argumentative essays

The pros and cons of package holidays More and more travel agencies offer package holidays, which include many services at a reasonable price. Package holidays are becoming popular with families, newlywed couples and pensioners. In spite of having multitude of advantages, package holidays also have some drawbacks. The good thing about package holidays is you will know with a reasonable degree of certainty what the total cost of the holiday will be. Your flights, accomadation, meals and entertainment are included in the price. Another thing is that many packages offer facilities such as swimming, pool, restaurants, bars, children's clubs and activities such as cycling or tennis, so you will not get bored during your vacation. What is more there are now a large number of tour operators offering tours to almost every corner of the world. You can spend your holidays in the Maldives, Egypt, Europe or the Far East. Package holidays have many advantages, but there are a number of disadvantages, too. To start with, you basically spend most of your time in the resort complex, so some of the more appealing touriest locations might go unvisited. It also means that you are stuck with whatever the hotel offers, which might be very good or might not be so good. However, the worst thing that might happen when you choose package holidays is that you can be cheated by the travel agency. After you get to the destruction country, it may appear that your accomodation has not been paid or the hotel is below standard. On balance, it seems that package holidays have both advantages and disadvantages. They offer a comfortable and carefree way to spend your vacation, but they also have some drawbacks that people often tend to forget about. Pros and Cons of Studying Abroad Studying abroad, to some people, sounds like a dream come true. The opportunity to travel and experience a new way of life can be a great

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The pros and cons of package holidays

More and more travel agencies offer package holidays, which include many services at a reasonable price. Package holidays are becoming popular with families, newlywed couples and pensioners. In spite of having multitude of advantages, package holidays also have some drawbacks.  The good thing about package holidays is you will know with a reasonable degree of certainty what the total cost of the holiday will be. Your flights, accomadation, meals and entertainment are included in the price. Another thing is that many packages offer facilities such as swimming, pool, restaurants, bars, children's clubs and activities such as cycling or tennis, so you will not get bored during your vacation. What is more there are now a large number of tour operators offering tours to almost every corner of the world. You can spend your holidays in the Maldives, Egypt, Europe or the Far East. Package holidays have many advantages, but there are a number of disadvantages, too. To start with, you basically spend most of your time in the resort complex, so some of the more appealing touriest locations might go unvisited. It also means that you are stuck with whatever the hotel offers, which might be very good or might not be so good. However, the worst thing that might happen when you choose package holidays is that you can be cheated by the travel agency. After you get to the destruction country, it may appear that your accomodation has not been paid or the hotel is below standard.On balance, it seems that package holidays have both advantages and disadvantages. They offer a comfortable and carefree way to spend your vacation, but they also have some drawbacks that people often tend to forget about.

Pros and Cons of Studying Abroad

Studying abroad, to some people, sounds like a dream come true. The opportunity to travel and experience a new way of life can be a great opportunity. To others, however, studying abroad may appear like a complete nightmare. But if you do decide to study abroad, it is important to know the benefits and downsides before you make that final decision. Some of the pros of studying abroad are very clear: you are allowed the opportunity to learn to stand on your own two feet, whilst at the same time not only learning an academic subject, but also learning about other cultures and ways of life. You could even learn to speak another language. Studying abroad can teach you invaluable life lessons about what you do and don’t enjoy and you learn great independence skills. Some of these things may sound trivial, but it may be the first time you have had to budget for yourself, cook and clean for yourself, do the shopping, and so on. You will also get a great sense of freedom, meaning you will have to learn how to discipline yourself. It is all too easy to forget that one of the reasons you came abroad is to study, and it is important that you focus a large part of your time on your academic studies and not solely on your new found freedom and social life of course! Also, you will probably meet new friends, who you will share valuable experience with that will stay with you for a lifetime. Possibly, these new friends are foreign students themselves, meaning you could even gain some extra holiday destinations and see even more of the world at a later stage. Another pro of studying abroad is that you could potentially enroll in a course that is not available in your own country. Of course,

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studying a course abroad will also show you how other cultures perceive that subject. This can be a very important lesson on any subject and will really allow you to further your academic career.Furthermore, once you come to writing your curriculum vitae, being able to enclose international exposure is a definite selling point. It shows potential employers that you are independent, dedicated and hard working as well as being aware of global and international issues. In addition, as discussed above, you will have learned a certain subject from a different cultural perspective, meaning you have extensive knowledge on this subject that other people may not have. Of course, if you are studying abroad, you will be leaving behind your existing friends and your family for a period of time. This can be very hard, particularly if you have never been away from home for any great length of time. You will also need to interrupt any activities you are involved in at home, such as a sports team or voluntary activity. However, many of these activities can also be continued abroad.Another con is that you do not exactly know what to expect, and you could be in for a disappointment. Being independent in a foreign country means you will have to learn how to budget, and this can be very hard. Furthermore, your accommodation might not be up to standards, or you may have very annoying neighbors or roommates. This may be something that is harder to sort out whilst abroad, especially if you are struggling with the language.It is also possible that you find you cannot settle in the foreign culture. Different cultures have different habits, and you may find it very hard to learn how to live with these, or how to live without certain habits that come so naturally to your own culture.Something to definitely look into is whether or not the credits you obtain from studying abroad can be transferred back to a college or university in your own country. Of course, if you can’t transfer the credits, this does not necessarily mean that the time you spent abroad has been a waste of time, as you can see from the many pros, it is an invaluable experience.Another issue is, of course, the potential language barrier. You may have a rudimentary knowledge of the language in the country you are hoping to study in, meaning you are able to make your way around when you are on holiday, but it’s an entirely different thing to study in a foreign language. However, many schools in foreign countries now offer their main colleges and seminars in English, so you may be able to take advantage of this. However, on the positive side, it could give you the opportunity to learn a brand new language. This can help you in the rest of your life, not just in your career and possible further travels, but also health wise. It has been determined that speaking a second language greatly reduces your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease later on in life.

Pros And Cons Of Watching Movies At Home Or In The Theater

Movies are a great way to entertain Americans. But which one is more fun? The choice is watching a movie at home, or watching a movie at a theater? Each has its benefits and each has its faults. Everyone has their own personal opinion on this topic, but I do not care about everyone else; I care about my opinion. There are numerous benefits to watching a movie at home. Most of my reasons are personal, but I feel as though they are shared by many. I love watching a movie at home because I can sprawl out on a couch. I think movie theater chairs are so uncomfortable and confined. I also love eating, so I can get up and go to the kitchen and go grab whatever I want for a reasonable price, the price I paid at the grocery store. Plus, while you’re over in your kitchen getting food, you missed a part. Well you can go rewind it and see the part you missed, or before you go to the kitchen, you can pause the movie and when you come back, you can resume the movie. I also enjoy the fact of if you rent a movie or own the movie, you can watch it

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whenever you want. Personally, I believe there is nothing better than spreading yourself out on a couch, with a loved one, and a nice big bowl of popcorn, and watching a movie at night. It seems so relaxing. Watching a movie at a movie theater is quite fun in itself as well. It is fun to have a night out on the town. People go to school and work all week to go out and go have fun on the weekend. Nobody wants to sit at home then. Couples everywhere seem to love the dinner and a movie date. They crowd cafes getting a bite to eat, and then go enjoy a movie. What is great about watching a movie at a theater is that the movie is new! You cannot rent it on DVD or VHS. You can sit in a large room, with a large amount of people, with this large T.V. and a large sound system. It all seems large, especially when you pay out the nose for tickets, only to have to hear a child screaming through the movie. These are the choices faced by everyone these days. With the emergence of home theater technologies, no one wants to go out anymore.

Travel Broadens the Mind

“The world is a book and those who do not travel only read one page.” These words are as true now as when they were first uttered by the philosopher Augustine. Unlike reading, travelling broadens our minds in different ways. That means it lets us admire beautiful landscapes, encounter different people and experience different cultures.First traveling means to discover. Discover new and unknown facts and images. Some people say there is no difference between visiting a place and reading about it. But imagine the feeling when you read about the beauty of a particular place compared to the one when you are there, witnessing the beauty of it. To travel also means to communicate. To meet new people with different personalities and perspective. They show you their views on life, their likes and dislikes, their preferences, etc. Traveling enables you to become aware of differences in lifestyle - whether they are regional or national - and to learn how different people interact and generally what they base their ideas on. Traveling lets people explore their own customs and way of life, and appreciate their countries' history and traditions. Traveling introduces new ideas that can change your opinions on different topics and help you to become more open minded about things you would normally disapprove of, such as exploring different political situations in countries you visit. Travel also teaches you independence, because it allows you to escape the familiar surroundings of home and stay in a strange or alien place. Additionally, our minds are broadened by the simple absorption of information, images, memories, etc. Travel allows us to experience new things as well as new sides to ourselves. We might see something new in ourselves or discover new interests.

Television promotes violence

Does television promote violence and crime among children? Although most people look at television as an entertaining and educational way to spend time, some people think there is too much violence in television and it is influencing our youth into becoming aggressive in nature and to tolerate violence. Now scientists have discovered that all the violence in television can in fact mold a young innocent person into becoming a monster right under our eyes, just by watching television. It might sound absurd, but think about it. It is 5:00 pm and you feel in the mood to relax and watch a talk show after a stressful day at work, only to find out the topic is, “He killed my sister and I want REVENGE!” It sounds odd but most people like the thrill of violence. Why do you think “Nightmare on Elm Street” and “Friday the 13th”

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were so popular? What do you think goes through a young person’s mind when the bad guy is shot dead by the good guy and everyone applauds? The child learns that it is fine to hurt someone as long as they are bad, so if cousin Sam takes my toy, it is ok to hit him because he was bad. This type of behavior can promote a false idea in a child’s mind of how the real world deals with criminals.All major television networks contribute to this problem. If you think about it, it is not uncommon to turn on the news or open a newspaper and find out someone was murdered because of the color of their skin or their face was slashed up because they were pretty and someone was jealous. Many of these senseless violent acts have been committed all over the country. Acts of violence are committed everyday by high school and even elementary school children. Psychologists and scientists have been trying to figure out what is causing these violent acts among our youth and how to stop it.

The Pros and Cons of Living in the CountryLiving in the country has both advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that there isn’t much pollution and traffic. You don’t have to worry about tour health because the air and the water are clean and fresh. There are usually a lot of plants. There isn’t any concrete and there aren’t any advertisements, blocks of flats, skyscrapers or traffic james. You can admire beautiful landscapes: meadows, hills or forests. For example, you can go to the forest to pick mushrooms or go hunting. Another point is that it’s easier to have a big house with a big garden because taxes for ground are lower. If you lived in the country you would be able to afford many of the things that there are to do or perhaps even to buy because living in the country isn’t as expensive as in the city – there are lower prices. Moreover, you can have real barbecue in your own garden. Just imagine! On the plus side it’s easy to find good, cheap accommodation. Besides, living in the rural area is much safer. There aren’t so many housebreakers as in the city and there is also less probability that someone may break to your house. People know each other and they notice quickly that something strange is happening in their village. To sum up, country life is full of peace and silence so you’ll always feel wonderful and self confident. In spite of these positives, for every plus there’s a minus. Country life seems to be slower because people have more free time. They usually don’t have to work as hard as in the city but they also earn less money. One disadvantage is that there aren’t many interesting things to do and places to go or to see so you can sometimes feel bored. It’s also harder to find work. There isn’t any public transport so you need to own a car. Moreover, some institutions like: hospitals, police stations, sheds, schools or shops are usually situated far from the country and it’s sometimes difficult to get there. Last of all, living in the country may be dangerous. For instance, you may be separated from the rest of the world by strong snowfall, rainfall or gale. All things considered, I think that we like country life because of its peace, fresh air, beautiful landscapes, safety and comfort. However, many people would rather stay in the city because living there seems to be easier. Especially if they have well-paid work or if they were brought up in a block of flats like I was.