application of bio implant & biomedical devices-recent advancement and bio-medical science

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Application of bio implant & biomedical devices-recent advancement and bio-medical science


  • 1. Application Adverse effects. Recent Advancement Current PriorityResearch Conclusion.

2. Application Of Bio-materials/ medical devices. Adverse effects of Biomaterials/Bio-devices. Recent Advancement of Bio-materials/ Bio- medical Science. Current Priority Research on Biomaterial/bio-medical science. 3. Prepared By- Dr. Md Nazrul Islam. MBBS, Supervised By-Associate Prof. ZiaulHaq -MBBS, MS (Orthopedic). 2 4. Application Of Bio-implant & Biomedical Devices- Biodegradable cranial implant made of PLA--TCP produced using SLM.1. Implants for Eye, ENT, Brain2. Implants for Heart, Liver and Kidney.3. Implants for Orthopedic and Dental. 5. Application OfBio-implant & Biomedical Devices-ImplantsforEye, ENT, Brain-Lens(ocular) ProsthesisRetinal Prosthesis The Bio-eye (HA)ARTIFICIAL-CORNEA Hydroxyapatite Ocular implant 6. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalImplantsDevices-forEye, ENT, Brain- implanted deviceCochlear Implant: to treat balance disorder Most Commonly Used Ear Implant. 7. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalImplantsDevices-forHeart, Liverand Kidney.Implantfor Heart:.Stent for Heart:.Implantfor Kidney:First Implantableartificial kidney / Technology .Metallic HeartValve:. Collagen Heart Valve:. 8. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalImplantsDevices-forDental andOrthopedic-BiomaterialFor Hard Tissue- -tricalcium syntheticBone RepairOsteosetcalcium bone product.sulfate pellets. Joint Implants Joint Replacements Resorbable Tricalcium Phosphate (-TCP) Implants for bone void Collagen Bone Graft 9. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalDevices-DentalBiomedical Implants: Metallic Glass- Glass Orthopedic Bone New Bioabsorbable Graft Option for Bone Implants Material For New Bone Growth, Timeline of the recent past, near future, and far future for the use of synthetic dental biomaterials versus truly biological materialsAn artificialdental crown 10. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalDevices-OrthopedicBiomedical Implants:BiomaterialFor Hard Tissue- LimbsBone Repair Joint Implants Joint Replacements Orthopedic Implant Finger Plate 11. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalDevices-OrthopedicBiomedical Implants: Biomaterial For Hard Tissue- Lower Limbs KNEE- prosthesis. HIP- prosthesis.ANKLE- prosthesis. 12. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalDevices-OrthopedicBiomedical Implants:Biomaterial-For Hard Tissue- Lower Limbs: Application5 Composite(Metal ,Polymer And Ceramic) Hip prostheses. Composite(Metal ,PolymerAnd Ceramic) Knee prostheses. 13. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalDevices-OrthopedicBiomedical Implants:Biomaterial-For Hard Tissue- LimbsPatellarAugmentation implant. Ankle- Synthetic Biomaterial Replacement-Prosthesis for Tendon Replacement 14. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalDevices-OrthopedicBiomedical Implants:BiomaterialFor Hard Tissue- Limbs: Application 15. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalDevices-OrthopedicBiomedical Implants: Biomaterial: For Hard Tissue- Spine 16. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalDevices-OrthopedicBiomedical Implants:Biomaterial-For Hard Tissue- Spine: ApplicationBaguera L - Lumbar DiscProsthesis. MRI compatible 17. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalDevices-OrthopedicBiomedical Implants:Biomaterial- Biodegradable:For Hard Tissue- Limbs & Spine 5 18. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalDevices-Biomaterial-For Soft Tissue-Tissue EngineeringOf Skin - Withy Polymer Scaffold Polyform Synthetic MeshBio-Engineering Hydro-gel for Tissue Repair 19. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalDevices-Biomaterial-For Soft Tissue- Tissue Engineering Of Skin for Burn Patients 20. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalDevices- Cancer detection from an implantable device,Insulin Pumps - Diabetes1. Artificial Device / Organs for Eye, ENT, Brain2. Artificial Device / Organs for Heart, Lungs, Liver and Kidney.3. Artificial Device/Organs for Dental, Maxillofacial andOrthopedic. 21. Classification: Class I: General controls. Class II: General controls with specialcontrols(infusion pumps, and surgical drapes). Class III: General controls and premarketapproval (implantable pacemaker, pulsegenerators, automated externaldefibrillators). 22. Application OfBio-implant & Biomedical ArtificialDevices-Device/ OrgansforEye, ENT, Brain Scientists Set Sights on an Implantable Prosthetic for the Blind .Implantable MiniatureTelescope for MacularDegenerationImplantable Smart Chip implantable- device- seizure Fights Chronic Pain - 23. Application OfArtificial Device/Bio-implant & BiomedicalOrgansDevices-ForHeart,Lungs,Liver,Kidney and Stomach.Artificial LungWithout Need for Extra Oxygen Artificial Heart iv adDevice blocking stomach nsignals shows promise in o 24. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalDevices-Application:Pace-maker in-situ.First_pacemaker_Siemens-Elema_19581 Blood-power-hydroelectric-turbine... devices that use Small turbines designed to fit inside a human artery. 25. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalArtificialDevices- Device/OrgansForHeart, Lungs, Liverand Kidney. Liver device helps man survive until transplant FGate 6 26. Application OfBio-implant & BiomedicalArtificialDevices- Device/OrgansForHeart, Lungs, Liverand Kidney. 5 Artificial mechanical kidney 27. Application OfArtificialBio-implant & Biomedical Device/Devices-OrgansforDental andOrthopedicImplantation. Surgically implanted titanium And stainless steel plates Flexible (nylon) dental prostheses. Composite (Metal and Orthopedic /Dental Ceramic) dental prostheses. Implants Pulse Generators (CRM 28. Application OfArtificialBio-implant & Biomedical Device/Devices-OrgansforDental andOrthopedicImplantation. Wireless Implantable Chip Delivers Osteoporosis Drug- When It Is Needed. Remote Control- Microchips ... 9 29. AdverseEffects Of Biomaterial/Bio-device: Hemolysis,Thrombosis & Coagulation. (Exaggerated) Inflammation Acute Inflammation (Exaggerated) Chronic Inflammation (Specific for foreign body) Immunogenicity and toxicity Infection Corrosion/ Wear/ Tear Loosening Fracture of implant and bone Rejection of Implant Tumorogenesis /Carcinogenesis. 30. Recent Advancement Of Biomaterial/Biomedical Science.Mesh_Titanium_orthopedic implant. 31. Recent AdvancementOf BiomaterialScience.Biodegradable Biomaterial. 32. Recent AdvancementOf BiomaterialScience.Biomaterials that form bonds with the livingtissues and perform specific biological response at the interface - Capable of direct chemical bondingwiththe host tissue. Stimulatory effects on bone-buildingcells.IdealBioglass SiO2, cement filler ando as bonecoating due Na2its biological activityoCaO and to O,Cannot Calcium Phosphate.obe used for load bearing Bone ingrowth around applications- synthetic hydroxyapatite 33. Recent AdvancementOf BiomaterialBiologicScience.Biomaterials.Are Biological components- either from-Natural (Plant), or xeno, allo or auto biologicalcomponents-Whole /part of Cell- adult /stem, Cell-secretedextracellular matrix or fluid,Living Tissue Components (e.g. Collagen, liveror pancreatic tissue) orLab grown biological cell, fluid/ tissue or organto augment, regenerate, replace or implantationin the living biological system. Implantation of cell / tissue / fluid for regeneration.Research of interest Restorable Collagen- Based Medical Implant/ tissue.- Tissue Engineering for Tissue and Organ Regeneration. 34. Recent Advancement Of Biomaterial Science. Tissue Engineering For Tissue and Organ Regeneration. Stem Cell Researchers An artificial human trachea implanted in A Step Closer toSweden: A cancer patient has received the first synthetic windpipe transplant. Growing New Organs-5The synthetic scaffold of an ear sits bathed in cartilage-producing cells, part of an effort to grow new ears forwounded soldiers. 35. Recent Advancement Of Biomaterial Science. RestorableCollagen- BasedMedicalImplant. Collagen is an important ECM molecule and is the major structural component in the body.5 It is biocompatible and degrades into harmless products that are metabolized or excreted. a very Pulpal poor antigen , non- toxic.Regeneration - 36. Antibiotic- coatedRecent Advancement Bio-Of BiomaterialScience. implants/de vice - New multifunctional ciprofloxacin-releasing SR-PLGA 80/20 screws (A). Screws that do not contain ciprofloxacin (B). 37. Recent AdvancementOf BiomaterialAesthetic/Science.CosmeticBiomaterial. Nose implantsPopular- cosmetic-dental-treatments-Porous-polyethylene-implant-Reconstruction ofthe total external ear has two major approaches-alloplastic prosthesis implantation. Cosmetic-dentistry- 38. Recent AdvancementOf BiomaterialScience.AestheticBiomaterial. Popular- Aesthetic Replacement of Testis-5 39. Recent AdvancementOf BiomaterialScience.CosmeticBiomaterial.Biomaterialsin plastic -surgery-Saline-breast implant 5Autogenous-cartilage-graft Silicone-breast implant in-situ 40. RecentAdvancementMicro-chipOf BiomaterialScience.ControlledBionic Devices. Bionic bodies have been depicted in science fiction for decades. Now, researchers are making bionics the new frontier of medical science, by creating hi-tech devices to help people walk, see and hear again. 8 41. RecentAdvancement Positron emission tomography (PET)Of Biomaterial Single photon emission computedInnovation-Science.tomography (SPECT) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)MolecularImaging Technique Computed tomography (CT) Optical bioluminescence imaging Optical fluorescence imaging Ultrasound. Molecular imaging is a new biomedical researchdiscipline enabling the visualization,characterization, and quantification of biologic processes taking place at the cellular and sub-cellular levels. Human Bone Osteosarcoma Cells (Fluorescent Digital Image technology) It provides a number of unique advantages over more traditional tools such as histology: Non-Invasive Real-Time Physiological Conditions Intact Tissue Living Subject Longitudinal and Quantitative Assessments Complementary to Histology. Bimolecular Image of Chest- 42. Current Priority ResearchOn Biomedical/ BiomaterialScience. Application: Genomic and personalizedmedicine.Nano -technology orientedMedicalscience and Regenerative Medicine. 3rd And 4th Generation Biomaterial Tissue Engineered- Cell and Gene activating Biomaterials. Adult/Stem Cell derived Advance d cell, tissue/Organ and Medication. Biomate rial- Innovation: Regener ative Biodegradable and Bioactive- medicin e, ablebiomaterial8 /drug delivery system. to Biocompatible and comfortable bionic interact withlivinglimbs/ Organs.cells, Newer technology forand to promoteAesthetic,Cosmetic,Dental,Orthopedic &tissue repair.Maxillofacial Surgery. Bio-fuel/auto-fueled/ Self controlledBiomedical devices. 43. Current Priority ResearchOn Biomedical/ Biomaterial Science-Stem CellResearch:Live human lungs grown in lab using stemcells in potential transplant breakthrough -8 44. Current Priority ResearchOn Biomedical/ Biomaterial Science-Stem CellResearch:Live human heart grown in lab using stemcells in potential transplant breakthrough- 6 45. Current Priority ResearchOn Biomedical/ Biomaterial Science-Stem CellResearch:Dr. Anthony Ata-la and his team has grownbladders and blood vessels using Stem Cell.Tissue Engineered Bladder 46. Current Priority ResearchOn Biomedical/ Biomaterial Science-Stem CellResearch:Spray On Stem Cells for TreatingBurns and Open WoundsRegenerative 47. Most current applications of biomaterials /biomedical device involve structural functions, or very simple chemical or electrical functions.Complex chemical functions(e.g., those of liver), andComplex electrical orelectrochemical functions (e.g.,those of brain and sense organs) cannot be carried out bybiomaterials.Regenerative Medicine Transplantation of organs and tissuesIn 2012- Assessing Predictions is inevitable when biomaterials are not 48. Tissue engineering will change the faceof biomaterials. Regenerative medicine will reduce theneed for synthetic materials in the body. In the near-future, biomaterials will beincorporated with biological factors(such as bone growth) directly into animplants surface to improvebiocompatibility and bioactivity. Bionic device- Now researchers aremaking bionics, the new frontier ofmedical science, by creating hi-techdevices to help people walk, see andhear again. 49. & 50. 6