analysis of hangover 3

Analysis of Hangover 3 Camerawork: Establishing shot at the beginning to the show the graveyard and start the basis of where the comedy will be derived from. This shows early on what time of comedy the film will be because of the unconventional start to a comedy film, because usually graveyards is associated with death and misery. Wide shot to show the reactions of three of the main characters at the fourth, showing the comedy will be aimed around him. It shows that the character that are looking at with disbelief shows that he is not a normal character which is also showed by the image they show of him after their reactions are showed. This is because his attire is completely out of the normal not only to wear at a funeral but to wear in everyday life. This symbolises the type of character he is and how unconventional he is which indicates he will be where the majority of the comedy comes from. Close ups to show the danger that they are in when they are being attacked by the lorry to show the nature of the film. The close up also allows the audience to get a better view of the characters thoughts and feelings at the time, this allows to shows situational comedy as well as schadenfreude comedy because it shows the unfortunate situation the characters are in and bases comedy around that.

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Post on 20-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Analysis of hangover 3

Analysis of Hangover 3


Establishing shot at the beginning to the show the graveyard and start the basis of

where the comedy will be derived from. This shows early on what time of comedy the

film will be because of the unconventional start to a comedy film, because usually

graveyards is associated with death and misery.

Wide shot to show the reactions of three of the main characters at the fourth,

showing the comedy will be aimed around him. It shows that the character that are

looking at with disbelief shows that he is not a normal character which is also showed

by the image they show of him after their reactions are showed. This is because his

attire is completely out of the normal not only to wear at a funeral but to wear in

everyday life. This symbolises the type of character he is and how unconventional he

is which indicates he will be where the majority of the comedy comes from.

Close ups to show the danger that they are in when they are being attacked by the

lorry to show the nature of the film. The close up also allows the audience to get a

better view of the characters thoughts and feelings at the time, this allows to shows

situational comedy as well as schadenfreude comedy because it shows the

unfortunate situation the characters are in and

bases comedy around that.

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Frequent use of mid shots to help establish the scene and what is going on with a

good amount of the background involved but still being mainly focussed on the main

characters. These shots, help to also add detail to the scene and can also indicated

problems of comedy coming whilst the characters are unaware.

Two shots are also used when showing the main character receiving bad news and

the way in which he takes it, it also show the reaction of the additional characters

reacting with laughter which indicated that the he reacted with something silly or an

over exaggerated reaction.


The dialogue is used throughout the trailer and allows the audience to establish what

type of personality the individual characters have. For example Alan’s over

exaggerated cry gives a good indication of what type characters he is. This shows

how the use of sound can show what someone is like because of the way in which

they do/say it.

Also the dialogue that is used also allows to show what type age group it is aimed at;

along with the title it shows that it is meant for adults predominately those that drink

because they can relate to some of the random situations they find themselves in. As

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well as this with the beginning of the trailer showing them in a graveyard and then

speaking about intervention for mental purposes it shows conclusively that the age

range of audience is older.

Non diegetic sound is fast paced which indicates it is fast paced that has a lot of

action in it as well as comedic features which are highlighted when the non-diegetic

music stops momentarily for it to become apparent.


The transition between the shots starts very slowly and then begins to build up and

become much quicker to show the basic storyline on the film. There is an action

match that is also used in the trailer to show when they are speaking about a

character and then an actual clip of what happened as well as where they are the

current time of them speaking.

There is a use of tracking used mid way through the trailer to show the situation they

are in and create the sense of chaos that is going on in the scene.

There are parts in the trailer where there are numerous scenes shown in very quick

succession this allows you to get a brief view of the characters without giving you

everything, thus meaning you will want to buy the film and watch it in full, therefore

being extremely conventional.


The clothes that the actors are wearing in the trailer start off to be very clean and

respectable and then as the trailer progresses the clothes become torn and dirty.

This shows that they start to get into bad positions where how they would be

everyday doesn’t become the normal.

Also the protagonists clothes are also strange attire for example he wears a woven

scarf with clothes in the desert, this gives insight into the character as well as the

irregularity the character brings to the film.

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There is a scene in the film where the characters are ambushed, there clothes and

masks show that they have sense of not knowing to them which fits in with not

showing them then faces, this shows that they are possibly dangerous people

because you cannot gather any facial expressions which is usually a sign of


Conventions of genre:

The trailer is very conventional because of all the different techniques that are used

throughout it. There is a mixture of slow and fast paced editing to connote the

different parts in the film between the high adrenaline parts and the more thoughtful

parts. This can be linked in with the style of comedy as well because the fast paced

will be fairly basic and simple humour, whereas the slow paced will be more in depth


The mise-en-scene of the trailer was also extremely conventional for a comedy

because of the choice of extras and props, for example they use a giraffe which is a

very strange animal for the setting of the film, and this all adds a stereotypical


Genre is also shown very conventionally in the trailer by some of the dialogue, for

example when Alan said he wanted his mum to die before his dad and he thought his

text wasn’t from ciao it was someone saying ciao to him.

Conventions of form:

One big convention of form that is used throughout the trailer is text that is used, it

works to do both split up the different clips and then also adds details to what you are

watching. Also they used fade in starts a lot which added suspense to the scenes

which is typical in a comedy before a substantial punch line will be introduced or the

start to one will be.