applications of ergodic theory and sofic systems to cellular automata

Physica 10D (1984) 36-44 North-Holland, Amsterdam APPLICATIONS OF ERGODIC THEORY AND SOFIC SYSTEMS TO CELLULAR AUTOMATA D.A. LIND Department of Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA We indicate a mathematical framework for analysing the evolution of cellular automata. Those automata obeying an additive rule are shown to be the same as endomorphisms of a compact abelian group, and therefore their statistical and dynamical behavior can be told exactly by using Fourier analysis and ergodic theory. Those obeying certain nonlinear rules are closely tied to a finitely-described object called a sofic system, but the underlying statistics appear to be more complicated and interesting. We conclude by formulating several conjectures about one such system. 1. Introduction Cellular automata were originally introduced by von Neumann and Ulam [1] as potential idealized mathematical models of biological systems capable of self-reproduction. Since then they have been re- introduced and studied in many contexts, ranging from parallel processing in computers to the growth and evolution of crystals and organisms. A detailed description of cellular automata, together with many references to their applications, has been recently given by Wolfram [2]. This paper has two purposes. The first is to show how certain patterns and regularities observed in the evolution of cellular automata can be put into a mathematical framework capable of useful anal- ysis. Using the basic tools of ergodic theory and Fourier analysis on compact groups, some of the empirical observations in [2] can be rigorously formulated and proved. Other quantitative state- ments there can be given an exact form. The second purpose is to point out that some of the numerical observations lead to precise but apparently difficult mathematical problems. The computer simulations of Grassberger [3] on the behavior of one type of cellular automaton lead to likely looking conjectures in dynamical systems. However, even a crude model of the necessary theorem on random walks eluded Erdts and Ney [4], only to be settled later by Adelman [5]. Although treating cellular automata as dynam- ical systems is hardly new (see [6] for example), there are some novel features here. Additive rules are the same as endomorphisms of a compact abelian group, and the latter have been thoroughly investigated [7]. Virtually complete results are available for them. Also, the natural stage on which certain nonlinear cellular automata evolve is an object introduced by Weiss [8] in 1973 called a sofic system. Such systems can be described in terms of a finite-state automaton. Their theory leads to useful information on the statistics of nonlinear cellular automaton evolution. 2. Mathematical framework We will deal with 1-dimensional cellular auto- mata. Extensions to higher dimensions should be clear. Let S be a finite set of states. A configuration on the lattice Z of integers is an assignment of an element of S to each site ieZ. Thus a configuration x = {xl} is a doubly-infinite sequence of elements x~eS. The set X of all possible configurations is denoted by S z. For simplicity, we take S = {0, 1} unless otherwise stated. The topological glue holding the points of X together is determined by the metric d(x, y)= 2-Lillx,- I . i= --oO 0167-2789/84/$03.00 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)

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Page 1: Applications of ergodic theory and sofic systems to cellular automata

Physica 10D (1984) 36-44 North-Holland, Amsterdam


D.A. LIND Department of Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA

We indicate a mathematical framework for analysing the evolution of cellular automata. Those automata obeying an additive rule are shown to be the same as endomorphisms of a compact abelian group, and therefore their statistical and dynamical behavior can be told exactly by using Fourier analysis and ergodic theory. Those obeying certain nonlinear rules are closely tied to a finitely-described object called a sofic system, but the underlying statistics appear to be more complicated and interesting. We conclude by formulating several conjectures about one such system.

1. Introduction

Cellular automata were originally introduced by von Neumann and Ulam [1] as potential idealized mathematical models of biological systems capable of self-reproduction. Since then they have been re- introduced and studied in many contexts, ranging from parallel processing in computers to the growth and evolution of crystals and organisms. A detailed description of cellular automata, together with many references to their applications, has been recently given by Wolfram [2].

This paper has two purposes. The first is to show how certain patterns and regularities observed in the evolution of cellular automata can be put into a mathematical framework capable of useful anal- ysis. Using the basic tools of ergodic theory and Fourier analysis on compact groups, some of the empirical observations in [2] can be rigorously formulated and proved. Other quantitative state- ments there can be given an exact form.

The second purpose is to point out that some of the numerical observations lead to precise but apparently difficult mathematical problems. The computer simulations of Grassberger [3] on the behavior of one type of cellular automaton lead to likely looking conjectures in dynamical systems. However, even a crude model of the necessary theorem on random walks eluded Erdts and Ney [4], only to be settled later by Adelman [5].

Although treating cellular automata as dynam-

ical systems is hardly new (see [6] for example), there are some novel features here. Additive rules are the same as endomorphisms of a compact abelian group, and the latter have been thoroughly investigated [7]. Virtually complete results are available for them. Also, the natural stage on which certain nonlinear cellular automata evolve is an object introduced by Weiss [8] in 1973 called a sofic system. Such systems can be described in terms of a finite-state automaton. Their theory leads to useful information on the statistics of nonlinear cellular automaton evolution.

2. Mathematical framework

We will deal with 1-dimensional cellular auto- mata. Extensions to higher dimensions should be clear.

Let S be a finite set of states. A configuration on the lattice Z of integers is an assignment of an element of S to each site i e Z . Thus a configuration x = {xl} is a doubly-infinite sequence of elements x~eS. The set X of all possible configurations is denoted by S z. For simplicity, we take S = {0, 1} unless otherwise stated.

The topological glue holding the points of X together is determined by the metric

d(x, y)= 2-Li l lx , - I . i = --oO

0167-2789/84/$03.00 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)

Page 2: Applications of ergodic theory and sofic systems to cellular automata

D.A. L ind /Ergod ic theory and cellular au tomata 37

Thus x and y are close when their components x~ and yi agree for lil < N for a large N. The space X equipped with metric d is a Cantor set.

For x ~X, define (ax)~ = xi+v Thus a shifts the entries in a configuration one unit to the left. This shift is a continuous and one-to-one mapping of X onto itself, i.e. a is a homeomorphism of X.

A cellular automaton rule gives the discrete time evolution of a configuration in terms of a local interaction of the site values. In other words, a configuration x evolves in one time step to a new configuration zx defined as follows. Fix a neigh- borhood size k and a function % : S2K+~S. Then


('CX ) i "~ "[o(Xi_ k . . . . . Xi + k) . (2.1)

One example of such a rule, using nearest neigh- bors only, is the additive rule

(vx)i = x/_ l + xi+ ~ (mod 2). (2.2)

We shall study this rule in section 4. It is clear that if x is close to y, then zx will be

close to zy. This means that ~ : X - , X is a con- tinuous map. Also, spacial homogeneity of ~ means that T commutes with a, i.e. ar = ~a.

Conversely, using uniform continuity it is easy to show that if z : X ~ X is a continuous map commuting with a, then ~ must be given by a local rule of the form (2.1) [9]. Therefore cellular auto- mata rules coincide with shift-commuting con- tinuous maps of X.

Such continuous mappings have been studied before [9]. However, there is such a wealth of phenomena that simple or comprehensive results are rare.

3. Ergodic theory, entropy, and disorder

Before studying two cellular automata in detail, we make some general remarks.

The appropriate mathematical description of an

initial distribution of configurations is a proba- bility measure/ t on X. We should also require p to be spacially homogeneous, so # (aE) = / t ( E ) for all measurable subsets E of X.

To describe such a measure, let

B = [bob1... bk_ 1], bj e S, k i> l, and put C ( B ) = { x ~ X : x o = b o , . . . , X k _ l = b k _ t } . Thus C(B) specifies the set of configurations with pre- scribed values at a finite number of sites. Such a set is called a cylinder set. Clearly # must satisfy the consistency relation

#(C[b0, • • •, bk]) = ~ P(C[b0, • • •, bk, j] ) . (3.1) yES

The Kolmogorov consistency theorem [10] shows that any assignment of measures to cylinders satis- fying (3.1) will extend to a shift invariant measure on X.

For example, let 0 < p < l . I f B has j l 's and k - j O's, define ktp(C(B))=p~(1 __p)k-~. This distribution #p specifies a random initial set of configurations with density p of l's.

Since /1 is assumed preserved under a, we can apply the tools of ergodic theory. Say that # is ergodic for a if whenever aE = E, then/z (E) = 0 or 1. For example, each/ap is ergodic for a.

If/z is ergodic for a, the ergodic theorem implies that for every continuous function f : X ~ R ,

1 f(a~x) ---, x)d/~(x), as N - - * ~ ,

2 N + l i u X

for /~-almost every x in X. As an example, to compute the frequency of l 's in x, let f~(x)--x0. Then the ergodic theorem implies that for g-almost every x, the frequency of l 's in x exists and equals

lim 1 N~ufl(aiX)= f f l ( x ) d p ( x ) . u ~ 2N + 1 i


Applying this to /ap shows that #p-almost every point in X has frequency p of l's, This restates the strong law of large numbers for Bernoulli trials.

Since z is continuous, its image zX in X is compact. A a-invariant measure p is mapped to a

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38 D.A. Lind / Ergodic theory and cellular automata

measure z# on X via the definition (z/~)(E) = #(~-1E). Since az = za, z/~ is a-invariant as well, and ergodic for cr if # was. The frequency of l 's in the first evolution zx of a typical point x is

1 lim ~ fl(tTi'cx) u ~ 2 N + 1 i = - - N

Since fl(a~zx)=(flz)(a~x), the ergodic theorem implies this limit equals

f ( f : ) d/z = ff~ d(z/l), (3.2)


for almost every x. Similar results hold for further iterates z". In

fact, all statistical quantities, such as the frequency in z"x of the block [0110100], can be exactly computed once the image measure z"/~ is known.

Limiting behavior of the evolution as n --, ~ can also be formulated mathematically. Say that a sequence of measures ~, converges to # (symbol- ically # , ~ # ) if for every continuous real-valued function f on X, Sfd#,~Sfd#. In probability theory this is called "weak convergence." The limiting behavior of a cellular automaton with given initial distribution ~ of configurations is the study of the behavior of the measures ~"/~ on ~"X as n ~ oo. For example, we shall prove below that if ~ is the additive rule (2.2) and 0 < p < 1, then N - i N-I ~'dn = 0 "C n~lp ~ 1"/1/2" T h i s implies that regardless o f

the density of l 's in an initial random configuration, the limiting frequency of l 's is ½. One consequence is a proof of the approximate result (3.7) of [2] concerning the density of triangles for additive rules (see (4.1) below).

Entropy measures disorder. In the context of Cantor sets, topological entropy of the shift a on a ~r-invariant compact subset Y of X can be defined as follows. Let f : Y ~ { 1 , . . . , k} be continuous, and define N,(f, a) to be the number of distinct sequences {f(y),f(ay),... ,f(o'"-ly)} for y 6 Y. Clearly N,(f, or) <~ k". Define H(f , a) = lira s u p , . , (I/n) log N,(f , a), where log is the natural loga- rithm. Finally, define the entropy of a on Y to be

h(cr, Y)=supyH(f,a), where the supremum is taken over all continuous funct ionsf taking a finite number of values. Thus h (a, Y) is the exponential rate of growth of the number of approximate orbits in Y of a given length.

Since zX c X, the images z"X are ~-invariant compact sets that decrease to a compact set z°~X=/q,%1 r"X. Thus h(a,z"X) decreases, and the difference h(a,X)-h(a,z"X) measures the "increase in order" introduced by the cellular automaton rule. This is a mathematical description of the "self-organization" observed in [2].

One quantitative consequence of these obser- vations is the following. Let P,(z) denote the number of blocks of length n with predecessors under ~. If zX = X, then clearly P,(z) = 2" for all n. However, if zX # X, one can show [11] that h (a, zX) < h (a, X) = log 2. This means in particu- lar that P,(z) increases like exp[nh(a, zX)], so P, (z) /2"~0 exponentially fast.

4. Exact results for additive cellular automata

Let z denote the additive rule (2.2). Using the ergodic theorem for commuting transformations together with Fourier analysis, we show that the statistical regularities observed in [2] can be proved in an exact form. Indeed, all statistical quantities can be explicitly computed this way.

Since each coordinate of X is an element of the finite group 2~ 2 = {0, 1}, X itself is a compact group. Additivity of z means that z is a group homomorphism. Furthermore, z is a four-to-one homomorphism of X onto itself. Therefore [12] it preserves Haar measure/~i~ = #1/2. Throughout this section, "almost everywhere" refers to /~n unless otherwise indicated.

The character group G of X is the countable abelian group whose elements have the form g = {g~}, gi ~ Z2 with all but a finite number of gi equal to 0. The value of a character g on a group element x is computed by

g(x)= f i (1--2x,) g',

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where there are only a finite number of terms in the product different from 1. The dual homomorphism of G induced by z, which we also call z, is given by

(zg)i = gi - 1 + gi + t"

[10kl] in zx together with at least one 1 occurring in x above a 0. I f f e is the corresponding function, it is easy to compute that the density T(k) of triangles of base k has the value

Forg ~ 0, {z"g} is infinite, implying z is ergodic for Pn [12]. Thus a and z induces a jointly ergodic action of Z x ~, given by the correspondence (i, n) ~ trgz ". Under this correspondence, an initial configuration x ~ X generates a patternf~(a~z'x) of O's and l 's indexed by Z x [~/.

Let E b e a finite subset o f Z × N, and P : E~7 / : assign a pattern of O's and l's to E. P u t f e ( x ) = 1 iffl(a~z"x) = P(i, n) for all (i, n)~ E, and 0 other- wise.

Define the frequency of the pattern P in the z-evolution of x to be

| N N

re(x) = lim i , N ~ ( Z N + I ) ( N + D Z Z f P ( a z x ) , ] i = - - N n = O

provided the limit exists. An application of the ergodic theory for commuting measure-preserving transformation [13, VIII. 6.9] implies that Vp(X) exists for almost every x and can be computed from fp.


again observed in approximate form in [2]. The evolution of an initial distribution /z of

configurations is given by the sequence of measures z"p. In particular, the study of z'l~p reflects the evolution from a disordered state with density p of l's. We show that although z'/~p does not itself converge if p 4: ½, the averages converge to/z n.

We shall use the machinery of Fourier analysis of the compact group X. The Fourier transform of a measure/~ on X is given by

(" ~(g) = | g ( x ) du(x) (g e C).

a / X

It is easy to show that p,~/~ exactly when f i , (g)~fi(g) for every g e G. Since (z'#) ^ (g)= fi(z'g), we have that

z " p ~ # ~ if and only if /~(T"g)~/~o~(g)

Theorem 1. For almost every x eX the frequency ve(x) of the pattern P in the z-evolution of x exists and has the value

Ve(X) = f f e dgH.


Thus the statistical patterns in the evolution of a configuration can be exactly computed. In partic- ular, let Q(k) denote the frequency of the block [I(Y1] in the evolution of x. By Theorem 1, Q(k) = (¼)2 -k, a result observed in approximate form in [2].

As another application of theorem 1, let P denote the pattern of a triangle of O's with base length k. Then P is described as the occurrence of

for all g ~ G. (4.2)

Thus the behavior of z'/~ depends on the behavior of/~, which can be computed in particular cases. We give two examples.

Theorem 2. (i) I fp 4: ½, then z"/zp does not converge. (ii) For 0 < p < 1,


N,~=I Z"I~p~PH' as N ~ .

Proof. We first calculate tip. For g -- {gi} ~ G, let S ( g ) = {i:gi= 1} be the support of g, and put r g)--IS(g)l, where Igl denotes the cardinality of

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40 D.A. Lind/Ergodic theory and cellular automata

a set E. Then for all M > 0, and hence that

[" Mg) = |g(x)


= b,=o, ~ , (~sc~(1-2b") # ' ( x : x i = b i } i ) i~Stg)

= ~ ( - 1 ) k r ) k( l_p) ,~)-k k = 0

= (1 - 2p) ~g) . (4.3)

Let g(i) be the element of G with a 1 in the ith coordinate and O's elsewhere. Then t2"g ( i )= g (i - 2") + g (i + 2"), so r (t 2"g (0)) = 2 and r(tV+2g(0)) = 4 for every n. Thus by (4.3)

1 N ~ = IJp(~:"g)~O = PH(g) (g

Since tip(0)= fill(0)= 1, another application of (4.2) establishes (ii).

The next result shows that if the Haar initial distribution is distorted by a continuous function, the distorted distribution will evolve under z to the Haar distribution.

Theorem 3. If f is a continuous real-valued func- tion on X with Haar integral I and d# = f d # n , then t"p ~t"/~r~.

fip(Z2"g(O)) = (1 - - 2 p ) 2 ,


~p(T2n+2g(O)) = ( l - - 2 / ) ) 4 .

This shows that i f p ~½, then fip(t"g(0)) does not converge as n ~oo. Using (4.2) we obtain (i).

To show (ii), we begin with the following fact, which can be easily deduced from properties of the binomial coefficients modulo 2. For g ~ 0 and every M > 0,

Proof. We first compute ft. Let g :~ 0, and let S(g) have the same meaning as in the proof of theorem 2. Put u(g) = max{]i]: i e S(g)}. Let j e S(g) be such that ~'[=u(g). Define ~ / :X~X by (qJx)i = xi + 6~j, so ~O switches 0 and 1 in the j t h coordinate. Clearly, ~b preserves gn. Put E = {x ~ X: xj = 0}, so E and qJE are disjoint with union X. Then

fi(g) = f g(x)f(x) d#H(x)




: r(z"g) <~ M}[~O, as N ~ .

for g 4:0 and M > 0, using (4.3) we have

fi,(z"g) ~<-- Z I 1 - 2 P ] '~"g) N n = l

1 ~< ~ [{n: r(t"g) <<. M}[ + [1 -- 2p{ M .

This implies that

lim sup ~, fi,('~"g ) <~ I1 - 2p I M N ~ ~ r n

= f{g(x) f (x) + g(~bx)f(~bx)} d#n(x) •


Since j eS(g), it follows that g ( ~ x ) = - g ( x ) . Therefore

[fi(g)l ~< f~f(x) - f ( $ x ) [ d/an(x). E

Now d(x, ipx) = 2 - ~ , so

var(f, 6) = sup{If(x) - f (Y) I : have

if we define d(x,y)<~6}, we

]fi(g)l ~< var(f, 2-~)) .

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D.A. Lind/Ergodic theory and cellular automata 41

Note that since f is continuous, var(f, 6 ) ~ 0 as 6 ~0 . Now for g ~ O, u(T"g) = u(g) + n, so

[fi(z"g)] ~<var(f, 2 - ~ ) - " ) ~ 0 = fin(g), as n---,~ .

Since S f d # n = 1, /](z"O)= 1=/ZH(O), and an ap- peal to (4.2) completes the proof.

We point out that theorem 3 generalizes to an arbitrary ergodic automorphism z of a compact abelian group X as follows. Let f be a continuous real-valued function on X, and/z n be Haar measure on X. Put dp =fd#r~. Then z"/z~/z(X)/z H. The proof uses ergodicity of z to show that for any

nonzero character g on X, Cg ultimately escapes a given finite set of characters, together with a version of the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma for X.

Finally, consider cellular automata whose state space S is a finite group. Additive rules such as (2.2) are clearly endomorphisms of the compact group S Z = X, and the dynamical and statistical structure of their evolution can be completely analysed using the tools indicated here.

Such a Y is called a subshift of finite type or a topological Markov shift [14]. It is effectively de- scribed by a 0--I matrix of allowed transitions, from which the entropy and dynamical behavior can be easily derived.

A more general kind of finite description is one which characterizes allowed sequences as those that can be checked by a finite-state automaton. An example is the set of configurations with an even number of O's between consecutive occur- rences of l's. No finite list of forbidden blocks can specify this set, so this is not a topological Markov shift. Weiss [8] introduced such systems in 1973 and called them "sofic" from the Hebrew word for "finite." He showed that sofic systems are exactly those obtained by taking continuous images of topological Markov shifts. Later Coven and Paul [15] showed every sofic system is a finite-to-one continuous image of a topological Markov shift, and so properties of the sofic system are closely paralleled by such a Markov cover.

5. A nonlinear example

In this section we will discuss the map z: X- - ,X defined by (zx)i = 1 if IX i_ iXiXi+ 1] = [100] or [001], and (zx),-= 0 otherwise. This is Rule 18 of [2] and [3]. We show that the natural space on which z acts is zX, and that the restriction of a to zX is a finitely-described object called a sofic system. Us- ing the theory of sofic systems, we prove that the restriction of a to zX has entropy log 1.7549. We then formulate some specific conjectures about the evolution of this cellular automata suggested in part by the numerical work of Grassberger [3].

There are two ways to give a finite description of certain a-invariant compact subsets Y of X. The

first is to specify a finite list of forbidden blocks {B, . . . . , B r}, and define Y to be the set of configurations in which no block Bj appears. For example, if [11] is the only forbidden block, then Y consists of all sequences in X with isolated l's.

Theorem 4. For the nonlinear rule z defined above, let Y = zX. The restriction a r of a to Y is a sofic system of entropy log 2, where 2 ~ 1.7549 is the largest root of 23 - 225 + 2 - 1.

Proof. It is clear from the form o f z that [111] does not occur in zX. Let M = [0110]. We claim that zX is the set of configurations such that between consecutive occurrences of the "marker" M there are an even number of isolated l's.

Let x be an allowed configuration. First observe that M can only come from A,I = [1001] under z. Thus occurrences of M in x determine occurrences of M in any £ with z £ = x . A simple parity argument shows that if x ~zX, the number of isolated l 's between markers must be even. Thus it suffices to show that any block of the form B = [M0~10~21 . . . 10~,M], where r is odd, is the image of a block of the allowed type. Let /~ = [/QB1B2 •. • B/Q], where we construct the Bj as follows. Each

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42 D.A. Lind / Ergodic theory and cellular automata

Bz~=[10"~ +21].

Each B2k +1 has length n2k +1 -- 1, and can be filled in according to the parity of n~ +1 to yield a /~ of

the allowed type with z/~ = B. This shows that z X

has the required form. M. Boyle has constructed a finite-to-one Mar-

kov cover for tr~ as follows. The idea is to use blocks in Y of length 3 for states, with 3-blocks not in a marker having two "flavors," odd or even according to whether there have been an odd or an even number of isolated l 's since the last occur- rence of the marker M. Then M can be entered again only from the even-flavored blocks.

Specifically, let S = {[110], [000]e, [001]~, [010]~,

[0111o, [1001o, [101lo, [0001o, [0011o, [1011o, [1001o, [010]o}. Here [110] represents the marker M, and subscripts "e" and "o" represent parity. Let

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

C = 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

Thus C reflects allowed transitions, with the parity subscript changed if a new 1 is added. Define

Z c = { w ~ S Z : C w i w , + = 1 , for all i},

and (acW)i= wi+l. For [abc] in S, subscripted or not, put rto([abc]) = b. Then 7r 0 yields a continuous covering 7z: Zc-O Y such that 7rtr c = trrTr. It happens that rr is one-to-one on the subset of Ec of those w with some occurrence of the marker [110]. This means that 7t is one-to-one over the set in Y of

points containing a marker. Marker-free configurations are characterized as those with just isolated l's, and this forms the topological Markov shift Z of those sequences with [11] forbidden. Over Z, ~t is at most two-to-one.

The entropy of ac is the logarithm of the spectral radius of C [14]. Since the characteristic poly- nomial of C is )~9( / ] 3 __ 222 + 2 -- 1), h(ac) = log 2,

where 2 ~ 1.7549 is the largest root. Entropy is preserved under n, so h ( a r ) = log2 as well. It is interesting to note that on the set Z over which rr is not one-to-one, h(az ) = log(1 + x/5/2) ,~ log 1.6180.

Let 3,(Y) denote the number of allowed blocks in Y of length n. Since the Markov cover rc: Z c ~ Y is at most two-to-one, 3.(Y) is within two absolute

constants times f l , (Zc) . Now f l , (Zc) is the sum of the entries in C", and therefore is within two absolute constants times 2", where 2 is as in theorem 4. We therefore draw the following con- clusion:

Corollary. There are positive absolute constants c o and c~ such that c02"<f l , (Y)<c l2" , where 2 ,~ 1.7549 is the largest root of 2 3 - 222+ 2 - 1.

Although the sofic system Y is the natural stage

on which z acts, numerical work indicates that a thin subset of Y is statistically much more significant.

Let A0 = {x ~ X: X2i ~" 0 for all i}, Al = {x E X: x2/+1=0 for all i}, and A =AoUA1. Clearly, A c Y. Also, z: A o ~ A 1 , z : A t ~ A o , and the re- striction of z to A is the additive rule of section 4. Thus z evolves on A according to a rule known in considerable detail. A very stimulating observation of Grassberger [3] is that under the evolution of z on Y, typical points are attracted to A most of the time.

To make this precise, for y E Y define a "kink" in y to occur between sites i and i + 1 if there is an n for which

[ Y i - , . . . YiYi+ l . . • Yi+,+ 1] = [102"1].

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Then configurations in Y can be decomposed into alternating regions of parity consistent with .40 or with A~, separated by kinks. Grassberger observed that under z, kinks are never created, but that neighboring kinks can move together and annihi- late each other. Thus z"y tends to have increasing domains of pure type A0 or .4~, separated by kinks which decrease in density as n--* oo. If kinks move according to a random walk, the kink density of z"y should be about c/v/n. However, recurrence of random walks means that at a fixed site, a kink would move through 0 infinitely often. Grass- berger's numerical work on this problem gives good evidence that the random walk model is accurate, even producing the value of the "diffusion constant" c. These observations can be formulated as follows.

On A~ put the measure oq which independently assigns probability ½ to seeing a 0 or 1 at sites 2j + i - 1 for all j. Then z preserves the average ct = (~0 + oq)/2 on A, and this system is essentially that o f section 4. Some additional numerical work has indicated that reasonable measures on Y evolve towards ct under z. However, .4 is not an attractor for z in the usual sense, since kinks apparently recur infinitely often. This would mean that z"y typically moves away from .4 infinitely often, but so rarely that statistical features are not disturbed.

The mechanism for kink movement, annihi- lation, and the resulting diffusion of kinks appears to be mathematically complicated. A very simple model problem of this behavior was proposed a decade ago by Erd/Ss and Ney [4]. Suppose there is a particle at each site in Z, and these particles undergo independent simple random walks, with annihilation if particles cross paths or land in the same site. Erd6s and Ney conjectured, but could not prove, that the probability that the origin is visited equals 1. This problem was solved later by Adelman [5]. Kinks in Y move much more irregu- larly, so the exact mathematical description of kink movement and annihilation represents a chal- lenging problem.

Based on computational evidence, the following

conjectures seem quite likely to be true. To state the first, let dist(x, A) = inf{d(x, y): y ~ A }.

Conjecture 1. For gH-almost every x e X,

lim sup dist(T"x, A ) > O, t l ~ o o

while for every E > 0,

l ]{n: 1 ~< n ~< N, dist(z"x, A) > e}loO.

Conjecture 2. z " # n ~ .

Conjecture 3. For #H-almost every x e X, the den- sity of kinks in z"x exists and equals (8rrDn) -~/:, where the diffusion coefficient D has the approxi- mate value ½.

We remark that were conjecture 2 true, one could deduce from the ergodic theorem that the density T(k) of triangles of O's with base k should behave as T ( k ) ~ (v/2) -k. This is about the same as the rate (4/3) -k observed experimentally in [2].


The author wishes to thank the organizers of the Workshop on Cellular Automata for their gener- ous hospitality during a stimulating conference. He also gratefully acknowledges the support of Na- tional Science Foundation grant MCS 8201542.


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