anup singh beniwal academic/administrative positions and ·...

Page 1 of 19 Anup Singh Beniwal Academic/Administrative Positions and Responsibilities: Current Responsibilities: 1. Professor of English, USHSS, GGS IPU, New Delhi 2. Director Academic Affairs, GGS IPU Delhi 3. Chairperson/Member of Various University Committees and Boards Other Academic/Administrative Positions Held: 1. Vice Chancellor, GGS IP University (December 12, 2013 to May 07, 2014). 2. Officiating/Acting Vice-Chancellor, Registrar and Controller of Finance from time to time during last ten years. 3. Dean, University School of Humanities and Social Sciences, GGS IPU, Delhi (August 10, 2007 to August 15, 2016). 4. Founder Dean (Additional Charge), University School of Education, GGS IPU, Delhi (from August 10, 2007 to March 17, 2010 and again from December 12, 2013 to May 07, 2014). 5. Founder Dean (Additional Charge), University School of Mass Communication, GGS IPU, Delhi (till April 12, 2013) and Dean, In charge of the School (from May 12, 2015 to April 29, 2019). 6. Dean, University School of Architecture and Planning (from December 12, 2013 to May 07, 2014). 7. Link Dean, University School of Management Studies, GGSIPU, Delhi (2010-15) 8. Director, Indraprastha Centre for Art and Culture (2013-15) 9. Director, Students’ Welfare (from January 2009 to May 2013). 4. Proctor, GGS IP University (From 16.09.2015 to 03.07.2019) 10. Chairman Library Committee (from November 17, 2014 to September 16, 2015). 11. Librarian (In-charge), USIRC, GGS IP University (from August 31, 2015 to September, 25, 2017). 12. Ex-Officio Chairman Board of Management, Academic Council and Finance Committee, GGS IP University (December 12, 2013 to May 07, 2014). 13. Member, Board of Management, GGS IPU for the year 2008-09 and 2015-16.

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Anup Singh Beniwal

Academic/Administrative Positions and Responsibilities:

Current Responsibilities:

1. Professor of English, USHSS, GGS IPU, New Delhi

2. Director Academic Affairs, GGS IPU Delhi

3. Chairperson/Member of Various University Committees and Boards

Other Academic/Administrative Positions Held:

1. Vice Chancellor, GGS IP University (December 12, 2013 to May 07, 2014).

2. Officiating/Acting Vice-Chancellor, Registrar and Controller of Finance from

time to time during last ten years.

3. Dean, University School of Humanities and Social Sciences, GGS IPU, Delhi

(August 10, 2007 to August 15, 2016).

4. Founder Dean (Additional Charge), University School of Education, GGS IPU,

Delhi (from August 10, 2007 to March 17, 2010 and again from December 12,

2013 to May 07, 2014).

5. Founder Dean (Additional Charge), University School of Mass Communication,

GGS IPU, Delhi (till April 12, 2013) and Dean, In charge of the School (from

May 12, 2015 to April 29, 2019).

6. Dean, University School of Architecture and Planning (from December 12, 2013

to May 07, 2014).

7. Link Dean, University School of Management Studies, GGSIPU, Delhi (2010-15)

8. Director, Indraprastha Centre for Art and Culture (2013-15)

9. Director, Students’ Welfare (from January 2009 to May 2013).

4. Proctor, GGS IP University (From 16.09.2015 to 03.07.2019)

10. Chairman Library Committee (from November 17, 2014 to September 16, 2015).

11. Librarian (In-charge), USIRC, GGS IP University (from August 31, 2015 to

September, 25, 2017).

12. Ex-Officio Chairman Board of Management, Academic Council and Finance

Committee, GGS IP University (December 12, 2013 to May 07, 2014).

13. Member, Board of Management, GGS IPU for the year 2008-09 and 2015-16.

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14. Member, Standing Complaints Committee (SCC) in pursuance of the decision of

BOM (in its 56th

meeting and as per clause 7(#) of the regulation namely,

“Maintenance of Academic Values and Ethical Research Standards Regulation

2013” (GGSIPU/Estt./2014-15/P-I/Acad. Standards/3580 dated 30th



15. Convener, University Annual Magazine Committee (2004-2010).

16. Member, Editorial Board, University Newsletter (1999-2002).

17. Convener, Indraprastha Literary Society (2004-2010).

18. Member (as University Representative), Governing Bodies of various University

Affiliated Institutes/Colleges till 2003.

Academic/Administrative Responsibilities beyond GGS IP University:

1. Nominated on Various Committees of UGC, CEC, UPSC and other Academic

Bodies as Chairman or as a Subject Expert from time to time.

2. Member (UGC Nominee), Board of Governors, Vasavi College of Engineering

(Autonomous), Hyderabad.

3. Member (UGC Nominee), Board of Governors, Indian Academy Degree College

(Autonomous), Bengaluru.

4. Member, (UGC Nominee), Planning and Monitoring Board, Yenepoya

University, Mangalore

5. Subject Expert, Advisory Committee, SAP, Department of English, Osmania

University, Hyderabad.

6. Member, Academic Advisory Council for MOOCs, Consortium for Educational

Communication (CEC), New Delhi

7. Member, Academic Council, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh,


8. Member. MOM, Centre for North East Studies and Policy Research, Jamia Millia

Islamia, New Delhi.

9. External Expert/Member, Faculty of Arts, MS University, Baroda, Gujarat.

10. Member, BOS, Department of English, Central University of Haryana,

Mahendergarh, Haryana.

11. Member, BOS, Dept. of English, MS University, Baroda, Gujarat.

12. Member, BOS, Dept. of English, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Panjab.

13. External Member, Committee of Courses in Faculty of Humanities (English

Department), MLSU, Udaipur.

14. Member, PG Research Committee, Dept. of English, Guru Nanak Dev

University, Amritsar, Panjab.

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15. Member, PG Board of Studies, Dept. of English KurukshetraUniversity,


16. Member/Outside Expert, Faculty of Humanities, Maharishi Dayanand University,


17. Member/ External Expert, Departmental Research Committee, Dept of English,

Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak.

18. Member, PG Research Committee, Dept. of English, BhagatPhool Singh

MahilaVishwavidalaya, Khanpur Kalan (Sonepat) Haryana.

19. Member PG Board of Studies & Research in English, Chaudhary Devi Lal

University, Sirsa, Haryana.

20. External Expert on Research Degree Committee & BOS, School of Languages,

Literature & Society, Jaipur National University.

21. External Member, Departmental Research Committee in the Dept of English,

Bhagat Phool Singh MahilaVishwavidalaya, Khanpur Kalan (Sonepat), Haryana.

22. Outside Expert, Graduate Board of Studies, Dept of English, MDU, Rohtak.

23. Subject ert, Postgraduate Board of Studies, Dept of Humanities, Deen Bandhu

Chhottu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Sonipat, Haryana.

24. Outside Expert Member, PG Board of Studies, Dept of English, Indira Gandhi

University, Meerpur, Rewari (Haryana).

25. Member, BOS, School of Language and Culture, Sharda University, Noida, UP.

26. Member, PGBOS, Department of English), Chaudhary Bansi Lal University,

Bhiwani (Haryana).

Research and Publications:

1. Actively engaged in research and research-supervision in the field of Literature,

Culture, Translation, Literary Theory and Communication Studies for the past

thirty five years.

2. Written six books and contributed research papers, reviews and general interest

articles in prestigious national and international journals, newpapers and


3. Edited various research and academic journals from time to time..

Research Done & Supervised:

M.Phil. Dissertation: “Existential Problem in the Novels of Arun Joshi”

Ph.D. Thesis: “Creative Responses to Partition in Indian Fiction in

English: A Study of Select Novels ”

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Research Supervision: PG Dissertations: 38; M.Phil. Dissertations: 23;

Ph.D Supervision: Awarded 09; Under Submission:

02; Under Supervision 05



1. Representing Partition: History, Violence and Narration, 2005.

2. Contemporary Tribal Issues: Appraisal and Intervention. Ramnika Gupta, trans.

Anup Beniwal, 2007.

3. Arun Joshi: The Enigma of Existence, 2010 (Co-authored).

4. India and the Narratives of Globalization: Issues and Expressions, 2012

5. Writing Beyond Domesticity: Contemporary Women Fiction, 2015 (Co-


6. Critical Overtures: An Anthology of Literary Essays, 2017

Books Presently Working on:

1. Popular Culture as Literary Pedagogy

2. Texts and Contexts: Essays on Indian Writing in English (A Collection of Literary


Editor/ On Advisory Board of Journals/Magazines:

1. Chief Editor, Indraprastha: International Journal of Culture and Communication


2. Guest Editor, Critical Practice (Refereed Literary Journal), 2009.

3. Member, Editorial Board, CEC Journal on Digital Education, 2018

4. On the Advisory Board of SUJELS (Sukhadia University Journal of English Literary


5. On the Advisory Board of RWL (Research in World Literature), a Refereed Research


6. On the Advisory Board of Critical Practice, a Refereed Literary Journal.

7. On the Advisory Board of International Journal of Communication Development


8. Member, Editorial Advisory Committee, Synthesis, an International Research Journal.

9. Editor, Adamya(University Magazine) 2001-2007.

10. Member, Editorial Board, University Newsletter (1999-2002).

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11. On the Advisory Board of “Empower MeraBharat ” a Monthly Education

Magazine (

Papers Published in Journals (A Select List):

1. “Light and Shades of Memory: Urvashi Butalia’s The Other Side of Silence: Voices

from the Partition of India,” IJELLH, , Vol. 67, Issue 5 (May 2019) (ISSN No: 2321-

7065) / Co-authored

2. “Renegotiating Cultural Ambivalence: A Post-colonial Study of Sujata Bhatt’s

Poetry,” IJELLH, , Vol. 6, Issue 7 (July 2018) (ISSN No: 2321-7065) / Co-authored

3. “The Text and Metatext of Raginis: A Study,” MDU Research Journal (Arts) (April

2015) / Co-authored

4. “Food, Caste and Dalitness: The Socio-Politics of ‘Joothan’ in

OmprakashValmuki’sJhootan,” Indraprasth: An International Journal of Culture

and Communication Studies, Vol III, 2014 / Co-authored)

5. “An Eco-critical Reading of Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things and Kiran

Desai's The Inheritance of Loss,” The Quest, Vol. 26, No. 1 (June 2012) / Co-


6. “Reading Ghalib, Thinking Translation,” South Asian Ensemble: A Canadian

Quarterly of Arts, Literature and Culture, Vol. 4, No 2 & 3 (Spring & Summer

2012): 125-139.

7. “Contemporary Women Writers: The Problematic of the Nation,” Journal of

English Literature, Vol. I, No. 1 (March, 2011) / Co-authored

8. “Interfacial Reading as Empowering Ethos: Literary Texts and Indian Multicultural

Context,” dialog, No 19 (Autumn 2010): 21-32.

9. “Communalism and the Poetic Imagination: A Study of Indian English Women’s

Poetry,” Intersections, No 25, February 2011

au/issue25/mehta.htm / (Co-Authored)

10. “Literature, Multicultural Context and Reading Praxis,” South Asian Ensemble: A

Canadian Quarterly of Arts, Literature and Culture, Vol 2, No. 4 (Autumn 2010):


11. “Contemporary Indian Women Writing in English and the Problematics of the

Indian Middle Class,”Language in India, Vol. 10 (August 2010): 80-91. / Co-


12. “The Shifting Sands of Kanjar Hinterland,” <


13. “Indian English Literature in the Age of Globalization: Issues and

Expressions,”Critical Practice, Vol. XVI (2009): 1-6.

14. “Human Rights and Literature: A Complementary Study in Indian Fiction in

English,” The International Journal of the Arts in Society, Vol. 3, 2009

( / Co-authored

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15. “Translating Realism into Fiction: An Analysis of Gandhi as Development

Communication Strategist,” The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social

Sciences, Vol. 3, 2008 ( / Co-authored

16. “Contemporary Indian English Women’s Poetry and the Representation of Woman:

A Critical Reading” Critical Practice, Vol. XV (2008): 109-124. / Co-authored

17. “Confronting Patriarchal Violence: A Comparative Reading of Mahasweta Devi’s

“Draupadi” & Ambai’s “Black Horse Square,” The Icfai Journal of English Studies,

Vol. III, No. 1 (March 2008): 34-45. / Co-authored

18. “Saampradayiakta, Secular Samaj Aur Svayam Prakash Ki Kahaniyaan,” Banas (A

Literary Journal in Hindi), Vol. I, No 1 (Basant, 2008): 261-264.

19. “Claiming 1857: Biography as History,” Critical Practice, Vol. XIV (July 2007):


20. “Subaltern Historiography and Literary Aesthetics: A Reading of Mahasweta Devi’s

Fiction,” The Quest, Vol 21, No 1 (June 2007): 25 – 44. / Co-authored

21. “Writing the Subaltern at the Interface of Fiction and Ideology: An Engagement

with the Works of Mahasweta Devi,” New Quest, No 165-66 (July-December,

2006): 84-92. / Co-authored

22. “From Representation to Self Presentation: The Problematic of Female

Body/Sexuality in Contemporary Indian Women Writing,” Littcrit, 61-62, Vol 32

No. 1-2 (June-Dec, 2006). / Co-authored

23. “Politics of Reading Krishna Sobti,” New Quest No. 159 (January-March 2005). /


24. “Partition Fiction in Indian English. A Self-Conscious Exercise in Secularism,”

New Quest, No 152 (April-June, 2003).

25. “Identity, Experience, Aesthetics: Indian Women's Poetry in English,” Occasional

Papers (Research Journal, Dept. of English, Panjab University, Chandigarh),

March 99.

26. “Mukanda Rao's The Mahatma: A Marginalizing Mélange,” Critical Practice Vol.

IV, No. l. / Co-authored

27. “A Stylistic Insight into The Last Labyrinth,” Occasional Papers (Research

Journal, Dept. of English, Panjab University, Chandigarh) Vol. II, No. 1-2

Review Articles/ Book Reviews and Miscellaneous Articles in Journal, Magazines and

Newspapers (A Select List):

1. “A Cautionary Tale: NGOs in Post-Colonial India”- review of

BhagwandassMorwal’s Narak Masiha, The Book Review, Vol. XXXIX, No 4

(April 2015)

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2. “Alag Hain India Aur Bharat Ke Mahila Sashaktikaran”- Rashtriya Sahara,

March 7, 2011: 10 (Edit Page)

3. “Women, Communalism and Poetry,” Creative’s Book News, Vol. XIII, No 1

(October 2010): 1& 20.

4. “Culture and Consciousness: Historicisng Cultures, Comparing Histories” –

review of Devesh Vijay’s Saanskritic Itihaas: Eik Tulnatmak Sarvekshan, The

Book Review, Vol. XXXIV, No. 3 (March, 2010).

5. “Poetry, Politics & Culture: Relocating Criticism Beyond the Solemnities of the

Sacred and the Serious” – review of Akshaya Kumar’s Poetry Politics & Culture:

Essays in Indian Texts & Context,” Critical Practice Vol. XVI

6. “Translation as Poetic Credo” – review of Sukrita and Savita Singh’s Sath Chalte

Hue/ Rowing Together, The Book Review, Vol. XXXIII, No. 5 (May, 2009).

7. “Reframing Critical Coordinates” – review of Akshaya Kumar’s Poetry, Politics

and Culture: Essays in Indian Texts and Contexts, The Book Review, Vol.

XXXIII, No. 4 (April, 2009).

8. “Reappraising Meera: Introducing New Perspectives” – review of Meera Ek

Punarmoolyankan, edited by Pallav, The Book Review, Vol. XXXII, No. 6 (June,


9. “Forays into Tribal Hinterland” – review of Bhagwandass Morwal’s Ret (A Hindi

Novel), The Book Review, Vol. XXXII, No. 5 (May, 2008).

10. “Literary Perspectives in Dialogue” – review of Krishna Sobti and Krishna

BaldevVaid’s Sobti Vaid Samvad,” The Book Review, Vol. XXXII, No.- 3 (March


11. “Multicultural Democracy and Reading Praxis,” Creative’s Book News, Vol X,

No. 1 (November 2007).

12. “Azadi Aur Aitihasik-Sahitayik Asmita,” Hamara Bharat, No 2 (May, 2007): 59-


13. “Re-inventing the Art of Telling” – review of Sharmistha Mohanty’s New Life, -

The Book Review, Vol. XXXI, No 1 (February 2007).

14. “That Sacred Entity-‘Word’” – review of Krishna Sobti’s Shabdon Ke Aalok

Mein – The Book Review, Vol XXX, No 12 (December 2006).

15. “Sabaltern Stree Ke Liye Eik Aupanyaasik Vimarsh” – review article in Hindi on

Sharad Singh’s Hindi novel Pichhale Panne Ki Auratein – Naya Gyanodaya

(Jnanpeeth Journal), No 39 (May, 2006).

16. “Citizenship: Perceptions and Practice” – review of Anupama Roy’s Gendered

Citizenship: Historical and Conceptual Explorations – The Book Review, Vol

XXIX, No 12 (December 2005).

17. “Mahanagar Mein Aam Aadmi Ki Duniya” – a panel discussion published in Naya

Gyanodaya (Jnanpeeth Journal), No 32 (Oct, 2005).

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18. “English Avatars of Bhasa Fiction” – review article on three books viz., i. Earthen

Lamps by Jhaverchand Meghani, trans. Vinod Meghani (Delhi:

BhartiyaVidyaBhawan, 2004), ii. Dawn by Arupa Patangia Kalita, trans. Ranjita

Biswas (N Delhi: Zubaan, 2004) and iii. Shanjhbati’s Dreams by Joy Goswami,

trans. Rani Ray (Delhi: Shristi Publication) – The Book Review, Vol. XXIX, No. 9

(Sept., 2005).

19. “Examining Secular Sensibility Sensibly” – review of Mukul Kesvan’s Secular

Common Sense (N. Delhi: Penguin, 2001) – The Sunday Tribune, Feb. 24, 2002.

20. “Dissecting RoopKanwar’s Tale” – review of Mala Sen’s Death by Fire (N. Delhi:

Penguin Books) – The Tribune, November 4, 2001.

Papers Anthologized in Books:

1. “Zameen Par Ret Ki Talaash” in Lokman Ka Sirjanhaar: Bhagwandass Morwal,

edt by Lokesh Kumar Gupta, New Delhi: Sameeksha Publication, 2014 (pp 133-


2. “Culture as Critical Framework: Understanding Translation through Ghalib,”

Translation, Bilingualism and Pedagogy, Ed. Karan Singh. New Delhi: Creative

Books, 2012: 1-15.

3. “Narration of Violence in Gurcharan Das’s A Fine Family,” Partition and Indian

Literature: Voices of the Wounded Psyche- Vol 2, Eds Neena Arora and R.K.

Dhawan (New Delhi: Prestige, 2010): 282-293.

4. “Interfacial Reading as Multicultural Ethos: Some Possibilities in Indian

Context,” Ethnicity/ Multiculturalism: Identity Politics and Cosmopolitanism in

Literature, Eds. Jyoti Yadav, Karan Singh and Amod Rai (New Delhi: Creative

Books, 2010): 15-29.

5. “Ideology, Fiction and Activism” Mahasweta Devi: A Critical Reading, Vandana

Gupta (New Delhi: Creative Books, 2009): 110-119.

6. “Contemporary Indian English Women’s Poetry and the Representation of

Women: A Critical Reading,” Indian Women Poets, Eds. A. Rahman & A.K.

Ansari (New Delhi: Creative Books, 2009)

7. “Claiming 1857: Biography as History,” Literature, Nation & Revolution, Eds.

Pradeep Trikha& Anurag Sharma, Deptt. of English, Dayanand College, Ajmer

with the support of UGC, 2008

8. “A Stylistic Insight into The Last Labyrinth” in The Novels of Arun Joshi, ed.

R.K. Dhawan (New Delhi: Prestige, 1992).

9. “The City and the River: A Critical Review” in The Novels of Arun Joshi, ed. R.K.

Dhawan (New Delhi: Prestige, 1992).

Creative Writing and Translations:

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Currently working on an anthology of poems in Hindi/Hindustani. Translations,

stories and poems published in various journals and magazines.

1. Translated Bhagwandass Morwal’s Hindi story “Biyabaan” into English.

Published as “Wilderness” in Indian Literature, No 239 (May- June 2007): 75-88.

2. Translated Abhishek Kashyap’s Hindi story “Nai Sadee ki Praacheen Prem

Katha” into English (“Hare and the Beast”).

3. Translated Ramnika Gupta’s activist prose/essays into English. Published in book

form by Concept Publishers, Delhi (2007).

4. Translated Kashi NathSingh’s Hindi story “Villain” into English. (2011)

5. Currently engaged in the translation of Contemporary Hindi Short Stories by

various writers into English.

Course Material/Content Prepared:

1. On Henry James’ Portrait of a Lady for Distance Education Department of

Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, 1995.

2. On “Literature and Gender” for Department of Distance Education, M.D.

University, Rohtak. 2004.

3. On “Feminist Criticism and Post-Colonial Theory” for Department of Distance

Education, MDU, Rohtak. 2004.

4. Developed course content for Communication Skills for DOEACC, 2003-04.

5. Developed course content on “Communication Skills” for ANMC Project, 2004-


6. Invited as subject expert to at Curriculum Development Workshop at CRSCE, -

now DCRUST - Murthal (Sonipat).

7. Convener, Course Content Development Committee for MA English and

Communication Studies, MA English, M.Phil. English and Ph.D. Course Work

for English, USHSS, GGSIPU.

8. Convener, Syllabus and Examination Revision Committees constituted by the

University/School for various PG and Post PG courses in English offered by of

USHSS, GGSIPU since August, 2011.

9. Invited as subject Expert (Humanities and Social Science) to deliberate on

Syllabus in a Workshop organized by the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,

DCRUST, Murthal (Sonipat) on March 22, 2017.

10. Subject Expert on the Committee Constitute by SUPVA, Rohtak to develop Soft

Skill Job Oriented Course Modules for introduction in Government Colleges of

Haryana (April 2018)

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11. External Member/Subject Expert, MA English Course Development Committee,

J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology (formerly YMCA), Faridabad,

Haryana (2019)

Seminars and Workshops Organized/Conducted:

Organized a number of seminars and conducted various workshops from time to time. The focus

was on organizing seminars that would benefit the students of the school more than the experts in

the area. Towards this end started:

1. An Annual Seminar Series under the rubric of “The World, The Artist and The Critic”

with a unique discussion-format involving a discussion by invited creative personalities

and critics on a topic of relevance. Some of the seminars conducted under this series


A two-day National Seminar on “The World, the Poet and the Critic” on March

30-31, 2010 at GGS IP University, Delhi.

A two-day National Seminar on Poetics and Politics of Faiz-Ahmed Faiz, entitled

“Muddat Hui Hai YaarKoMehmaan Kiye Hue” on September 6-7, 2011 at GGS

IPU, Delhi.

A one-day Workshop on “Story, Storyteller and the Reader” in 2014

A one-day Workshop on “The Actor, the Act/Cinema and the Audience” in 2016

A two-day Poetry Writing Workshops entitled “The Poet, the Practice and the

Initiate” in 2015 and 2017.

2. Institued a fortnightly student seminar series for PG Students of English, where the

students are required to make presentations on text (of social and literary

relevance/significance). The external experts are invited to observe and evalutae the

seminar performance and provide a critical frame to the exercise.

3. Initiated the idea of off-campus Workshops on Art, Literature and Commuication as an

integeral part of course curriculum. The latest ten day workshop, entitled “ Art, Life and

Literature” was held at Eklingji, Udaipur, Rajasthan in March 2019.

Member Seminar/Conference Advisory Boards/Committees:

Regularly nominated as subject expert/member on the Advisory Committees of various

national/international seminars and conferences. Some of the significant conferences in this

regard are listed below:

1. Observer, ICLALS Conference held in MLS University, Udaipur

2. Members, Academic Committee, International Conference on the Teaching of

English as a Foreign/Second Language at Delhi (India) from October 4-6, 2012.

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3. Member, Organising Committee, MELUS, MELOW for its International

Conference on “Towards Praxis: Literature, Society and Politicsheld at GGS IP

University, Delhi in February, 2016.

4. On Advisory Committee, Two day National Conference on 'Urban Catharsis: The

Psycho-Moral Cleansing Effects of Literatures in English"organized by the Dept.

of English, Lingaya's University, Faridabad on 3 & 4 of February 2012

( seminaralerts/seminars/untitledpost-2)

5. On the Advisory Committee of the Internation Seminar on “Socio-Cultural Study

of Agriculture” organised by Mata Sundri College, University of Delhi in March


Keynotes and Valedictory Addresses (A Select List):

1. Delivered a Key Note Address entitled “Interdisciplinarity as Epistemic

Expansion: Contextualizing the Debate” at the Valedictory Function of the two-

day Interdiciplinary National Seminar organised by IQAC, CUH, Mahendergarh

on April 28, 2019.

2. As Guest of Honour, delivered an lecture entitled “Ethics of Sports and Sports as

Ethics” in the inaugral function of the one day National Seminar on “Sports for

Development and Peace” organised by Directorate of Sports, DCRUST, Murthal

on April 06, 2019.

3. Delivered a Validectory Address entitled “Literature as Transgression: Some

Reflections” in a One-day National Seminar organised by the Department of

English, Manav Rachna University, Faridabad, on January 31, 2019.

4. Delivered a Validectory Address entitled “ Tulsidas’ Sri-Ramcharitmanas in

Theory Classroom: A Pedagogivcal Revisit” on Februray 18, 2019 in a two-day

National Seminar on the topic “Revisting Ramayana” organised by the Department

of English, Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner, Rajasthan fromon 17-18

February, 2019.

5. Delivered a Valedictory Address entitled “Writing Women, Doing Literature: An

Indian Context” on February 17, 2018 in Department of Higher Education,

Haryana, sponsored Two-Day National Seminar on the topic “Reflections and

Manifestations of Women in Literature: An Overview” organized by Department

of English, Gaur Brahmin College, Rohtak (Haryana) , on 16-17 February , 2018

6. Delivered a Keynote Address entitled “Partition Literature and the Anxiety of

Representation” on February 19, 2018 in Department of Higher Education,

Haryana, sponsored Two-Day National Seminar on the topic “The Politics of

Partition: A Literary Perspective” organized by Government Girls’ College,

Rewari , on 19-20 February , 2018

7. Invited as Plenary Speaker ( March 23, 2018) in the National Conference on the

theme “Contextualizing Asian Literatures” from March 21 to March 23, 2018 by

the Department of English and Tamil, Ethiraj College, Chennai. Delivered the

plenary talk entitled, “Asian Literature and the Embrace of Violence: Context,

Traditions and Continuities.”

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8. Delivered a lecture entitled “Media and Culture: Dialectics of Gain and Loss” as

Guest of Honour at one-day National Media Conference, “Cultural Representation

and Power of Media” organised by the Department of Mass Communication and

Journalism, Technia Institute of Advanced Studies, New Delhi, on March 23,


9. Valedictory Address, ‘Teacher, Technology and ‘Teachings’ in the Age of LPG’,

on March 10, 2017 at DHE Sponsored Two-Days National Seminar on Role of

Science and Technology in Improving Teaching Pedagogy and Value Education’

organised by Fateh Chand College for Women, Hisar, Haryana (9-10, March,


10. Valedictory Address, IWE: Context, Contestations, Contours, on March 07, 2017

at DHE Sponsored Two-Days National Seminar on Contemporary Indian

Literature: An Over View organised by Dept. of English, Pt. Neki Ram Sharma

Govt. College, Rohtak (6-7, March, 2017)

11. Keynote Address entitled “Literature and Culture: Continuities and Contestations”

at DHE Sponsored One Day Seminar on Literature as a Mirror to the Souls of

Culture organised by Ch.Bansi Lal Govt College for Women, Tosham (Bhiwani)

on February 10, 2017.

12. Keynote Address entitled “Folk as Philosophy and Performance” on October 22,

2016, at UGC Sponsored Two-Days National Seminar on Drama, Dramaturgy

and Indegineity: North Indian Folk Theatrical Traditions P.G Dept. of English,

Government College foe Women, Mahendergarh, Haryana from 22-23 October,


13. Delivered a Keynote Lecture on 24th September, 2013 (“Knowledge Paradigm

Shifts and Research Sensibilty”) in TEQIP sponsored Faculty Development

Programme on Computational Techniques and Research Methodology for the

faculty of Engineering / Technical Colleges / Universities/ Polytechnics organised

by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram

University of Science and Technology Murthal from September 24-28, 2013.

14. Delivered a Valedictory Lecture (“Teacher Taught and Teaching: The Context

Problem and Possibilities of Language Teaching Today”) to teacher participants in

an in-service teachers training programme (Enrichment Programme in English)

organized by DPS Society’s HRD Centre from 18th

to 22nd

March, 2013.

15. Delivered a Valedictory Lecture (“Technology and Pedagogical Cross-roads”) in

the National Seminar on “Innovations in Education and Technology” organized by

KIRAS, Kalkaji (Delhi) on 02nd

March, 2013.

16. Delivered a Valedictory Address (“Teacher, Teaching and Social Responsibility”)

in a 2 days National Seminar on Faculty Enrichment in Societal Development,

organized jointly by SRITE, BKIET & SHDCHE, New Delhi from 23rd

to 24th

January, 2013.

17. Delivered a Keynote Address (“Literature in the Age of Adaptations”) in One day

National Seminar on Studies: Literature and Art, Literature and Cinema”

organized by Amity Institute of English Studies and Research and Amity Institute

of Corporate Communication, Noida on 09th

August, 2012.

18. Delivered a Valedictory Address (“Contemporary Classrooms and

Communication: Context and Crisis”) to the participants of Faculty Development

Page 13 of 19

Programme on SSPS and Institutional Building (on 20/07/12) organised by VIPS

from 17th

to 20th

July, 2012.

19. Delivered a Keynote Address (“Translation: Why Does it Matter in India?”) to the

participants in Director General, Higher Education, Haryana sponsored National

Seminar on “Literature in Translation: Theory and Practice” organized by S.A.

Jain (P.G.) College Ambala City (Haryana) on 2nd

March, 2012.

20. Delivered a Valedictory Address (“Indian Writing in English and its Glocal

Context”) delivered to participants in Directorate of Higher Education, Haryana

sponsored National Seminar on Indian Writings in English” organized by

Government College, Sector 14, Gurgaon from 16th

to 17th

February, 2012.

21. Delivered a Keynote Address (“Translation as Pedagogical-Existential

Conversation”) in Directorate of Higher Education, Haryana sponsored seminar on

“Translation, Bilingualism and Pedagogy: Possibilities, Potentials and Pitfalls,”

organizedby Government College, Ateli (Mahendergarh) on 14th

to 15th



22. Delivered a Valedictory Address (“Changing Language Sensibility and English”)

in National Seminar on "Functional English" sponsored by The Higher Education

Commissioner, Haryana and organized by BLJS P.G. College, Tosham on 01st to


October, 2010.

23. Delivered a Keynote Address (“Interfacial Reading as Multicultural Ethos: Some

Possibilities in Indian Context”) at UGC sponsored seminar on

“Ethnicity/Multiculturalism: Identity Politics and Cosmopolitanism in

Contemporary Literature,” organizedby Government College, Ateli

(Mahendergarh) on 26th

to 27th

March, 2010.

24. Delivered a Keynote Address (“Dalit Discourse/Dalit Literature: A Shift in

Representational Paradigm”) at UGC sponsored seminar on “Dalit Literature:

Challenges and Potentialities”, organized by Government College, Ateli

(Mahendergarh) from 16th

to 17th

March, 2009.

Extension/Invited Lectures:

1. Delivered a two part extension lecture, entitled “Literature, Literariness and Life” in

the School of Enlish Literature, VIPS, New Delhi, on February 01, 2019

2. As Invited Resource Person selivered a two part expert lecture entitled Language in/as

Communication in the Age of LPG” on February 14, 2019 in the the Interdisciplinary

Referesher Course organised by the Department of English and Cultural Studies,

Panjab University Chandigarh.

3. Invited as Resource Person for a Panel Discussion on “Haryanvi Folk Literature and

Culture: State and Direction”, on March 14, 2019 in a two-day Seminar organised by

Pt. Lachhmi Chand Chair, MD University, Rohatak in collaboration with State

University of Visual and Performing Arts, Rohtak, Haryana.

4. As an invited Resource Person delivered a two-part talk entitled “Shifting Pedagogical

Terrains: Cognitive-Cultural Meandering on Technology, Management and Language”

Page 14 of 19

on February 08, 2019 in the FDP on Contemporay Issues and Challenges in

Management, Education amd Information Technology” organised by Maharaja

SurajmalGroup of Institutes, New Delhifrom February 05 to February 09, 2019.

5. Delivered an invited expert lecture, entitled “Teacher, Teaching and ‘Teacherliness’:

Issues in Pedagogy” in One-Day Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching

Methodologies” organized by FIMT, Delhi on January 16, 2018.

6. Delivered three extension lectures entitled, “Ghalib: The Man and His Poetry” and

“Manto’s Partition Stories: The Problematic of Representation” at the Dept of English,

CBL University, Bhiwani, Haryana, on February 09, 2018.

7. Delivered an extension lecture entitled ‘Literature, Literariness and Life” at the

Department of English, I.G. University, Meerpur (Rewari) on September 22, 2017.

8. As invited Resource person delivered three lectures namely, “Poets, Poetry and Poetic

Language: A Poetic Take,” “Globalization and the Changing Language Sensibility: An

Indian Context” and “IWE and the Era of LPG” on 15th

and 16th

September, 2017 at

UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in English organized by HRDC, AU, Jammu in

September, 2017.

9. Delivered an extension lecture entitled “Post-colonialilty and its Literary Formations”

at the Departmentt of English and Foreign Languages at MD University, Rohtak on

September 07, 2017.

10. As invited Resource person delivered three lectures on “The Creative and Critical

Contours of Indian Literary Imagination” on 9th

and 10th

June, 2017 at UGC Sponsored

Refresher Course in English organized by HRDC, GNDU, Amritsar, from 26th


2017 to 15th

June, 2017.

11. Delivered an extension lecture entitled “The Joys and Enjoyment of Poetic Language”

at the Department of English, A U. Jammu on February 10, 2017.

12. As an Invited Resource person delivered two lectures on April 01, 2017, in a five - day

National Workshop on “Literary Criticism in India: Theory, Practice and Pedagogy”

organized by Dept of English and Foreign Languages in collaboration with

Department of Education, CUH, Mahendergarh, under the MHRD Scheme of Pundit

Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and March 30, 2017 to April

03, 2017.

13. Delivered a two-part Extension Lecture on the topic “Life as Literary Credo/Literature

as the Credo of Life” on February 27, 2017 at Dept. of English, CRS University, Jind,


14. Delivered an Expert Lecture entitled “Being and Becoming of a Student/Teacher: Life,

Learning and Living in the Contemporary Society” on February 13, 2017 at Fairfield

Institute of Management and Technology, New Delhi.

15. Delivered a three-part lecture (as invited Resource person) entitled “The Political

Economy of Culture/Text/Language in the Age of Globalization” at ASC, BHU on


Page 15 of 19

16. Invited as an Academic Expert/Jury Member to deliberate in and evaluate the

proceedings of NYP (National Youth Parliament) organized by DCRUST, Murthal

(Haryana) on 10/09/2016.

17. Delivered two-part expert lecture (as an invited resource person) entitled “The State

and Direction of Research InIndia: Some Reflections” (July 28, 2016) in One-week

Short Term Training Programme on “Research and Publication” sponsored by TEQIP

II and organized by the Department of Humanities, Delhi Technological University,

Delhi from 25-29 July, 2016.

18. Delivered an expert lecture (as an invited resource person) entitled “Globlization,

India, Relational Problematics and Health” (July 19, 2016) in TEQIP sponsored One-

week Short Term Course on “ Realizing Digital and Healthy India” organized by the

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, DCRUST, Murthal (Haryana)

from 18th


July, 2016.

19. Invited as resource-person to chair a session in National Seminar on “Literature in the

Emerging Contexts of Technology and Culture” organized by the Dept of English,

Panjabi University, Patiala from Feb 25-26, 2015.

20. Delivered an extension lecture entitled “Literature and the Language of Integration” in

the Department of English, Ch. Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani on 31.10.2015.

21. Delivered a two-part expert lecture (as an invited resource person) entitled “Poetic

Insights & Literary Theory: A Pedagogical Negotiation” (January 08, 2014) at a

Refresher Course organized by the Department of English, in collaboration with

Academic Staff College, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra from 24th

November to


December, 2014.

22. Delivered an expert lecture (as an invited resource person) entitled “Creativity,

Criticism, Communication and the Classroom” on 29th

November, 2014 to the faculty

members in FDP organised by Dept of English, Mahendra College, Patiala.

23. Delivered two part expert lecture (as an invited resource person) entitled “Reflections

on Language and Literature in Contemporary Times” on 28th

November, 2014 to the

participants in the UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in English/Languages organised

by Academic Staff College, Panjabi University, Patiala.

24. Invited as Resource Person and Moderator in a Panel Discussion on the topic

“Unheard Ragional Voices and Indian English Literature” organised by the Dept of

English, MDU Rohtak on 24.01.2014.

25. Delivered a two part expert lecture (as an invited speaker) entitled “Language, Theory

and Literary Pedagogy” on 25th

and 26th

November, 2013 in UGC sponsored

Refresher Course on Languages organised by Academic Staff College, Panjabi

University Patiala from 6th

to 26th

November, 2013.

Page 16 of 19

26. Delivered an expert lecture (as an invited speaker) entitled “ Humanities as Building

Block to Good Governance” in the inaugural session of two days seminar on “Role of

Management, IT, Media and Law in Good Governance” organized by FIMT,

Kapashera from 5th

to 6th

April, 2013.

27. Delivered two part expert lecture (as an invited resource person) entitled “ Studying

Theory Through Indigenous Frames” on 23rd

March 2013 to the participants in the

UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in English on the topic “English Language and

Literature in the 21st Century” organized by the Academic Staff College, BPS Mahila

Vishvavidalya, Khanpur (Haryana).

28. Invited to speak and Chair a Session in a two-days National Seminar on “The Line that

Divides: Understanding Partition from Women’s and/in Partition Narratives”

organized by the Department of English, Shivaji College (University of Delhi) from


to 24th

January, 2013.

29. Delivered an expert lecture (as an invited speaker) entitled “Indian Novel and the

Rhetoric of Radicalism? ” in the inaugural session of two days National seminar on

“The Radical Novel in India (1857-1967)” organized by Dept of English, DAV

College for Girls, Yamunanagar, Haryana from 6th

to 7th

December, 2012. Also

chaired a session.

30. Delivered a two-part Extension Lecture entitled “English, Englishness and Literary

Communication” at Departmentt of English, Indira Gandhi Post Graduate Regional

Centre, Mirpur, Rewari on 18th

November, 2012.

31. Delivered two part expert lecture (as an invited resource person) entitled “Doing

Research in Literature: Ethical and Methodological Issues” to Research students of

English at IIS University, Jaipur on 07th

September, 2012.

32. Delivered an Extension Lecture, “Second Language Acquisition: Problems and

Challenges” on 24th

March, 2012 at Government Girls College, Rewari, Haryana.

33. As a resource person delivered a two-part lecture entitled “IWE: Its Contemporay

Context and Pedagogy” (Feb 23, 2012) at a Refresher Course organized by the

Department of English, in collaboration with Academic Staff College, Kurukshetra

University, Kurukshetra from 24th

February to 09th

March, 2012.

34. Delivered a two-part Expert Lecture (“English Language, Literature and Problemticsof

Pedagogy” and “The English of Indian English Literature: Changing Texts and

Contexts”) on 17th December, 2011 at Academic Staff College, GNDU, Amritsar to

the participants of UGC sponsored Refresher Course on "The Teaching of English

Language, Literature and Theory” organized by Department of English from 29th

November to 19th

December 2011.

Page 17 of 19

35. Delivered a two-part extension lecture on “Language and Literary Sensibility” at the

Department of English, Indira Gandhi Regional Center, Meerpur (Rewari) on


November, 2011.

36. As a Resource Person deliberated on the topic “Partition and Poetic Sensibility:

Outburst to Equanimity” in UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in English, organised

by Academic Staff College, BPS MahilaVishwavidalaya, Khanpur (10th


2011) from 29th

September to 20th

October, 2011.

37. As a Resource Person deliberated on the topic “Literary Text and Language Context in

Age of Media and Information Boom” in UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in

English, organized by Academic Staff College, BPS MahilaVishwavidalaya, Khanpur


October, 2010)

38. Invited as resource person to deliver a two-part series of expert lecture entitled

“Debating Comparative/Doing Comparative: Indian Texts and Contexts” to the

participations of UGC sponsored Refresher Course (05th

to 26th

March, 2009)

organized by Department of English, PU, Chandigarh, on 06th

March, 2009.

39. Invited as a panelist in one day National Workshop on “Enhancing the Role of Social

Sciences in Management Education” organized by USMS, GGS IP University in

collaboration with Department of Management Studies, IIT, Roorkee on 28th


2009, to deliberate on the role of Humanities in Management Education.

40. Invited as Observer in IACLALS Conference ("Performing the Post-Colonial:

Imaging/Imagining India through Films, Theatre, Music and Dance", 28th

to 30th

January, 2008) at MohanlalSukhadia University, Udaipur. Also chaired a session.

41. Invited/Delivered an expert lecture entitled “Language and Human Dignity” to winter

interns at Human Rights Commission, Delhi on 11th

January, 2008.

42. Delivered an expert lecture as resource person in the Orientation Course for College

Lecturers in Haryana, held at Government College, Gurgaon (on 12th

June 2007) from


to 21st June, 2007.

43. Invited as expert/resource person to deliver lectures in AICTE Sponsored Staff

Development Programme on Quality in Engineering Education (on 06th

June, 2007)

organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, DC RUST, Murthal from 04th



June, 2007.

44. Invited as an expert to participate in a Panel Discussion – Panchayat – organized by

BhartiyaJnanpith Journal NayaGynodaya(October, 2005).

45. Invited as expert/resource person to deliver lectures on “Interfacial Reading Praxis”

and “The Partition Novel in India: Some Structuring Strategies” at MLSU, Udaipur

(January, 2004).

46. Invited as expert/resource person to deliver lectures on “Language Behaviour and

Teaching Persona” & “Working with Deconstruction: A Case Study of Robert Frost’s

‘Design’” (Refresher Course, Department of English, PU Chandigarh, 2003).

Page 18 of 19

47. Invited as expert/resource person to deliver lectures on “Literary Production and

Consumption in the Age of LPG: Some Reflections” at Department of English, MDU,

Rohtak, Haryana (2003).

48. Invited as expert/resource person to deliver lectures on “Managing Oral

Communication” in AICTE –ISTE sponsored STTP at USMS, GGS IPU (2003).

49. Invited as expert/resource person to deliver lectures on “From Colonial Anchorage to

Post Modern Flotsam: Changing Contours of English in India” in the Department of

English at Shramjeevi University, Udaipur.

50. Delivered a two-part extension lecture on the topic “Indian-ness of English in Indian

English Writing” at the Department of English, Hindu Girls’ College, Jagadhari


51. As Resource Person delivered lectures at Academic Staff College, M.D. University,

Rohtak; K.U. Kurukshetra; MLSU, Udaipur; Shramjeevi University, Udaipur; P.U.

Chandigarh; JNU, Delhi; and CCS Haryana Agriculture University, Hisar.

52. Invited to deliver Expert Lectures in AICTE –ISTE sponsored STTP at USMMS, GGS

IPU, DCRUST, Murthal (Sonipat), NITTTR, Chandigarh sponsored workshop at

Sonipat, CDM, USEM, GGSIPU, etc.

53. Invited by ‘Katha’ as panelist on the book release function of Krishna Sobti’s Novels

in English Translation by Katha Publishers at India Habitat Centre. Participated as a

panelist and also delivered a talk on “The Relevance of Reading Krishna Sobti


Academic Qualification, Awards and Teaching Experience:

1. Academic Qualifications

B.A., KUK (1984), First Division (Ranked Sixth in the Overall University Merit)

M.A. English, KUK (1986), First Division

M.Phil. KUK (1986-88), First Divison

Ph.D. (English), K.U. Kurukshetra

2. Awards and Scholarships:

Government of India National Merit Scholarship (1974-79)

AYOSA Gold Medal (1979)

Kurukshetra University Merit Scholarship (1984-1986)

Best Researcher Award (Humanities & Social Sciences, Education and

Law School Faculty Group, GGS I P University) for the years 2010-11 &


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3. Teaching Experience:30 Years (Approximately)

Lecturer of English, MLN College Raduar, Yamunanagar,Haryana, (October

1988 to January 1991).

Lecturer of English , Dept of English, MDU, Rohtak, Haryana (January 1991 to


USHSS, GGS IP University (Since July 1999)

i. As Reader from July 25, 1999 to August, 2007

ii. As Professor since August 2007