young at heart - memorial university of...

Post on 24-May-2020






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Young At Heart Old men dream dreams but young men have visions ancient words from eternities gone by who is the old one the ruler and the keeper the watcher of wisdom he dreams

Young at hean your beauty still real the face of your youth not forgotten young at bean U\~ng for the hour the face of yesterday.

Cinders of dreams ashes of \~sions left to smoulder to grey where is that young man the watcher and the keeper where is the proud 'isionary.

The Spell Is Cast The water is warm through this dying light what's the use of this struggle breathing in screaming out water turns to ice.

And the crowd is chanting drown, drown~ drnwn. drown you damn witch sink or swim vou·n never win.


Let me live. My life belongs to me,

I won't let go. I \\'ill never breathe their water into my soul.

Empty eyes looking never seeing the glory of life within Soaring images fl)ing unfolding in the night my soul cries for their sins.

And the crowd is chanting drown~ dro\\11, drown, dro\\11 you damn witch sink or s"im you'll never ~in. '

Here's To Life Your fame and fortune

Tltc trutlt never matters to the stone holders. A spell is cast. A lie. A lie.

brought you what you least expected but worse things could happen riding out the waves of inoecision.

Your empty glass refills itself through this are many stories told for every drop a thousand words are swallowed like the knife here's to life.

The suit of armour that you use for your protection careful to conceal that tin man hean indifferent to r~ection.

One last drink together tie ~p all the loose ends here fame and fortune vours forever


innocence will disappear.

l{ttrttting ~ilcl Running wild~ running free running for the place you\e longed to be running wild. running scared running from the things that held ,·ou once


and kept you there.

Upon the rocks into the ocean \\itliiri the storm witliout emotion vou find vour way I J J

through blinding waters your silent tears they gather waves.

You stood before me like a \ision falling water from your hair \\ithout a thought your hands extending they turned to ·wings~ soft and bare.

1\Tight ]ountey She rides the skv


but her feet don't even leave the ground she's out looking for another point of view the world that she knows comes crashing down ·round 2 a.m. and the faces and the places she's going she can't ret imagine. and she rides, she rides falls and spreads her wings soars back up again

she rides, she rides to heaven and hell and places in between.

The hands are liquid thev reach out for the' things she knew but in this place, there's onlv \"OU and vou

' ' ' the eyes are open. but all she sees are memories of a lifetime She hasn't yet been through.

Faceless Angel I can still see vou.

' it won· t escape me walking from the past, through the breeze faceless angel

I can hear you crying, the lonely one will there be a reason for you to come wait for me. you must not go.

Caught in my vision. now in my heart dissolving like a sound now I'm left alone.

Tears falling from her eyes wild like the sea a face far too vague captures me asking me, only me.

Timeless, ageless follow me dancing voices falling free I can't stay long.

Deadman's Cove I met her first upon the D0\\115 on a freezing Southern Shore mght ~orth v.ind chilling through my bones wings of the moon in flight.

Her hair was wet and streaked \\ith grey her face a powdery white her mouth was pale and thinly shaped her green eyes caught the light.

She stood agamst the shimmenng sky and held up her arms like lead "\\ith all the sins and fears of the world this is what she said.

U you go down to Deadman's Cove I swear to God vou'll see

' the thuty-four bodies of fishennen that \vorked upon the sea.

And in a dream the weather turned and a \\ind from the east blew around the rains came and the sky grew black and the top of the cave went down.

I reached out mv hand to warn them '

but me thev could not see ' I heard their screams, I felt their moans

but there was no one left but me.

There were old men worn and young men strong and lads no more than eight all sitting around an open fire unaware about their fate.

~ow if vou walk the ' Ferrvland Oo\\'115

on a' cold October night and see that saddened maiden there don)t run away "~th fright.

But do go down to Deadman's Cove I swear to God you'll see the thirty-four bodies of fishermen that worked upon the sea.

Unmasked Here we stand face to face what's gone from us can't be replaced the time it took to get that far a second in a lifetime now look who we are.

You go your way. I'll go mine. like they say all things must heal \\rith time but the scar remains as a final memory of a situation that took the best of me.

The masks are down now the features are exposed there~s no hiding now that much we ·ve come to know we draw conclusions each to blame the other the naked face of truth can now be discovered.

You Walk Alone You walk alone along the night And I am watching you Far away, awaiting like a spirit in calling.

You still exist \\'ithin mv mind J

A source of light undefined Is shattering my images of you at this time.

Disillusion fades awav ;

falling endless like the rain lifting spirits from the ground was I silent for too long.

I dreamed that I could fly again flawless, marked against the \\ind through endless towers filled with light I'll see you on the darkest night

Child Of The Sea Where am I when I am watching all the waves I am seeing the endless changing tides when I was young I thought that I would alwa\'s be the innocence. a child of th~ sea.

And the sea has frozen over and is telling me to stay but I am not tliere and cannot promise I can't help from falling in let me feel the rushing \\ind let me see a light in the distance

where does it blow where does it blow.

Even now I look upon the life around me and cast away the worries I don't need when I was rouno

J 0

I thought that I would always be the innocence, a child of the sea.

And the light sees through the night and my spirit flies from the ground the silent shadows trail behind me as I return to the vastness of the sea.

Stranger He's superstitious but he walks under ladders tries to push his luck away maybe some day.

He walked in like something real face held no trace of knowing I saw him yesterday another place or time that wasn't really mine. ,

\Vhat brings him to me something that 1 can't see this stranger approaching my door awakening memories of lifetimes before.

Eyes could feel the change in the air swept into a place beneath our dreams blinded by die fires long ago watching the storm form

around the ocean ::-;;_~ ___ th ___ ey were real our sleepy eyes would feet

Loohing To Dawn Silent hours morning sunrise sitting here alone in my room try to think of nothing at all find the place where thoughts hare no recall.

Sky gazing sun is up now all the magic lost \\ith the dawn blue dusk on the edge of the view white lights so small and so few.

Gather strength now day approaches time to do what must be done silence ended for the moment still the dawn is ret to come


rn sit and wait to become just a part of it for the night is the force that can soothe the tired one.

The Weather Inside Looking out through shaded glass clouding up the 'iew diamond drops begin to gather round the sun inside of you seeds that cannot grow cause the rain keeps pouring do\\n dark clouds in the sky ,

bring water to the ground.

If thoughts are drops of water. Can you e,·er stop the rain impress into the skies of blue you'll never feel the rain again.

Reaching in with eyes no longer now a part of you watching tides that brush the black shore not doing is to do encasing you in comfort you gently float away drifting out in silence your peace you·,·e found today.

Towered In The !\Tight Guiding light searching looking for \isions in the night darkness unveils a light on the hill.

Climbing circles through faded steps rotting \Vood comforts me lhe smell of age silent and dark.

Glassed in reflections spin standing high aboYe the sea I can see my life is forever towered in the night.

Standing there breathing light the fog surrounds me feathers of white and 1 am falling.

\Vild wind cold and free

A touch of light so they can see.

Unmasked }(a thy- vocals 'apd piano Esther- vocals . . Mike Murley - tenor sax Wade Pinhom- electric bass Howie Southwood- d111ms

You Walk Alone Esther - vocals Kathy - vocals and piano . · . Wade Pinhom - fretless~bass an&synthesuer George Morgan - percussion

Child of the Sea . " . Esther -vocals

· ~a thy r- vocals and piano Vonnie Barron - vocals Roger Howse ~ slide guitar San'dy 'Moriis - acoustic guitar

· Wade Pinhom- electric bass Howie Southwood - drums •

Stranger · · " , Kathy- vocals, piano, and synthesizer

Esther - vocals Voilnie Barron - vocals Sanqy Morris- guitars Wade Pinhom - electric bass George Morgan - percussio~

' Looking to Dawn Kathy- vocals and piano Esther - vocals Vonnie Barron- vocals B~n pavenport, Kelly Russell, and Seamus L:reagh - strings Wade Piilhorn - electric bass Howie Southwood ~ druills.


' •


. *

Weather Inside Kathy - vocals and synthesizer Esther - vocals Vonnie Barron - vocals Sandy Morris - guitar Wade Pinhorn - electric bass Howie Southwood- drums

Towered in the Night Esther - vocals Kathy- vocals and piano Vonnie Barron - vocals Ben Davenport - cello Wade Pinhorn- electric bass, fretless bass, and synthesizer Howie Southwood - drums TECHNICAL CREDITS -Recorded at Vaiyeen Studios, St.John's, NF 1992 -Produced by Don Walsh. Arrangements by

Kathy and Esther with Don Walsh. - Engineered by Shane Kelly and Don Walsh . -Mixed at ValyeenStutfios by Neil Bishop. -Synthesizer programming by Wade Pinhorn. - Photography by Shane Kelly. -Cover design and layout by

Target Marketing & Communications Inc.

THANK YOU TO Don Walsh! Gail and Gerry Squires, Hon. James A. McGrath Target Marketing & Communications Inc. Pamela Morgan, Glen Tilley, Dave Panting, Ray Penton, Scott Harris, Sheila Lynch, Shane Kelly, Adrian Ross, Sheila Ryan Jackson, Joan Woodrow, Raphael Hoekman, Dorothy Martin,Yvonne and Dennis Hartley, Vonnie Barron, Margaret Barron, Elizabeth Lacey, Cooperation Agreement on Cultural Industries, Vera for her homemade bread, Canada Council, Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council

All songs written by Kathy Phippard and Esther Squires, except Deadman's Cove written by Gerald Squires, Esther, and Kathy; Child of the Sea \\'litten by Richard Tunis, Esther, and Kathy; Looking to Da\vn written by John Phippard, Kathy, and Esther.

MUSICIANS: Vonnie Barron Seamus Creagh Kelly Russell Ben Davenport Serguei Tchepournov Roger Howse Mike Murley George Morgan Howie Southwood Wade Pinhorn Sandy Morris

CREDITS: Young at Heart Kathy Phippard - Yocals and piano Esther Squires - vocals Vonnie Barron - vocals Yfike Murley - tenor saxophone Wade Pinhorn - bass Howie Southwood - drums

The Spell is Cast Esther - vocals . Kathy- vocals and piano Vonnie Barron - vocals Sandy Morris - guitar George Morgan - percussion \Vade Pinhorn - bass Howie Southwood- drums

Here's to Life Kathy - vocals and keyboard Esther - vocals

Roger Howse- slide guitar George Morgan - percussion \Vade Pinhom- bass Howie Southwood - drums

Running Wild Esther - vocals Kathy - vocals and synthesizer Sandy Morris - guitar Wade Pinhom- electric bass Howie Southwood - drums

Night journey Kathy - vocals and synthesizer Esther - vocals Sandy Morris - guitars Kelly Russell - violin \Vade Pinhom - electric bass Howie Southwood - drums

Faceless Angel Esther - vocals Kathy - vocals and piano Vonnie Barron - vocals Sandy Morris - guitar Serguei Tchepoumov- violin -

Wade Pinhom- fretless bass, synthesizer Howie Southwood - drums George Morgan - percussion

Deadman's Cove Esther - vocals Kathy - vocals and piano Serguei Tchepoumov - violin \Vade Pinhom- electric bass and svnthesizer


HO\\ie Southwood- drums

Kathy Phippard and Esther Squires No sealing the ears of your companions or lashing yourself to the mast as Ulysses did, but listen to the sweet songs of the sirens, the gods have ·given them wings.

Gerald Squires

1. Young at Heart

2. The Spell is Cast

3. Here's to Life

4. Running Wild

5. Night journey

6. Faceless Angel

7. Deadman's Cove

8. Unmasked

9. You Walk Alone

10. Child of the Sea

11. Stranger

12. Looking to Dawn

13. Weather Inside

14. Towered in the Night


Duck\Nor lit · Distribution 198 Duckworth .St. St. John's, Nfld. Canada AlC 1G5 (709) 753-9292 tel (709) 753-6180 fax
















1. Young at Heart 3:11

2. The Spell is Cast 4:03

3. Here's to Life 3:48

4. Running Wild 2:57

5. Night journey 3:56

6. Faceless Angel 4:04

7. Deadman's Cove 3:48

8. Unmasked 4:35

9. You Walk Alone 2:56

10. Child of the Sea 3:38

11. Stranger 3:35

12. Looking to Dawn 3:13

13. Weather Inside 4:04

14. Towered in the Night 4:02

TIME 51:50 Produced by Don Walsh

Duckwor II a siRENs Distribution P.O. Box 1421 , 198 Duck\vonh St Station C, St. John's , St.John's, ~nd Nfld. AlC 5N8 Canada Al C 1 G5 (709) 753-9292 tel (709) 753-6180 fa.x All songs registered with SOCAN 7 7657-50136-2 1

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