zara in wonderland

Post on 26-Mar-2016






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Zara In Wonderland Sara Words Checked: 1995 Words in Oxford 3000: 91% with a strange sight, and write with a Let the imaginations fly free. See things flying word. dreaming about going on a journey. Zara, under the high pressure, was However, this time, her journey was ‘different’ than others… The Queen and The Candy-floss tower 23 Back to Life 30 The Plant Kingdom and The Misunderstanding 20 The Horrible Chase and The Mysterious Castle 12 The Terrible Mid-term exams 6


Zara In



Words Checked: 1995

Words in Oxford 3000: 91%

About the author

Let the imaginations fly free. See things

with a strange sight, and write with a

flying word.

A girl loves shopping, fashion, books, dreaming, sleeping. She

considers the world as a fairy tale. You won’t know what will appear

on the next corner.

About the Story

Zara, under the high pressure, was

dreaming about going on a journey.

However, this time, her journey was

‘different’ than others…


The Terrible Mid-term exams 6

In The Room 9

The Horrible Chase and The Mysterious Castle 12

The Plant Kingdom and The Misunderstanding 20

The Queen and The Candy-floss tower 23

Back to Life 30

The Terrible Mid-term exams

It was a lovely,

warm Monday

morning. Zara

bought some

bread and walked to school slowly and

nervously. “Today is an important day,” she

murmured to herself. “I have two very

important exams, American Literature and

the French grammar. I hope that I can get

good grades.” She ate her breakfast quickly,

almost engulf it. The classmates were silent

and concentrated on their books.

Finally, we heard the bells ringing. The

only sound that could be heard was books

closing. Zara stepped into the classroom and

the exams had begun.

After four torturous hours, Zara walked

home dispiritedly. She did not do well on her

exams. “What’s wrong with me?” she spoke

to herself, “I had read that in the textbook.

How could I forget?” She sighed and took

out her key and

hurried inside her


It was nearly

noon. The sunlight

was very strong

and the temperature was about 29℃. Zara

turned on the air-conditioner and put on her

pajamas. She made a cup of hot milk for

herself. After about thirty minutes, she felt

very tired and sleepy. Then she went to bed.

In The Room

The sunlight shone on Zara’s face, and

she woke up. She surprisingly discovered that

she was dressed in a long white dress, and it

was decorated with rhinestones. Therefore,

she discovered that she was in a room that

she had never seen before. She had no idea

how she got into this room.


room was

furnished and


elegantly and

classically. There was a large window, which

was as tall as the wall in the room.

Furthermore, there was a balcony outside

the window. Zara could see a huge velvet

lawn that ended by the forest from the

window. A white daybed was set next to the

window. A small juniper table, decorated

with golden

edges, was next

to the daybed.

At the centre of

the room, there

was a large bed

with brownish bedquilt, golden pillows, and

surrounded by the brown velour coverlets.

Also the carpet, made of fleece, covered all

the floors.

She walked out to the balcony. The

birds were twittering. The sunshine was warm.

There was a gentle breeze blowing on her

face, her hair and her beautiful white dress.

However, Zara had no idea where she

was. She walked around the room

disquietingly. Wondering where she was. “Is it

a dream? But everything seems so real,” she

thought. Suddenly, a man knocked at the

door rapidly and shouted loudly.

The Horrible Chase and The Mysterious Castle

The man wore black

knickerbockers and

white silk socks. He had

curly hair, and he

might had been sixty

five. He was very old,

but he looked very healthy and agile. “Hurry,

Miss! The knights are coming!” said the man

anxiously. Zara opened the door. “Who are

you? Where am I? What am I doing here?”

Zara asked a series of questions to the man.

She wondered what had happened to her.

“What?” replied the man surprisingly, “what’s

wrong with you, Miss? It’s me, Andrew! I am

your steward. Don’t you remember me?” He

didn’t give any time for Zara to reply, and he

pulled her hand and hurried out of the room.

We could hear someone hit the door

violently and the sounds of the heavy metals.

“They are coming,” Andrew said anxiously,

“they are looking for you, Miss.” “Looking for

me? Why?” asked Zara confusedly. “They

come from a castle, not far from here, and

they wand to grab you. They are serving for a

king. That greedy, bloody and ugly emperor

wants you to be his bride,” said Andrew. “The

beautiful girls who had been chosen or been

took to his castle had all disappeared.

People have said that he was a beast or a

monster. They said he wanted young ladies’

blood to keep his human being


“That was the weirdest story that I have

ever heard,” Zara thought.

“Run! They have gotten inside the

house in the lobby. Run as fast as you can,

Miss,” Andrew shouted. Zara ran very fast


Zara felt very tired and breathless. Her

“That greedy, bloody and ugly emperor wants you to be his


feet hurt. One of her ankles was sprained

because of her high heels. The knights were

just a few meters behind her. The pulled out

their swords and tried to slash at her to stop


She went up the stairway and stopped

by a door. She opened the door, and there

were stairs. She rushed down the stirs to a

room. The room was really queer. There was

no exit for this room, nor door nor windows.

Suddenly, one of the bookcases moved

and appeared a narrow passage on the wall.

It was Andrew who was helping her. The

passage led them to a bathroom. The

bathroom was also without any exits. Zara

tried to pull the edge of the mirror, and it

moved. There was and exit. She walked

inside the tunnel and closed the mirror

carefully. The tunnel connected the

bathroom and the…kitchen, a kitchen

without a door. “Here!” a voice said softly.

Under the sink, I was Andrew. There was

another tunnel under the sink. Andrew

helped Zara to crawl into that tunnel. After

about fifteen minutes they came to the end

of the tunnel. This tunnel ended on the top of

the wall of an attic. Zara jumped down from

the exit.

Zara could still hear the voice of the

knights. They were still searching for her. At

last, she rushed to the roof of the castle, and

the knights found her. They pulled their

swords toward Zara. “Come here, Lady,” said

one of the knights, “You will make yourself fall

down.” There was a moat which surrounded

Zara’s castle, down there. Zara thought that

she could swim across the river, and then she

could get one of their horses and run away.

Without any signal, she jumped down from

the roof.

The Plant Kingdom and The Misunderstanding

Zara fell down on a

wooden cart, and

broke it into pieces.

“Ouch! That hurts!”

Zara murmured. She

stood up and brushed her outfit. Surprisingly,

she discovered the people around her

were… were… interesting.

They looked like people out of a

cartoon. They heights reached Zara’s waist.

All of them had a vegetable or fruit heads

and human’s bodies. However, no one

noticed her. It was because there was a

procession and everyone was watching the

parade. A peach girl had been sentenced

to death. The citizens considered her a witch.

“Burn her! Burn her!” shouted and apple man.

At the moment, a guava woman threw a

stone on her.

An orange ninja appeared

unexpectedly and took the peach girl away.

They ran above a house which Zara was

standing next to. Finally, the crowds noticed

her, but they thought she had taken the

peach girl away.

“Mummy! Look! She looks so weird. Her rinds

are not glossy,” said a little radish boy.

Two watermelon police officers came

across the street and arrested Zara.

“Come with us. I’ll show you the way to the

police station,” said the thin watermelon.

“I didn’t do that! You make a mistake,”

screamed Zara. “Can’t you see that! They

ran from that door. Over there!”

“You have the right to remain silence, all you

say will be recorded,” stated the fat


The Queen and The Candy-floss tower

Zara was taken to a palace. All the things in

this palace were made of sweets. The gate

was made of soft

apple sweets. The

paths in the

courtyard wee

spread with taffy.

The velvet lawn were planted lots of lollipops.

In front of the imperial palace, there was a

fountain. The liquid spilt out of the fountain

was not water. It was soda. It was her favorite.

She considered this palace, heaven. “I kind

of love this place!” Zara thought.

“Why you take away that girl? Where

are from? You look so weird. Maybe you are

also a witch,” said the Queen, “now tell me,

why did you save that peach girl?” “I didn’t

save anyone,” replied Zara, “I was just

standing there. The queen asked coldly.

“Who knows?” Zara answered indignantly.

The Queen was very upset. She shouted,

“Shut her into the tower release her of when

she admits the crimes that she has done.” “I

told you I didn’t do anything. Why don’t you

even investigate?” declared Zara.

Four watermelon police officers helped

to lock Zara on the top of the tower. The

tower was made of colorful candy-floss.

There were pick, light blue, yellow, white,

green…lots of brick candy-flosses. When the

winds blew, the tower would shake. The

tower was surrounded by the forests and the

mountains. The scenery was so beautiful that

Zara forgot she was going through a terrible


“Tell me! Where is that peach witch?”

the Tomato Queen shouted. Plaza was not

only the Queen this time, but also five or six of

people around her. They were her servant

girls and boys. Zara had been boiled with

rage of the repeating questions. She

touched something hard. Then she threw it

down and aimed for the queen. She missed,

but she had made a great commotion. “Fruit!

I’ll not let you shut me in this ‘sweet’ tower! If

you don’t let me out of this tower, I’ll eat

you,” declared Zara. Zara had lost her mind.

She was very helpless, sad, depressed and

tires. She knew no one would help her. She

had to escape here by herself. Suddenly, a

pile of fruit appeared next to her, guavas,

apples, oranges, pineapples, and others.

Zara threw everything that she seized. The

Queen and her servants were running this

way and that way. “Stop it! I order you stop it,

otherwise I’ll kill you!” screamed the Queen.

At that moment, an unripe tomato hit the

queen’s tomato head. The Tomato Queen

was terribly injured. The juice and the seed

inside of the Tomato Queen’s head all spilled

out. The Queen started to crumple. The

servants were all in a flurry. The boy servants

hurried carrying the queen back to the

palace. “Ouch!!! You trod on my foot,” cried

a grape girl. “Hurry! Let’s carry the Queen

back,” cried a bell pepper boy. “Silly! You

stepped on my hand!” shouted the Queen.

Then, they were on the way to the Palace.

“Lord have mercy! Come back! At least

tell me how to get down from this tower!”

Zara yelled.

All at once the winds blew violently. At

first, the tower shook lightly. Gradually, the

tower started to swing. Zara couldn’t grab of

anything on the top of the tower. She was

trying to get her balance, but it was hard. The

tower collapsed abruptly, and Zara dropped.

Back to Life Zara was too afraid to open her eyes.

Until… “Ouch!” cried Zara, “My head! That

hurts.” She opened her eyes and saw

the…ceiling. Ah! Zara fell down from her bed,

not the tower. She looked at her watch. Ti

was 14:10. “Oh! It was a dream. What an

interesting dream!” Zara thought while

packing the books. “I had run away from the

scary knights, quarreled with the Queen

Tomato, and saw lots of cute and strange

‘people’.” She put her keys inside her bag,

and walked happily to the library.

About the Story Zara, under the high pressure, was

dreaming about going on a journey.

However, this time, her journey was ‘different’

than others…

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