yumeiro patissiere cookbook - part 2

Post on 30-Sep-2015






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Yumeiro Patissiere Cookbook part 2

Moist Adult Gateaux-Chocola

Comments in blue are not part of the instructions but are side notes/comments/speech.

Ingredients: For a 12cm diameter cake tin.

Butter 70g

Confectioners chocolate (Milk chocolate or cooking chocolate should be fine) 90g

Granulated Sugar 130 g

Plain flour 25g

Cocoa Powder 10g

Egg Yolk 60 g (about 3 eggs worth)

Egg White 120 g (about 4 eggs worth)

Left is the cooking chocolate and right is the cocoa powder.

Gateaux-Chocola is a French Chocolate cake

Simplicity is deliciousness, A taste of home.

Gateaux-Chocola is a French baked chocolate cake. Rather than buy it, many grandmothers and mothers make this simple cake by hand at home.

[Special Preparation for the implements]A 12 cm diameter round cake tin with a non-removal bottom


Prepare the oven paper

Spread Out the over paper

For more details on this, see page 11.

1. On the bottom of the oven paper draw a round circle then cut it out with scissors. For the sides, cut out a long, narrow strip, the same height as the tin.

2. Spread some butter (not including in the ingredients) and spread it around. Put the oven paper bottom and sides in.

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. (Its a cake that doesnt use a raising agent, so I would set it to 170 -180 degrees and lower the temperature just before you put the cake in. Also if you have a Japanese oven dont use the fan! - Anna)

Preheat the Oven.The eggs and the butter should be room temperature. (Important!)

Boil some water in a saucepan (this is for a double boiler).

Page 30

Moist Adult Gateaux-Chocola

Making the dough

1. Measure the flower and chocolate and put it into a bowl.

(Saa, lets go for it~)

2. In a pan heat up some water, once it gets to 50 60 degrees, put the bowl with the chocolate and butter inside it. ( If you want to save time and make it easier. Use a microwave to heat your chocolate and add it to melted butter. If steam gets into the melted chocolate it makes it kind of gross. - Anna)The steams really hot so be careful!3. On a low heat, using a spatula mix the butter and chocolate together until they have melted.

Aokis Advice

The bowl with chocolate and butter inside placed within a saucepan of hot water is an double boiler. For making sweets its an important technique. Be careful not to repeatedly keep putting the bowl in.4. When its done take it off the heat, but keep it in the bowl to retain warmth.

Melt it until it becomes smooth and glossy.

5. Measure out the cocoa powder and flour in another bowl. 6. Mix it all together well with a spoon until its the same colour.

Until its all become the same colour mix it well!

Aokis advice.

Mix the flour and cocoa powder together well until its the same colour, as once its done you will seive it. When its achieved uniformity its done.7. Sieve the powder with a sieve and then add the sugar.

8. Add the granulated sugar to the bowl with chocolate and butter and mix well.

The bowl is still hot so be careful!

Im nervous!

Page 31:

9. Break the eggs, and separate the yolk and the whites.

Here watch me.

10. Crack the eggs on a flat surface, so the shell splits in two.

They came apart OK~

Gently, gently

11. Keep shifting the egg yolk in the shell so that the white goes into a bowl. Then weigh the amount of the egg whites and yolk respectively.

Aokis advice:If you break the egg into 2 pieces sharply, you can move the egg yolk between the two shell pieces and they will separate naturally.

12. Remove any egg shell from the egg white and egg yolk with a spoon.

Be careful to take care and not spill any.

13. Remove the bowl of chocolate mixture from the bowl of water and add the powdered chocolate and sugar.

Aokis Advice

To make sure there are no left over lumps in the chocolate/butter mixture stir it well with a spatula. Once it has become glassy and smooth you can add the powder.14. Stir it loosely with a spatula. Do not over stir it!

- Hold the spatula low down and stir strongly.

After youve given it about 5 big stirs, and theres still some powder left then thats fine!15.Making the meringue. Grasp the whisk firmly in the center to make it easier.First is practice.

OK! (making the meringue)

16. Hold the bowl with the egg whites on slightly slanted. Beat usingan up-and-down motion, until it becomes foamy.

Yes like that.

17. The clear egg whites will gradually become white. The texture will become foamy.

Im gradually getting used to it.

Page 32:

18. When the meringue sticks to the whisk and holds its shape, its done.See, it doesnt fall back.

19. Add the egg yolks to the bowl with chocolate and mix in with a spatula.

20. Add half of the meringue to the mixture. Mix it in with big scooping motions.

First is half the mixture!

21. Add in the rest of the meringue, use the same motions as before. Not round the edge of the bowl, but firmly through the center.

Use big motions so the bubbles dont break.

22. When you can no longer see any white bubbles, give it a last stir around the perimeter. Once youve done that the dough is finished.

- Smell it- It smells nice.

Next try it!

Mm! Delicious!

Aokis Advice.

When the dough is done, before you bake it try a little bit of it on your finger. If the taste of the cake dough isnt good, then the taste of the baked cook will also be bad. Try a little, and if it tastes good then it will be a big hit!

23. Pour it all into the cake tin at once.

Page 33:

After that all you have to do is bake it,

Make sure its smooth!

24. Bake in a pre-heated oven (160 degrees c) for 40 50 minutes.

Is it done yet25. Once its done/risen, take it out of the oven.

Its baked! It has a nice chocolate smell.

Its hot so use mittens.

26. Cover it with a flat plate and turn it upside down.

27. Lift up the cake tin.


28. Get another flat plate and place it on top of the cake, flip it again so the cake is on the other plate (So you are flipping it back it its original state - Anna)Be careful not to crush it.

29. Gently take away the baking paper, then its done. Once you have let it cool down it while be moist and delicious.Once its done its delicious, a homemade French taste. Next time I will make one for my friends too.

I think I originally translated this as Angel and Demon Fruits Roll Cake But then the subbers used Devil (I think?) for Kashinos nickname.

Page 36.

Sweet and Bittersweet in Perfect Harmony Angel and Devil Fruits Roll Cake

Cocoa dough, and plenty of fruits rolled in, decorated in white chocolate.

Ingredients. (For 1 roll cake)

Cocoa Dough

Egg whites 120g (Roughly 4 eggs worth)

Egg yolks 60 g (Roughly 3 eggs worth)

Corn Starch 30g

Cocoa Powder 12 g

Plain flour 33g

Granulated sugar 75 g

For the whipped Cream

Fresh cream (double cream for the rest of the world, the stuff that says Whip if you live in Japan - Anna) 200 cc (ml)

Granulated Sugar 25g

Vanilla Essence a little

Strawberry Cream

Strawberry Puree 40 g (Put some strawberries in a blender)

Vanillas Sweets Magic

Putting either fresh or frozen strawberries in a mixer is OK!

1 sheet of gelatin 1 g (you may be able to substitute with agar-agar - Anna)

Fresh cream 200 cc (ml)

Powdered sugar 40g

The inside:- Decoration

Whatever fruits you like (different kinds)

Flaked/Shaved White chocolate (store bought) a reasonable amount

Any shape is Ok since its going to be shaved.

Page 37:

Tin, tools and special preparations.For the basics about tools, please see pages 62 63.

A 29 x 29cm cake tin in.

A mixer (to make the strawberry puree)

A great anime episode

A success thanks to the devil Kashino!

The first trial run test for Ichigo was difficult at Saint Maries Academy. The master of chocolate, the ill-tempered Devil Kashino is rendered speechless by what Ichigo thinks up of.A cake of sweet and bittersweet chocolate, with enjoyable fruits. Thanks to some advice yelled out by Kashino in the middle of the test, Ichigos cake is a big success. He may be bad-mouthed but at heart he is a kind sweets prince!


Sieve the corn starch, cocoa powder and flour together.

Line the cake tin / baking tin with oven paper. The oven paper should just be a little bit higher than the tin.

Cool down the egg whites in the refrigerator.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees c.

A. With whatever kind of sweets you are making, make sure to sieve the flour first.

B. Because the dough will swell up, you need to make sure tray and oven paper is a little higher.


Making the Cocoa Dough.

1. Put the egg whites in a bowl with the granulated sugar and mix them with a hand mixer until they become foamy.

2. When it stands up by itself in peaks then the meringue is done.

Vanillas Sweets Magic.

If the eggs are chilled they will become foamy more easily.

Page 38:

3. Whip the egg yolks well, and add them to the egg whites and mix.

4. Seive the powder one more time into the mixture.

5. With a spatula, stir gently so the bubbles dont break.

6. Pour the mixture into the cake tin/baking tray and make sure that its even. Bake in an oven(180 degrees) for 12 minutes.

Put oven paper on both sides for when it cools.

7. Put over paper over the other side too, so when you take it out of the oven and place it on the cake cooler it will dry.Making the Strawberry Cream

8. Add the gelatin sheet to the water, and let it soak, then take it out and wring it. Then add it to the strawberry puree in a double boiler. Add the powdered sugar in 2 or 3 goes and mix in well.

Vanillas Sweets Magic.

Make sure the gelatin is melted thoroughly before you add it ne

9. Once you have whisked the cream for the strawberry cream until it forms peaks then add the strawberry puree ingredients and mix well.

Page 39:

Rolling the dough

10. Peel off the oven paper. Put the cake onto another piece of larger oven paper, and spread the strawberry cream on top.

11. Cut up your favourite fruits into bite-sized pieces.

Ichigos Sweets Memo

To make the dough and the cream for this roll cake is a little time intensive. If you want to save some time using pre-bought whipped cream and strawberry jam is OK! You can omit the cream and decoration for a simpler version. If you use your favourite fruits then it will be delicious enough!

Using strawberry jam and a simple arrangement is OK!

12. However you cut the fruits, line them up evenly.

13. Wind the cake up away from you like this (check page 39)

The oven paper is like a substitute sushi rolling mat, its the same trick as making maki-zushi.

Finishing Touches.


Once you have rolled it, wrap it up in the oven paper you used before. Then wrap it up in some clingfilm and let it rest in the refrigerator for a little while.

14. Mix together the whipping cream, vanilla essence and sugar, until it becomes properly foamy (in peaks), Spread it over (as much of) the roll cake as you can.

15. Once its been completely covered, sprinkly the white chocolate over for decoration.Page 40.

Buche de noelNote this recipe seems a little long winded like it requires you to have 2 double boilers/hot water baths (one to melt the chocolate and another one for the gelatin) Maybe Im wrong but I think you can skip the gelatin double boiler. - Anna(Passion fruit chocolate cream is very adult like)

The dough is the same as the Angel and Devil Fruits Roll. The cream is changed though for Christmas passion!

Try and make it this Christmas!

Ingredients (for 1 cake)

Cocoa Dough

Egg whites 120 g (About 4 eggs worth)

Egg yolks 60 g (About 3 eggs worth)

Corn starch 30g

Cocoa Powder 30g

Plain flour 33g

Granulated sugar 75 g

Passion-Chocolate Cream

a. Cream (double or whip cream if you live in Japan) 70 cc (ml)

Passion fruit puree 70g (bought) 70g

Gelatin sheet 2 g (about 2 sheets)

Confectioners Chocolate (Milk) 230g

b. Cream (double or whip cream if you live in Japan) 200 cc (ml)

Banana Sautee

Banana 1

Butter 15g

Granulated sugar an appropriate amount.


Confectioners chocolate (sweet) 60g.

Whatever kind of decorations you like (silver dragee) appropriate amount.

Page 41.

(For basic tool prepartion see pages 62-63)

Cake tin and preparing tools.

29cm x 29cm square cake tin / deep baking tray.

Sift the flour, cocoa powder, corn starch together.

Line the baking tray with oven paper, make sure its a little higher than the tray.

Cool the egg whites in the refrigerator.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.


1. Refer back to the Angel and Devil Fruits Roll on page 36 for how to make the dough.

2. To make the Passion-Chocolate Cream. Put the gelatin into water and let it soak well. Take it out and ring out any moisture, and put it into a double boiler.

3. Put the milk chocolate into a bowl, and then half-melt it in the double boiler (See

Figure A)

4. Heat the first lot of cream (labeled a in the recipe list) and the passion fruit puree separately. Add them to the chocolate you melted before. When it gets to the right temperature, use a whisk to mix it altogether. Then add the gelatin. (See B)

5. With the cream labeled b, put it in a bowl inside another bowl with ice. Add the chocolate mixture from before, and mix it altogether. (See C)

6. Cut the banana into easily eatable pieces, and sautee them with butter and sugar. (See D)

7. Spread half of the Passion-Chocolate Cream onto the cocoa cake. Scatter the banana pieces over the cream, and then roll by hand. Wrap it up in the oven paper and then clingfilm, and let it rest in the fridge awhile.

8. Spread the left over cream onto the roll cake.

9. For decorations put the chocolate into a double-boiler to melt, Put it into a fine line piping bag and make you patterns. (Using a pre-bought chocopen is OK too anyone in Japan you can buy these at the 100 yen shop [Anna]). Add your own decorations too.

Cooking Point!

(1) Be careful of moisture getting into the chocolate. When using the double boiler you have to be careful of steam getting in.If the temperature gets too high too it will become stiff, about 50 degrees is right.

B. If you half-melt the chocolate in the double-boiler and then add the fruit puree and cream, they will naturally melt together at the right temperature.

Vanillas Sweets Magic

You can get passion fruit puree at a confectionary store!

C. To the chocolate, we just add the passion fruit puree and not all the cream. It now easily mixed together with the whipped cream.

D. Raw bananas are OK too but, if you sautee them they are delicious. They will melt the cream though so make sure they are properly cooled down before you use them.Vanillas Sweets Magic

They gain a sweet caramel fragrance!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 42:

Full of sweetness and heats up your body!

Chocola-Chaud (Chokora-Sho-)

Delightful on cold days, a sweet and rich original hot chocolate. For those who like really sweet things!

When making sweets, this is good for any left over chocolate.

Ingredients. (2 cup-fulls)

Confectioners chocolate (Sweet) 94 g

Milk 200 cc (ml)

Double Cream 200 cc (ml)

Granulated sugar 10g

Page 43:


1. Cut the chocolate up finely. (See A)

2. In a small pan, add the cream, milk and granulated sugar. Add the cut up chocolate and heat. Use a whisk to mix it together well. (See B)

3. When the chocolate has melted fully, pour it into a cup (See C and D)

You can really use the milk and cream in proportions you like!

Cooking Point!

A. To make the chocolate melt easilym cut the chocolate up finely. Be careful not to injure yourself.

B. The heat should be medium. When mixing always use a whisk for the chocolate to melt.

Vanillas Sweets Magic.

If it boils its no good! Once the chocolate has melted its OK!

C. Once the chocolate has melted and the sugar disolved its done.

Vanillas Sweets Magic

You can take off the surface membrane with a spoon ne

D. Calmly pour it into a cup. If its hot be careful. It will warm you from the bottom of your heart!

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