as m~lmim . u ¦¦ ¦ h m*****^ l in tht- t'.'uit .'(jiii.iic...

ADVICE ON PESTS " o SAVED szooioea Spray Information Told That! . ConJj'oI of Plant Lice on! Fruit Was Not Necessary— j Average Benefit About $45. ' Fruit growers in wi. -u-in New : York were ttavrd about Ni4ll) , (l0() in spraying and dusting materia l during the past season by spray infWmatior., acco rding to an estimate ' made by* the New York State College of Agiivul- lure at Ithaca , N. Y., anil the Geneva Experiment station. The lai-ge-st sav- ing which ranii! fro m the spray in- formation was on material ilnlinarily used for the control of aphid or plant lice. Last spring the college saw that this was almost absent in most iwsterii New York orchard s and lhat spraying for them would be u.iiie-i-e- ' s- sary. In previous seasons tin* UM; of an aphis killer wit:; usually considere d neccssar** - -, for although apliids are- scarce in the spring, unde r favorable conelitia.ii?, they multipl y rapidl y anil , miles;- , controlled ,-soon become destruc- tive. It was dctcliniocd also that San Jose scale was not important onuugli in certain localities to need the strong lime-sulfur sprays bo control it. The Information , about ' these two pests meant an aycrajre saving of about $-15 j to the grower , according to figures ob- tained from "Wayne 'and Monroe coun- ties. The College states . .that this spray information ewulel not have been used so well hail it not been for the organi- zation of the farm bureau in the coun- ties , and in local communities , and that this saving was, twice as much as the ' year ' s cost of the farm bureau j in tht- t ' . 'uit .'(jiii.iic. -, . Harry Sachs anel son , Joseph , have just returned after spending a few days in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Willard French , Mr. anel Mrs. Corn wall and Mrs. Louise Carter motored to New York on Tues- day. .Mrs. Carter took the train for New Haven where she will spend some time visiting relatives and friends. Accompanying them back on Wednes- day were their son , Willard , who is attending -Smith College; Miss Elva French and Mr. Hale, of New York , who with Mr. and Mrs . . Cornwall and son , Bobbie , spent over Thanksgiving at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. French. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rockfclier entertained at their residence on Thanksgiving day Mr. and Mrs. Flet- cher W. Rockfclier and daughter , Am- brosinc, of Patchogue; Miss Marietta Rockfclier and Miss Elvah Rockfclier , of Brooklyn , and Miss Oman Rock- fclier , of Roekaway. Woodruff S. and Herbert M. Randall motored to Inwood Park to spend the week-end with relatives. They were accompanied by their mother , Mrs. Woodruff M. Randall. Mrs. Edgar Carte r and grandson , Arthur Firman , of St. Albans , sucnt a few days at her home here, where she .visited with her granddaughter , Mrsrjosephine Kavan. Mrs. Julia Jones has returned to her home here from Brooklyn where she had visited several days with friends! Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Phillips en- tertained over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin , of East Moriches. Mr. and Mrs. White spent Thanks- giving at the. home of her sisters in East . Hamilton , where she attendee! tli e "" weelding of her . brother , Kent Sanford. Mr. Joyce , former principal of the school here , Mrs. Joyce , of Heliport , and Mr. and Mrs. Stnyvesant , of Riverhead , were entertained over the week-end by Mr. and Mis. Benjamin Rogers. The Ladies ' Aid will hold a luncheon from 12 to 1 on December 8 at the Community House. In 'the afternoon coffee and waffles will be served. Fancy articles will he on sale. "AM are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs . Forrest Terrell with Mr. find Mrs. Herbert Phillips motored to Southampton to spend over Thanks- giving with their daughter and niece. Mrs . Howard Gooelale entertained over Thanksgiving Mr. anel Mrs. Frank Gooelale, of Hampton Bays , and son , John , and Howard Gilpin , of Patorson. Mr. anel Mrs. William 15. Nevvtun left in their car Weelnesility for Oyster Bay ti) spend Thanksgiving week with their children. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Menele-iihaU nnd children , Dorothy and Buster , motored to Brooklyn to spend the week-end with friends. There was some excitement in the: village on 1 Thanksgiving morning caused by fire at the residence of A. G. Randall on Riverhead road. The- chimney caught . fire -nnd sparks set the roof ablaze in two places. It wii' s easily controlled with little damage. Mrs. ' Ida Downs , who has been con- fined lo her home for the " last two months with inflammatory rheu- matism, is slowly improving under the care of Dr. 5f. S. Wadhani. - ", of We* -thamplon Beach. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Carter and daughter. Marguerite, left for Brook- lyn in their car on Wednesday _ 1*> spend Thanksgi-'ing with friends.' Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Roge rs were pleasantly entertained at diniici on Thanksgiving day at the home of their son , Malcolm , in Southampton . Another new building goinn up in this place is " the . bungalow of Howard Culver on Central avenue . Join Lov- ing is contractor and vvark on the cel- lar has already begun. Mr. Culver sold his truck farm of severa l acres ' and buildings on Montauk highway. in the rt carly spring to the Gustave A. (jutting, Company, Inc. Mr. line! .Mrs . G. W. IJockfeilei* en- tertained oil Sunday Mr. aud Mrs. Irvin Foster , of Eastport. .Hid »n Tuesday Mrs. Everett Foster, "f Briei gellainptoii. The Junior choir Will hold a chicken supper on Dcembei ;i at the- Cnr.i - munity llo:i * *e. The proceeds go iot the be ' nefit of the M. E. church. Acl- misisou tickets cost pr. cents. Jlrs. Clifford ' entertained Mr. and Mrs. O. TV Culver , Andrew Culver and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Walters. [ Mrs. Gertrude Terrell announces the engagement nf lu-r ' (laug hter , I Doroth y M. Terrell , to William S. 1 Powell , " of Eastport. EAST QUOGUE CENTER MORICHES Mr. and Mrs. i^lfrcd Goldbcck are keeping house afr-' , ' thc home of his grandfather, WillniJH Carter. Mrs. Gcrtruclcc-B'^Siiiith has been spending two wcskS-^with friends in Paterson , N.J. "&7 ,. , Mrs. Nellie Banasfe , of New; ^ork , was a guest on TUp liksgiviiig day of Mr. anei Mrs. WilMm Houghton* Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gun Cher en- tertained at a <l. 'i'j|ji e r part y on Thanksgiving day Rev. and Mrs. Her- bert Crosier , Mrs. Delilah Bates, Miss Edith Kingston , Dr. Lewis Twining, and Lionel' Guiither. ' Charles King and Vernon Gamage were given a party in celebration of their birthdays on Saturday evening of hist week at the home of Mrs . Doroth y ' Penney ' at Patchogue. A number from this village were pres- ent. Mrs. Delilah Hates has returned from visiting for a ' f n' um ' t'i-r of months with friends in tlrcCatskills and Vine- land , N. .T. Mrs. Irwin Robinson has . . . been spending a few 'dAys in the city. MY; and Mrs. George Kwaak cele- hvalr-d tliciv wooden wedding, anniver- sary br.t Friday evening. The guests ¦ vv i-ri; Mr. and Mrs. William Oakley, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson and Mr. and Mrs . David. Warficld. During tin- evening "300" was played. Mr. tnii! Mrs. Robert Edwards of East Orawgo , N. J enjoyed Thanks- giving day with Mrs . J. C. Bishop and family. Mrs. E. II. Mai tens - ami her brother , J. 'l- .n Kiehl of Nevv York , spent the wiek-cnd at the tioMage, Shorcacros. Mr. r.riil Mr.* , " it . ' .!. Oake- .s spent Mir* holiday with relatives in town. Mrs. O' was guest of friends over the v/eck-nnil in forest Hill.*. The Viliag* . - Improvement society met at the Library on Monday at O.l ti.nil. The ni o n t h lP ji y ^ nieetii- .g of the Moriches camp, Mocicrn Woodmen of America , irr-t on Wednesday evening in Goldsmith h.nll. Hcmy C. Alth ' .adl hail a very picas- .mt surprise last, Saturday evening when he had a call from a few of hi.-; friends he had known in the city— Mr. and Mr?. George True, Mr. and Mrs. . Andrew True .find Mr . and Mrs. A. .S. Blank of Brooklyn. They talked about - various times they en joyed' to- gether -when. ' - they lived in New York , then after a shoytjyll' at the home of- ' Mr. and Mrs. 'Altttadt , the party returned? to Bvool-lyiS , Miss Jessie Homan spent Thanks- giving at the borne of her aunt , Mrs. Lucy Ross, at Mastic* . The Young Ladies ' guild held an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs , Gilbert Loper on Wednesday, Dec. 1. Lunch;was,served at noon. Paul Pieper and family moved into their nevv store building last Monday. It is an attractive building with liv- ing; apartment over the store. The signal . station on Main street was moved last week from the centre of the road to the center of Railroad avenue and Main street. Mrs. Emma Culver , Mrs. Mary W. Howell and Williain J. Howell of East Moriches: were guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. Alyah Tuttlc. John Murray and ' s i s t e r , Misr Frances Murray, left here last . Wed- nesday for Daytona , Fla., where they intend spending the winter . The two basketball teams playi'd Port-Jefferson teams on Tuesday eve- ning, winning one anil losing one. Port •IcITerson will play here on Friday evening. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH , Rev. Herbert C. Crosier , Pastor On Sunday, December ii , the morn- ing thcme,,i "The Unchangeable One"; evening theme, "Path We Will Not ! Walk. " THANKSGIVING PROGRAM ENJOYED AT LOCAL SCHOOL The school chiidicn gave a very in- teresting Thanksgiving program on Wednesday afternoon .in the school auditorium. The stage .setting repre- sented' a harvest scene* , which was a very appropriate one: for She oc- casion , with ' letters strung overhead across the slage spelling the word "'Thanksgiving " , added'to the decor- ations. The iprogram wn,) as follows: Thanksgiving hymn , by the pup ils; recitation , "A Welcome " , by Harold Lukert; exercise , "Pil grim Fathers" , Hazel Howell , Foster Robert , Elsie Hawkins , Milton Reeve , Genevieve Leigh , Norman' Lillcy, and Beatrice Marissal; recitation , "Thanksgiving Day " , Chester Wilcox; play, "Novem- ber " , ' Charles Reed , Annie Lanky, ant! Bertha Roscka , 0- . FroWeiii , Harry Smith ,. .Charlotte Stciner and Henrietta Dumont; song, "Swing Shining Sickle " , t'hc pupils; dialogue, "Miss Hcpsy ' s Blessings" , Lorraine Robinson and Audrey Davis; rccilii- tion, "Be Content with Your Lot". Fletcher Condit; play, "A .Runaway Thanksgiving " , Genevieve Leigh squash; Grace Montecalvo , plum pud- ding; Elsie Hawkins , pic; Harold Lukert , butter; Ches te r Wilcox , salt; Hazel Howell , cake;'Bertha Zlatwicki , bread , and Wesley Rogers , potato. Principal Raiiford ga ve a brief talk on Thanksgiving and on closing reminded them all to be thankful to God for- all blessings bestowed. Song, "America , the Beautiful", by the audience. The plays , "The Pil- grim Fathers" , ' , and "A Runaway Thanksgiving Dinner " , were presented by the fifth and sixth grades , and were arranged and coached by Mrs Allen Brown. The play, "November " was presented by. the " seventh, and ei ghth grades , and was arranged and coached by Miss Connor. Principal Ranford announced the numbers. A daughter , Eleanor , was born lol Mr. and Mrs. Myron Perry at" their I home in the Pe-rrv block on November \ H. j O. II. G. Vail and Arnold I'fleigcr [ will lead the Christian Endeavor meet- ing in the* chapel next Sunday evening, j The topic . will be "Charne-ter: How : Form It? What Effects It?" J Miss Alice Diaz , of Drew Seminary, Carmcl , N. Y., is spending the Thanksgiving holiday with her par- ents , Mr. and Mrs. William L. Diaz. I Mrs. Donnld Quimby, of Philadel- j phia , the ' -kindergarten teach er in Westhampton Beach High school , spent last week-end with Mrs . Carl W. Christman. Mrs. Warner , wife of Captain Frank Warner , of Ditch Plains Coast Guard station , visited at her former home here recently. Ambrose Rowley, of the Dune road , fell while Working on the new Ken- nedy residence on Quantiick lane, and broke several ribs. Mrs. Clifton Raynor , of Jessup ave- nue , underwent an operation for ap- pendiciti s at Westhampton Beach Hospital on Tuesday, November 10' . Mr .and Mrs. L. fc. waiter enter- tained Mr. and Mrs . Arthur Truorgy, Miss Mildred and Miss Eima Truorgy, of Roslyn , on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. J. P. Howell , her daughter. Mrs. B. Woolsey Rogers , anel her sister , Mrs. Henry Gardiner , will spend the winter in Europe. They sailed on November 20. Mrs. John W. Brewster and Mrs. Louis Munsell attended the annual Daughters of the Revolution ' isoi'hcoii and dedication of the monumenS. at Sound Avenue on Saturday, November -0. Henry S. Shipman , owner of the Shipman Hiding academy, has se- cured title to property on Quantiick lane from the Kctchabonack Really company. He will erect a house and stables there soon. Henry Burton 'has deeded a lot on Scrub Oak road to ' Daniel Ware. - ; ' The Ladies * "ROO" club met with Mrs. E. II. Stevens lust Wednesday afternoon. -Tiic ' ivinning, scores! .were made by Mrs. E. L. Munsell , ' Mrs. L. Edward Walter and Miss Gtistafsou. This club will meet with' . Mrs. Russell on Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Vail cele- brated their 22ne! wedding anniver- sary at their home on Old Depot road on Wednesday evening, November 21, by a "500" party to several of their friends. John Kirk patrick , who owns a jew- elry store on Fifth avenue , Nevv York Citv , and who has a summer residence here on Ocean avenue , recently donated a sterling silver dish to the Ladies ' Aid society. Mrs . David R. Grifliu , of the Dune road, won this dish , at a party at the Ladies ' Aid rooms, in the Community building on Thursday afternoon , November 18. The "Every Member " canvass of the Presbyterian church will be held next Sunday afternoon. There will be no Sunday school in the afternoon next Sunday, December 5, and no Christian Endeavor meeting in the evening, as the canvassers will report at the church on Quioguc- in the evening, when Dr. W. L. Mat-key, superintendent of National work in New York State , will give an illus- trated lecture . Norman Griffin , formerly of Quogue , but now residing in Bay Shore, has assisted in organizing Bay Shore -- newest and perhaps most novel' mus- ical organization called the Saxophone sextet; The members are Norman Griflin , soprano ' saxophone; George- . Schroedcr , first alto saxophone; Frank Jeffrey, ' second alto; Frank II. j Doxsee , tenor; Willard iloltjc , ban- ; tone, and Charles Granipp, bass . The regular monthly meeting of the- ; League of Coast Guard Women will ; be held at the home of Mrs. Harry , Herman , on the Dune,.road , em 'lyes- . day , December 7. j Rev. Thomas Coyle has been invited to give the charge- to the people at the installation of Rev. l' -rvic! Smith iri the- 'Southampton Presbyterian church next Thursday. Rev. Thomas Law Coyle visited at the Presbyterian manse several ! days last week. He was sent a>; rep- resentative of the Boston alumni , and : made an address at the conference at Princeton Seminary on Monday, il. ' returned to Harvard Friday evening. QUOCUE _ Mr. and Mrs. William C. R.-gci* . and son. George , passed Thanksgiving holiday with another son , Frank ¦ Rogers , " of Larchmont. Merrit LaMar Rogers is making im- , ' pvovements by laying a cement-floor ! in his barn stables. Dr. Edna 11. Dayton , teacher in a Philadelphia , college , passe-el the- holi- day at the home of her brother , Rens- selaer B. Dayton. , -; ' ¦ Henry " Ruland .nnd family were : guests of . Mr . and Mrs. Eel Benjamin.: ¦ ' - 'Mjss. Katheryn . Tuthill , a student at- Pratt's Institute , was at flic ISJi in e of her mother , Mrs. Mavgaretta " Tuthill , : over . Thanksgiving and: the week-end. I The nevv header AS a gjeat. cemfurt in our church. No one need stay a-cvay during z 'H\> wcaihfr. l r y, -,i are c'dd y"U can. fi t!'! no v. iirnic-i- place than to . -'itnc- (•) i-itu reli ati'X h.-ar Prof. CraWiOrci. Xpjfi Sunday llev . Mr. Bateh.-lie-r will £**! with us naci talk mi the Anti- Saloon League- . "l'l'-src ¦ - " ¦ to in- a . st - lioi .l meeting Mn-'day evening. Dm umber i", ai jt o ' clock at the -e^iot,! house- , whic h should int.srfcst all taipayc r-t . Capt. Jerv N. Kciticr- * and Mis . i Rogers had n farm!* party Thank-- ¦ givin! - ; day. Mr. and M' .iv . William Nome and . Thomas vvi-iv , in Xi v. - York Ci' ;, - ! Thanksgiving as .riiesis .,1 " Mi.,s Ida , Marie Nome. ; On December 7 iTu.'sd.u- afternoon) j frcnu :i to ¦ > oVj 'oek t ->mi i'e.r a nii -j jcup of tea and buy someone- a Chrip-t- mas present, j l' reparati"'!- are- ii-*in .r ni.nie I' m <c I children ' s patty at the hall during the ' Christina.*' holiday. j 11 is nut to-j lilt- - ij renew y.mi | membership to* American Rev! ¦ Cross- Join now. Speonk and Remsenburg ¦ p TZVj iT^ry - ^TGr^V-^T) T"W<!?T:-4cr<-rf JI JACOB MEYER j * -. *> ' ' sJ I Men ' s Store ! (. *> ( ¦ ] i. n i Any Suit \ % . Any Overcoat t i $98- 75 1 i? \ & BICGIiSr CLOTHING VALUE I Ig IN SUFFOLK COUNTY j 'C * ( § JACOB MEYER s Eit. 1808 ' i i t*- -RIVERHEAD , N. Y. , ; BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 1 j RATES UPON APPLICATION I; " . ' Why 'Not .,. :- '| I " ; " Get ALL the Facts .1 About Straus . ' ¦¦ i " ' Bond s Now ? 1 ' ' It is a daily occurrence for a new 1 customer to say, in effect , "I 1 wish I had known as much j about Straus Bonds ten years If ago as I do now. " |[ Many investors confine their | purchases to one general type | of security. Sometimes the 1 HI choice is wise , sometimes not. 1 1 In your case might it not be |j | worth while to be thoroughly I I informed regarding a security so 1 | || satisfactory to tens of thousands | II of other investors whose in- 1 j jj herent soundness is atteste d by 1 |i| their record of "44 Years With- | | 111 out Loss to Any Investor " I | | whose yield of 5.75 to 6.25% jj 11 may make a gratify ing increase 1 11 in your investment income. || , | 'i|; The whole story is contained in | | II an interesting booklet which | ||) you can read in a half hour or 8 Ti less. We suggest that you send 19 g f j. tor your copy today. M] |i !j ASK FOB BOOKLET T-U2 ' ' S' 'i |V" i;, \- *l* II VMi'TllN NAVT'l, II .V.V7-C Kast ll.tlniilull . X. V, J ft |i, l I-I- . I iri.r:s * \ -, n.w i, - . mion , NP V . I jjfi ip! VV it ' IiIAWV KI.]. . Sulltllalill.toii. x. v. jM ill ep¦ ¦ A Cell' s -TIN' ' - - Ki I-;I :. N.V.\. sail llai'l-or , .N' . V. | M i S.W. STRAUS &c CO. 1 it '>i) niTin! iiie'ii i 9 ?- . -- ¦ '* ., i s 'l 'oKpoit.nKo M. VV .oar. i^:i, I air i I , |l i" ' * . I I ,11 II 11 . 'IN i'P 'rtMt T p J j || . - - STRAUS BUILDING Ml { Mi 5f)SFi/th Arc—u . t -foih St. Telephtmc—Vumlerbilt 8*> ' 00 |sj ' III 4"* Yc," vrs Without Loss to Any-Irivestor III -1 t | _ 1_ . ' J. —-*-—-— ; : ____i If I A ^ssmasaS^SMS^j ^^m^mmammmmmMm^B^^mms i . * i . m—mmm^n^*m—mmMimm *m*^Msmimi*mmmaimmmmmmmmmmBm 9*mmmnimii itn A t M.1* . and Mrs . 3 . .,Ji. Robinson and I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goldberg, with their son , Marvin , of Center Mor- iehes, and Mr. -ind Mrs. Edmund Hal- lock were dinner g' .t-ests of Mr. and , Mrs. Chaile-- : - Hallock on Thanksgiv- ing Day. Mrs. Let tie Reeve and daughters, Er-tclie , Ruth and Carolyn , spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Re-eve , l-randparent*- - of the children , at East Orange, N. J. I'ostmarter and Mrs. E. M. Rogers : pent their holiday is guests of Mr. and Sir ' , Wi'liam Herzog, of East Moriches. Mri. Jessie Hulse, Mrs. W. T. Ilulce and Meusrt. Billy ancj Theodore Hulse, of Westhampto n Beach, called Sun- day afternoon on Mis. Jennie Morri- hfJil.-) Rev. and Mrs. J . C. Harry were the recipients of a ' Thanksgiving basket ,, which overflowed *T/ith canned fruits, two fat duck-i , etep ^. almost a pantry full in fact , coHeclcd by the C. E. redely, who seem , V-way. - . alert in starting a good cauie. , The pastor ando family highly . appreciated this act of the young paijple. Miss .Martha T. Smith is ever do- ing good to somebody. A little treat for tuf invalid , a book for the lover of reading, llowers for the ch u rch or -nick room , and generous donations. Miss Hmith has he-en quite ill recently . •tad v.e are glad she is able to be about again. Mr. and Mrs. Willia m Lukert have returned lo Saierna , Ela., for Ihe win- Fred Wright relumed the lirs t of the week from- . ' -i few days ' visit with relatives in Soii^i Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Hallock and Miss May Hallock , by. the courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Brown , whose car carried the party, were guests quite recently of Mr. and' Mrs. Floyd IIivl- sey, in Brielguhair.pton , at a dinner party, which' all enjoyed very much. The occasion was in honor of Mr. Hal- lock' s ' 80th birthday. Mrs. Sarah Ross celebra ted .Thanks- giving Day at the home e,f her daugh- ter , Mrs;> Giles Do Groot , at Ronkon- koma. Severa l othe r guests, relatives , helped to make the occasion a happy one. Mrs. William II. Morrison returned on Tuesday from a visit to Williams- port, ' and Philadelphia , Pa. Mr. *. . W. E. Ross entertained eigh- teen truests at dinner on Thanksgiv- ing Day. Among these were Mrs. Herbert Howell and son , and Miss Tillie llagc n ar.J father , John Hagen , all* of Riverhead. The pupils of tl|c local school en- joyed holidays from Wednesday unti i Monday after -Thanksgiving. Rev. and Mrs. J . . C. Harry enter- tained over the holiday Mr. anil Mrs. Carl Davis and little Edna May Davis and Mrs. Harold E. Southard , all of Woodford , Mc. It was the first visit to Moriches of Mrs. Southard , one of the daughters. Mr. Davis visited his brother in Patchogue while here. Mi* , and Mm. Frank McGregor and Miss Sadie Thomas enjoyed Thanks- giving as tho guests.of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Titmtis. A food sale under the direction of the Ladies '. Aid society was hel d at the parsonage cup d** y last week. Tho receipts were gocdl Mrs. E. linage enterlained a full house of both friends and guests over Thanksgiving. ¦ _ Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Murp hy, of Brooklyn ' , and M fTStnll Mrs. Lawrence Ncwins , of Center Moriches , joined the rest of the family party at'thc home of Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Shop- parc! ou Thanksgiving Day. - Frank and Joseph Kirk motored to Astoria on Sunday and visited friends there. Anthony 'Jercchi, of Patchogue, vis- ited his sister , Mrs. William Kirk on Monday. "" fioRICHES "" m~l mi...m . u ¦ ¦ ¦ H ¦ M***** ^ DR.KL SCAMMON TJmtM CORWIN'S BUILDING Riverhead , N. Y. DR. W. P. HOAG EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 20 -VEAKS FITTlNfi EVES ._,. -PERKINS' IILIX!., ItiVEItllRAD U01H. -S7 and Fridity, 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. BrofkljB Odlct! 21-1 Uvlnntoi fit. UodtraUpPricw f~ RUGS Rwg«—Beautiful Reversible Rugs— made from your oh! carpets , alao Rag- . --Carpet. Send Postal (oi par- ticulars, ¦ AMERICAN RUG RVF'C. 2DG - .Vermont St. ' BROOKKYN - ' " ¦ ¦¦ —..-"— ——.——. IIII .— . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ -~' j~>--£?f **m~^. nHtm, m \ WANTED---PUP1LS ~ I fifginnin-; Pupils on SAXOPHONE. j ¦ BOX 116, BRIDGEHAMPTON Tel. 35-W I I CORONA TYPEWRITERS \ ADDING " MACHINE^ j | For Salo HARRY LEE PUB. CO., " Inc. ! ; Riverhead, L. 1. i ..-., : i RUBBER ! STAMPS | MADI-; ON SHORT NOTICE Reasonable Prices All kin'I- * o{ Special Stamps— D..(rT* -i ,ind Paid Stnmpv HARRY LEE PUB. CO. (Inc.) Riverhead , N. Y. For Safety and Economy LET US BE YOUR I DRUGGIST ; M. F. Benjamin ' s Sons j _ "Qualified by E-cp.rience " I MAIN" STREET S C RIVERHEAD . Prcactiptiom Delivered j ' Phono 117 I I WALLACE H. HALSEY ' , AlMK. M. A. . "toe. C. K. | , £»Ul-li.hp<! 1903 | General Priiclice, Civil Eauineerbi e i srid Surveying Now Cameron Bldg. - IOUTIIAH1-TUN. 1. 1. GEORGE C. TERRY Attorney and Cotinselor at Law SOUTHOLD NEW YORK | l i W. H. CORWIN Contractor & Builder AH Work Promptly Attended td RIVERHEAD, N. Y. Tol. 90-M C. H. HOWELL & SOU Fire—Life—Casualty J INSURANCE Auto—Burglary-—Fidelity Reliable Companies Minimum Rates At Lowest Rule. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Prompt Adjustments , Office: Room 3 , Saving-it Bank B!d*j. RIVERHEAD, N. Y. I I CORONA : TYPEWRITERS and ADDING MACHINES ; For Sale l HARRY LEE PUB. CO., Inc. j Riverhead , L, I. - i i MONEY TO LOAN ~~ On Bond and Mortgage BERNARD H. LORD RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK Telephone 06-W JOHN ST I 3NF JMS Plumbing ^ and Hea t ing FOURTH ST. RIVE*HEAD- Phone 1B-M GEORGE W. HILDRETH Attorney and Counselor at Law MAIN ST. RIVERHEAE Designing and Building of BETTER HOMES EASTERN LONG ISLAND , CONSTRUCTION CO. Succ:ca«or " to Walter. -. Bros. RIVERHEAD EDWARD T. COYLE BENJAMIN MARC US b-r; to aonouiite lhat they h..\<- fnrmi-d a part»erithi;> lo. ihe i;ei.fial practice of lau- under "he firm name of Coyle & Marcus will, office* in the SULLIVAN BUILDING RIVERHEAD - NEW YORK Tel. Riverhead 592 n—; : r- 2 Lane & Hallock GROCERS THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICES VEGETABLES and FRUIT IN SEASON ETtrytliioj-f to bo found in » Grocery Slor* Roanoke Arena* ' . Rirerliead Dr. Lawrence C. Scuddei Dentitt X-ray l loiir. 9 io 12; I to 5 Phono 313 MeCABE'S BUILDING Riverhead, N. Y. THE COUNTY REVIEW ADS ^ / PAY RALPH C. BROWN RIVERHEAD, . N. Y. Optometriit Ocular Ex&min&tioni LEWIS E. YOUNG BUTCHER Tclephono Connection HOME-MADE LARD MILK CURED HAMS & BACON EXTRA FINE BUTTER Griffin Avenue Riverhead THE COUNTY REVIEW ^^24Al£kxl ADS / PAY ¦ , ! Advanced ¦ - meth- . ftyH oda aro used by tip ua upon all oc- l| |' casiona. Wc have |M all that a modern fff ) science haa to of. \- <) fer in the way of ' ¦ ***• ¦ •- ¦ - ' ¦ ' I I ! equipment. Fl i ' - I Ll ! > MmMMm m

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Page 1: AS m~lmim . u ¦¦ ¦ H M*****^ l in tht- t'.'uit .'(jiii.iic · The College states ..that this spray information


Spray Information Told That!. ConJj 'oI of Plant Lice on!Fruit Was Not Necessary— jAverage Benefit About $45.'

Frui t growers in wi . -u - in New :York were ttavrd about Ni4ll ) ,(l0() inspraying and dusting materia l dur ingthe past season by spray infWmatior. ,according to an estimate 'made by* theNew York State College of Agi ivul -lure at Ithaca , N. Y., anil the GenevaExperiment station. The lai-ge-st sav-ing which ranii! fro m the spray in-formation was on material ilnlinarilyused for the control of aphid or plantlice. Last spring the college saw thatthis was almost absent in mostiwsterii New York orchard s and lha tspraying for them would be u.iiie-i-e-'s-sary.

In previous seasons tin* UM; of anaphis killer wit:; usually considere dneccssar**--, for although apliids are-scarce in the spring, unde r favorableconelitia.ii?, they multipl y rapidl y anil ,miles;-, controlled ,-soon become destruc-tive.

It was dctcliniocd also tha t SanJose scale was not important onuugliin certain localities to need the stronglime-sulfur sprays bo control it. TheInformation , about ' these two pestsmeant an aycrajre saving of about $-15

j to the grower, according to f igures ob-tained from "Wayne 'and Monroe coun-ties.

The College states ..that this sprayinformation ewulel not have been usedso well hail it not been for the organi-zation of the farm bureau in the coun-ties, and in local communities, and

that this saving was, twice as much •as the 'year's cost of the farm bureau jin tht- t'.'uit .'(jiii.iic.-,.

Harry Sachs anel son, Joseph , havejust returned after spending a fewdays in New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard French , Mr.anel Mrs. Corn wall and Mrs. LouiseCarter motored to New York on Tues-day. .Mrs. Carter took the train forNew Haven where she will spend sometime visiting relatives and friends.Accompanying them back on Wednes-day were their son, Willard, who isattending -Smith College; Miss ElvaFrench and Mr. Hale, of New York ,who with Mr. and Mrs . . Cornwall andson , Bobbie, spent over Thanksgivingat the residence of Mr. and Mrs.French.

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rockfclierentertained at their residence onThanksgiving day Mr. and Mrs. Flet-cher W. Rockfclier and daughter, Am-brosinc, of Patchogue; Miss MariettaRockfclier and Miss Elvah Rockfclier,of Brooklyn , and Miss Oman Rock-fclier, of Roekaway.

Woodruff S. and Herbert M. Randallmotored to Inwood Park to spend theweek-end with relatives. They wereaccompanied by their mother, Mrs.Woodruff M. Randall.

Mrs. Edgar Carte r and grandson ,Arthur Firman , of St. Albans, sucnta few days at her home here, whereshe .visited with her granddaughter,Mrsrj osephine Kavan.

Mrs. Julia Jones has returned to herhome here from Brooklyn where shehad visited several days with friends!

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Phillips en-tertained over Sunday Mr. and Mrs.Fred Griffin , of East Moriches.

Mr. and Mrs. White spent Thanks-giving at the. home of her sisters inEast . Hamilton , where she attendee!tli e""weelding of her . brother , KentSanford.

Mr. Joyce , former principal of theschool here, Mrs. Joyce, of Heliport ,and Mr. and Mrs. Stnyvesant , ofRiverhead , were entertained over theweek-end by Mr. and Mis. BenjaminRogers.

The Ladies' Aid will hold a luncheonfrom 12 to 1 on December 8 at theCommuni ty House. In ' the afternooncoffee and waffles will be served.Fancy articles will he on sale. "AMare cordially invited.

Mr. and Mrs . Forrest Terrell wi thMr. find Mrs. Herbert Phillips motoredto Southampton to spend over Thanks-giving with their daughter and niece.

Mrs . Howard Gooelale entertainedover Thanksgiving Mr. anel Mrs.Frank Gooelale, of Hampton Bays, andson , John , and Howard Gilpin , ofPatorson.

Mr. anel Mrs. William 15. Nevvtunleft in their car Weelnesility forOyster Bay ti) spend Thanksgivingweek with their children.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Menele-iihaUnnd children , Dorothy and Buster ,motored to Brooklyn to spend theweek-end wi th friends.

There was some excitement in the:village on 1 Thanksgiving morningcaused by fire at the residence of A.G. Randall on Riverhead road. The-chimney caught . fire -nnd sparks setthe roof ablaze in two places. It wii'seasily controlled with little damage.

Mrs. ' Ida Downs, who has been con-fined lo her home for the" last twomonths with inflammatory rheu-

matism, is slowly improving underthe care of Dr. 5f. S. Wadhani.-", ofWe*-thamplon Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. George F. Carter anddaughter. Marguerite, left for Brook-lyn in their car on Wednesday _ 1*>spend Thanksgi-'ing with friends.'

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rogers werepleasantly entertained at diniici onThanksgiving day at the home of theirson, Malcolm, in Southampton.

Another new building goinn up inthis place is "the. bungalow of HowardCulver on Central avenue . Join Lov-ing is contractor and vvark on the cel-lar has already begun. Mr. Culversold his truck farm of severa l acres'and buildings on Montauk highway . inthert carly spring to the Gustave A.(jutting, Company, Inc.

Mr. line! .Mrs. G. W. IJockfeilei* en-tertained oil Sunday Mr. aud Mrs.Irvin Foster, of Eastport. .Hid »nTuesday Mrs. Everett Foster, "fBriei gellainptoii.

The Junior choir Wi l l hold a chickensupper on Dcembei ;i at the- Cnr.i -muni ty llo:i **e. The proceeds go iotthe be'nefit of the M. E. church. Acl-misisou tickets cost pr. cents.

Jlrs. Clifford ' entertained Mr. andMrs. O. TV Culver , Andrew Culver andMr. and Mrs. Wilfred Walters.

[ Mrs. Gertrude Terrell announcesthe engagement nf lu-r ' (laughter,

I Dorothy M. Terrell , to William S.1 Powell," of Eastport.



Mr. and Mrs. i^lfrcd Goldbcck arekeeping house afr-','thc home of hisgrandfather, WillniJH Carter.

Mrs. Gcrtruclcc-B'^Siiiith has beenspending two wcskS-^with friends inPaterson , N.J. "&7 ,. ,

Mrs. Nellie Banasfe , of New; ^ork ,was a guest on TUpliksgiviiig day ofMr. anei Mrs. WilMm Houghton*

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gun Cher en-tertained at a <l.'i'j|ji e r p a r t y onThanksgiving day Rev. and Mrs. Her-bert Crosier , Mrs. Delilah Bates, MissEdith Kingston , Dr. Lewis Twining,and Lionel' Guiither.' Charles King and Vernon Gamage

were given a party in celebration oftheir bir thdays on Saturday eveningof hist week at the home of Mrs .Doroth y ' Penney ' at Patchogue. Anumber from this village were pres-ent.

Mrs. Delilah Hates has returnedfrom visit ing for a'f n'um 't'i-r of monthswith friends in tlrcCatskills and Vine-land , N. .T.

Mrs. I r w i n Robinson has .. . beenspending a few 'dAys in the city.

MY; and Mrs. George Kwaak cele-hvalr-d tliciv wooden wedding, anniver-sary br.t Friday evening. The guests¦vv i-ri; Mr. and Mrs. William Oakley,Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson andMr. and Mrs. David. Warficld. Duringtin- evening "300" was played.

Mr. tnii! Mrs. Robert Edwards ofEast Orawgo , N. J „ enjoyed Thanks-giving day with Mrs . J. C. Bishop andfami ly .

Mrs. E. II. Mai tens- ami her brother ,J.'l-.n Kiehl of Nevv York , spent thew i e k - c n d at the tioMage, Shorcacros.

Mr. r.riil Mr. *, "it . '.!. Oake-.s spentMir* holiday with relatives in town.Mrs. O' was guest of fr iends overthe v/eck-nnil in forest Hill.*.

The Viliag *.- Improvement societymet at the Library on Monday atO.lllti.nil.

The ni o n t h lPji y^nieetii-.g of the

Moriches camp, Mocicrn Woodmen ofAmerica , irr-t on Wednesday eveningin Goldsmith h.nll.

Hcmy C. Alth '.adl hail a very surprise last, Saturday eveningwhen he had a call from a few of hi.-;friends he had known in the city—Mr. and Mr?. George True, Mr. andMrs. . Andrew True .find Mr . and Mrs.A. .S. Blank of Brooklyn. They talkedabout - various times they en joyed ' to-gether -when.'- they lived in New York ,then after a shoytjyll ' at the homeof- ' Mr. and Mrs. 'Altttadt, the partyreturned? to Bvool-lyiS,

Miss Jessie Homan spent Thanks-giving at the borne of her aunt, Mrs.Lucy Ross, at Mastic*.

The Young Ladies' guild held anall-day meeting at the home of Mrs,Gilbert Loper on Wednesday, Dec. 1.Lunch;was,served at noon.

Paul Pieper and family moved intotheir nevv store building last Monday.It is an attractive building with liv-ing; apartment over the store.

The signal .station on Main streetwas moved last week from the centreof the road to the center of Railroadavenue and Main street.

Mrs. Emma Culver, Mrs. Mary W.Howell and Williain J. Howell of EastMoriches: were guests recently of Mr.and Mrs. Alyah Tuttlc.

John Murray and ' s i s t e r, MisrFrances Murray, left here last .Wed-nesday for Daytona , Fla., where theyintend spending the winter.

The two basketball teams playi'dPort-Jefferson teams on Tuesday eve-ning, winning one anil losing one. Port•IcITerson will play here on Fridayevening.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ,Rev. Herbert C. Crosier, PastorOn Sunday, December ii, the morn-

ing thcme,,i"The Unchangeable One";evening theme, "Path We Will Not

! Walk."


The school chiidicn gave a very in-teresting Thanksgiving program onWednesday afternoon .in the schoolauditorium. The stage .setting repre-sented' a harvest scene*, which wasa very appropriate one: for She oc-casion , with ' letters strung overheadacross the slage spelling the word"'Thanksgiving", added'to the decor-ations. The iprogram wn,) as follows:

Thanksgiving hymn , by the pup ils;recitation , "A Welcome", by HaroldLukert; exercise, "Pilgrim Fathers",Hazel Howell, Foster Robert, ElsieHawkins , M i l t o n Reeve, GenevieveLeigh, Norman' Lillcy, and BeatriceMarissal; recitation, "ThanksgivingDay", Chester Wilcox; play, "Novem-ber", ' Charles Reed , Annie Lanky,ant! Bertha Roscka , FroWeiii ,Harry Smith ,. .Charlotte Stciner andHenrietta Dumont; song, " S w i n gShining Sickle", t'hc pupils; dialogue,"Miss Hcpsy's Blessings", LorraineRobinson and Audrey Davis; rccilii-tion, "Be Content with Your Lot".Fletcher Condit; play, "A .RunawayThanksgiving", Genevieve L e i g hsquash; Grace Montecalvo , plum pud-ding; Elsie Hawkins, pic; H a r o l dLukert , butter; Chester Wilcox , salt;Hazel Howell , cake;'Bertha Zlatwicki,bread, and Wesley Rogers, potato.

Principal Raiiford gave a b r i e ftalk on Thanksgiving and on closingreminded them all to be thankful toGod for- all blessings bestowed.

Song, "America, the Beautiful", bythe audience. The plays , "The Pil-grim Fathers", ', and "A R u n a w a yThanksgiving Dinner", were presentedby the fifth and sixth grades, andwere arranged and coached by MrsAllen Brown. The play, "November"was presented by. the" seventh, andeighth grades, and was arranged andcoached by Miss Connor. PrincipalRanford announced the numbers.

A daughter, Eleanor , was born l o lMr. and Mrs. Myron Perry at" their Ihome in the Pe-rrv block on November \H. j

O. II. G. Vail and Arnold I'fleigcr [will lead the Christian Endeavor meet-ing in the* chapel next Sunday evening, jThe topic .will be "Charne-ter: How :Form It? What Effects It?" J

Miss Alice Diaz , of Drew Seminary,Carmcl , N. Y., is spending theThanksgiving holiday with her par- •ents, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Diaz. I

Mrs. Donnld Quimby, of Philadel- jphia , the '-kindergarten teacher inWesthampton Beach High school ,spent last week-end w i t h Mrs. CarlW. Christman.

Mrs. Warner , wife of Captain FrankWarner , of Ditch Plains Coast Guardstation , visited at her former homehere recently.

Ambrose Rowley, of the Dune road ,fell while Working on the new Ken-nedy residence on Quantiick lane, andbroke several ribs.

Mrs. Clifton Raynor , of Jessup ave-nue , underwent an operation for ap-pendiciti s at Westhampton BeachHospital on Tuesday, November 10'.

Mr .and Mrs. L. fc. waiter enter-tained Mr. and Mrs . Arthur Truorgy,Miss Mildred and Miss Eima Truorgy,of Roslyn , on Thanksgiving day.

Mrs. J. P. Howell , her daughter.Mrs. B. Woolsey Rogers, anel hersister, Mrs. Henry Gardiner , will spendthe winter in Europe. They sailedon November 20.

Mrs. John W. Brewster and Mrs.Louis Munsell attended the annualDaughters of the Revolution ' isoi'hcoiiand dedication of the monumenS. atSound Avenue on Saturday, November-0.

Henry S. Shipman , owner of theShipman Hiding academy, has se-cured title to property on Quantiicklane from the Kctchabonack Reallycompany. He will erect a house andstables there soon.

Henry Burton 'has deeded a lot onScrub Oak road to ' Daniel Ware. - ;'

The Ladies* "ROO" club met withMrs. E. II. Stevens lust Wednesdayafternoon. -Tiic 'ivinning, scores! .weremade by Mrs. E. L. Munsell ,' Mrs. L.Edward Walter and Miss Gtistafsou.This club will meet with'. Mrs. Russellon Wednesday of this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Vail cele-brated their 22ne! wedding anniver-sary at their home on Old Depot roadon Wednesday evening, November 21,by a "500" party to several of theirfriends.

John Kirk patr ick , who owns a jew-elry store on Fif th avenue , Nevv YorkCitv , and who has a summer residencehere on Ocean avenue , recentlydonated a sterling silver dish to theLadies' Aid society. Mrs . David R.Grifliu , of the Dune road, won thisdish , at a party at the Ladies' Aidrooms, in the Community building onThursday afternoon , November 18.

The "Every Member" canvass of thePresbyterian church wil l be held nextSunday afternoon.

There will be no Sunday school inthe afternoon next Sunday, December5, and no Christian Endeavor meetingin the evening, as the canvassers willreport at the church on Quioguc- inthe evening, when Dr. W. L. Mat-key,superintendent of Nationa l work inNew York State , will give an illus-trated lecture.

Norman Griffin , formerly of Quogue ,but now residing in Bay Shore, hasassisted in organizing Bay Shore --newest and perhaps most novel' mus-ical organization called the Saxophonesextet; The members are NormanGriflin , soprano ' saxophone; George- .Schroedcr, first a l t o saxophone;Frank Jeffrey, ' second alto; Frank II. jDoxsee , tenor; Willard iloltjc , ban- ;tone, and Charles Granipp, bass.

The regular monthly meeting of the- ;League of Coast Guard Women will ;be held at the home of Mrs. Harry ,Herman , on the Dune,.road , em 'lyes- .day , December 7. j

Rev. Thomas Coyle has been invitedto give the charge- to the people atthe instal lat ion of Rev. l' -rvic! Smithiri the- 'Southampton Presbyterianchurch next Thursday.

Rev. Thomas Law Coyle visitedat the Presbyterian manse several !days last week. He was sent a>; rep-resentative of the Boston a lumn i , and :made an address at the conference atPrinceton Seminary on Monday, il.'returned to Harvard Friday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. Wil l iam C. R.-gci*.and son. George, passed Thanksgivingholiday with another son , Frank ¦Rogers , " of Larchmont.

Merrit LaMar Rogers is mak ing im- ,'pvovements by laying a cement- f loor !in his barn stables.

Dr. Edna 11. Dayton , teacher in aPhiladelphia , college , passe-el the- holi-day at the home of her brother , Rens-selaer B. Dayton. ,- ;

' ¦Henry " Ruland .nnd fami ly were :guests of . Mr. and Mrs. Eel Benjamin. :¦'-'Mjss. Katheryn . Tuthill , a student a t -Pratt's Insti tute , was at flic ISJi ine ofher mother , Mrs. Mavgaretta "Tuthil l , :over . Thanksgiving and: the week-end. I

The nevv header AS a gj eat. cemfurtin our church. No one need staya-cvay during z 'H\> wcaihfr . l r y,-,iare c'dd y"U can. fi t!'! no v. iirnic-i - placethan to .-'itnc- (•) i-itu reli ati'X h.-ar Prof.CraWiOrci.

Xpjfi Sunday llev . Mr. Bateh.- lie-rwill £**! with us naci talk mi the Ant i -Saloon League-.

"l'l'-src ¦-"¦ to in- a .st - lioi .l meetingMn-'day evening. Dm umber i", ai jto'clock at the -e^iot,! house-, whic hshould int.srfcst all taipayc r-t.

Capt. Jerv N. Kciticr- * and Mis .i Rogers had n farm!* pa r ty Thank--¦ givin!-; day.

Mr. and M'.iv. Wil l iam Nome and. Thomas vvi-iv, in Xi v.- York Ci' ;,-! Thanksgiving as .riiesis .,1" Mi.,s Ida, Marie Nome.; On December 7 iTu.'sd.u- afternoon)j frcnu :i to ¦> oVj'oek t ->mi i'e.r a nii -jj c u p of tea and buy someone- a Chrip-t-mas present,

j l'reparati"'!- are- ii-*in .r ni.nie I'm <cI children 's pa t ty at the hall dur ing the' Christina.*' holiday.j 11 is nut to-j lilt- - i j renew y.mi| membership to t.l t* Amer ican Rev!¦ Cross- Join now.

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M.1*. and Mrs. 3..,J i. Robinson and IMr. and Mrs. Charles Goldberg, withtheir son, Marvin , of Center Mor-iehes, and Mr. -ind Mrs. Edmund Hal-lock were dinner g'.t-ests of Mr. and ,Mrs. Chaile--:- Hallock on Thanksgiv-ing Day.

Mrs. Let tie Reeve and daughters,Er-tclie, Ruth and Carolyn , spent theholidays with Mr. and Mrs. Re-eve,l-randparent*-- of the children , at EastOrange, N. J.

I'ostmarter and Mrs. E. M. Rogers: pent their holiday is guests of Mr.and Sir ', Wi'liam Herzog, of EastMoriches.

Mri. Jessie Hulse, Mrs. W. T. Ilulceand Meusrt. Billy ancj Theodore Hulse,of Westhampton Beach, called Sun-day afternoon on Mis. Jennie Morri-hfJil.-)

Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Harry were therecipients of a' Thanksgiving basket ,,which overflowed *T/ith canned fruits,two fat duck-i, etep . almost a pantryfull in fact , coHeclcd by the C. E.redely, who seem , V-way.-. alert instarting a good cauie. ,The pastorando family highly .appreciated thisact of the young paijple.

Miss .Martha T. Smith is ever do-ing good to somebody. A little treatfor tuf invalid , a book for the lover ofreading, llowers for the church or

-nick room, and generous donations.Miss Hmith has he-en quite ill recently.•tad v.e are glad she is able to be aboutagain.

Mr. and Mrs. Willia m Lukert havereturned lo Saierna, Ela., for Ihe win-

Fred Wright relumed the lirst ofthe week from-.'-i few days' visit withrelatives in Soii i Jersey.

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Hallock andMiss May Hallock , by. the courtesy ofMr. and Mrs. D. L. Brown , whose carcarried the party, were guests quiterecently of Mr. and' Mrs. Floyd IIivl-sey, in Brielguhair.pton, at a dinnerparty, which ' all enjoyed very much.The occasion was in honor of Mr. Hal-lock's ' 80th birthday.

Mrs. Sarah Ross celebra ted .Thanks-giving Day at the home e,f her daugh-ter , Mrs;> Giles Do Groot , at Ronkon-koma. Severa l othe r guests, relatives,helped to make the occasion a happyone.

Mrs. William II. Morrison returnedon Tuesday from a visit to Williams-port, ' and Philadelphia , Pa.

Mr.*.. W. E. Ross entertained eigh-teen truests at dinner on Thanksgiv-ing Day. Among these were Mrs.Herbert Howell and son , and MissTillie llagcn ar.J father, John Hagen ,all * of Riverhead.

The pupils of tl|c local school en-joyed holidays from Wednesday unti iMonday after -Thanksgiving.

Rev. and Mrs. J.. C. Harry enter-tained over the holiday Mr. anil Mrs.Carl Davis and little Edna May Davisand Mrs. Harold E. Southard , all ofWoodford , Mc. It was the first visitto Moriches of Mrs. Southard , one ofthe daughters. Mr. Davis visited hisbrother in Patchogue while here.

Mi*, and Mm. Frank McGregor andMiss Sadie Thomas enjoyed Thanks-giving as tho guests.of Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Titmtis.

A food sale under the direction ofthe Ladies'. Aid society was held atthe parsonage cup d**y last week. Thoreceipts were gocdl

Mrs. E. linage enterlained a fullhouse of both friends and guests overThanksgiving. ¦ _

Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Murphy, ofBrooklyn', and M fTStnll Mrs. LawrenceNcwins, of Center Moriches, joinedthe rest of the family party at' thchome of Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Shop-parc! ou Thanksgiving Day. -

Frank and Joseph Kirk motored toAstoria on Sunday and visited friendsthere.

Anthony 'Jercchi, of Patchogue, vis-ited his sister, Mrs. William Kirk onMonday.

"" fioRICHES""m~lmi.. .m . u ¦¦ ¦ H ¦ M*****





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