application development for mobile and ubiquitous ...ts2/admuc/lecture1415/7. web-based mobi… ·...

Department of Computer Science Institute for System Architecture, Chair for Computer Networks Application Development for Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing 7. Web-based Mobile Applications Dr. Ing. Thomas Springer Technische Universität Dresden Chair of Computer Networks

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Page 1: Application Development for Mobile and Ubiquitous ...ts2/admuc/lecture1415/7. Web-based Mobi… · Ubiquitous Computing 7. Web-based Mobile Applications Dr. Ing. Thomas Springer Technische

Department of Computer Science Institute for System Architecture, Chair for Computer Networks

Application Development for Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing

7. Web-based Mobile Applications

Dr. Ing. Thomas Springer Technische Universität Dresden

Chair of Computer Networks

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Lecture Structure

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Table of Contents

§  Motivation and Challenges §  Main Principles

•  Responsive Web design •  Mobile First •  Design patterns

§  Further Features in HTML5 §  Server-side adaptation

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Technologies for Web Applications


§  Upcoming HTML5 and CSS 3 •  advanced interface styling •  plugin-less multimedia and computing capabilities •  layout transformation for multiple screen sizes •  offline application support •  alternative media files

•  quickly start new HTML5 project:

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Challenges of Mobile Web Design

§  Dependency to network connection §  Heterogeneous device support (desktop, tablets, smartphones)

•  Slower network and CPUs •  Screen size can no longer be fixed •  Native look and feel •  Touch/gesture input •  Access to native functions (e.g. location or camera)

Ø  Flexible adaptation of information/media towards different

devices and networks required 5 Dr. Thomas Springer Application Development - 7. Web-based Mobile Applications

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Responsive Web Design

§  Main adaptation problem: interface scaling over different device screens •  inofficial default screen width for PCs: 1024 px •  screen width range on mobile devices: 320 - 2048 px •  classical approach: different versions of web site/app


§  Responsive Web Design •  principle described by Ethan Marcotte •  single HTML page markup

(avoid separate mobile version) •  adapts to screen size through CSS •  main concepts:

o  Fluid grids o  Flexible images o  CSS Media Queries

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Fluid Grids

§  page-layout based on grid system •  maximal layout width as starting point •  layout defined by columns with fixed width / margins

§  translate fixed grid sizes to proportional values •  % or em (relative font size) for block elements and font sizes •  value for each element proportional to parent (context):

element size / parent size = relative size




566px 331px

Article566  ÷  900  =  62.8888889%

.article  {width:  62.8888889%;float:  left;}


.sidebar  {width:  36.7777778%;float:  right;}

331  ÷  900  =  36.7777778%

   Banner 900  ÷  960  =  0.9375.banner  {width:  93.75%;}

#page  {width:  90%;}  (90%  of  browser  window  -­‐>  equals  to  960px)


960 Grid System ( 1200px Grid System ( Blueprint (

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Flexible Images

§  large images don't automatically resize •  break layout if larger than parent element

§  simple solution: •  img {max-width: 100%;} •  force image to match width of its container •  resized proportionally in most browsers (keeps ratio) •  also for other elements (video, object, embed)

§  low quality resizing in older Windows browsers •  Workaround: img { -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; } •  works in IE7 or higher

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Multi-resolution images

§  Problem: images don't scale across current screen resolutions (72 - 320 dpi) •  recent problem due to high res (retina) screen on mobile devices •  many mobile devices need higher resolution images than PCs •  network bandwidth needs to be considered

§  Solution: <picture> element •  currently developed by W3C, not implemented yet •  similar to <video> •  multiple sources bound to media attributes (e.g. min-width) •  src-set attribute contains list of image files bound to device-pixel-ratios •  device-pixel-ratio: ratio between physical pixels and pixels on device,

given in 1x, 1.5x, 2x  iPhone:  320  physical  px  and  320  browser  px  =>  1x  re9na  iPhone:  640  physical  px  and  320  browser  px  =>  2x  

<picture  alt="Descrip9on  of  image  subject">          <source  media="(min-­‐width:  18em)"  srcset="med.jpg  1x,  med-­‐highres.jpg  2x">    //small  layout          <source  media="(min-­‐width:  45em)"  srcset="large.jpg  1x,  large-­‐highres.jpg  2x">  // larger  layout          <img  src="small.jpg"  alt="Descrip9on  of  image  subject.">                          //fallback  for  older  browsers  </picture>  

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Multi-resolution images

§  <picture> not yet in browsers, but possible through Javascript •  e.g. picturefill ( •  emulates <picture> element programmatically •  uses <div> and data-* attributes

<div  data-­‐picture  data-­‐alt="A  giant  stone  face  at  The  Bayon  temple  in  Angkor  Thom,  Cambodia">          <div  data-­‐src="small.jpg"></div>          <div  data-­‐src="medium.jpg"  data-­‐media="(min-­‐width:  400px)"></div>              <div  data-­‐src="large-­‐highres.jpg"  data-­‐media="(min-­‐width:  800px)  and  (min-­‐device-­‐pixel-­‐ra9o:  2.0)"></div>          <div  data-­‐src="extralarge.jpg"  data-­‐media="(min-­‐width:  1000px)"></div>          <noscript>                  <img  src="external/imgs/small.jpg"  alt="A  giant  stone  face  at  The  Bayon  temple  in  Angkor  Thom,  Cambodia">          </noscript>  </div>  

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CSS Media Queries

§  Conditionally apply styles based on browser attributes •  multiple CSS styles for the same elements

§  Mainly: style content based on the screen size •  define multiple page layouts with CSS on same HTML markup •  define breakpoints for different layouts (e.g. screen width) •  show/hide/resize/move elements depending on layout

§  List of example sites:

Internet Images SRL,

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CSS Media Queries

§  media types: •  all  |  aural  |  braille  |  handheld  |  print  |  projection  |  screen  |  tv  

§  limit scope of CSS properties by media type / feature: •  <link  rel="stylesheet"  media="only  screen  and  (color)“  

 href="example.css"  />  •  @media  screen  and  (max-­‐width:  600px)  {  ...  }  

§  any combination of single media type and chained media features (and operator) •  @media  screen  and  (min-­‐device-­‐width:  480px)  and  (orientation:  landscape)  •  @media  screen  and  (max-­‐width:  1200px)  and  (min-­‐resolution:  260dpi)  and  

(aspect-­‐ratio:  1/1)  

§  media features: •  width  |  min-­‐width  |  max-­‐width  |  height  |  min-­‐height  |  ...  •  device-­‐width  |  min-­‐device-­‐width  |  max-­‐device-­‐width  |  device-­‐height  |  ...  •  aspect-­‐ratio  |  min-­‐aspect-­‐ratio  |  max-­‐aspect-­‐ratio  •  resolution  |  min-­‐resolution  |  max-­‐resolution  •  orientation  |  ...  

stylesheet loading

inside stylesheet

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Multi-Device Layout Patterns

§  Luke Wroblewski has compiled list of popular responsive layouts: §  Creation based on the principles of responsive web design §  See examples at:

Column Drop

Tiny Tweaks

Off Canvas 13 Dr. Thomas Springer Application Development - 7. Web-based Mobile Applications

Mostly Fluid

Layout Shifter

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Example - Mostly Fluid

320px - Phone

1024px - large Tablet, Desktop

768px - large Tablet portrait

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480px - small Tablet, Phone landscape

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Example - Mostly Fluid

§  Mobile first - base CSS (320px): §  2nd media query (768px):

§  1st media query (480px): §  3rd media query (1000px+):

body  {      margin:  10px  0;  }    header,  nav,  article,  footer  {      width:  100%;  }    nav  ul  li  {      width:  100%;  }  

@media  (min-­‐width:  480px)  {            nav  ul  li  {          float:  left;          width:  25%;  /*  4  Items  */      }      article  div.list  div  {          float:  left;          width:  50%;      }  }  

@media  (min-­‐width:  768px)  {                    body  {  margin:  20px  0;  }        header  {            float:  left;      }      nav  {          float:  right;          width:  auto;      }  }  

@media  (min-­‐width:  1000px)  {            article  {          float:  right;          width:  75%;      }        aside    {          float:  left;          width:  25%;      }  }  

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Mobile First

§  mobile web is the future market •  "Mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web

access devices worldwide by 2013" - Gartner •  optimize content for mobile also benefits desktop

o  Focus on most important content, tune content for limited resources •  Mobile First approach promoted by Luke Wroblewski

§  Principle: start with mobile first •  small screen

o  condensed navigation / content (reduce to most important parts) o  responsive layout

•  slow network o  reduce requests and file sizes o  image sprites, single CSS/JS files, minfied (tools like Google Minify) o  ApplicationCache, localStorage o  CSS 3 / <canvas> / SVG instead of raster images

•  mobile device usage o  optimize for one-hand navigation / partial attention of user

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Mobile First - Innovation

§  touch input •  touch target sizes:

o  recommended: 9mm/34px o  minimum: 7mm/26px

•  visual size is 60-100% of target size •  use multi-touch input:

o  Tap  |  Double  Tap  |  Drag  |  Flick  |  Pinch  |  Spread  |  Rotate  •  interface paradigms: drag to reveal, drag to refresh, ...

§  device features •  location

o  adapt content to user location •  compass

o  augmented reality based on user's location and direction •  orientation (portrait, landscape)

o  optimize layout (navigation, content) to device orientation •  camera

o  use images as input / output

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Mobile Enablers in HTML5

§  based on XHTML 1.1 and HTML 4 §  authored by W3C and WHATWG §  new elements and attributes §  new technologies, modularized under sections:

•  promoted under HTML5, but most are separate standards

§  more capabilities for web applications §  reduce necessity of proprietary plugins

•  plugins often not available on mobile devices

Semantics Multimedia

Offline & Storage 3D, Graphics & Effects

Device Access Performance & Integration

Connectivity CSS 3.0

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§  semantic elements: •  <article> •  <footer> •  <header> •  <nav> •  <section>

§  add structure to HMTL markup

§  microdata: •  add extra semantic information to

HTML markup (e.g. phone number, address, name)

•  itemscope defines vocabulary o, Rich Snippets, WHATWG

•  itemprop o  assign word of vocabulary to element

(e.g. itemprop=„name“> John Doe)

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§  <video> and <audio> tag: §  play video / audio files without plugin

•  control via browser agent or Javascript •  multiple file sources possible (codec alternatives) •  attributes: autoplay, controls, muted, ... •  varying codec support across browsers •  video: theora / h.264 / webM •  audio: ogg / wav / mp3 / webM / aac

<video  id="myVideo">        //alternative sources      <source  src=""  type='video/mp4;  codecs="avc1,  mp4a"'>      <source  src=""  type='video/ogg;  codecs="theora,  vorbis"'>      Your  user  agent  does  not  support  the  HTML5  Video  element.  //fallback text  </video>    <button  type="button"  onclick="vid_play_pause()">Play/Pause</button>    //Javascript video API  <script>      function  vid_play_pause()  {          var  myVideo  =  document.getElementById("myVideo");          if  (myVideo.paused)  {;}            else  {myVideo.pause();}  }  </script>  

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Device Access

§  access device sensors and data sources: •  Location, camera, microphone, screen orientation, motion /

acceleration, contacts, calendar §  still early development

•  currently only few APIs: o  Javascript Geolocation API o  deviceorientation, devicemotion DOM events

§  mobile frameworks (e.g. Phonegap) also offer similar device access

§  example: Geolocation API •  provides highlevel interface to location information through

Javascript •  adds navigator.geolocation element to DOM •  User can allow/disallow location access! •

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//  test  if  Geolocation  is  supported  if  (typeof  navigator.geolocation  ===  'undefined'){      alert("Geolocation  not  supported  by  your  web  browser.");  }  else  {geo  =  navigator.geolocation;}    //  get  Position  if  (geo)  {geo.getCurrentPosition(successFunction,  errorFunction);  }    //  read  position  object  and  display  lat./long.  function  successFunction(position)  {          var  lat  =  position.coords.latitude;          var  long  =  position.coords.longitude;          var  acc  =  position.coords.accuracy;                  var  speed  =  position.coords.speed;          var  heading  =  position.coords.heading;          alert('Your  latitude  is  :'+lat+'  and                        longitude  is  '+long);  }    //  display  error  message  function  errorFunction(position)  {          alert('Error!');  }  

Device Access

§  currently supported in •  IE 9+ •  Firefox 15+ •  Chrome 22+ •  Safari 5.1+ •  iOS 3.2 •  Android 2.1

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§  WebSockets: •  bidirectional communication channel over TCP •  WebSocket API + WebSocket •  optimized, standardized version of Comet •  long-lived, open connection allows server push instead of polling

•  protocol: o  IETF RFC 6455 o  open WebSocket through HTTP upgrade request

•  API (Javascript): o  create new WebSocket object: new WebSocket(url, protocols) o  send(data), close() methods o  socket events: onopen, onclose, onmessage, onerror

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Performance & Integration

§  Web Workers: •  client background Javascript tasks •  long-running, multi-threaded, computationally expensive •  independent from user-interface tasks •  no access to DOM, uses message-passing

§  two types: •  dedicated: linked to creator script •  shared: accessible by all scripts from same origin/domain

§  XMLHTTPRequest 2: •  additional functionality to XHR 1 •  tracking data transmission progress through progress event •  binary data uploads (not directly possible with XHR 1) •  cross-domain AJAX requests

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Offline & Storage

§  ApplicationCache: •  control caching of user agent (browser) •  instruct with cache manifest file •  list files in CACHE, NETWORK (online only) and FALLBACK

sections •  Javascript API to force cache updates

§  Web Storage: •  store named key/value pairs locally •  Javascript API •  value can be any data type supported by Javascript •  size limitation per origin/domain (5-10MB)

§  two storage types: •  localStorage: no expiration date for stored data •  sessionStorage: data flushed after session

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Offline & Storage

§  IndexedDB: •  noSQL transactional local storage •  persist (complex) Javascript objects as key/value pair •  indexing of value properties •  no hard size limit (user permission needed for 50MB+)

§  asynchronous Javascript API: •  transaction requests, retrieve data via callbacks •  synchronous API for Web Workers planned

§  File API: •  access local files in Javascript •  user has to select files through <input> element or drag and drop •  read single File, directory (FileList) or binary data (Blob) •  uses FileReader interface •  reference local files through Blob URIs

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CSS 3.0

§  more advanced interface styling: •  rounded borders •  shadows •  color alpha channel (RGBA) •  multiple backgrounds

§  transitions and animations: •  timed transition between two CSS styles •  animations: complex transitions over multiple styles

§  web fonts: •  Embed font types with @font-face •  Embedded Open Type (.eot), TrueType (.ttf), OpenType (.otf)

§  reduce necessity for plugins (Flash, ...) and images (e.g. for rounded borders)

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HTML5 – Current State

§  HTML5 •  planned "Candidate Recommendation" status by end of 2014 •  most standards further in the future (Working Draft)

§  use of features depend on two factors: •  implementation across different browsers •  standardized interface between implementations

§ •  check browser support for each technology

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Mobile Web Application Development

§  Responsive CSS Frameworks: •  Bootstrap ( •  jQuery UI ( •  Foundation ( •  many more...

§  Mobile Web Application Frameworks: •  Sencha Touch ( •  jQuery Mobile ( •  M-Project ( •  LungoJS ( •  Joshfire (

§  Testing / Debugging •  Ripple (Chrome extension, •  Adobe Edge Inspect (

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Sencha Touch 2

§  MVC Javascript framework for mobile applications §  ability to package as native iOS/Android app §  platform support:

•  iOS •  Android •  Blackberry

§  layout structure/design optimized for iOS

§  provides class system based on ExtJS •  Pure Javascript framework for cross-plattform applications

§  application built of: •  Models •  Views •  Controllers •  Stores (model persistence) •  Profiles/Themes (device classes/UI)

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Sencha Touch 2 - Concepts

§  Components (visual interface classes) •  interface widgets (subclass of Ext.Component) •  nested inside Containers or floating •  e.g. Panels, Forms, DataViews, Lists, Maps, ...

§  Layouts (sizing and positioning of Components) •  defined in Containers •  flexible vertical, horizontal grid | card layout •  docking

§  Events •  on changes to Components •  custom event firing / listeners •  event scoping / buffering

§  Environment Detection •  Platform ( •  Browser ( •  Browser Features (Canvas, CSS3, Geolocation, Touch, ...)

var  panel  =  Ext.create('Ext.Panel',  {          html:  'This  is  my  panel‘  });  Ext.Viewport.add(panel);  

some Layouts:

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Sencha Touch 2 - Touch Events

§  Sencha Touch supports a variety of touch events

•  used through event listeners •  listeners called in order they were added

§  supported events: •  touchstart •  touchmove •  touchend •  dragstart •  dragdragend •  tap •  singletap •  doubletap •  longpress •  swipe •  pinch (on iOS and Android 3+) •  rotate (on iOS and Android 3+)

//  event  listener  set  with  .on()  myBuZon.on('tap',  func9on(event)  {          alert("User  tapped  this  buZon.");  });    //  Pinch  to  zoom:  //  pinchstart  fired  once  myElement.on('pinchstart',  func9on(event)  {            this.baseWidth  =  this.getWidth();          this.baseHeight  =  this.getHeight();  });  //  pinch  fired  con9nuously  when  there  is  pinching  myElement.on('pinch',  func9on(event)  {                var  scale  =  event.scale;                this.setWidth(this.baseWidth  *  scale);          this.setHeight(this.baseHeight  *  scale);  });  //  pinchend  fired  once  myElement.on('pinchend',  func9on(event)  {            alert("Finished  pinch-­‐to-­‐zoom");  });  

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Sencha Touch 2 - Look and Feel

§  Sencha app look depends on CSS styling and Component layout

•  e.g. iOS blue navigation bar vs. Android black tab bar

§  Styling in CSS files = Themes §  Platform-specific coloring/styling provided

with preshipped Themes •  sencha-touch.css •  apple.css •  android.css •  bb6.css

§  Component layout customized for each platform through Profiles

•  e.g. Phone and Tablet profile

§  Further customization necessary to support platform-specific layout!

•  e.g. iOS back-button vs. Android hardware button

//  switch  Theme  depending  on  pla?orm  Ext.setup({              onReady:func9on(){                  if({                      Ext.get("myStylesheet").dom.href  =  "android.css";                  }  else  if({                      Ext.get("myStylesheet").dom.href  =  "apple.css";                  }          }  });  //  switch  View  depending  on  Profile  //  On  a  phone,  fill  complete  viewport  Ext.define('',  {          extend:  'view.Form',          config:  {                  9tle:  'Phone-­‐specific  version‘          }  });  //  On  a  tablet,  use  modal  with  fixed  size  Ext.define('view.tablet.Form',  {          extend:  'view.Form',          config:  {                  9tle:  'Tablet-­‐specific  version',                    modal:  true,                  height:  505,                  width:  480,                  centered:  true          }  });  

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Web Application Deployment

§  in browser (all platforms): •  accessible through URL / browser bookmark •  run inside device browser app •  offline available when using ApplicationCache

§  on "home screen" (most platforms): •  create bookmark on device home screen (next to native apps) •  on iOS:

o  opens  in  fullscreen  browser:          <meta  name="apple-­‐mobile-­‐web-­‐app-­‐capable"  content="yes"  />  

o  additional  splash  screen:        <link  rel="apple-­‐touch-­‐startup-­‐image"  href="./startup.png"  />  

•  on Android and iOS: o  custom  icon:    

     <link  rel="apple-­‐touch-­‐icon"  href="./apple-­‐touch-­‐icon.png"  />  

§  native bundle (most platforms): •  bundle web application in native app through mobile application framework

(e.g. PhoneGap) •  application is run in fullscreen WebView •  more functionality through mobile application framework (e.g. PhoneGap)

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Server-side adaptation

§  Opera Mini •  requested web page rendered on proxy server •  rendered page compacted to binary Opera Binary Markup

Language (OBML) and send to client •  reduces download sizes by up to 90%

•  limitations: o  only onLoad-events (server-side Javascript) are fully supported o  on client, only user-input events (onclick, onchange, ...) supported o  limited Ajax support -> page only changes if user clicks something

Opera Mini(Java ME)

Opera Mini Server

Web Server1

Web Server2

Web Servern







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Server-side adaptation

§  Amazon Silk •  browser on Kindle® devices •  browser subsystems (fetching, Javascript, rendering) also

implemented in Amazon Web Services cloud (EC2) •  dynamically split which subsystems executed in EC2

and on device: •  cloud advantages:

o  computationally expensive tasks (rendering, scripts) done in cloud o  faster fetch of referenced files (CSS, Javascript, images, ...) o  predictive caching, through all Silk users o  optimized image compression

(since Silk knows browser/device) Dynamic  Split  

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§  Adaptive Web applications for mobile devices

§  Major principles: •  Responsive Web design

Ø  Scalable layout and images Ø  Alternative layout and content based on Media Queries

•  Mobile Device Layout Patterns Ø  Adapt layout for different devices/view sizes

•  Mobile First Ø  optimize content for mobile -> also benefits desktop

§  HTML5 provides key enablers for mobile •  Device access, CSS3, Multimedia, Offline and Storage,… •  Extended browser capabilities

§  Content adaptation in the infrastructure Ø  Reduce data volume for transfer Ø  Support server-side processing/rendering

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Some further readings

§  HTML5 Technologies Specifications: •  HTML5: •  CSS: •  Microdata: •  SVG 2: •  WebGL: •  Device Access: •  WebSockets: •  Web Workers: •  XMLHttpRequest 2: •  ApplicationCache: •  Web Storage: •  Indexed Database: •  File API:

§  Crowd-Docs of Web Standards: §  Ethan Marcotte: Responsive Web Design, A Book Apart, 2011 §  Luke Wroblewski: Mobile First, A Book Apart, 2011 §  Luke Wroblewski: Multi-Device Layout Patterns, http:// 38 Dr. Thomas Springer Application Development - 7. Web-based Mobile Applications