arte en la cerveza

Arte en la cerveza miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012 La tertulia del café de Pombo José Gutiérrez Solana, 1920. óleo sobre lienzo, 162x211,5 cm. Centro de arte Reina Sofía. Madrid. 0 comentarios Enlaces a esta entrada Etiquetas: arte miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011 La tertulia del café de Pombo

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ca. 1350 a.C. Pintura sobre piedra caliza.

Tell el Amarna, dinastía XVII.

Staaliche Museen zu Berlín.

Soldado sirio de la guardia del faraón bebe cerveza usando una caña.

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Etiquetas: arte

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

El libro

Hogarth William (1697-1764)


Caricatura de la clase popular que muestra los beneficios de la cerveza en lugar de ginebra, Dibujado para la

campaña contra la ginebra de 1749.

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miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

La alcahueta

Jan Veermer de Delft (1656)

Óleo sobre lienzo (143 x 130 cm.)

Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister de Dresde

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Etiquetas: arte

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010


Ramón Casas (1892)

Óleo sobre lienzo. (117x90 cm)

Museu de Montserrat

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Etiquetas: arte

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

Bouteille de Bass

Bouteille de Bass, verre, paquet de tabac et carte de visite 'André Level' 

Pablo Picasso (1914)

Collage (30 x 24cm)

Paris; Musée National d'Art Moderne

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Etiquetas: arte

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

El Hijo Pródigo, autorretrato con Saskia

El Hijo Pródigo, autorretrato con Saskia

Rembrandt (1635)

Staatliche Dresden Museum

Oleo sobre lienzo (161 x 131 cm.)

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Etiquetas: arte

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010



Jarra decorada de pincipios del siglo XIX.

England (Staffordshire)

Utilizada para servir Ales, forma parte de la exposición "The Art of Drinking"

Del V&A Museum.


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Etiquetas: arte

martes, 29 de diciembre de 2009

Brasseur de bière

Brasseur de bière. Museo del Louvre, Paris

vers 2200 avant J.-C. (fin de l'Ancien Empire)

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Etiquetas: arte

miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2009

Le Bon Bock, Emile Bellot

Edouard Manet, 1873. Impresionismo. Museo de Arte de Filadelfia

Oleo sobre lienzo. 94,6 x 83,2 cm.

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Etiquetas: arte

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Silver Jug

V&A Museum.

Silver Collection


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Etiquetas: arte

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

La danza campesina

Pieter Brueghel el Viejo.

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Etiquetas: arte

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

Beck's beer bottle labels

Beck's beer bottle labels (L to R)

Tim Head (born UK 1946), 1992


E. 311-2005

Given by Gill Saunders

Damien Hirst (born UK 1965), 1995

Offset lithograph


Given by Edwina Sassoon through the Friends of the V&A

Rebecca Horn (born Germany 1944),1994

Offset lithograph


Given by Riikka Kuittinen

V&A Museum

The beer brewing company Beck's has been sponsoring contemporary art events since 1985 when they

supported the German Art in the 20th Century exhibition at the Royal Academy. Since then Beck's has

commemorated its major sponsorships and exhibition openings by inviting artists to create limited edition labels

for the bottles of beer which are offered to guests at the private views. By doing this they aim to identify their

brand image with the perceived attributes of contemporary art: cool, original, young, irreverent, controversial

and talked-about. Each design offers us a snapshot of the artist's work within the limitations of a small label.

Some are instantly recognisable - such as Damien Hirst's coloured dots, familiar from his spot paintings (one of

two labels he designed in 1995) - but others, are a little less obvious. Tim Head's label shows several plastic

coffee stirrers; his design connects with his interest in patterns and motifs derived from everyday throw-away

materials. Rebecca Horn is best-known as the maker of wearable artworks, and kinetic sculptures which produce

sounds or generate 'paintings' by mechanical gestures of pouring or spilling.

In every case, these artist-designed labels represent a fascinating synthesis of art and design, with popular

culture, marketing and consumption, as well as embodying the youth-orientated character of Beck's sponsorship



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miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

Jug for transporting beer

Ref: National Museums Scotland H.MEM 92

Date: Between 1630 and 1700

Material: Pottery

Dimensions: 250 mm H x 95 mm Dia (Rim); 115 mm Dia (Base)


This jug is from the site of a post-Medieval kiln at Throsk in Stirlingshire. Large quantities of earthenware vessels

were produced at Throsk, especially large jugs which may have been used for transporting beer and ale.

The jug is largely complete. It is straight- necked and its rim is turned outwards.

By the early 17th century several families were involved in producing pottery, tiles and bricks in the Throsk

area. They took advantage of local supplies of carse clay, and peat and coal for fuel.


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Etiquetas: arte

miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009

Red stoneware tankard

Red stoneware (Böttger stoneware), lapidary polished, with silver-gilt mounts

Museum no. C.22-2006

From the Arthur and Hilde Weiner Collection. 

Before Meissen became the first European factory to make 'true' porcelain, it developed a red stoneware of

which this tankard is an example.

An alchemist, Johann Friedrich Böttger, discovered the two formulas. He had been imprisoned by Augustus the

Strong, Elector of Saxony, and ordered to find out the secret of making porcelain. The red stoneware was only

made for a few years before commercial production of porcelain took over.