analyze i wandered lonely as a cloud


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Page 1: Analyze I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

7/18/2019 Analyze I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 1/3

“I wandered lonely as a cloud – a poem by William Wordsworth” was written

after the author French Revolution. The four sixline stan!as of this poem

follow a "uatraincouplet rhyme scheme# $%$%&&. 'ach line is metered iniambic tetrameter.

In the first stan!a( the author uses the special lan)ua)e “a cloud” in the first line.

 *ormally( “cloud” is an uncountable noun( but he uses it li+e a countable noun.

To assert the loneliness of the “I”( the author uses simile in “I” with “a cloud”.

In the second line( “vales and hills” is used as plural nouns to describe a lon)

distance, it is also to emphasi!e the loneliness much more than ever.

“When all at once I saw a crowd(

  $ host( of )olden -affodils,”

/ost and crowd mean pretty much the same thin). $ crowd is associated

with )roups of people( while host is associated with an)els( because people

often refer to a host of an)els. The author uses personification in line four and

five to compare the flower0s loneliness and their beauty to people and an)les.

“%eside the 1a+e( beneath the trees(

Flutterin) and dancin) in the bree!e.”

/e sees the daffodils beside a la+e and underneath some trees. It0s a bree!y day(

and the flowers flutter and dance on their stems.

In the second stan!a( the writer saw a beautiful and lively nature such as “flutter(

dance( twin+le( shine( toss and the ad2ective li+e )olden( spri)htly( it shows thatthe author feels a )reat pleasure. The flowers stretch continuously( without a

 brea+( li+e the stars in the 3il+y Way. The comparison to stars provides new

evidence that the spea+er is tryin) to ma+e us thin+ of an)els or other heavenly


“They stretched in neverendin) line

$lon) the mar)in of a bay#”

Page 2: Analyze I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

7/18/2019 Analyze I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 2/3

Page 3: Analyze I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

7/18/2019 Analyze I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 3/3

means not thin+in)( and the other means thin+in) while feelin) blue. %ut he

)roups the two experiences to)ether because both are va)uely unpleasant and


“They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude,”

“They” is the flowers flash in my “inward eyes” compare the flowers with the

li)ht “inward eyes” see by soul. The ima)e of the daffodils was printed into the

 poet>s soul which becomes the bliss of solitude( the source of happiness for him.

“$nd then my heart with pleasure fills(

$nd dances with the -affodils” is conclusion for the author0s feelin) and


In conclusion(