yoga essence 1

Post on 10-Dec-2014



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The Essence and

Evolution of Yoga



Why Yoga? Traditionally, the end goal of yoga is the liberation from all

worldly suffering, habitual conditionings and the cycle of birth and death (Samsara), which manifests itself through the realization of the reality of Reality.

How does this clarity come? It happens by removing the clouds of spiritual ignorance (avidya)

Yoga deals with the obstacle of the mind and how to purify the mind so that it is an aid rather than hindrance on the inner journey. It presumes that the seeker has done the preparatory work to be able to do these practices. Yoga science rests on the twin principles of cultivating practices (Abhyasa) that bring stable tranquility and non-attachment (Vairagya)

Yoga focuses on discriminating, in meditation, between consciousness (Purusha) and matter (Prakriti) at all levels. In that way, one comes to know the pure consciousness in it's own being

What is Yoga Yoga Sutras 1.2

योग: चि�त्त-वृत्तित्त नि�रोध: yogaś citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ “Yoga is the inhibition (nirodhaḥ) of the

modifications (vṛtti) of the mind (citta)" or "Yoga is restraining the mind-stuff (Citta)

from taking various forms (Vrittis)."

Awakening Yoga is Enlightenment Root of existence Body is means of practice, instrument of


6 Schools of Indian Philosophy

Yoga—Practical methods for direct experience

Sankhya—Framework of Manifestation Vedanta—Contemplative Self-inquiry Vaisheshika—Physical Sciences Nyaya—Reasoning Mimasa—Freedom through action

*While yoga in and of itself is considered a school of Indian Philosophy, it heavily relies on the remaining 5 schools of thought. Sankhya and Vedanta in particular.

Yoga—Practical methods for direct

experience Practical Method(s) for Direct experience Yoga systematically deals with all of the levels of

one's being as they strive to experience the eternal center of consciousness.

Satcitananda: Sat (beingness) Cit (consciousness) Ananda (bliss)

Yoga is best described in the Yoga Sutras and involves systematized scientific study of inner states. The goal of which is to so as to experientially go beyond all of them to the center of consciousness. *Yoga contains the practical methods to realize in

direct experience the truths of the Sankhya and Vedanta philosophies.

Sankhya Sankhya—Framework of Manifestation

Sankhya philosophy offers a framework for all the levels of manifestation, from the subtlest to the grossest, creating a complete understanding of the whole of Reality.

Sankhya deals with prakriti (matter), purusha (consciousness), buddhi or mahat (intelligence), ahamkara (I-am-ness), three gunas (elements of stability, activity, and lightness) mind (manas), cognitive and active senses (indriyas), and the five subtle and gross elements (earth, water, fire, air,

and space).

Vedanta *Vedanta—Contemplative Self-inquiry

Vedanta philosophy and practice provides contemplative methods of self-inquiry leading to the realization of one's true nature that which is not subject to death, decay, or decomposition.

The essential precept Prakriti (matter), as a grosser element is subject to

change, and therefore, neither a basis for reality nor eternal.

Purusha (consciousness), on the other hand, being the subtler element, is unchanging, and therefore, the foundation of Reality. *The teachings of Vedanta are best captured in the books

of the Upanishads.

Vaisheshika—Physical Sciences The Vaisheshika system emphasizes the physical sciences

such as chemistry, exploring the elements of earth, water, fire, air and space, as well as time, mind and soul.

Nyaya—Reasoning The Nyaya system deals with logic, the process of

reasoning. Doubt is considered a prerequisite for philosophical inquiry. Other systems of Indian philosophy draw on this process.

Mimasa—Freedom through action The Mimasa system pursues freedom through action. It has

a detailed philosophy related to ritual, worship and ethical conduct, which developed into the philosophy of karma.

Point of Entry Entry point of yoga Moving beyond religoun into the direct

experience of reality

Nesting of Patterns

Body as Entry Point of Yoga

Body as field of experience Understanding the true nature of ourminds Our Medium of Yoga practice

Hatha Yoga Dough- stretched, kneeded, baked, cooking,

squeezing , releasing = Juice Understanding the true nature of our minds

The Yogic Tradition

Passage of tradition Universal, common current and content of

practice that has been passed through ages – like a peer review of sorts

Classical Divisions

Classical Divisions of Yoga

Raja Yoga— Royal Yoga; or “The Resplendent Yoga of Spiritual

Kings” Jnana Yoga—

Yoga of Wisdom; or Cultivation of Discrimination Karma Yoga—

Yoga of Action; Freedom from Action Bhakti Yoga—

Yoga of Devotion; or The Self-Transcending Power of Love

Raja Yoga Raja Yoga

Royal Yoga; or “The Resplendent Yoga of Spiritual Kings”

Raja Yoga- A comprehensive method that emphasizing

meditation, while Encompasses the whole of Yoga It directly deals with the encountering and

transcending thoughts of the mind.

Karma Yoga Karma Yoga—

Yoga of Action Freedom from Action

Karma Yoga is the path of service,.. mindfulness, and remembering the levels of

our being while fulfilling our actions or karma in the world.

Jnana Yoga Jnana Yoga—

Yoga of Wisdom; or Cultivation of Discrimination

Jnana Yoga is the path of knowledge,… wisdom, introspection and contemplation. involves deep exploration of the nature our

being by systematically exploring and setting aside false identities.

Bhakti Yoga Bhakti Yoga—

Yoga of Devotion; or The Self-Transcending Power of Love

Bhakti Yoga is the path of love… devotion, emotion, compassion, and service

to God and others. All actions are done in the context of

remembering the Divine.


The Yoga Sutras


The Yoga Sutras

Introduction Thread of Aphorisms Written by Patanjali Thought to be written from a “Dualist”


Yoga Sutras Divided into Books or chapters called “PADA” Book 1

Samâdhi-pâdaï : Concentration: Its Spiritual Uses “Integration” (51 sutras)

Book 2 Sâdhana-pâdaï:

Book 3 Vibhûti-pâdaï The Extraordinary Powers “Progressing” Book 4 Kaivalya Pada (34 sutras)

What is Yoga?Chapter 1

What is yoga? Sutra 1.2

Definition of Samâdhi-pâdaï Concentration: It’s spiritual uses Integration

Content: 51 sutras


Now, yoga is explained

sutra 1.1

NOW, the process of union or yoking is explained

atha yogânuåâsanam atha = now yoga = process of yoking; union ânuåâsanam = teaching, exposition

Yogaś citta-vritti-nirodhaḥ Sutra 1.2

yogaï = process of yoking; union

citta = consciousnessvëtti = patterning,

turnings, movements

nirodhaï = stilling, cessation, restriction

Yoga Sutra 1.2 Translations

Yoga is the restraint of mental modifications

Yoga is restraining the mind-stuff (Chitta) from taking various forms (Vrttis)

~Swami Vivekananda Union, spiritual

consciousness, is gained through control of the versatile psychic nature

~Charles Johnson

Chitta is the various processes in the mind, or mind stuff

The waves of thought in the Chitta are called Vrtti (literally, “the whirlpool”)

What is thought? Thought is a force, as is gravitation or repulsion.

The Practice of YogaChapter 2

Sadhana Pada (55 Sutras)

Sadhana is the Sanskrit word for "practice" or "discipline". Here the author outlines two forms of Yoga: Ashtanga Yoga (Eightfold or Eight limbed Yoga) and Kriya Yoga (Action Yoga).

Note: Kriya yoga, sometimes called Karma Yoga. In the Bhagavad-Gita, Arjuna is encouraged by Krishna to act without attachment to the results or fruit of action and activity. In other words, Kriya yoga is the yoga of selfless action and service.

The Ashtanga8-limbed yoga

8 Limbed Yoga Yama Niyama Asana Pranayama Pratyahara Dharana Dhyana Samadhi


Ahimsa Ahimsa traditionally meant "do not kill or

hurt people." This can be extended to mean that violent

in feelings, thoughts, words, or actions should be avoided.

At root, ahimsa is the practice of compassion towards yourself and others.

Satya Meaning

Truthfulness, or Not lying Practice Being truthful in feelings, thoughts, and words and deeds Being honest with ourselves and with others.

Assess honestly without need for apology

Example A student with stiff hips and can't do a backbend properly may

collapse into her lower back to pretend to do a good one, this is a lie. This is being dishonest and actually not the pose at all.

Note: “sat” means Knowledge or Truth with a big K or T

Asteya Asteya "not stealing"

Asteya, or refers to the stealing that grows from believing we cannot create what we need.

At core is our misperception that the universe is lacking abundance

As a practice, Asteya can be seen as rooted in subconscious beliefs of “lack” and “scarcity” that cause greed and hoarding in all their various manifestations

Brahmacharya Brahmacharya

We practice Brahmacharya when we consciously choose to use our life force (especially the energy of sexuality) to express our dharma, rather than to frivolously dissipate it in an endless pursuit of fleeting pleasures.

Brahmacharya reminds us that our life force is both limited and precious, and sexual activity is one of the quickest ways to deplete it.

As yogis, we choose to use the power behind sexuality to create, to fulfill our mission, to find and joyously express our inner selves. The practice of Brahmacharya is not some archaic form of moralizing, but rather a reminder that, if we use our energy wisely, we possess the resources to live a fulfilling life.


Niyama The Five Niyamas:

Saucha = purity Santosha = contentment Tapaï (Tapas) = heat, intensity of discipline,

austerity Svâdhyâya = self-study Ishvara prañidhânâni = surrender, dedication,

application, alignment Ishvara= the divine ideal of pure awareness prañidhânâni = surrender, dedication,

application, alignment

AsanaThe Field of Experience

Asana II.46 sthira-sukham âsanam

sthira = steady, stable sukham = happiness âsanam = posture

The postures of meditation should embody steadiness and ease.

Asana II.47 Maybe you can add… II.47 This occurs as all effort relaxes and

coalescence arises, revealing that the body and the infinite universe are indivisible prayatna = effort saithilya = relaxation ananta = endless, boundless samâpattibhyâm = coalescence, unified




With effort relaxing, the flow of inhalation and exhalation can be brought to a standstill; this is called breath regulation.

tasmin = in this sati = existing svâsa = inhalation pravâsayoï = exhalation gati = flow vicchedaï = cessation, interruptionThus, prâñâyâmaï = breath regulation

Pranayama (Continued)

As the movement patterns of each breath - inhalation, exhalation, lull - are observed as to duration, number, and area of focus, breath becomes spacious and subtle.

Sutra II.50 As realization dawns, the distinction between

breathing in and out falls away. Sutra II.51

Then the veil lifts from the mind’s luminosity. Sutra II.52

Yoga Sutra 2.49Once that perfected posture has

been achieved, the slowing or braking of the force behind, and of unregulated movement of inhalation and exhalation is called breath control and expansion of Prana (pranayama), which leads to the absence of the awareness of both, and is the fourth of the eight rungs.

tasmin sati shvasa prashvsayoh gati vichchhedah pranayamah


Pratyahara pratyâhâraï

When consciousness interiorizes by uncoupling from external objects, the senses do likewise; this is called withdrawal of the senses.

sva-visayâsamprayoge cittasya svarûpânukâra ivendriyâñâm

sva = own visaya = object (of experience), phenomenon asamprayoge = uncoupling cittasya = consciousness sva = own rûpa = form anukâra = imitation, following suit iva = like, thus, as it were indriyâñâm = sensory apparatus pratyâhâraï = withdrawal of the senses




Kaivalya Pada (34 sutras) Kaivalya literally means "isolation", however

the Sutras Kaivalya means emancipation or liberation, which is the goal of Yoga Moksha (liberation) Jivamukti (one who has attained Moksha).

The Kaivalya Pada describes the nature of

liberation and the reality of the transcendental self.

Think Samadhi

Hatha YogaToward a contemporary practice

Hatha Yoga, In short

Hatha Yoga as preparatory stage of physical purification that the body practices for higher meditation. This practice is called shatkarma.

The word Hatha is a compound of the words “Ha and Tha” meaning sun and moon referring to Prana and Apana, and also to the principal nadis (energy channels) of the subtle body that must be fully operational to attain a state of Dhyana or Samādhi.

Union and Yoga To yoke or join

The word "ha" refers to the solar nadi (pingala) in the subtle body and "tha" the lunar channel (ida).

However, when the two components of the word are placed together, "hatha" means "forceful", implying that powerful work must be done to purify the body.

Hatha yoga is meant to join together sun or “Shiva” (masculine, active) energy with the moon or “Shakti”(feminine, receptive) energy,

This union produces balance and greater power in an individual.

The Yoga Process“According to the Yogis there are two nerve currents in the spinal column, called Pingala and Ida, and there is a hollow canal called Susumna running through the spinal cord. At the lower end of the hollow canal is what the Yogis call the “Lotus of the Kundalini.” They describe it as triangular in form, in which, in the symbolical language of the Yogis, there is a power called the Kundalini coiled up. When that Kundalini awakes it tries to force a passage through this hollow canal, and, as it rises step by step, as it were, layer after layer of the mind becomes open, all these different visions and wonderful powers come to the Yogi. When it reaches the brain the Yogi is perfectly detached from the body and mind; the soul finds itself free.”

+Swami Vivekananda on Psychic Prana

Hatha and the 8-Limbs

Follows the same principles as Patanjali’s 8-Limbed Path (the Ashtanga) including moral restraint Yama and spiritual observances Niyama.

Hatha Yoga is what most people in the West associate with the word "Yoga" and is practiced for mental and physical health throughout the West.


The Experiential Unveiling of Reality

Tantra A thread or weaving of threads A latis of intelligence

Meaning and Associations

Meaning: Hidden Associations:

Mantra: Chants that bring us to the immediate vibration of the present moment

Yantra: the use of geometry of visualization of form bringing us into the experience of the present moment

Origin and History Difficult to explain the history of Tantra Views that are on the boarder line.

Represent the language that lies in between different schools of yogic thought

Where an exchange of differing ideas and thought takes place

Practice and experience counts above historical reconciling these thoughts

The Tantric: The Juice

Philosophy or practice is simply the container for the delivery of the juice that is actually the nectar

Kundalini Teachings of Hatha Yoga are Tantric Hatha Yoga concept of Kundalini is said to

have given birth to Tantra The awakening of the Kundalini, the

practice associated to the rising of Pranic energy up the Susumna Nadi is the foundation

The Secret of Tantra:The Present Moment

The Secret of Tantra is only secret only because the truth is by nature subtle and elusive

The secret of Tantra, like the secret of yoga, is trapped in an experiential paradox where one’s attention and awareness of experience quickly gives way to theorizing and conceptualizing killing the experiencing itself

The processes of Tantra and deep yoga practice

Prana “According to the Yogis there are two nerve currents in the

spinal column, called Pingala and Ida, and there is a hollow canal called Susumna running through the spinal cord. At the lower end of the hollow canal is what the Yogis call the “Lotus of the Kundalini.” They describe it as triangular in form, in which, in the symbolical language of the Yogis, there is a power called the Kundalini coiled up. When that Kundalini awakes it tries to force a passage through this hollow canal, and, as it rises step by step, as it were, layer after layer of the mind becomes open, all these different visions and wonderful powers come to the Yogi. When it reaches the brain the Yogi is perfectly detached from the body and mind; the soul finds itself free.” +Swami Vivekananda on Psychic Prana

Prana (प्राण, prāṇa) Sanskrit for "breath” In Vedantic philosophy, it is the notion of a vital, life-sustaining

force of living beings and vital energy Prana is a central concept in Ayurveda and Yoga where it is

believed to flow through nadis, a network of fine subtle channels . Its most subtle material form is the breath, but is also to be found

in blood, and its most concentrated form is semen in men and vaginal fluid in women.

Pranamaya-kosha is one of the five Koshas or "sheaths" of Being. Prana was first expounded in the Upanishads, where it is part of

the worldly, physical realm, sustaining the body and the mother of thought and thus also of the mind.

Prana suffuses all living forms but is not itself the Atman or individual soul.

In the Ayurveda, the Sun and sunshine are held to be a source of Prana.

Prana Vayus When the Prana operates in the body, it divides into

five major flows called Vayus. These 5 Vayus are somewhat like ocean currents,

while there are 5 major currents, there may be thousands of smaller currents. The 5 major include Prana Vayu Apana Vayu Samana Udana Vyana

Reversing Prana and Apana Vayu is a significant notion behind the Hatha Yoga practice

5 Vayus Prana Vayu operates from the heart area, and is an upward

flowing energy, having to do with vitalizing life forces. Apana Vayu operates from the base of the torso, in the rectum

area, is a downward flowing energy, and has to do with eliminating or throwing off what is no longer needed.

Samana Vayu operates from the navel area, deals with digestion, and allows the mental discrimination between useful and not useful thoughts.

Udana Vayu operates from the throat and drives exhalation, operating in conjunction with Prana Vayu, which deals with inhalation.

Vyana Vayu operates throughout the whole body, having no particular center, and is a coordinating energy throughout the various systems.

The Roll of Vayus in Awakening

Prana Vayu is an upward flowing energy and Apana Vayu is a downward flowing energy.

Reversing Prana and Apana Vayu is a significant notion behind the Hatha Yoga practice

One of the ways of describing the process of intentional Kundalini Awakening is that these two energies are intentionally reversed through a variety of practices.

Reversing the energy causes the Kundalini at the base of the subtle spine to awaken, and to begin to arise.

KundaliniKundalini yoga is a physical and meditative

discipline within Hatha Yoga. It describes a set of advanced yoga practices with the focus of the awakening of Kundalini

According to Hindu tradition Kundalini yoga is a pure spiritual science that leads to means awakening of inner knowledge Enlightenment.



Together, the Ida and Pingala nadis form the snakes of the caduceus, while Sushumna forms the staff. The snakes intersect at the chakras, as do the nadis described above.

At the ajna chakra, between the eyebrows, there are two petals, one on either side, just as there are two wings at the top of the caduceus.

Yoga Today

Contemporary Yoga

In Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Hatha Yoga is described as relating to Kundalini Yoga. It also explains that the purpose of Hatha Yoga is Raja Yoga.

Thus, we can easily see the relationship of Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga as being parts or aspects of Raja Yoga, which is one of the traditional four paths of Yoga.

Energetic Anatomy




Together, the Ida and Pingala nadis form the snakes of the caduceus, while Sushumna forms the staff. The snakes intersect at the chakras, as do the nadis described above.

At the ajna chakra, between the eyebrows, there are two petals, one on either side, just as there are two wings at the top of the caduceus.

Susumna:Path of Prana Shakti

Open-nessKundalini in Postures

Yoga Sutra 2.49

Sahasrara: “The Crown Chakra” may be seen similarly to

the pituitary gland, which secretes hormones to

communicate to the rest of the endocrine system and

connects to the central nervous system via the


Ajna: “The Brow Chakra” (also known as the third eye

chakra) is linked to the pineal gland which may inform a

model of its envisioning. The pineal gland is a light

sensitive gland that produces the hormone melatonin,

which regulates sleep and waking up.

Vishuddha: “The Throat Chakra” may be understood as

relating to communication and growth through expression.

This chakra is paralleled to the thyroid, a gland that is

also in the throat and which produces thyroid hormone,

responsible for growth and maturation.

Anahata: “The Heart Chakra” is related to the thymus,

located in the chest. The thymus is an element of the

immune system as well as being part of the endocrine

system. It is the site of maturation of the T cells

responsible for fending off disease and may be adversely

affected by stress.

Manipura: The “Solar Plexus Chakra” is related to the

metabolic and digestive systems. Manipura is believed to

correspond to groups of cells in the pancreas, as well as

the outer adrenal glands and the adrenal cortex. These

play a valuable role in digestion, the conversion of food

matter into energy for the body.

Svadhisthana: “The Sacral Chakra” is located in the

sacrum (hence the name) and is considered to correspond

to the testes or the ovaries that produce the various sex

hormones involved in the reproductive cycle.

Svadhisthana is considered to be related to, more

generally, the genitourinary system and the adrenals.

Muladhara: “The Base Chakra” is related to instinct,

security, survival and basic human potentiality. This centre

is located in the region between the genitals and the anus.

Although no endocrine organ is placed here, it is said to

relate to the gonads and the adrenal medulla, responsible

for the fight-or-flight response when survival is under



Yoga and The Anatomy of Personal


IntroductionA chakra is a plexus of Pranic energy in the body that expresses our

individual consciousness and energy in particular ways distinctive of our individuality. We are familiar with expressions such as a ‘gut feeling,’ an ‘open heart,’ ‘fire in the belly’ and so on, all of which are colloquial expressions of the energy of the chakras.

Our expressions also reflect our recognition that these energies can be ‘open’ – expansive, expressive, inclusive – or ‘closed’ – tight, narrow, self-absorbed. Our maturity and evolution as individuals and as spiritual beings depends upon how much these energies are ‘opened’ as we progress through life, bringing us into higher levels of harmony with the generous, inclusive and expansive energy of the universe, the creative Shakti.

Doug Keller, Refining The Breath

7 Sahasrara + Crown

Top of the Head6 Ajna + Brow + Thought

Forehead Center5 Vishuddha + Throat

Mid-Throat4 Anahata + Heart

Chest Center3 Manipura + Solar Plexus

Upper Stomach2 Svadhisthana + Spleen

2 – 3 inches below stomach1 Muladhara + Perineum

Base of the Spine

Mental - Emotional Strengths /Blocks of Each Chakra

Crown ChakraCompassion, at-oneness, seeing self in others,

harmonious, peaceful, non-attachment, love, nonreactive; Spirit: Love

Brow ChakraOverview, Visualizing, Clarity, Psychic / Subtle

awareness of self in others; Spirit: ServiceThroat Chakra

Open, clear communication; Creative; Speaking up; Releasing; Breathing life-force, Spirit: Healing

Heart Chakra Harmony, trust, loving, gentle w/ self and others. Give

and receive w/o condition. Flexible w/ loss; Spirit: Balance

Mental Energy Will/power/control over self vs. others, beliefs, details,

constructive vs. critical. Spirit: Thought ClarityEmotional Energy

Emotionally open to new people, ideas & growth. Needs: Boundaries, Trust, Comfort, Intimacy,

attachment. Spirit: Begin / EndPhysical Energy

Physical & Financial Needs: Safety, Sexuality. Action Center. Spirit: Grounded-ness

Physical Areas and


Crown Chakra

Pineal Gland; Hair, Top of Head, CNS (Nerve System)Brow Chakra

Pituitary and Hypothalamus; eyes, Autonomic Nerve System

Throat Chakra

Thyroid, parathyroid, neck ears, atlas Respiratory System; Colds, sinus allergies

Heart Chakra Thymus, Heart, Breathing Allergies, Lungs, Blood

Pressure, Lymph, Immunity SystemSolar Plexus Chakra

Pancreas, Stomach, Liver, Small Intestine, Blood Sugar, DigestionSpleen Chakra

Blood Sugar; Spleen, Ovaries, Urinary Tract, Uterus; Kidney, Adrenals

Base Root Chakra

Lower Sex / Reproductive System, Tailbone, Legs, Feet.


1st Energy Center – “Action, Speed Chakra”

Anatomy: Perineum, Base of the spineColor: RedElement: EarthSymbol: Square / CubePolarity: ( — )Sound: “LAM”Instrument: DrumSense: SmellSense Reception: External Visual

MovementFood: Proteins, Beans, Nuts

Open and Clear:Physically strong. Healthy sex drive. Grounded wellbeing.

Closed or Clouded:Base emotions such as anger, resentment, jealousness. Sex w/ personal pleasure as focus. Ungrounded.


2nd Energy Center – “Feeling and Empathy”

Anatomy: Spleen 2 -3 inches below navel

Color: OrangeElement: WaterSymbol: Circle or spherePolarity: ( + )Sound: “VAM” Instrument: String instrumentsSense: Taste Sense reception: Feelings,

Kinesthetic Food: Water, Juice, TEA

Healthy, Open, ClearEmotionally energetic, passionate and warm. Caring with out need for attachment.

Unhealthy, closed or cloudedEmotions such as fear, anxiety manifest as attachment addictions and distrust.


3rd Energy Center - “Thought, Logic” Chakra

Color - YellowAnatomy - Solar Plexus (upper

stomach)Element - FireSymbol - Pyramid or Triangle Polarity - ( — )Instrument - “RAM” (horn / reed) Sense - Sight Receptive Mode - Auditory/digital

(hands on)Food - Complex Carbohydrates, Grains

Healthy & OpenCalm, Clear, confident, flexible

Unhealthy & ClosedExcessive worry, obsessive actions, easily irritated and often complaining


4th Energy Center – “Care and Compassion” Chakra

Anatomy - Heart (center of chest) Color - Green Element - Air Polarity - ( + ) Symbol - Cross Note - “YAM” (flute or wind) Sense - Touch Reception - Internal Visual Food - Dark, Leafy, Green Vegetables

Healthy & Open

Calm, trusting, loving, centered, giving, capable of giving and receiving

Unhealthy & Closed

Distrust, closed, guarded, unable to give or receive. Possible resentment.


5th Energy Center – “Communicate, Create Chakra”

Anatomy: Mid-Throat, Nose, Mouth, Sinus

Color: Blue Element: Aether Symbol: Cup / Chalice Note: “HAM” Instrument: Voice Sense: Hearing Sense Reception: Audio w/ minor

Visual Food: Raw Fruit (Blue or Black)

Healthy and Open

Clear and capable communication, assertive, creative verbally

Unhealthy and Closed

Lacks ability to express. Guarded. Hesitant to express emotions. Frustrated easily


6th Energy Center – “Overview, Community” Chakra

Anatomy: 3rd Eye Element: Thought Symbol: Star of David Polarity ( + ) Note: “OM” Instrument: Creative Vibration,

Spanda* Sense: Intuition Sense Reception: Overview Food: Breath, Air, Chlorophyll

Healthy & OpenMental clarity and insightful. Manifesting intention and desires comes easily

Unhealthy & ClosedDisharmony. Mental fluctuations. Difficult meditating. Muted intuitively. Lacking in Compassion


7th Energy Center - “Inner Knowledge, Service” Chakra

Color: Violet Anatomy: Crown Element: Light Symbol: Lotus Note: Silence Instrument: none Sense: Oneness Sense Reception: Knowingness Food: Sunshine, Juice, Fasting

Healthy & OpenInner knowingness, serenity, enjoys selfless service.

Unhealthy & ClosedLacks larger perspective. Lacks Intuition. Unable to care or be compassionate.

Evolution through Involution

Purusha toward Prakriti

Awakening: Prakriti to Purusha

PurushaOf the two companion principles,

Purusha is consciousness that is untainted, ever-pure. It is self-existent, standing alone from other identities of individuality; conscious being-ness; the principle of spiritual energy.

Self RealizationThe journey of Self-realization, or

discrimination of pure consciousness (Purusha) from unmanifest matter (Prakriti) is one of systematically using attention to encounter, examine, and transcend each of the various levels of manifestation, ever moving attention further inward towards the core of our being.

Prakriti Purusha: Of the two companion principles,

Purusha is consciousness that is untainted, ever-pure. It is self-existent, standing alone from other identities of individuality; conscious being-ness; the principle of spiritual energy.

Prakriti: The other of the two companion principles, Prakriti is the unconscious, unmanifest, subtlest of the material aspect of energy. It is the primordial state of matter, even prior to matter as we know it in the physical sense. Prakriti manifests as the three gunas and the other evolutes.

Ahamkara (ego) This is the process of ego, by which

consciousness can start to (incorrectly) take on false identities. Here, the word ego is used not to mean the actual qualities such brother or sister, or loving or cruel, but the capacity itself to take on the countless identities.

Gunas Prakriti (primordial "matter") has three

characteristics or attributes of Sattva (Lightness) Rajas (Activity) Tamas (Stability)

These three combine and re-combine so as to form the various aspects of mind, senses, and the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space.

ManasMind (manas) is the instrument,

which is the driving force behind actions, speech, and the thinking process. It is also the recipient of the sensory input. It is useful to know that, here, mind is being used in this more limited way, rather than the whole of the inner process called antahkarana, which includes manas, ahamkara, buddhi, chitta, along with the senses and the five elements.

Mahat or BuddhiThis is the purest, finest spark of

individuation of Prakriti (primordial matter). It is very first of the evolutes of Prakriti. It is individuation, but yet, without characteristics. Buddhi is the word, which applies to the individual person, while Mahat refers to the universal aspect of this process.


Inhale Annamaya Kosha:Food-apparent-sheath

Muladhara: Root Chakra “Primal Instinct” Male - Earth - Red

Rooted Postures: Feet, Legs, Spine (base), large intestine

Yama / Niyama:Foundation


Swadhisthana: Sacral Chakra “ Creativity or one’s own place Female - Water - Yellow

Hips, Sacrum, Genitals, lower back, genitals, womb, bladder, and kidney

Asana: Dynamic extension from and toward the core


Pranamaya Kosha:Air-apparent-sheath

Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra “Personal Power” “Get up and go”Fire - Male

Navel, Solar Plexus, digestive systemTapas: Sun Salutation, Core Strength, Boat Pose, Warrior poses, twists, passive backbends

Pranayama:Breath restriction;Organization and movement of Prana


Anahata: Heart Chakra “un-struck” or “unhurt”Air (female)

Heart, upper chest, and upper back: passive chest openers, shoulder stretches, backbends love and appreciate as we practice

Pratyahara: Sense Withdrawal


Manomaya Kosha: mind-stuff-apparent-sheath

Vishuddha: Throat Chakra “Expression”(male)

Neck, throat, jaw, and mouth, expression actions: Camel, bow, shoulder-stand, bridge, plow

Dharana: Concentration


Vijnanamaya kosha: wisdom-apparent-sheath

Ajna: 3rd Eye Chakra “Insight”(female)

Forward folds, postures placing pressure on forehead. Creative, focused, affirmative energy

Dhyana: Meditation



Anandamaya Kosha: bliss-apparent-sheath

Sahasrara: “Pure consciousness”White & Male (I suspect union)

Meditation Primary; Postures that confront preconceived notions, fears, and anxieties

Samadhi: Freedom (moska) through

Kosha: Sheathes of Being

The Journey Inward


The Physical Body (Asana)


The Energy Body (Prana)


The Mental body (Manas)


The Intellectual Body (Vijnana)


The Divine Body (Ananda)

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