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ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during Project Development 22-23 May 2012

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Page 1: ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during ... · ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during Project Development 22-23 May 2012. Mitigating Risk during Project

ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during Project Development

22-23 May 2012

Page 2: ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during ... · ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during Project Development 22-23 May 2012. Mitigating Risk during Project

Mitigating Risk during Project Development

While developing a tank terminal, like with any other industrial infrastructure project, one runs risks. The commercial risks are for the commercial manager or trader to manage typically by means of business cases The financing risks are for themanage, typically by means of business cases. The financing risks are for the financial manager to manage through negotiating with banks and equity providers.

The inherent project development risks are for the project manager to manage. In this presentation we present the main project risks and how to mitigate them.

page 222-23 May 2012

Page 3: ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during ... · ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during Project Development 22-23 May 2012. Mitigating Risk during Project

Mitigating Risk during Project Development


-The Devils TriangleThe Devils Triangle

- Risk for Schedule delay

- Risk for Budget overruns

-Structured Contracting

-Structured Engineering

-Structured Project Development

page 322-23 May 2012

Page 4: ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during ... · ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during Project Development 22-23 May 2012. Mitigating Risk during Project

The Devils Triangle

A triangle with 3 sides of equal length• Scope• Money


• Time

Money TimeMoney Time

If you move one of the three, at least one of the others

will move as well!

page 422-23 May 2012

Page 5: ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during ... · ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during Project Development 22-23 May 2012. Mitigating Risk during Project

Main reasons for delayMain reasons for delay• Partnerships• Government relationsInitial steps• Initial steps can take years!

• Unclear infrastructure requirements• Long discussions about next steps

Initial steps

Starting up the development

• Long permit procedures• Funding (you know better then me)

The details: funding and permits

C t ti th t ti • Long tendering process

• Defaulting contractors

Contracting the construction

The Construction itself

Don’t be too optimistic: plans will always change!

page 5

Don t be too optimistic: plans will always change!

22-23 May 2012

Page 6: ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during ... · ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during Project Development 22-23 May 2012. Mitigating Risk during Project

H t t d h ill k h d l d t lHow a structured approach will keep your schedule under controlTotal duration: 1,5 – 4,5 yearsSCHEDULE

Few weeks

Phase 0: Feasibility study

Phase 1: Concept definition

2-3 months

Phase 2: Funds & Permits

Phase 3:

6-18 months

3-6 monthsTendering

Phase 4: Construction

Phase 5:

3-6 months

½-2 years

1 3Phase 5: Commissioning

Phase 6: In operation

1-3 months

page 622-23 May 2012

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T i l d l t j t tTerminal development project cost• Cost indication: $ 250 - $ 400 per m3 storage capacity• Main cost drivers:

- Size, expressed in m3 storage capacity- Marine infrastructure- Products stored, gasoline or gasoil/fueloil

Value is determined by location, location and

location- Contracting strategy location

page 722-23 May 2012

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B d t d l t tiBudget development over time

In theory:+/- 40%• per m3 calculation +/- 40%• Concept design +/- 25%• FEED design +/- 10%• At contract award +/- 5%+/- 5%

$ 100

$ 0Time

$ 100In practice:• Ad-hoc calculations• By different consultants/engineers


$ 0

By different consultants/engineers• At management meetings First Idea

Sti k t t d i b d t til t t i k !

page 8

Stick to concept design budget until contract prices are known!

22-23 May 2012

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How a structured approach will keep your budget under controlHow a structured approach will keep your budget under control

Few weeksPhase 0: Feasibility 

Total duration: 1,5 – 4,5 yearsSCHEDULE

Phase 1: Concept

Phase 2: Funds/Permits

Phase 3: Tendering

2‐3 months

6‐18 months

3‐6 months

Phase 4: Construction

Phase 5: Commissioning

Phase 6: In operation

½‐2 years

1‐3 months

$ 100‐200.000

$ 200‐400.000


$ 500‐1.000.000

$ 95 – 98 mlnTypical commitments for a 

$ 100 mln project

page 9

$ 500‐1.500.000

22-23 May 2012

Page 10: ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during ... · ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during Project Development 22-23 May 2012. Mitigating Risk during Project

Structured Construction ContractingDefine Contracting Strategy• Single or multiple contractors

Typical EPC single contractor structure• Single or multiple contractors• EPC Contract Format

- Lump-sum Turn-key- Design & Construct


Design & Construct- Unit Rates

Typical Tender Process• Pre-qualification (RfQ) EPCEPC


• Request for Proposal (RfP)• Proposal evaluation• Negotiation


• Contract AwardDuration: 4 – 6 months


Y h i i k b d t & h d l

page 10

Your choice: risk budget & schedule

22-23 May 2012

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Alternative contracting approachesAlternative contracting approachesPackage unit approachEPCm(anagement




Package 2Package 2Package 1Package 1 Package 3Package 3


SuppliersSuppliers SuppliersSuppliers SuppliersSuppliers


page 1122-23 May 2012

Page 12: ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during ... · ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during Project Development 22-23 May 2012. Mitigating Risk during Project

Structured Engineering processStructured Engineering process1. Define your functional requirements• Products stored

St iti

Concept design• Layout• Storage capacities

• Transport modes in and out• Quality standard2. Concept design

Layout• Tank Design• Process Flow Diagram (PFD)• Utility Description

G t h i l Sp g

• By engineering company• Requires 1 to 3 months• Fit for single EPC contract only3 Basic Design or FEED

• Geotechnical Survey

Basic Design or FEED• FEED: Front End Engineering Design3. Basic Design or FEED

• By engineering company or contractor• Requires 3 to 6 months• Required for more complex contract strategies

g g g• Up to 100 drawings and documents

• If you want to control details/standard of design• Required for Environmental Impact Assessment

(EIA)4. Construction Engineering Contracting Strategy determines level of engineering!4. Construction Engineering• By Construction company(ies)

page 12

Contracting Strategy determines level of engineering!

22-23 May 2012

Page 13: ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during ... · ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during Project Development 22-23 May 2012. Mitigating Risk during Project

Structured Project DevelopmentStructured Project Development

One Overall Plan• Updated before each stage

Phasing in manageable steps:• Phase 0 – Feasibility Study• Phase 1 Concept Definition

p g

Detailed plan for each phase:• Budget approval for phase only

Ti h d l• Phase 1 – Concept Definition• Phase 2 – Funds & Permits• Phase 3 – Tendering

Ph 4 C t ti

• Time schedule• Staff allocation• Go-nogo decision for each phase

• Phase 4 – Construction• Phase 5 – Commissioning• Phase 6 – In Operation

Advantages• Staged budgeting• Main commitment in Phase 5

Phase 0Feasibility

Phase 1Concept

Phase 2Funds & Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5

CommissioniPhase 6


• Management control over main schedule

page 1322-23 May 2012



Funds &Permits Tendering Construction Commissioni



Page 14: ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during ... · ARA Trading & Finance Seminar Mitigating Risk during Project Development 22-23 May 2012. Mitigating Risk during Project

Structured Project Development

Keep the devils triangle under control!

Structured Project Development


Money Time

You can download the Riverlake Solutions Project Handbook

( d h l t i l t it )

page 14

(and we can help you to implement it ;-)

22-23 May 2012

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Thank YouThank You

Ri l k S l tiRiverlake SolutionsProject developers for Oil Terminals,

SPM/CBM/FSO and Maritime OperationsSPM/CBM/FSO and Maritime Operations

22-23 May 2012

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Management contactsJan Thijs MaatmanMSc. Mining and Petroleum Engineering

Since 1999 experience in contracting oil & gas

[email protected]

Mobile +31 650 12 84 21

Erik van SliedregtMSc. Mechanical Engineering

Since 1998 experience in marine contracting construction

and production mangement

[email protected]

Mobile +31 650 12 84 20

Wilbert Versteeg Feiko JagerWilbert VersteegMaster of Business Sience

Since 1996 experience in marine contracting oil & gas

[email protected]

Mobile +31 650 12 84 22

Feiko JagerMSc. Maritime Technology

Since 1987 experience in oil terminal and maritime


[email protected]

Mobile +31 613 02 50 86

page 1622-23 May 2012

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Office ContactSales OfficeP kl 46Parklaan 463016 BC Rotterdam, The NetherlandsTel: +31 10 436 54 30Fax: +31 10 225 06 89

Head Office26, rue du Mont-Blanc1201 Geneva, CH

page 1722-23 May 2012