ancillary task poster

Ancillary Task Poster Bethany Harvey

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Page 1: Ancillary task poster

Ancillary TaskPoster

Bethany Harvey

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Poster DrawingsBefore producing my poster, I did a pencil draft on what I want it to look like. After I produced the first drawing draft, I wanted to see what colours would work best so I coloured a third of the poster draft and then once I’d seen what colours I liked, I made a new draft and coloured it all in. For my poster, I didn’t want an image of the cast but a symbol from the film that will make it recognisable and I got this idea from the Scream4 poster that I analysed previously. I did this because the Scream4 poster is recognisable and rememberable and therefore, I wanted to produce a poster that has this same effect on the audience. I drew these drawings, first with pencil, then pen and then all in colour so that I had an idea of what I wanted. I decided to use the clown mask on my poster as I think it’s the most rememberable factor of the film and also clowns are sometimes seen as scary so this supports the genre of the film and if not, then people will be encouraged to watch the trailer to see what the films about if they can’t tell from the poster. The one thing I did decided not to have on my poster is a slogan because I thought the poster could speak for itself and I wanted it to be as plain but as rememberable as possible.

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Poster Drawings continued...Just in case I didn’t like my first poster draft, I produced some more drawings so that I can have two different ideas in which I can use for my final poster.This drawing is more informative than the other poster because it has the members of the cast in, the mask and a clock which all emphasises the genre and also the name of the film ‘Tick Tock’. However, on this magazine I made the background black so it suits the genre of the magazine better and I also found that I didn’t put the age on the last poster idea, so I thought if I put it on this poster draft it would be more obvious to the audience that it’s a horror because of the age restriction. After the drawings, I produced them both on the computer to see which I’d like best and to see if my drawings went as planned.

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Poster Draft 1After producing the drawings of an idea of what I want my poster to look like, I produced the idea onto the computer using Adobe Photoshop CS4. As you can see the poster is plain but effective as it stands out. However, from doing the drawings first and then producing the poster I saw some things I would like to change straight away.

Meanwhile, after producing the first draft of my poster, my thoughts were that I didn’t like it and that I wanted to change a few things to make it better and more suitable and because of this I produced another poster based off the same idea, but with the improvements I wanted to make.

From the drawings I realised that I needed to put more information on the poster so that the audience is more than likely to look it up, therefore I added the website of the film to the poster.

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Poster 1 Final After producing the first draft of my poster, there were a number of changes that I wanted to make because I later realised that I should have stuck to my drawings because they looked better than the draft that I produced.

The things I changed are;• The colour of the background from black to white because it contrasts the genre of the film.• Inside the clowns face I added a clock so that the name of the film it suited.• I kept to the original idea and put an arc effect on the Coming soon writing so that it looked more effective and less plain.• I also kept the idea from draft 1 of having the website on the poster but moved it more central.

Because of these improvements my poster now looks more effective to the horror genre so that it will attract the right targeted audience.

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Poster Draft 2After producing the drawings of an idea of what I want my second draft of my poster to look like I produced the idea onto the computer using Photoshop CS4. While producing my draft on the computer I come across some implications that I didn’t realise I would have. This was getting the image in the right place within the letters. However, after guidance and tutorials I found out how to do it and it became easy to do. Also, the images I took needed to be taken in front of a green screen so that I could move the red background of the text behind the characters.

Meanwhile, after producing the draft of my next poster idea, my thoughts were that the poster looked a little to plain, because on my draft the writing was longer vertically so it filled the page more. Therefore, there were ideas that I thought could improve this so I produced a next poster, based on this idea but making improvements.

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Poster 2 FinalAfter producing the first draft of my second poster idea, there were a number of changes that I wanted to make because the previous poster draft looked to plain and there was a big gap.

There was only one change to this final poster idea and that was making it landscape. There were 2 reasons to why I did this and these were;• To fill the page up more, so I could spread the text out.• To make it more unique and different to other film posters because the majority of them are portrait rather than landscape.

Because of these improvements my magazine now looks more full and it still meets the criteria to making the film look like a horror, so that it attracts the right audience.

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I chose this poster because it stands out from all the other typical portrait posters. Also, it has the images of the mask, clock and the cast in which I feel is more effective towards the genre and also gives a thorough insight to what the film is about and what the genre is.

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Images I used for my Poster IdeasThese are the 5 images out of 25 images I took, that I chose to use for my poster, that required a single image of each member of the cast. However, I did have some implications, such as the far image on the left of the blonde female, her picture is blurry because I didn’t focus the camera correctly, however the sharpen and fixing tool in Photoshop helped me to correct this without having to take more photos.I did the images behind a green screen so that I could put in the red background that I needed a lot easier than it would have been without it. I chose these 5 images because they were suitable for the poster and because their were no accidental errors on these images.