analysis of similar music videos lucas sneddon

Analysis of similar music videos

Upload: whslaura

Post on 09-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Analysis of similar music videos lucas sneddon

Analysis of similar music videos

Page 2: Analysis of similar music videos lucas sneddon

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Ballad Of The Mighty I

Introduction scene of the artist talking to someone who seems to be the video producer who is telling him basically what he wants to do and see in the video.

Opening shows artist walking towards the camera while the camera is back peddling at the same speed. The clip is shown in show motion and the background is slightly blurred leaving full focus on the artist.

Transition of shots where a short clip fades into the next clip and it switches scenery, this starts when the artist becomes a silhouette and then fades back into being in full show.

There are a few shots which are shown to be from the artists point of view, showing everything he can see and moving at the same speed as him.

Mid shot from behind shows the camera is following him around.

This long distant shot shows the area that the artist is walking around and how run down and poor the area is.

Page 3: Analysis of similar music videos lucas sneddon

This mid/long shot from behind shows the direction the artist is heading in which is down a rundown alley. The camera continues to cut and change to different angled shots throughout this clip.

This mid close up shot from the front shows a guy following the artist in the background, which shows that the previous shot was from this persons point of view.

The artist then walks into a warehouse and starts playing with a band, this shows a live performance part to the video.

The camera pans up to where the artist is looking into the sky and then pans back down to a different scene and a different shot of the artist. The scene is the same as where the video begins.

The end shot is similar to the beginning, it goes back to the same group of people and the song has finished, they begin to discuss about how the video went before the artist walks off as a finish of the video.

Page 4: Analysis of similar music videos lucas sneddon

Catfish and the Bottlemen - 7

Intro to video shows one band member recording through a hand held camera speaking to another band member.

The camera is placed on the side here as though its on a table watching them, it shows 2 of the band members further joined by another smoking. This scene has been speeded up.

These scene shows the lead singer playing the acoustic guitar before the camera pans to the computer he is using which shows their album, cover and the title of the album.

The camera on this is turned upside down, this is to create the effect that the people in view are on the ceiling when in fact they’re the ones sat down.

This shows the lead singer in the front and the lead guitarist in the background who is playing in time with the song, whereas the singer is tapping his chest and knees to the beat as though they are drums.

This shows all band members in a recording studio, this camera shot is also handheld to create the effect that you are in the studio too. The band wave and smile at the camera.

Page 5: Analysis of similar music videos lucas sneddon

This shows the band playing to an empty arena, this is probably in rehearsals from one of their shows.

The camera walks around the stage giving close ups of each band member. This is while the stage lights follow the tempo and the beat of the song.

The whole of this video is in black and white, it shows various band members in control of the camera meaning most scenes are handheld recorded, this gives an affect that the band is giving us a tour of their day to day life, it also shows us them in the studio and performing.