zombie romance

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Zombie Romance


    Zombie Romance

    In the year 2013, in the decrepit City of New York after a biochemical outbreak on the public, the chemical

    was killing the population with a very high degree fever, then after an hour or so of being dead, the virus

    reanimates the brain stem; it reiterates the main instinct to survive and that is to eat. The long and wide

    streets of New York were filled with the reanimated flesh of our friends, as their bodies staggered and

    lugged across the pavement; the used to be white lines that at one time clearly defined the road were

    now barely visible due to the rough dragging feet and blood splatter.

    Along a deep and dragging alleyway a youngwoman, named Ann sprinted down to the

    seemingly clear opening, as she got closer a man ran across the opening at the end of the alley. She

    called out to him to get his attention, after a few moments the man came back. At first she did not know

    what to do and just stood there as a puzzled look fell upon her face, he grabbed her shoulders and shook

    her, and said, Are you coming or are you just going to stand there like an idiot?She gathered herself

    and followed him down a winding road to a car that was about one block away from the alley; they used

    the car to get out of town and into the dense forest. After about five minutes or so, she asked him if he

    was holding up with other people, he responded by saying that they had a camp up the mountain a ways

    he also mentioned that they are pretty stocked on supplies. It was a fast trip, and unexpectedly close to

    town to be up a mountain,even though they were close to town she still felt safe. There were tents and

  • 8/13/2019 Zombie Romance


    Zombie Romance

    a camp trailer, a campfire, clotheslines, and washboards sitting at the creek banks that flowed swiftly past

    their camp. He introduced her to the four other people who occupied the well-equipped camp, first there

    as Sara who had seemingly welcome and bright demeanor. Second, there was Zach that was not so

    welcoming and constantly asked why the man, who helped me, brought me here. Third, there was Sophia

    who seemed disconsolate but had a faint smile when she shook my hand; fourth, he introduced Kyle who

    had a boundary pushingsense of humor. Finally yet notably he introduced himself, his name was Trevor;

    he was very kind and seemed to be the most level headed one out of the group. As the sun was going

    down, he showed her, her place to sleep which was in the trailer. I laid down and fell right to sleep.

    In the morning, the aroma of eggs and bacon woke me up. As Ann went down the metal fold out

    stairs that came down from the trailer, Sara met her with a heavily filled plate, that was made from a trash

    can lid, of eggs and bacon. After breakfast, they all were ecstatic to have me in the camp except for Zach. I

    tried to talk to him but he just kept bombarding me with dirty looks. I did not quite know how to use a

    sword so I went into the trailer and grabbed the sword from the tainted wood compartment above the

    windshield while the group was out foraging for supplies. I set up the object I was going to swing at on

    the hood of Trevors carand commenced reading the manual. I took a swing at it, I missed my target, the

    sword hit the car with a loud twang, and then the car alarm sounded its high cry for help, which echoed

  • 8/13/2019 Zombie Romance


    Zombie Romance

    throughout the forest. Just a few moments later Trevor came rushing towards me with a panicked tone in

    his voice asking me if I was O.K. I reassured him that nothing was wrong with me and I was just trying to

    learn how to use a sword. He quickly disabled the alarm silencing its call. After the rest of the group came

    back from scavenging, Trevor explained to them what transpired. It seemed as if the terrible mistake was

    past us, but Zach came bursting out of the trailer with all the swords in his hands, and said that I put them

    all at jeopardy because of the loud noise and soon the fleshieswill be all around them. He says he is

    going to make sure I am unable to do it again by keeping the swords far away from my cursed hands.

    It was dark now and Trevor and I were talking, I had come to realize that we had chemistry; he

    cared about me even though we have only known each other for about two days. It got silent as the

    moons rays filled the camp, the way that the soft rays cast their light upon the world was magnificent, as

    we were taking in the beauty of the night sky our eyes met, then he slowly leaned in and pushed the hair

    from my face and we kissed, it was fairy-tale like. We went back to the camp, split ways and went to one

    anothers sleeping place, and fell asleep with one another on our minds.

    We were awoken suddenly to the sound of someone calling out for help as she was being ripped

    violently apart by zombies, we realized that the walking corpses had fallen upon our camp in the night.

    We quickly rushed outside and saw that Sara was dead with her intestines strung out across the ground.

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    Zombie Romance

    Sophia seemed to be next on the zombies hit list as her tent was ripped to shreds and she was dragged

    out of the tents remains flailing. They started to rip her flesh from her body and eat it; she was dying a

    slow and painful death before slipping into shock and dying of cardiac arrest. Zach was ripped in half from

    the stomach down with his body strung across the hood of the car as if he was a deer freshly killed by a

    hunter. Kyle was nowhere to be found and we assumed that he had died farther from the camp or he was

    able to escape the walking dead. We quickly scrambled up the side of the trailer hoping that if we laid

    down on top of the trailers roof they would lose interest and shuffle off. I looked in Trevors direction and

    saw him being bit in the leg and dragged off of the trailers roof, I frantically grabbed for him but to my

    own demise; when I was able to get ahold of Trevor I lost my balance and slid off the trailer hitting my

    head on the metal fold out stairs. With my skull split, open lying on the earth I looked over at Trevors

    mutilated body and wept for him before passing out due to blood loss and then my body was ripped

    asunder by the flesh hungry zombies. In the end, all of us died a horrible and tragic death.

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