anima mundi for astrologers

ANIMA MUNDI Inbuilt into the physical properties of our Home Planet there is a blueprint for making brains. This presentation offers information that suggests that this statement might be true!

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Page 1: Anima Mundi for Astrologers

ANIMA MUNDIInbuilt into the physical properties of our Home Planet there

is a blueprint for making brains.

This presentation offers information that suggests that this statement might be true!

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Perhaps you have heard of Plato’s Anima Mundi? It is sometimes translated as meaning ‘World


Therefore, we may consequently state that: this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence ... a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related.

—Plato, Timaeus, 29/30; 4th century BCE

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This is the diagram of the Anima Mundi or LAPIS PHILOSOPHORUM. It is copied from Jung’s book Aion. Each of the four quarters of the

circle represent one of The Four Elements.

‘The lapis (the philosopher’s stone) consists of the four elements or has to be put together from them’.

Morienus, from Tractatus Aureus, Aion, p 236-237.

‘And as a man is made up of four elements, so also is the stone, and so it is dug out of man, and thou are its ore’.

Ibid, p. 168.

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The Four Elements of Greek science symbolise a fundamental psychological categorisation yet they also have very ‘real’ physical properties.

Solid Earth and liquid Water have gravity (they fall).

Restless Air and energetic Fire have levity (they rise).

David Bowman writes in his article ‘The World on Fire’ (New Scientist, Oct 10, 2009):

‘.. the Greeks had it right with their classification of fire, air, earth, and water …’

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Psychological classificationEarth: Sensing provides us with information about our exterior

physical reality. Is it hard or soft? Is it comfortable or unpleasant? The Earth’ s gravity plays a major role in sensing.

Water: Feeling supplies information on our internal reality. The heart pumps the blood around our bodies. When we are frightened it speeds up. When we feel relaxed it slows down. Feelings speak through borrowing metaphors from earth and fire. If we are happy we say we are floating on clouds, sometimes we feel weighed down by anxiety. We can feel bright or filled with darkness.

Hardware. Earth and Water = the chemistry of our being:Our bodies are made of Earth and Water.

Air: Thinking, Air, carries information. Sound waves are symbolised by Air, as is the electrical activity in our brains.

Fire: Intuition - ‘I see’, we say. Intuition ‘knows’ things that can be difficult to convey using words (in this sense it is akin to feeling). The Sun is a great furnace. It gives light. Without it we would have no need for eyes. Intuition knows because it sees.

Software. Air and Fire = the physics of our being: these, ‘elements’, symbolise processes.

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Shakespeare’s sonnets 44 and 45 are born of this expressive psychological categorisation. Sonnet number 44 is concerned with the frustrating inadequacies that come with the heavy, negative elements, Earth and Water.

If the dull substance of my flesh were thought,Injurious distance should not stop my wayFor then despite of space I would be brought,From limits far remote, where thou dost stay.No matter then, although my foot do standUpon the furthest earth removed from thee,For nimble thought can jump both see and landAs soon as think the place where it would be.But ah, thought kills me that I am not thoughtTo leap large lengths of miles where thou art goneBut am so much of earth and water wroughtI must attend time’s leisure with my moan. Receiving naught by elements so slow, But heavy tears, badges of either’s woe.

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Sonnet number 45 is concerned with the light, positive elements, Fire and Air.

The other two, slight air, and purging fire,Are both with thee, where-ever I abide,The first my thoughts, the other my desire,These present absent with swift motion slide.For when these quicker Elements are gone,In tender embassy of love to thee,My life, being made of four, with two alone, Sinks down to death, oppressed with melancholy.Until life’s composition be recurredBy those swift elements returned from theeWhich even but now come back again assuredOf thy fair health, recounting it to me, This told, I joy, and then no longer glad, I send them back again and straight grow sad.

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Astrologers identify Signs of The Zodiac with The

Four Elements.

Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, are Fire signs.

Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, are Air

Fire and Air are positive elements

Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, are Earth signs.

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, are Water signs.

Earth and Water are negative elements

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Greene, L, Relating; An Astrological Guide to Living with Others on a Small Planet.

UK, Thorsons Publishers Ltd, 1977.


Earth Fire


It was December 18, 1984, and I was reading Relating by Liz Greene. Liz is an expert on Jung. On the left you can see Liz’s diagram based on the Philosopher’s Stone (a copy of the original is printed on the right at an angle of 45 degrees). Liz is illustrating how the elements merge, creating four additional cognitive processes.

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Air/thinking merges with fire/intuition to create intuitive-thinking.

Air/thinking merges with earth/sensing to create empiric-thinking.

Water/feeling merges with fire/intuition to create intuitive-feeling.

Water/feeling merges with earth/sensing to create sensory-feeling.

Liz Greene

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Pisces is a Water sign … but Astrologers tell us that Pisces people are intuitive-feeling types. Why is Pisces related to intuition, fire? This immediately makes sense if we place Pisces on this background diagram in the section marked water where it merges with fire.


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Sensual feeling is the realm of physical sexuality. Taurus is physical sexuality. What is it that Chaucer’s wife of Bath says: ‘Born under Taurus and with Mars therein, Alas, alas, that ever love was sin.’

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Aquarius, famed for technological and scientific prowess, was certainly empiric-thinking.

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I gave Leo, ruled by our very own cosmic furnace, the central position of fire. Then I positioned Aries in intuitive-thinking. Aries (not noted for emotional sensitivity) rules the head, where thinking takes place.

That left Sag for intuitive feeling. I thought about my Sag friends and I understood for the first time why they were sentimental. Not feeling, exactly, but a sort of intuition tinged with feeling. Walt Disney is a famous Sag. You can’t get much more sentimental than Walt.

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Dry as dust Capricorn I put in empiric thinking (far from Water). Here was the businessman interested in the reality of money (Earth), using the air tool ‘thinking’ to work out the best way to make it work for him.

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Libra, next to fire, added passion to love, while green-fingered Virgo fitted the idea of the modest earth in which things grow. Gemini was pure thinking – of course. Gemini is not concerned with earthy facts, they get in the way of a good story, and hot, fiery passion, excuse me .. we are talking about Gemini here.

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I put Scorpio as centre of water because of the depth of Scorpio’s feelings and I ‘intuited’ that if I joined these signs up according to the way they are arranged on the Zodiac it should make a nice tidy pattern.

It didn’t.

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Then I heard a radio announcement about a sex murder. It was Scorpionic! So, I moved Scorpio to the sensual feeling position and Cancer into pure water, (what was I thinking, of course Cancer - ruled by the Moon - is water uncontaminated by other elements)and I applied my test.

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The Sun moves around the Earth against the

background Zodiac like this ..

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… beginning with the spring equinox, 00 Aries, we can apply this progression to the signs we have placed on The Philosopher’s Stone. The Sun’s path around the Earth is

pictured on the right.



Here is Aries (intuitive-thinking)

on the Philosopher’s Stone diagram.

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So here we go – From Aries to Taurus…

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From Taurus to Gemini …

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From Gemini to Cancer …

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From Cancer to Leo …

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From Leo to Virgo …

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From Virgo to Libra …

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From Libra to Scorpio …

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From Scorpio to Sag …

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From Sag to Capricorn …

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From Capricorn to Aquarius …

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- to Pisces …

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… and back to Aries.

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THIS IS IT! Of the many ways these points could be connected very few create symmetry and half of those are the same pattern upside down. I think that we can say that THE ZODIAC TEST has been a success.

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So now, if we now stand this result on it’s points, we are back with Jung’s original diagram of the Philosopher's Stone.


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Look … this pattern is biologically significant - it displays bilateral symmetry. Bilateral symmetry came about because of an evolutionary momentous change that occurred in DNA. Ever since the first worm appeared in the Cambrian era birds, mammals, insects, and plants display bilateral symmetry.

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And what is going on here! Look at these Bilateral Pairs! From a symbolic point of view they have lined up in an uncannily logical way.

4 5

This is the primal couple, the Leo SUN and the Cancer MOON, they symbolise Father and Mother. They work together as a team - together they nurture the child. I

called the child LIFE.

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12 Mysticism

Philosophy 9 SOURCE

Mysticism and Philosophy, Pisces (Neptune) and Sagittarius (Jupiter) were both traditionally ruled by Jupiter. Here we are looking at a wet, warm (water + fire) environment. The psychologist Stan Groff writes: ‘undisturbed intrauterine life is synonymous with Pisces’ ruling planet Neptune’. Sag’s ruling planet Jupiter stands for expansion and development.

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Out of the SOURCE (the womb) LIFE is born into the world. And here it is?

The next pair finds us back with LIFE.

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8 Death

Birth 1


Scorpio and Aries, both originally ruled by Mars, symbolise Birth and Death. Mars also means war, which conjures up images of death, while Pluto, Scorpio’s new ruling planet, means ‘regeneration’. Every moment is born out of the death of the previous moment. Born into LIFE we are presented with constant changes that we call TIME …

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e… and what is happening here! Everything comes together at this point. The diagram on the right is Herman Minkowski’s space-time model. (Minkowski was Einstein’s tutor). It displays a past time cone and a future time cone and between the two is the point he calls … ‘the present’.



‘the present’.

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NOW is ‘a point’, ‘consisting of nothing …

incomprehensible by thought.’

‘The mandala first comes into consciousness as an impressive point or dot’, says the Tractatus Aureus. (Aion, p. 32.) This point ‘being nothing and consisting of nothing, becomes a ‘certain magnitude incomprehensible by thought’, says Hyppolitus. (Aion, p.199.)

Is this ‘the point’ they mean?

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2 Physical Beauty

Theoretical 7 BeautyFORM

FORM incarnates out of the moment in TIME, both physical and theoretical form – memories, concepts, words, music, drawings, this floor, this window, this body, you, me … EVERYTHING!

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Intellectual 3

6 Practical


Practical Virgo and intellectual Gemini provide the skills we need to accomplish something, to WORK. Out of the unconscious, born of the moment in TIME, something takes on a FORM that we can grasp, that we can consciously work with. Gemini is concerned with communication and Virgo rules libraries. Here ideas are disseminated and shared.

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10 Business

Science 11


WORK brings into being property, authority, status, even identity … Here, at the top, is the place of honour and of government; I gave it the title WEALTH.

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‘As Chronos castrated Ouranus, so astrologically

does Saturn cut off the creative impulse and

potency of Ouranus. This image encapsulates the

basic war in all our psyches’.

Howard Sassportas,

The Gods of Change, 1989.

‘The astrological Uranus is perceived as being

perpetually engaged in a struggle with Saturn

Kronos, aiming to break restricting barriers. …This

battle of the gods is an innate living pattern in all

our psyches …’

Haydn Paul, Revolutionary Spirit.

The old ruler of Aquarius is Saturn, but the new ruler is Uranus – the planet discovered by William Herschel in Bath. Astrologers understand that Saturn/Chronos and Uranus/Ouranus are always at war. The top position on this model, WEALTH, is inherently unstable.

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‘… to see the world and grasp it as paradoxical, we must break with our familiar acceptance of it … and from the break we can learn nothing but the unmotivated upsurge of the world’.

Merleau Ponty, The Phenomenology of Perception, xv.

Here we see how, according to what we know of Uranus and Saturn, the upward flow breaks up at the top, WEALTH, and returns to the SOURCE.

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I gave these bisymmetric pairs the title

‘Complementary Connections’.

‘Complementary’ means

to make complete.

Each of these connections describe a yin-yang,

negative-positive, mass-energy, space-time expression

of a single phenomenon.

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10 11








12 9


6 3






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Anyone familiar with the Chinese oracle the I Ching will recognise these six lines as the six lines of a hexagram.

On the right (the positive signs) the six lines of The Creative –

on the left (the negative signs) the six lines of The Receptive.

I liked the way the house numbers add up 21, 9, 9, 9, 9, 21.

21 + 21 =??????????

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Earth is the only planet we have yet discovered in which the four elements, earth/air/fire/water exist independently and in large quantities. The philosopher’s stone symbolises the Anima Mundi, it means Living World or World Mind.

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Because it describes conditions on Planet Earth I began to call this new alignment of the signs –


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We are, ALL OF US, generated out of the elements of our mother planet.

Earth and Water make up our physical being, our blood, and (as Shakespeare noted) our flesh: these are the chemistry of our being. Fire and Air, heat and oxygen, supply the energy with which we think and act – the physics of our being.

But Mother Earth does not exist all on her own. Traditionally she is the female component of a divine duo.

Her consort is Heaven.

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Mother Earth

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Space-timeOur Home Planet provides us with all the materials we need to construct bodies.

(The Receptive Earth).

It is her movement within the encompassing heaven that cause the changes we call ‘time’.

(The Creative Heaven).

It is time that ‘creates’ conditions that allow us to ‘Evolve’.

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This is the map that we have constructed to keep tabs on Earth’s constantly changing surroundings. It is called ... … the Zodiac.


-we have already used this familiar model to test the arrangement

of signs on the Philosopher’s Stone.



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The Complementary Connections are also displayed on the Zodiac (though in a different order). THEY MUST BE IMPORTANT!

This is called The Ptolemaic Order.

When the great Claudius Ptolemy was alive they

only knew of seven planets so the signs had

to share. Only Cancer and Leo had a planet of

their own.

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BACKGROUND INFORMATIONIt was the invention of the telescope that allowed us to

discover Uranus. With this discovery Aquarius gained a ruling planet that reflected its meaning more precisely. Uranus, planet of enlightenment, invention and discovery, discovered in 1781, brought revolution to all walks of life. The new power was electricity. Collective ideas were de rigour: freedom, brotherhood and equality. This is the positive yang pole of the connection WEALTH and GOVERNMENT.

Neptune gave us drugs and film – the new power was gas. Neptune has power over our unconscious, our emotions. This is the negative yin pole complementary connection SOURCE.

Pluto gave us crude oil, depth psychology. It brought nuclear power which gave birth to plutonium, and we REALISED the idea of relative TIME.

We looked at our first picture of Earth from space in 1961. Astrologers believe that each time a new planet is seen we take a momentous EVOLUTIONARY step into our future.

For more information see ‘The Pattern of Evolution’.

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Not all astrologers would agree with my awarding Earth to Taurus, or Chiron (an escaped asteroid) to Virgo, but years of observation have convinced me that these applications are significant.

Uranus 1781

Neptune 1846

1930 Pluto

Earth 1961

1977 Chiron

And here is another surprise! If you follow the dates the new ruler’s were first seen you can see another pattern that nobody has notice before, this time it is on the Zodiac.

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Let’s see what happens if we continue this pattern through the other signs beginning with the Sun and the Moon - The Primal Pair.

Sun ruler of


Moon ruler of Cancer

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Mercury ruler of Gemini.

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Venus ruler of Libra.

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Mars ruler of Aries.

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Jupiter, ruler of Sag.

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Saturn, ruler of Capricorn.

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Uranus, new ruler of Aquarius.

Discovered in 1781

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Neptune, new ruler of Pisces.

Discovered 1846

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Pluto, new ruler of Scorpio.

Discovered in 1930

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Earth, new ruler of

Taurus. First seen 1961

(I found this glyph for Earth in the Collins

English Dictionary. It’s Venus upside down!)

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Chiron, Discovered 1977. New ruler of Virgo: I have now

added (with first class justification ) the proto-

planet which is known as the Main Asteroid Belt.

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And what about this!Yes, it looks like DNA. It doesn’t ONLY look like DNA it is

arranged structurally like DNA !

DNA consists of a double string of simple molecules called bases. There are only four bases; these are adenine, A, guanine, G, thiamine, T and cytosine, C. The Pattern of Evolution is made up of four elements; these are Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. In DNA the base adenine always links with thiamine and the base guanine always links with cytosine. This is reflected by the pattern on the Earth Alignment. Earth always links with Air, Water always links with Fire.

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I discovered the first Pattern in 1984, by 1986 I had a collection. A friend (Tania) said, ‘why don’t you draw up a chart with them all on the same page’.

It was a good idea.

The next slide is a copy of the original hand drawn chart. On the left you see the old Zodiac - a map of Heaven, point 00 Aries marking the crossing of two major celestial equatorial fields, the Earth’s and the Sun’s. On the right the new Earth Alignment.

Deeply interested in the Chinese philosophy of Daoism, I gave them the title ...

Patterns of the Tao.

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You can see there is a missing pattern where I have put the question mark.

I decided to make up for this by drawing the same order of planets you see on the Zodiac

onto the new Earth Alignment.


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You will be used to this by now.

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So, Here it is.

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I drew it up on the diagram and I called it the Pattern of Evolution II … OBVIOUSLY…

because it was the pair to Evolution I.

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It had two triangles just like the Earth Alignment – it also had two unaccountable wings.




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Limbic System

Cerebellum Core brain





Hemisphere… Until I read a book by Ronald Shone

which mentioned the

two wings of the cerebral cortex.

Did he



GS !

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The question was obvious. Is this a Map of the Brain?

Left Right


Limbic System

Cerebellum Core brain


Right Left

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Left Right

I knew the positions and the meanings of the symbols so I began to study the brain. Here is the new Pattern of

Evolution II drawn to cover the whole sign.

It even looks like a brain!

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XX marks the spot.


corpus callosum





frontal lobes

occipital lobes



X marks the spot where the brain and spinal cord meet. It is the place where the brain both receives information and returns it to the body. Merleau Ponty puts it - rather poetically: … the body is solidified or generalised existence, and existence a perpetual incarnation.

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The cerebellum is the primitive brain, the snake brain, LIFE. Contemplating our primeval ancestor living in the primordial sea, I wondered if the Sun represented sensitivity to light and the Moon sensitivity to pressure (the moon rules the tides and sound is a pressure), and whether the two wings of the cerebrum developed as a refinement of these original sensitivities. Recent study has brought up another correlation. Primitive organisms have eyes and mouths for feeding. The Moon rules Cancer - nourishment? The forebrain or frontal lobes are concerned with personality and identity. The complementary connection WEALTH.

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Do you remember the Complementary Connections? Astrology informs us that Mercury rules communication and hands. This is the Motor Cortex and complementary connection WORK.

Motor Cortex

SOMATOTOPICAL MAP showing Right Motor


The Left Motor Cortex mirrors the Right.According to the model, the yin/left (Virgo), is responsible for the physical production of speech (Brocca), the yang/right (Gemini) for the unspoken word.


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And this is the Somatosensory Cortex. On the left Taurus/ Venus is sensual. She is also connected with opera singers. On the right, Libra/Venus is erotic. Venus also symbolises harmony beauty and balance. Notice the pharynx and genitals on the somatotopical map of the somatosensory cortex. This is the complementary connection FORM.

Somatosensory Cortex

The Right Somatosensory Cortex mirrors the Left. Again, yin/left physical, yang/right creative/imaginal.


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These are called homunculi – you can see them in The British Museum of Natural History, Oxford. It was these models that suggested to me that the ancient gods are metaphors for specific regions of the brain. We have only recently learnt how to see the brain in operation – previously our brains could only speak through metaphor.

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This is a page from Clive Wearing's Diary. It was printed in Colin Blakemore’s, The Mind Machine, BBC Books, 1988.

Clive suffered from a damaged Hippocampus. The hippocampus is a part of the forebrain – the part of our model that is ruled by Saturn and Uranus.

Saturn demands ‘Patience’ and Uranus is the ‘awakener!’

Is this just co-incidence or what?

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Saturn = patience

Uranus = awake

Here is the forebrain on our model. The forebrain is equated by brain specialists with MIND.

The Sun and Moon in astrology symbolise the Heart (the Sun) and the Instincts (the Moon).


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This is picture of Old Father Time, Greek Kronos/Chronos, Roman Saturn. He is devouring one of his children. (We are all devoured by time). The words Chronological, Chronic and Old Cronies derive from the metaphor for this god. Saturn’s mother was Gaia, Earth. He is usually pictured with the scythe that he used to cut off his father Uranus’ genitals. To be fair to Saturn, Uranus, god of rebellion, revolution, disruption and change was an irresponsible father and Saturn is responsible to the point of absurdity. Regulation and control are Saturnian words.

I had given up hope that anyone would ever take an interest in this model when something happened that reawakened my own dormant sense of responsibility.

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I was watching Michio Kaku’s BBC 4 programme ‘Time’. Michio went to Duke university where Dr Meek was conducting MRI scans in order to determine the position of, what he called, the brain’s ‘chronological’ clock.

So what symbol does an astrologer connect with Chronos, time?

YES Saturn.

Check this out …

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Warren Meek proves there is a part of the brain which keeps track of time’. Michio is saying – ‘Oh look at this – is this the chronological clock in my brain?’ And Warren

Meek answers, very assertively, ‘Yes’.

time1bbc 4 docu clip.htm 4 TV docuclip HTLM Doc Documentary Michio Kaku TIME.

Where is Saturn on our model? Yes .. the frontal lobe.

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Bang Goes the Theory, also featured an fMRI scan, this time it was set up to show us which part of the brain is active when someone is lying. Guess what? Yes, it was Mercury.Astrologers know that Mercury is the God of thieves and liars!

Wiki: In the Roman adaptation of the Greek religion (see interpretatio romana), Hermes was identified with the Roman

god Mercury, who, though inherited from the Etruscans, developed many similar characteristics, such as being the patron

of commerce. An Olympian god, he is also the patron of

boundaries and of the travelers who travel across them … of the cunning of thieves and liars,[1]

BANG GOES THE THEORY Series 2, episode 3 April 2010.

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And this is from an article in the New Scientist: It relates to the Parietal Lobes - the Aries/Scorpio complementary connection that confronts us with passing time. Not Saturn time, not organised time, but the constant movement brought about by what Ponty poetically calls the upsurge of the world. This is the part of the brain you need activated when crossing a busy road.

The picture is an example of something that can be viewed in different ways. The researchers used a revolving sphere.The article said: To test whether or not the Superior Parietal Lobe had a role in triggering the switch, the researchers stimulated each lobe with a magnetic field - effectively knocking out the function of that lobe - while the volunteers rewatched the sphere illusion. The team found that the switch rate slowed when either lobe was exposed to the magnetic field. (Current Biology, DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.07.027).

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if you can find an angle at which it would fit a particular gap.

And here is what the specialists wrote:

"One possibility is that the SPL is actually triggering the perceptual switches by sending a signal to 'reset' the illusion," says Kanai. "Or it could be that people with a large SPL are better at noticing other possible interpretations for the ambiguous sphere, which would also result in a faster switch rate.“

Aries is notoriously impatient – Is this why?

Long ago I had produced an AI system based on this brain model. I took it to friend doing PhD in AI so that he could annihilate my theory. This is what I wrote about this position.

Here the machine is motivated to take up the data and play with it. The purpose of this pioneering Aries programme is to initiate something new, alter things around just as you would turn jigsaw puzzle piece to see

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Oh yes – by the way – much to his bewilderment my friend failed to annihilate the model.

He called it ‘a perfect natural intelligence system’ … which is exactly what I thought it probably was!

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Anyone viewing this presentation who is familiar with the I Ching might like to see how it correlates. The arrows point to the ruling lines, the spots indicate their position on the pattern. The model mimics the yin yang symbol above. The two archetypal systems, one Eastern in origin, one Western, correlate. If archetypes are the deepest patterns of psychic functioning as James Hillman, and Carl Jung believe, then it’s not surprising that they manifest in a similar manner in separate esoteric systems?

Ruling Line of Mind. The

Creative Heaven. Nine in the fifth place: Dragon flying in the


Ruling Line of Heart. The Receptive Earth.

Six in the second place: Straight,

square, great, without purpose, yet nothing

remains unfurthered.

For more info .. See Anima Mundi and the I Ching.

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So, after that brief introduction (there is lots more), how did the ancients know to call the philosopher’s stone World Mind?

If this model has any grounding in truth, then, our brains, as part of the Anima Mundi (the total intelligent living experience) are in communication even though the modern scientific mechanistic paradigm would find this idea difficult to accept.

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Additional Information for Astrologers

Page 109: Anima Mundi for Astrologers

Note: All of the planets except Uranus are aspecting themselves. N Uranus and Saturn are conjunct the T North Node. T Saturn is conjunct the T South Node.N North Node is square T Uranus.

Sun trine Sun 0 57 SMoon opposition Moon 0 28 AMercury trine Mercury 4 06 SVenus semi sextile Venus 1 27 SMars trine Mars 0 59 SJupiter quincunx Jupiter 0 08 A Saturn opposition Saturn 3 53 ANeptune square Neptune 3.12 S Pluto square Pluto 0 34 S

Chiron sextile Chiron 4 69 S. This is wide, but connected through a Pluto conjunction with Chiron on the Natal chart (Chiron is sextile Pluto 1 18).

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I hope you found this inspirational and thank you

for your time.

© Chrissy Philp