your international officers 1957-1958 - ohio lions

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Edward G. BarryPresident, Lions International

Your International Officers 1957-1958

Edward G. Bar-ry, Little Rock. Ark. International President.Lion Barry, a past president and director and Key memberof the Hot Springs, Ark., club, also occupied the positions ofZone Chairman, Deputy and District Governor. It was duringthe time he held the latter office that he, and the then DistrictGovernor of 7·A estahlished some 62 new Lions clubs. Electedan International Director in 1950, he was elected Third Vice-President by the 1954 convention. Last year, as First Vice-President, he traveled extensively visiting clubs in Alaska,the Philippines and the Orient-

His activities in Lionism have been expansive but mostparticularly he has been interested in the work for the blind.Under his leadership, the Southwest Rehabilitation Centerfor the Blind was created.

Born and educated in Tennessee, Lion Barry is a veteranof 31 years of service in the electrical utility business and nowholds tbe position of Commercial Sales Manager fo~ the Arkan-sas Power and Light Company.

He is an active member of the Presbyterian Church, aScottish Mason and a Shriner. Other civic interests includethe Community Chest, tbe Boy Scouts and the Red Cross. Heand Mrs. Barry have two children: Molly Ann, now Mrs.Howard G. Keller; and Edward G., Jr.

John L. Stickley, Charlotte, N.C. Immediate Past President.An enthusiastic and indefatigable leader during his term aspresident, Lion Stickley traveled more than 250,000 milesthroughout the world visiting Lions and Lions projects. For hisoutstanding work he was decorated by several governments.Lion Stickley operates a nationally known textile sales agencywhich bears his name. A member of the Baptist Church, activein the Boy Scouts and a long term member of the SalvationArmy Advisory Board of Charlotte, Lion Stickley is thefather of three children.

John L. StickleyImmediate Past President

NOVEMBER, 1957 21WDK 2013

Dudley L. Simms, Charleston, W. Va. First Vice-President, AKey member and past president of the Lions cluh of Charles-ton, W. Va., Lion Simms has also served as Deputy and DistrictGovernor. Following a two-year term as an International Direc-tor, he represented the U. S. on the Board of InternationalRelations during 1954·55. Lion Simms is a dry good merchantand a member of the Bapti t Church. He and his wife, Opal,have four children. He i a Mason, Shriner, and Past ExaltedRuler of the Elks. Dudley l. Simms Clarence L Sturm

Clarence L. Sturm, Manawa, Wis. Second Vice-President. LionSturm is a charter member or the Manawa, Wis., Lions cluband has erved as Zone Chairman, Deputy and District Gov.ernor. He holds the Extension Award and the Ambassador ofGood Will Award. He twice served as an International Director,1948·50 and 1954·56. He is a graduate of Northwestern Uni-versity and is in the wholesale foods business. Lion Sturm isa member of the Lutheran Church and the father of onedaughter.

Finis E. Davis, Louisville, Ky. Third Vice-President, A Keymember and past president of the Louisville club, Lion Davishas also served on the District level and as an InternationalDirector. Long known for his work for the hlind, he is pres-ently Superintendent of the American Printing House forthe Blind. In 1952 he was the U. S. representative to the WorldConference on the Education of Blind Youth, in Bussum,Holland. Vice-President Davis is an Elder of the PresbyterianChurch. He and his wife, Ethlyn, have three daughters.

R. Roy Keaton, Chicago, Ill. Director-General. Lion Keaton whowas born in Weathedord, Texas is a graduate of Southern Meth-odist University. He became a Lion in 1929 and came to work forLions International in 1934. Between that time and 1950, whenhe took over his present duties, he served with distinction asSpecial Representative, State Secretary of Texas, and AssistantSecretary-General. Lion Keaton is a Methodist, Knight Templarand a Shriner. He and his wife, Elizabeth, have two children.

Melvin Jones, Chicago, Ill. Secretary-General. Lion Jones wasborn in Fort Thomas, Ariz., January 13, 1879. In October, 1917,in Dallas, Texas, he was elected Secretary- Treasurer of Lio;sInternational. In July, 1950, the International Board of Direc-tors conferred upon him the title of Secretary-Ceneral for life.In that capacity he serves as an advisor and consultant to theInternational Board. He and his wife, Lillian, reside in Floss-moor, Ill. He is a Grand Master Key member and a Mason,

Wilburn L. Wilson, Chicago, Ill. Treasurer. Born in PlainDealing, L•. , Lion Wilson is a graduate of Chillicothe (Mo.)Business College. He is a Master Key member of the Central .Lions club of Chicago and has been in the employ of LionsInternational since January, 1932. He ha been InternationalTreasurer since September, 1945. He is a member of theLutheran Church and live with his wife, Anne, and their twochildren in Glen Ellyn, Ill.

William R. Bu-d, Chicago, Ill. Secretary. Lion Bird was bornin Elwood, Ind., attended school in Decatur, IlL, and St L.ouis,Mo., and received his law degree from John Marshall LawSchool in Chicago. Admitted to the Bar in May 1947, he is amember of the American Bar Association and Delta Theta Philegal fraternity. He is a Key member and director of theEnglewood Lions' club of Chicago. He is a Presbyterian anda Mason, and resides with his wife, Ann, in Maywood, Ill.

Joe E. Childers, Abilene, Texas. Director-1956·~8. A MasterKey member and past president of the Lions club of Abilene,Texas, Lion Childers is a past Deputy and District Governorand has received the Extension and Service Awards. A nativeTexan, Lion Childers received his law degree "Cum Laude"from Baylor University. Although still active in the legal pro-fession, his other interests include oil, real estate, investments

R. Roy KeatonFinis E. Davis

Wilburn L. WilsonMelvin Jones

William R. Bird

and ranching. He is a Mason and a Baptist. He has onedaughter.

James L. Snyder, Chicago, Ill. Director-1956·58. In additionto having held all the offices in the Lakeview Lions club ofChicago, of which he is a Key member, Lion Snyder has runthe gamut of the District offices as well, including two termsas Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer. He holds the Extension andService Awards. A native of McLeansboro, IlL, he was rearedin Evansville, Ind. He is presently the owner of the AuburndaleGoldfi h Company. He and his wife, Angeline, have two chilo

WDK 2013

James L. Snyder

Gordon F. Ruble

Merton J. Gribbin

B. A. Fuller

Walter G. Wilson

H. Agustin Reed

Conrad A. Falvello

Antero Aspillaga D.

dren. He is a member of the Christian Reformed Church.

Walter G. Wilson, St. Ignace, Mich. Director-1956-58. A MasterKey member of the St. Ignace Lions club, Lion Wilson hasserved that club as secretary for the past six years. He is alsoa past Deputy and District Governor and has received theExtension and Merit Awards. Born in Rochester, Minn., andeducated at the University of Minnesota, he is now engagedin forestry in the upper peninsula of Michigan_ He is a Mason,Elk, and Legionnaire. He and his wife, Florence, are Presby-terians.

Gordon F. Ruble, Pearisburg, Va. Director-1956-58. A nativeVirginian, Lion Ruble is a graduate of Roanoke College, wherehe majored in chemistry. He is presently employed by theCelanese Corporation of America. He is a past president ofthe Pearisburg Lions club and has served as Zone Chairman,Deputy and District Governor as well as being a member ofthe Executive Council of the Board of Covemors. A Mason,he attends the Christian Church. He and his wife, Bea, haveone daughter.

H. Agustin Reed, Gomez Palacio, Mexico. Director-1956-58.Lion Reed is a past president of the Lions club of GomezPalacio, Mexico, an International Counsellor, and past presi-dent of the National Association of Lions Clubs of Mexico.He is an industrial engineer, and has been decorated by thecity of Gomez Palacio and by the state of Durango for hisphilanthropic services. He is a member of the Catholic Church.He and his wife, Enriqueta, have five sons and one daughter.

Merton J. Gribbin, Augusta, Maine. Director 1956-58. LionGribbin was born in Portland, Maine, and was graduated fromthe University of Maine. He is now Director of Methods andTraining for the Maine.Employment Commission. A Key mem-ber of the Augusta Lions club, he has held all the offices inhis club as well .as heing Zone Chairman, Deputy and DistrictGovernor. He has earned the Extension Award and boasts a15-year record of perfect attendance. He and his wife, Loraine,have two sons, He is a Methodist and a Mason.

Conrad A. Falvello, Hazleton, Pa. Director-1956-58. LionFalvello was born in Sto-ckton,Pa. and received his law degreefrom Dickinson School of Law. He is a past president of theHazleton Lions club and has served as Cabinet Secretary-Trea.surer, Deputy and District Governor. He has had perfectattendance for 23 years.•He is active in the Red Cross and theChamber of Commerce, and is president of the board of theHazleton State Hospital. He and his wife, Rose, have one son.He is a Catholic.

B. A. Fuller, Centerville, Iowa. Director-1956-58. A Key mem-ber and past president of the Centerville Lions club, LionFuller is a past Deputy and District Governor and holds theMerit and Extension Awards. He is a graduate in mechanicalengineering from the State University of Iowa and is nowpresident of the Fuller Manufacturing Co., producers of farmequipment. He is a member of the Catholic Church. He andhis wife, Ruth, have two married da.ughters.

Antero Aspillaga D., Lima, Peru. Director-1957-58. A Keymember and past president of the Lima Club, Lion Aspillagarepresents the Andean area on the Association's governingbody. He has also served as District Governor and holds theService and Extension Awards. Lion Aspillaga has a universitydegree as Doctor of Economics and is one of Peru's leadingindustrialists. For his outstanding work in civic affairs he hasbeen decorated by the governments of Chile, Spain and Bolivia.Lion Aspillaga is a member of the Catholic Church. He andhis wife, Manuelita, have three daughters and one son-allteen-agers.

Jorge Bird, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Director-1957-59. Lion Birdhas not only served his local club in various capacities, butalso the District organization as Deputy and District Governorand Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer. Educated in the field ofcommerce, Director Bird operates a restaurant. and travelagency at the International Airport in San Juan. His othercivic affiliations include membership in the Chamber of Com-merce, the Development Board of Pan American Universityand the Elks Lodge. Lion Bird is a member of the CatholicChurch. He and Mrs. Bird have five children, three daughtersand two sons.

Herbert L. Birum, r-; Trenton, N. J. Director-1957-59. AWDK 2013

\ charter member of two New Jersey Lions clubs, Director Birurnhas also been Zone Chairman, Deputy and District Governorand Chairman of the State Council of Governors. Born in alog cabin in Saco, Mont., be studied architecture and engineer-ing before forming the H & B Enterprise Corporation whichmanufactures many of his own inventions. Lion Birum hasbeen honored by Governor Meyner of ew Jersey with appoint-ment to the Board of Managers of the Bordentown Reforma-tory. A Presbyterian, he has one daughter.

W. R. Bryan, Doylestown, Ohio. Director-1957·59. A Lion since1941, Director Bryan, who has held many local and districtjobs, boasts a nine-year perfect attendance record. Educatedat the College of Wooster and Ohio State University, he ispresently Manager of the Training Division of the GoodyearTire and Rubber Company. An accomplished public speaker,Lion Bryan is also connected with the Boy Scouts and theMasonic Lodge. He is a Methodist and the father of twochildren.

Frank T. Buckley, Derry, N. H. Director-1957-59. Lion Buckleyhas previously served as Chairman of the Executive Councilof the Board of Governors, club president, Zone Chairman andDeputy and District Governor. He is a Key member, wears aIfl-year Charter Chevron, and has received two ExtensionAwards. Active in other community affairs, especially theParent-Teachers Association, he is engaged in the long-haultransportation business. Director Buckley is a member of theMethodist Church. He and his wife, Arlene, have nine children.

Charles G. Carter, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Director-1957-59. Anative of England, Lion Carter is a Master Key member andpast president of the Winnipeg Club, and has served as DistrictGovernor twice. He is an automobile dealer and president ofan automobile finance company. Lion Carter is also a memberof the American and Manitoba Automobile Associations, andan Executive of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. A Bap-tist, he and his wife, Ina, have one son=-Lionel.

Carl P. Rodolph, Clovis, N. M. Director-1957-59. Lion Rodolphwas born in Wanette, Okla. He now l'ives in Clovis, N. M., wherehe manages the J. C. Penney store. He bas served as presidentof both the Hobbs, N. M., and the Gladewater, Texas, Lionsclubs and has held the office of Zone Chairman, Deputy and

• District Governor, and during 1955-56 served as Chairman ofthe Executive Council of the Board of Covernors. A Methodist,he and his wife, LaTrieve, have three children.

Claude M. DeVorss, Wichita, Kan. Director-1957·59. A MasterKey member and past president of the Wichita club, LionDeVorss has served the organization in many capacities, mostrecently as the United States' representative on the Board ofInternational Relations. Formerly the mayor of Wichita, he ispresently the owner of the DeVorss Music Company. He hasalso served as a Regent of the University of Wichita, and withthe Wichita Chamber of Commerce and Retirement Board.Director DeVorss is a Baptist. He and Mrs. DeVorss have onedaughter.

Aubrey D. Green, York, Ala. Director-1957-59. In addition toserving as past president and secretary of the York club, ofwhich he is a Key member, Director Green bas filled positionson the District level where he earned the 100% District Cov-ernors Award. He attended Alabama Polytechnic Institute atAuburn, Ala., where he studied business administration beforebecoming an automobile dealer. Director Green is also a memober of the American Legion and the Presbyterian Church. Heis unmarried.

Dr. Jean J. Herbert, Aix-Ies-Bains, France. Director-1957-58.A director of the official French language edition of THE LIONMagazine, Lion Herbert holds five Extension Awards and wastwice named Ambassador of Good Will. As one of France'sleading surgeons, he is head of the Hospitals of Aix-les-Bains,and a member of the French Academy of Surgery as well asnumerous French and foreign scientific societies. He has beendecorated by the French government with the Croix de Guerre,


Jorge Bird Herbert L. Birum, Jr.

W. R. Bryan

and is a Knight of the Legion of Honor and a Knight of PublicHealth. A member of the Catholic Church, he and his wifehave four .children.

Paul Hjelt, Helsinki, Finland. Director-1957-58. Lion Hjelt, aKey member of the Helsinki club, holds the Extension Award.and the International President's Special Award as well as acertificate of an Ambassador of Good Will. Director Hjelt holdsa Master's Degree in Engineering and is the assistant managerof the Gove~nment Purchasing Center. For his service with theFinnish diplomatic corps and with the League of Nations, hehas received many decorations. A Lutheran, Lion and Mrs .Hjelt have one daughter.

A. Graeme Kirstine, Edmonton, Alberta. Director-1957-59. ALion since 1940, Director Kirstine has served as charter presi-dent of the St. Marys, Ontario, club and Key member andpast president of the Edmonton club. He is also a formerPresident of the Canadian National Association of Lions Clubs.In addition he boasts a perfect attendance record of 11 years.After studying at Ontario Agricultural College and the Uni-versity of Toronto, Lion Kirstine became an animal nutritionist.A member of the United Church of Canada, he has two children.

Dr. Lincoln S. Mendez, Havana, Cuba. Director-1957-59. Dr.Mendez has served as president of the Havana club, as Dis-trict Governor and as Cuba's representative on the Board ofInternational Relations. A graduate of the Law School of theUniversity of Havana, he is a practicing attorney. DirectorMendez is a past president of the National Home for theBlind, a Lions club project, and was instrumental in theconstruction of the home. He is a member of the CatholicChurch and the father of two daughters.

Ted G. Peterson, Seattle, Wash. Director-1957-59. A Key mem-ber and past president of the Ballard District Lions club ofSeattle, he has a record of 11 years of perfect attendance. Hebas also been a Zone Chairman and District Governor. Edu-cated at the University of Washington, Lion Peterson is Presi-dent of the Peterson Beauty Supply Company and a Directorof the Lloyd C. Beck Masonry Company. He is also a memberof the Washington State Senate. Lion Peterson, who is aBaptist, and his wife, Ruth, have two children.

Manuel E. Santos, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Director-1957-58. LionSantos will represent the area known as Bolivariana on the


Charles G. Carter

Aubrey 'D. Green

Association's governing body. Twice a District Governor, hehas received numerous awards in appreciation of his service tothe club of Guayaquil, of which he is a Key member. Oneof Ecuador's leading merchants and industrialists, DirectorSantos has been a Deputy to the National Congress of Ecuador.A member of the Catholic Church, he and his wife, Alcira,have two grown sons.

Marius Smith, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Director-1957·58. As anInternational Director, Lion Smith represents Brazil, Argentina,Paraguay and Uruguay. Last year as District Governor hevisited 95 per cent of all the Lions clubs in Brazil-a feat thatnecessitated his traveling the equivalent of three times aroundthe world. Educated at the University of Porto Alegre, LionSmith directs numerous enterprises. A member of the CatholicChurch, he and his wife, Alva, have three children.

Alejandro Banegas Cruz, San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Ex-OfficioDirector. Lion Banegas has served his club as secretary andpresident, his District as Deputy and District Governor, andthe International organization on the Board of InternationalRelations. He is the recipient of a Membership Key, a lO-YearMonarch Chevron and the Extension and Service Awards. Anative of Honduras, Director Banegas now owns a factory andprinting shop. He and his wife, Alicia, have three children.He is a Catholic.

Al A. Schock, Sioux Falls, SoD. Chairman, Board of Covernors.As chairman of the Executive Council of the Board of Gov-ernors, Lion Schock is an ex-officio member of the InternationalBoard of Directors. A Key member and past president of theSioux Falls club, he has also served as Deputy and DistrictGovernor. Now co-owner of a dairy processing plant, LionSchock received his Master's Degree from the niversity ofWisconsin_ In addition to a fine military record; he bas beenpresented the Junior Chamber of Commerce DistinguishedService Award. A Lutheran, he is the father of three children.

Edward C. Peckham, London, England. Chairman, Board ofInternational Relations. Because of his position as Chairmanof the Board of International Relations, Lion Peckham is anex-officio member of the International Board of Directors. Apast president of the London Lions club, he has also servedas Deputy and District Governor and Cabinet Secretary-Treas-urer. Born and educated in Canada, he is presently directorof an engineering company. Lion Peckham is a member ofthe Church of England and the father of one son.


Dr. Jean J. Herbert

A. Graeme Kirstine

AI A. Schock

Manuel E. Santos

Edward C. Peckham

25WDK 2013

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