year 03 | vol.- 03 | total vol.- 17 | march 2021 for bpsc

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For BPSC Examination

Year 03 | Vol.- 03 | Total Vol.- 17 | March 2021

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915 508 7930 | 834 032 5079 | 827 141 1177







Bihar Current


News at Glance

Environment &Ecology

Science & Technology

01 - 16

17 - 18


19 - 24

25 - 40

41 - 45

46 - 48

49 - 52


56 - 58

Dissertation 59 - 60

Awards 54 - 55

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915 508 7930 | 834 032 5079 | 827 141 1177



❋ It aims to bring all stakeholders including

buyers, vendors, students, teachers,

designers etc., on a single platform to create

a continuous linkages and discuss the

overall development of the industry.

Through this platform, the government and

industry will simultaneously consider how to

make India the next global hub for toy

manufacturing and outsourcing. This can be

done by attracting investment in the toy

sector and increasing exports.

Inauguration of 'Bharat Toy Fair 2021’

❋ Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi

inaugurated the Indian Toy Fair 2021

through video conferencing, on 27th

February 2021. More than 1,000 exhibitors

were participating in this fair.

❋ In e-commerce enabled virtual exhibition,

more than 1000 exhibitors from 30 States

and union territories will show their products.

It will feature traditional Indian toys as well

❋ NITI Aayog and Invest India joined hands

with National Bamboo Mission to organizing

this event. The purpose of this brainstorming

session was to discuss the bamboo

ecosystem to promote the overa l l

development of the region across the value


❋ The National Bamboo Mission related to

Department of Agricultural Cooperation

and Farmers Welfare organized a two-day

conference on 'National Consultation on

Opportunities and Challenges for Bamboo

in India' on 25th and 26th February 2021

through virtual platforms.

National conference organized by National Bamboo Mission

as modern toys including electro nick toys,

ploy toys, puzzles and games.

❋ The government has implemented

several new schemes such as the creation

of agricultural infrastructure funds and

10,000 FPOs. These schemes will be linked

with the bamboo sector to improve credit

and economic conditions for small and

marginal farmers.

❋ Famous Indian and international

speakers wi l l discuss regarding toy

designing and production. For children, this

fair is an opportunity to participate in a

variety of activities including demonstrating

skills in traditional toy making and virtual

visits to toy museums and factories.

❋ Skill training development in beauty

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National Bamboo Mission:

❋ To increase the visibility of bamboo

products in the electronic market space for

government procurement, the GEM portal

wil l create a dedicated window for

registration of bamboo products. The need

for large scale production related to

bamboo in sectors like construction, bio

CNG, ethanol etc. will provide real impetus

to the sector and will increase the income of


❋ The National Bamboo Mission is the

brainchild of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

wellness is being started by the National

Bamboo Mission through the qualification

pacs of the Ministry of Agriculture,

Handicrafts, Construction, Furniture, Skill

Development and Entrepreneurship.

The objective of this project is to make

❋ Through this mission, bamboo products

are manufactured and exported to the

markets of the entire country and the world.

These identified products will be supported

progress of local entrepreneurs, preserve

them and promoteenous product.

One District, One Focus Product

❋ Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers

Welfare has finalized the products for 'One

District One Focus Product' (ODOFP) in

consultat ion with Min ist ry of Food

Processing Industries.

❋ Products from agriculture, horticulture,

catt le, pou l t r y, m i lk , f i sher ies and

aquaculture, marine areas have been

identified for 728 districts across the


❋ These products will be promoted through

a group approach through the inclusion of

schemes of the Government of India to

increase the value of these products with

the ultimate objective of increasing the

income of the farmers.Image Source :

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915 508 7930 | 834 032 5079 | 827 141 1177


❋ A number of facilities have been made

available on this platform, through digital

❋ The Consumer Protection Act 2019, which

came into force from July 20, 2020, has

provision for online payment for e-filing and

filing of complaints with the Consumer

Commissions. The portal has

been developed by NIC to register

consumer complaints online.

❋ The e-filing portal for online redressal of

consumer complaints has now been

launched in 15 states and union territories.

under the PM-FME scheme of the Ministry of

Food Processing Industries.

The implementation of ODOFP by the state

governments will benefit the farmers and will

help in realizing the expectations of value

addit ion and thereafter increase in

agricultural exports.

‘One District, One Product':

❋ This scheme was announced by PM Modi

in the UP Assembly elections in 2017.

❋ The plan for 'One District, One Product'

was first introduced in 1979 by Morihiko

Hiramatsu, Governor of Oita, Japan.

❋ Between 2001-2006, Thailand's PM

Thaksin Suamatra started as 'One Timbon

One Product'.

❋ In addition, it has also been implemented

in the Philippines, Malaysia, China, etc.

E-filing portal launched in 15 states and union territories

medium, including e-notice, l ink for

downloading the documents related to the

case, VC link for hearing through video

conference, facility for filing written reply by

the opposite party and SMS / e-mail alert

facilities etc.

❋ The e-filing portal empowers consumers

and their advocates by providing the

facility to pay the prescribed fee from

anywhere for filing a consumer complaint to

grievance redressal. It is also helpful for

consumer commissions. With the help of

this, consumer commissions can easily take

decisions to accept or reject online

❋ The facility of e-filing of complaints was

launched by the National Consumer

Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC)

on September 7, 2020. Delhi has become

the first state to implement it. It was started

from 8 September 2020. Later, the facility of

e-filing of complaints was introduced in the

states of Maharashtra, Andaman and

Nicobar Islands, Bihar, Chhattisgarh etc.

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❋ Union Chemicals and Fertilizers Minister

DV Sadananda Gowda inaugurated the

four-day Global Investors Meet: India

Pharma 2021 and India Medical Devices

2021. It was organized under the aegis of

FICCI in collaboration with Department of

Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and

Fertilizers, and Invest India, Government of

India. During this event, the EY-FICCI report

'Indian Pharmaceutical Industry 2021:

Future is now' was released. Another

Production Lined Incentives Scheme 9PLI)

scheme was announced with an outlay of

Rs 3,420 crore for medical devices.

complaints and forward them to the

concerned authority for further action.

There is a need to advance India's share of

trade in value. To fulfill this objective, the

industry should set up a comprehensive

regulatory body and a central body, which

will make research related infrastructure

Inauguration of Global Investors Meet-India Pharma and India Medical Devices 2021

There is a need to improve market access to

prescribed drugs in the country. Reference

to various global best practices can be

considered in drug pricing and procurement

Achieving a just and sustainable healthcare:

and finance flow from all government

bodies. To increase private investment and

to provide finance to R&D for high risk and

long-term projects, one should consider

exploring new models, improving industry-

academic collaboration, and establishing

a strong innovation ecosystem.

Strengthening manufacturing and supply base in domestic and global markets:

There is also a need to increase the

attractiveness of the manufacturing sector

to attract the best talent in India and


Improving Access to Medicines:

There is potential to improve healthcare

service by increasing acceptance of digital

technologies. It simplifies the pursuit of

progress towards the achievement of

universal healthcare, effective process

establishment using the Aadhaar card for

identification and delivery based on health

care coverage category.

Manufacturing and supply chain initiatives

will focus on developing capabilities in APIs

and enabling the manufacturing of

complex generics. Ease of doing business is

an important initiative to establish world-

class manufacturing facilities.

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915 508 7930 | 834 032 5079 | 827 141 1177


models for geographic digital marketing of

pharma products. The medical device

industry in India has the potential to grow by

28 percent per year to reach $ 50 billion by

2025. Also this year the FDI growth rate has

been close to 100 per cent, showing the

incredible level of opportunity that is being


12 sites selected from all over the country for

the development of 'Swacha Tourist

Destination' to promote tourism in the


❋ The newly formed Ministry of Jal Shakti

will accelerate the efforts of cleanliness and

renovation to increase the footsteps of not

only domestic tourists but also international

tourists at famous sites. These twelve sites

include Agra Fort in Uttar Pradesh.

❋ Also Ajanta Caves Maharashtra, Sanchi

Stupa Madhya Pradesh, Kumbhalgarh Fort

Rajasthan, Jaisalmer Fort Rajasthan,

R a m d e v r a J a i s a l m e r ,

Golconda Fort Hyderabad Telangana, Sun

Temple Konark Odisha, Rock Garden

Chandigarh, Dal Lake Srinagar Jammu and

Kashmir, Banke Bihari Temple Mathura Uttar

Pradesh, Kalighat Temple, West

The Central Government has selected a

total of 12 tourist destinations spread across

nine states and union territories under the

Clean Tourism Destinations initiative. ❋ The project is being operated by the

Department of Drinking Water and

Sanitation of the Ministry of Jal Shakti in

collaboration with the Ministry of Housing

and Urban Affairs, Ministry of Tourism,

Ministry of Culture and the respective

State / Union Territory Governments.

❋ The Swachh Tourism Destination

initiative comes under the Swachh Bharat

Mission of the Modi government, which was

launched by the government in its first term.

To increase the crowd of tourists to these

world famous sites, the project envisages

i m p l e m e n t i n g s a n i t a t i o n a n d

hygiene standards at and around tourist


Bengal. These 12 sites have been selected

under Phase IV of the Swachh Iconic Places

(SIP) project, which is a sub-mission under

the Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin (SBM-


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915 508 7930 | 834 032 5079 | 827 141 1177


Guidelines related to OTT platforms and

digital portals released

❋ This MOU is in line with the capacity

utilization approach in terms of data to

ensure effective implementation of MCA

and CBIC regulations.16th FICCI Higher

Education Summit- 2021 inaugurated

❋ With the exchange of data on a regular

basis, MCA and CBIC can obtain other

information available with each other by

re q u e s t i n g fo r i n v e s t i g a t i o n a n d

prosecution purpose.

Agreement on exchange of information in Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Income Tax Department

The 16th edition of the FICCI Higher

Education Summit was organized by the

Federation of Indian Commerce and

Industry (FICCI) in a virtual medium in

❋ The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)

and the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and

Customs (CBIC) of the Ministry of Finance

signed a Memorandum of Understanding

(MoU) on 25 February 2021 for the exchange

of data between the two organizations.

There will be a self-regulation for OTT

platforms which will be headed by a retired

Supreme Court or High Court judge or other

person of this category. Self classification

of content for OTT platform should be in 13+,

16+ and A category. Parenting should be a

mechanism of the lock and ensure that

children do not see it.

collaboration with the Ministry of Education

and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

It was inaugurated by Union Education

Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' on 25th

February 2021. The theme of this summit

was 'Higher Education @ 2030: RISE -

Resilience, Innovation, Sustainability,

Enterpr ise' . F ICCI-EY report 'Higher

Education in India: Vision 2040' was

released in this inaugural session. Defining

Education 4.0 in the current context, the

report outlined the emerging global trends

within the higher education sector and

global best practices along with what has

been learned.

NMPB, Ministry of AYUSH marks three

patents under sponsored research projects.

National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB),

Ministry of AYUSH has launched a special

campaign to identify such patentable

p ro j e c ts w h i c h a re ' Rese a rc h a n d

Development of Central Sector Scheme

(CCS) on Medicinal Plants Conservation,

D e v e l o p m e n t a n d S u s t a i n a b l e

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The National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB)

has been set up in November 2000 by the

Government of India whose primary

function is to coordinate all programs

related to the development of medicinal

plants, support policies and trade, export,

conservation and cultivation.

Management' Development components'.

❋ While the first two projects are related to

the Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree

Breeding (IFGTB), Coimbatore, the third

project was run by the Central Institute of

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP).

National Board of Medicinal Plants:

❋ The NMPB generally sponsors various

R&D programs under the CSS for the

g o v e r n m e n t a s w e l l a s p r i v a t e

organizations across the country.

❋ Under these sponsored / financially

supported research projects, NMPB has so

far identified three special projects which

are new and patentable in nature. They

are:(1) Bio-production of secondary

m eta b o l i tes f ro m e g g m a r m a l o se

commonly known as BEL (R&D / TN-04 /

2006-07);(2). Artif icial production of

secondary metabolism (R&D / TN-0112013-

14-NMPB) from three species of Dashmool

(10 roots used in Ayurveda) from hairy root

culture; And (3). Development of anti-

cancer and anti-inflammatory components

from Discordia floribunda (R&D / UP-04 /


❋ The scheme will benefit domestic manu-

facturers, help in employment generation

and is expected to make available

medicines on a large scale to consumers at

affordable rates.

Approval of production based incentive

scheme for drugs (pharmaceuticals)

❋ The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime

Minister Narendra Modi approved the

Product-based PLI Scheme for Drugs

(Pharmaceutical Tickles) for the period from

FY 2020-21 to 2028-29.

❋ The objective of the scheme is to

increase India's production capacity by

increasing investment and production in

the region and to contribute towards

d i ve rs i f i c a t i o n of p ro d u c ts i n t h e

pharmaceutical sector from high value


❋ Additionally, to create global champions

outside India that have the potential to

grow in size and scale using state-of-the-

art and high-end information technology

and then understand global value chains.

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Approval of production related incentive scheme for IT hardware

❋ The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime

Minister Narendra Modi has approved the

Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for

IT hardware. The plan proposes production

incentives to boost domestic production in

the value chain of IT hardware and attract

large-scale investment. The target area of

the proposed scheme includes laptops,

tablets, all-in-one PCs and servers.

❋ Proposal to give 4 percent to 2 percent

/ 1 percent incentive to the eligible

companies under the scheme under the

target area for a period of 4 years and on

the total incremental sales (base year,

2019-20) for the products manufactured in


❋ During the six-year period from 2022-23

to 2027-28, there will be an increase of Rs.

2,94,000 crore in total sales and a total

export growth of Rs. 1,96,000 crore is

expected. Indian medicinal industry is the

third largest industry in the world in terms of

quantity and in terms of value it is

equivalent to US $ 40 bi l l ion. India

contributes 3.5 percent of the total

exported drugs and medicines in the world.

India exports drugs to more than 200

countries and regions which have high

regular markets like USA, UK, EU, Canada


❋ The scheme is expected to benefit 5

major global companies and 10 domestic

companies involved in manufacturing IT

hardware including laptops, tablets, all-in-

one PCs and servers. This is an important

a r e a f o r p r o m o t i n g

manufacturing under AtmaNirbhar Bharat

as currently the import dependence for

these commodities is very high.

The vision of the National Electronics Policy,

2019, notified on February 25, 2019, is to

establish India as a global hub for

e l e c t r o n i c s s y s t e m s d e s i g n a n d

manufacturing (ESDM). For this, the

country's capabilities has to develop key

components including chipsets and a

suitable environment is being created to

make the industry globally competitive.

Approval for construction of 56,368 new

houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

(Urban). The 53rd meeting of the Central

Clearance and Monitoring Committee was

held on 22nd February 2021. In this,

construction of 56,368 houses has been

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Light House Project:(LHP)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the

foundation stone of LHP on 1st January

2021 . Under LHP, houses are being

constructed in Lucknow, Ranchi, Rajkot,

approved under Pradhan Mantri Awas

Yojana-Urban (PMAY-U). These houses

have been proposed to be constructed

under various verticals (workspaces) of the

PMAY-U mission and also reviewed the

progress of Light House Projects (LHP) and

Demonstration Housing Projects (DHP).

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is

Agartala, Chennai and Indore.

To promote these LHP sites as vibrant

laboratories for transfer of technology in the

region, the Ministry has encouraged large

scale citizen participation, creating

technical awareness, on-site learning

solutions, explore ideas of experimentation

and has launched an online enrollment

campaign for technologists to encourage


committed to provide pucca houses to all

eligible beneficiaries of urban India by

2022, when the nation is celebrating its 75th

year of independence.

This MoU will seek to achieve better value

for stakeholders through a number of

activities including focus on export. 26th

Hunar Haat launched at Delhi's JLN


❋ This is the 26th Hunar Haat which is being

organized in the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium

Complex. More than 600 artisans and

artisans from 31 states and union territories

are participating in it.

❋ This 26th Hunar Haat is being organized

Agreement between MPEDA and NCDC to

promote export of marine products The

Marine Products Export Development

Authority (MPEDA) and the National

Cooperative Development Corporation

(NCDC) have entered into an agreement

aimed at promoting export-oriented

marine products .Under this MoU, MPEDA

and NCDC will formulate programs to

provide technical supports to cooperatives

to augment the infrastructure created for

the purpose of primary production

❋ On 21st February 2021, Defense Minister

Rajnath Singh inaugurated the Hunar Haat

of indigenous products of artisans,

craftsmen and artisans gathered in Delhi

from all over the country.

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by the Union Ministry of Minority Affairs on

the theme of 'Vocal for Local' from 20

February to 1 March 2021.Hunar Haat:

'Hunar Haat' is a platform to promote

indigenous products of artisans and

artisans across the country which has

provide employment and employment

opportunities to more than 5 lakh people.

What is a circular economy

In the circular economy, work is done on an

alternative system that is sustainable as

well as full of innovation. In which we can

use our existing resources in a new way. This

initiative accelerates the economy.

This economy works on such a system in

which the once and throw model does not

work. Rather, once used resources are

reused in a new way

❋ Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the India-Australia Circular Economy Hackathon Award Ceremony on 19th February 2021 via video conferencing. Addressing this ceremony, he said that recycling and reuse of goods and waste disposal and improvement in resource efficiency should be a part of our lifestyle.

❋ According to PM Modi, the circular economy can be helpful in solving many of our problems. He also stressed on improving the utilization of existing resources. He said that India-Australia strong partnership will play an important role in shaping the world after Covid.

India-Australia Circular Economy Hackathon (I-ACE)

❋ Ministry of Civil Aviation and Directorate

General of Civil Aviation have given

conditional exemption of use of Remotely

Operated Aircraft System (RPAS) to Ministry

of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare,

Government of India.

Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Permits Use of Drone

Under Pradhan Mantri Crop Insurance

Scheme, insurance cover is available

❋ Under this permission, Ministry of

Agriculture and Farmers Welfare will use

drones to collect remote sensing data in

agricultural areas of 100 districts of the

country. This data will be collected at Gram

Panchayat level for yield estimation under

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY).

❋ This conditional waiver is valid from the

date of issue of the letter or till full operation

of the digital Skype platform, whichever is

earlier, but this waiver will be valid only if it is

strictly adhered to all the conditions and


PM Crop Insurance Scheme: -

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before sowing and after harvesting. The

scheme was started on 13th January 2016.

Rabi, Kharif, commercial and Horticulture

crops are also covered under Crop

Insurance Scheme. Commercial and

horticulture crops have to pay a higher

premium. A 5% premium is to be paid for

these crops.

There is a premium of only two per cent

under the insurance scheme for Kharif crops

and 1.5 per cent for Rabi crops.

'Go Electric' campaign launched

❋ Union Minister of Road Transport &

Highways, Micro, Small and Medium

Enterprises Nitin Gadkari launched the "Go

Electric" campaign to spread awareness

about e-mobi l i ty and EV charging

infrastructure as well as the benefits of

electric cooking in India. Union Minister

Gadkari started the campaign nationwide

and said that electric fuel is an important

alternative to fossil fuels, which has an

import expenditure of Rs 8 lakh crore.

Electric fuels cost less than conventional

fuels, have lower emissions and are

indigenous as well.

❋ "Go Electric" campaign is an important

initiative, which will help reduce our

country's dependence on imports in the

coming years and will be an important step

towards a clean and green future. The

campaign aims to create awareness at the

all-India level and is expected to boost the

c o n f i d e n c e o f e l e c t r i c v e h i c l e


❋ Under the aegis of Ministry of Power, the

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has been

m a n d a te d to c o n d u c t a wa re n ess

campaigns aimed at promoting public

charging, e-mobility and its associated

mechanisms. BEE will provide technical

assistance to state-designated agencies

(SDAs) to implement the "Go Electric"

campaign at the national and state level.

Deendayal port has over 100 MMT cargo


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❋ Deendayal Port disposed of 13.25 MMT

liquid cargo and 43.76 dry cargo and

containers at Kandla. Deendayal Port Trust

discharged 43.30 MMT cargo at Vadinar

(including cross loading).

❋ Cargo work materials of Deendayal Port

are Crude Oil, Petroleum Products, Coal,

Salt, Edible Oil, Fertilizer, Sugar, Wood,


❋ Deendayal Port Trust, one of the 12

major ports of India, has crossed cargo of

100 MMT. Earlier this port was called Kandla

port and it is in Kutchak, Gujarat.

❋ The Prime Minister called upon countries

to raise ambitions and suggested to create

special visas for doctors and nurses so that

doctors and nurses could immediately go

to the area in case of emergency.

❋ PM Modi suggested sharing successful

public health policies and schemes. He

suggested that India's Ayushman Bharat

and Jan Arogya Schemes for the region

Covid-19 Management: Experience, Good

Practices and Way Forward Workshop

Addressed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi

on 18th February 2021 with 10 neighboring

countries - Afghanistan, Bangladesh,

Bhutan, Maldives, Maurit ius, Nepal,

Pakistan, Seychelles, Sri Lanka. It was

attended by health sector personalities,

experts and officials from ten neighboring


❋ Union Health and Family Welfare Minister

D r. H a rsh Va rd h a n a d d resse d t h e

inauguration ceremony of the Third India

Tourism Mart on 18th February 2021 through

video conferencing. It was organized by the

Federation of Association in India Tourism

and Hospitality (Faith). According to Dr.

Harsh Varshan, Medical Visas are being

issued by the Government of India to

promote medical tourism and plans are

being made to start e-tourist visas and

international flights soon. Considered as a

World Dispensary, India is one of the largest

pharmaceutical manufacturers in the world

and supplies vaccines on a large scale in

the world. Due to these strengths and

capabilities, India has emerged as an

important place in terms of medical tourism.

could be useful for studies. Inauguration of

Third India Tourism Mart:

❋ The Smart City Mission, Ministry of

Housing and Urban Affairs, has announced

the selection of 25 cities for the 'Nurturing

Neighborhood Challenge' cohort. The

'Nurturing Neighborhood Challenge' cohort

has been launched in technical partnership

with the Bernad van Leer Foundation (BBLF)

and WRI India. This challenge is a three-

year program and aims to support

childhood friendly neighborhoods under

the government's Smart City Mission.

25 cities set up for 'Nurturing Neighborhood

Challenge' cohort:

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❋ Cities selected for the Nurturing

N e i g h b o r h o o d C h a l l e n g e i n c l u d e

"Agartala, Bengaluru, Coimbatore,

Dharamshala, Erode, Hubli-Dharwad,

Hyderabad, Indore, Jabalpur, Kakinada,

Kochi, Kohima, Kota, Nagpur, Rajkot,

Ranchi, Rohtak, Rourkela, Salem , Surat,

Thiruvananthapuram, Tiruppur, Ujjain,

Vadodara and Warangal ”.

❋ The cohort will get technical support,

capacity building opportunities for testing

and pilot work for the next six months with

the aim of showing initial victory, working for

people's part ic ipation and forging

consensus for proposals.

The Nurturing Neighborhood Challenge

was launched on 4th November 2020. In

this, applications were invited from all smart

cities, capitals of states and union territories

and cities with a population above five


Under this three-year program, selected

cities will receive technical assistance and

capacity building assistance based on

t h e i r p r o p o s a l , p r e p a r a t i o n a n d

determination so that developmental and

resolvable work can be done to enhance

the quality of life of young children.

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime

Minister Narendra Modi has proposed to

Amendment to the Juvenile Justice (Care and

Protection of Children) Act, 2015 approved:

important facts :

❋ Under this Act, the term juvenile is not

used to describe any category of children. It

includes two categories of children -

children in need of care and protection and

amend the Juvenile Justice (Care and Child

Protection) Bill 2015 of the Ministry of

Women and Child Development to ensure

the interests of children and to take

measures to strengthen the child protection


Important revision points:

This amendment empowers the District

Magist rate and Addit ional D ist r ict

Magistrate to issue adoption orders under

Section 61 of the Juvenile Justice Act to

ensure speedy disposal of cases and

increase accountability. The District

Magistrate has also been empowered

under the Act to make the implementation

of the law smooth so that coordinated

efforts can be made in favor of children in

the event of a crisis. The bill also defines the

eligibility criteria for appointment of CWC

members and c lass i f ies prev ious ly

undefined offenses as 'serious offenses'. The

difficulties in implementing the various

provisions of the law have also been

removed. The Juvenile Justice (Care and

Protection of Children) Act, 2015 The

Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of

Children) Act, 2015 is a protective global

umbrella for all Acts based on Child


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children in violation of law. Many new terms

have been defined in it such as "orphan",

"abandoned", "surrender", "petty crime",

"serious crime", "heinous crime".

❋ The term juvenile justice was first used in

1899 in the US state of Illinois. The history of

juvenile justice system in India can be

traced back to the Brit ish era. The

Apprentices Act of 1850 was the first act

that laid the foundation of the juvenile

justice system in India.

National Culture Festival concludes in Cooch


The three-day Cultural Festival of the 11th

National Culture Festival was held on 16th

February 2021 at Rajbadi in Cooch Behar,

West Bengal. The festival was attended by

Dohar, a popular Bengali band, other

renowned artists and local artists. During

the festival organized for Rajbadi, there was

a performance by famous artists and

musicians in the splendid palace grounds

with folk artists showcasing the rich cultural


❋ National Culture Festival organized by

Ministry of Culture is being organized since

2015. The festival has played an important

role in taking India's vibrant culture to the

masses, rather than being confined to

auditoriums and art galleries with the

active participation of seven regional

culture centers.

❋ It has been instrumental in showcasing

folk and tribal art, dance, music, cuisine and

culture of another state in other states and

reinforcing the cherished goal of "Ek Bharat

Shreshtha Bharat".

15 states complete 'Ease of Doing Business'

reform process. The number of states that

have successfully completed 'Ease of doing

Business' (EODB) reforms has risen to 15.

Three more states Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh

and Uttarakhand reported completing the

'Ease of Doing Business' reforms set by the

Department of Expenditure. On receiving

the recommendation from the Department

of Industry and Internal Trade Promotion

(DPIIT), the Department of Expenditure has

allowed these three states to raise Rs 9,905

crore from the open market. Earlier, Andhra

Pradesh, Assam, Haryana, Himachal

Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya

The Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav being

organized in the state will enhance mutual

understanding and relations between

people of diverse cultures, thereby securing

India's strong unity and integrity.

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Pradesh, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil

Nadu and Telangana also reported

completion of this reform, which was

confirmed by DPIIT. These 15 states have

been allowed to raise an additional loan of

Rs 38,088 crore on completion of reforms

that aid ease of doing business. Ease of

doing business is an important indicator of

a n i n v e s t m e n t f r i e n d l y b u s i n e s s

environment in the country. Improvements in

Ease of Doing Business will enable the state

to accelerate the future progress of the

economy. Therefore, the Government of

India decided in May 2020 that additional

credit raising facilities would be provided to

the reforming States to help ease of doing


What is Ease of Doing Business?

Ease of doing business is a kind of index. In

this, many types of scales have been kept

for ease of doing business. These include

labor regulation, online single window,

access to information, transparency etc.

❋ It is prepared by the Department of

Industry and Internal Trade Promotion

(DPIIT) in the country. The DPIIT suggests

several reform-related processes under the

Business Reform Action Plan (BRAP) for all

states and union territories in collaboration

with the World Bank.

❋ The World Bank issues this index on the

international level. India ranks 63rd in the

World Bank's Ease of Doing Business report

2020. India had jumped 14 places.

Under Jal Jeevan mission, 3.5 crore rural

families were provided with tap-water

connections. Following the untiring efforts

of the States / UTs, 3.53 crore families were

given these connections under the Jal

Jeevan Mission. With this, every family living

in 52 districts and 77 thousand villages has

been given these connections in their

homes. Now 6.76 crore (35.24 percent) i.e.

more than one third of the rural households

are getting drinking water from the tap.

Goa has become the first state in the

country, where water tap connections have

been provided to 100 per cent of the

families. It is followed by Telangana.

Jal Jeevan Mission

It was announced by Prime Minister

Narendra Modi on August 15, 2019. The

mission is being run in partnership with the

states and its objective is to provide

adequate and appropriate quality drinking

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Fraud call - Setting up of digital intelligence

unit to curb SMS:

The government has decided to set up a

nodal agency named Digital Intelligence

Unit (DIU) at the top level to prevent

financial fraud and digital payment fraud

by phone calls, SMS etc. The Ministry of

Communications stated that the main

function of the DIU is to coordinate between

var ious law enforcement agencies,

f inanc ia l inst i tut ions and te lecom

companies investigating any kind of forgery

caused by telecommunications resources.

Apart from DIU, a Telecom Analytics for

Fraud Management and Consumer

Protection (TAFCOP) will also be formed. It

will be formed in all 22 telecom circles. A web

/ mobile application and SMS based

system will be developed to effectively deal

with financial fraud being committed

through misuse of unsolicited commercial

c o m m u n i c a t i o n ( U C C ) a n d

telecommunications resources. This will help

telecom consumers to register their

complaints related to UCC related matters.

water to each family on a regular and long

term basis. Providing pure drinking water to

such villages and areas is a high priority

under the Jal Jeevan Mission, where the

availability of pure water is very low.

People are being made a victim of fraud

through fraud calls. Such cases are called

voice fishing.

People get phone calls which are claimed

to be from the bank. The caller usually

pretends to be from a bank representative

or the bank's technical team.

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As soon as the 46th US President Joe

❋ This law will ensure that the news

business is "paid for their content". It will also

help in maintaining "public interest

journalism" in the country.

The US once again officially joined it on

February 19, 2021, following the break-up of

the Paris Climate Agreement. United

Nations Chief Antonio Guterres described it

as a 'day of hope' for the world.

Biden took office, he signed 15 executive

orders overturn ing Donald Trump's

❋ Since, the passing of this landmark law,

now the legendary digital companies like

Facebook and Google will have to pay

money for news to local media companies.

But both Facebook and Google have

opposed the policy of paying local media


America rejoined Paris Agreement


Australia passed amendment to news media

bargaining code

❋ Australia's parliament passed a

landmark law on 25th February 2021, after

which it is now necessary for digital firms to

pay for news. The name of this law is - "News

Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory

Bargaining Code". According to the

government, this law will help in maintaining

journalism for public interest in Australia.

The 11th India-EU Macro-Economic (on

various aspects of the economy) dialogue

was held through video conferencing on

19th February 2021.

❋ Its goal is to reduce global warming by 2 °

C as compared to pre-industrial levels and

preferably limit it to 1.5 ° C.

decisions, one of which was to rejoin the

Paris Agreement.

Paris Climate Agreement:

❋ It is a legally binding international treaty

on climate change. It was adopted by 196

countries during the COP 21 conference

held in Paris in December 2015.

11th India-EU Dialogue:

❋ Under this, financial matters, working

group of G20 framework, G20 action plan,

debt related issues and international tax

Former President Donald Trump formally

disassociated himself from the Paris

Climate Agreement in November last year.

He announced this decision three years


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The European Union is one of the largest

trading partners of India. EU is one of the

largest investors in India. EU is also an

important source for technology, innovation

and best practices.

In a major step against Islamist Extremism,

the French Parliament approved the

controversial bill

system in digital economy were also


❋ Apart from this, the impact of fiscal

policy and the priorities of medium-term

financial / structural reforms were also


India-EU relations have developed into a

multilateral partnership. Today it includes all

dimensions of political, economic, security,

trade and investment, environment,

research and innovation.

France approved anti-radicalization bill

“Anti-Fundamentalism Bill".

In addition, more than one marriage or

forced marriage of Muslims will be declared

a crime.

❋ The bill provides for increased

government surveillance on mosques and

madrasas and strictness on polygamy and

forced marriage.

❋ The bill allows harsh action against

those who undermine France's secular

traditions.Under this law, the police will now

have the right to close the mosques and

madrasas of France whenever they want.

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During this fair, a workshop will be organized

for training related to packaging and

❋ Saras Aajeevika Mela 2021 is being

organized by the Min ist ry of Rural

Development from 26th February to 14

March 2021 on the theme of entertainment

atmosphere of tradition craft art and

culture. More than 300 self-help groups and

handicrafts from 27 states are participating

in this fair.


❋ Karnataka Ch ief M in ister B.S.

Yeddyurappa introduced 'Namma Cargo'

service in the Legislative Assembly on 26th

February 2021.

The service has been implemented at 109

bus stations in Karnataka and select

locations in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,

Goa, Maharashtra, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

With the launch of these services, the

Transport Department estimates that the

goods revenue income will increase from 70

crores to 80 crores per year.

Saras Livelihood Fair 2021 inaugurated in


Inauguration of 'Namma Cargo' service in


❋ Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Minister Narendra Singh Tomar inaugurated

Saras Livelihood fair 2021 in Noida on 26th

February 2021.

design of products, communication skills,

promotion on social media and marketing

from business to business. Rural self-help

groups and handicraftsmen will be trained.

It is an initiative launched by the Ministry of

Rural Development and Deendayal

Ant yodaya Yojana-Nat iona l Ru ra l

Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM).

Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly passed

Prohibition of Illegal Conversion Bill.

Also, this fair includes Kalamkari from Andhra

Pradesh, Mekhala Chadar from Assam,

Cotton & Silk from Bihar, Kosa Sari from

Chhattisgarh, Bharat Gunthan & Patch

Work from Gujarat, Tasar Silk & Cotton from

Jharkhand as well as Dupatta & Dress

Material, Chanderi And Bagh prints will be

showcased from Madhya Pradesh, Iri

Products from Meghalaya, Tasar and

Banda from Odisha, Kanchipuram from

Tamil Nadu, Poschipuram from Telangana,

Pashmina from Uttarakhand, Katha, Batik

prints, Tant and Baluchari from West


Saras Livelihood Fair:

The event was launched with the objective

of bringing rural women's self-help groups

(SHGs) on one platform.


During the Uttar Pradesh Legislature

budget session, the Yogi Adityanath

government has passed the Uttar Pradesh

Laws against Religion Transformation

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Prohibition Bill 2021, brought to curb Love


Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has enacted

a stringent law regarding conversion to

take effective action on the rising incidents

of love jihad in Uttar Pradesh.

Key points of the Uttar Pradesh Law against

Religion Conversion Ordinance…

❋ Under the ordinance, there is a provision

of punishment of one to 10 years in cases of

forcible conversion. It will now be a crime in

the state to forcibly or convert someone by

giving them a lure. Change from one religion

to another through marriage will also be in

the category of non-bailable crime.

❋ Action will be taken against the

registration of the concerned social

organizations involved in cases of mass


❋ This offense will be in the category of

cognizable offense and will be Non-

Bailable. The trial of the indictment will be in

the court of first class magistrate.

❋ If a girl's conversion was done for the

sole purpose of marriage, then marriage

can be declared void.

❋ T h e o rd i n a n c e p rov i d es fo r

imprisonment of at least one year and

maximum of five years in the ordinary case

of conversion by force, or for marriage, by

fraud. Apart from this, there will be a fine of

at least 15 thousand rupees.

Narendra Modi Stadium is the largest

stadium in the world with a seating

capacity of one lakh 32 thousand. Earlier it

was known as Sardar Patel Cricket

Stadium (Motera).

❋ Its seating capacity is more than

Melbourne Cricket Stadium of Australia, it

has a seating capacity of one lakh 32

thousand people.

❋ Along with the cricket ground, the

❋ In case of forcible conversion of minor

girl, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe

woman, there will be imprisonment for a

minimum of two years and a maximum of 10

years and a fine of at least 25 thousand


Inauguration of world's largest stadium

"Narendra Modi Stadium"

❋ On February 24, 2021, President Ram

Nath Kovind inaugurated the Narendra

Modi Stadium in Motera, Ahmedabad.

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❋ Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot

on Wednesday presented the budget for

the financial year 2021-22. He presented

the paperless budget for the first time in the

state. By not imposing any new tax in the

budget, Gehlot gave cashless insurance to

all the families of the state.

❋ It is noteworthy that the third Test match

of the current Test series between India and

England will be played at Motera Stadium in

Ahmedabad. The match will be a Day-

Night match which will be played with pink


Rajasthan Budget 2021

In this scheme, all the contractual workers,

small and marginal farmers of the state will

get the benefit of insurance by giving 50

percent premium amount to free and

ordinary families. In this, treatment will be

available in government and private


Under this,cashless insurance up to 5 lakhs

will be provided. He claimed that Rajasthan

would be the first state in the country to

provide such facilities.

Athletics Track and Field, Football Stadium,

Hockey and Tennis Ground, Indoor Sports

Hall, Outdoor Fields, Skating, Area Beach

Volleyball, Boating Center etc. were also

built in this Motera Stadium which will be on

236 acres.

❋ CM also announced to form a separate

agricultural power distribution company for

The Department of Hort iculture, in

collaboration with the International Flower

Auction Bangalore (IFAB), is setting up a

"flower processing center" to convert unsold

flowers into various useful products. The

flower processing center will process the

flowers and turn them into value-added

products such as natural dyes, floral paper,

incense sticks, flower petal powder for

cosmetic use, floral embedded work, floral

art and silica-stored flowers. ”This type of

center was absolutely necessary, because

whenever there is a street or market

disruption, flower farmers suffer a huge loss.

Farmers can also learn the art of flower

processing from this growing center.

Karnataka has 18,000 hectares of land

❋ Free travel in roadways bus for youth for

competitive examination and internship

and allowance for unemployed youth has

been increased by one thousand rupees.

Plan to establish flower processing center in


❋ Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Core will be formed

to spread the schemes of the state

government to the general public. With this,

2500 Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Mitra will be


farming electricity to farmers. With this

dedicated electricity company, wil l

distribute and manage the agricultural


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❋ The State Government has decided to

construct 'Smart Anganwadi' in a phased

manner in place of old buildings.

under floriculture. It produces 14% of India's

total area under production of flowers.

Important oil and gas projects and

engineering colleges inaugurated in Assam

On 22 February 2021, Prime Minister

N a re n d ra M o d i d e d i ca te d seve ra l

important projects to the country in

Dhemaji, Assam and laid the foundation

stone of many projects. The Prime Minister

inaugurated the foundation of engineering

colleges as part of the Assam tour.

❋ ‘Smart Anganwadi' is being designed

and constructed under Integrated Child

Development Program (ICDC). It will have

study room, dining room, store room,

He inaugurated Dhemaji Engineering

College and laid the foundation stone of

Sualkuchi Engineering College.

For rejuvenation of Anganwadi centers in

Kerala the state government has approved

the conversion of traditional buildings into

'smart' structures with better facilities.

❋ Subsequently, a unit of Indian Oil's

Bongaigaon Refinery, Secondary Tank Farm

of Oil India Limited at Madhuban in

Dibrugarh and a Gas Compressor Station

at Hebra Village in Tinsukia were dedicated

to the nation.

Rs 9 crore allocated for making 'smart'

Anganwadi centers in Kerala

swimming pool, sports spaces.

Inauguration of 'Atal Paryavaran Bhavan' in


Anganwadi Center -

❋ Union Minister for Railways, Commerce

and Industry and Consumer Affairs, Food

and Public Distribution, Piyush Goyal on 19th

February 2021, inaugurated second foot

Several projects dedicated to the nation for

the development of railway infrastructure in

West Bengal.

❋ The objective of this initiative is to

provide all facilities for the care of children

and to create a center conducive to the

physical and mental development of


Anganwadi is a government-supported

center at the village level as a program of

integrated child development services to

cater to the nutrit ional, health and

education needs of young children.

Anganwadi caters the needs of children up

to 6 years of age, adolescent girls, pregnant

women and mothers who care for infants.

Union Minister of Environment, Forest and

Climate Change Prakash Javadekar

inaugurated the Atal Paryavaran Bhavan in

Lakshadweep on 19th February 2021 during

a four-day visit to Lakshadweep.

The Union Minister said that Lakshadweep

w i l l u n d e r g o a c o m p r e h e n s i v e

development without compromising the

Union Territory's commitment to nature.

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❋ On February 18, 2021, Union Mines

Minister Pralhad Joshi and Odisha Chief

Minister Naveen Patnaik jointly launched

production-related activity through

Odisha through video conferencing.

over bridge at Santragachi, Freight

Te r m i n a l a t S a n k r a i l ( P h a s e - I ) &

Vivekananda Meditation Centre at Howrah

and dedicated to the Nation an Executive

Lounge at Sealdah station, 2 Escalators at

Sealdah station, 2 lifts at Sealdah station &

Premium Lounge at Kolkata station,

Integrated Security System at Barddhaman

Station, Foot Over Bridge at Jhamatpur

Baharan and Nimo stations, Extension of

platform shed at Balagarh and Guptipara

Stations and Escalator at Barddhaman,

Tarkeswar and Nabadwip Dham stations

through video conferencing.

❋ These mines will help in stabilizing the

supply for small industries and these will

create employment opportunities in the

state. Both mines will generate annual

revenue around Rs 4000-5000 crore for the

state of Odisha.

Production activity in two new iron ore mines

of Odisha resumed:

❋ These mines are - Jiling-Langlotta iron

ore block and Guali iron ore block. Both

these mines have a production capacity of

1.5 million tonnes per month and have

consolidated iron ore reserves of about 275

million tonnes.

Four types of iron ore are found mainly in

India - (i) Magnetite (ii) Hematite (iii) Limonite

(iv) Siderite

Magnetite ore is the best grade in iron ores,

but it is found in very small quantity in India.

Magnetite in India mainly states of

peninsular India viz; It is found in Karnataka,

Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Goa.

Karnataka has the highest iron ore storage in

India but most production is in the state of


Iron is a basic material that is extracted

from iron ore. The melting point of pure iron is

1530 degree centigrade and its density is

7.86 g / cc.

❋ Hrideshwar Singh Bhati (18), who was

awarded the Prime Minister's National Bal

Shakti 'Award, was awarded the National

Award under the excellent creative child

category by the Government of India last


Important facts :

Jaipur's Divyang Hridayeshwar named in

International Book for Record Hridayeshwar

Singh Bhati, a young man from Jaipur who

suffers from a unique and fatal disease, has

achieved seven inventions and three

patents in the field of chess by registering

his name in the International Book of

Records and in the India book of Records.

Recently, the International Book of Records

and India Book of Records have recognized

his achievements.

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Largest hockey stadium of the country is going

to be built in Rourkela.

❋ Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik

on Tuesday laid the foundation stone of

India's largest hockey stadium at Rourkela

He initially invented a six player circular

chess in 2013 and obtained a patent for it.

He later developed a chess circular of 12 and

60 players and obtained a patent for them.

in Sundergarh district, named after freedom

fighter Birsa Munda.

❋ This stadium will be ready in a year. Men's

Hockey World Cup 2023 will be hosted in

Bhubaneswar and Rourkela. The stadium

will be constructed on 15 acres of land in the

Biju Patnaik Technical University campus of

Rourkela. It has a seating capacity of 20

thousand spectators.

It is noteworthy that the world's largest

cricket stadium in India has also been

prepared, in which professional cricket has

also started.

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❋ New building of Patna High Court has

been constructed with Rs 203.94 crore. The

new building has 43 court rooms, 57

chambers and two libraries with state-of-

the-art facilities. Foundation stone of this

building was laid by CM Nitish Kumar on

February 4, 2014.

Bihar Current Affairs

Inauguration of Shatabdi Bhavan of Patna

High Court

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice

Sharad Arvind Bobde inaugurated the

Shatabdi Bhavan of Patna High Court on

27th February 2021. The CJI cut the ribbon

and inaugurated the new building and

unveiled the plaque. This Shatabdi Bhavan

has been constructed right next to the old

building of Patna High Court.

Apart from Patna, river front projects will be

started in Begusarai, Bhagalpur, Ara, Buxar,

Chhapra, Hajipur etc. districts.

Inter-State bus terminals with state-of-the-

art facilities will be built on the lines of Patna

❋ According to the Deputy Chief Minister,

inter-state bus terminals with state-of-the-

art facilities will be built on the lines of Patna

in all the divisions of the state. Toilets,

bathrooms, drinking water will be provided

at all public places. A Greenfield Township

plan is also proposed in some places.

Construction of rubber dam on Falgu river

❋ A rubber dam will be constructed near

the Vishnupad temple in Gaya for water

supply throughout the year. The new

technology of making rubber dams in place

of concrete for depositing water by blocking

the surface water of the Falgu river is being

used for the first time in Bihar.

The format of this scheme has been

prepared by IIT Roorkee. Also, there are

plans to weirs near Bitho Sharif village for

irrigation facility through Dasai Pein and

Badki Pein originating from Falgu river.

According to Water Resources Minister

Sanjay Kumar Jha, work has started on the

plan to build a rubber dam costing Rs 266

crore. The plan will be completed in 2023.

To prevent surface flow, seat piles are to be

built in 1031 meters and diaphragm walls in

399 meters. The seat pile has been worked

up to the level of the rock at the bottom of

the river at a length of 108 meters.

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The districts whose plans have been

approved to provide an even stronger base

for medical services include Samastipur,

Jehanabad, Vaishal i , Aurangabad,

Saharsa, Madhubani, Araria, Bhojpur,

Sitamarhi, Banka and Bhagalpur.

❋ U n d e r t h e a p p rove d sc h e m e,

buildings and hostels of hospitals will be

constructed in 11 districts of the state.

Maternal and chi ld hospital wi l l be

constructed in five districts. While six Sadar

Hospitals will be upgraded as Model


The letter issued by the Election Commission

states that the Communist Party of India

(Marxist-Leninist) Liberation has fulfilled the

qualifications of Para 6A in the last Bihar

Assembly elections.

CPI-ML gets state party status

After winning 12 seats in Bihar Assembly

elections and securing nearly 4 percent

votes, the Election Commission has given

CPI-ML state party status in Bihar.

❋ Health Minister Mangal Pandey has

said that for the development and

expansion of health services in the state,

t h e d e p a r t m e n t h a s a p p rove d 1 3

miscellaneous projects worth about Rs 370


370 crores approved for expansion of health

services in Bihar

Tejaswini squad will be put on duty in

important trains to and from Saharsa,

Banmankhi, Purnia Court, if the train

operating condition is normal. At present,

Tejaswini squad is deployed in important

trains of Patna, Gaya, DDU of East Central


❋ After its successful trial, the remaining

districts of the state will also be connected

to the electric bus project. The fare of these

buses will be less than the normal buses.

❋ Bihar government has decided to

deploy Tejaswini squad of RPF in important

trains of Kosi and Seemanchal region.

Women Railway Protection Force, who are

included in the Tejaswini squad, will protect

women passengers. It will be done to

ensure that there are no incidents of

misbehavior with female passengers during

the journey.

❋ B i h a r S t a t e R o a d Tr a n s p o r t

Corporat ion (BSRTC) has recent ly

announced the purchase of eight electric

buses. At present, electric buses run from

the capital Patna via Rajgir to Bihar Sharif

and from Patna to Hajipur and Muzaffarpur.

A platform has been prepared on half an

acre of land for charging eight electric

buses simultaneously at Phulwari Sharif

Decision to make Tejaswini squad in Kosi and

Seemanchal route trains

Operational trial of electric buses started in


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915 508 7930 | 834 032 5079 | 827 141 1177


This survey will run from 10th February to 10th

March. During the month-long survey, the

number of dolphins, turtles, snakes in the

Kosi river from Nepal border to Kursela will be


depot. These buses will recharge in an hour,

and on full recharge it will travel for up to 250


Electric buses are more comfortable than

d i e s e l b u s e s . T h e s e i n c l u d e a i r -

conditioning, GPS systems, CCTV cameras,

automatic transmission, ITS display variable

message display, emergency buttons,

emergency hammer, hydraulic power


Survey of aquatic organisms including

dolphins started in Kosi river from Nepal

border to Kursela

The Department of Forest and Environment

Protection along with experts from the

Zoological Survey of India Dehradun

(Uttarakhand) has started the survey on the

Nepal border side.

Survey of other aquatic animals including

dolphins, tortoises, birds, snakes originating

in Kosi river has been started from Nepal

border to Kursela in Katihar.

The team of experts will study the number of

dolphins, turtles, birds and other aquatic

An estimate will be made by counting the

number of birds and other aquatic and wild

animals on the banks of the river and in the


Under the CSR item, Indian Oil Corporation

has provided financial assistance of Rs 40

lakhs to the corporation. A memorandum of

understanding has been signed between

Indian Oil Corporation and Patna Municipal

Corporation for the purchase of the first


M Rama Jois, former governor of Bihar and

Jharkhand, died on 16th February 2021,

after prolonged illness.

Bandicoot Machine (Robot) Launched for

M a n h o l e C l e a n i n g a t C o r p o r a t i o n


❋ He had served as the Chief Justice of

the Punjab and Haryana High Court. He

had been also the Chief Justice of the

Punjab and Haryana High Court.

creatures. After the survey, conservation of

other rare aquatic organisms including

dolphins will be planned.

Bandicoot machine ie robot was launched

for the f i rst t ime at the corporate

headquarters in Bihar. Cleaning of

manholes and gutters in Patna has been

started with robots. If the cleaning work is

successful, then the corporation will ask for

a d d i t i o n a l m a c h i n e s a s p e r t h e


Former Bihar Governor M Rama Jois passed


Fastag mandatory on all toll plazas of Bihar

❋ Bihar government has made FASTAG

mandatory on all the tolls of the state from

February 15, 2021. Vehicles do not have

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915 508 7930 | 834 032 5079 | 827 141 1177


❋ Fastag's chip is mounted on the

windscreen of the vehicle in the form of a

sticker. As the vehicle passes through the toll

plaza, the sensor on the toll plaza reads this

chip with the help of radio frequency

identif ication and the f ixed money

according to that toll plaza is automatically


Proposal to establish Arts University

❋ Bihar University of Arts will not only get

affiliation but this University will also

d i st r i b u te d e g re es by c o n d u c t i n g

examinations in art subjects.

This University will study performing and

visual arts. Along with this, affiliation will be

provided to institutions working with other

genres including music, drama, dance,


FASTAG will have to pay double the toll for

passing through the toll.

❋ This process does not take much time,

the advantage will be that the Vehicles will

not have to stay on the toll for much longer

and this will also reduce the problem of

frequent traffic jams.

❋ Recently, the Department of Art

Culture has prepared a proposal regarding

the establishment of the University of Arts in

Bihar. Preparations are on to present this

proposal in the Bihar Legislative Assembly


❋ It is worth mentioning that the then

❋ The biggest thing is that 80 percent of

the water used for cleaning will be reused. It

will take only 50 to 60 liters of water instead

of 250 to 300 liters of water for cleaning and

cleaning a coach. Out of that, 80 percent

water can be recycled and used again.

With the installation of automatic coach

washing plant, there will be water saving as

well as environmental protection.

Samastipur Rail Division's first automatic

coach washing plant ready in Saharsa

The first automatic coach washing plant of

Samastipur division has been built near the

coaching depot of Saharsa city of Bihar. In

just five minutes, the exterior of all 24

coaches of the train will be washed and


Arts Culture Minister Mangal Pandey had

announced the establishment of the Art

University on 30th January 2021 while

conferring the Bihar Art Award.

❋ Washing and cleaning of more than

250 coaches of 11 trains can be done in the

plant in a day. Washing of coaches will use

smal l amounts of water, soap and

disinfectants, which will be environmentally


A Study of Bihar: Research on standard of

living, education and health.

Scientific research has been started for the

first time in Bihar to assess the impact of

floods on human life. The Center and the

state government are conducting this

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915 508 7930 | 834 032 5079 | 827 141 1177


This detailed research is being conducted in

the state in collaboration with the Indian

Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR).

T h e M i n i s t r y o f H u m a n R e s o u r c e

Development is also supporting in this. The

topic of this research is 'Coping with Climate

C h a n g e a n d H u m a n D eve l o p m e n t

Challenges: A Study of Bihar'.

research under the aegis of "Chandragupta

Institute of Management, Patna".

The team of eight experts of this institute is

engaged in research work in seven districts

of the state. The research has been included

in seven districts that have suffered from the

floods of the Ganges, Gandak, Budhi

Gandak, Bagmati and Kosi rivers.

How much access to educational facilities

they have and how much damage flooding

can cause in career construction. Apart from

this, the effect of floods on the health of the

people of these areas is also being studied.

Information such as the average age of the

people in the flood-affected areas, the

common illnesses, access to healthcare

facilities is also an important part of this


There are a total of seven flood-affected

Through this research, the team of experts

will try to know what is the standard of

education of the people of the areas who

have always suffered floods. What effect

does the flooding have on the education of

children and young people.

districts including Muzaffarpur, Bhagalpur,

Sitamarhi, East Champaran, Araria. A study

of flood-affected Aurai, Katra and Gaighat

will be done in Muzaffarpur.

Amendment in Bihar Electricity Act

❋ Bihar government has amended the

Electricity Act to change meters. According

to the new rule, the Regulatory Commission

will decide the time for changing the

electricity meter. But it clearly states that

the meter will be changed within 24 hours in

urban area and 72 hours in rural area.

Currently this arrangement is applicable in

the case of transformers.

❋ The meter will be replaced only when

it is duly complained on behalf of the


❋ Bihar's distribution companies North

and South Bihar Power Distr ibution

Company Limited will have to follow these

orders compulsorily.

Smart prepaid meters are also being

installed in Bihar in selected, two dozen

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❋ In the amendment, a provision will be

made that in special circumstances, even

on a population of less than 7,000, the

District Magistrate will be able to declare

the Gram Panchayat area. There are about

200 gram Panchayats in the state which are

to be reorganized.

❋ It states that on the basis of 1991

census, where there is a population of three

thousand or more, it will be declared as

Gram Panchayat. At the same time, if there

is a population less than this, then it will be

made part of the nearby Gram Panchayat.

The Panchayati Raj Department has

prepared a proposal for amendment of the

Panchayat Raj Act - 2006 for the

reorganization of Gram Panchayats in Bihar.

After the approval of the Cabinet, the

amendment bill will be introduced in the

Legislature during the budget session. This

amendment will become a part of the Act

after it is passed by the House.

Proposal for amendment in Bihar Panchayat

Raj Act

❋ The Act provides that the Gram

Panchayat area population will be close to

7,000. However, the Panchayats that have

been affected are now being restructured

to a population of 3,000. This is being


cities including Patna. Smart prepaid

meters are to be installed in all the

consumers of Bihar in a phase wise manner.

❋ When some land is left to determine

the boundary between any two countries,

then that place is called No Mens Land.

❋ This place is not under the jurisdiction

of any country and in this, pillars or fences

are erected for the demarcation of


Joint surveyed agreed in Indo-Nepal border


❋ Between the border of India and

Nepal, the space left between the two

countries in the width of 18-18 yards, which is

No Mens Land.

What is no men's land

2500 MW power purchase from Chhattisgarh


After the dispute over the last several

decades between Indo-Nepal over No

Men's Land, now the officials of the Foreign

and Home Ministry of the two countries have

agreed to the joint survey. In the same year,

there is a possibility of surveying the border

area in the presence of officials of both the


SSB continues to receive complaints of

e n c r o a c h m e n t a n d f r e q u e n t

dispute/conflict in border areas of Araria


❋ Bihar government will purchase 2.5

thousand megawatt electricity from

Chhattisgarh for power supply in the state.

The Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission

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The step taken by the State Pollution Control

❋ The power company had inked a

power purchase agreement with SKS

Generation Limited of Chhattisgarh. The

rate of purchase of electricity was fixed at

Rs 4.24 per unit. The company will purchase

at least 55 percent of the total MW of

electricity at one go.

According to off icials of the power

company, Bihar is currently supplying 4500

MW of electricity on an average every day.

Out of these, about 3000 MW is being

supplied through NTPC. According to the

rest of the requirement, the company buys

power around 1200 to 1800 MW every day.

❋ The Government of Bihar, with the

support of the United Nations Environment

Program (UNEP), has decided to move

forward on 12th February 2021, a climate

change friendly and low carbon emission


On this occasion, Deputy Chief Minister Tar

Kishore Prasad said that climate change is a

bell of danger for the world. To deal with this

requires immediate attention and action.

❋ A Memorandum of Understanding

was signed in this regard between Bihar

State Pollution Control Board and UNEP in

New Delhi.

has recently approved the agreement with

the power company of Chhattisgarh. The

company will buy electricity for the next

three years.

Board in collaboration with UNEP to reduce

carbon emissions is important. This will give

a boost to the green efforts of the state

government such as Jal Jeevan Hariyali,

agricultural road map, renewable energy

policy, clean fuel policy, etc.

On March 1, 2021, the M Passport App was

launched across the state to make

passport verification work simple and

transparent. The Daroga, DSP and ASP of

all the districts have been trained for

passport verification with the M Passport


M passport app launch

❋ At present, passport verification takes

at least 21 days. With the help of M Passport

app, verification work will be done in less

than 10 days.

Through the M Passport app, the police will

only check the criminal record of the

applicant. Based on this, verification will be


A pilot project has been started on the M

Passport app at Kotwali and Pataliputra

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915 508 7930 | 834 032 5079 | 827 141 1177


7. Narayan Prasad (MLA-Nautan) Vaishya

3. Sanjay Jha (MLC) Brahmin

6. Janak Chamar - (Banegan MLC) Mahadalit

9. Neeraj Singh Bablu (MLA - Chhatapur) Rajput

4. Jama Khan MLA - (The only BSP MLA who has

joined JDU) Muslim

6. Jayant Raj (MLA-Amarpur) Kushwaha

5. Sumit Kumar Singh (Only Independent MLA

Jamui) Rajput

7. Sunil Kumar (MLA-Bhore) Dalit

4. Alok Ranjan (MLA - Saharsa) Brahmin

1. Shravan Kumar MLA - (MLA Nalanda) Kurmi

8. Nitin Naveen (MLA Bankipur) Kayastha

8. Madan Sahni (MLA-Bahadurganj) Malallah

5. Pramod Kumar (MLA - Motihari) Vaishya

Names of JDU ministers

2. Lacey Singh (MLA-Dhamdaha) Rajput

Bihar cabinet detail:

List of newly elected ministers:

1. Shahnawaz Hussain (MLC) Muslim

police stations in Patna. After its success,

verification work is being done with the M

passport app in each police station of all

the districts of Bihar.

Extension of Nitish Kumar-led NDA cabinet

in Bihar has been done on February 9, 2021

Nine ministers from BJP, while eight ministers

from JDU have been sworn in. At present,

there have been 13 ministers in the Nitish

government, except for Chief Minister Nitish


2. Samrat Chaudhary (MLC) Kushwaha

3. Subhash Singh (MLA - Gopalganj) Rajput

❋ It is noteworthy that there are 243

seats in the Bihar Legislative Assembly. The

cabinet may hold 15 percent of the total

strength. According to this, Bihar can have a

total of 36 ministers including the CM.

The PMCH of Patna will become the largest

hospital in the country and the second

largest in the world. Currently, the world's

largest hospital is the Chang Gang

Memorial Hospital in Taiwan. It has a

capacity of 10 thousand beds.

PMCH to be world's second and country's

largest hospital

❋ Medical College, Nursing Hostel,

Doctor Chamber, Class Room, All Testing

and Pathology facilities, X-ray, Ultrasound

to MRI, Blood Bank etc. will be available

under one roof.

PMCH, established in 1925, is one of the

oldest hospitals in the country. It is one of

the oldest cancer institutes in India.

❋ PMCH currently has a capacity of

about 1800 beds including the Covid ward.

PMCH's 5462-bed hospital will be fully ready

in the next seven years.

❋ It will be made in three phases. In the

first phase, the 2073-bed hospital will be

ready in the next three years. It will be seven

storey. Other departments will be formed in

the second and third phase.

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❋ Under this scheme, the central

government gives 6,000 rupees every year

to the selected farmers in their account. This

amount is given every four months in three

installments by two-two thousand. The

money itself goes into the account on time.

The state government only verifies name

records of the farmers and send them the


❋ The Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana was

introduced in the state from December 1,

2018. It aims to meet the financial needs of

the families of all farmers. The amount is

released by the Central Government for the

purchase of subsidies.

Changes in the rules of Pradhan Mantri Kisan

Samman Nidhi Scheme:

❋ Recently, changes were made in the

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi

Yojana. Under the new rule, now only those

farmers will get the benefit of this scheme,

With the Land Ownership Certificate (LPC)

taken out of their share in the farm named

after the ancestors. In order to take

advantage of the scheme, mutation (filing

and dismissal) of the field will have to be

done as per the requirement.

❋ A farmer's family includes husband,

wife and minor child. That is, one of these

members will get the benefit of the scheme.

Center approval of road to Araria-Galgalia

parallel to East-West Corridor

On the request of the State Government,

NHAI has decided to start work after

completing the required process by

allotting the work to the minimum tenderer

for the construction of 4 lane road on

National High Road No. 327E at the earliest.

❋ This road near the Indo-Nepal border

was constructed after the Indo-China war

under the lateral road project.

❋ T h e C e n t ra l G ove r n m e n t h a s

approved the proposed Araria-Galgalia

parallel to the East-West Corridor. The

construction of this 94-km road will be of

particular benefit to Seemanchal.

With this, the construction of a 94-km long

4-lane road between Galgalia to Araria of

National Highway 327E of Seemanchal

parallel to the East-West Corridor will start


The road will be constructed in two

packages at a cost of 1079.76 crore. The first

package is worth 979.67 crore from Galgalia

to Bahadurganj, which is 49 km in length.

Under the second package, a 45 km, 4 lane

road wi l l be const ructed between

Bahadurganj to Araria at a cost of 100.09


❋ In January 2020, Chief Minister Nitish

Kumar directed to widen this path into 4

lanes during the Araria Yatra for the Jal

Jeevan Hariyali Yojana program.

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Despite the difficulties of Corona, no tax

has been imposed giving relief to the

common people. This budget is of seven

thousand crores more than last year.

Bihar Budget 2021:

❋ Bihar Deputy CM Tarkishore Prasad

presented the budget for FY 2021-22 on

February 22, 2021. This budget is of 2 lakh 18

thousand 303 crore rupees. According to

the Deputy CM, adequate provisions have

been made in the budget for expansion of

h e a l t h , e d u c a t i o n , t ra n s p o r t a n d


In the financial year 2020-21, the budget of

Bihar was 2 lakh 11 thousand crore rupees. In

the budget, the Finance Minister has

claimed an estimated income of two lakh 18

thousand 502 crore in the next financial

year. An arrangement has been made to

spend one lakh 51 thousand 881 crore under

the scheme head.

The strongest aspect of the budget is the

employment of 20 lakh people and women

empowerment in this financial year. For this,

the state government has announced

several schemes.

There are many provisions to make women

entrepreneurs. If a woman wants to set up

her own industry, she will be given a grant of

five lakh rupees. In addition, an additional

five lakh rupees will be given interest-free

loan. For this, an additional provision of two

hundred crores has been made through the

Department of Industries. In the next four

years, Saat Nischay part 2, plans will be


❋ The state government has assured to

develop employment in this budget,

increase the income of farmers and speed

up the pace of development in the state.

Also announced the amount of Rs 4671 crore

for the second phase of Chief Minister Nitish

Kumar's Saat Nischay Part-2.

Important Budget related facts:

Big announcement for l ivestock and

agriculture too According to the latest

budget, animals will now be treated for free.

Animal hospital will be arranged at the

panchayat level. Telemedicine will also

connect animal hospitals. Animals will also

be treated by reaching people's homes.

❋ Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said that

this budget has been prepared keeping in

mind the interest of all sections. Since 2005,

the state's growth rate has been in double-

digit and will progress further.

Gowansh Hospital to be established for the

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915 508 7930 | 834 032 5079 | 827 141 1177


Har Khet Ko Pani

To provide water to every f ield, an

additional provision of five hundred crore

rupees has been made in var ious

departments. Solar street lights will be

promot ion of ind igenous cows. An

arrangement of 500 million rupees has

been made for these schemes. Door step

treatment will be provided for animals. Call

centers will be built. All medical services will

b e a v a i l a b l e f o r f r e e . G o v a n s h

Development Institute will be established.

The basis of development of villages is

cattle and agriculture. This will increases the

income of the villagers. Cattle and fisheries

w i l l b e d e v e l o p e d u s i n g m o d e r n


❋ Fish farming will be increased so much

that the fish of Bihar will go to other states.

Five hundred crore rupees will be spent for


❋ The state government has given 35

p e rc e n t rese r va t i o n fo r wo m e n i n

government jobs, but the number is still

small. Therefore, the participation of women

will be increased proportionately in the

district level offices.

Provision has been made to construct

multi-storey buildings for clean cities and

destitute people. Electric crematoriums will

be constructed in all cities and river ghats.

Facilities will be restored at the ghats.

Mokshadham will be built on all cities and

important river ghats.

Special announcements for women

Budget provision for Swachhta city

2 0 l a k h p e o p l e w i l l b e p r o v i d e d

employment in this financial year. For this, a

provision of two hundred crore rupees is

be ing made in the budget by the

Department of Industries. A special scheme

wi l l be introduced to make women

entrepreneurs. The maximum grant of five

lakh rupees will be given in his venture and

the next five lakhs will be given at an interest

of only one percent. The Department of

Industry managed a backup of two

hundred crore rupees on this scheme.

Women will be given interest free amount.

installed in all villages. Panchayati Raj has a

big role in this. Therefore, a separate

arrangement of 150 crores has been made

for solar street lights.

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Three new medical colleges will be opened

Youth power, progress of Bihar

❋ Also announced the establishment of

an International sports college in Rajgir. He

also assured to fulfill the government's

promise to make technical education in

Hindi accessible to the students.

By 2025, Under the progress of Yuva Shakti

Bihar, youth will be given better training.

There will be an effort to make them

entrepreneurs. Old educational institutions

will also be modernized to suit the market

demand. All ITIs and polytechnic colleges

will be made into excellence. The Mega Skill

Center will be opened in every district. Every

district will have at least one mega skill

center, in which artisans living away from

educational institutions will be trained.

❋ Tarkishore Prasad said - The process

of opening three new medical colleges is

going on. 14 polytechnic colleges have

been opened. Action is underway on others.

All will be completed this year. Emphasis on

seven resolves Seven resolves were made

for the sustainable development of Bihar. In

five years of hard work, we have achieved

the goal. The first definite economic

solution has been given to four lakh 79

thousand applicants under the Student

Credit Card. Secondly, 35% reservation for

women in all appointments under reserved

employment. Electricity has been delivered

to all the houses.

❋ Finance Minister Tarkishore Prasad

said that a provision of Rs 4671 crore has

been made for the seven resolve Part 2.

Training of youth will be arranged so that

employment is created.

❋ The state government has also made

a provision for Bal Hriday Yojana in the

budget. For this, a provision of Rs 300 crore

has been made. Under this, children who

have holes in their heart will be treated.

❋ A provision of Rs 450 crore has been

made for the construction of Mokshadham

for the last rites at the ghat with the facility

to house the landless living in the city.

❋ A provision of Rs 500 crore has been

made to promote fisheries and animal


❋ The telemedicine plan will be linked to

the hospital. Pathology screening is being

arranged with critical illness.

Other provisions related to Bihar budget:

❋ Many steps are being taken to

become young entrepreneurs of Bihar. This

includes enhancing quality in ITIs and

polytechnics, plans to build a center of

excellence, opening of colleges with special

skills in medical and engineering, setting up

of sports universities, etc.

❋ The situation is serious due to traffic

jam in cities, bypass construction will be

done to overcome this. A provision of Rs 200

crore has been made for this.

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915 508 7930 | 834 032 5079 | 827 141 1177


state, Tarkishore Prasad presented the first

economic survey of his tenure.

❋ Door step treatment will be arranged

through a call center for the treatment of

animals and this facility will be provided

through the mobile app. Fish production will

be increased in Bihar, so that the fish will be

exported to to other states.

❋ Provision of Rs 150 crore to Panchayati

Raj Department for installation of solar

lights in Bihar, 50 crore has been made for

Lohia Suraksha Yojana 2.

❋ B i h a r g o v e r n m e n t h a s m a d e

adequate irrigation system to double the

income of farmers. Availability of water will

be ensured in every field. A budget provision

of 550 crores has been made for the scheme

to provide water to every farm. A budget

provision of 150 crores has been made for

solar street lights in all the villages of the


Bihar Economic Survey 2020-21 Report:

❋ In order to overcome the problem of

water logging in all cities of Bihar, a provision

of 450 crores has been made in the budget.

Asylum sites will be made for the elderly, a

budget of 90 crore has been provided for it.

❋ On the f i rst day of the B ihar

Legislature budget session, the Deputy

Chief Minister cum Finance Minister of the

Addressing the journalists after presenting

❋ According to the Economic Survey of

2020-21, the real economic growth rate of

the state was 10.5 percent in the state in

2019-20, which is higher than the 4.2 percent

growth recorded in the country's gross

domestic product (GDP) that year. The GDP

of the state of Bihar at constant prices

increased by 9.3 percent in the year 2018-19.

Tarkishore stated that the lockdown in view

of Covid 19 has resulted in significant growth

According to Finance Minister Tarkishore

Prasad, the Covid 19 pandemic has

affected the whole world and hence it has a

negative impact on the Indian economy

and Bihar as well.

the 15th Economic Survey 2020-21 in the

Vidhan Sabha, Deputy Chief Minister cum

Finance Minister Tarkishore Prasad said that

the state's growth rate is 9.3 percent in the

year 2018-19 in Bihar and in 2019-20 the

Economic growth was 10.5 percent, which is

higher than the growth rate of the national


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❋ At the same time, if the situation of per

capita income is seen at constant price,

then in 2019-20 it is Rs 34 thousand 413,

which is more than Rs 31 thousand 626 per

capita income in 2018-19. At the current

price, it is 50 thousand 735 rupees in this


❋ 13 chapters have been included in the

Economic Survey Report, which shows the

financial and monetary situation of different

sectors. At the end of all, details of the work

done to improve the area concerned during

Economic Survey 2020-21 Key Points:

in tertiary sector in primary, second and

tertiary despite negative impact of

restriction on production activities and

reduction in demand.

❋ Bihar is far behind the national

average. The per capita income of the

country is Rs 94,954, which is almost three

times more than Bihar.

❋ C o ro n a p a n d e m i c h a s h a d a

significant impact in the current financial

year 2020-21. The growth rate, per capita

income and other figures will be revealed in

the next Economic Survey report.

State's per capita income has increased. On

the basis of Net State Domestic Product

(NSDP) for the financial year 2019-20, Bihar's

per capita income is Rs 31 thousand 287,

which is Rs 2,619 more than the per capita

income of Rs 28 thousand 668 for 2018-19.In the year 2018-19, the total revenue receipts in Bihar was 1,31,793 crore, which has come down to 1,24,233 this time and it has fallen by about 5.3%. The decline in revenue receipts has also affected the revenue expenditure in the state and is Rs 1,23,533 crore.

❋ According to the budget estimate 53 crore was to be given to the police and 23 crore to other administrative services, while the police gave 96 crore and administrative services 137 crore.The government has got the highest revenue in direct tax from 2713 crore vehicle tax, while 440 crore has been received from electricity duty and tax. The government has received the biggest setback due to land revenue tax and it has got only 440 crore revenue against the estimated budget of 1100 crore.

the Corona period are also given.

The fiscal deficit this year was 2.9 per cent of

the gross state domestic product, which

was 2.0 in the year 2018-19. It has to be less

than three percent.Bihar has been a revenue surplus state since 2004-05. This revenue surplus of the state government remained in 2019-20. The state government's borrowing in percentage of state domestic product has increased from 3.6 percent in 2018-19 to 4.8 percent in 2019.20.

❋ In 2019-20, the growth rate of the main carriers of the economy fell by 6

The state budget surplus this time has reached its lowest level of 699 crores after 2004-05. The police-administration has raised more revenue than anticipated to the state government.

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Agriculture and allied sector contributed 18.7 percent of the gross domestic product in 2019-20. During this financial year, Bihar recorded a record production of 163.80 lakh tonnes of food grains.

❋ The survey said about labor, planning and migration, 57.6 percent male workers were self employed in Bihar while the proportion of regular and paid male workers in Bihar was just 9.7 percent which was the lowest among all the states of the country.

Share of road transport increased from 4.4 to 5.9 percent and other services from 10.5 percent to 13.8 percent.

❋ Tarkishore said that the state has consistently shown fiscal prudence for more than a decade and the financial indicators show that the gross fiscal deficit was 2.0 percent in the percentage of gross state

percent. Growth rates in agriculture, forestry and fisheries have declined, while road transport and transportation related services have picked up.

❋ Tertiary (service sector) in state GDP increased from 57.3 percent in 2013-14 to 60.2 percent in 2019-20. He said that between 2013-14 and 2019-20, the share of two sub-sectors in tertiary sector has increased significantly in gross state value addition.

❋ At the same time, electricity, gas, water supply services (20.3 per cent), broadcasting services (11.7 per cent), road transport (15.2 per cent) and public administration (11.3 per cent) contributed. The survey hoped that the growth potential in the primary sector would help the state to record high growth rates in the coming years.

S Siddharth, Principal Secretary, Finance Department, made it clear that the figures given in the Economic Survey for 2020-21 are for the financial year 2019-20 although some figures have also been taken till September 2020.

❋ The survey said about labor, planning and migration, 57.6 per cent male workers were self employed in Bihar, while the proportion of regular and paid male workers in Bihar was just 9.7 per cent which was the

❋ Bihar has been a revenue surplus state since 2004-05. This revenue surplus of the state government remained in 2019-20. S ta te g o v e r n m e n t 's b o r ro w i n g i n percentage of state domestic product has increased from 3.6 percent in 2018-19 to 4.8 percent in 2019.20.

domestic product in the fiscal year 2019-20 and in the revenue account. The surplus remained intact.

Other facts related to Bihar Economic Survey:

Due to the V-shaped growth in the state, it is difficult to tell about the growth rate of the current financial year. The growth rate for the current financial year 2020-21 will be released separately later.

❋ Ag r i c u l t u re a n d a l l i e d se c to r accounted for 18.7 percent of the total GDP in 2019-20. During this financial year, Bihar recorded a record production of 163.80 lakh tonnes of food grains.

❋ The primary deficit also decreased in 2019-20 compared to the previous year. He said that in 2019-20, the gross state domestic product of Bihar was Rs 6,11,804 crore at the current price and Rs 4,14,977 crore at the constant price of 2011-12.

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❋ North India's first model (model) AIDS Counseling and Investigation Center (PPTCT) has been established in Purnia, Bihar. This center will provide facilities for screening and treatment of AIDS victims of Purnia and adjoining districts.

❋ The survey states that the credit deposit ratio in Bihar is very low. It has increased from 34 percent in 2018-19 to 36 percent in 2019-20, lower than the national average of 76.5 percent.

Bihar One Liner News:

Spice Jet's direct flight between Surat and Patna started from 22th February. Until now, it would have taken nine to ten hours due to no direct flight from Patna to Surat. With the introduction of the new service, air travelers will be able to complete the journey in two and a half hours.

lowest among all the states of the country.

❋ A new line is soon being included in the Bhagalpur Rail Area Network. The line and station from Podaihat to Godda have been constructed. This section of the railway is part of the Pirpainti-Jasidih rail project. This is the only project in the Bhagalpur rail area on which the Railway Construction Department is working.

❋ This ratio indicates that banks are not making full use of their resources to promote economic activity in the area from which it has raised deposits.

JDU National President Ramchandra Prasad Singh announced to celebrate Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's birthday on F e b r u a r y 1 8 , 2 0 2 1 a s t h e s t a t e ' s development day. It is noteworthy that Nitish Kumar, born in 1951, will complete his 70th year on 1 March 2021.

❋ Arun Kumar Singh was appointed as the new Chief Secretary of the state on 1st March 2021. He is a 1985 batch IAS officer. Prior to this, he was serving as the Development Commissioner. He succeeded Deepak Kumar, the former chief secretary.


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Group was established on 26th September 1999 with the objective of discussing important issues to bring together the important industrial and developing economies envisaged in the global economy.

❋ The G-20 Summit holds the meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors with the heads of the member countries. In this meeting, mainly economic issues are discussed. The organization

thconsists of 19 countries and the 20 is European Union.

IRDAI Launches Standard Accident Cover "Saral Suraksha Bima”

❋ IRDAI said that the product should have a minimum insurance cover of Rs 2.5 lakh and a maximum of Rs 1.0 crore. The insurance cover will be in multiples of Rs 50,000.

❋ Insurance companies can provide accident insurance cover of more than this, but its name will remain the same.

❋ According to IRDA, the product name should be Saral Suraksha Insurance. Health insurance companies will offer Saral Suraksha Insurance from April 1, 2021.

❋ Health insurance is an insurance policy that protects the policyholder and his family from the medical costs incurred due to diagnosis of an accident, illness or a serious illness.

❋ IRDAI has issued guidelines for insurance companies regarding standard accident cover. It has been mandatory for insurance companies to offer standard products regarding personal accident insurance product.

❋ Union Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister Nirmala Sitharaman virtually attended the first G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) meeting under the Italian Presidency to discuss policy actions for transformative and equitable recovery.Addressing an 'online' meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of G-20 countries, he said that India's domestic policies have been largely focused on helping the citizens.

❋ For this, steps like loan guarantee, direct account transfer, food articles guarantee, economic stimulus package and acceleration in structural reforms were taken. According to the official statement, Sitharaman also referred to the ongoing vaccination program in India. It is the largest and ambit ious vaccinat ion campaign in the world.


This was the first meeting chaired by Italy and discussed other issues on the agenda including transformational and revival with equality. This includes the global economic scenario, financial sector issues, financial inclusion and reliable finance. During the meeting, finance ministers and central bank governors of G-20 countries also discussed the impact of climate change on global growth and financial stability.

❋ The G-20 is a group of twenty countries,whose meetings are held in different countries every year. The G-20

G20 group

G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meet concluded

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❋ India received the presidency of BRICS in 2021, This year, BRICS is celebrating its 15th anniversary.

This is the first meeting of BRICS Financial Corporation chaired by India in the year 2021. During the meeting, India shared priorities under the agenda of financial cooperation.

The Competition Commission of India (CCI), under Section 31 (1) of the Competition Act, 2002, on 23th February 2021, CDPQ Private Equity Pte. Ltd. ('CDPQ / Buyer') has approved the acquisition of the equity shareholding of API Holdings Private Limited ('API Holdings / Target').The deal includes certain additional rights as well as the acquisition of a 2 percent stake in the company targeted by the buyer.CDPQ operates as an institutional investor,

❋ During the discussion for the year 2021 dealing with Global Economic Outlook and Covid-19, financing social infrastructure, use of digital technology, activities of New Development Bank (NDB), Fintech for SMEs and Financial Inclusion, BRICS Contest Reserve Arrangement ( CRA 2021), etc. issues were discussed mutually.

❋ The meeting was attended by officials from central banks of Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa and representatives of BRICS Finance.

❋ The theme / theme of this meeting is - BRICS @ 15: Inter-BRICS collaboration, wherein India is working with a view to strengthening the relationship through continuity, strong cooperation and consensus.

Approval for acquisition of API equity shareholding

Maize - 30.16 million tonnes (record)

Toor - 3.88 million tonnes

Oilseeds - 37.31 million tonnes

Soyabean - 13.71 million tonnes

Sugarcane - 397.66 million tonnes Cotton - 36.54 million bales (per 170 kg)

❋ India hosted a virtual meeting of officials of BRICS Finance and Central Banks on 24th February 2021. The meeting was co-chaired by Economic Affairs Secretary Tarun Bajaj of the Ministry of Finance and Dr. Michael Patra, Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India.

❋ There has been a record increase in the production of major crops for the year 2020-21, reflecting the vast improvement in the agricultural sector. The second advance estimate of production of major crops recorded a record production of 303.34 million tonnes of food grains.According to the second advance estimates, the estimated production of major crops during 2020-21 is as follows: Food grains - 303.34 million tonnes (record) Rice - 120.32 million tonnes (record) Wheat - 109.24 million tonnes (record) Nutrient / coarse grains - 49.36 million tonnes

Second advance estimate of production of major crops released

Pulses - 24.42 million tonnes

Gram - 11.62 million tonnes (record)

Groundnut - 10.15 million tonnes (record)

Rapeseed and mustard - 10.43 million tonnes (record)

Jute and Mestan - 9.78 million bales (per 180 kg)

India Hosts First Meeting of BRICS Finance and Central Bank Officials

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❋ The Union Cabinet has approved the

production linked incentive (PLI) scheme of

Rs 12,195 crore for manufacturing of telecom

equipment. This decision of the government

will help to encourage the production of

te lecom and network ing products

domestically and will also reduce the import

of these products.

❋ India imports around Rs 50,000 crore

worth of telecom and networking products

annually. The incentives announced under

the PLI scheme will be given in five years.

❋ The base year for the benefit of PLI

scheme wi l l be 2019-20. Interested

companies will apply to take advantage of

this scheme and from next financial year this

scheme will be applicable.

12,195 Crore approved for Telecom Sector

under Production Linked Incentive:

❋ Micro, Small and Medium Industries

(MSSE) sector will also get an incentive on

investment under the PLI scheme for the

telecom sector. MSME will be able to take

four to seven percent of the incentive on

investment of Rs 10 crore.

which primarily manages funds for public and para-public pension and insurance schemes.

CDPQ is an institutional fund of Canada,

which manages and services over 40

depositors. These include Quebec's public

and private pension and insurance funds.

The Competition Commission of India (CCI)

today approved the acquisition of Tata

Communicat ions L imited ( "TCL" ) by

Panatone Finvest Limited (acquirer) under

Section 31 (1) of the Competition Act, 2002.

API Holdings is a company based in India

and is the parent company of API Holdings

Group. API Holdings conducts a number of

business activities, either directly or through

its subsidiaries.

The acquirer is a systematically important

non-deposit taking core investment

company ('CIC-ND-SI') registered with the

Reserve Bank of India. It is a subsidiary of

Tata Sons and belongs to the Tata group.

TCL is part of the Tata group and is a facility-

based service provider of a wide range of

integrated communications services. It

generates revenue from three business

components - wholesale voice, enterprise

and career data, and other businesses.

Acquisition of Tata Communications Limited

by Panatone Finvest Limited

This proposed adjustment envisages a

proposed acquisition of a maximum 26.12

percent shareholding in the target

(proposed adjustment) by the acquirer. As a

result of this proposed combination, the

acquiring group / Tata group will be able to

increase its shareholding from 48.87 per cent

to a maximum of 74.99 per cent.

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Nagaland is currently facing challenges

such as weak school infrastructure, lack of

opportunities for professional development

of teachers and limited capacity of

communities for effective engagement with

the school system.

Nagaland became the 16th state of the

Indian Union on 1st December 1963. The

state is surrounded by Myanmar in the east,

signed Nagaland education reform project

The Government of India, the Government

of Nagaland and the World Bank today

signed a $ 68 million project to improve the

administrative functioning of schools in

Nagaland as well as to improve education

processes and learning environment in

select schools.

"Nagaland: Classroom Teaching and

Resource Improvement Project" will improve

classroom learning; Opportunities will arise

for professional development of teachers;

And technology systems will be created to

provide students and teachers, which will

ensure better access to policies and

programs, along with wider access to mixed

and online education.

Under this scheme, small, micro, small and

medium enterprises (MSME) companies will

have to invest at least 10 crores and other

big companies will have to invest 100 crores.

The government expects investment of Rs

3,000 crore, production of 2 lakh crore and a

large number of jobs from this scheme.

important facts :

The export market for telecom and

networking products globally is worth US $

100 billion, which India can take advantage

of in the coming days. The objective of this

scheme is to make India as production hub.

Domestic companies will also benefit from


Government of India and AIIB sign $ 304

million deal

Production Linked Incentive Scheme has

been launched in November last year to

promote self-reliant India and Make in India.

The entire scheme is worth $ 665 million,

which is about Rs 49,210 crore.

It aims to provide 24-hour, rel iable,

affordable, safe, efficient and affordable

electricity in Assam. The AIIB investment will

improve the reliability, capacity and security

of the power distribution network in Assam.

T h e p ro j e c t w i l l a l so h e l p re d u c e

greenhouse gas emissions and improve the

qual ity of electr icity supply to end


Government of India and World Bank

The Government of India and the Asian

Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) have

signed a $ 304 million agreement on 23th

February 2021 to strengthen the inter-state

power distribution network in Assam,

increase its capacity and security.

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The main tribes of Nagaland are: Angamis,

Ao, Chakhesang, Chang, Khiamunyung,

Kuki, Konyagak, Lotha, Foum, Pochuri,

Rengme, Sangtam, Sumi, Yimschungru and


Arunachal Pradesh in the north, Assam in

the west and Manipur in the south.

Area of Nagaland state is 16,579 sq km.

According to the 2001 census, it has a

population of 19,88,636. The Naga people

are among the Indo-Mongoloid people

living in the contiguous areas of the north-

eastern hills of India and in the upper

reaches of western Myanmar.

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(Australian Open the other Grand Slams are

the French Open, Wimbledon and the

American Open). It is held in the last

fortnight of the month of January or the

middle of the Australian summer.

The Australian Open was started in 1905

and from then until 1987 it was held in the

Grass Court. From 1988 onwards it began to

be held at the hard courts of Melbourne


30th Adriatic Pearl Tournament

❋ Indian women's boxing team topped

the ongoing 30th Adriatic Pearl tournament

in Budva, Montenegro with a total of five

gold. Babirojisana Chanu (51 kg) and

Arundhati Chaudhary (69 kg) won two more

gold medals.

Three-time Khelo India Games gold

medalist Arundhati defeated Ukraine's

Mariana Stoeko 5–0 in a one-sided match

on 21st February 2021. Chanu defeated

Asian Junior Champion Sabina Bobokulova

of Uzbekistan 3–2 in a close match.

❋ The 19-member team of India finished

their campaign with 12 medals and finished

second overall with two medals in the men's

category. Uzbekistan topped the overall

table while Ukraine finished third.

Naomi Osaka won the Australian Open for

the second time

Naomi Osaka won the women's singles title of the Australian Open tennis tournament on 20 February 2021. The

❋ Indian women's team topped with a

total of 10 medals (five gold, three silver and

two bronze). Uzbekistan finished second

after winning two gold medals, while the

Czech Republic won a gold medal.

He has also won the Australian Open title

three times in a row before this. Djokovic has

also previously won the Australian Open

titles in 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019

and 2020.

Australian Open:


Djokovic won the Australian Open title for a

record 9th time

❋ Serbia star player Novak Djokovic has

made history. He has won the Australian

Open title for a record 9th time. This is

Djokovic's 18th Grand Slam title.

❋ Djokovic won the 18th Grand Slam title

of his career by defeating Daniel Medvedev

7-5 6-2 6-2 in the final.

❋ Djokovic had previously defeated

Dominic Theme of Austria in the final of the

Australian Open in 2020.

Dodig and Polacek pair won the men's

doubles title

The ninth seed, the pair of Ivan Dodig of

Croatia and Philip Polacek of Slovakia, in the

final match, defeated the pair of defending

fifth seed Rajeev Ram of America and Joey

Salisburi of Britain 6-3, 6-4 in consecutive

sets on February 21, 2021, Won the men's

doubles title of the first Grand Slam of

Australian Open.

He has also won the French Open once,

Wimbledon 5 times and the US Open 3

times. Djokovic is second in terms of winning

the most Grand Slam titles. Switzerland's

Roger Federer and Spain Rafael Nadal have

won the title 20-20 times.

Grand Slam is the first of the four Grand

Slams of tennis to be held in the year.

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❋ Faf du Plessis, one of South Africa's greatest batsmen, announced his retirement from Test cricket. Du Plessis made this announcement on February 18, 2021, following a recent poor tour

Du Plessis announces retirement from Test cricket

❋ Ashwin scored 106 in India's second innings against England in the second Test match in Chennai and took eight wickets in the match. India won the match by 317 runs. He has 336 points in the all-rounders' list.

latest world rankings due to his brilliant performance with bat and ball in England's second Test match, while captain Virat Kohli (ViratKohli) ) Remains fifth among batsmen.

❋ In this list, Jason Holder (407) of West Indies tops the points. He is followed by Ashwin's spin partner Ravindra Jadeja (403 points), England's Ben Stokes (397) and Bangladesh's Shakib Al Hasan (352).

The pair of Barbora Krejchikova and Rajiv Ram won the mixed doubles title of the Australian Open on 20th February 2021. This mixed doubles pair also won the t rophy here in 2019. Th i s i s Krejchikova's third consecutive trophy.Krejchikova and Ram defeated Australia's wild carded pair of Matt Ibdon and Sam Stosur 6–1, 6–4 in the mixed doubles final.

❋ Ravichandran Ashwin of India has reached fifth place in the list of all-rounders ( ICC Al l rounder) in the International Cricket Council's (ICC)

Ashwin reached fifth place in the list of Test all-rounders:

23-year-old Japanese player defeated Jennifer Brady 6-4, 6-3 in the final.It was the fourth Grand Slam of his career. Prior to this, she has also won the Australian Open in 2018. She has won 2 US Open (2020, 2018) and 2 times Australian Open (2021, 2019) titles so far.

Mertes-Sabalenka won the women's doubles title

The pair of Alice Mertes of Belgium and Aryana Sabalenka of Belarus won the women's doubles title of the Australian Open tennis tournament on 19th February 2021, winning in straight sets here. The second seeded pair of Mertes and Sabalenka won their second Grand Slam title as a team by defeating Czech Republic's Barbora Krajčicova and Katrina Siniakova 6–2, 6–3 in the final. He also won the US Open title in 2019.

Krejchikova and Ram win the second Australian Open title

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against Pakistan. Pakistan were beaten 2–0 in the 2 match series by South Africa.❋ Du Plessis performed brilliantly in his first Test match for South Africa. He saved South Africa from defeat in the Adelaide Test against Australia by scoring 212 runs in the fourth innings of the match. Du Plessis played 69 Test matches for South Africa.

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❋ Ravichandran Ashwin set the historical record on February 25, 2021. He has become the fastest bowler to achieve 400 Test wickets after Muttiah Muralitharan of Sri Lanka. With this, Ashwin has defeated Richard Headley of New Zealand and Dale Steyn of South Africa.

❋ Pr ime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the blood center on 25th February 2021 at Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry. He also inaugurated the renovated Heritage Mary Building.❋ The Government of Tamil Nadu on 25th February 2021 raised the retirement age of its employees, teachers and employees of PSUs to 60 years.❋ Pr ime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated the nation to 1000 MW Neyveli New Thermal Power Project and 709 MW NLCIL Solar Power Project on 25th February 2021.❋ The Indian Army will start using the Secure Application for Internet (SAI) for internal communication from 1st April 2021 . This appl icat ion has been developed by Colonel Sai Shankar.

The National Statistical Office (NSO) of the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation has issued a press note on the employment scenario in the country covering the period from September 2017 to December 2020. This scenario is based on administrative r e c o r d s a v a i l a b l e w i t h s e l e c t government agencies. Its purpose is to

❋ The aerobatic display teams of the Indian Air Force arrived in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 27th February 2021 to attend the 70th anniversary celebrations of the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) along with the fixed wing "Suryakirans" and the rotary wing 'Sarang' light combat aircraft Tejas.

News at Glance:

❋ On 27th February, 2021, the birth anniversary of Sant Ravidas was celebrated all over the country. Sant Ravidas belonged to the Bhakti movement during the 15th to 16th century and his hymns are included in the Guru Granth Sahib. Saint Ravidas is considered the founder of 21st century Ravidasia religion.❋ Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to Bir Chilarai, the great general of the Koch dynasty of 16th century Assam on February 27, 2021 and said that his bravery will continue to inspire generations to come. He was an outstanding warrior who fought for the people and the principles he held sacred.

❋ Union Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister Nirmala Sitharaman inaugurated the Competitiveness Commission of India (CCI) Regional Office (South) in Chennai on 26th February 2021. This regional office will cater to the needs of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Union Territories of Puducherry and Lakshadweep.

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❋ F o r m e r Te l e c o m Re g u l a to r y Authority of India (TRAI) President Rahul Khullar died on 23 February 2021 at the

❋ Recently a new species of Alpine plant has been discovered in Tawang district of Arunachal Pradesh. The new species of this plant belongs to the family of Himalayan sunflowers. It is named Cremanthodium indicum (Cremanthodiumindicum).

❋ A five-member constitution bench of the Supreme Court of Nepal reinstated the parliament, terming the government's decision to dissolve the 275-member House of Representatives unconstitutional. Also ordered to convene the session of Parliament within 13 days. On 20 December, President Vidya Devi Bhandari announced the dissolution of Parliament on two April 20 and 10th May e lect ions on the recommendation of the Oli government in Nepal.

❋ Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar inaugurated a new and environmentally friendly Chancery building of the Indian High Commission in Mauritius on 23th February 2021.

Passing a resolution against the actions of the Chinese government in the Canadian Parliament, an appeal was made to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to take action against China. In this proposal, the Chinese government's attitude towards Uighurs Muslims has been described as a genocide.

Army will buy it under the Make-II category.

assess the progress made in certain dimensions.❋ Rear Admiral Ajay Kochhar, took over as Flag Officer Commanding Western Fleet (FOCWF) from Rear Admiral Krishna Swaminathan, AVSM on 24th February 2021 in a formal ceremony on the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya.❋ Vijay Sampla took over as the Chairman (Chairman) of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) on 24th February 2021 in New Delhi. He served as the Minister of State in the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment between 2014-19.

❋ The US Senate named L inda Thomas Greenf ie ld , an Af r ican-A m e r i c a n d i p l o m a t , a s t h e U S Ambassador to the United Nations.

❋ Ghana became the first country to receive a batch of free anti-coronavirus vaccine doses under the COVAX initiative on February 24, 2021.

❋ A new ministry has been created to deal with the problem of loneliness in Japan. This step has been taken on increasing suicide rate in the country.❋ On 24th February 2021, the Union Cabinet approved the proposal of imposing President's rule after the Congress-led government fell in the Union Territory of Puducherry. After the res ignat ion of Ch ief M in i ste r V. Narayanasamy, no party has claimed to form the government.❋ I nd ian Army has dec ided to purchase 556 Augmented Reality Head Mounted Display (ARHMD) system. The

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multi-support university sport at a national level in India.

❋ Ministry of Civi l Aviation and Directorate General of Civil Aviation have given conditional exemption to Kochi Metro Rail Limited, Kerala for use of Remotely Operated Aircraft System (RPAS) for Integrated Urban Revival and Water Transport System Project (IURWTS). It is valid till 31 December 2021 from the date of issue of conditional

Mumbai Falcons team created history on 20th February 2021. It finished in the top three at the FIA Championships. It became the first Indian team to do so.

❋ The IIT Council constituted four panels for autonomy on 22th February 2021. The panel will address a range of issues ranging from classified autonomy to funding at Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). The IIT Council is the highest decision making body of the IIT.

Gurpreet Singh won the gold medal in the two-day Greco Roman Senior National Championship held at Lovely Professional University.The six-day Khajuraho Dance Festival began on 20th February 2021 at Khajuraho, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Madhya Pradesh, known for its ancient Hindu and Jain temples. It is being held in the temple premises after 44 years after the permission of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).

Rear Admiral Atul Anand, VSM took over as the Flag Officer Commanding (FOMA) of the Maharashtra Naval Region on 22th February 2021.

age of 69 in New Delhi. He was a 1975 batch Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer.

❋ India's first project of construction of undersea tunnel in Mumbai in the year 2023 is proposed, which is being constructed as part of Mumbai's coastal road project.

Re c e n t l y, t h e C h i ef M i n i ste r of Ka r n a t a ka , B . S . Ye d d y u r a p p a announced that Karnataka will host the second Khelo India University Games (KIUG) in the year 2021. It is the largest

❋ T h e D e f e n s e R e s e a r c h a n d Development Organization (DRDO) successfully launched two indigenously designed and developed Vertical Launch Short Range Surface to Air Missiles (VL-SRSAM) from Integrated Test Range, Chandipur on 22nd February 2021.

❋ Recently a research related to Mars has been published in the journal 'Frontiers in Microbiology', according to which some microorganisms found on Earth can be temporarily kept alive on Mars.

❋ Recently Bangladesh banned painkiller ketoprofen. This painkiller is widely used to treat cattle. But this painkiller is toxic to vultures. With this, Bangladesh has become the first country to do so.

Two tunnels will be built under the Mumbai Coastal Road Project. The length of this tunnel will be 7 km, of which 1 km will be under the sea. It is the first submerged road tunnel in India.

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exemption letter or till full operation of d ig ita l Skype platform Phase-1 , whichever is earlier.In the envi ronmental ly sensit ive Uttarakhand, the use, production and sale of single use products made of plastic, thermocol and Styrofoam along with polythene carry bags have been banned. The state cabinet issued a notification in this regard on 16th February 2021 . I f a person uses polythene, plastic bags, then a fine of Rs 100 will be charged. Similarly, a penalty of one lakh on retail sales, two lakh on transport and five lakh rupees on production has been made.

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between the years 2009 and 2018.

❋ The Center fo r S c ience and Environment (CSE) is a non-profit public interest research organization based in New Delhi. It was founded in 1980.❋ This organization studies and issues reports related to environment, poor planning, climate change and better implementation of pre-existing policies etc. in India.

Center for Science and Environment:

❋ India ranks 117 out of 192 countries in terms of sustainable development. At the same time, India's air, water and land have become more polluted

Environment and Ecology

These children will be underweight, stunting and increase in child mortality. Their education and work productivity will also be affected.According to this report, the worldwide pandemic has left more than 500 million children out of school. Of the total children, half are children from India only.

State of the Environment Report, 2021 released

❋ Newborns to 14 years old children will suffer long-lasting effects.

❋ The Center fo r S c ience and Environment (CSE) released its annual report 'State of the Environment Report, 2021' on February 25, 2021, describing the state of the environment. This time report discusses the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on children around the world.

Highlights of the report:According to experts from the Center for Science and Environment, no action has been taken to control pollution in the polluted areas of the last three years.❋ The report states that the pandemic will affect 375 million children around the world, giving children the main place.

This report further states that; An additional 115 million people may go into extreme poverty due to the pandemic.

7th April 2021English - 04:00 PM to 07:00 PM

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❋ This award is given to foreign nationals for outstanding service to the King and people of Cambodia.

Anjali Bhardwaj gets US 'Anti-Corruption Award’

Social activist Anjali Bhardwaj, who is working on issues of transparency and accountabil ity, was awarded the I n t e r n a t i o n a l A n t i - C o r r u p t i o n Champions Award (Anti Corruption

❋ T h e S e r a v i ć C o n f e r e n c e i s organized by the IHS Markit. This annual international conference is attended by energy industry experts, government officials and policy makers, among others.

Kaushik Barua received Cambodia's royal award

❋ Barua is currently the director of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Cambodia and Laos.

❋ IFAD is a United Nations agency working to diagnose problems of poverty and hunger in developing countries.

❋ The government of Cambodia presented the national award to Kaushik Barua, an Indian citizen, for his remarkable serv ices. Barua was awarded the National Medal by the Cambodian government under the 'Royal Order of Sahamatrei'.

❋ "IHS Markit" is an American-British information provider organization. It combines information, analytics and expertise to provide solutions for government, business and finance.

❋ Daniel Yergin further said that India has emerged as a center of global energy and environment in economic development, poverty reduction and making its way towards a new energy future.

Awards / Honors

Daniel Yergin, vice chairman of IHS Market, announced to honor with the ' S e r a v i q G l o b a l E n e r g y a n d Environmental Leadership Award' for PM Modi 's work towards sustainable development in India and the world's energy needs.

He will be honored for his commitment to expand India's leadership in sustainable development to meet the energy needs of the country and the world.

❋ Prime Minister Modi has been honored with many global accolades earlier also. Prior to this, he was awarded the Order of Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan's highest civilian award, the State Order of Ghazi Aamir Amanullah Khan, Palestine's Grand Collar Award, UAE's highest civilian award, the Order of Zayed, Russia's highest civilian honor, St. Andrew's Award, Maldives. Marks of Ijjuddin etc. have been awarded.

'Seravić Announces Global Energy and Environmental Leadership Award

PM Modi will be given this honor during an International Energy Summit next week. The conference will be held digitally from 1 to 5 March 2021, which will be its 39th edition.

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5. Jeevan Mitra Award: Corporate-Tata Trust Foundation, Mumbai , Maharashtra.

as follows-

2. Zoological Friend Award Shaurya: Mr. Anil Ganadas, Gurugram, Haryana, L a t e M r s . K a l p a n a Vasudevan, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

6. Jeeva Daya Award: Jeeva-Animal We l f a r e O r g a n i z a t i o n - D h y a n Foundation, New Delhi and Animal Aid Charitable Trust, Udaipur, Rajasthan.

4. Jeeva Mitra Award: Fauna Welfare Organization - World Sankirtan Tour T r u s t , H o d a l , H a r y a n a , Shree Karuna Foundation Trust, Rajkot, Gujarat and People for Animals Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

1. Zoological Fr iend Award: Mr. Yogendra Kumar, New Delhi, Mr. Manish S a x e n a , J a i p u r , Rajasthan and Mr. Shyamlal Chaubisa, Udaipur, Rajasthan.

Zoological Welfare Board of India:

3. Zoological Friend Award: Tumur Animal Service - Major General (Retd.) D r . R . M . K h a r b , AVSM, Gurugram, Haryana, Dr. S. Chinni Krishna, Chennai, Tamil Nadu and Dr. S.R. Sundaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

It was established in the year 1962 under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960 to ensure the implementation of laws related to animal welfare. It is headquartered in Chennai. Rukmani Arundale is its founder.

The list of individuals and organizations who were given Zoological friends and Jeevadaya Awards on this occasion is

Anjali works on issues related to Right to Information, Lokpal, Whistle Blowers Protection Act, Grievance Redressal and Right to Food.

Award) by the US.

Awards given for animal welfare and conservation 2020-21:

Anjali is the founder of the vigilante civic organization (SNS). Under this, they work towards keeping transparency in g o v e r n m e n t a n d p r o m o t i n g accountability and promoting active participation of citizens. At the same time, she is also the convener of the national campaign for the right to information.

❋ His efforts include working towards the Right to Information Act, 2005, Whistleblowers Protection Act, 2011, Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 2013 and Grievance Redressal Bill.

The Zoological Welfare Board of India (AWBI), the apex body working for animal welfare and conservation in the country, presented 14 Zoological friend and Jeevadaya Awards for the year 2021 to individuals, organizations and corporates who have made matchless contribution in the field of animal welfare.

Bharadwaj has been seen as an active member in the Right to Information movement for the last two decades. He has raised a public movement raising his voice against corruption.

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This is due to the formation and deposition of amyloid peptide (Ab), which collects in the central nervous system. The multifunctional nature of A lzheimer 's d isease (AD) due to multifactorial amyloid poisoning has prevented neonates from developing effective treatments.

between neurons and disrupt cell function.

Study of solar orbit during the century by digitized data from Kodaikanal Solar Observatory

❋ Researchers led by Bibhuti Kumar Jha, PhD student of Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute, an autonomous institute under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, as well as colleagues from Max Planck Institute for Solar Systems Research, Gottingen Germany and Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, US With the help of a century old digitized film and photo, they have studied solar orbit by detecting sunspots (sunspots).❋ Older films and photographs were obtained from the Autonomous Institute of the Department of Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Tara Physics, Kodokikanal Solar Observatory and have now been digitized.❋ Researchers compared digitized human-generated data to traditional data and said that for the first time they were able to differentiate between the behavior of large and small solar spots (sunspots).

❋ Scientists have developed a small molecule, which can disrupt the process through which neurons become inactive in Alzheimer 's disease (AD). This molecule may become a potential drug candidate to prevent or treat the leading cause of dementia (70–80 per cent) worldwide.

Science and technology

Scientists have developed a new molecule to treat Alzheimer's

❋ A team of scientists led by Professor T. Govindaraju at the Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), an autonomous institute of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, has prepared and synthesized a new group of small molecules and a major Is identified as a candidate, which may decrease the toxicity of amyloid beta (Abeta).❋ This named TGR63 has proved to be a prime candidate for protecting ununneuronal cel ls from amyloid poisoning. Surprisingly, this molecule was also found to be effective in reducing the amyloid burden on the complex portion present deep in the cortex and hippocampus, or the temporal lobe, and reversing a state of decreased cognition.

In the brain of a person with Alzheimer's, naturally occurring protein nodules accumulate to abnormal levels to form plaques that accumulate

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creatures such as lizards found in homes.The adhesive in the mat pulls dust particles towards it with the help of the ultra-pyramidal shape bump on its surface, so that our shoe soles are cleaned when we step on it. When the adhesive is completely filled with dust particles, it is cleaned in the same way that we wash our clothes.

New discovery to convert waste heat into electricity efficiently

It can be used in ICU of MAT hospitals. Can be used as a component of air filters in chambers and facilities holding sensitive equipment.

Scientists at the Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bengaluru, an autonomous institute of the Department of Scientific and Technology, Government of India, have identified cadmium doped silver antimony telluride (AGSBTE2), led by Professor Kanishka Biswas, from waste energy to electricity. The effect can flow efficiently from within. This has led to a paradigm shift in the thermoelectric puzzle.According to this research published in the journal Science, scientists have discovered a new glass-free material that can efficiently convert waste energy into electricity and provide electrical power to small household appliances and vehicles.When one end of the material is heated keeping the other end cool, an electric voltage is generated by the conversion of thermoelectric energy. Experiencing

❋ This type of digitized data and difference between big and small and blur will help in understanding the understanding of solar magnetic field and solar spots (sunspots) and this will help in predicting solar cycles in future.❋ This wi l l help in studying the magnetic field arising in the inner part of the Sun which is responsible for the sunspots and resu l t ing ext reme conditions like historical minor ice age (lack of solar spots) on the Earth. It can also help in predicting the solar cycles and changes in them in the future. Over time, the Sun's different orbital movements complicate its magnetic field. Complexity in magnetic field lines can produce intense local magnetic fields. Many solar spots are formed when the Sun's magnetic field is intricately entangled.

Washable Adhesive and Related Product Development

Professor Animangshu Ghatak of the Department of Chemical Engineering of IIT Kanpur has developed Adhesive Mate under the Make in India program with the help of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.He developed it by looking at the pads sticking to the claws of wall-climbing

The spots formed on the surface of the Sun for a period of 11 years are the only measure of the study of solar magnetism within the Sun and from which the solar orbit can be assessed.

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Rover Yutu-2 has spent its three months on the moon. With this, it has become the longest working lunar rover on the moon.

made a soft landing for the first time at the von Karman crater of the Moon's South Pole-Eton token.

Chang E-4 Probe 'is currently 778 Earth Days away from the Moon and its rover Yutu-2 has traveled 652.62 meters so far. According to the Xinhua News Agency, the rover is in good condition and all its payloads are functioning normally.

this scientific theory, the discovery of this efficient material has presented a challenging task for scientists.This one material consists of three different properties visible - high electrical conductivity of metals, high t h e r m o e l e c t r i c s e n s i t i v i t y o f semiconductors and low thermal conductivity of glass.Glass has been used as a major component as one of the most efficient thermoelectric materials used by scientists until now, restricting their use in large-scale business applications.

After continuously working for 27 lunar days, the Chinese space agency- China National Space Administration (CNSA) has temporarily neutralized the lander and rover of its lunar mission 'Chang E-4 Probe'.

On December 8, 2018, the Chang E-4 was launched and on January 3, 2019, it

The night time temperature in the moon goes up to about -173 ° C. The rover and lander stop working due to lack of energy from the sun. Therefore, till the d a y i s o v e r , t h e y h a v e b e e n defunctioned.These will be reactivated once the moon has completed its night time period. It is worth mentioning that one day of the moon is equal to about 29.5 days of the Earth, which means that the daylight in the moon lasts for about 14 days of the Earth and the night time is also only about so many days.

'Chang E-4 Probe':

Disabled 'Chang E-4 Probe’

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Released the book 'Nation First - The 82nd Year of Sovereign Saga’

awareness among the people about their language and culture around the world.❋ In 1999, the celebration of Mother Language Day was announced by UNESCO. For the first time in the year 2000, this day was celebrated as "International Mother Language Day".

❋ Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah released CRPF's book 'Rashtra I - 82 years of Swarnim Saga' in New Delhi on 19th February 2021.

Organizing 'Shauryanjali' program to commemorate the 125th birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose

❋ How the CRPF has fai led the conspiracy of anti-national elements which threatens the unity of the country and has eliminated and protected the country is beautifully described in this book.

❋ On 19th February 2021, the Union Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurated the 'Shauryanjali ' program at the N a t i o n a l L i b ra r y o f Ko l ka ta to c o m m e m o r a t e t h e 1 2 5 t h b i r t h anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. On this occasion, Amit Shah paid homage to the great freedom fighters of Bengal who sacrificed their lives in the freedom struggle of the country. He also inaugurated an exhibition showing the indomitable courage and valor of the revolutionaries of Bengal.❋ On this occasion, Amit Shah also flagged off the cycle tour. One troop is

Pravas Kumar Singh sworn in as member of CERC

❋ Electricity Act 2003 was brought in place of ERC Act 1998. The Commission consists of four other members, i n c l u d i n g a C h a i r p e rso n a n d a Chairperson of the Central Electricity Authority, who are ex-officio members of the Commission.

❋ C E R C w a s s e t u p b y t h e Government of Ind ia under the provisions of the Electricity Regulatory Commission Act 1998. CERC is a Central Commission constituted under the Electricity Act 2003.

C e n t ra l E l e c t r i c i t y R e g u l a to r y Commission (CERC):


Pravas Kumar Singh took oath of office and secrecy on 22th February 2021 as a member of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC). He has been appointed as a member of CERC under an order issued on 16.12.2020.

21 February: International Mother Language Day

❋ "International Mother Language Day" was observed on 21 February around the world. The theme of this day fo r t h e ye a r 2 0 2 1 i s " F o ste r i n g multilingualism for inclusion in education a n d s o c i e t y " i . e . " P r o m o t i n g multilingualism for education and inclusion in society".❋ The purpose of celebrating this day i s to c re a te t re n d s a n d c re a te

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Subhash Chandra Bose (born: 23th January 1897, died: 18 August 1945) was the pioneer and greatest leader of India's freedom struggle. During World War II, he formed the Azad Hind Fauj with the support of Japan to fight against the British. Jai Hind's slogan given by him has become the national slogan of India. His slogan of "You give me blood, I will give you freedom" was also very popular at that time. Indians address him as Netaji.

Former Union Minister Captain Satish Sharma Kanidhan passed away

❋ Congress leader and former Union Minister Captain Satish Sharma died on 17th February 2021 in Goa. He was 73. Sharma, a close associate of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, served as the Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas from 1993 to 1996 in the Narasimha Rao government.❋ Sharma, who represented Rae Bareli and Amethi constituencies, was elected to the Lok Sabha three times. He also became a Rajya Sabha member three times and represented Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.

named after Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose troop which wil l travel 270 kilometers and will try to revive their memories once again by going to the famous martyrs' village of oblivion. The second contingent is the contingent of Rasbihari Bose and the third contingent is named after Khudiram Bose.

Ajay Mathur appointed Director General of International Solar Alliance

International Solar Alliance (ISA):

India has named Ajay Mathur as the next Director General of International Solar Alliance (ISA). He will replace Upendra Tripathi, who has served as director general since 2017. The term of Director General is four years. Ajay Mathur is currently the head of The Energy and Research Institute based in New Delhi.

It is an alliance which India started in 2015. This alliance was proposed by PM Modi. The alliance was inaugurated in the year 2016 by French President François Hollande and PM Narendra Modi. Currently, ISA has 121 member countries. It is headquartered in Gurugram, Haryana.

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