april 2013 keyser lions club newsletter

President Greg Lynch 2012 - 2013 By-Lions Secretary John Cole “Liberty Intelligence, Our Nation’s Safety” April 2013 Katya Greetings Fellow Lions, Our first meeting of March was held on Thursday, March 7th at 6:30 pm at University Place on the campus of Potomac State College. Our guest speaker was Louie Kitzmiller. He talked about the work of Mineral County Aging and Family Services. Our second meeting of March took place on the 21st at the same time and place and featured a speaker from Big Brothers, Big Sisters. Our first meeting of April will take place on the 4th at 6:30 pm at University Place on the cam- pus of Potomac State College. At this meeting we will receive our annual food handlers train- ing. It is important for all Lions who are planning to work at our annual chicken barbeque to take this training, so please make every effort to attend. Our second meeting of April will take place on the 18th at the same time and place and will feature the Goldsworthy Scholars. Our Fearless Leader, Lion Greg, has asked me to remind you that officer elections for the new year will be coming up soon. He asks that you please begin thinking about offices you might be interested in holding. We are going to have a large number of vacancies to fill. Please take a look at the list of offices on the other side of the newsletter and think about how you might want to serve our club. Here are some other upcoming events that you might want to put on your calendar as well: April 6, 2013 - 4th Cabinet Meeting, Fort Ashby Community Center, 10:00 am May 31 - June 2, 2013 - 91st Annual West Virginia Lions State Convention, Pipestem State Park, Pipestem, WV. Registration is $80.00 if paid by May 1st or $90.00 if paid after May 1st. New Members after July 1, 2012, or any first timers to the State convention, can get a reduced fee of $60.00 if they register by May 1st. Room rates at Pipestem are $80 plus tax per night if reserved by May 1st. Be sure to mention you are with the Lions Club to get this rate. Details and the registration form can be found in the April 2013 District 29-I Newsletter. The newslet- ter has been posted to the Keyser Lions Facebook Page. July 5-9, 2013 – 96th Annual Lions Clubs International Convention, Hamburg, Germany - You can find a copy of the registration form on the Keyser Lions Facebook page. Hope to see you at many of these events!

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Page 1: April 2013 Keyser Lions Club newsletter


Greg Lynch

2012 - 2013


John Cole

“Liberty Intelligence, Our Nation’s Safety”

April 2013


Greetings Fellow Lions,

Our first meeting of March was held on Thursday, March 7th at 6:30 pm at University Place onthe campus of Potomac State College. Our guest speaker was Louie Kitzmiller. He talked aboutthe work of Mineral County Aging and Family Services. Our second meeting of March tookplace on the 21st at the same time and place and featured a speaker from Big Brothers, Big Sisters.

Our first meeting of April will take place on the 4th at 6:30 pm at University Place on the cam-pus of Potomac State College. At this meeting we will receive our annual food handlers train-ing. It is important for all Lions who are planning to work at our annual chicken barbeque totake this training, so please make every effort to attend. Our second meeting of April will takeplace on the 18th at the same time and place and will feature the Goldsworthy Scholars.

Our Fearless Leader, Lion Greg, has asked me to remind you that officer elections for the newyear will be coming up soon. He asks that you please begin thinking about offices you mightbe interested in holding. We are going to have a large number of vacancies to fill. Please take alook at the list of offices on the other side of the newsletter and think about how you mightwant to serve our club.

Here are some other upcoming events that you might want to put on your calendar as well:

April 6, 2013 - 4th Cabinet Meeting, Fort Ashby Community Center, 10:00 am

May 31 - June 2, 2013 - 91st Annual West Virginia Lions State Convention, Pipestem StatePark, Pipestem, WV. Registration is $80.00 if paid by May 1st or $90.00 if paid after May 1st.New Members after July 1, 2012, or any first timers to the State convention, can get a reducedfee of $60.00 if they register by May 1st. Room rates at Pipestem are $80 plus tax per night ifreserved by May 1st. Be sure to mention you are with the Lions Club to get this rate. Detailsand the registration form can be found in the April 2013 District 29-I Newsletter. The newslet-ter has been posted to the Keyser Lions Facebook Page.

July 5-9, 2013 – 96th Annual Lions Clubs International Convention, Hamburg, Germany - Youcan find a copy of the registration form on the Keyser Lions Facebook page.

Hope to see you at many of these events!

Page 2: April 2013 Keyser Lions Club newsletter





2012 2013

President – Greg Lynch Secretary – John Cole

1st Vice President – Mark Conrad Treasurer – Pat Bane

Tail Twister – Scott Gahr Lion Tamer – Duwaine Nichols

Directors – Scott Gahr, Bunny Markwood, Mike Bane & Jeff Logsdon

Membership Director – Howard Boggs

Ex-Officio Member – John Cole – Immediate Past President


Membership: Dallas Adams – 3rd year, Bunny Markwood – 2nd year

Attendance & Greeters: Ken Hollen – Chairman, Don Hott, Dallas Adams

Sight: Mark Conrad – Chairman, Dallas Adams – Vice Chairman, Pat Bane,

Bunny Markwood, Terry Liller, Terry Mangold, Brian Staggs, Ken Hollen

Finance & Budget: Pat Bane – Chairman, Hayward Wilson – Vice Chairman, Charles Logsdon

Activities & Special Events: Overall Chairman – Duwain Nicholas

Christmas Dinner – Pat Bane, Tom Vieli, Scott Gahr

Picnic – Mike Bane, John Cole

Mints – Larry Bolyard

Broom and Candle Sales – Howard Boggs, Bunny Markwood

Goldsworthy Scholars – Jim Goldsworthy, Tom Hartman, Bob Melody

Chicken BBQ – John Cole, Scott Gahr, Bob Melody, Joe Bane

Dinner Menu: John Cole – Chairman, Pat Bane, Hayward Wilson, Joe Bane

Service Projects: Hayward Wilson – Chair, Pat Bane, Dallas Adams, John Cole, Jared Adams,

Eric Iser

Bereavement: Howard Boggs – Chairman, Dallas Adams

Social, Citizenship & Public Services: Bob Melody – Chairman, Larry Bolyard, Jim McCune,

Ken Hollen

Public Relations:Reeves Taylor – Chairman, Mark Conrad – Editor,

John Cole – Newspaper/Publicity Chairman, Howard Boggs – Photographer

MEETINGS: 1st & 3rd THURSDAYS @ 6:30 P.M.