zombie apocolypse

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 Zombie Apocolypse


    My name is Lily. I was a normal 17 year old girl with normal teenage problems. I fought

    with my siblings and I argued with my parents, I had crushes on boys I knew I could never go out

    with, I did alright in school, I hung out with friends, normal teenage stuff.

    I was at the mall with my little brother Alex the day it started, he was only 10 years old and

    I was taking him to find a birthday present for my little sister Abby, she was turning 13 the

    upcoming Saturday. We were supposed to have this big party and we wanted to get her the perfect

    present, she had been reading a lot of mystery books and I wanted to get her one by my favorite

    author. Alex on the other hand thought she might want a make-up set instead. Thats what we were

    arguing about when they came.

    I didnt understand at the time what was happening; now I do, that zombie apocalypse I had

    laughed at and always planned out so carefully so that my family and I would be the soul

    survivors, it happened. At first I thought it was a joke that some group of kids had put on to scare

    people. It wasnt, I realized that when a woman by the cash-register was attacked and I saw the

    terror and fear in her eyes as it bit her neck and the life started to drain out of her body. As terrified

    as I was I knew that I had to keep Alex safe and get him out of there.

    We were right by the entrance into the mall itself, I took one look at Alex, grabbed the

    collar of his shirt and started running without looking behind me. I looked back at him and said

    with my bravest face,

    Come on, we gotta get out of here start running.

    I didnt see the people I bumped into or knocked over, I didnt care. The only thing that I

    could think of was Alex right beside me. His face was pale as snow he was running as hard as he

    could so I slowed down a bit for him, just a bit.

    I realized that the mall couldnt go on forever and that I didnt want to go outside because it

    was probably worse out there. As far as I could tell they hadnt reached this part yet, everyone was

    looking at us like we were crazy. I looked around and saw a bathroom, I pulled Alex to the door

    and shoved him in and locked the door behind us. I checked all of the stalls to make sure we were

    alone, we were. It seemed like we were in there just in time, the screaming had just started. I heard

    gunshots which I didnt think much of through the panic. I heard people banging on the door

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    screaming to be let in, that people were dying out there. I couldnt open the door, what if one got

    in, and then we were trapped. I cradled Alex in my lap and cried with him, as much as I wanted to

    let them in I couldnt, I know how selfish it sounds but I didnt want to risk Alexs life to let some

    stranger in. I may have been able to save their lives, I will never know, and it will haunt me for the

    rest of my life.

    I dont know how long it went on before it was quiet; it could have been hours or minuets.

    When it was I told Alex to go to the sink and some water in a bottle I had in my purse. Only then

    did I remember Abby and my parents, they were at home and I wanted to make sure that they were

    ok. I had driven there so I had transportation. But right now my biggest concern was making sure

    that Alex was safe. I remembered reading a book about a zombie apocalypse called Cell, where the

    disease was transmitted by cell phones, I couldnt help thinking that maybe someone figured out

    how to do that I know how silly it sounds but I didnt really want to take any chances by calling

    the house on my cell. After I was done calming him down I went and put my ear up to the door, it

    had been quiet for a while so I figured they had moved on, but just to be safe I told Alex to go hide

    in one of the stalls until I said that it was all clear.

    I couldnt hear anything but that didnt mean there wasnt anything there. So I quietly

    unlocked the door and listened for a while longer. When I was sure there was no noise out there

    that I could hear I slowly and quietly opened the door. The sight that met me was a gruesome one;

    there were bodies and blood everywhere, of people and zombies alike, you could tell the difference

    by their complexion and if they were shot or not, I guess thats why someone was shooting, to save


    I called Alex quietly to come over and to stay quiet. He took one look around and vomited.

    I suppose that would be a natural reaction, me, I was just glad that Alex wasnt one of them.

    After he was done I told him to stay quiet and follow very closely behind me, and to do

    exactly as I say when I say it. While we were trying to get out of the mall I thought I saw

    something in my prefer ale vision move by one of the shops, I tensed ready to run with Alex out of

    the front doors which werent that far away. Then I realized it was a guy not much older than me,

    good looking, tall, blonde hair, green eyes, familiar, probably goes to my school, and he was

    holding a gun pointed strait at us. I pushed Alex behind me as fast as I could and lifted my hands

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    over my head, there was no way we were going to out run a bullet.

    Then the guy said,

    Did either of you get bitten?

    What? I replied bewildered at the unusual question.

    Did you or the kid get bitten? he asked again harshly.

    Oh, no we got away before they got to us, I said then looked at Alexs pale face and

    added, Hey can you point that gun somewhere else, youre scaring my brother.

    I guess he saw Alexs face too because he lowered it some, not all the way though still ready.

    Good, now get out of here before they come back, he said briskly.

    Wait what about you? Do you need a lift; Im going to get my family. I told him.

    Well, where are you headed, cuz there isnt much that hasnt been hit.

    Down by Ming and Ashe, the housing complex, I said.

    He looked at me with a kind of sad look and said,

    Well I hate to have to be the one to tell you this, but that whole area has been burned to

    the ground, a bunch of survivors are down at our school, in Harvey Auditorium and the bomb

    shelter, if you want to go there you can hitch I ride with me, maybe well find them there.

    He thought about it for a minuet then added,

    What do you drive?

    Umm, my dads Chevy, why do you ask? I asked pointing to the blue truck outside.

    Well if you want to come bring your truck, we need all the vehicles we can get our hands

    on and a truck would be a nice addition.

    He said the last part with a smile.

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    I remembered him now, I had him in my English class last year, his name is Chris, he was

    the really smart kid I remembered that lots of the kids didnt like because he always set the curve

    really high on tests.

    Umm, well you better get going where ever youre going, its not safe to stay in one place

    to long, especially an open place like this one, he said interrupting my train of thought.

    Right. Alex what do you want to do?

    Umm, I- I d-dont know, he said that A-Abby and Mom and Dad might be at the s-school,

    lets go there. he stuttered still frightened and wide eyed.

    Okay lets go, are you coming Chris?

    No, Ill catch up with you guys later. Here, umm take this, he said handing me his gun,

    you dont ever want to be caught without one. Taking a piece of paper out of his pocket before I

    could interrupt he added, When you get there go into Little Harvey at the side of the building you

    will most likely meet two people, they will be armed and standing guard, when they ask you if

    youve been bitten show them this paper and ask for Brandon. When they take you to him give him

    a report on what happened here and tell him I was the only one left, we lost the other three, there

    were too many. Got it?

    Wait, if I have your gun what are you going to use? I asked.

    Ill use Alexandrias, he said in a rough voice.

    Understanding dawned on me; shes one of the ones that didnt make it.

    Im sorry for the loss; I will try my best to get the message to them. Thanks for the gun. I

    said as we started walking away. Come on Alex lets go to the car.

    My mind on red alert, we walked swiftly and stealthily to the truck, Alex started falling

    behind and I told him to hurry up but he wouldnt. I guess his adrenaline had run out, I picked him

    up and carried him to the truck as quickly as I could. When we made it I looked around quickly

    and put him in the passenger seat and ran around to the other side jumped in and closed the door. I

    couldnt get my key in the ignition for my shaking hand, thats when it really hit me, this was

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    really happening.

    I couldnt think about it without breaking down so I jammed the key in and started driving

    in the direction of BHS, Bakersfield High School, it is the oldest school in Bakersfield, California.

    It was built in 1892 and was round for WWI and WWII so it has a bomb shelter and everything. I

    guess that was why it was a much sought out place of refuges during the apocalypse. It is a pretty

    ideal place, the bomb shelter is underground, and it has enough room, food, and water for about

    300 people for a few days, Harvey was also pretty big, lots of tools and materials to build things.

    While we were driving I told him to put his head down and to not look out of the

    window. One reason was because there were bodies and blood everywhere, we hadnt really seen

    any zombies though, and second was because I was driving so fast it scared me let alone him. I

    wanted to get there as fast as possible without running into trouble. I expected a lot more cars on

    the road, you know other people running. I didnt see any at all.

    After a few minutes in the car I turned on the radio to see if there was any news,

    and if there wasnt if there was any music that might help us relax a little. The moment I turned it

    on I heard that annoying warning beep going off and a cool womans voice saying;

    Warning, do not leave your houses, block any means of entrance into your house such as

    windows and doors. Do not allow anyone entrance to your home that has been bitten by an infected

    person or injured in any way including friends and family. Listen for further instructions, a

    message from the U.S. government.

    After the message started to repeat I turned off the radio thinking how it could have spread

    so quickly, we were only in the mall for maybe an hour and a half. It didnt seem possible that it

    hadnt started before we left, and there was no way that the entire neighborhood had burnt down in

    that short amount of time.

    And with that thought in my head I turned the car around and said to Alex,

    I think I want to go and check to make sure that mom, dad, and Anne arent

    waiting for us at home, you know just in case.

    While we were driving I did see a significant amount of smoke in that general direction,

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    and that the number of zombies was growing. Now instead of seeing two or three Im seeing

    hoards of ten to twenty surrounding what looked like human carcasses. When I saw that I said in

    what I hoped was a somewhat stern voice,

    Keep your head down and dont look out the windows Alex, theres no point

    youll just get more scared, when I finished the sentence though my voice sounded more queasy

    than stern. He did as I said though.

    When we go to the neighborhood I could tell Chris had been right about it being burnt to

    the ground, everything was turned to ash, homes, gardens, and trees, all black and gray ash. There

    werent any fire trucks or ambulances anywhere which I thought was odd. The street that leads into

    the area was blocked off with road blocks and quarantine signs; that was when I realized that this is

    where it must have started. Where the disease spread from, it could have even started in my house

    or on my street. I guess who ever is in charge thought that burning the infected area down would

    stop it from spreading, but it didnt, and I knew my parents and sister were gone. All I had left was

    Alex now. I looked at him now, he was looking out the window like I told him not to, and he was

    crying, he must have realized they were gone too.

    I couldnt take it anymore; I could feel panic, sadness, pain, and raw fear starting to settle

    in me. I jammed the car into reverse slammed on the gas, swung around, put it in drive and sped

    down towards the school that may be the only safe place left. After a few minutes I could feel tears

    running down my face and I knew Alex was watching me, so I said with as much strength as I

    could muster,

    So looks like Chris was right. We are going to the school, when we get there I want you to

    stay very close to me okay. We are going to get out of the car and run to the doors, I want you to

    run as fast as you can and dont look behind you, dont be scared I wont let anything get you.

    I prayed that I wouldnt need to use the gun Chris gave me, I had never fired a gun beforeand I wasnt sure how good my aim was.

    We were coming up to the street where BHS was and I was getting very anxious and

    worried, and started asking myself questions that I knew would only make me more worried like;

    What if there was no one there to open the door? Or what if they say there are too many people and

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    they cant take us in? Where would we go if that was the case?

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