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2012AnnuAl report

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2 From the president

5 past presidents

6 Honour roll

8 office Bearers & Staff

Management & Committee Reports

10 From the Chief executive

13 Development – Clubs

15 Development – Coaches

16 Membership Statistics

18 officials

20 Competitions

24 Victorian records

26 Summer Awards

29 Cross Country & road racing

32 XCr Awards

34 Victorian Institute of Sport


36 Financial reports




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2012AnnuAl report

Mission: Athletics Victoria will promote,

develop and grow athletics as a vibrant, healthy, fun

and accessible sport available to all Victorians.

Vision: For athletics to be the premier

olympic sport in the state and for Athletics Victoria to

be the premier athletics body in the nation.

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I was honoured when the Board of Directors elected me to be president of Athletics Victoria for the 2011-2012 year. I am pleased to be able to make this report to our members, partners, sponsors and the community at large.

In presenting this report, I first acknowledge the enormous contribution over many years of my predecessor, Anne lord. Her leadership has laid very important foundations for the prospering of athletics in Victoria and Australia. After nine years on the Board, and six as president, Anne now serves on the Board of Athletics Australia.

By any measure, the past year has been successful for our sport. the Board’s major priorities have been to consummate the move from olympic park to lakeside Stadium, and to develop positive relationships with several bodies upon which our future depends. the successful adaptation of our entire community to the wonderful new facilities at lakeside Stadium speaks for itself. We have also successfully developed our relationships with partners and associated groups. these relationships, in particular with the Victorian Government, the State Sports Centres trust and with little Athletics Victoria, have been placed in sound positions for future development.

I write this report on behalf of the Board, which has been both diligent and inspiring in its work over the past year. Vice-presidents russell Clowes and lisa Hasker, have contributed respectively in improving our governance and management processes, and the development of important relationships with other bodies. our treasurer, eric Sigmont, has patiently and firmly guided our financial decisions, and rod Griffin has contributed new ideas, especially from a regional perspective. rohan Claffey and Alan McCauley, with their experience in finance and management, have assisted greatly with policy development as it relates to compliance and management of an organisation like ours.

early in the year we lost Simon Hollingsworth, who resigned upon taking up duties as Ceo of the Australian Sports Commission. Simon had served the Board well during his tenure, and, of course, we wish him success at the ASC. the vacancy occasioned by Simon’s resignation was filled by the appointment of Heather ridley, who, with her understanding of Government processes, has contributed vigorously to policy development.

the Board works closely with the Chief executive officer, nick Honey, and his team of dedicated staff, who organise, plan and deliver

IAn JoneS, preSIDent, AtHletICS VICtorIA

From thePresident


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the services that underpin our success. I feel that it is not generally known how much extra time and effort is provided by this enthusiastic group. We owe them a big “thank you!”.

to our athletes and coaches, we thank you for your continued participation and development of our sport. our thanks also go to our remarkable officials and volunteers, whose skills and tireless forbearance enable us to run athletic meetings. In Victoria, we provide more athletic meetings than the rest of Australia combined.

last, I thank our member clubs for their enthusiasm and cooperation throughout the year. our success is built on the club system, and meeting and exceeding your expectations remains one of our key objectives.

I thank you all for making 2011-12 a successful year, and wish you well for the next years.

Ian JonespreSIDent

IAn JoneS, preSIDent, AtHletICS VICtorIA



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Past Presidents

Victorian Amateur Athletic Association1891 - 1897 Hon robert W BeSt MlA *

1897 - 1897 Mr Walter t ColDHAM *

1897 - 1901 Mr Montague CoHen *

1901 - 1905 Mr lawrence A ADAMSon *

1905 - 1918 Sir John MADDen *

1918 - 1943 Sir William H IrVIne *

1943 - 1957 Sir John G lAtHAM *

1957 - 1970 Sir Wilfred K HuGHeS *

1970 - 1976 Sir edgar S tAnner *

1976 - 1978 Hon Justice Allan W McDonAlD

1978 - 1982 Sir Murray V McInerneY *

Victorian Women’s Amateur Athletic Association1929 - 1935 Miss louise C MIllS *

1935 - 1937 Mrs Doris M MulCAHY *

1937 - 1938 Mrs Flora HYAMS *

1938 - 1945 Miss louise C MIllS *

1945 - 1948 Miss Doris J CArter *

1948 - 1952 Mrs Doris Il DAVIS *

1952 - 1961 Mrs Mabel e roBInSon *

1961 - 1962 Mrs lena BerZInSKI *

1962 - 1965 Mrs Aileen Ve KenneDY *

1965 - 1976 Mrs Joyce I DAVIS

1976 - 1982 Mrs Margaret l MAHonY

Victorian Athletic Association Inc.1982 - 1983 Dr Frank p lArKInS

1983 - 1984 Mr Gary A CoZenS

1984 - 1989 Mr Stan M l GuIlFoYle

1989 - 1992 Dr Brian HoDGSon

Athletics Victoria Inc.1992 - 1994 Dr Brian HoDGSon

1994 - 1995 Mr Greg D leWIS

1995 - 1997 Mr Kevin l DYnAn

1997 - 2002 Mr John K HIGHAM

2002 - 2005 Mr Max C BInnInGton

2005 - 2011 Ms Anne r lorD 2012 - Mr Ian K JoneS

*Deceased 5

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Life Members1896 pArKInSon Basil J *1901 CoHen Montague * 1904 BArrett Albert o * 1906 trAVIS Herbert A * 1909 BrIGGS Walter e * 1912 Croll robert H * 1914 ADAMSon lawrence A CMG MA* 1915 Serle e Hamilton oBe* SHAppere philip * 1920 StIllWell J Alexander * 1926 SMItH Harry D * 1928 ABBott Harry A * lAnGForD George e * 1935 WeIr Hugh r CBe * 1938 rYAn William M * 1939 SCHoBer Albert V * 1944 AKerS phyllis M * MIllS louise C * WIllSon Doris M * 1945 neVIlle lilian M oAM * pAInter Wilfred e * 1948 roBInSon Mabel e MBe * o’DrISColl Jack X QC oBe * 1949 KenneDY Aileen Ve BeM * pIZZeY F H “Bill” * GrAnt C William H * 1951 AItKen C ronald CBe * CurnoW leonard B oBe *1953 GArDIner C Herbert G QJM *1954 KIelY nance * 1957 Bennett Iris I * MAYer Sidney M * MorrIS evelyn lF * 1958 DunCAn F May * DAVIeS owen e * 1961 CleMSon reginald * 1963 JAMIeSon Alexander A * 1964 McQuISton Maisie BeM * 1967 pAtCHInG Julius l Ao oBe * StrInGer George B * 1968 MeArS Kitt F * CAMpBell A Hugh *1969 roBInSon Alfred e * 1970 AnDerSSon phyllis M H1972 Moore edward *1973 Dunn Crystal1974 eAStHAM edward D *1975 eMBlInG Stewart A *1976 FerrIer Douglas G *1976 Gell Jean I oAM1977 BuroW Amy eB

1977 DAVIS Joyce I MBe1979 DAVIS Doris Il * McDonAlD Allan W Hon Mr Justice1980 leACH William J *1981 BeoVICH Beverley l * CHuGG Jack W * MAHonY Margaret l oAM 1982 Bell Donald F oAM * DYnAn Kevin l1983 DAVIS robert l * tunAleY William S *1984 GAlBrAItH Alec C *1985 BIGGInS Jack McD * DoWneS lola C oAM StAnton Horace J ISM *1986 ColDreY Fred H * FIelD ralph W * GrIerSon William r * Knott George CH * lonnQuISt Arthur H * McBetH emily t * pAtterSon Marion J oAM StAnton Doreen F * turner Dick A * WooD WJp “Bill” *1988 GrAF Fred JG * nICHollS Stanley l oAM * roBleY Stuart e SCHuBert Henri J MBe * SHIlSton Mark W *1991 GrAnt Irene M * HoDGSon Brian1992 KennY raymond M *1993 HIneS Joan l roBertS phyl M *1994 SAunDerS Margaret l *1995 ABBott Sylvia M DunBAr Margaret e FrASer Martha * tHoMpSon Margaret A WAtt eileen M *1996 AGG patricia J1997 GuIlFoYle Stanley Ml AM1998 CurnoW Vern W HoCHreIter rudi J * JenKInS ronda M oAM WooDS e Frank *1999 nolAn Charles r SMItH raymond C *1999 SteVenS Harold M oAM2000 JeneS paul oAM2001 CArMoDY Joseph *


Honour Roll


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2001 CollInGS Vern F SIllItoe neville J2002 BrADBurY B Joy2003 MC lellAn Amy C C *2005 FISHer Margaret M2007 WHItCHell Arthur2008 lAWYSZ richard preSton laurie WIllIAMS tony2009 BoYD roy HArDInG Ivan2010 GArDIner robert rICKArD Ian2011 FreeMAn Catherine Moore Brian VInCent trevor

Merit Award1960 Burt Maisie S *1962 MeArS Kitt F *1969 Venn Fay n *1970 McBetH emily t * roSe Gladys I * StAnton Doreen F *1972 HolMAn Keith1974 pAtterSon Marion J oAM1978 StepHenSon Harry F *1980 SAunDerS George e MBe *1983 nICHollS Stanley l oAM *1984 Dunn Jack B * FrASer Martha * FrASer William C* WooD WJp ‘Bill’ *1986 ABBott Sylvia M1987 CoX Sydney J * HenrY laurie F *1988 KItt W David * WAlSH Jim F*1989 KennY raymond M * SAunDerS Margaret l *1990 DonAlD Wyn V DunBAr Margaret e1991 FoleY royce p * roBertS phyl M *1992 AGG patricia J VAuGHAn Hazel G1994 BetHell peter S BourKe russell J BrADBurY B Joy HoCHreIter rudi J * letHBrIDGe rA ‘tony’ oAM WAtt eileen M * WooDS e Frank *1995 VoDDen nancie A *1996 WArren e Geoff1998 GrAnt Geoff F1998 HAll lew r * MIller ron A

1998 MInter Allan J SMItH J Gordon SMItH laura A * WIllIAMS tony J1999 FISHer Margaret M KItt Ivan t lAWYSZ richard B2000 BlunDY Merv A DAVIDSon John G HAnCoCK tom B MorGAn lorraine M AM2001 luCArDIe ron t * MCKeCHnIe Hugh l tooHeY Bill J VInCent trevor A oAM WooDBrIDGe russell H2002 MoneGHettI Stephen J preSton laurence G rICKArD Ian upton Ian2003 HAll Ken r MC DonAlD ray Moore Brian puopolo A ‘Gus’ J2004 AnDerSon peter K GArDIner robert C MAJor Geoff W WIllIAMS Irene2006 lAMBDen ruby WHItCHell Arthur2007 BArrett peter GArtSIDe patricia noDen pamela2008 BArnett Diana BoAS John GrIFFIn rod MASon Harry * MASon Judy SteWArt Bill WIGMore Kevin VIZe Beth2009 pAIn Diane perrY ellen rIenIetS Helen ruMBle Barbara2010 FISHer Ian MclennAn William YArrAnton John2011 BoWDen Scott GloVer Alan GloVer Yvonne loWDen Diane

Distinguished Service1989 DAVIeS Judy J1994 GuIlFoYle Stanley Ml AM2002 CHeSterMAn Scott2002 HIGHAM John K


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&Office Bearers

AtHletICS VICtorIA, 2011-12

Board of DirectorsPresident Ian Jones

Vice President lisa Hasker

Vice President russell Clowes

Treasurer eric Sigmont

Board Members

rohan Claffey

rod Griffin

Simon Hollingsworth (to August ‘11)

Heather ridley (from october ‘11

Alan McCauley

Sub Committee ManagersChampionships & Special Meets Khan Sharp

Officials richard lawysz

Summer Marian o’Shaughnessy

Technical Gary McBroom

XCR Hamish Beaumont

StaffChief Executive Officer nick Honey

Operations Manager Jade Borella

Club Development Manager tim Crosbie

Competitions Manager Michelle James

Development Officer leana Joyce

Accounts Manager Sharon russell

Communications Manager Mitch Brown

Officials Development Officer Don Blyth

Programs Liaison Jill taylor

Administration Officer Shauna Donnelly

OfficersLegal Affairs Scott Chesterman

Records Officer ronda Jenkins oAM

Statistician paul Jenes oAM

Tracks Officer Kevin Dynan



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It is with pleasure that I present my report for the 2011-12 athletics year. this year, there has again been solid growth in total membership with improvements in the registered coaching category significantly contributing to Athletics Victoria’s total reported membership figure of 5349. this is an increase of 173 members on last year. I am also pleased to report that the organisation has reported another net surplus for the year, of $15,892.00. this is Athletics Victoria’s eighth consecutive surplus and, together with careful fiscal budgeting, will provide a strong financial base to invest in future growth strategies.

Aside from the strong results reported from Athletics Victoria’s standard business operations, the 2011-12 year will be remembered as perhaps the most important since the amalgamation of the VAAA with the VWAAA in 1982. After many years of discussion, planning and negotiation, the past year saw the home of Victorian athletics move from olympic park to the newly constructed lakeside Stadium at Albert park. this momentous and historic change saw the Athletics Victoria administration offices temporarily relocated to the Southern Grandstand at lakeside Stadium. Shortly afterwards, olympic park was decommissioned and the two grandstands were demolished. Inevitably, this move has met with some sadness and uncertainty. However, the relocation to the sporting precinct of Albert park presents our sport with many new opportunities. the newly constructed, state-of-the-art stadium and (soon to be completed) administration building offers the sport the opportunity to have greater input into stadium scheduling

and bookings. It enables us to develop new passive income streams and facilitates the creation of a centralised hub for all Victorian athletics. the prospective housing of all Victorian and national athletics administrations within one “Athletics House” offers a range of potential efficiencies and bulk-buying savings. It also provides a central location that presents an image of a unified and cohesive sport to the vast array of external stakeholders. Moreover, this alignment represents a key pillar of the “one sport” strategy that the Athletics Victoria Board has promoted through our strategic planning.

the new lakeside Stadium was successfully launched in December 2011 with the successful running of the Zatopek:10 meet. this meet is the diamond in Athletics Victoria’s crown and was a perfect vehicle to begin a new chapter in our history. A large crowd witnessed a night of great athletics and the birth of a new home for Victorian and Australian athletics. A full and exciting track and field season ensued, with the stadium hosting all manner of competitions; ranging from the Shield Final, the adidas All Schools Championships and the Athletics Victoria Junior and Senior Championships to the combined IAAF tour/london olympic Selection trial meet.

I would like to acknowledge and commend the excellent cooperative relationship that currently exists amongst the various athletics organisations in Victoria. All the athletics bodies recognise that close mutually beneficial working relationships are vital to future growth and success. I would like to thank the boards and staff of the Victorian Athletics league (VAl),

nICK HoneY, CHIeF eXeCutIVe oFFICer

From theChief Executive


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School Sport Victoria (SSV) and the Victorian Masters Athletics (VMA) for their continued support and cooperation. I also commend and thank little Athletics Victoria (lAVic) for their continuing support and willingness to engage with and drive many joint venture programs and events with Athletics Victoria. I believe that, together, we are a stronger sport and I personally thank my counterpart at lAVic, Dean paulin, for his willingness and determination in helping to realise this vision.

I also acknowledge and thank the Victorian Minister for Sport, Hugh Delahunty, and his department, Sport and recreation Victoria, for their ongoing support and advice. Similarly, the support of Athletics Victoria’s primary commercial partner, adidas, has been invaluable. We look forward to our continuing relationships.

lastly, I would like to thank the many wonderful people involved in our sport. I am enormously grateful to the dedicated, passionate and skilled officials and coaches who volunteer so much of their time. thanks also to the wonderful athletes of all abilities, who are, of course, our most important stakeholders. I would also like to offer a special thank you

to the Athletics Victoria staff. Few can ever fully understand the extent of the time and energy that you dedicate to your jobs. I admire and appreciate your efforts and thank you for again giving your all during a challenging year.

In conclusion, I would like to thank the members of the Athletics Victoria Board for their support and guidance throughout the year. new president, Ian Jones, is a wonderful leader for Athletics Victoria. His diplomacy and wisdom have helped ensure a smooth transition from olympic park to lakeside Stadium and his personal counsel has been invaluable to me.

At the time of writing, we are a few weeks from the beginning of the london Summer olympics and I sincerely wish the Australian athletics team the best of luck and every success. I also look forward to a busy and fulfilling athletics year in 2012-13, in which I hope to continue to administer and consolidate Victorian athletics at lakeside Stadium within the Albert park sports precinct.

Nick HoneyCHIeF eXeCutIVe oFFICer


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Club Development & Membership report2011-12 saw an increase in competing members with an overall rise of 0.7% over the previous year. this was a pleasing result and delivered in rising participation at both the XCr series and AV Shield competition. the table below details the membership figures across the various categories over the past 5 years:

With over 10% growth in the under 14 category, the value of the Dual Membership scheme with little Athletics Victoria continues to be demonstrated. providing a clearly defined transition pathway is a key plank of the national joint venture between Athletics Australia and Australian little Athletics, with Victoria providing a great example to other states.

Another growth area has been amongst open and masters aged athletes. Athletics Victoria continue to work closely with recreational running clubs and major running events to market our brand and events in order to dispel the myth that athletics is a sport for the elite only.

By opening the doors to recreational running groups to affiliate with Athletics Victoria and provide services such as coaching courses and advice on club governance, we are witnessing a number of key alignments occurring that will benefit the sport in general.

Victoria’s extensive club network continues to provide the base from which the sport can succeed, at the local level in particular. Whilst our clubs experience the usual membership fluctuations, overall Athletics Victoria are witnessing some strong trends amongst the clubs.

the two largest athletic clubs have demonstrated why they are successful by returning excellent growth statistics despite already strong numbers. In 2011-12 Glenhuntly experienced a 22.3% growth in membership and rose to an all time membership high since Athletics Victoria commenced detailed statistic gathering, whilst Athletics essendon saw 13% growth.

Glenhuntly’s success is no accident, with the club having a strong coaching base, excellent administration and multiple links to the recreational running market, all this while delays over an upgrade to their facilities

DevelopmenttIM CroSBIe, CluB DeVelopMent MAnAGer

Membership by Age Group

Open U20 U18 U16 U14 Total2007–08 1924 329 601 669 452 39762008–09 1979 374 609 723 569 4254

2009–10 2051 379 680 715 579 4404

2010–11 1995 343 623 679 533 4187

2011–12 2058 344 572 651 590 4215


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provided a level of uncertainty at the club. Athletics essendon continue to provide a coaching infrastructure and facilities that are a major draw for athletes across inner Melbourne and the north west of the city. the table below details the number of Athletics Clubs and those with competing members in excess of 100 and 200 respectively over the past five years.

After a strong rise in the “100 club” during 2008-09 and 2009-10, this figure has dropped for a number of reasons but is expected to rise significantly over the next 3 to 5 years. With some of the changing demographics around metropolitan Melbourne and upgrades to facilities, a number of clubs are poised to experience steady membership growth.

Athletics nunawading and Mentone are two such clubs with both taking advantage of improving facilities, strong links with their local little Athletic Centres or schools and plans to recruit from non traditional sources seen as key elements of their future growth.

regionally, Athletics Chilwell had a stellar year and were the largest country based club by a considerable margin. In east Gippsland the Wellington Athletic Club were the fastest growing regional club with an increase of 31%. this result emphasised the wisdom of their decision to rebrand and relocate from Yallourn-newborough several years ago.

tIM CroSBIe, CluB DeVelopMent MAnAGer


It was also good to see the rise of a traditional regional powerhouse, South Bendigo. With the Country Championships conducted in Bendigo, South Bendigo’s rise in numbers was evident with many club members appearing on the victory dais.

the Victorian Masters are working closely with Athletics Victoria on their Strategic plan and produced the highest growth rate for the state of 52.6%, albeit off a reasonably low starting base. the continued inclusion of the Victorian Masters in XCr and AV Shield competition is important in fostering a strong relationship with the Masters both locally and nationally and providing competition options for their existing members.

Athletics Victoria welcomed two new clubs in 2011-12. Goulburn Valley Athletic Club and Whittlesea City Athletics were both operational in time for the AV Shield season with both experiencing excellent debut years. With extensive links to juniors through their respective little Athletic Centres, these clubs have a strong membership base amongst the 14 to 18 year age groups that will provide a platform into open age competition.

Athletics Victoria’s club system is still rated as the best in the country which is high praise for the hard working volunteer administrators that drive all 61 clubs and provide for the needs of over 5000 athletes, officials and coaches. Athletics Victoria would like to congratulate each of these volunteers and thank them for their valued contribution.

2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Total Clubs 62 62 59 59 61

Clubs with 100+ members

13 15 15 13 12

Clubs with 200+ members

1 3 4 2 2


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Athlete DevelopmentAthletics Victoria continue provide a number of opportunities for aspiring athletes to experience the various facets the sport provides. the Development Squad saw excellent numbers attend a range of activities aimed at providing a learning environment together with the opportunity to peer group with others involved in athletics.

Drawing on the skills of a number of highly qualified coaches and sports professionals, the Development Squad aims at broadening skill sets and exposure to facilities that emerging or regional athletes may not necessarily have the benefit of using. Athletics Victoria are committed to continuing this service and see it as a vital developmental step for junior athletes.

In collaboration with Athletics Australia the target talent Squad was established in 2012. Aimed at high performing athletes capable of performing at International Junior level, this squad will be the stepping stone for many young athletes as they commence their representative careers for Australia.

State Representative TeamsAthletics Victoria sent representative teams to the following events:

Aug 2011: Australian Cross Country Championships, Canberra ACt

Dec 2011: Australian All Schools track & Field, Brisbane QlD

Mar 2012: Australian Junior track & Field Championships, Sydney nSW

Coach EducationIn collaboration with Athletics Australia, Athletics Victoria continued to deliver and expand on the Coach Accreditation framework across the state. As the sole Victorian provider of Coach education, Athletics Victoria have worked closely with Athletics Australia to refine the course delivery syllabus and course materials. the number of courses delivered are now on the rise, so too Athletics Victoria’s ability to deliver regional courses and flexible course delivery geared around the needs of participants. the first recreational running coaching course in Australia was delivered in Victoria in 2011, with a second taking place in early 2012. the number of level 3 courses ready for delivery are on the rise with a number of new courses commencing in the second half of 2012.

Tim Crosbie CluB DeVelopMent MAnAGer


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Membership Statistics

Metropolitan Clubs ope

n M







l Mal



n Fe








l Fem














Athletics Chilwell 28 2 4 10 14 58 15 3 17 8 19 62 120 4 15 2 131

Athletics essendon 68 19 17 25 13 142 30 11 14 21 16 92 234 8 11 5 258

Athletics nunawading 20 3 13 9 5 50 3 3 5 9 2 22 72 4 6 3 83

Athletics Waverley 37 3 2 6 5 53 16 2 1 0 1 20 73 1 6 0 78

Ballarat Harriers 24 4 2 2 3 35 8 0 1 1 0 10 45 0 5 14 60

Ballarat YCW Harriers 29 4 3 6 3 45 12 5 4 4 9 34 79 1 8 11 97

Bellarine Athletics 10 2 6 2 1 21 2 0 1 1 0 4 25 1 5 0 31

Bendigo university 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 6 13

Bendigo Harriers 32 1 5 7 16 61 9 0 4 0 9 22 83 1 3 1 88

Border track & Field 3 0 2 2 0 7 1 0 1 0 0 2 9 0 0 1 10

Box Hill 59 18 18 15 3 113 33 7 13 13 9 75 188 7 13 1 207

Brunswick 9 2 2 2 4 19 9 1 3 0 3 16 35 0 14 4 50

Casey Cardinia 12 3 7 10 4 36 5 1 6 6 6 24 60 2 4 0 64

Coburg Harriers 29 0 3 5 11 48 13 0 4 9 9 35 83 2 5 2 91

Collingwood Harriers 75 4 8 12 7 106 29 0 5 10 6 50 156 0 17 0 171

Corio 7 1 2 2 1 13 4 0 3 7 2 16 29 0 5 0 32

Croydon 6 3 7 3 3 22 2 1 7 9 2 21 43 2 3 4 51

Deakin 22 1 2 3 0 28 9 3 1 0 1 14 42 4 5 0 51

Diamond Valley 52 7 15 20 11 105 24 10 11 11 14 70 175 9 6 0 188

Doncaster 29 8 10 9 8 64 15 10 8 13 11 57 121 3 11 1 136

eaglehawk YMCA 16 3 4 4 10 37 13 2 11 13 10 49 86 2 6 1 90

east Melbourne Harriers 0 2 10 13 8 33 0 0 0 0 4 4 37 0 4 1 42

eureka 26 0 8 7 5 46 14 5 8 6 5 38 84 0 5 6 92

Frankston 18 8 11 9 9 55 10 3 13 21 16 63 118 7 6 1 131

Geelong Guild 15 3 2 3 1 24 17 0 3 5 3 28 52 2 13 0 65

Gippsland Athletics 7 0 0 0 0 7 3 0 2 0 1 6 13 0 4 0 16

Glenhuntly 106 9 11 22 12 160 51 6 18 17 11 103 263 11 11 1 284

Goulburn Valley 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 1 7 9 0 1 4 13

Haileybury 17 0 0 1 2 20 4 1 0 3 0 8 28 1 1 1 30

Independent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 504 40 0 544

Ivanhoe 11 1 0 1 1 14 1 2 0 0 0 3 17 1 7 0 24

Keilor St Bernards 32 5 3 9 16 65 22 5 7 20 22 76 141 1 8 1 146

Knox 48 15 22 7 5 97 26 6 14 13 9 68 165 6 7 1 179


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Metropolitan Clubs ope

n M







l Mal



n Fe








l Fem














Athletics Chilwell 28 2 4 10 14 58 15 3 17 8 19 62 120 4 15 2 131

Athletics essendon 68 19 17 25 13 142 30 11 14 21 16 92 234 8 11 5 258

Athletics nunawading 20 3 13 9 5 50 3 3 5 9 2 22 72 4 6 3 83

Athletics Waverley 37 3 2 6 5 53 16 2 1 0 1 20 73 1 6 0 78

Ballarat Harriers 24 4 2 2 3 35 8 0 1 1 0 10 45 0 5 14 60

Ballarat YCW Harriers 29 4 3 6 3 45 12 5 4 4 9 34 79 1 8 11 97

Bellarine Athletics 10 2 6 2 1 21 2 0 1 1 0 4 25 1 5 0 31

Bendigo university 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 6 13

Bendigo Harriers 32 1 5 7 16 61 9 0 4 0 9 22 83 1 3 1 88

Border track & Field 3 0 2 2 0 7 1 0 1 0 0 2 9 0 0 1 10

Box Hill 59 18 18 15 3 113 33 7 13 13 9 75 188 7 13 1 207

Brunswick 9 2 2 2 4 19 9 1 3 0 3 16 35 0 14 4 50

Casey Cardinia 12 3 7 10 4 36 5 1 6 6 6 24 60 2 4 0 64

Coburg Harriers 29 0 3 5 11 48 13 0 4 9 9 35 83 2 5 2 91

Collingwood Harriers 75 4 8 12 7 106 29 0 5 10 6 50 156 0 17 0 171

Corio 7 1 2 2 1 13 4 0 3 7 2 16 29 0 5 0 32

Croydon 6 3 7 3 3 22 2 1 7 9 2 21 43 2 3 4 51

Deakin 22 1 2 3 0 28 9 3 1 0 1 14 42 4 5 0 51

Diamond Valley 52 7 15 20 11 105 24 10 11 11 14 70 175 9 6 0 188

Doncaster 29 8 10 9 8 64 15 10 8 13 11 57 121 3 11 1 136

eaglehawk YMCA 16 3 4 4 10 37 13 2 11 13 10 49 86 2 6 1 90

east Melbourne Harriers 0 2 10 13 8 33 0 0 0 0 4 4 37 0 4 1 42

eureka 26 0 8 7 5 46 14 5 8 6 5 38 84 0 5 6 92

Frankston 18 8 11 9 9 55 10 3 13 21 16 63 118 7 6 1 131

Geelong Guild 15 3 2 3 1 24 17 0 3 5 3 28 52 2 13 0 65

Gippsland Athletics 7 0 0 0 0 7 3 0 2 0 1 6 13 0 4 0 16

Glenhuntly 106 9 11 22 12 160 51 6 18 17 11 103 263 11 11 1 284

Goulburn Valley 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 1 7 9 0 1 4 13

Haileybury 17 0 0 1 2 20 4 1 0 3 0 8 28 1 1 1 30

Independent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 504 40 0 544

Ivanhoe 11 1 0 1 1 14 1 2 0 0 0 3 17 1 7 0 24

Keilor St Bernards 32 5 3 9 16 65 22 5 7 20 22 76 141 1 8 1 146

Knox 48 15 22 7 5 97 26 6 14 13 9 68 165 6 7 1 179

Metropolitan Clubs ope

n M







l Mal



n Fe








l Fem














Maccabi 8 1 1 5 4 19 3 1 2 2 3 11 30 0 4 0 34

Malvern Harriers 23 0 0 0 0 23 7 0 0 0 0 7 30 2 3 11 46

Meadowglen 7 0 4 3 1 15 0 0 0 0 1 1 16 0 2 1 17

Melbourne university 60 7 2 1 0 70 28 4 4 0 1 37 107 2 7 0 115

Mentone 26 5 7 3 0 41 7 7 2 5 4 25 66 8 0 0 74

Mornington peninsula 12 1 7 5 7 32 2 3 0 3 1 9 41 1 2 1 44

oakleigh 18 0 1 0 1 20 1 0 0 0 1 2 22 0 2 0 23

old Melburnians 16 8 15 6 3 48 2 0 0 0 0 2 50 1 1 0 51

old Scotch 28 0 3 3 1 35 2 0 0 0 0 2 37 3 0 0 40

old Xaverians 33 8 17 17 8 83 12 0 0 0 0 12 95 1 2 3 100preston 16 3 3 4 7 33 5 4 6 5 4 24 57 0 7 0 63richmond Harriers 30 2 3 0 1 36 13 2 0 0 2 17 53 1 5 1 56ringwood 32 5 8 3 3 51 14 2 3 3 2 24 75 5 14 0 93ruyton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 7 15 30 30 0 0 3 33Sandringham 8 5 6 7 6 32 5 5 7 4 4 25 57 10 8 2 75South Bendigo 23 2 4 7 6 42 7 3 2 8 12 32 74 1 3 0 77South Coast Athletics 11 3 5 2 5 26 8 4 4 8 7 31 57 4 12 0 65South Melbourne 40 1 1 3 6 51 9 1 2 0 8 20 71 4 2 3 74South West Athletics 2 0 3 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 2 7 1 1 0 8St Kevins 29 3 10 3 3 48 1 0 0 0 0 1 49 2 1 0 50St Stephens Harriers 19 4 4 1 1 29 20 4 2 1 0 27 56 2 5 1 62traralgon Harriers 25 0 0 1 0 26 12 0 0 1 0 13 39 0 0 59 98Victorian Masters 15 0 0 0 0 15 14 0 0 0 0 14 29 0 7 3 36Wellington 9 1 0 3 4 17 2 1 2 5 11 21 38 0 1 5 44Wendouree 26 4 3 11 4 48 12 1 1 4 10 28 76 0 6 1 81Western Athletics 38 4 8 16 11 77 18 4 7 12 12 53 130 6 3 8 147Whittlesea City 3 0 3 0 7 13 2 2 3 5 6 18 31 0 3 3 34Williamstown 8 4 4 10 2 28 11 1 2 5 2 21 49 2 4 3 57Wodonga 12 0 7 5 4 28 9 2 2 5 6 24 52 2 1 4 58

1431 202 328 345 277 2583 627 142 244 306 313 1632 4215 643 361 184 5301

Specialist Groups48 48

1431 202 328 345 277 2583 627 142 244 306 313 1632 4215 643 361 232 5349


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2011-12 was another busy year for our officials and they coped with the demands in a friendly and professional manner.

the XCr11 season saw cross country, roads and race walking events distributed between metropolitan and country venues including some new venues. thanks to the officials, these events were conducted in a safe and relaxed manner. the chip timing system presented some new experiences and challenges. nevertheless the new system provides significant benefits in producing quick results.

the track and field season for the majority of our members consists of 12 rounds of AV Shield culminating in the AV Shield Final. the competition was conducted by appointed officials assisted by rostered club helpers who gave great support while at the same time gaining a greater understanding of the role of officiating. It was very encouraging to see a number of our relatively new officials taking on the responsibilities of appointed officials. photo finish at venues which do not have inbuilt photo finish facilities continue to present challenges. eventually it is hoped to have inbuilt photo facilities at most venues.

the AV Shield Final in February was a fitting climax to the season when teams from both the metropolitan and country venues competed for the premiership in the various divisions and age groups. the winners were widely spread.

the conduct of the various State Championships called for a large band of enthusiastic officials, again assisted by club helpers. the Junior Championships, in particular, was a very busy weekend.

to provide extra competition for those athletes seeking to improve their performances and reach qualifying standards for national and international competitions our specialist groups conducted a series of special meets for which we appointed officials.

Further demands on our officials expertize came from them volunteering for national officiating roles at national championships in both winter and summer and culminated with the national championships being conducted at our new home at lakeside Stadium.

education continued to be a major focus during the year with a number of officials courses being conducted in both metropolitan and country venues. It was very pleasing to have a number of officials from little Athletics participate in the seminars and subsequent qualifying tests. through our closer involvement with little Athletics Victoria, we are increasingly having officials follow their athletes into senior athletics. the gaining of these new faces is serving to bolster our ranks and augurs well for the future.

OfficialsrICHArD lAWYSZ, oFFICAlS SuB CoMMIttee, CHAIr


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With the Commonwealth Games in 2018 to be conducted on the Gold Coast, it is now opportune to become an official, gain formal qualifications and put into practice these skills, looking toward 2018.

one of the most significant changes during the year was the move from our historical home at olympic park to excellent new facilities at lakeside Stadium in Albert park. Apart from the brand new facilities, including a warm up track, jumping and throwing areas, our work has been enhanced by the purchase of new equipment. As expected, the move brought some fresh challenges including working with the management of the new facilities. As each meet goes by, the relationship grows increasingly stronger.

our appointment of a technical Manager – Gary McBroom – has brought many benefits in terms of managing the significant amount of equipment at lakeside Stadium. Gary is also playing a key role in conducting facility audits at our metropolitan and country venues to ensure that the facilities are of a good standard and do not present any safety issues.

the officials in Schools program continues to grow as schools and school associations increasingly appreciate the expertize and independence that our officials bring to their athletic carnivals. our officials free up teachers to concentrate on their students activities on carnival day and provide a hands on learning experience for the helpers assisting with events.

A function to recognize the efforts of our officials was held at the end of the summer season. At the function awards were presented to the following officials :

• new official of the Year : lincoln Mah

• Female official of the Year : Margaret Dunbar

• Male official of the Year : Gary McBroom

During the year, Brian Moore was nominated by Athletics Victoria for the Julius l patching official of the Year award and Brian was a finalist.

this is my last report as Chair of the officials Sub-Committee and I thank Athletics Victoria for the privilege of filling this role over a number of years. I look forward to continuing on the Sub-Committee and furthering officials education as the officials education officer. I wish John Coleman, my replacement as Chair every best wish for the future. I would also like to thank staff member Don Blyth, officials Development officer, for his work and support. Don is leaving Athletics Victoria in June 2012 and he will be missed.

Richard LawyszCHAIroFFICIAlS SuB CoMMIttee


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adidas All Schools Championships SeriesFor the third consecutive year, adidas worked in partnership with AV to create a vibrant and exciting atmosphere for our six event All Schools Championship series. the Cross Country relay Championships have found a home at scenic Jells park, where 237 (2010 – 243) teams took to the muddy 3km and 4km courses. Marcellin College and ruyton Girls School continued their dominance over the boys and girls championships, while the peninsula School claimed back-to-back titles in the Co-educational Championship.

Albert park again played host to the road relay Championships, with a late course change due to wet weather didn’t affect the 241 (2010 - 244) teams that participated. ruyton Girls School, Marcellin College and the peninsula School finished top of the table in their respective divisions making it two from two.

A modification to the Bundoora park course saw the introduction of a 4km loop. While this suited the older athletes, it proved a difficult task for the inexperienced school participants. entry numbers fluctuated throughout the twelve divisions resulting in a 6% decrease overall. Co-ed premiership was a tie between the peninsula School and Wesley College, while Marcellin College & ruyton Girls Schools took out the boys and girls championships respectively, awarding them both with another clean sweep of the Schools XCr Series.

Continuing the successful one-day program from 2010, the track relay Championships

was our final event at olympic park. only 251 teams took part, which was considerably fewer than last year. this was because of the extensive number of school based competitions on offer from Athletics Victoria, School Sport Victoria, Girls Sport Victoria and ApS during term 3. Caulfield Grammar dominated the overall championships winning both girls and boys divisions respectively.

the adidas All Schools track & Field Championships was our first large event held at the new lakeside Stadium. naturally, we faced a number of small hiccups throughout the competition but, in the end, it held to time and was an overall success. participation numbers were similar to last year because of the added incentive to try out the new Albert park facility – (2011 – 2021; 2010 – 2019).

AV Shield the 2011-12 AV Shield season saw a number of small changes put in place including the introduction of the Women 40+ age division. Although there were only a small number of teams represented in each region it gave the 40+ athletes a chance to compete with reduced implement weights and heights and allowed them to score maximum points for their team.

With the new Albert park facility in operation, all regions were rotated throughout the season allowing all levels of athletes the chance to compete at the new stadium. round 4 saw all three country regions make the trip to Albert park, creating the opportunity for the athletes to suss out their competition in the lead up to the Victorian Country Athletics Championships

CompetitionsMICHelle JAMeS, CoMpetItIonS MAnAGer


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A safety standard was established for the Hammer throw with all attempts less than 15m classified as non-valid performances. the rule was introduced in an attempt to stop untrained athletes throwing the dangerous implement for easy team points.

Incorporated into the junior competition were the 300m hurdles (under 16) and age/gender specific heats which were scheduled at the completion of each laned event. the 300m hurdles proved successful in assisting the younger athletes in their transition from 200m to 400m hurdles; while the age specific heats created a stepping stone into graded competition for the newer athletes.

With minimal changes made to the scoring process in 2011-12, the scoreManager program in its second year improved significantly. After such a positive reaction to the scoreboard at the 2010-11 Shield Final was put in operation each week in an attempt to lift the interest and improve the team aspect of the competition.

Congratulations to the following teams that won 2011-12 Athletics Victoria Shield premierships:

2011-12 Shield Premiers

Men Women

Div.1 Glenhuntly Box Hill

Div.2 old Xavarians Western Athletics

Div.3 Doncaster –

40+ Athletics Waverley Athletics Waverley

u20 old Xavarians Diamond Valley

u18 Athletics nunawading preston

u16 Diamond Valley Keilor St Bernards

u14 Collingwood Keilor St Bernards

Victorian Country Athletics Championships563 athletes made a weekend of it in Bendigo for the 2012 Victorian Country Athletics Championships, contesting a total of 1891 (1934 – 2011) events across the three day competition. once more, the country clubs demonstrated a strong level of camaraderie, creating a fun and friendly atmosphere for the duration of the competition. participation was a priority for all clubs, and it was pleasing to see the majority of athletes supporting their club mates from the sidelines when not competing themselves.

the Bendigo clubs took charge using their home ground advantage to claim all three overall championships. Congratulations to Bendigo YMCA Harriers who seized the Men’s overall premiers, and to eaglehawk YMCA Athletic Club who won both the Women’s overall club championships and, for the fifth consecutive year, the Margaret Saunders Cup.

Australia Day medals were awarded to Kate ryan (eKA) and Joel Baden (CHI) for their outstanding achievements during the Championships, while Blake pryse was presented with the Joyce lockyer Memorial Shield and ned Weatherley with the Stuart Hunter Memorial Shield.

on behalf of Athletics Victoria I would like to thank the Bendigo region local organizing committee for all the time and effort spent facilitating the three day competition. It was very much appreciated.

Victorian Track & Field Championships2011 saw the Victorian track relay Championships strengthen with an increase of 11% in entries and the inclusion of five additional clubs. the boost in participation confirms that the reduced competition timetable and the earlier scheduled date are desirable.


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the Junior track & Field Championships are by far the biggest event on our summer calendar. the enticement of competing on the brand new blue track was too much for the 1017 junior competitors with participation levels increasing by 10%. A substantial presence from the little Athletics Victoria Junior Development Squad enhanced the competition while providing the athletes with the necessary stepping stone into senior athletics.

once again the open & AWD track & Field Championships were affected by the scheduling of the IAAF Melbourne track Classic, which in turn doubled as the olympic Selection trial. entry numbers plummeted to 520, 11% less than 2010/11. With the decrease in numbers and the program stretched out over three days, there was a lack of atmosphere and the event appeared lost within the sizable stadium.

our men’s open multi-event championships had another increase with 20 athletes lining up to battle it out across the 10 events (2011 – 17). Although the Women remained stagnant with 10, it was positive to see that a third of the entrants across both divisions were interstate or international athletes. the youth multi-event championships more than doubled last year’s entrants with a total of 34 athletes (2010/11 – 14) across 8 divisions. Although still not a strong competition it has significant potential for future growth.

Victorian Masters Championships2011-12 (332) only saw a slight increase in participation levels from 2010-11 (324), despite Melbourne hosting the Australian Masters track & Field Championships only 10 days later. the combined state championship has found a home at rieschieks reserve, Doncaster, with the smaller, more intimate, venue providing a great atmosphere and a sense of camaraderie.

the national Masters track & Field Competition was held over five days during the easter period. over 640 athletes travelled from across the country to participate in the event. the large

MICHelle JAMeS, CoMpetItIon MAnAGer


number of event entries used the new lakeside facility to its maximum operational capacity with all throwing and jumping pits in use for the duration.

the Athletics Victoria overage relay Championships were again combined with the Victorian Masters Association Weight pentathlon. As entry numbers continue to be low the placement of this event will need to be assessed for next season.

the relationship continues to develop between Athletics Victoria and the Victorian Masters Association with both organisations fully committed to the partnership moving forward

Thankyou I would like to thank Alan and Yvonne Glover, Marg Dunbar, ronda Jenkins, Denise Snyder and lorraine Smith for their invaluable support and commitment.

thank you to David Armstrong, who has spent numerous hours creating and modifying the computer scoring system, scoreManager. Your patience, persistence and devotion is highly regarded and appreciated. thank you to all of our region scorers for your time and effort in ensuring the results were correct from week to week.

A big thank you to all of Athletics Victoria’s officials, club helpers and volunteers who have given their valuable time throughout the season. Your devotion and expertise is very much appreciated.

thank you to Hamish Beaumont (XCr), Khan Sharp (Championships), Marian o’Shaughnessy (Shield) and their committee members, for working so hard to better our sport.

Finally I would like to thank the Athletics Victoria office staff, who are often called upon to assist with competitions. their contribution and ongoing support is very much appreciated

Michelle JamesCoMpetItIonS MAnAGer


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BroKen In 2011-12

Victorian Records

MENJoel Baden High Jump Country u16 2.03 Bendigo 14/1/12

Damien Birkenhead Shot put State u19 & u20 Country u19 & u20 20.35 Sydney 16/3/12

Damien Birkenhead Shot put State u19 & u20 Country u19 & u20 20.10 Germany 2/7/11

luke Cann Javelin State u17 & u18 77.38 Doncaster 6/12/10

luke Cann Javelin State u19 & u20 75.21 Albert park 24/2/12

luke Cann Javelin State u19 72.84 Albert park 24/2/12

Jordan Carruthers 110m Hurdles Country u19 & u20 15.18 Sydney 15/3/12

Jordan Carruthers 110m Hurdles Country u19 & u20 15.68 Bendigo 15/1/12

tim Driesen Hammer Country open 70.76 Albert park 2/3/12

Isaac Hockey 2000m Steeple State u15 Country u15 6.17.75 Sydney 17/3/12

nicholas Milton 200m Hurd Country u15 & u16 26.90 Albert park 5/11/11

nicholas Milton 100m Hurd Country u15 & u16 13.93 Albert park 6/11/11

nicholas Milton 200m Hurd Country u15 & u16 26.54 Brisbane 4/12/11

nicholas Milton 200m Hurdles Country u15 & u16 26.02 Albert park 25/2/12

nicholas Milton 100m Hurdles State u15 Country u15 & u16 13.40 Albert park 26/2/12

nicholas Milton 100m Hurdles Country u16 13.38 Sydney 16/3/12

Jemuel pryse Comb event State u13 Country u13 2295 pts Albert park 11/3/12

Henry Smith triple Jump State u16 14.76 Albert park 24/2/12

Kyle Swan 3000m Walk State u13 14.54.29 Sydney 16/3/12

Jordan Williamsz 1500 mts State u19 3.43.43 Germany 2/7/11

Bendigo WMCA 4x100 Country u13 54.71 Albert park 27/11/11

Vic team Swedish relay State u18 1.56.72 Brisbane 4/12/11

Vic team Swedish relay State u16 2.01.84 Brisbane 4/12/11

Vic team 4x100 relay Country u13 54.38 Bendigo 4/2/12

WOMENSafiya Alhassan triple Jump State u14 11.94 Sydney 18/3/12

Angela Byrt 100 mts Country open 11.82 Albert park 14/4/12

Jasmine Carroll Hammer (3kg) State u15 & u16 41.04 Albert park 5/11/11

Monique Cilione Javelin State u17 52.21 France 7/7/11

Monique Cilione Javelin State u17 52.77 France 7/7/11

Monique Cilione Javelin (500gr) State u18 58.28 Brisbane 4/12/11

tessa Consedine 400m Hurd Country u17 - open 59.70 Canberra 18/11/11

tessa Consedine 400m Hurd Country u17 - open 59.45 Brisbane 4/12/11

tessa Consedine 400m Hurd Country u17 - open 59.13 newcastle 21/1/12

tessa Consedine 400m Hurd State u17 & u18 Country u17 - u20 59.05 Albert park 3/3/12

tessa Consedine 400m Hurd State u17 - u20 Country u17 - open 58.07 Sydney 17/3/12


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BroKen In 2011-12

Victorian Records

MENJoel Baden High Jump Country u16 2.03 Bendigo 14/1/12

Damien Birkenhead Shot put State u19 & u20 Country u19 & u20 20.35 Sydney 16/3/12

Damien Birkenhead Shot put State u19 & u20 Country u19 & u20 20.10 Germany 2/7/11

luke Cann Javelin State u17 & u18 77.38 Doncaster 6/12/10

luke Cann Javelin State u19 & u20 75.21 Albert park 24/2/12

luke Cann Javelin State u19 72.84 Albert park 24/2/12

Jordan Carruthers 110m Hurdles Country u19 & u20 15.18 Sydney 15/3/12

Jordan Carruthers 110m Hurdles Country u19 & u20 15.68 Bendigo 15/1/12

tim Driesen Hammer Country open 70.76 Albert park 2/3/12

Isaac Hockey 2000m Steeple State u15 Country u15 6.17.75 Sydney 17/3/12

nicholas Milton 200m Hurd Country u15 & u16 26.90 Albert park 5/11/11

nicholas Milton 100m Hurd Country u15 & u16 13.93 Albert park 6/11/11

nicholas Milton 200m Hurd Country u15 & u16 26.54 Brisbane 4/12/11

nicholas Milton 200m Hurdles Country u15 & u16 26.02 Albert park 25/2/12

nicholas Milton 100m Hurdles State u15 Country u15 & u16 13.40 Albert park 26/2/12

nicholas Milton 100m Hurdles Country u16 13.38 Sydney 16/3/12

Jemuel pryse Comb event State u13 Country u13 2295 pts Albert park 11/3/12

Henry Smith triple Jump State u16 14.76 Albert park 24/2/12

Kyle Swan 3000m Walk State u13 14.54.29 Sydney 16/3/12

Jordan Williamsz 1500 mts State u19 3.43.43 Germany 2/7/11

Bendigo WMCA 4x100 Country u13 54.71 Albert park 27/11/11

Vic team Swedish relay State u18 1.56.72 Brisbane 4/12/11

Vic team Swedish relay State u16 2.01.84 Brisbane 4/12/11

Vic team 4x100 relay Country u13 54.38 Bendigo 4/2/12

WOMENSafiya Alhassan triple Jump State u14 11.94 Sydney 18/3/12

Angela Byrt 100 mts Country open 11.82 Albert park 14/4/12

Jasmine Carroll Hammer (3kg) State u15 & u16 41.04 Albert park 5/11/11

Monique Cilione Javelin State u17 52.21 France 7/7/11

Monique Cilione Javelin State u17 52.77 France 7/7/11

Monique Cilione Javelin (500gr) State u18 58.28 Brisbane 4/12/11

tessa Consedine 400m Hurd Country u17 - open 59.70 Canberra 18/11/11

tessa Consedine 400m Hurd Country u17 - open 59.45 Brisbane 4/12/11

tessa Consedine 400m Hurd Country u17 - open 59.13 newcastle 21/1/12

tessa Consedine 400m Hurd State u17 & u18 Country u17 - u20 59.05 Albert park 3/3/12

tessa Consedine 400m Hurd State u17 - u20 Country u17 - open 58.07 Sydney 17/3/12

WOMEN Continuednatalie Debeljuh Hammer Country open 60.43 Albert park 2/3/12

natalie Debeljuh Hammer Country open 59.31 Albert park 2/3/12

Jess Gulli 400m Hurd Country open 58.68 Sydney 18/2/12

Jess Gulli 400m Hurd Country open 57.96 Albert park 15/4/12

Ashleigh Hayes triple Jump State u16 & u17 12.64 Albert park 26/2/12

Kaitlyn Kort Hammer (3kg) State u17 Country u17 & u18 50.05 Albert park 5/11/11

Madeline lawson pole Vault Country u17 - open 3.80 Albert park 11/3/12

Jacqueline Mall Hammer (3kg) State u18 52.49 Albert park 5/11/11

Jessica Mapapalangi Shot put (3kg) State u15 - u16 Country u15 - u18 11.93 Brisbane 3/12/11

Jessica Mapapalangi Hammer (3kg) Country u15 & u16 32.53 Albet park 26/2/12

paris McCathrion pole Vault State u17 eq 4.00 Bendigo 15/1/12

paris McCathrion pole Vault State u17 & eq u18 4.15 Albert park 24/2/12

Kathryn Mitchell Javelin State open Country open 62.51 Ballarat 21/1/12

Charisse Mohorovic Javelin (500gr) State u15, u16, u17 42.49 Sydney 17/3/12

Jemima Montag 300m Walk State u14 & u15 14.07.83 Collingwood 8/2/12

Jemima Montag 5000m Walk State u16 23.59.53 Sydney 18/2/12

Gabrielle neighbour Hammer State open 65.24 newcastle 21/1/12

Gabrielle neighbour Hammer State open 67.42 ringwood 25/2/12

Gabrielle neighbour Hammer State open 66.14 ringwood 25/2/12

Gabrielle neighbour Hammer State open 67.53 Casey Fields 1/4/12

Gabrielle neighbour Hammer State open 67.47 Casey Fields 1/4/12

Bethany oliver Javelin (500gr) Country u15 - u18 37.38 Albert park 6/11/11

nana-Adoma owusu-Afriyie

200 mts State u13 25.60 Albert park 6/11/11

eleanor patterson High Jump State u16 Country u16 & u17 1.83 Sydney 15/3/12

eleanor patterson High Jump State u16 Country u16 & u17 1.84 Sydney 18/3/12

Daniela roman 90m Hurd State u16 12.63 Brisbane 3/12/11

Brooke Stratton long Jump State u18 - u20 6.60 Germany 2/7/11

Brooke Stratton triple Jump State u19 & u20 13.14 Albert park 10/12/11

Brooke Stratton triple Jump State u19 & u20 13.34 Sydney 15/3/12

Sophie taylor 100 mts Country u17 - open 11.87 Albert park 25/2/12

Sasha Watson Shot put (3kg) State u17 & u18 12.08 Albert park 25/2/12

Vic team 4x100 relay State u17 46.83 Sydney 16/3/12

Vic team 4x100 relay State u20 45.68 Sydney 17/3/12

Vic team Swedish relay State u18 2.11.67 Brisbane 4/12/11


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Summer Awards

Victorian Track & Field Championships

Sir Frank Beaurepaire Trophy Female open outstanding Championship Athlete tamsyn Manou (SAn)

John Park Memorial Cup Male open outstanding Championship Athlete Alwyn Jones(Ate)

H.H Hunter Shield open Club Championship Aggregate Athletics essendon

Female Youth Athlete of the Championship Monica Brennan (DIV)

Male Youth Athlete of the Championship Henry Smith (SAn)

Female Open/U20 Athlete of the Championship Monica Brennan (DIV)

Male Open/U20 Athlete of the Championship luke Cann (FKn)

Phyllis Cantwell Shield Female open Club Championship Aggregate Box Hill AC

Phyllis Akers Cup Female u18 outstanding Championship Athlete eleanor patterson (SCA)

Ex Athletes Trophy Female u18 outstanding Championship performance Katarina Moesbergen (AnW)

Sir Raymond Connelly Trophy Female u16 outstanding Championship Athlete Katarina Moesbergen (AnW)

Emily Crockett Memorial Trophy Female open 100m Champion Charlotte Van Veenendaal (Ate)

Hector Hogan Trophy Male open 100m Champion Adrian Mott (Ate)

W H Brown Memorial Trophy Male open 1500m Champion Daniel Clark (BoH)

Frank P Brown Memorial Trophy & Rob Fildes Trophy Male open Decathlon Champion Steve Cain (StK)

H B Selby Trophy Female open Heptathlon Champion Ashleigh Hamilton (DIV)

Aileen Kennedy Memorial Trophy Female u18 Multi event Champion nicola Deacon (Men)

Aileen Kennedy Memorial Trophy Female u16 Multi event Champion Sarah Cleary (GHY)

VAA Relay Shield Male Club Championship Aggregate east Melbourne Harriers

Doris Carter Trophy Female open 4x100m Championship ringwood

Maisie McQuiston Trophy Female u18 4x100m Championship Athletics Chilwell

Lillian Neville Trophy Female u16 4x100m Championship eaglehawk YMCA

Jess Reing Trophy Female u14 4x100m Championship Knox Athletics

L.C. Mills Trophy Female open 4x400m Championship Glenhuntly

Evelyn Morris Trophy Female u18 4x400m Championship Athletics Chilwell

Doris Mulcahy Cup Female u16 4x400m Championship Knox Athletics

Pat McDonnell Trophy Female u14 4x400m Championship Western Athletics

George Knott Trophy 5000m track Walk Championship rhydian Cowley (GHY)26

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Country Track & Field Championships

Margaret Saunders Country Cup Country Club Championship Aggregate eaglehawk YMCA

VWAAA Ex Athletes Cup Female Country Club Championship Aggregate eaglehawk YMCA

David Kitt Memorial Trophy Male Country Club Championship Aggregate Bendigo YMCA Harriers

Joyce Lockyer Memorial Shield overall performance/encouragement Field events Blake pryce (BYC)

Australia Day Awards Female Athlete of the Meet Kate ryan (eKA)

Male Athlete of the Meet Joel Baden (CHI)

Stuart Hunter Memorial Shield Most outstanding Athlete under 16 ned Weatherly (CHI)

Victorian School Track & Field Trophies

Maisie McQuiston Foundation Trophy Female Most outstanding Championship Monica Brennan

Elmar E. Rahn Memorial Trophy Male Best Championship performance Jarryd Buchan

Relay Shield Female School relay Championship Aggregate Caulfield Grammar

Relay Shield Male School relay Championship AggregateCaulfield Grammar


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the popularity and profile of the XCr competition saw welcome growth in 2011 with strong prospects for further improvements. Distance running is experiencing the second running boom, with widespread interest in the sport throughout Australia. It is hoped that Athletics Victoria can capitalise on this interest to drive participation in XCr events as a pathway to deeper involvement in the sport.

the series continues to set the standard for road and cross country racing in Australia. total participation of 7599 across the 10 events of XCr’11 highlights the depth of the competition and strong club rivalries provide much motivation and interest over the winter of racing.

In its second year, the ‘AVetS’ chip timing system provided some challenges for the competition staff and many thanks are due to Michelle James in her pursuit of the gremlins within the system. As the competition grows, the benefits of the automated system will flow through to members with rapid access to results and a streamlined entry and race day experience.

An events crew was engaged for the season to assist with the transport, setting up and packing up on race day, allowing competition staff and volunteers to focus on event management. this initiative will continue in 2012

The SeasonSeven of the ten rounds of the season saw record attendances for recent years (Jells park, lake Wendourree, Coliban ekiden, Bundoora, Sandown relay, Burnley and the tan). A average of 760 athletes competed at each XCr event (also a record), a 7.5% increase on 2010 and a 44% increase since 2005.

the XCr’11 season saw the return of the 10km road race to Flemington for the first time since 2002. Access to Sandown remains problematic and the 10km race is unlikely to return there in the medium term. the 10km event remains a significant focus for XCr management as the gateway for engagement with the broader running community. With that in mind, a Sunday morning starting time was trialled. A small but significant decrease from 2009 and 2010 was noted and more work is ahead to attract more runners to this event.

Balnarring racecourse hosted an XCr event for the first time in 2011. over a deceptively tough course, round 2 saw a significant increase in numbers from the 2010 event at lardner park. the XCr competition is proudly a statewide one and regional events will remain a substantial element of the XCr calendar.

A new and tougher course at Bundoora was part of the zenith of cross country running in Victoria, the State Cross Country


Cross Country & Road Racing


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Championships. nearly 600 AV athletes and myriad school athletes make the day a significant one on the athletic calendar and provide school aged athletes with a positive view of what the XCr season looks like.

In the second year back at Brimbank park, the XCr heritage round was enlivened by a focus on the ‘Col de Brimbank’. A substantial crowd gathered on the steep slopes of Brimbank park and the runners were encouraged by the sounds of a variety of bells and trumpets.

the athsvictV crew continues to provide extensive race coverage of all ten races in the XCr series. this coverage has extended the repute of the XCr series as it cements it’s place as Australia’s premier winter competition for road and cross country racing. the appearance of high profile athletes including Craig Mottram and others at XCr races, as well as providing local excitement, has drawn significant interest from around Australia and overseas.

Divisions and GradingWith 330 teams across 22 open, masters and junior divisions the division system for XCr competition continues to provide the basis for ongoing club competition and rivalry. the battles for premierships, promotion and relegation animate the season and the broad principle of two up and two down have been continued.

Congratulations are due to Glenhuntly for their clean sweep of all four open Women’s Divisions and Geelong region for their successful defence of the their open Men’s Division one title. 13 clubs claimed premierships across the 22 divisions.

Participation by Event

Rd Venue Event Type 2011 2010 2009 2008 2005 2000% Diff

to 2010% Diff

to 2009% Diff

to 2005% Diff

to 2000

1 Jells park relay 968 892 945 939 797 590 8.5 2.4 21.5 51.2

2 Balnarring Cross Country 781 677 788 667 592 524 15.4 -0.9 31.9 29.2

3 Flemington road race 885 975 1035 862 638 539 -9.2 -14.5 38.7 80.9

4 lake Wendree road race 724 681 723 659 517 418 6.3 0.1 40.0 62.9

5 Bendigo relay 697 584 545 572 370 301 19.3 27.9 88.4 94.0

6 Bundoora Cross Country 591 533 539 490 440 401 10.9 9.6 34.3 32.9

7 Brimbank Cross Country 522 569 611 711 439 468 -8.3 -14.6 18.9 21.6

8 Sandown relay 919 793 776 828 685 627 15.9 18.4 34.2 26.5

9 Burnley road race 539 434 390 346 260 187 24.2 38.2 107.3 132.1

10 the tan relay 973 908 969 896 546 n/A 7.2 0.4 78.2 n/A

2010 2009 2008 2005 2000% Diff

to 2010% Diff

to 2009% Diff

to 2005% Diff

to 2000

Total participation 7599 7046 7321 6970 5284 4055 7.8 3.8 43.8 73.8

Average participation per event 760 705 732 697 528 451 7.8 3.8 43.8 56.4



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Participation by Event

Rd Venue Event Type 2011 2010 2009 2008 2005 2000% Diff

to 2010% Diff

to 2009% Diff

to 2005% Diff

to 2000

1 Jells park relay 968 892 945 939 797 590 8.5 2.4 21.5 51.2

2 Balnarring Cross Country 781 677 788 667 592 524 15.4 -0.9 31.9 29.2

3 Flemington road race 885 975 1035 862 638 539 -9.2 -14.5 38.7 80.9

4 lake Wendree road race 724 681 723 659 517 418 6.3 0.1 40.0 62.9

5 Bendigo relay 697 584 545 572 370 301 19.3 27.9 88.4 94.0

6 Bundoora Cross Country 591 533 539 490 440 401 10.9 9.6 34.3 32.9

7 Brimbank Cross Country 522 569 611 711 439 468 -8.3 -14.6 18.9 21.6

8 Sandown relay 919 793 776 828 685 627 15.9 18.4 34.2 26.5

9 Burnley road race 539 434 390 346 260 187 24.2 38.2 107.3 132.1

10 the tan relay 973 908 969 896 546 n/A 7.2 0.4 78.2 n/A

2010 2009 2008 2005 2000% Diff

to 2010% Diff

to 2009% Diff

to 2005% Diff

to 2000

Total participation 7599 7046 7321 6970 5284 4055 7.8 3.8 43.8 73.8

Average participation per event 760 705 732 697 528 451 7.8 3.8 43.8 56.4

the XCr series is a major undertaking and many people are involved in the organisation.

Dedicated volunteers from many of the clubs put in countless hours with event management, especially for the country rounds. the AV officials, willing and able in any conditions, deserve unending thanks from all of us. the team based focus of XCr means that much of the impetus comes from team managers and I thank them for their work. Many thanks must also go to our hosts for the events: parks Victoria, the City of Ballarat, the Victoria racing Club, the City of Yarra, the City of Bendigo, the Balnarring picnic race Club, Melbourne racing club and the City of Melbourne.

Hearty thanks are due to nick Honey and the staff who work tirelessly to advance the interests of the sport. Michelle James, Competition Manager, has done a sterling job delivering high quality competition over the 10 rounds. tim Crosbie has been an invaluable source of advice in my first year in the role.

Hamish Beaumont


XCR’11 Premiers

Women Men

Division 1 Glenhuntly Geelong region

Division 2 Glenhuntly Melbourne university

Division 3 Glenhuntly Geelong region

Division 4 Glenhuntly ApS united

Division 5 – Melbourne university

Division 6 – Athletics nunawading

Division 7 – Glenhuntly

over 40 Box Hill Athletics Waveley

over 50 – Keilor St Bernards

under 20 Box Hill Box Hill

under 18 Western Athletics eureka

under 16 Doncaster Mornington peninsula

under 14 Keilor St Bernards Collingwood


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XCR Awards

Victorian XCR Championships

George Saunders Trophy Champion Female Winter Athletes Sophie Barker (Muu) Anna thompson (GHY)

Lola Downes Trophy Women open Champion Athlete Sophie Barker (Muu)

Athletics Victoria Trophy Champion Male Winter Athlete Stephen Kelly (BoH)

Stewart Fraser Trophy Women u20 Champion Athlete Grace Brown (BoH)

Joan Beretta Trophy Women u18 Champion Athlete Courtney Scott (WeS)

George Thomas Memorial Trophy Men u18 Champion Athlete lachlan Connell (SCA)

Joyce Davis Trophy Women u16 Champion Athlete leigh roux (CoB)

Joe Carmody Trophy Men u16 Champion Athlete Zachary rouse (MpA)

Frank Chapman Trophy Women u14 Champion Athlete laura powell (ruY)

Bendigo Building Society Trophy Men u14 Champion Athlete Ben White (Col)

Lavinia Petrie Award Women 40+ Champion Athlete Bev thomas (Ate)

Neil Ryan Award Men 40+ Champion Athlete Magnus Michelsson (Col)

Margaret Dunbar Award Women 45+ Champion Athlete Sandra prosenica (Ate)

Chris Wardlaw Award Men 45+ Champion Athlete James Atkinson (AWA)

Colleen Stephens Award Women 50+ Champion Athlete Stacey Van Dueren (CoB)

Trevor Vincent Award Men 50+ Champion Athlete Antony Milovac (DIV)

Peter Battrick Award Men 55+ Champion Athlete Christopher lynch (DIV)

Ian Upton Award Men 60+ Champion Athlete ernie Stewart (oAK)

Lillian Neville Trophy Cross Country teams Champions Glenhuntly AC

Eddie Moore Trophy Male 16K CC Championship liam Adams (Ate)

Jack Biggins Trophy Male 15K road Championship Stephen Kelly (BoH)


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AV Trophy Female 15K road Championship Sophie Barker (Muu)

Phyllis Andersson Trophy Women u16 road relay team Western Athletics

Mark Shilston Trophy Male 12K CC Championship liam Adams (Ate)

Harrison Jones Trophies Female open Handicap Winner Alison Chapman (Col)

Female u20 Handicap Winner Vanessa Diep (AWA)

Female u16 Handicap Winner emma Abfalter (KSB)

Marion Patterson Trophy Female Marathon Championship Kristin Wyatt (CHI)

J.C. Draper Memorial Trophy Male 10K road Championship liam Adams (Ate)

S.C. Reeve Perpetual Trophy Male 8K CC Championship Stephen Kelly (BoH)

Les Perry Trophy Male road relay Championship Box Hill

Les Perry Trophy Female road relay Championship Glenhuntly AC

XCR School Trophies

Joan Beretta Shield Female School CC total points ruyton Girls’ School

Geoff Walker Trophy Male School CC total points Marcellin College

Robbie Morgan Morris Shield Co-educational School CC total points the peninsula School & Wesley College

La Trobe University Trophy Girls u18 School CC team Champions

ruyton Girls’ School

La Trobe University Trophy Boys u18 School CC team Champions Melbourne Grammar

Walk Trophies

Betty Newman Trophy Womens Walking team Aggregate Ballarat Harriers

Avis Redman Trophy Best u16 Girl Stephanie George (SCA)

Norm Goble Trophy Most points in Mens AV Championships Simon evans (BoH)

Tom Daintry Trophy Best u14 First Year Walker Jemima Montag (MAC)


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ofthe primary aims of the VIS track and Field program are to provide the highest level of support to Victoria’s elite track and field athletes and to improve performances at major international athletics events including olympic, paralympic and Commonwealth Games, International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) World Championships and International paralympic Committee (IpC) World Championships.

The Programthe program is recognised as the high performance service provider for Victorian athletes under the Athletics Australia High performance plan.

this year, the two main priorities of the program were to maximise athlete performances at the 2011 IAAF World Athletics Championships held in Degau, Korea and to ensure that athletes were in the best possible position to be selected to the Australian team to compete at the 2012 london olympic and paralympic Games.

VIS track and Field athletes work with individual coaches at training venues across the state. the VIS track and Field program Manager, together with specialist staff, provide support to athletes and coaches via the delivery of a coordinated service program (sports medicine, sport science, physical preparation, ACe) and competition support for each athlete.

Results and Highlights2011 IAAF World Championships

• 7 VIS Athletes were selected to the Australia Flame team to compete at the World Championships.

– Benn Harradine attained a top 8 performance in the Discus finishing 5th with a best throw of 64.77m

– Jarrod Bannister attained a top 8 performance in the Javelin finishing 7th with a best throw of 82.82m

– richard Colman won a Gold Medal in the t53 400m [exhibition event]

– Kaila McKnight progressed to the semi-final stage in the 1500m finishing 10th in her semi final.

• 5 VIS Athletes were selected to the Australia Spark team to compete at the IAAF World Junior Championships to be held in Barcelona, Spain in July 2012. these athletes were Damien Birkinhead, luke Cann, Monique Cilione, paris McCathrion and Brooke Stratton.

• 9 VIS Athletes were selected to the Australian team to compete at the london olympic Games. these athletes were Collis Birmingham, Benn Harradine, Craig Mottram Scott Martin, Jeff riseley, Dale Stevenson, Zoe Buckman, Kaila McKnight and lisa Weightman.

• 8 VIS Athletes were selected to the Australian team to compete at the london paralympic Games. there athletes were richard Colman, Sam McIntosh, russell Short, Jack Swift, Kelly Cartwright , Jessica Gallagher, Madeleine Hogan, Brydee Moore and Katy parish.

StAte perForMAnCe CoorDInAtor, DereK BootHroYD

VictorianInstitute Sport


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SportProgram ManagerDerek Boothroyd

Network Coaches 1st April 2011 – 31st October 2011

tim Matthews, Mandi Cole, John eden, James Karageorgiou, nic Bideau, Gus puopolo, Jeremy oliver, Mark Stewart, richard Huggins, Chris Wardlaw, Adam larcom, Justin rinaldi, russell Stratton, Steve Gaffney, Dick telford.

1st November 2011 – 31st March 2012

nic Bideau, John Boas, Mandi Cole, John eden, Mike edwards, phil King, Adam larcom, Scott Martin, tim Matthews, Gus puopolo, Justin rinaldi, Iain Simmons, Mark Stewart, russell Stratton, Dick telford, Chris Wardlaw.

Athlete Service ProvidersKylie Andrew Dieteticslaura Baquie physiotherapyMatt Burn performance

AdministrationDr Adam Castricum Sport MedicineAnthony Clarica Sport psychologyDani Manche DieteticsMarina Mateos Athlete Career and

educationpaulette Mifsud Sport psychologyDr peter Harcourt Sport Medicinenathan Heaney Strength and

ConditioningDr Greg Hickey Sport MedicineDoxi Geroyiannis Sport ScienceDr Anik Shawdon Sport Medicine

Training Venues•olympic park (to December 2011)

• VIS physical preparation Facility, olympic park (to December 2011)

• lakeside Stadium (from December 2011)

• VIS physical preparation Facility, Albert park (from December 2011)

• Various athletics centres across Victoria

Sponsors2Xu performance Apparel

PartnersAthletics Australia

Athletics Victoria

AthletesFor the Scholarship Period 1st November 2010 – 31st October 2011

Sam Baines, Jarrod Bannister, Collis Birmingham, Kelly Cartwright, richard Colman, Benn Harradine, Madeleine Hogan, trychelle Kingdom, Blake lucas, Daniel Martin, Scott Martin, Kaila McKnight, Brydee Moore, Jemima Moore, Craig Mottram, Kim Mulhall, Jana pittman, Jeffrey riseley, Aaron rouge-Serret, Alex rowe, russell Short, Dale Stevenson, Brooke Stratton, Matthew turk, lisa Weightman, Sean Wroe.

26 Athletes

For the Scholarship Period 1st November 2011 – 31st October 2012

Damien Birkinhead, Collis Birmingham, Zoe Buckman, luke Cann, Kelly Cartwright, Monique Cilione, richard Colman, Jessica Gallagher, Benn Harradine, Madeleine Hogan, Scott Martin, paris McCathrion, Sam McIntosh, Kaila McKnight, Brydee Moore, Craig Mottram, Kim Mulhall, Katy parrish, Jana pittman, Jeffrey riseley, Aaron rouge-Serret, Alex rowe, russell Short, Dale Stevenson, Brooke Stratton, Jack Swift, noni thompson, lisa Weightman, Jordan Williamsz, Sean Wroe.

30 Athletes

Financial support for the national training Centre program is provided by the Australian Sports Commission through the national Sporting organisation.


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Balance Sheetas at 31st March 2012 note 2012 2011

$ $

Membership FundsACCuMulAteD reSerVeS 2 703,731 687,839

represented by:

Current ASSetS

Cash assets 3 300 300

A.n.Z. Bank 3 30,666 27,540

other Financial Assets 4 855,203 806,631

receivables 119,438 41,910

Inventories 56,932 37,379

payments in Advance 32,134 46,114

Deposits paid 2,944 0

1,097,617 959,874

non Current ASSetS

property, plant & equipment 5 88,161 65,721

totAl ASSetS 1,185,778 1,025,595



projects in progress 6 33,817 38,258

Sundry Creditors 155,125 135,050

GSt 11,931 (3,722)

Advance Grants – SrV 7 14,500 14,500

Advance Grants – AA 21,695 16,000

Advance Grants – ASC 0 962

Advance Grants – VicHealth 50,580 0

provision for Annual leave 86,100 80,543

provision for long Service leave 51,000 40,354

provision for future depreciation 3,306 9,918

provision for plr 40,875 0

provision for obsolescence 5,338 5,338

Advance Deposits 7,780 555

totAl lIABIlItIeS 482,047 337,756

net ASSetS 703,731 687,839

AtHletICS VICtorIA, 2011–12

Financial Report


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Income Statementfor year ended 31st March 2012 note 2012 2011

$ $

IncomeAthlete registrations 419,188 423,711

Club Affiliation/Claims/transfers 21,555 23,473

Investment Interest 43,093 43,393

Management/Administration Fees 1,877 10,333

Athletics Austalia – Development Grant 68,439 4,403

Merchandising 121,273 138,111

Sponsorship/Grants 30,000 28,733

Sundry 9,661 12,872

VAl rent 4,289 5,897

SuB totAl 719,375 690,926

DeVelopMent ACtIVItIeS (Gross operating Surplus)

Government Grants 7 35,000 48,397

VicHealth Grant 59,050 0

Schools Competitions 4,064 4,916

officials/Coaches 22,820 28,366

General Development 1,303 (15,294)

SuB totAl 122,237 66,385

CoMpetItIon ACtIVItIeS: (Gross operating Surplus)

Winter events 82,815 54,400

Summer events (69,951) (64,986)

Championships 18,717 20,644

Schools events 37,820 43,405

State teams 35,946 34,943

Sundries (6,900) (7,925)

Special Meets 21,949 21,224

SuB totAl 120,395 101,705

InCoMe 962,007 859,016

totAl eXpenDIture 946,115 803,013



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Income Statement for year ended 31st March 2011 2012 2011

$ $

ExpenditureAffiliation expenses 691 577

Audit fees 3,860 3,745

Awards & Gifts 3,678 2,650

Bank/Government/IMG charges 29,423 18,794

Board expenses 2,720 3,075

Capitation 4,173 4,403

Committee expenses 225 370

Computer expenses 7,993 6,546

Courier expenses 98 649

Depreciation 25,273 28,068

Insurances 26,199 31,779

legal expenses 1,755 2,222

Maintenance – equipment & Furniture 5,009 4,379

Marketing/Sponsorship 5,888 13,197

Meetings 1,231 90

Merchandising 79,417 96,619

office rent 13,152 26,012

payroll/Fringe Benefits tax 4,081 4,854

photocopier and Fax expenses 3,593 3,740

postage 4,867 2,996

printing & Stationery 22,937 10,167

Salaries 574,633 483,919

Staff – Consulting 50,333 0

Staff/office Amenities 4,203 2,581

Staff training 5,514 882

Sundry 1,848 4,497

Superannuation 50,385 37,303

telephone 9,397 5,693

travel 3,539 3,205

totAl 946,115 803,013

AtHletICS VICtorIA, 2011–12

Financial Report


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Statement of Changes in Equityfor year ended 31st March 2012 Accumulated



Balance at 1st April 2010 631,836

profit attributable to members 56,003

Balance at 31st March 2011 687,839

profit attributable to members 15,892

Balance at 31st March 2012 703,731

Statement of Cash Flowsfor year ended 31st March 2012 note 2012 2011

$ $


receipts from customers 1,347,996 1,031,967

payments to suppliers and employees (1,208,343) (1,006,804)

Interest received 43,093 43,393

GSt paid (83,334) (70,606)

net CASH FloWS FroM operAtInG ACtIVItIeS 8 99,412 (2,050)


Advances (to)/from short term deposits (48,572) 9,153

proceeds from sale of investments 0 0

Acquisition of F/A (47,713) (39,822)

net CASH FloWS uSeD In InVeStInG ACtIVIteS (96,285) (30,670)

net InCreASe/(DeCreASe) In CASH HelD 3,126 (32,720)

Add opening cash brought forward 27,840 60,560

CloSInG CASH CArrIeD ForWArD 30,966 27,840


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Notes to the Financial Statements for year ended 31st March 2012

this financial statements cover Athletics Victoria Inc as an individual entity. Athletics Victoria Inc is an association incorporated in Victoria under the Associations Incorporations Act 1981

1 Statement of Significant Accounting Policies

Basis of Preparation

the financial statements are general purpose financial statements that have been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards (including Australian Accounting Interpretations) and the Associations Incorporation Act 1981.

Australian Accounting Standards set out accounting policies that the AASB has concluded would result in financial statements containing relevant and reliable information about transactions, events and conditions to which they apply. Material accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the financial statements are presented below and have been consistently applied unless otherwise stated.

the financial statements have been prepared on an accruals basis and are based on historical costs, modified, where applicable, by the measurement at fair value of selected non-current assets, financial assets and financial liabilities.

Accounting Policies(a) Fixed Assetsthe assets have been recorded at cost and the policy of the Board is to annually reassess the market value of the fixed assets and depreciate accordingly, to show the lower of cost or net realisable value.

(b) Income tax the Association is exempt from income tax by virtue of Section 50-45 of the Income tax Assessment Act 1997.

(c) revenuethe surplus/deficit from projects completed during the year transferred to the income and expenditure statement represents the net of revenues (including revenue received by way of grants to some projects) and expenses of those projects.

(d) InventoriesInventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

(e) Goods and Services taxrevenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GSt. receivables and payables in the Balance Sheet are shown inclusive of GSt.

(f) Comparative FiguresWhen required by Accounting Standards, comparative figures have been adjusted to conform to changes in presentation for the current financial year.

(g) employee Benefitsemployee Benefits are recognised when the Association has a legal or constructive obligation and represent the best estimate of the amounts required to settle the obligation at the end of the reporting period.

(h) new Accounting Standards for Application in Future periods the AASB has issued a number of new and amended Accounting Standards and Interpretations that have mandatory application dates for future reporting periods, some of which are relevant to the association. the association has decided not to early adopt any of the new and amended pronouncements. the new and amendedthe new and amended pronouncements. the new and amended pronouncements are not expected to have any material impact on the financials.

(i) Impairment of AssetsAt the end of each reporting period, the association assesses whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. the assessment will consider both external and internal sources of information. If such an indication exists, an impairment test is carried out on the asset by comparing the recoverable amount of that asset, being the higher of the assets fair value less costs to sell and its value in use, to the asset’s carrying amount. Any excess of the assets carrying amount over its recoverable amount is immediately recognised in its profit and loss. Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the association estimates the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit to which the asset belongs.

AtHletICS VICtorIA, 2011–12

Financial Report


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2 Membership Funds 2012 2011

$ $

Accumulated Surplus as at 1st April 2011 687,839 631,836

Surplus/(Deficit) for year 15,892 56,003

Balance as at 31st March 2012 703,731 687,839

3 Cash at Bank & On Hand 2012 2011

Cash on hand 300 300

A.n.Z.Bank 30,666 27,540

Balance as at 31st March 2012 30,966 27,840

4 Investments 2012 2011

Bendigo Bank 570,438 552,617

AnZ online Saver 284,765 254,014

Balance as at 31st March 2012 855,203 806,631

5 Fixed Assets 2012 2011

office equipment & Furniture at cost 286,282 247,695

less accumulated depreciation (198,121) (181,974)

total written down value at 31st March 2012 88,161 65,721

6 Projects in Progress 2012 2011

national Junior Championships 3,613 3,500

Coach education Courses 0 6,391

Development Squad 0 1,382

AV Future Squad 3,528 3,528

High Velocity Club 5,683 1,170

officials Breakfast 1,090 3,723

officials Shield 19,903 18,565

Balance unexpended at 31st March 2012 33,817 38,258

projects in progress represents unexpended funds from projects which are expected to be spent in the future.


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7 State Government Grants 2012 2011

$ $

Advance Grants at 1st April 2011 14,500 115,640

add income:

Sport Development Scheme 35,000 20,000

Zatopek:10 30,000 10,000

target 1000 0 1,200

Mentor Me – officials for the Future 0 4,500

Australian Schools t&F Championships 0 20,500

legal expense reimbursement 18,166 21,435

83,166 77,635

total 97,666 193,275

less expenses 48,166 130,378less Advance Grants – SrV at 31st March 2011 14,500 14,500

62,666 144,878

35,000 48,397

8 Statement of Cash Flows 2012 2011

$ $(a) reconciliation of cash

Cash on hand 300 300

Bank Account 30,666 27,540

Closing Cash Balance 30,966 27,840

(b) reconciliation of the operating profit after tax to the net cash flows from operations

operating profit after tax 15,892 56,003

Depreciation of non-current assets 25,273 29,343

Changes in assets and liabilities

trade and other receivables (77,528) (11,414)

Inventory (19,553) 1,519

prepayments and deposits 11,036 (13,064)

Advance Grants 55,313 (84,178)

trade and other creditors 57,123 7,373

employee entitlements 16,203 12,434

Goods and services tax payable 15,653) (67)

net cash flow from (used in) operating activities 99,412 (2,050)

AtHletICS VICtorIA, 2011–12

Financial Report

the reported surplus of $35,000 is offset by expenses of salaries, administration and program running costs and payment of legal expenses, hence the program has made a nil net contribution to the Statement of Financial performance of the Association.


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9 Lakeside RelocationAthletics Victoria has a Memorandum of understanding with the Department of planning and Community Development (DpCD) and parks Victoria to occupy the Athletics Building being constructed at Albert park. Athletics Victoria will contribute $500,000 to the costs of building and fit-out of the Athletics Building and in return will receive commercial benefits over the duration of the lease. As at today’s date, no formal contracts have been signed.

10 Contingent AssetIn 2001, Athletics Victoria transferred $250,000 of investments to Athletics Victoria Foundation for the purpose of providing future benefits to the sport of Athletics. this amount of $250,000 is to be made available in whole or in part at the written request of Athletics Victoria. Athletics Victoria Foundation have indicated that these funds along with a further $250,000 will be made available to Athletics Victoria to meet their obligations with the new Athletics Building as disclosed in note 9 above.

Statement by Board of DirectorsIn the opinion of the Board the attached financial report

1 presents a true and fair view of the financial position of Athletics Victorias Inc. as at 31 March 2012 and its performance for the year ended on that date in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards (including Australian Accounting Interpretations) of the Australian Accounting Standards Board.

2 At the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that Athletics Victoria Inc. will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due.

this statement is made in accordance with a resolution of the board and is signed for and on behalf of the board by:

Ian JonespreSIDent

Eric SigmonttreASurer

Date: 31st May 2012


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AtHletICS VICtorIA, 2011–12

Financial Report

Independent Auditor’s Report to the Members of Athletics Victoria Inc.

Report on the Financial ReportWe have audited the accompanying financial report of Athletics Victoria Inc. (the Association)which comprises the balance sheet as at 31st March 2012 and the income statement, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year ended, notes comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information, and the statement by members of the board.

Board’s Responsibility for the Financial Reportthe board of the Association is responsible for the preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards (including Australian Accounting Interpretations) and the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 and for such internal control as the committee determinesis necessary to enable the preparation of the financial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibilityour responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. those standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial report. the procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report,

whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the board, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.


In conducting our audit, we have complied with the independence requirements of Australian professional ethical pronouncements.

Auditor’s OpinionIn our opinion, the financial report of Athletics Victoria Inc. is in accordance with the

requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981, including :

(i) giving a true and fair view of the Association’s financial position as at 31st March 2012 and of its performance for the year ended on that date; and

(ii) complying with Australian Accounting Standards.

name of Firm: e. F. McpHAIl AnD pArtnerS

name of partner: Wayne C. Durdin

Address: 38 ellingworth parade, Box Hill, Victoria, 3128

Dated this 31st day of March 2012


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Athletics Victoria gratefully acknowledge the following partners for their continued support over the 2011–12 year

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