anti-retroviral therapy in hiv-positive pregnant women and children

Anti-retroviral therapy in HIV+-pregnant women & children Zeena Nackerdien

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Post on 20-Jun-2015



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  • 1. Anti-retroviral therapy in HIV+- pregnant women & children Zeena Nackerdien

2. Mother-to-child transmissions & pediatric HIV data worldwide (1-3) * 21 countries; eART, effective anti-retroviral therapies; MTCT, mother-to-child transmission 1. World Health Organization. HIV/AIDS fact sheet no. 360 (Updated October 2013) [cited 2014 May]. 2. World Health Organization. Pediatric HIV data and statistics (2011) [cited 2014 May]. 3. Amfar. Statistics: Worldwide 2013 [cited 2014 May]. Worldwide, treatment- nave MTCT transmission rates: 15-45% 3.3 million children have HIV/AIDS In 2012, 62% of ~1.5 million HIV+-pregnant women received eARTs to avoid MTCTs vs 48% in 2010 ARTs among children (0-14 y) Receiving ART (Total): 566,000 North-Africa/Middle East: 900 Eastern & Southern Africa:426,800 Needing ART (Total): 1,990,000 ART coverage (Total): 28% ~260,000 children newly HIV+ in 2012 88% of worlds HIV+-children live in sub-Saharan Africa* 3. ART guide/public health progress (4-5) New HIV+-infections among children: Slow (100,000 copies/mL cART should be started in HIV-infected infants aged