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Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Italy – France – Norway – Romania – United Kingdom/North Ireland –Latvia - Bulgariaa

Moderator Selçuk YATKIN gave some information about the event.

He said that ‘he learned his first toys, his first games and breaking

eggs from his grandfather, and ourgrandparents are an encyclopaedia

for us’.

In order to understand the communication between the generations he asked some

questions to our grandparents:

What is the levef of your relationship with your grandchildren?

The answers are like these:

‘Due to they waste a lot of time with their cell phones, they don’t see anybody (us)’.

‘We are like friends with my grandchildren, but they spend a lot of time with their cell phones’.

How much time do you spend with your grandchildren?

* I see my grandson every nights.

• I see my granddaughter once a month.

• I see my grandson once a week.

•We settled our grandchildren in Sinop (where thereare a lot of rural area), for this reason we only see

them in the summer months.

• I see him when his pocket money is over. Grandparents are the banks for their grandchildren.

How does your chat environment evolve?

We play Dokuz Taş (nine Jackstone).

•We chat. We share our opinions. My granddaughtershares with me what she can not tell her parents.

•I talk about our lifes in the past. I compare the time we lived in the past and the time we live now.

What are your expectations when you spend time with your grandparents?

• I want to know that what they used to do during their childhood and youth.

• I want to know their lifes in the past. Because those days were more fun.

What do you think ?; ‘Who were luckier?

• The grandchildren’s answers:

• At that time, the toys were made of wood and there was less buildings. So they had growed up in more natural environment. They

had lived in a safe environment.

• Whenever they wanted they could go out.

• They had learnt everything by living.

• Their educational situation is less, but their friendship is more intimate.

• I think we are luckier than them. They couldn’t go to the school because of the poorness. They had gone abroad to work. They had

lived far from their country.

• The grandparents’answers

• There wasn’t any resources in the past. Now you can get easily whatever you want.

• Today’s children are growing up without difficulty to get something. Their intelligence levels are high but they can not use.

• While we were children, we were spending our times in the nature. Now the children live in inside.

• Oldies fought with imposibilities. Now the parents buy whatever their children want.

• In the past the parents weren’t paying attention to their children. It wasn’t deal with richness.

Are the advices taken by them?

•They don’t take care. Because they completely deal with technology.

•My grandson pat attention to my ideas.

What is that make the mobil phone is more attractive than your grandparents

•It is variable according to chat.

What would you like to learn from your elders?

* My grandfather’s muffin


•Whereever they travelled, whatever they saw

•Why they didn’t take care of their health

•I want to learn their toys.

•How they could make their handmade toys with their details.

When you were child, what did you use to play (with)?

•We used to play hopscotch

•We didn’t have any toys

•We used to jump rope.

•We used to make sling

•Due to my elder brothers were carpenters. They used to make me wooden toys whenever I cried.

•We used to play football.

•We used to make rag doll

(asked to children) Are there anything you feel the lack of?

•Can’t go out. I play alone at home.

•To play with mud and go out.

•I would like to spend more time with my grandparents.

•I would like to make my toys.

Can you say ‘What you can teach your children’?

• I can make spinner

• I teach knitting.

• I can teach break eggs, and make toast

• I teach tea brewing

• I teach to make a sling

Selçuk YATKIN: My parents, why youdidn’t teach me ? why you didn’t tellme ? The grand children don’t konwtheir grandparents, because theirparents don’t cominicate with theirparents. They don’t comminicate wellwith them. Due to the weakness of communication between the parentsand the grandparents, there is a lackof communication betweengenerations.

The programme ended with Havva GEYLAN’s good wishes, andpickles and yogurts, were made by grandparents, were served to the guests by the project team.

"This project has been carried out with the Ministry of the European Union,the Youth Program of the EU Headquarters for the EU Education and YouthPrograms (National Agency, http://www.ua.gov.tr), and the grant providedby a part of them, neither the Agency nor the European Commission can beheld responsible "

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