young people to make a difference - volunteer scotland · role of older volunteers in creating the...

Post on 04-Oct-2020






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Supportingyoung people

to make adifference

Supportingyoung people

to make adifference

What is an #iwill pledge and what can I do?

The #iwill campaign is supported by leaders in the public, private and third sectors as they understand the benefits of youth volunteering for individuals and society as a whole.

Over 200 organisations have pledged their support. Will you join them?

Join the campaign to support more young people than ever before to make a difference to their community. How is your organisation already supporting, encouraging and empowering young people to get involved in social action? What more would you like to do?

What are the benefits for young people of getting involved?

As well as becoming responsible citizens and effective contributors and having a positive impact on the world around them, young people involved in volunteering are developing their own skills, confidence and character through their experiences.

Employers are increasingly valuing the experience, skills and character development that young people gain through participating in volunteering activity. They are looking for evidence of these qualities when they come to recruit new people.

Young people involved in volunteering recognise that they are making a difference for themselves and others. The #iwill campaign celebrates young people leading change and encourages everyone to get involved.

What is #iwill?

#iwill is a UK wide campaign supported by HRH The Prince of Wales and the main political parties aiming to increase the number of young people involved in activity that makes a difference to their community, society or environment. This includes volunteering, mentoring, campaigning, fundraising and more*.

#iwill aims to build on the significant number of young people aged 10-20 already volunteering and encourage as many young people as possible to get involved, whatever their background, giving their time, effort and skills to make the change they want to see in their communities. It also recognises the role of older volunteers in creating the opportunities and support for youth volunteering.

"YYoouunngg ppeeooppllee aarree mmaakkiinngg aa hhuuggee ddiiffffeerreennccee ttoo tthheeiirr communiittiies allll over SScottllandd, giiviing tthheiir ttiime andd energy tttooo hhheeelllppp pppeeeooopppllleee aaannnddd cccaaauuussseeesss ttthhheeeyyy cccaaarrreee aaabbbooouuuttt..."

HRH The Prince of Wales

Supporting young people to make a difference

*These are all instances of social action in practice: young people taking practical action in the service of others to create positive change.

"No matter who you are or where you come from, everyone can make a difference"

Alex Linkston CBE Chair of YouthLink Scotland and Prince's Trust Scotland volunteer

#iwill is coordinated by 'Step Up To Serve', a charity set-up to run the campaign. Charity no. 1154588Partnered with YouthLink Scotland, The Scottish Government, Education Scotland and Young Scot.

YouthLink Scotland is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in Scotland No.164547. Charity Ref: SCO03923

To discuss your pledge please contact YouthLink Scotland.T: 0131 313 2488E:


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