anaerobic co-digestion of dairy cow manure and high concentrated food processing waste


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Page 1: Anaerobic co-digestion of dairy cow manure and high concentrated food processing waste


Anaerobic co-digestion of dairy cow manure and highconcentrated food processing waste

Takaki Yamashiro • Suraju A. Lateef • Chun Ying •

Nilmini Beneragama • Milos Lukic • Iwasaki Masahiro •

Ikko Ihara • Takehiro Nishida • Kazutaka Umetsu

Received: 11 September 2012 / Accepted: 2 December 2012 / Published online: 26 April 2013

� Springer Japan 2013

Abstract Anaerobic co-digestion of dairy manure (DM)

and concentrated food processing wastes (FPW) under

thermophilic (55 �C) and mesophilic (35 �C) temperatures,

and fertilizer value of the effluent were investigated in this

study. Two types of influent feedstock were utilized:

100 % DM and a 7:3 mixture (wet weight basis) of DM

and FPW. The contents of the FPW, as feedstock were

3:3:3:1 mixture of cheese whey, animal blood, used

cooking oil and residue of fried potato. Four continuous

digestion experiments were carried out in 10 L digesters.

Co-digestion under thermophilic temperature increased

methane production per digester volume. However,

co-digestion at 35 �C was inhibited. Total Kjeldahl nitro-

gen (N) recovered after digestion ranged from 73.1 to

91.9 %, while recoveries of ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N)

exceeded 100 %. The high recovery of NH4-N was

attributed to mineralization of influent organic N. The

mixture of DM and FPW showed greater recoveries of

NH4-N after digestion compared to DM only, reflecting its

greater organic N degradability. The ratios of extractable to

total calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were slightly

reduced after digestion. These results indicate that

co-digestion of DM and FPW under thermophilic

temperature enhances methane production and offers

additional benefit of organic fertilizer creation.

Keywords Dairy manure � Food processing waste �Anaerobic co-digestion � Methane � Organic fertilizer


Large amounts of animal manure and slurries are produced

yearly by animal breeding sectors around the world. For

instance, in fiscal year 2007, 87.5 million tons of animal

excreta were generated in Japan [1]. Over the past few

years, public concern over environmental problems and

public health risks associated with their improper man-

agement has risen considerably. When untreated or poorly

managed, animal manure becomes a potential source of

various hazards to human life and the environment. Dairy

cow manure (DM), for instance, emits significant green-

house gases, causes nutrient leaching and could be a

potential source of antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibi-

otic residue. Anaerobic digestion is an established tech-

nology that has been used for treating various organic

wastes including animal manure. It offers various advan-

tages over aerobic treatment and traditional land applica-

tion such as methane production; a renewable fuel for

heating and co-generation of electricity and heat, reduction

of pathogens and less production of biomass sludge [2, 3].

Feasibility of farm scale anaerobic digestion of DM in the

cold region of Hokkaido, Japan, has been previously

demonstrated [4]. However, the economics of dairy

digesters, based on investment returns from energy pro-

duction, are not usually favorable because of relatively

low biodegradability and biogas yield of dairy manure

when compared with other organic wastes. Therefore,

T. Yamashiro � S. A. Lateef � C. Ying � N. Beneragama �I. Masahiro � T. Nishida � K. Umetsu (&)

Graduate School of Animal and Food Hygiene,

Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine,

Obihiro 080-8555, Japan

e-mail: [email protected]

M. Lukic

Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia

I. Ihara

Department of Agricultural Engineering and Socio-Economics,

Kobe University, Kobe 657-8501, Japan


J Mater Cycles Waste Manag (2013) 15:539–547

DOI 10.1007/s10163-012-0110-9

Page 2: Anaerobic co-digestion of dairy cow manure and high concentrated food processing waste

co-digestion of DM and more degradable wastes is an

effective method for improving the economics of dairy

digesters by increasing the biogas production rate [5].

Some of the basic criteria for selecting co-substrate for

anaerobic co-digestion with dairy manure are the avail-

ability of such waste in the vicinity of dairy farms and

possibility of utilization of the nutrients and salts of the

waste by the farm land [5]. Food processing waste is a

desirable material to co-digest with dairy manure and

locally available in Tokachi, Hokkaido, Japan. Aside from

being a leading and advanced region of upland farming and

dairy farming in Japan, Tokachi area also has medium and

large-scale dairy related food processing companies as well

potato chips companies. Food processing wastes (FPW),

depending on the sources, usually contain significant

quantities of lipids (fats and oils) and proteins. Compared to

other organic wastes of different biochemical composition,

lipids are more interesting feedstock for biogas production

because of their reduced organic materials and higher

methane potential. However, continuous feeding of lipids to

the digester could result in accumulation of long chain fatty

acids and consequent inhibition of digestion process [6, 7].

Therefore, they must be fed to the digester at a controlled

rate. In addition, FPW are generally concentrated and must

be diluted before being fed to the digester for stable

digestion process. Dilution will cause increase in influent

volume and, consequently, increase heating energy required

for its digestion. These can reduce the cost-effectiveness of

anaerobic digestion of FPW alone. Compared to the quan-

tity of FPW generated, DM is generated abundantly in the

Tokachi area and this makes their co-digestion an attractive

option. It could serve as a disposal route for both DM and

FPW. It may also enhance their anaerobic digestion process

by providing better carbon and nutrient balance as previ-

ously observed in other studies [5, 8, 9]. The nutrient in the

digested residue could also be recycled back to agriculture

and horticulture, thus creating resource recycling society.

Limited information is available on the influence of the

co-digestion on fertilizer value of the digested slurry.

Addition of FPW to DM may increase the fertilizer value

of the effluent. A unique attribute of the methane produc-

tion from agricultural wastes is a high recovery of nutri-

ents, an important factor in the utilization of digested slurry

as organic fertilizer. Normally, total Kjeldahl nitrogen is

partially lost by conventional lagoon treatment systems.

However, manure nitrogen is conserved and ammonium

nitrogen (NH4-N) composition of manure is increased

during anaerobic digestion process [4, 10, 11].

The objectives of this study were to determine the

digester performance in term of methane production and

recovery and changes in extractability of N, P, K, Ca, and

Mg following thermophilic and mesophilic digestion of

DM and mixture of DM and FPW. The information from

the study will be useful for implementing anaerobic

co-digestion of cow manure and food processing wastes

that are locally available in Tokachi, Hokkaido, Japan, in a

single biogas plant. It will also help in determining the

suitability of the digested slurry for land application.

Materials and methods


Two types of influent feedstock were utilized: 100 % dairy

manure (DM) and a 7:3 mixture (wet weight basis) of DM

and food processing waste (FPW). Selection of DM to

FPW ratio of 7:3 was based on the results of preliminary

batch experiments where an FPW ratio of 30 % of feed

mixture was found to be the maximum concentration

required for anaerobic co-digestion with DM without any

inhibition to the digestion process at both mesophilic and

thermophilic temperatures. In addition, the selection was

based on quantities of DM and FPW generated in the target

areas. The study was initiated to investigate feasibility of

biogas production in centralized biogas digesters planned

for towns with many large dairy farms and few food pro-

cessing factories. The manure (feces only) from ration fed

dairy cows was collected from the concrete floor of a free

stall barn at the Obihiro University Farm, Obihiro,

Hokkaido, Japan. The dairy cows were fed a diet of hay,

plus supplement feeds including dent corn silage and beet

pulp. No antibiotics were incorporated into the feed. The

contents of the FPW, as feedstock, were 3:3:3:1 (weight

basis) mixture of cheese whey, animal blood, used cooking

oil and fried potato waste. The mixture represents the waste

streams from the food processing industry in the Tokachi

area. Cheese whey, fried potato residue and used cooking

oil were obtained from food processing plants in Tokachi,

Hokkaido, Japan. Animal blood was obtained from a local

municipal slaughterhouse. The materials were mixed as

stated above and the mixture was stored at -18 �C until

further use. Prior to use, the mixture was slowly thawed at

room temperature for 24 h. Characteristics of experimental

materials as feedstock are summarized in Table 1. Digested

slurries obtained from a mesophilic biogas digester at

Shihoro Mizoguchi Farm, Shihoro Town, Hokkaido and a

thermophilic biogas digester at Obihiro University Farm,

both digesting dairy cow manure, were used as inoculums

for mesophilic and thermophilic experiments, respectively.

Experimental procedure

The continuous experiments were carried out in four 10 L

digesters constructed from stainless steel. A schematic diagram

of the experimental digester is shown in Fig. 1. The digesters

540 J Mater Cycles Waste Manag (2013) 15:539–547


Page 3: Anaerobic co-digestion of dairy cow manure and high concentrated food processing waste

were placed in temperature-controlled water baths. The

digesters were operated at 35 and 55 �C. The four continuous

digestions of DM and mixture of DM and FPW are abbreviated

as 35DM, 55DM, 35DM ? FPW and 55DM ? FPW. The

parameters of operation of all the digesters are summarized in

Table 2. Feedstock was added once daily. Influent sampling

started at the beginning of the experiments. Effluent collection

began after steady biogas yield was achieved. No supplemental

nutrients were added to the digesters.

Analytical methods

The daily volume of produced gas was measured by a wet

gas meter. All gas measurements were expressed at 0 �C

and a pressure of 1 atm. The composition of the produced

gas was determined using a Shimadzu gas chromatograph

(GC-4C) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector. A

stainless steel column (3 m 9 2 m) packed with 80/100

mesh silica gel was used with helium as the carrier gas at a

flow rate of 28 mL/min. The injector and detector tem-

peratures were 80 and 120 �C, respectively. The column

temperature was 80 �C. Total volatile fatty acids (TVFA)

(formic, acetic, propionic and butyric acids) were deter-

mined by a Shimadzu HPLC (LC-10A), using a Shim-pack

SGR-102H. The analytical procedure for TVFA was

described in detail elsewhere [12].

For determination of total solids, the samples were dried

at 105 �C for 24 h, and total solid contents were calculated

from the differences between weights before and after

drying. The dried matters were heated at 550 �C for 4 h,

and organic matter contents were calculated from the losses

on ignition. For total nitrogen, a 5 g sample was weighed

into a Kjeldahl digestion tube; 10 mL of concentrated

H2SO4 and accelerator (Kjeldahl catalyst tablets) were

added. The tube was placed in a Kjeldahl digestion appa-

ratus (Sibata, B-412) and heated for 2 h. The digestion was

then carried out for another 30 min to ensure conversion of

all nitrogen to ammonium sulphate. After cooling, the

digested sample was transferred into 100-mL volumetric

flasks and diluted with distilled water. Then 20 mL of the

digested solution was analyzed for ammonium by using

Kjel-Auto (Mitamura, MRK automatic nitrogen/protein

measurement apparatus 037800 DTP-3). For ammonium

nitrogen measurement, a mixture of a 5 g sample and

50 mL of 1 mol/L KCl solution was placed into a centri-

fugation tube. After shaking for 1 h with a reciprocating

shaker, the suspension was centrifuged at 3000g for 15 min

and the supernatant was passed through a filter paper. Then

5 mL of the filtrate was analyzed for ammonium-N by

using the Bremner steam-distillation apparatus. The dis-

tillate was titrated against 0.01 mol/L H2SO4.

For measurement of total calcium, potassium and mag-

nesium in the sample, 5 g of the sample was weighed into a

tall-beaker (300 mL). Then 20 mL of concentrated HNO3

and 10 mL of HClO4 were added. The beaker was covered

with a watch-glass and digested at 170 �C on a hot-plate.

Table 1 Characteristics of experimental materials as feedstock

Characteristics DMa DM ? FPWb

TS (%) 8.1 17.9

VS (%) 6.1 16.5

VS/TS (%) 75.3 92.2

pH 6.8 6.4

Total VFA (mg/L) 1189.1 1600.7

Formic acid (mg/L) 18.2 0.0

Acetic acid (mg/L) 885.9 1247.5

Propionic acid (mg/L) 185.1 235.3

Butyric acid (mg/L) 100.0 8.6

a Dairy cow manureb Food processing waste

Gas sampling port

H2S removal

Gas outlet


Thermal Insulator

Temperature controller

Wet gas meter

Feed inlet

Water bath Stirrer

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the experimental digester

Table 2 Operation of methane digesters







Loading rate




35 DM 0.5 3.05 20

35 DM ? FPW 0.5 8.25 20

55 DM 0.5 3.05 20

55 DM ? FPW 0.5 8.25 20

a Hydraulic retention time

J Mater Cycles Waste Manag (2013) 15:539–547 541


Page 4: Anaerobic co-digestion of dairy cow manure and high concentrated food processing waste

The digestion was carried out until the fume completely

changed to white. After cooling, the digested sample was

filtered and diluted in the volumetric flask to 100 mL with

distilled water. The solution was analyzed for Ca, K, and

Mg by using an atomic absorption spectrometer. For

phosphorus determination, the solution was agitated with

activated charcoal for 1 h and filtered to remove the color.

Phosphorus in the solution was analyzed by a molybdate-

blue colorimetric method. For extractable Ca, K, Mg and P

determination, 5 g sample was weighed into a polypro-

pylene vessel. A 20 mL mixture of 0.05 mol/L HCl and

0.0075 mol/L H2SO4 was added. After shaking for 5 min,

the suspension was passed through a filter paper and the

filtrate was diluted in the volumetric flask to 100 mL with

distilled water. Then, Ca, K, Mg, and P in the solution were

analyzed as previously described.

Escherichia coli in the slurry samples before and after

digestion were selectively grown on Desoxycholate agar.

E. coli selective agar plates were incubated at 35 �C for

20 h. Bacterial colonies of E. coli were characterized by

Enterotube Roche identification kit.


Biogas and methane gas yield

Biogas productions, methane concentrations in the pro-

duced biogas and methane gas yields for the duration of the

experiments are presented in Fig. 2. The highest biogas

yields were observed at 55DM ? FPW digester. The yields

were higher than 21 L/Ldigester/day after 5 days of diges-

tion. The digestion system failed at 35DM ? FPW. In the

35DM ? FPW digester, biogas production ceased after

13 days of digestion. The biogas yields at 35DM and

55DM were almost the same after 13 days of digestion.

Methane concentrations in the produced gas rose steadily

from Day 2 in all the digesters and were stably over 50 %

after 12 days, except in 35DM ? FPW digester, where

significant inhibition was observed. The highest average

concentration of 56 % was observed in 55DM ? FPW

digester. Compared with 35DM and 55DM digesters,

methane yields in 55DM ? FPW digester were higher,

with maximum value of 0.207 L/g VS/day. Similarly,

55DM ? FPW gave highest average methane gas yield

(Table 3).

Change in pH, VFA accumulation and VS reduction

The pH increased in all digesters except for the inhibited

35DM ? FPW digester where effluent pH was low

(Table 4). The pH of the 35DM and 55DM digesters

increased by 0.9 and 1.3 pH units, to 7.7 and 8.1,

respectively, and in the 55DM ? FPW digester, it

increased by 0.9 pH units to 7.3. The concentrations of

total VFA decreased in all the digesters except in

35DM ? FPW (Fig. 3). Total VFA in 35DM and 55DM

digesters decreased from initial concentrations of

1189.08 mg/L from day 1 to day 15. The concentrations

increased slightly until day 30, thereafter remained stably

low at about 998.4 and 323.6 mg/L in 35DM and 55DM,

respectively. In 55DM ? FPW digester, there were sharp

increases of total VFA on days 10 and 30, and it remained

low at about 805.1 mg/L for the remaining days. Total

VFA accumulated above 2500 mg/L after day 21 in

35DM ? FPW. The VS reductions from all the digesters

ranged from 15.6 to 45.8 % (Table 4). The VS reduction









0 10 20 30 40 50 60




ld (











0 10 20 30 40 50 60Met


e co












0 10 20 30 40 50 60Met


e yi






Time (day)




Fig. 2 Periodical change of biogas production (a), methane concen-

tration (b) and methane yields (c). Filled diamond 35DM, filled

square 55DM, filled triangle 35DM ? FPW and x 55DM ? FPW

Table 3 Methane gas yields

Digester CH4 L/digester L/day CH4 L/g VS/day

35DM 0.53 ± 0.08a 0.15 ± 0.03

35DM ? FPW Ceased Ceased

55DM 0.53 ± 0.08 0.14 ± 0.02

55DM ? FPW 1.48 ± 0.02 0.17 ± 0.03

a Values are averages ± standard deviation (n = 60)

542 J Mater Cycles Waste Manag (2013) 15:539–547


Page 5: Anaerobic co-digestion of dairy cow manure and high concentrated food processing waste

rate was higher at thermophilic temperatures than meso-

philic temperatures. The highest VS reduction rate of

45.8 % was observed at 55DM ? FPW.

Conversion and recovery of nutritional elements

The concentrations of NH4-N and TKN in the influents and

effluents are presented in Table 5. The results show that

DM contributed the major part of NH4-N in DM ? FPW’s

feedstock while addition of 30 % (wt/wt) FPW increased

TKN to 6015.1 mg/L, an increase of 5594.6 mg/L when

compared with DM’s TKN. These observations are sup-

ported by results in Table 7 where results show that

influent’s NH4-N/TKN was 22.7 % for DM alone but

reduced to 14.2 % when FPW was added. As expected,

NH4-N increased in all digesters after digestion with con-

centrations ranging from 1639.5 mg/L in 55DM to

2369.9 mg/L in 55DM ? FPW. These translate to 275.4

and 278.4 % recoveries of NH4-N at 35DM ? FPW and

55DM ? FPW, respectively, and were higher than 171.0

and 169.6 % obtained at 35DM and 55DM, respectively

(Table 6). These results imply that, compared with 35DM

and 55DM, more mineralization of organic N occurred at

35DM ? FPW and 55DM ? FPW, with 55DM ? FPW

having higher mineralization and this was also evidenced

by the results of concentrations of TKN in effluent,

recoveries of TKN and effluent’s NH4-N/TKN in Tables 5,

6 and 7, respectively. These results also indicate that the

observed inhibition of digestion process at 35DM ? FPW

affected organic N mineralization to a much lesser extent

than it affected methane yield.

The results of concentrations of K in the influent also

show that the feedstocks’ K was mainly from DM

(Table 5). The ratios of extractable to total K reveal that

large parts of the influents’ K were extractable (Table 7).

After digestion, concentrations of extractable and total K

decreased in all digesters with values ranging from 2306.6

to 3328.1 mg/L. These reductions amount to lesser recov-

eries of 74.5–88.5 % compared to recoveries of NH4-N

(Table 6). Similarly, the ratios of extractable to total K

decreased from 93.6 and 95.7 % to values between 82.6

and 87.9 % after digestion, with the highest reduction

observed at 35DM ? FPW. As similarly observed for

NH4-N and K, influents’ P at 35DM ? FPW and 55DM ?

FPW mainly originated from DM (Table 5). Lower values

(71.0 and 75.6 %) of influents’ ratios of extractable to total

P when compared to other nutritional elements indicate that

a large component of manure P was not extractable

(Table 7). Compared to influent concentrations, effluent

extractable P concentrations as well as total P concentra-

tions in all the digesters were reduced except in

35DM ? FPW digester (Table 5). It is possible that the

component of extractable P in the influent changed form

during digestion and was not extractable after digestion.

Consequently, ratios of extractable to total P reduced

slightly after digestion at 55DM, 35DM ? FPW and

55DM ? FPW, with highest reduction at 55DM ? FPW,

while the ratio increased slightly at 35DM (Table 7).

Table 4 Characteristics of

effluents from the digesters

a Data in the table are means

(n = 12)

Characteristics 35DM 55DM 35DM ? FPW 55DM ? FPW

TS (%) 7.0a 6.1 14.3 10.4

VS (%) 5.2 4.5 12.8 8.9

pH 7.7 8.1 5.7 7.3

TVFA (mg/L) 998.4 323.6 2822.2 805.1

Formic acid (mg/L) 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.4

Acetic acid (mg/L) 387.3 260.1 1273.9 490.0

Propionic acid (mg/L) 595.9 61.6 1000.4 294.5

Butyric acid (mg/L) 15.2 1.9 547.6 20.2

NH4-N (mg/L) 1653.6 1639.5 2344.9 2369.9

TKN (mg/L) 3906.4 3644.3 4700.0 4396.6

NH4-N/TKN (%) 42.3 45.0 49.9 53.9

TS reduction (%) 13.9 24.3 20.3 42.2

VS reduction (%) 15.6 26.6 23.2 45.8











0 10 20 30 40 50 60To

tal v




ty a





Time (day)

Fig. 3 Periodical changes of total volatile acid (VFA). Filled

diamond 35DM, filled square 55DM, filled triangle 35DM ? FPW

and x 55DM ? FPW

J Mater Cycles Waste Manag (2013) 15:539–547 543


Page 6: Anaerobic co-digestion of dairy cow manure and high concentrated food processing waste

The ratios of extractable to total Ca of influent were

greater than 80 %, suggesting that large proportion Ca,

which also mainly originated from manure, was extractable

(Table 7). Recoveries of extractable and total Ca from all

the digesters ranged from 95.6 to 110.8 % (Table 6) while

ratio of extractable to total Ca increased from 81.4 to

88.4 % and 92.2 % at 35DM and 55DM, respectively, and

decreased from 84.4 to 83.4 and 80.3 % at 35DM ? FPW

and 55DM ? FPW, respectively (Table 7). The results of

extractable to total Mg ratios of the influents indicate high

extractability of manure Mg as similarly observed for K

and Ca (Table 7). There were reductions in the ratios after

digestion in all the digesters except at 55DM ? FPW

where marginal increase was observed. Compared with

digestion of DM alone, higher recoveries were observed in

co-digested effluents (Table 6), suggesting that co-diges-

tion improved the recovery of Mg.

Coliform bacteria

The changes in viable counts of the E. coli from the

digesters are given in Table 8. E. coli was not detected in

the slurries from 55DM and 55DM ? FPW digesters after

digestion process. The viable number also declined in

mesophilic digesters during digestion process with least

reduction observed at 35DM ? FPW.


The results of this study support the viewpoint that

co-digestion of different waste materials is an interesting

Table 5 Concentrations of

NH4-N, TKN and extractable

and total K, P, Ca, and Mg in

the influent and effluent

Data in the table are means

(n = 12)

Influent Effluent

DM DM ? FPW 35DM 55DM 35DM ? FPW 55DM ? FPW

NH4-N 996.9a 851.3 1653.6 1639.5 2344.9 2369.9

TKN 420.5 6015.1 3906.4 3644.3 4700.1 4396.6

Extr. K 3728.1 3021.1 2926.8 2781.5 2306.6 2250.1

Total K 3982.1 3158.2 3328.1 3242.2 2794.1 2689.2

Extr. P 601.9 472.1 522.1 489.9 498.9 429.2

Total P 847.4 624.5 723.9 696.9 669.1 606.8

Extr. Ca 1105.1 831.1 1170.7 1196.1 921.1 792.7

Total Ca 1356.9 984.9 1324.5 1297.9 1104.8 986.7

Extr. Mg 991.6 764.7 860.6 818.5 824.8 713.5

Total Mg 1032.2 785.7 910.5 918.1 860.5 725.1

Table 6 Recovery of nutritional elements

35DM 55DM 35DM ? FPW 55DM ? FPW

TKN (%) 91.9a 85.7 78.8 73.1

NH4-N (%) 171.0 169.6 275.4 278.4

Total Ca (%) 97.6 95.6 112.2 100.2

Extr. Ca (%) 105.9 108.2 110.8 95.4

Total K (%) 83.6 81.4 88.5 85.2

Extr. K (%) 78.5 74.6 76.4 74.5

Total Mg (%) 88.4 89.1 109.5 92.3

Extr. Mg (%) 86.8 82.5 107.9 93.3

Total P (%) 85.4 82.2 107.1 97.2

Extr. P (%) 86.7 81.4 105.7 90.9

a Data in the table are means (n = 12)

Table 7 NH4-N/TKN, Extractable/Total Ca, K, Mg and P of the

influent and effluent





total Ca



total K




Mg (%)


total P



35DM 22.7a 81.4 93.6 96.3 71.0

55DM 22.7 81.4 93.6 96.3 71.0

35DM ? FPW 14.2 84.4 95.7 97.3 75.6

55DM ? FPW 14.2 84.4 95.7 97.3 75.6


35DM 42.3 88.4 87.9 94.5 72.1

55DM 45.0 92.2 85.8 89.2 70.3

35DM ? FPW 49.9 83.4 82.6 95.9 74.6

55DM ? FPW 53.9 80.3 83.7 98.4 70.7

a Data in the table are means (n = 12)

Table 8 The numbers of coliform bacteria

Digester Influent Effluent

35DM log CFU/mL 7 1

35DM ? FPW log CFU/mL 7 3

55DM log CFU/mL 7 nda

55DM ? FPW log CFU/mL 7 nd

a Not detected

544 J Mater Cycles Waste Manag (2013) 15:539–547


Page 7: Anaerobic co-digestion of dairy cow manure and high concentrated food processing waste

option for improving biogas yields of anaerobic digestion

of solid wastes. Co-digestion of DM with FPW improved

biogas production from DM compared with digestion of

DM alone. The highest methane yield (0.207 L/g VS

added) obtained at thermophilic temperature is the range of

values earlier reported for co-digestion of manure and food

waste. El-Mashad and Zhang [5] reported methane yields

of 0.282 and 0.311 L/g VS from batch co-digestion of

unscreened dairy manure and food waste. Alvarez and

Liden [13] obtained methane yields of 0.27–0.35 L/g VS

added from co-digestion of solid cattle and swine manure,

slaughterhouse waste, and fruit and vegetable waste. Cal-

laghan et al. [14] reported methane yields of 0.21–0.33 L/g

VS added from co-digestion of cattle slurry, chicken

manure, and fruit and vegetable waste.

The present study indicates that thermophilic tempera-

ture is the optimal condition for co-digestion of dairy cow

manure and concentrated food processing waste. This is

consistent with results of the previous studies examining

anaerobic digestion of various wastes. Cecchi et al. [15]

reported that thermophilic temperature was optimal for

digesting organic municipal sludge waste in a pilot scale

study. Similarly, Ganoun et al. [16] found that thermophilic

temperature (55 �C) produced higher biogas yield than

mesophilic temperature (37 �C) when olive mill waste

water and abattoir waste water were co-digested at both

mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures. The observed

performance at thermophilic temperature might be expec-

ted given the fact that higher temperature favors diffusion

and solubility of lipid in aqueous media, thereby increasing

its accessibility to microorganisms [17]. This viewpoint is

also supported by work of Kabouris et al. [18], who sug-

gested thermophilic co-digestion of municipal sludge, fat,

oil and grease (FOG) for increased methane production.

The improved performance could also be explained by a

higher carbon content in the mixture compared to manure

alone and supply of additional nutrients by the co-substrate,

which probably established positive synergism in the

digestion liquor [19]. The VS reduction of 45.8 % obtained

at thermophilic temperature for a mixture of dairy cow

manure and food processing waste is within the range that

has been previously reported for co-digestion of manure

and other organic wastes. For instance, with co-digestion of

cattle slurry, fruit and vegetable wastes and chicken man-

ure, the reductions were between 30 and 50 % [14] and a

study of co-digestion of manure and lipids reported a VS

reduction of 51 % [20].

The digestion system was inhibited at 35DM ? FPW.

The inhibition was characterized by gradual reduction in

biogas production, accumulation of total VFA and conse-

quent low pH. Distribution of total VFA in effluent from

35DM ? FPW shows that acetic acid and propionic acid

were the predominant acids accumulated, accounting for

45.1 and 35.4 % of total VFA, respectively. Accumulation

of propionic acid is known to be an indicator of failure of

methanogenesis. This may explain the observed inhibition.

It is also possible that rate of FPW additions combined with

the rate of cell wash out at 20 days HRT may have been too

rapid for maintenance of a stable methanogenic population.

Effluent from 35DM ? FPW contained high concentration

of NH4-N, which probably resulted from higher protein

content compared to dairy cow manure alone. High con-

centration of proteins could lead to ammonia inhibition [21].

However, we cannot conclude that the inhibition observed at

35DM ? FPW was due to NH4-N production since

55DM ? FPW digester equally produced high quantity of


Aside from methane production, anaerobic digestion

produces effluent that is rich in nutrient and could be a ready

source of organic fertilizer. Our results indicate that a large

portion of the nutritional elements originated from manure.

This might be expected as elements originally from feed

accumulate in the manure. Most of the elements may

eventually end up in biogas digestate. The fertilizing effect

of digestate is mostly determined by concentrations of

essential nutrients (N, P, K) in the digestate. Higher con-

centration of NH4-N was observed in effluent from mixture

of manure and food processing waste than effluent from

digestion of manure alone. This could be attributed to higher

readily degradable protein in mixture than manure alone as

NH4? is a product of protein deamination. Our results, thus,

indicate that co-digestion of dairy cow manure and food

processing waste will increase the fertilizing potential of the

effluent as a nitrogen fertilizer. Concentrations of P and K in

co-digested effluent reduced slightly after digestion. Similar

observations were reported by Lansing et al., [22]. They

reported increase in effluent NH4-N and reduction of total P

when swine manure was co-digested with used cooking

grease in low-cost digesters. Although the concentrations of

P and K in co-digested effluent reduced slightly after

digestion, application of co-digested manure and food pro-

cessing waste at thermophilic temperature is recommended

for crop cultivation since the concentrations are still

adequate for crop fertilization as specified in Hokkaido

Fertilizer Recommendation Guide [23].

Another important aspect of digested slurry quality is

hygiene. Livestock manure may contain pathogenic bac-

teria, which may originate from the tissue of diseased

animals and healthy carriers who excrete bacteria in feces,

urine, and exudate. Their release to aquatic environments

without proper treatment could pose a risk to public health

[24]. A previous study [22] reported reductions of indicator

organisms of microbial pollution when swine manure was

co-digested with used cooking grease. Moreover, the effi-

ciency of reduction largely depends on various factors such

as temperature, treatment time and mode of digestion,

J Mater Cycles Waste Manag (2013) 15:539–547 545


Page 8: Anaerobic co-digestion of dairy cow manure and high concentrated food processing waste

batch or continuous [24]. E. coli was not detected in

effluents from 55DM and 55DM ? FPW. This implies

100 % reductions at thermophilic temperature and the

values were larger than 97.1 % reduction reported by

Lansing et al., [22] for anaerobic digestion of swine man-

ure and used cooking grease at 25 �C. This might be

expected given the fact that thermophilic temperatures

decimate bacterial population faster than mesophilic tem-

peratures [24, 25]. Sahlstrom [24] opined that recycling of

unsafe digested residues as organic fertilizer could present

a new route of transmission of pathogens between man and

animals. Complete organism die-off at thermophilic tem-

perature implies that land application of co-digested

effluent at thermophilic temperature may not present new

route of transmission of pathogens. Considerable reduc-

tions were also observed at mesophilic temperature

([1 log CFU/mL, more than 90 % reduction). This was

probably due to long HRT (20 days) as bacteria decimation

is both temperature and time dependent [24].


Co-digestion of cow manure and food processing waste at

thermophilic temperature was shown to be more efficient

than digestion of manure alone in this study. Co-digestion

of cow manure and food processing waste showed more

than twofold increase in methane production per digester

volume compared to digestion of cow manure alone.

However, the effect of co-digestion at mesophilic temper-

ature on methane production was unclear due to inhibition

that was observed at mesophilic temperature. Based on our

results thermophilic co-digestion of cow manure and food

processing waste (7:3 wt/wt, wet basis) is recommended

for practical application. Co-digesting with food processing

waste increased NH4-N recovering after digestion. The

ratios of extractable to total K, P and Mg were reduced

slightly after digestion. Co-digested effluent can be used as

organic fertilizer. Our results also suggest that land appli-

cation of co-digested effluent from thermophilic treatment

may not present new route of transmission of pathogens.


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