power-driven

machines and the employment of new materials in industry which involve technical hazard that has been hitherto unheard of makes it imperative to embark on a program to train people and prepare them for new technological development.

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Selection of Safety Personnel

• Last but not the least, the Safety Department must be staffed with competent men, with capacity to grow professionally on the job.

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• A Safety Engineer must not only be a technical man acquainted with every phase of operation, and conversant on a wide range of hazards, he must be a teacher and a salesman. He should be an outstanding man AND THEY ARE NOT EASILY FOUND.

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Safety Education and Training Program

• Responsibility for Safety and Health should certainly rest with top management, whose thinking characteristically centers on principles and policies. But if responsibility stops at the policy level, it could be of no benefit to the employees.

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• The responsibility for implementing top management policy decisions must be delegated to representatives of the staff and line through a long range program of safety education and training.

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Education and Training of Safety

Administrators• Generally, education is taken to

mean learning to think and apply one’s mind to new situations, whereas training in the narrower sense is concerned with the moulding of habits.

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• Training nevertheless, can be used in the broader sense to include education. It is in this sense that training is used by most safety engineers. Training is needed in all levels and several areas in business and industry where safety is importance.

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Standard Operating Procedures

• One way of promoting safety and minimizing accidents in any organization is the establishment of safety standard operating procedures. Moreover, these standard procedures are criteria for determining root causes of accidents when they happen.

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Standard Operating Procedures

Standard Operating Procedures

•Office Safety•Safety Rules and Regulations in the shop and factory•Safety Rules and Regulations on the Job•Personnel Safety Rules•Safety in the Factory•Care When Using Hand Tools•Power Leads •Personnel Safety

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Office Safety1. Office furniture should be inspected

when received and burrs or corners should be remove immediately.

2. Keep desk drawers closed to prevent tripping over them.

3. Pull out from the power source the plug of electric machine or equipment during work break and after office hours.

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Office Safety (cont’)4. Running in office is prohibited.5. All electric office machines should be

provided with equipment grounding before use.

6. Doors should not be pushed often abruptly or slammed when closing. Don’t stand within the path of the door swing.

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Office Safety (cont’)7. When carrying a stock materials be

sure to can see over when walking through the office.

8. Employees shall not crowd or indulge in horseplay's on stairs.

9. Do not congregate on stairs or landing and do not stand outside doors at the head or foot of stairways.

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Office Safety (cont’)10. Scooting across the floor while sitting

on a chair is prohibited.11. When a floor mounted telephone or

electrical outlet box is exposed after moving furniture, mark the box with a tripping sign.

12. Do not use spike or pointed rod for filling or similar purpose.

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Office Safety (cont’)13. Do not place pencils in any

corner.14. Put away in a safe place any

pointed or bladed instruments immediately after use.

15. Do not leave the knife blade of the paper cutter in the raised position.

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Office Safety (cont’)16. Only authorized persons should

operate office machines and equipment.

17. Do not place lighted cigarette or cigar on any place other than the ash tray.

18. Do not place match sticks or cigarettes butts on the waste basket.

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Office Safety (cont’)19. Tripping hazards such as

defective floors, rugs, floor mats, electric or telephone cord should be reported immediately.

20. Razor blades, thumbtacks, and other sharp objects should be carefully boxed.

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Office Safety (cont’)21. Materials should be stored where

heavy traffic does not have to be crossed to reach them and they should be stored where they are not likely to fall on anybody.

22. Inspect equipment and facilities regularly and keep them in good condition.

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Office Safety (cont’)23. Be sure you are physical

conditions and well-trained in the fundamentals.

24. Hang up coats and keep umbrellas out of the way.

25. Report broken seats, desks, and other damaged equipment.

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Office Safety (cont’)26. Put away materials you are not

using.27. Do not tip chair’s back.28. Keep feet out of desk.29. Keep office desks and cloak

rooms clear of obstacles.

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Office Safety (cont’)30. Report all dangerous conditions.31. Report any injuries of yourself or

others at once, whether or not they seem serious.

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Safety Rules and Regulations in the Shop and Factory

1. Organize shop and laboratory safety procedure along the same lines as those in industry.

2. Use the proper safety equipment and wear the proper clothing.

3. Employees should learn how to handle machinery and equipment before they use them.

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Safety Rules and Regulations in the Shop and Factory (cont’)

4. Inspect tools and equipment regularly.

5. Be sure the equipment is in good condition.

6. Report any accident or injuries to the personnel in-charge.

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Safety Rules and Regulations in the Shop and Factory


7. Put any warning device if work is dangerous.

8. Always have first aid equipment handy and know how to use.

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Safety Rules and Regulations on the Job

1. Wear safety equipment while working in the laboratory or in the shop.

2. Do not make any adjustment when the machine is in motion.

3. Use gloves in handling heavy materials.

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Safety Rules and Regulations on the Job (cont’)

4. Learn the right way to use any cutting tools before starting to work with them, the right way is always the safe way.

5. Never handle electric cords, wires, or fixtures if your hand, feet or shoes are damp.

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Safety Personnel Rules

♠ work clothing♠ safety shoes♠ safety hats/caps/helmets♠ working gloves♠ eye and face protection♠ safety belts

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Safety Personnel Rules (cont’)

♠ smoking♠ open flames♠ electrical heating device♠ work permit♠ entering confined areas♠ hand jewelries

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Safety Personnel Rules (cont’)

♠ driving factory vehicles♠ vehicle entry permit♠ improper use of gasoline♠ safety signs and devices♠ reporting unsafe conditions♠ housekeeping

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Safety in the Factory♣ dressing safety♣ personal hygiene♣ hair care♣ using tools and equipment safely

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Care When Using Hand Tools• Using machine safely• Guards and safety devices• Using electrical equipment safely

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Power Leads• When connecting or disconnecting

power leads always make sure the switch is “OFF”.

• Grasp the plug, not the cord.• Jerking a plug out by the cord will

damage the end and may set up a death trap for the next user.

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Personal SafetyPersonal Responsibility. Common

cause of accidents are lack of knowledge, inattention, and thoughtlessness. By thinking and practicing safety and the use of good judgment in your work, ACCIDENT CAN BE AVOIDED.

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Personal Safety (cont’)Injuries and Sickness. Report and get

first aid treatment for injuries immediately no matter how trivial they may appear.

Footing. Watch your step while walking about the job to avoid tripping. Spills or other slippery spots should be reported and cleaned.

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Personal Safety (cont’)Safe Clearance. Never walk or

stand under suspended loads. Stand well to the side and in the clear.

Working Overhead. Never attempt to work at elevations if your physical condition is such that this work makes you nervous or ill.

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Personal Safety (cont’)Be Safe from Fire. Know the

position of fire escapes. And be able to reach them in an emergency.

Know how to use the firefighting equipment installed throughout your workplace.